Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • That’s not 3 things P! What were the not good things in that recipe? 🤣

    I KNEW you’d pick that up! The 3 were broccoli, cashews and chilli (I added the other good things!) Hugh calls it 3 Good Things Plus 😉😉

    Sorry! Was it also a one-pot dish that you cooked in 3 pans…?!

    One wok, one steamer…then there was Mr P’s meal in a casserole dish (macaroni, shallots, mushrooms, pork, spinach and cheese reheated 🤗🤗) And he had golden syrup steamed pudding for dessert…I had coffee!

    Thanks Purple, you’ve reminded me that I have a copy of 3 good things which I don’t look at often enough.

    I’m a devil for adding, omitting or substituting ingredients. I usually follow a recipe the first time then decide how it can be improved………. 🤣

    That’s what cooking’s all about! Recipes are only as suggestions to find new combinations or techniques. The good cook always knows how to improvise 😄😄🤗
    His tomatoes, olives and capers is brilliant (nb the plus is a crunchy rye roll 😉)


    I have a strawberry bed, but the scaffolding planks it’s made from are rotting and the runners are a few years old so I hadn’t really bothered this year. To my surprise I found loads of juicy strawberries relatively uneaten this week 🙂

    I haven’t got HFW 3 good things either although I have done a few of the recipes. Maybe I’ll treat myself…

    I don’t always manage 10000 steps in the week, what with working from home, esp if the weather isn’t fit for a walk, but I average that easily over the week with my weekend activity. Just been out for a 12km walk/ run and currently on 18000 steps…

    Gin and planting my kale next up 😁


    3 good things, Happy…gin, kale and running. (How you run after/while drinking it, I don’t know) 😉😉


    Haven’t you seen those drinks bags with long straws that you can carry in a pack and sip as you run along 😆

    Camel packs? Of course. Ok for wine, but expensive to fill with gin! 🙄

    You’d need room for the tonic, ice and slice 😆

    Got it! 👍

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    Crazy weather arctic blasts 100km winds tress down, limbs off branches shredded low of 4 high of 10 25 mill of rain so far. I have a chickpea and butternut curry in the slow cooker with cauliflower rice for dinner real winter food Thursday fast day has been only average for some reason anyway keep on keeping on.

    “It is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Those Antarctic winds are amazing. My kids are down at Threbo, skiing. “Feels like” temp, minus 11 this morning!
    Enjoy your yummy fast meal. P

    No No No Brrr ⛄️☃️🌪🌪🌫🌫⛈🌩🌨
    -11 No WayToo Much

    The grandkids are loving it, apparently. Not for me! It’s cold enough here at home at night, but lovely in the winter sun if you get out of the wind😊
    Veg and turkey lasagne for dinner here. P

    Morning/evening all,

    The weather here is great. Lots of sunshine and 24C, perfect for tennis 🌞😃🎾

    Sounds a bit grim Down Under, keep warm and safe everyone.

    I went for an early walk to Osterley Park yesterday. I used to walk there regularly a long time ago and have just started visiting again. It’s not far away but takes an hour to get there on foot and takes almost as long on public transport, so I need to drive which is something I rarely do these days as I can travel free on public transport.
    There is a farm attached with horses, cattle, tracks and meadows for walking, plus the park itself which has a couple of lakes and lots of wide open green spaces.
    I was too early for the formal garden attached to the house but I’ll go again next week as it is beautiful and I’m intending on going into the house which has been renovated/restored since my last visit which must be at least 20 years ago.

    There is a farm shop selling only what they grow/produce on the farm which includes eggs and honey along with seasonal apples, rhubarb and a large variety of vegetables. I used to shop there regularly and am trying to get back into the habit.

    Much cheaper and fresher than the supermarket.

    I was out shopping on Tuesday and I bought a takeaway salad selection from a café that I visited for coffee on my previous trip. They had 8 or 9 different salads (all made on the premised) piled up on huge platters on the counter which were selling very well and looked delicious. They all appeared to be vegan and there was a selection of other dishes such as roasted peppers with mozzarella and poached salmon, so something for everyone.

    I bought a selection of 3 and they were so good that I made an effort to replicate one of them yesterday. Chick peas, quinoa, spinach, beetroot and peas (veg all purchased at farm shop 😀). I added some cooked finely sliced red onion and made a vinaigrette style dressing using orange zest and juice as orange goes well with beetroot and I was very pleased with the result.

    I have some left for my FD dinner today and it’s my second FD of the week.

    I’m intending on making the most of salad weather and like Happy I’m on a bit of a mission to use up the contents of numerous packets in the store cupboard which means my salads are going to feature grains, seeds and pulses, a summer culinary odyssey 😆

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    Several years ago, during the pilot dispute, there were no domestic flights in Australia.
    Remote places like Darwin, Cairns and Port Douglas went into crisis. They were tough times, everybody was in debt, and everybody lived on credit.
    Fortunately, one day a rich American tourist stepped out of a taxi and walked into the lobby of a Port Douglas hotel.
    He laid a 100 dollar note on the reception counter, and went to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to choose one.
    The hotel owner immediately took the 100 dollar note and ran to pay his debt to the butcher.
    The butcher took the 100 dollar note, and ran to pay his debt to the pig farmer.
    The pig farmer took the 100 dollar note, and ran to pay his debt to the supplier of his feed and fuel.
    The supplier of feed and fuel took the 100 dollar note and ran to pay his debt to his regular hooker who in these hard times, gave her “services” on credit.
    The hooker ran to the hotel, and paid off her debt with the 100 dollar note to the hotel proprietor to pay for the rooms that she rented when she brought her clients there.
    And just as the 100 dollar note was back on the counter of the hotel, the tourist came down after inspecting the rooms, and saying that he did not like any of the rooms took his 100 dollar note back and left the hotel lobby.
    The whole town was now without debt, and looked to the future with a lot of optimism.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT

    Hi All,
    Well it has been a busy few days both with bowling and walking. I bought myself a gravity stepper as I have dropped my average 10,000 on more than a few occasions and we are only 12 days in so far. I am 31,000 under target due to a coach/boat trip day and one day I was unwell plus my dog had had 2 seizures and cannot be walked or left until his medication has been started. Poor soul he collapsed twice in two days.
    The blood test showed hypothyroidism but if the treatment does not work they suspect a brain tumour. They are unwilling to operate at his age. I am really distraught because he has been such a fit healthy dog. He was depressed after we lost Tilly but he has been on form for last few weeks.
    I have also been doing lots of babysitting which has been difficult because of her ill health. My son goes back to work next week so I start my 2 days each week. He loved being at home with her. She is now sitting up and gurgling, laughing, very happy baby. I have bought her lots of toys to keep her stimulated. I sing to her in 4 languages so she is getting a good start.
    All this drama was not good for my fasting regime, up 2.5 pounds then down 2 again. Trying to eat healthily and keep to 5 hour eating window but a few nuts have sneaked into my mouth when they should not have done.
    Getting my hair cut next week, that should drop 1/2 pound as it’s very long at the moment. Drastic action but necessary because it is too hot here in the South.
    Must do a few more steps before I play bridge.
    Bye for now, keep fasting everyone

    Roger Federer such a champion the Rafa Roger show was simply irresistible
    The Djokovic–Federer rivalry is a tennis rivalry between two professional tennis players, Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer. They have faced each other 47 times with Djokovic leading 25–22 (9–6 in Grand Slams).
    Both in amazing condition and form watching history being made is awesome.
    Go Roger.

    South Australia’s weather is set to arrive here overnight, gale winds and rain. Lovely day today, though, to do some more tidying in the garden and under the house, prior to putting it on the market in a couple of weeks.

    So sorry to hear about your dog, Jo, especially so soon after Tilly’s loss. Don’t force the steps, focus on the nutrient density of your food.

    I like the way you post your trail from one eating hole to another, Amazon. It’s a great life!

    Great tennis, two enthralling matches for the semis. And what a game of cricket we have in store tomorrow! Go the Black Caps!!

    Have a good weekend, all. 🙂

    Morning/evening all,

    Another glorious summer day here in London 🌞

    Barata, I spent years when I was very overweight/obese walking past cafés and restaurants because I was supposedly on a diet and would then go home and eat, eat, eat. These days if I want to try something I do and try to avoid going past such temptation on FDs.

    I’ve had two good FDs so far this week and am fasting again today. Dinner will be roasted feta with tomato and courgette salad. I’m going with the Greek salad tzatziki vibe and making yoghurt and mint dressing

    I’ll need to put all thoughts of that from my mind as it’s quite some time until dinner. Until then it’ll be a diet of weekend newspapers, coffee and tennis.
    Womens finals and both mens and womens doubles finals.

    Bring it on 😀🎾

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Sorry to hear about your dog Jo, fingers crossed it’s just his thyroid and it responds to treatment. We had a hyperthyroid cat a few years ago, thankfully he was mostly very good at taking his tablets and made it to a big age.


    I’ve googled Osterley Park, it looks amazing. I wouldn’t live in London, but I’m enjoying being a virtual tourist!

    I’m toying with fasting today, this week has been a bit half-hearted, good enough to maintain but not to make any inroads into the couple of kilos I want to shift. Very stressed out at the moment though with work pressure and a disintegrating marriage…

    But hey, what’s the worst that could happen? Oh, that’s right, I get sacked and end up homeless… 🤣

    The sun is shining this morning, I spend all week sitting down, not sure that I’ll watch all of the tennis, the cricket and the GP… through an open window maybe!

    Warning B. Sydney is copping gale force, icey winds. Trees diwn. Planes cancelled. We are sending it over to you 😉
    I’m cooking two soups..smoked fish, leek and potato for Mr P. Creamy mushroom and thyme for me, after a windfall of mushrooms at the markets. 😊 Excellent winter food.
    Enjoy your summer UK folk. P


    Sorry to hear life is tough at present. I hope things get better soon.

    I’m very fortunate to live so close to several large parks/gardens and am trying to make the most of it this summer.

    I’m going back to Osterley next week to visit the house and the gardens. It’ll need to be on a non FD as the café sells the most delicious freshly baked scones……..

    Sorry you are going through a bad patch. Two difficult situations at the same time is difficult to cope with. I am not sure what to do to help, except we are there for you as support. I hope the weekend is givingyou a bit of respite from work.

    You sound very positive, Amazon. Your Osterley Farm sounds great.
    We did the market in our village today- potatoes 30 minutes out of the ground and free range eggs.

    Jojo, sorry to hear about your dog. He has had a long life, and feeling his old age.
    I commiserate with him as I have these health problems.
    I did 13k steps on my bad knee the other day and paid for that in pain.The xray shows the knee has next to nothing to stop the bones rubbing together.
    However they have to solve the split ankle problem first, before operating on my knee.
    I have my artery echo doppler in two days, and am doing my 96 hour fast for that. I am half way through and a bit lightheaded. But as usual when I fast- completely zen.

    RT Barata and Purple – enjoy your weather blasts. It’s not that warm here either (about 26°).
    I have all the family coming tomorrow for a couple of weeks for some.
    Must get back to my housework, as I don’t want to hear: Oh maman, pourquoi ……. and the rest of the exasperated comment.
    Have a great weekend,

    Thanks P!! It’s going to be an inside day. I’ve been awake since 3am (again!) so got up to watch cricket, only to find there is no game for 3rd and 4th place. So I watched the men’s doubles tennis final – what a match! Four tie-breakers, so closely matched.

    I presume your efforts are paying off, Amazon. How close are you to goal?

    Ha! I was awake too, B! We could have nattered 😊 I have my phone on at night, as I’m expecting news from family. Any message wakes me, or maybe I’m awake, thinking anyway 🙄 It certainly is inside weather. We even watched a movie during the day yesterday…quite unheard of in this household.
    Too cold and too much going on for fasting at present. At least I’m enjoying guilt free, healthy food. No regrets. 😊😊 P

    Severe gales, thunder, hail! Thank goodness it’s not a work day.

    Full on winter! You’ll be itching to move north 😊 I just checked out Far North Queensland’s weather…minimum 16! Hmm..tempting, not far by plane 👍


    I’ve been going round in circles for a very long time and lost my way completely on more than one occasion. I’ve kept most of the weight I lost off but not all of it and I never reached goal so there is still a way to go.
    Life is tricky at the moment but I remain positive and a successful FD is a small victory and if it’s followed by a good non FD, it’s time to hang out the bunting 😆

    So it’s one step at a time and as today’s FD was abandoned I’ll be trying again tomorrow.

    Bunting on standby, then 🙂 . But there might be some comfort eating after the cricket 🙂

    Yes, really looking forward to it, P. And there will always be room for fasting visitors!

    Blow! Ni more vineyard trips with you? 🤗🤗🍷🍷😉

    We grow them all around the country! Check out

    Morning All,
    We are in the same camp Amazon but I am currently in a positive phase and going down again slowly. Like you I never reached that goal and it never seems to get very close these days. Of course my busy social life is no friend. Two cream teas this week alone. I went to Denbies Vineyard in Dorking followed by a Horse drawn narrow boat trip in Godalming.Lovely day out but now catching up on steps. The gravity trainer is in use while I watch tennis, men’s doubles was nail biting. Fortunately this type of exerciser means no stress on the joints as sking action not step fall. Honestly I love it, good exercise and no pain in knee, hip joints plus upper body gets a work out from ,oving arm handles, like a crass trainer. Rear muscles are feeling it and you get very warm after 10 minutes but short bouts are recommended. Happily do 10 mins every hour.
    Happy, it sounds like you need a holiday. Sorry to hear that you are having marital issues. I am frequently in the same boat. We get along on the surface, never argue much but mostly just companions these days. We also do lots of activities separately.
    Most couples I know seem to have similar relationships. I am sure your weekend hiking and running must be theraputic. We are here for you. I hope it’s not the new job causing the issues.
    Charlie(my dog) is very poorly and will be returning to the vet today. Collapsed again this morning and only ate half his food, he slept most of yesterday. I am cancelling most plans over next few days to be with him.
    At least I can take him with me for babysitting duties. Feeling pretty low and must fight the urge to eat sugar during times like this. Still weighing daily to keep focussed. Lots of salad and fish keeping me going.
    Wiwi – my kids despair of my untidyness but I don’t really care about such things. I keep three rooms clean and clear, lounge, kitchen and bathroom. Bedroom and office are a disaster area. May work on one today as at home dog sitting. My idea of heaven is a robot cleaner and tidier. Now that is progress. My friends son has the robot lawn mower and hoover.
    Please l look after your foot, that is your priority then you can get a knee operation. Two of my friends went to France to get their knees done. They had to pay but got NHS subsidy – cost them £7,000 in total for both knees. They are both in their 80’s so would have waited upwards of three years. Priority is 60-70 age group locally. Pain level is not a factor apparently, seems cruel to me. But they are both thrilled to be pain free again and mobile. Local private quotes were £11,000 each knee.Both now teach armchair aerobics for patients on waiting lists for operations. I am going to try next 10 week course, looks useful. Long term I am headed for right knee and hip replacement.

    Time to chat with my daughter in NZ.
    Have a good week everyone

    Morning/evening all,


    I know you mean well and I agree we are both struggling to lose weight at the moment but we are absolutely not in the same camp. My life is dissimilar to yours in almost every way I can think of and my difficulties are not the same as yours in any way shape or form.

    It’s cool and damp here today and was raining when I woke up. The forecast says it will remain dry for the rest of the day so hopefully those of you interested in the mens final of the most famous outdoor grass court tournament of the year will not see it played under a roof.

    I’m going out shortly and plan to be home in time for the womens doubles final.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Thanks for all your kind wishes, although it sounds like most of us are struggling with something at the moment!

    Jo, it is in part the new job that has brought this to a head. He’s been threatened by it (suddenly he realises that I’m not actually dependent on him!) and it’s exposed some very unattractive aspects of his personality and his core beliefs that were always there, but I didn’t recognise them for what they were. So it’s a stressful time, and a scary future cut adrift, but looking on the bright side he broke my heart a lot of years ago so at least now I’m not upset about the prospect of a future without him 🤣


    The sporting options this afternoon require more televisions than we have in the house….


    I’m back earlier than expected. As much as I love tennis the prospect of another Federer v Djokovic does nothing for me so I’m waiting to turn on the TV until the mixed doubles final and then watch the womens final which I’m very much looking forward to.

    On a more personal note, living alone has many benefits but it also has it’s occasional down side and I am at present in a deep trough which with the benefit of hindsight began on my 65th birthday back in January.
    I thought I’d reached the nadir a few weeks ago but alas it was a false alarm. I remain positive as I know very well life will improve at some point. I’m going away very soon to visit an old friend who always understands without needing to ask and I always return home feeling uplifted and happy to be alive.

    Today I’m turning to comfort food, but it’s not cakes and alcohol but HF-W’s tofu with broccholi and miso dressing. I might have added a couple of roast potatoes making it an 800 calorie FD but I can deal with that!

    Sorry to hear you’re feeling low Amazon. Fingers crossed your break does the trick. I’m going away for a few days too, a break from work and him!

    I think I’ve hung on to this relationship for a lot of years out of the fear of being alone and lonely. But I’ve come to see I’m actually lonelier in this marriage than I would be if I lived alone. He’s a presence in the house, not a friend, and he has no interest in me or what I do or think. It’s taken a lot of my resources (emotion and time) over the years, while he’s sat on the sofa feeling entitled.

    Of course I now understand that marriage was the invention of men, for the benefit of men. It’s been sold to women as something to aspire to (and you’ve failed if you haven’t spent your life making a man happy!), but it was only ever about women as possessions and subjugation…. I read something recently that resonated – single women have more time for friends and hobbies than their married counterparts, but it’s the reverse for men!

    Hello All,
    I had sad morning as the vet has given me his opinion and basically it’s a short deadline, possibly one month for my dog. Hit me pretty hard but I will spend as much time with him as possible. Cancelling all plans. The hypothyroidism is unlikely to be the cause of his problems, his results are borderline on that front. Mostly he is sleeping but we did have a good day together.
    I missed the tennis in favour of the cricket World Cup which was very exciting, NZ played well and GB pipped them to the post with a freaky accident converted a 2 run to a 6 for us.
    Amazon-I was only suggesting we have similar weight loss battles not lifestyles. Seems we are all a bit down at present.
    Happy – I left home for 18 months at one point, during the time I have been writing this thread. I felt very much as you do, taken for granted and never respected. Living alone had advantages but at times I was lonely. I am still not certain we will stay together long term. Your true friends will support you no matter what decisions you make about your future. I have quite a few friends who are leading interesting and enjoyable lives as single women. They all seem to travel a great deal either solo or with other women. I personally would love to travel more and enjoy solo travel.

    Here’s wishing everyone here better times ahead.

    Oh Jo,

    I’m so sorry to hear about Charlie. And what a blow, so soon after Tilly. Keep him comfortable, spoil him rotten, and enjoy what time you have.

    We had the tennis on in the kitchen and the cricket on the lounge! Nail biting, both. But what an amazing finish to the cricket! (Sorry, Barata!).

    Difficult times all round. These are the things that make us sit up and value every day. Be kind to yourselves and those that care xx

    My thoughts are with Jo Amazon and Happy boy there is a lot going for you my best wishes to you all as the only male voice here I will just leave you all with.
    “tough times don’t last tough people do”
    Keep on Keeping on

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks RT and everyone else for the kind words. I know I’ll get through this rough patch, I’ve got through worse times. I’m not ill or disabled, I have a roof over my head, a good income and a holiday planned and booked. Life could be so much worse.

    Another week begins and with it another opportunity to lose some weight.

    I had planned to get up early this morning and go walking but my body decided it needed me to sleep in 😆

    I went to a nearby large shopping centre hoping for a good deal on a couple of household items as the summer sales are in full swing. I got what I wanted, paid less than I was prepared to and managed to avoid any unplanned purchases.

    I had forgotten how numerous the food outlets are and how enticing the aroma of something one wouldn’t normally eat can be on a FD. I talked myself out of a bacon sarnie, a burger, gelato, gateau, freshly roasted nuts and numerous other offerings. On the bus home I also talked myself out of going somewhere for lunch and managed to get to the safety of home without eating or drinking anything that isn’t on today’s menu plan.

    I made a big bowl of a hearty but very healthy salad and have just eaten an early FD dinner. The other half of the salad is stashed in the fridge for tomorrow.

    There is no bread, no nuts, no snacks of any description in the flat apart from a few cherries and strawberries which won’t do any damage if I succumb to eating anything else today.

    I am determined to get through this FD after failing on Saturday and Sunday.

    Only another 6 or 7 hours until bedtime 😆

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Go on, A. You can do ot if anyone can. I like your self talk.😉😉
    Me.?..having a sleepless night. More about that later…🤗

    Self talk is all there is at my house……..

    I would say the same of my house…. except I have a very talkative cat 😂

    My brain mever shuts up. And I’m meant to be asleep 😔

    I love talkative cats 🤩

    I’ve had to close the doors and windows to keep out the aroma of the neighbours dinner. They’re not very supportive, how dare they cook something that smells so good on a FD 😬

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