Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,401 through 5,450 (of 7,283 total)

  • Morning All,
    Hope Everyone is fit and well?
    I guess some are on holiday or very busy.
    Three days, no rubbish eaten apart from ‘a bacon bap’ seriously! It’s insane! My other half bought it for me at a cafe while we were out walking the dog yesterday. I should have refused it but the smell just got me. Of course I avoided other food after that fasted appt from some veg soup later but it resulted in a small gain today. I really can’t eat bread without negative results plus I feel bloated today. So cross with myself especially after resisting biscuits at bowls and Bridge in last two days. Ah well upwards and onwards still down since Monday. I am determined to stay on course as my hip pain has been bad for two weeks now and weight loss will help. I had to take a strong painkiller yesterday too which is never great for me on the scales as they constipate me.
    I am signing up for the million step challenge for diabetes uk. It’s from 1st July to end of Sept. My family are sponsoring me. I think it is a very worthy cause and I hope lots of people get on board. Anyone on here fancy joining me? Must find my Fitbit or step counter to start preparing.
    Beep Fasting friends

    Hello Fasters
    Good to hear from you,Jojo. I was sorry to read about Tilly.
    I have been so busy preparing the house for sale- in the end 6 trips to the tip. I was working and sleeping. That’s all.
    I am now in Tuscany babysitting. I love this part of Italy and babysitting is easy compared with the physical work last week. The boys are at school in the mornings.
    However it’s back to France on Monday for painting and more tidying. There are limits to what one can do to a 300 year old house, but I’m doing my best.
    Enjoy your holiday, RT.

    Bye from Tuscany,

    A house that age sells itself Wi. Tidy and move excess furniture and knick knacks and leave the house to the buyer’s imagination 😉😉

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    A Mum visits her son for dinner who lives with a girl roommate.
    During the course of the meal, his mother couldn’t help but notice how pretty his roommate was.She had long been suspicious of a
    relationship between the two, and this had only made her more curious….
    Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between him and
    his roommate than met the eye.
    Reading his mom’s thoughts, his son volunteered,
    “I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you,we are just
    About a week later, his roommate came to him saying,
    “Ever since your mother came to dinner, I’ve been unable to find the silver plate. You don’t suppose she took it, do you?”
    He said ,”Well, I doubt it, but I’ll email her, just
    to be sure.” He sat down and wrote :
    Dear Mother:
    I’m not saying that you ‘did’ take the silver plate from my house, I’m not saying that you ‘did not’ take the silver plate But the fact
    remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.
    your son.
    Several days later, he received an email from
    his Mother which read:
    Dear Son:
    I’m not saying that you ‘do’ sleep with your roommate, and
    I’m not saying that you ‘do not’ sleep with her.
    But the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her OWN bed, she
    would have found the silver plate by now, under her pillow…
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆

    Have a good weekend, RT, and keep warm. First day of winter! ☃️☃️

    Love the joke RT.

    In control of both food intake and choices at the moment, it’s a good feeling.

    I have basically been working on ‘self hypnosis’ questioning myself and my poor decisions. I can control my eating habits and I damn well am going to.

    Have a good weekend everyone

    Go Jo!!!

    Nice, RT, but really none of Mum’s business 🙂

    It’s all about re-training the brain, isn’t it Jo? So with my sleep patterns, which are slightly improved. The hypnotherapist was of little value, though. Best of luck with the food decisions – and remember to love yourself!

    I can see the southerly rain blast approaching, P, so have sent Mr B out to mow the lawns. With only two more sleeps until our cruise 🙂 we probably won’t have a chance after this. Winter indeed!

    As P says, Wi. Tidy and adorable. 🙂 Don’t overdo the cleanup, though. We will have this to face later in the year.

    Have a great cruise, B and Mr B and choose only the best food to eat 😉😉🍷

    Thanks, P. Planning two meals a day, and I am looking forward to selecting the good stuff.

    Hello All from sunny SE.
    It was a scorcher yesterday. I was playing bowls, not my best match, but drained completely with heat. No coastal breeze to cool us.

    I do hope you have a good trip, just you two? Or is your son joining you? My son yearns to go on a cruise. I enjoyed my Caribbean cruise, ten years ago now.

    Yesterday I met a lady who has just completed two weeks of the potato diet. 5/7 days all you eat is potato at 2 meals daily which has to have been cooked the day previous and can be reheated or eaten cold. The other two days you eat healthily. I asked her if she slept well on nights with no protein but she reported no problems. She was doing this to get some wriggle room in her dress for her daughter’s wedding. It worked as she lost one stone, seems incredible. Apparently all the bridal party followed regime. No potatoes will be served at the wedding breakfast though. I suspect they will be off them for a while.

    I am sticking to current plan but wouldn’t mind trying it for a boost on the scales.

    Time for a walk – have a great week everyone

    Thanks, Jo. Just the two of us – along with a thousand or so others!

    Any single food diet restriction will loose weight, as it is so limiting. And potatoes are very dense, it’s easy to get full on them. But for a week or two? Report back if you do it.

    I am sailing, I am sailing… should have internet access though 🙂

    Morning Barata,
    Enjoy your romantic cruise, just the two of you. You could learn to play Bridge whilst on board, it’s a wonderful card game. Obviously players with good numeracy skill tend to be very good at the game. Memory plays a ‘key’ part too since there are lots of bids to remember and card counting to do. I tend to be a bit of an instinctive player but enjoy risk taking whilst my partners are ‘the thinkers’ working out winners and losers in their hands to plan their strategy. But their is lots going on during at ’sea’ days if the weather unsuitable for swimming or relaxing in the sun. On my last cruise I did three different computing courses and used the gym. Whatever you do have fun!

    I agree single food diets are very poor nutritionally but like everything else you just need to control the time period, maxim 5 days with healthy eating for other two, for maximum of two weeks.

    I have woken up with swollen infected eyes today. I got dust in them yesterday whilst gardening, removing Ivy from a wall, buy 9pm last night they were itchy and sore. Next time I do gardening like that I will wear goggles.

    Food restriction going well, scales going down but it’s all pounds I have lost before which is depressing. One day at a time – Fasting today. I am concentrating weight because my hip and right knee are giving my pain again plus clothes were getting tight. Summer is here so Fasting is easier. My dog Charlie is still feeling depressed at losing his mate, not interested in his usual food so we are tempting him with Fish. He is ok on his walk but moping at home. I know how he feels as I am better when out of the house.

    Dancing, bowling and a meeting today – keeping busy.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Where is Amazon? Tennis season I guess!

    Hi Jo,

    Sorry to hear Charlie is still depressed. I hope he perks up, but some dogs really just don’t like being an only dog (they are pack animals, after all), so perhaps you’ll need to get him another pal…

    I hope your eyes are better?

    No news here! Work is going OK I think, but still really hard. It’s good to have a purpose again though, as I hadn’t felt professionally (or personally) challenged or fulfilled for quite a lot of years. Funny to be starting a new career at my (advanced 😀) time of life, but I have to say it’s the first time for a lot of years that the prospect of working til my mid 60s hasn’t made me despair.

    I’m maintaining still, but haven’t managed to drop those extra winter 2kg yet. I know the problem, it’s stress eating on non-fast days, just not quite sure how to stop it!

    “Advanced age” at 50, Happy? I don’t think so! 50 is the perfect time for life changes. You are just mature!
    Regarding fasting, I’m struggling to lose that extra, despite twice weekly fasts. Lack of extreme viglance or my body adjusting to a new normal? I don’t know. Have a good weekend guys. P

    Good Evening Happy and PVE,

    I am not contemplating getting another dog because we travel more and more these days. However I am now walking Charlie with another dog. He is not too fussed with my friends dog at the moment, ignores it mostly. I have another friend who is a dog sitter, always 3 or 4 dogs at her place, might try that for the odd day, see if he bonds with any other dogs. I think my hubby and I are his pack now, he doesn’t leave us much. He is 14 years old so he sleeps quite a lot after his walk. I am taking him much further now because he is quite fit. It’s good practise for me too as I have signed up to do the ‘Million Step Challenge’ for diebetes UK. It runs from 1st July to 30th Sept.
    Did 10.000 steps yesterday.

    Your new job sounds like it is keeping you busy and engrossed. Fasting is always difficult if it is not the focus of your life. When you originally fasted you were not as interested in your job. At least all our maintainers are controlling their minor gains. That is a success in itself.

    I am doing very well this week, down 5 lbs, I had of course gained this since Christmas but at least it is gone now. My trousers are comfortable again. My daughter and husband are trying to lose weight, so it’s good for me to get some support as opposed to constant temptation I usually have here. I have stopped eating ‘all’ rubbish(processed foods) keeping it clean – just veg, nuts, beans, fruit(mainly berries)and some yogurt.
    No alcohol either so it’s a pretty tough routine.

    My eyes are not better unfortunately, still very sore, the drops from the Chemist are ineffective. Weirdly the most comfort I have been this week was after a good cry(a friend set me a silly, funny clip which made me laugh till I cried). The salt must have brought relief. I may need to see a doctor if it doesn’t improve soon.

    I did a degree in my 50’s, it was challenging but tested my skills. As you know I am always learning new skills or languages. I have a low boredom threshold. I can now play 20 tunes on the ukulele, mostly rock, not bad for 3 month’s weekly lesson. My Active retirement group organisation has become a full time job too but it’s very worthwhile. We are now extending the group to accept social members because we had to close ‘full’ membership as hall getting too full at 160 members. Good to be popular.

    Keep Fasting and hopefully it will pay off.
    Good Luck and best wishes.

    Hello Cyberspace,
    Seems everyone is too busy to post, hopefully they are all having fun.
    Our summer is proving a bit of a wash out at the moment. Fed up with wearing my rain coat at bowls.
    Yesterday I walked 5000 step then danced 4000 steps then bowled 3000 steps before going home to babysit for the evening and overnight. My son was at a party. My grand daughter was very well behaved but she is far too heavy for me to lift or carry for any period of time. Luckily I have a rocking chair which I took up to my bedroom to settle her. She is spending more time with me now to get ready for her Mum’s return to work. But my son is now enjoying paternity leave of one month. He is loving it, very hands on.
    I am enjoying the glow of losing 5 lbs last week by Fasting and eating only fresh veg and fruit. Luxuries were soya yogurt with fruit and builders tea cows milk(only one per day but I love that first cuppa. Still having a 100ml Kefir made with full cream milk too.
    My husband did not do so well last week, his diet went off track as he had 5 meals out. He simply cannot resist high fat options and high sugar puddings. I stayed home with a salad and caught up on some paperwork. He did cut breakfast and lunch of days he went out though so not too damaging. Going for 4 lbs this week. Might be unrealistic but I have increased step count to 10,000 daily so that will help. Too tired to snack! Really!
    No more holidays for awhile so focus good.
    How is the house sale going Wiwi?
    Happy and PVE – you have always led the group with successful maintenance (along with Wee)but everyone has their problems and lack of focus. Sometimes it just takes too much effort and self control. Amazon and I have struggled for years to get to goal but I have no doubt that one day we will make it. In the meantime we are still several stones better off than on. Back to basics!
    Keep fighting!

    Hi Jo
    Our winter has been surprisingly cold, so far, so we have spent far too much time inside by the fire. Family commitments mean no trips planned for the rest of the year for us, so we have to be content with little local jaunts.
    The cold weather has resulted in some interesting experiments with food in an attempt to keep warm and use seasonally available produce. Not always low carb, I’m afraid, so hardly surprised that it is reflected in the scales. Mind you, I’m sleeping better, so it’s not all bad. Grandparent duty helps to keep the steps up. A bit like you, a variety of movements…chasing balls, children , dogs etc
    Enjoy your little granddaughter. P

    Ah yes, carbs – that will do it.
    I have virtually cut them out of my diet, at least white carbs anyway.
    My sons girlfriend managed to put on three pounds this week and she puts it down to carbs, she has a weakness for squashed Avocado on toast. I don’t blame her it is delicious but she may have a problem getting into her work clothes post baby. It might be easier when she gets back to work, less temptation.

    My sleep deprivation is mostly joint pain related, currently right knee, hip and lower back. All not helped by my increase in activity. Ultimately though all will be helped by weight loss, viscious circle. Off to play bowls now, hopefully it will keep fine.

    I think we should both make some vegetable soup with chilli, yum. Trouble is it’s so much nicer with French bread. What can you do? Just keep fighting temptation with Brain washing yourself. ‘I can do this, I need to do this, only I can control my eating’

    Hi Fasters,
    Good to hear that it’s working for you, Jojo.
    I am being very disciplined at the moment, and I am slowly losing again.
    Nothing so dramatic as 5lbs, but slight losses.
    The house is not yet on the market. Shame really as the flowering irises and the greenness of spring would be great bonuses.
    My ankle has split again and I am having to be careful. It is being dressed every 48 hours by a nurse, but the cause is being investigated. It will stop me from swimming again for the second year in a row. I am hoping that that the long hours between meals will help.
    But as usual with this ADF WOL, I feel great. No sugar, no blues!
    I wonder where Amazon is.
    Love from rainy France.

    Oh Wi. You poor darling. Take care. P

    Hello Wiwi,
    Gosh that’s really upsetting, I do hope you get quicker healing this time round. A friend of mine had a healing issue with her foot. It took months. At one point the medical team used honey on the wound. She has finally recovered but has different health issues now after having a very bad dose of flu. She is now finally taking a Kefir daily. I still swear by it.

    My food consumption is still healthy and I am losing weight albeit more slowly now, just one pound this week. So long as it keeps going down.

    I am walking 10,000 steps minimum per day, unfortunately it was in the pouring rain today. I left my car in a multi story car park to meet fellow walkers. I arrived back 15 minutes after my ticket had expired to find a £50 fine. Feeling pretty depressed about that result, so frustrating. The ticket was put on 4 minutes after expiry. They must be watching for cars to have caught it so quickly. I have appealed to the council but do not hold out much hope of repeal. Annoying because I always buy tickets and very rarely miss the expiry time.

    Hope everyone else is well and succeeding in their efforts. I will need your jokes this week RT but not if they are about parking fines.

    Hi All, my house looks like s scene from ET because I am have some asbestos removed from my kitchen. That’s the problem with old houses, you never know what they used. This was found when some old barrel pipe started leaking into my wall. Been without hot water 3 weeks already. Thank goodness we have several kettles.
    Just back from choir, I had no idea this would add 1000 steps to my count for today. All that swaying is finally paying off.
    Weather still chilly and wet, where is bloody summer?
    Not salad weather so I had hot veg for lunch

    We are back from our 10-day cruise to Vanuatu. It included five sea days, which gave us plenty of time to learn our way around the facilities and processes on a liner, but which we would prefer not to do again, as well as four days ashore. Two of these had to be accomplished by tender as there were no docking facilities. We had several swimming opportunities but the boat pool was usually full of children. It was all very enjoyable, a complete break with lots of eating and drinking, and I weighed in at two kgs heavier this morning! We were planning to skip lunches, but for some reason that didn’t happen… I did take advantage of the gym, though. It won’t be our last cruise 🙂

    Wow, Jo, that’s a bit scary. And I can sympathise with the lack of a kitchen! I don’t think you can count moving your arms at choir as ‘steps’. I found, when I wore my FB, that chopping veggies at the bench would add to the number. I agree, those ticketers can often be lurkers, but 50 pounds is serious money. 🙁

    Wi, really sorry to hear about your ankle. I hope they can find the cause soon, it has been lingering for far too long. Son’s ex-FIL has a similar problem on the back of his ankle, dreads the idea of going into hospital as his wife died there last year.

    Take care all you fasters, and have a great weekend.

    Hello Barrata,
    Glad you enjoyed your cruise. 5 days at sea seems excessive on a short cruise but as you say their is always lots to do on board. Don’t worry about the weight gain it will soon drop off now you are home. I think the average weight gain whilst cruising is much higher..
    Well good news on the asbestos front, it turned out to be a very minor job, it was a very small panel fixed with two screws, removed very quickly. There must have been a cooker in that position at one time. All we lost was one worktop support panel and some boarding on a wall. Relief. Of course we sill need a quote to remove old lead piping, tons of it in our kitchen so not out of the woods yet.
    We don’t just move our arms at Rock Choir we do dance steps through most of it including side and salsa steps. Our warm up is keep fit style with stretches, bends forwards and sideways too. It’s not just vocal warm up. Saying that some of those are incredibly complex and include 6 part rounds. Good fun though.
    Still waiting decision of my parking ticket appeal but don’t hold out much hope, I was late by 15 minutes it was a fact. Luckily I won £50 on premium bonds this month so I can pay the fine without too much of a dent in the budget. Expensive walk in pouring rain though, never again.

    Forgot to mention, big drop on scales today so 7lb off in two weeks, happy days. I think the extra walking is helping(not my knee, hip or back though). For some reason I am finding it all easy at the moment. Need to bottle this feeling.

    Good luck fasters

    Really good news on the weight, Jo. And also on the kitchen. I take it you are contesting the ticket, as you should!

    17 degrees here today, middle of June! It’s going to be colder for the rest of the weekend, though.

    Five days at sea is because we are such a long way from anywhere! 🙂 And OH didn’t really put on any weight of note.

    Hi Barata,
    Just finished 5000 step dog walk in warm but windy weather, sun shining which is ace. 17 degrees same as you. SNAP!

    Now to do Ukulele practise, getting quite good now, I can play several tunes correctly and one even from memory. Ha Ha! It’s fun but daily practise essential at my age.

    Speak soon

    For those looking to gain a physiological understanding of how intermittent fasting works and all the benefits associated with it, I recommend watching this video:

    It explains exactly how fasting works and the major health benefits that come with intermittent fasting

    Jo, I gave a sigh of relief when I heard the name of the unfortunate trainee pilot killed in that tragic accident at Masterton yesterday, and it wasn’t your daughter!

    There’s another beautiful full moon gliding in the clear sky tonight, and that turns me to thoughts of my fellow fasters around the world.

    Back on the 5:2 wagon today, and back to work! Not too bad, it makes a nice (paid) balance to holidaying… 🙂 OH has come down with a cold, so his cruise weight is dropping, whereas mine… 🙁

    Yes it was a tragic accident which happened at the time My daughter would normally be doing a lesson and in one of the two planes she normally uses. She has probably met the trainee who died. There was no instructor involved thank goodness. She doubted the accident would have happened if there had been one in the plane. She had cancelled her lesson early that day because the weather was not thought to be good. As it turned out the weather improved too late for her to set off. A lucky turn of events for her.

    She is not put off though but very shaken up by the news.

    Two meals out this weekend both had elements that I should have avoided. Apple crumble and custard(my favourite) and garlic bread(also irresistible). Scales telling me I need to try harder today.

    It’s a sunny day, ideal for gardening and fasting.

    Full moon peeping out through a veil of clouds here. We’ve had 24 hours of rain and very cold weather. Real winter. P

    Hi everyone,

    Hope you are all well.

    A warm but breezy day here.

    I’m doing my first FD for a few weeks and am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.

    I’ve been shopping this morning and have a fridge full of English seasonal veg.
    There is also a chicken on the hob gently poaching, and a menu plan that involves using every scrap of it for healthy and tasty meals.

    All I need to do now is stick to it, something that has been impossible since my return from Liverpool for reasons that are best moved on from.

    Hopefully onwards and downwards,

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Glad you’re back A. 😊👍

    Great to have you back Amazon, really missed you.

    We cannot be ‘on it’ the whole time especially when life gives you a kick in the butt.

    Always here for support. I have had my fair share of ‘shit’ to deal with over the years. Currently enjoying a lull.

    My dog ‘Charlie’ has just had his first sleepover at my sons. Taken on the role of babysitter. We were out late last night ‘at the dog track(Madness)and we don’t leave him for long since we lost Tilly. He gets lonely and howls. Apparently he has had a fine old time. Yesterday he had 4 other dogs for company at Granny’s house. She has 2 pint sized young dogs, her son has a cockerpoo puppy and her mother has a miniature westie. Total chaos but he just sat quietly and ignored their hyper behaviour thank goodness. He is now enjoying a beach walk with my son. It was so weird waking up this morning with no ‘dog care’ to do, I felt like a teenager. So I rolled over and went back to sleep. BLISS!

    So glad he is happy because it means our dog sitting issues are resolved. My dog sitter is heading off to Aus for a year again to visit her son and enjoy some more travelling.


    Glad to hear you’ve got a dog sitter! Enjoy your freedom,
    I get up every morning for the hens, the closest I get to a lie-in is deepest darkest winter when they don’t get up before 8. Still, I wake up just after 6 all the same ☹️ I do love my hens, but I’m going to let these die off without restocking and then enjoy a bit of freedom I think ( the cat can go in the cattery, the hens are a bit more of a tie!).


    Good to know you’re still around! You’re my food inspiration. I realised at the weekend what a lot of packets and tins I have in the pantry, and portions of things in the freezer, so I need to make an inventory then look for recipes to use up beans, pulses, flours, etc. Combined obviously with seasonal produce… and eggs!


    Sorry to hear about your ankle again, that sounds horrible for you. Fingers crossed you get it resolved.


    Glad to hear you enjoyed the cruise. Out of interest, how did you sleep while you were away?


    Some of the best things I’ve eaten recently:

    A small plate of chick pea and sweet potato stew with a hint of Indian spice topped with fried Halloumi, and another of cod goujons in the lightest, crispiest, Indian spiced batter accompanied by a lime sour, chilli hot, coriander green dip.
    This was in a pub in Liverpool!

    AJ’s summer taco salad, lots of ingredients, lots of steps but it didn’t stop me making a single portion in a very short time and it was so delicious I made it again 2 days later, AND it made me think about using beans as a salad ingredient.

    Most pulses make a nice mash which would make a tasty and healthy bed for seasonal veg cooked in a variety of ways.

    I would say that any of AJ’s books are good for recipes containing dried pulses and she uses a wide variety of different flours and grains.

    Inspired by Nigel Slater’s article in the Observer yesterday (and I have to say his recipes rarely do much for me), I bought a chicken today in order to poach it in a ginger and star anise broth. I added white miso and tamari to a small amount of the broth, added a few soba noodles, asparagus and spring greens, poured it over some shredded chicken and sprinkled chopped chili, spring onion and coriander on top.

    It was delicious, filling and low enough in calories for a FD, and the rest of the chicken and broth are stashed in the fridge.

    First day of low calorie seasonal eating odyssey done and dusted 😉


    I hadn’t seen that Nigel Slater recipe, as I don’t rate him much either! Some of his recipes do sound amazing, but having bought a cookbook a few years ago I found few that I wanted to make and the ones I did were disappointing. Glad to hear he does sometimes come up trumps. D

    I also stumbled on a 2016 piece from the Guardian of Rose Elliot recipes with dried butter beans which sound really good. A curry, soup, pate and warm salad. So that’s at least one packet of beans in the pantry accounted for!

    I do love AJs recipes. I haven’t worked my way through her books yet, as OH hasn’t been so keen. I’m hoping he’s going to be aware more in future though, which will give me the opportunity to cook what I want!

    I had a good fast yesterday and will aim to do a second later in the week, subject to my head being in the right place (which it wasn’t last week 😞). I have managed to shift half a kilo of the 2 I gained post Xmas, but that’s taken me probably 2 months!!

    Gosh , Happy! I read that as 21 gained!!! 😯😯

    Morning All,
    PVE – now that would have been some serious pigging out to gain 21 kg’s since Christmas? Luckily getting 2 off is more doable. Good Luck Happy!

    I am being very good at the moment, no idea how long it will last, probably until I get bored or depressed. It’s all well and good to brainwash yourself but sometimes you can’t be bothered to listen or care. Living in the moment is a symptom of life today.

    I eat convenience Vegan Curries called ‘One Pot’ after I have been out bowling on a Fast Day. They do not exceed 400 cals per pot and are cooked in 3.5 minutes in the microwave. I add veg to the mix if very hungry. they are really tasty. I need to learn to make ones as good and freeze them. I could probably cut the calorie content by 100 and the cost by half. Alternatively I could eat half the pot and double the veg. Hummm choices, what to do? I am so lazy about cooking these days. I only really cook when I have visitors. Other meals are very simplistic – eggs or salmon. Still not eating meat, pasta, rice, bread and happy with diet. Occasionally I go off plan when out for a meal but fish is usually no 1 choice.

    Still losing Weight but very slowly now, Fasting today and Friday. Still walking 10,000 steps minimum daily.

    Morning/evening all,


    You could always soak and cook the beans and freeze them in portions. I find I’m more likely to use them that way as they don’t take long to defrost ie as convenient as a can but much cheaper.

    I have all 3 AJ books and I used the first one a lot but did little more than read the recipes in the other two, and I am now making an effort to use them.
    I’ve made a list of recipes I want to try.

    FD no 2 today. I’m going to make a spring veg stew using some of the chicken stock. I’ve got peas, broad beans, asparagus, spring greens, courgettes and lots of herbs, plus I’ll add some shredded chicken.
    I’ll make a batch and stash some in the freezer using my new reusable silicone freezer bags.

    I’m following the Waitrose store trial where they are refilling containers and hoping they roll it out in all stores soon as I’m making a serious effort to eliminate as much single use plastic as possible.

    After going to the butcher on Monday I decided I’m going to take some containers next time, and I’ve found a store selling loose flour, pulses, grains, nuts, dried fruit etc. I bought a small amount of a couple of things a while back to check the quality, and I’m going to stock up from there as the produce is good, the prices are good (despite being located in the most expensive high street in the area) and they have a generous loyalty scheme.
    I bought some fine mesh bags for loose fruit and veg which I’ve been using for a while and they’ve made it much easier. Previously I was putting piles of loose veg on the scale and then putting it into my shopping bag which wasn’t ideal.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    You put a lot of effort into all your hobbies and interests and it’s about time you did the same in the kitchen. The result will be excellent healthy food, a stash in the freezer and more money in your pocket.

    I use ordinary recipes and change the quantities.

    The first time I make something, I tweak the quantities, count the calories in every ingredient and write it down. The next time I just need to weigh and I always use measuring spoons for oil. I don’t batch cook on a FD as tasting is so important especially when batch cooking.

    Living in the moment is an excuse for eating too much today and regretting it tomorrow.

    I know this as I’m an expert at it…….

    I do the same, Amazon…handfuls of beans etc straight onto the scales. I’m yet to find a butcher or fish shop who will fill a home container, but at least I can minimise to a single sheet of plastic, then wrapped in paper.
    I’m on my own at present and enjoying eating weird combinations of vegetables. I am definitely better off avoiding fruit and eating the type of food, and eating timing, that just comes naturally to me.

    Hi Amazon,
    You are absolutely right Amazon. I focus all my energies on being out of the house as much as possible. Cooking and housework plus gardening have a very low priority these days.
    Next month I start my new role as ‘Grandparent babysitter’ two mornings per week starting very early 6.45am until 12.45pm. As I will be going to my son’s place and staying until lunchtime I think I could use that time when the little one is asleep to do some batch cooking.
    My partner and I eat separately, he never cooks for himself or me, he lives off pies, cheese, salad foods and cold meats but he does eat out with his brother and friends at least 3-4 times per week. He rejects vegan food and fish so there is little point my cooking for him these days. I do buy his food and try to vary his options but he is happy to live on pork pie, sausage rolls and cheese. He usually only eats once per day in the evening so he is good at Fasting.
    Time to get moving as there is a break in the clouds.
    Good health to everyone


    I don’t think my butcher would object to putting a piece of paper wrapped meat into a container rather than a plastic bag. I never buy diced or minced meat so it’s usually a single piece which can be weighed on paper as usual.

    Having read so many anna Jones and Hugh F-W recipes I’ve decided there is no such thing as a weird combination of vegetables.


    I find that buying good quality fresh produce and/or ingredients new to me always inspires me to cook. I find it relaxing and cathartic and love having a great meal available in minutes on days I don’t feel like cooking or don’t have the time, and of course when cooking for one it makes it possible to enjoy dishes that can’t be made as a single portion.

    This time of year is a great time to start as we now have a wonderful array of UK veg available and that will continue right through to the winter months.

    I’m planning a trip to my nearest PYO farm soon. I’m waiting for the gooseberries to be ready. It is a 45-50 minute drive and has a great selection of fruit and veg. I usually go in September but want to go earlier to make the most of the season, and I’ll visit again later in the year (chutney season!) for squashes and late season veg and autumn raspberries.
    It is a wonderful opportunity to buy the freshest produce, something I miss now I don’t grow my own.

    No, Amazon, I don’t get plastic bags! What is hard is getting them to weight in a home container rather than on a piece of plastic. They claim it is too hard to tare their scales.
    I also will skip drinks completely if I don’t have my keep cup with me (very rare) and there is noone who sells drinks in washable cups.
    We CAN change the world by example. 👍👍😊

    Hi everyone,

    The rain seems to have given up and we have a dry day (so far) here in London.

    My FD got slightly derailed yesterday.
    I looked after a friend’s cat last week while she was on holiday in Bruges and last night she came over with a 500g ( 😱 ) box of Belgian chocolates, bought from a shop where they are made on the premises and each one chosen by her and her sister especially for me.

    I’ve been to Bruges and am familiar with the quality of such chocolates so of course I had to open the box and I admit that more than one passed my lips…… 😆

    They are now stashed away out of sight and I’ve promised myself if I can stick to the plan today, tomorrow and Saturday I can have some more on Sunday.

    I have to say it was a very generous gift for feeding and tidying up after a cat for a few days but I’m not complaining 😎

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Bon Appétit, Amazon.

    Yes, I agree, Belgian chocolates are good.

    My ADF continues without any problem, and I have lost 4 of the 12 kgs I gained.
    One advantage here is that we make everything we eat from the raw ingredients.
    It’s good to live so far from a supermarket.

    My spring garden is full of salad things and the tomatoes are flowering.

    Today is my fast day, and in a few hours I will eat a salad.
    I will use witlof as my base and add red peppers, a bit of apple, walnuts, fresh herbs, a small portion of Dutch cheese, and a few pomegranate seeds for colour and texture.

    My ankle is stable, but not healed. It is probably being fed from a vein that will need to be cauterized.

    It’s great you have found a challenging job, Happy. I must say I got up happily everyday to go to my work ( multiple teaching roles). It wasn’t ever boring, but sometimes challenging, and even at 65 years, I was still working long hours and coping well. I could have continued, but work was beginning to get in the way of life. The weekends, I had to crash, to revitalize myself for the week. My OH still works at 74 years old and loves it. I don’t think he will ever retire.

    Enjoy your freedom from eating to others’ rhythms, Purple.

    JoJo, sorry to hear about Charlie being sad.
    Barata, we will near you again in early October.

    xx Wi

    Well done on getting rid of 4 kgs Wiwi, I always find it encouraging when the weight starts to drop again.

    I had to look up witlof, it’s known as chicory here. I’ve never been fond of bitter leaves but am now eating them on occasion as my tastes have changed over the years, I’ve even discovered I can tolerate finely sliced raw celery something that used to make me gag!

    I’m having a chicken and avocado salad for my FD dinner and I’ve roasted some tomatoes to go with it.
    I love this time of year as there are so many salad leaves to choose from and I have red gem lettuce in the fridge. I’m looking forward to the lovely soft leaved green lettuces that grow so well here, all they need is some oil and lemon for the perfect green salad that goes with anything.


    Your garden sounds to be a bit ahead of mine. We’ve had a miserable wet and cold June and that’s set everything back. Just spinach at the moment here, but soon to be joined by lettuce, cucumber and courgette…. I need to sow peas this weekend, and I’m hoping I’m not too late to get some swede going as the first sowing failed.


    I had to do a double take there when I read that you had eaten celery 😂 Re: chicory, I quite like it with hummus, but I agree if you get a really bitter one it’s disgusting.

    I don’t eat much chocolate these days…but if you need some help with those…?!

    After a good fast day earlier this week, I’m all fired up to fast again tomorrow. However, not sure it really counts when you break a 24 hours fast with gin and tonic….

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