Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,151 through 5,200 (of 7,283 total)

  • The problem with compacting falafel mix is that it becomes too dense and stodgy.
    Maybe that’s why they are deep fried as it seals the edges quickly.

    I would love to be able to use varifocal contact lenses but I’ve had a vein thrombosis in one eye with a resulting field defect so the other eye does most of the work.

    My knee problem is partly due to being overweight as a young adult which resulted in a degenerative tear when in my 30s. The knee was already weak due to a serious injury when I was a toddler but I’ve no doubt all the stress of carrying too much weight was a significant factor.

    I don’t need a reason to watch TV as I don’t answer to anyone other than myself ๐Ÿ˜€

    I fought my way through all the spam touting cheap, illegal drugs in order to post..

    Another glorious day here in London with wall to wall sunshine and 17C, ridiculous for February, whatever next?

    I went out for a few groceries this morning and saw a man wearing vest and shorts, striding along the road and I wanted to laugh out loud. Yes it’s warm in the sunshine but the position of the sun in the sky at this time of the year means that mostly we’re in shade when walking along city streets and it feels more like 10 C than 17C.
    It’s even more amusing when someone else dressed like Nanouk of the North walks past ๐Ÿ˜†
    Apparently we have another week or so of unseasonal warmth and then it’s back to normal March weather, cool, wet, blustery winds.

    Decision made, I’m going with no more than 800 calories M-F and no more than 1400 per day at the weekend and swap days to suit social life. I’ll give it a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Doing what’s doable and all that.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Morning All we here in South Australia are heading for 4 days of +37 and then Fri and Sat over 40. Our eldest son gets married on the 30/3 very exciting times for all the family so many great memories to be a part of and just as it was when he came into this crazy mad world “I was there that day” be our motto. I got my walk on early and so now lets get our fast on.
    Happy Monday trendsetters.
    Peace RT

    Morning All,
    Pretty fantastic weather on the South Coast too.
    Amazon – several pairs of shorts in sight over the weekend no big coats though.

    I managed to fall off my heels Saturday night, no! Not after a few drinks but before them. Injured quite a few body parts and exposed quite a lot of legs as I was wearing a wrap over skirt. Very unseemly. I was following a friend down some stairs at the Golf Club. All but the last stair was carpeted so I simply did not see it. The wood matched with the floor colour and I managed to twist my right ankle on the edge, land on left knee, rip my right wrist and shoulder grabbing out for the railing and damage a left rib.
    You couldnโ€™t make it up. Luckily I survived with just strains and continued to enjoy my evening, just as well as I was the hostess for my retirement group and there were 90 guests.

    For once my extra padding saved me from breaking something, just bruises and stiffness to show for my adventure. Left knee took the brunt of the wooden floor so that is not too happy. Put pay to my Jiving Sat night so I dug out my Dad dance instead, shuffling left and right very carefully and throwing my arms about. It was still fun and band were playing Rock and Roll from the 50โ€™s and 60โ€™s, very loudly.

    My other half has just lost half stone in 3 days from a dreaded tummy bug but He is on the mend now. I am back on 800 call 6 days per week. As I am usually eating out once per week I will vary my day off but control by having healthy choices.

    Planning a trip to Sri Lanka with a girl friend in May, any suggestions of what not to miss?

    I also started Ukulele lessons again, I remember nothing from my last lot of lessons but I am a fast learner usually. Just daily practise necessary. 10 Beginners in the group so it should be great.

    Good luck with your new plan Amazon. I live in hope that we will get their eventually. I am still undoing holiday damage.

    Be happy and healthy everyone.

    RT – I do not envy you 37 degrees, I like high 20โ€™s maximum.

    Morning/evening all

    Lucky you with only a few bruises and some pain. It could have been far worse as you might have broken a heel…โ€ฆ. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Seriously, it could have been so much worse and I’m glad to hear you’re OK.

    I went to Sri Lanka 14 years ago and there have been so many other destinations visited since then it’s hard to recall too much about it. If you visit Kandy, the botanical gardens are fabulous and they have a huge orchid collection. It is a beautiful quiet and peaceful place away from the hubbub of the city with all the people and traffic.

    I do remember it being very quiet everywhere with few tourists due to the tsunami the previous year.

    If you are interested in wildlife, Yaka NP is great. One probably has a better chance of seeing a leopard there than anywhere else in the world.
    There is a rock fortress at Sigiriya with a vast number of steps which is well worth the effort as the views are spectacular.
    Dambulla has a collection of cave temples that are magnificent unless you are at the stage where you never want to see another Buddha.
    If you get up into the highlands (?Cameron) there are numerous tea plantations and terraced farms

    The south coast (which was hit by the 2004 tsunami has some lovely beaches). Visiting the following year meant there was still a lot of devastation plus many rebuilding efforts and it was a rather emotional experience especially as there were so many shrines along the roads for those who had lost their lives.

    It’s a great place but no-one is in a hurry.

    True story:

    At our last hotel on my tour, where they weren’t used to looking after non Sri Lankan tourists, I went to the bar one evening and ordered a G&T. The waiter poured the gin and then realised he had no ice so he picked up the ice bucket, walked halfway across the dining area, then stopped and had a chat with one of his colleagues. He eventually went into the kitchen and returned with some ice stopping on the way back for another little chat.
    He then realised he had no lemons so he sauntered back to the kitchen, stopping for another chat on the way.
    He got back to the bar and guess what? No knife to slice the lemon…..

    I eventually got my drink just as the rest of the gang arrived and ordered their drinks which took aaages to arrive. As soon as the last one was placed on the table I said “same again” ๐Ÿ˜†

    This was the hotel where on opening my hotel room door I discovered why there was water running out underneath it.
    I went to the tour leader and said that I had a waterfall in my room and he responded that once the rain stopped all would be well (he thought I was exaggerating) I insisted he came to my room to look at the problem. When he arrived it took one swift glance at the torrent of water pouring through the roof around the light fitting creating a small river which divided the room in two, poured out under the door and over the balcony and agreed that I did indeed need a different room ๐Ÿ˜†

    It wasn’t the usual hotel that the company were used to as that had been swept away in the tsunami along with several of the staff which was a sobering reminder of how dangerous the weather can be.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Amazon true stories are easy tell ๐Ÿ˜† what a crack up loved it loved it loved it “same again” nailed it…. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Keep on Keeping On.
    Peace Rt

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. A young student nurse appears and gives him a partial sponge bath. โ€œNurseโ€ he mumbles from behind the mask, โ€œare my testicles back?โ€ Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, โ€œI dont know, sir Im only here to wash your upper body and feet.โ€ He struggles to ask again, โ€œNurse, please check for me. Are my testicles black?โ€ Concerned that he might elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worrying about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles in the other. She looks very closely and says, โ€œTheres nothing wrong with them, Sir. They look fine.โ€ The man slowly pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her, and says very slowly, โ€œThank you very much. That was wonderful. Now listen very very closely: ARE MY TEST RESULTS BACK?
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT

    ๐Ÿ˜ฏ WOW It’s official the longest break in posts i have now seen fast trackers..
    stay well keep well keep fasting keep on keeping on.

    I’ve had a really busy week, for various reasons, and now away on another training course. So that’s my excuse for not posting!

    It seems to be that if Amazon doesn’t post, no one bothers! I loved your Sri Lankan hotel stories btw Amazon, sounds memorable but not necessarily for the right reasons!

    Morning All
    Sorry I havenโ€™t been posting.
    Very busy here with my Retirement Club Events. Itโ€™s turned into a full time job. Fasting not going well and not focussed on diet or exercise but giving myself a good talking too about priorities.
    More bad news too which isnโ€™t helping, my brother in law has cancer in his one remaining kidney. I also have a funeral to attend Friday a friend from Bridge. Life is hard sometimes.
    Keep fasting because itโ€™s still better not to be obese when you are trying to cope with everything going on around you.

    Sorry to hear the bad news, Jo. Life throws some curve balls, doesn’t it?
    I’ve been flat out too. First proper fast yesterday after a wee break (Life interrupting!) It reaped rewards, so I’d better follow through on Thursday. ๐Ÿ™„ P

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a lovely sunny morning here, but rain is on the way.

    Nothing interesting to report here apart from failure to stick to the plan. Motivation is low at the moment with continuing hip and knee problems not helping.

    I’m busy compiling a list of recipes for my second vegetarian Lent. I’m starting this evening with veggie stuffed pancakes in cheese sauce which will be repeated tomorrow, then it’s of to the subcontinent of India on Thursday for mutter paneer (peas ‘n cheese Indian style) and dhal, followed by a weekend in Mexico with spicy beans, guacamole and tomato salsa ๐Ÿ˜€
    Next week I’m home for a few days making the most of English winter veg before heading off to SE Asia for Pad Thai and Buddha bowls.

    Am I making you hungry? It’s working for me ๐Ÿ˜†

    Now all I need to do is stick to the plan and not head off in the direction of hunks of cheese and handfuls of nuts whenever I’m anywhere near the kitchen closely followed by, “I’ve really stuffed it up this time so I might as well have a glass of wine”…. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ณโ˜น

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Greetings, all.

    The rain passed through here yesterday, most welcome after another long dry spell. It wasn’t quite so welcome at the Basin, where the test match had to be postponed…

    Glass of wine you suggest, Amazon? Good idea, it’s that time again ๐Ÿ™‚

    FDs are failing to cope with dining indiscretions, so the weight is creeping on, unfortunately. I am seeing a hypnotherapist about my sleep issues, so weight gains can be part of the conversation. His suggestion for when I wake at 3am – get out of bed after ten minutes of not getting back to sleep, sit on a chair beside the bed (the naughty chair) for ten minutes, repeat. This is to re-train the brain that bed is for sleeping. So eight times did I sit on my chair, but by the ninth time I stayed in bed and got back to sleep (6am by then, fortunately it’s Saturday). Such a waste of the day. I will continue this until the next appointment, when hypnosis will be used to reinforce the new patterns (if I can bear it…)

    And how does Mr B cope with the crazy woman he’s not sleeping with? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I hope the pain pays off.
    Very dry and pleasantly warm in Adelaide for the festivals. P

    He slept through most of it, P, vaguely aware of some movement at times. I would really like him to also get the benefit of the therapist as his sleeping patterns are rubbish. But he’s in denial!

    Morning All,
    Well I attended a funeral yesterday of a Bridge friend. He was only three years older than me but he had led a big life. He was a Fire Officer for many years so there were lots of his colleagues present. He was also retired early due to work related injury so fortunately he enjoyed a good long time with his wife of 40 yrs plus(they married in their teens). He had a large and very close family both sides originally Italian, lots of children there too. This is unusual for most of the ceremonies I attend these days. His wife had been supporting him through cancer treatment for many years and frankly is a shadow of her former self. Itโ€™s her turn to be supported now. Itโ€™s a shocking reminder to live for today which fortunately he did all his life, I think most fire fighters do.

    Tonight I am acting in a Murder Mystery Play in aid of Cancer Research, seems very appropriate.

    Barata- I have been sleeping really well since my trip to NZ, not one muscle relaxant or pain killer taken at night. Weird after months of night pain. I needed pills every night during my trip. Glad to be off medication. I used to find reading at night afterlots of fresh air or swimming helped me. Never heard you mention swimming. Hope you get your insomnia sorted. I bet your other half sleeps really well I know mine does.

    Amazon – those pancakes sound delicious. Eggs are a big part of my diet again. I am starting to make up salads again as the weather has been so mild. Couple of slices of halloumi and job done. I find I really need that salty taste, yummy.

    Clothes have been getting tighter so I really need to get focussed both on exercise and Fasting. Far too much time spend in chair based activities (Bridge, paperwork,tv, reading and sewing)with numerous tea breaks.

    My Ukulele Group is beginning to sound great after just 4 weeks, itโ€™s amazing what you can play just knowing 6 chords. We are already planning a concert at Christmas to our Retirement Group. We are capping numbers now as we have reached 150, in just 15 months. We plan Coffee mornings, lunches, walks, outings and even a holiday.
    Itโ€™s all go in Retirement Groups, keeping mind, body and social life Active.

    Keep Fasting!

    If there is anyone out there, hi.

    This thread becomes more like the Marie Celeste with every day that passes and I’m beginning to wonder if I’d do better writing in a diary…..

    Not even any Friday Funnier from RT this week โ˜น

    Well another week has gone by and I’ve started my latest vegetarian odyssey. I was tempted to break it yesterday when I went into a local food store and discovered they’ve got a new on-site sushi franchise. The trays of sashimi were calling to me, but I managed to escape without putting some in my basket.
    Seems a good idea to visit on Good Friday and treat myself to some in lieu of an Easter Egg.

    My Shrove Tuesday pancakes and set me up well for the rest of the week.

    I made muttar paneer with the addition of some spinach that needs to be used and it was delicious and went very well with some dhal I had in the freezer.

    I made guacamole this morning but decided to skip the spicy beans etc and am having roast veg with blitzed kale for dinner as I discovered a few items in the veggie drawer of the fridge that had been sitting there for longer that is desirable, including half a bag of kale which was looking rather tired.

    There is also a cabbage that has been purchased and forgotten and I’m planning to use it to accompany mushroom ragu, and in a stir fry and Pad Thai

    I managed to find organic tofu on my local supermarket shelf. They’ve either only just started to stock it or I need my eyes tested as I’ve not noticed it before ๐Ÿ˜†

    I bought two packs and I have the idea of making a lasagne style dish using aubergines and roasted peppers rather than pasta sheets and making a tofu and mushroom sauce.

    My new exercise regime is going well. The knee is fine now and my hip is responding well to being stretched and worked hard. I’m having a rest day today as I don’t want to push my luck.

    To those of you who are reading this, have a good weekend, and the same to those of you who aren’t ๐Ÿคฃ

    Have a good one anybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Well Iโ€™m reading, Amazon! And my mouth is watering at the thought of your vegetarian menu. Pancakes, paneer and pea curry, beans, roasted veg… whatโ€™s not to like!

    Intrigued by your tofu and mushroom sauce? Is that a sauce with tofu and mushrooms in it? Or a tofu sauce?

    Hi Happy,

    I once tried a vegan lasagne recipe which consisted of pasta, a layer of spinach, tomato sauce and crumbled tofu. I decided to make the tofu into a Bรฉchamel style sauce by melting it in which worked well but the finished dish wasn’t particularly exciting flavour wise.

    I’m thinking this time I might make a Bรฉchamel sauce (using almond milk to keep the calories down) and add cooked mushrooms and maybe griddled or dry fried cubes of tofu, so there is more texture and hopefully more flavour.
    I’ll also use my usual tomato sauce recipe which has much more flavour that that in the recipe.

    The possibilities are endless…โ€ฆ

    I’ve found an Indian recipe website: I’ve tried a couple of Hari’s recipes, a pumpkin curry and the muttar paneer and they’ve both been excellent.
    I found it by chance when looking for pumpkin recipes and there are so many mouthwatering recipes, vegetarian, vegan, gluten free etc. The calorie counts are wildly inaccurate but apart from that I can’t fault them.

    My only concern is living long enough to try the multitude of interesting recipes I’ve collected ๐Ÿ˜†

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    A newlywed couple moves into their new house. One day the husband comes home from work and his wife says, “Honey, you know, in the upstairs bathroom one of the pipes is leaking, could you fix it?” The husband says, “What do I look like, Mr. Plumber?” A few days go by, and he comes home from work and his wife says, “Honey, the car won’t start. I think it needs a new battery. Could you change it for me?” He says: “What do I look like, Mr. Goodwrench?” Another few days go by, and it’s raining pretty hard. The wife finds a leak in the roof. She says, “Honey, there’s a leak on the roof! Can you please fix it?” He says, “What do I look like, Bob Vila?” The next day the husband comes home, and the roof is fixed. So is the plumbing. So is the car. He asks his wife what happened. “Oh, I had a handyman come in and fix them,” she says. “Great! How much is that going to cost me?” he snarls. Wife says: “Nothing. He said he’d do it for free if I either baked him a cake or slept with him.” “Uh, well, what kind of cake did you make?” asks the husband. “What do I look like,” she says, “Betty Crocker?

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    It’s very windy here and it’s raining but there are also large patches of blue sky and bright sunshine. It is so mild no heating is required.
    There is a magpie sitting on a chimney stack and it is clinging on whilst being battered by the wind…..

    March in England, spring is on the way ๐Ÿ˜€

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Well we are enjoying the pleasures of Mad March on Adelaide, Amazon. Far too exhausted to post. Full on fun, including a meetup with a buddy from the Maintenance thread. We get so much more than a way of eating from this Forum. Enjoy your early spring weather. ๐Ÿ˜ŠP

    I love Adelaide ๐Ÿ˜€

    It has certainly drawn the crowds this year, Amazon. Everywhere we go the streets are full of partying people. Like Edinburgh in August, they hold multiple events concurrently.
    The food choices have been excellent. So much choice. Lots of vegetarian and vegan options. Plenty of freshly prepared dishes and easy access to wine. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰ The shows have been good too.
    We like the flat walking everywhere here. We are clocking up miles every day and dropping, exhausted, into bed at night. ๐Ÿ˜ŠP

    Evening All,
    Early night for me.
    Last night I performed in a Murder Mystery and tonight I went see Pirates of Penzance. Bit of a contrast! But both good fun.

    Quiet day tomorrow just bowls.

    Fasting Monday and Wednesday this week as pretty busy rest of week.

    I too love Adelaide, nice place and people. Botanical Gardens great too. Have a great time PVE. There are several fasters in that area, have a good meet up.

    We have had high winds here, a local petrol station lost its roof shutting down a huge shopping area. I had to stick to the perimeter of the park because I couldnโ€™t battle the wind by crossing open fields.

    Great joke RT. Very appropriate at home at the moment the jobs are piling up. Handyman might be just the ticket.

    Happy Days, peaceful nights, no more storms I hope.

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a breezy but sunny morning with a clear blue sky and is forecast to stay that way until sunset. Definitely a day for getting out into the fresh air and doing some serious walking.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Amazon I have been meaning to ask if your 800 cal a day program has been quite difficult to implement and adhere too what if any at this point would be the main issues?
    1) Hunger
    2) Satiated
    3) Boredom
    4) Just not satisfied
    5) Results
    The reason I ask is that clearly we all have our individual make ups and are hard wired differently.
    I do not respond well to moderation or mindfulness where others seem to do rather well whether calorie restricting always or IF time restricted eating. Whereas fasting is my weapon of choice and if i drop back only a day from 3 to 2 I gain weight if I continue with 3 I maintain. Should i need to lose weight i have to intensify my routine and use longer fasts to enforce the fat burners are fully engaged.The Journey continues.
    Keep on Keeping On
    Peace RT

    Hi from KI, SA, RT ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰
    I find I can only fast if I do a full, no food 24 hours. Any change to that and I’m ready for total collapse. I always get ravenously hungry, but, if busy, can make it to the end. I’m careful about eating on eat days, rarely having total pigout.
    Mr P, however, can take or leave food on a fast day. He just doesn’t get hungry, but then, seems to have much less self control to be mindful on other days.
    As you say, all different.
    Thoroughly enjoying the birdlife, the sea lions, dolphins and fur seals here. P

    Hi from the Mary Celeste,
    Not quite drowned.
    I have been on the road for a couple of weeks (around NZ).
    I can’t fast at present. Too much going on. Non-stop social life, much unplanned.
    Getting back to Europe in 3 weeks for a few months.
    Forgive my silence. I will be active as soon as I can.

    Morning/evening all,


    I’ve been having compliance issues ie overeating on NFDs, which is why I decided to try fast800. It is easy to do and I don’t feel hungry but daily restriction has it’s own issues.
    I lost a huge amount in the first week but since then I’ve only dropped a couple of pounds as I’ve not been able to stay in control every day.

    Hunger has rarely been an issue, my biggest enemies are boredom and self destructive behaviour due to personal issues (some of which aren’t my own but are affecting me), something I’ve been ignoring for quite some time.

    I’m now addressing the boredom with exercise, an hour long workout in the morning, followed by a long brisk walk. I started slowly last week and am gradually building up to doing both at least 5 times per week.

    I’m also working on addressing my own issues and not concerning myself over those out of my control (easier said than done as I’m sure you realise) which is a bit stressful and surprisingly tiring so I’m sleeping well.

    With the benefit of hindsight I think fast800 would be good for someone who hasn’t dieted/fasted before and many people are reporting huge losses over 8 weeks.
    It makes me wonder how much they were eating before to lose that much, and if that isn’t the reason it blows the 3700 calorie deficit to lose 1 pound theory out of the water!

    Have a good one everybody

    Morning All,
    I donโ€™t think we should need to apologise for not posting.
    We have busy lives and drop in when we have time, it should not be like a job. It doesn’t mean we are less caring about our friends on the thread. Sometimes we need to focus on friends and family, sometimes they need us too.

    I find that posting helps me โ€˜keep on trackโ€™ with weight control.
    If I am not posting I am often not weighing, it can mean I am usually not Fasting very much either, I have bouts of burying my head in the sand for a while, my will power just vanishes. I do try to keep in touch before I do too much damage.

    We have been in this battleground together for a long time and not all of us have won the fight. I am definitely on the losing side at the moment but keep trying to โ€˜get in the zoneโ€™.

    I only succeed in weight loss when I put it top of my priority list and that is not often in the last year. My commitments have been to other things to distract me from the sheer hard work and control that is โ€˜dieting and fastingโ€™. Eating has always been a comfort and changing that mindset is the hardest thing of all.

    I know I am happier when slimmer so why canโ€™t I concentrate on this important aspect of my life? Lazyiness, boredom, loneliness, depression, pain are all inhibitors to successful weight management. Some friends and relatives can help whilst others are negative impacts on your attempts to control your eating. Supportive partners are a really important factor which is why many of us turn to this thread when we need help.

    Letโ€™s help each other go forward not criticise each other for our failures, we know our failures already. We are human not saints. Positive posts are helpful as are new ideas and recipes. Reading about success inspires others, sorry I donโ€™t have any to report today, maybe next week?

    RT – I find it harder to lose weight and impossible to maintain a status quo, I either lose or gain, so I have not really found โ€˜nirvanaโ€™ yet. We can only keep trying but we need your Friday funnies to keep us smiling, we need Amozonโ€™s recipes to keep us trying new food choices, we need Happy, Wee, Barata and Purpleโ€™s input because they have got to goal and maintained, they provide hope to the rest of us.

    Wiwi-donโ€™t forget to let me know if you are passing through, happy to supply a salad and a bed. You might even meet my new grand daughter. Poor thing has dermatitis at the moment so she is a bit fed up. Covered from head to toe in a rash. No more swimming for her for 6 months but lots of baby massage so itโ€™s not all bad.

    Tried a new Bridge Club last night, lots of new friends to make, keep smiling and having fun.

    Hi Wiwi,

    Good to hear from you, and glad you’re having fun.
    We only have one life and we should make the most of it ๐Ÿ˜€

    I’m recently home from a very nice if tough walk around Osterley Park. I had to battle the wind all the way but it was worth the effort and when the sun came out it was lovely. It’s somewhere I used to go every week but I’ve not been more than once or twice in the past 10 years and I had forgotten how much I used to enjoy it.
    I really enjoyed it and am going to ensure it stays on my list of regular walking routes.

    I wanted to go into the house but my shoes were too muddy after my walk so I need to do it first next time I visit. I’ve not been inside for about 20 years and can’t remember anything about it although I’m sure I’ll recognise a few things once I get inside the door!

    Hi P glad your soaking up some of our natural attractions and the festivals and culture..Says he who has never been to the fringe festival or Kangaroo Island ๐Ÿ˜ฏ
    Of course i must also add YET ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Blue skies lovely sunshine and high 20’s today LG Lifes Good.
    Keep on Keeping On Folks

    Well it’s taken me a long time…And you’re only a spring chicken ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

    Morning/evening all,

    I’ve been to Kangaroo Island but it was only a day trip. I’d love to go back and spend a bit more time there.

    I’ve always visited Australia in January but now both sets of friends children are adults I want to go at a different time of year so maybe I’ll be able to investigate Adelaide during a festival.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Morning All,
    I really enjoyed my visits to Australia and NZ. I have probably seen more of them than I have th UK. I am saving local travel for my old age when long distant flights are no longer a preferred choice. It is good to get to warmer climes during winter though. Kangaroo Island was magic and Adelaide so lovely especially when the Jacarada trees are in blossom.

    Dull, grey, windy and wet here which is a bit depressing. A recent storm took the roof off our local Tesco Superstore. The whole shopping area had to be closed for days.
    That will make a dent in Tesco profits. Lots of claims for loss of earnings from other shops.

    I have decided to get back to daily weighing to keep focussed. Must make a real effort before I visit Scotland in August.

    Keep Fasting everyone.

    Are you all still taking a Kefir? I still swear by it, seems to keep bugs at bay.

    Mad March! An excellent time, if you have accommodation and KI is such a peaceful place. Just finishing off our bbq’d prawns and slaw as the sun sets over the beach. Seals, sting rays, goannas and dolphins today. Penguins tomorrow evening. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    It’s been a perfect sunny day. 22.5 deg.

    We crossed over, Jo. You know we are big fans of daily weighing…even if we don’t like what they say!
    Re kefir…I still make it daily and buy it while travelling. Mr P swears by it daily. P

    Yes I was weighing weekly but I have not been winning this year so I need to take charge and set a daily goal.

    Good to know Kefir still doing its job. I keep recommending it to friends but most are too lazy to do it. Others just do not like the taste. Preventative medicine is the best way forward. I am enjoying a period of pain free nights which means no tablets, itโ€™s wonderful. Hopefully long may it continue.

    I am doing the night shift on a Saturday as the new mother is having a night at a health spar for her birthday. Wonder if I will get any sleep at all. She is usually in their bed most of the time, the modern way for the first 6 months, strictly outlawed in my day for fear of baby falling out of the bed or getting squashed. Probably great for bonding but not so good for sanity of parents who need to work the next day.

    Be happy, be healthy.

    Gosh, Jo. All my friends and I, breastfeeders, took the baby to bed. Complete madness not to! Why would you sit up, wide awake, to feed a baby? Our 2nd, of 4, slept in our bed until he was 3. The others for about a year. Babies need their mother, close by, all the time. They are going for SUCH a short time. P

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    A husband and wife were golfing when suddenly the wife asked, “Honey, if I died would you get married again?” The husband said, “No sweetie.” The woman said, “I’m sure you would.” So the man said, “Okay, I would” Then the woman asked, “Would you let her sleep in our bed?” And the man replied, “Ya, I guess so.” Then the wife asked, “Would you let her use my golf clubs?” And the husband replied, “No, she’s left handed.”
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT


    That is outrageous ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    I’m left handed and whenever I’ve played golf I turned the clubs over and hit upside down. That’s probably why I was only good at putting ๐Ÿ˜†

    I used to play hockey like that too…โ€ฆ.

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Morning RT!!

    What an horrendous act of hatred has been carried out in our lovely city of Christchurch today. So many new New Zealanders have been mowed down as they were going about their Friday worships, in a city where there has been so much suffering over the last decade. There is no place in our country for such acts. Heart is bleeding.

    No place for it anywhere in the world. Appalling.

    No place indeed, P. Compassion and love, not hate.

    40 dead- just so sad. Just listening to the PM. I really like her approach.

    40 dead- just so sad. Just listening to the PM. I really like her approach.

    The news is getting worse and worse. What drives such people to slaughter others?

    Shocking news to wake up to. It really brings it home that nowhere is safe from random attacks of terror.

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