Just started!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  msxjsds 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    Im a fast diet newbie…..just got underway today!

    In my desperation to get started, I had breakfast and THEN downloaded the book, hence had a few more calories than I probably should have had at breakfast!
    Throughout the day I didn’t feel too bad at all, but am desperately hungry now! Hoping a cup of tea will help, and hoping more than anything I can stick to this! Looking for some words of support I think?!?

    Hi daintydog,

    I am also a newbie, I started yesterday. Like you I had breakfast and then downloaded the book and spent most of the day reading it. I found my first fast day better than I expected. I find having a glass of water helps if I’m feeling hungry. Good luck! Stay positive and I’m sure you’ll achieve your goal.

    Hi daintydog, drink lots of water/black tea/green-herbal tea/black coffee etc and keep busy – best advice I can give you.

    If you think you have nothing to do – go for a walk, clean the house, put on some washing etc. Try and keep your mind OFF food and your feelings of hunger. They will soon pass – don’t worry.

    Best of luck!!

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