June 2019 challenge

This topic contains 747 replies, has 47 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 5 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 749 total)

  • Day 3 NSW Australia NFD
    6.45pm Monday

    Hi everyone, just checking in.
    Hope you’re feeling better today @michelinme.
    Thoughts are with those who have recently suffered the loss of their furry friends – it’s so hard.

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now xx

    Day 3, London, UK, CD

    I’m aiming to be controlled today since yesterday involved wine ……………………… perhaps I was too ashamed to post, or too sloshed????? Talk about falling at the 1st hurdle!!!

    Anyway, I’m back in the saddle and emptying the freezer of fruit and soups this week, so smoothies & soups it is!!

    @daffodil2010, I’m with you on the 30DS, it’s the hardest wagon to get back on, I just don’t know why I stop since I know the pain & suffering Day 1, level 1 will bring!!! I’m no expert, but I do aim to spread the 30DS pain ……………….. I mean love of course, honestly!!!

    Keep the faith folks, it’s never a bad as you think it’ll be!!!!

    Day 3 – UK – FD
    Day 2 – NFD

    Good morning all – funny start to my birthday – OH and I woke up early and drove to our usual Broga Class only to find it was not on – we got the dates of our teacher’s holidays wrong 🤣

    At least it’s dry and the sun is trying really hard to shine through the clouds after 3 days of rain……….

    Managed a very good CD on Saturday but went a bit over TDEE on Sunday celebrating my birthday at home a bit early with some 🍾🥂and today I’m sticking to my regular FD (not what I usually do on my birthday!!!!) but having a birthday lunch with DD tomorrow and then going out on Friday to celebrate properly with the family

    We have 36 active members signed in to this June 2019 challenge so far – how wonderful is that? Hope that some of our “old timers” that we are missing will join us soon 😘

    @dingping – You are not alone as there are a few of us pressing that RESET button in June!!!!!! I don’t think you did anything bad to the spreadsheet as it seems to be working OK – Please feel free to have another go at writing your information in but if you need any help with inputting any data – let me know – happy to help xx
    @missybear – Great to have you with us too for a determined RESET
    @fartogo – welcome – I have added you to the spreadsheet in case you want to use it – here’s the link
    @redrockgirl302 – you are in good company for a reset 😉 So sorry to hear about your 🐶 what a lovely husband and it was good that you had some quality time to say goodbye 🤗
    @keitii – thank you – that motto has stood me in good stead when I have strayed……..I see Penz explained about the pocket list and never need to apologise for a long post – lovely to read them x
    @rabbette – sorry to hear about your poorly 🐱 hope she recovers soon x
    @wtharvey – great to have you back with us – I have added you to the spreadsheet in case you want to use it x
    @arelkade – thought we had lost you – lovely to have you with us and I have added you to the spreadsheet too xx
    @ciren2 – I had lots of issues getting onto the forum over the weekend too – sorry to hear that you have done some damage to your hamstrings again – hope it does not cause too much pain 🤗
    @funshipfreddie – I took early retirement 5.5 years ago and loving this new life – feels like I’m on a permanent holiday 😁 Great to hear that you the same applies to you x
    @daffodil2010 – I’m joining you on a FD today
    @georgia83 – I do the same with grocery shopping!!
    @johnnyr – Good luck with the 3 day water fast – have you done one of these before??
    @jaifaim – lovely to see your post and have you on board for June – thank you for the great job you did in May xx
    @debster251 – lovely to have you back with us and your name is on the spreadsheet ready for you to add those ✔️
    @laurello – welcome on board – never too late to join – I have added you to the spreadsheet if you want to use it
    @annemarilyn – it’s a lovely thing you are doing – providing great help/support 🤗
    @songbirdme – no regrets over what sounded a lovely time
    @chocollette – good luck with your 4:3 way of eating
    @gretta – so sorry to hear about your grandma’s ill health – hope it’s nothing too bad 🤗 Thank you – I’m back into this WOL and especially this forum for it’s great support xx
    @snowflake56 – Thank you for the birthday wishes xx
    @prina39 – it certainly helps to plan your food on FDs – we are here for you on your journey – You can do this x
    @borealis – great to have you back with us – You know what to do and you can do it too – stick with us on these challenges for support and motivation x
    @ktcaroline – press that RESET button with us on today’s FD
    @missybear – Thank you for pulling together a Pocket List for today 🤗

    So lovely to see so many old friends back but missing @coda (Have left you on the spreadsheet highlighted in pink as the founder of these monthly challenges) and @bert1802 @jaifaim and many others – hope you are all doing well – do pop in to say hello if you are lurking in the background xx
    Welcome to all those new to this WOL and/or the forum – great to have you with us 🤗

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up ends up being the biggest step of your life”

    Day 3 Herefordshire U.K. NFD

    @michelinme – hope you feel brighter soon and that this is just a blip. Yes it was me who wrote ‘stop faffing’ – no stalker! And it’s true I must stop playing at this WOL. So I was so pleased with myself on Saturday as yes @snowflake56 I did manage my first WFD and followed that into Sunday not eating until early evening. I think it’s the way to go for me on fast days. However I went from saint to sinner within two hours yesterday! My downfall was a bag of sweets bought by OH as we went into the cinema. I’d tried to persuade him to have an ice cream as I felt strong enough to say no to one but he said he wanted sugary sweets so the bag was bought and the rest is history! Feeling very silly today but hopefully lesson learnt. If I wasn’t frightened of mucking up the spread sheet by my clumsy use of it I’d be joining you in ticking my sugar free days. I’ve used it before (inconsistently) without a problem, maybe I’ll have another go on the computer instead of using my chubby fingers on my phone!

    @snowflake56 – I feel your dilemma re your friend wanting to feed you, when haven’t we all faced that situation. I don’t have the answer there are times when I feel stronger to say no politely but other times when it does seem too rude to not accept. Does your friend know of your fasting life? Social rules about food are so complex, many moons ago I’m sure the offer of a cup of tea and cake was much appreciated after a hard and arduous journey however most often today this is not the case. Of course in these times of increasing obesity and diversity in how and what we eat we should respect the individual taking control of their life and heath. How we get to that point as individuals and socially is going to take a awhile to catch up.

    Time to go as the morning is disappearing but just a quick welcome to all the newcomers, it’s interesting reading your stories that have led you here, sadly familiar to many of us, wishing you great success in achieving health and happiness. As for me I’m a reaching the top end of fifty, fat most of my life and found this WOL a year ago but haven’t yet got into a consistent groove, I’m a slow learner but each new lesson puts me on the right path on my slow and winding journey.

    Good luck all the Monday fasters and @at wishing you happy birthday and thanks for the offer of help on the spreadsheet.

    Ta all for being here.

    Day 3 – Manchester, England – NFD

    Hi everyone. I am checking in for this month’s challenge. The past month or so have been very tough for me personally with a range of issues going on, but I want to still be here and part of this forum. I will try to check in when I can and I will be looking at all of your wonderful posts for inspiration. Good luck to everyone for this month. 🙂

    Day 3, UK, NFD

    Quick update as busy at work.

    Weight not budging for the last 2 weeks but hoping to see a magical 65 on the scales on friday.
    Overnight oats and banana for breakfast and big salad for lunch with lemon juice (instead of caloric dressing), soup for dinner (unless OH wants to go out for a meal tonight..).

    Have a good start of the week everyone!!

    2nd post

    @dingping my friend knows I’m trying to lose weight, she doesn’t think I need to. Now I have to eat less sugar, she goes into the kitchen and comes out with already cut fruit for me to eat. Her attitude keeps me awake at night, I’ll have to talk to her, if it goes on like this, I don’t want to go there anymore. It’s their wedding day tomorrow and they invited us for dinner, to refuse to come was not an option. We had to negociate on what to eat (no large dinner, no cake, no cheese board), we agreed on ONLY unpeeled North Sea shrimps and peel them ourselves. It’s the only thing I plan to eat but I already know there will be more food on the table.

    Day 3 UK FD

    Feeling pretty similar today so giving FD a go and see how I feel. Spent the morning dozing in bed, now for gentle day with lots of liquid, OMAD healthy supper, epsom salt bath and early night. opefully giving my body a good chance to tackle any invaders…who knows?

    Going to try some gentle stretches, chores and a pile of project emails before settling down to read in the garden or snooze on the sofa. Quiet Mondays at home are always trickier FDs…

    @at happy birthday! Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your week of celebrations
    @borealis welcome back, always good to hear from you x
    @snowflake @annemarilyn TL:DR = Too Long: Don’t Read! General internet shorthand to give a tiny summary so people can skip over or dive in 🙂
    @snowflake hope you enjoy the icecream. i’ve got into the habit of freezing v ripe bananas for all sorts of things. For this i slightly defrosted at room temperature about 30 mins ahead. Then whizzed up with berries, cacao – whatever flavours you want. (I addded a little almond milk to make it easier to whizz with hand blender and vanilla for flavour.) Topped with a few berries & a slightly less heatlhy peanut & chocolate sauce – tbsp peanut butter, tsp coconut oil, tbsp cacao & pinch of salt all melted together in the microwave… yummy. Isn’t experimenting wonderful 🙂
    @dingping sugared sweets are hard to resist when they’re right there next to you, crunching away – and addictive! Maybe slip an alternative cinema snack in your bag next time? Preparation is always key for me, knowing what I will say/do in the situation makes me less likely to succumb

    Best wishes to all Monday fasters – we’ve got this!

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    Yes, @debster251……injured again, I’m afraid. Honestly, I didn’t do anything rash, just stepped down off a small box. I suppose my already inflamed tendon wasn’t ready to slide at that moment and rasped instead. OUCH! Trying to be careful and make no sudden moves, especially at work.
    @borealis: Same as you, I lost the weight on 5:2…..but then…..went and regained it! There’s no short-cut, unfortunately. I just like eating too much!

    2nd post

    @snowflake56 – I can feel how stressful this is for you, it’s a difficult and delicate situation. Hopefully your negotiations over dinner will be respected and your friends will be so wrapped up in enjoying their day that what you’re eating or not won’t even cross their minds. Have you tried telling your friend that your OH with his medical background is supportive of what you do, surely she would trust and respect his opinion that you aren’t doing anything harmful? Take care x

    @michelinme – it’s a good plan being prepared and taking a healthy treat into the cinema. This time I was full from having just eaten and wasn’t intending to eat anymore. It was an impulse buy by my OH and I did the fatal thing of taking one when it was offered, of course the sugar dragon roared! I shall have to learn to abstain as there is no self control otherwise!

    Day 3, VA, USA, FD

    First thank you ALL for the well wishes to my kitty. We were able to get her to the Vet right away and while it actually took a while for her to eat again. She finally begged for food last night. They are not sure what caused her GI distress, blood work panel came back looking good and no parasites (so food or a random bug she ate – possibility) She is slowly getting back to her old self.

    My Kitties are a big part of my life, they do tricks daily before they get their food (they each know about 8-10 tricks) and I know when they are stressed or not feeling good because it is harder for them to do their tricks even the easy tricks, seem impossible.

    As for me I did a bit more snacking while I was stressed (and really I never noticed that about myself until now!) I’m a stress snacker, dang it.

    @keitii – WE are the same height! I’m 42, but I’ll say (anyone who has said to me its easier to lose weight when you are younger is full of crap!) I find it difficult no matter when I’ve tried! This is the first time I have felt confident that I may very well get to my target! Well now I’ve got the same amount to lose since when you started! 117lbs or 53kg I’m coming to get ya! (I also usually do long post, don’t fret its nice to have another novel writer)

    @penz – oh my gosh, my SO makes an awesome homemade instant pot Mac n’Cheese and while its not exactly the most diet friendly, I make it work, I also make them add veggies, either broccoli, or peas or cauliflower. I think the OMAD option is a good one with such an awesome dish to enjoy.

    @ciren2 – Eeeeep Hamstrings! I find the use of topical anti-inflammatory stuff helpful on injuries of muscles that you still need to use. In the states we have – (like icyhot, tiger balm, lidocaine). Which ever one works for you. lidocaine does not work on my body, but icyhot and tiger balm do (meaning don’t give up if one of them has not worked for you in the past, try a different kind.) Those are the 3 kinds I know of right off hand. Kinds meaning lidocaine based, camphor/menthol based, or capsicum based.

    @snowflake56 – ya know with folks who are determined to feed me, I’ve used this excuse. “Thank you, I appreciate your hospitality, but my stomach does not feel like it could handle food right now.” (Which is totally a true statement b/c I am fasting!) read the fresh cut fruit comment. *simply just state what I said up there and don’t eat it. She will either have to eat it all herself or toss it out, it is NOT your fault. – I hate to say, this sounds like a sneaky friend trying to sabotage your WOL. I think a REAL heart to heart chat may be what is needed. AND during this chat it should be made known that while you appreciate the food offerings, that they are not necessarily and that they are making you feel uncomfortable. If your friend doesn’t get it, then less visits will be what is needed. Good luck.

    @georgia83 – Yes sparkling water is the same as seltzer! Thanks for the reminder about Ginger forgot about that one!

    @rafiki44 – I too had no idea what my weight should be, I was actually floored when I read it should be between 115 -120! I don’t think I’ve been that size since 7th grade! Oy!

    @michelinme – thank you for the reminder about creating resistant starch!

    @at – wow what an epic quote! “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up ends up being the biggest step of your life”

    Day 3 Pocket List:


    Day 3 UK FD

    So… day 1 of my 3 day water fast. Starting weight 85.1Kg.

    I’ve never tried before @at. But I have my Himalayan pink salt on hand thanks to the tip from @annemarilyn 🙂 .

    I did an 800kcal day on Sunday (Day 2) with a 3 mile run as a warm up. I had my last intake of cals at 10pm last night as my dear wife wanted to end the weekend with a nip of alcohol! Not the best. But I stuck to a nice Irish Whiskey and had enough calories left to accommodate it (just). It didn’t feel so bad given that I’d run and I was embarking on 3 days of zero cal.

    Now then. So far so good but I think it’s because I have done 24 hours recently so my brain and body are used to fasting this long. My plan is to do a longish run (6-8 miles) at a steady- slow pace tonight with some Himalayan & Chilli salt water to hand. It’s a new recipe I’ve dreamed-up within the last minute to make sure I don’t run out of steam. 🙂 I’ll let you all know how that goes tomorrow. 😮 If successful I might Patent it!

    The hardest part so far is watching others eat or prepare food. All the books say get rid of the crap in your cupboards. I would be murdered by a gang of offspring (two bigger than me now) all demanding sugary snacks. The dog might even join in. So on balance stress testing my will power is preferable. No point losing weight if you can no longer walk. Although feeding through a straw for a few weeks might be beneficial :).

    Good luck all…

    Day 3, VA, USA, FD

    First thank you ALL for the well wishes to my kitty. We were able to get her to the Vet right away and while it actually took a while for her to eat again. She finally begged for food last night. They are not sure what caused her GI distress, blood work panel came back looking good and no parasites (so food or a random bug she ate – possibility) She is slowly getting back to her old self.

    My Kitties are a big part of my life, they do tricks daily before they get their food (they each know about 8-10 tricks) and I know when they are stressed or not feeling good because it is harder for them to do their tricks even the easy tricks, seem impossible.

    As for me I did a bit more snacking while I was stressed (and really I never noticed that about myself until now!) I’m a stress snacker, dang it.

    @keitii – WE are the same height! I’m 42, but I’ll say (anyone who has said to me its easier to lose weight when you are younger is full of crap!) I find it difficult no matter when I’ve tried! This is the first time I have felt confident that I may very well get to my target! Well now I’ve got the same amount to lose since when you started! 117lbs or 53kg I’m coming to get ya! (I also usually do long post, don’t fret its nice to have another novel writer)

    @penz – oh my gosh, my SO makes an awesome homemade instant pot Mac n’Cheese and while its not exactly the most diet friendly, I make it work, I also make them add veggies, either broccoli, or peas or cauliflower. I think the OMAD option is a good one with such an awesome dish to enjoy.

    @ciren2 – Eeeeep Hamstrings! I find the use of topical anti-inflammatory stuff helpful on injuries of muscles that you still need to use. In the states we have – (like icyhot, tiger balm, lidocaine). Which ever one works for you. lidocaine does not work on my body, but icyhot and tiger balm do (meaning don’t give up if one of them has not worked for you in the past, try a different kind.) Those are the 3 kinds I know of right off hand. Kinds meaning lidocaine based, camphor/menthol based, or capsicum based.

    @snowflake56 – ya know with folks who are determined to feed me, I’ve used this excuse. “Thank you, I appreciate your hospitality, but my stomach does not feel like it could handle food right now.” (Which is totally a true statement b/c I am fasting!) read the fresh cut fruit comment. *simply just state what I said up there and don’t eat it. She will either have to eat it all herself or toss it out, it is NOT your fault. – I hate to say, this sounds like a sneaky friend trying to sabotage your WOL. I think a REAL heart to heart chat may be what is needed. AND during this chat it should be made known that while you appreciate the food offerings, that they are not necessary and that they are making you feel uncomfortable. *if she needs something to offer you **my mom always did** then tell her a glass of water with a fresh slice of lime or cucumber would be awesome. If your friend doesn’t get it, then less visits will be what is needed. Good luck.

    @georgia83 – Yes sparkling water is the same as seltzer! Thanks for the reminder about Ginger forgot about that one!

    @rafiki44 – I too had no idea what my weight should be, I was actually floored when I read it should be between 115 -120! I don’t think I’ve been that size since 7th grade! Oy!

    @michelinme – thank you for the reminder about creating resistant starch!

    @at – wow what an epic quote! “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up ends up being the biggest step of your life”

    Day 3 Pocket List:


    USA Day 3 FD

    Just checking in! 🙂

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    Have a great day!

    Day 3, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 800

    Thank you very much for your kind words @debster251, @jaifaim, @ciren2, @matpi, @songbirdme, @at,@arelkade. I miss my dog so much. 🐕🐾❤😢. Thank you @matpi for the lovely ‘pet loss poem’. I cried when I read it but also made me feel a bit better. 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
    @rabbette: Glad your kitty 🐈 is feeling bettera
    @at: Happy Birthday! 🎶🎈🎁🍾💐

    My Sunday was more a FD 800 than a CD. Also avoided sugar. Was very difficult to do. Unfortunately, the sugar dragon has me in his claws. But I resisted and it was a good day. Hiked about 10 miles as well.

    Have a good Monday everyone! I really appreciate being part of this wonderful international family of lovely and kind people! 😊⚘😊⚘😊⚘😊⚘😊

    @rabbette: Thanks for the info on painkillers/anti-inflamatories. Over here, we have Volterol over the counter (that is, we can buy it without a prescription) which is an anti-inflamatory gel. I use it at night, as it’s a bit sticky with clothes on during the day.
    I quite depend on acupuncture as well for this sort of thing. Luckily I have a session already booked for next week. He can’t fit me in earlier, unfortunately.
    I hobble on…
    @at: HARRY BIRTHDAY to yoooo..xx

    Day 3_ Atlanta, Ga- USA- FD:

    The day has started off great! I’m a camp director for our school’s summer program. I’m always nervous the first day, but things went as planned. Looking forward to a great week.

    2nd post

    Checking in as this has turned into a very long, slow Bank Holiday Monday at home and the hours are dragging. I have a dragon telling me to relax, it’s bank holiday Monday, get some snacks and chill.

    I am ignoring that dragon. Only a few hours before I can get to bed and hopefully escape. I am going to have my tuna and spinach salad for evening meal soon, get stuff prepared for tomorrow’s b2b then shut that kitchen door.

    Though @johnnyr another dragon has awoken with your mention of a nice Irish Whiskey as a night cap. 😀

    Day 3 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    What a great group of fasters today – all different sorts of fasts but we’re cheering each other on.

    @Prina30 – welcome to this great group! When did you give birth to your last child? Good for you for taking charge of your body…

    @borealis – welcome back 🙂 and also @aglowworm!

    @at – Happy happy Birthday!

    @dingping and @snowflake regarding our “social” part of eating… We each are determining what is healthy for ourselves and then navigating the social piece. A couple of things come to mind. One, is Dr. Jason Fung saying that we should work fasting around our social life and not the reverse – especially if we want to make this sustainable – a WOL. The challenge I think is when it is someone that you spend a fair bit of time with, you can’t always say yes to whatever she wants – then you’d never be fasting. It sounds like your friend may be a “boundary buster” type of person. (A book that helps me address this is Boundaries by Drs Cloud and Townsend). As Rabbette mentioned, a heart to heart is in order to set a boundary with your friend. A boundary lets your friend know what you will do given certain things. For example, “if you insist on pressing…on me I won’t be indulging.” Or as you’ve already mentioned, perhaps “I’ll be glad to spend time with as long as you respect my health wishes. If that’s a problem for you, I won’t be visiting until…” I know I need to work on these types of things with some people. I have a friend, that I restrict how much time I spend with. Once in a while I spend a little longer, depending on how she behaves. There needs to be mutual respect in a healthy relationship.
    @Rabette – yes, those weight charts are crazy for some of our body types. That’s why I’ve determined to go for a waist/height ratios or .5, as my goal, rather than a specific weight.

    Need to get ready for a pedi appointment – part of self-care in the summer 🙂

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    Day 3 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Just home from giving blood (my every-8-week-pint) so cannot fast today. The scale wasn’t too bad this morning. ONly up 2 pounds after my very indulgent weekend. Will fast tomorrow. Maintenance for me is 6:1, plus it will be a travel day, so pretty easy to fast.

    Hope to catch up with posts later on.

    Day 3 second post

    Coming back in for accountability after good FD. 2.5l fizzy water, OMAD early supper of vegan mince along with huge pile of cauliflower, baby brocoli and sugarsnap peas. Pudding was the last of yesterday’s banana/berry icecream with a tsp peanut butter – yum!

    Skipped all project work to focus on resetting brain and body. Heading for bath and v early night to make early start tomorrow.

    Fabulous Pocket List today! NB lookout for the latest version to add yourself – sometimes we’re hanging on by our teeth and seeing ourselves in good company is vital!

    Pocket List Day 3
    Day 3 Pocket List:

    Day 3- FD – London

    Thanks @annemarilyn – my boy is 8 weeks! He’s a real cutie!

    Had a good FD today with 550 cals eaten. Tripped up with the chocolate disgestive!

    Managed to eat:
    1 egg
    4 mushrooms
    Half cup Raspberries
    5 Strawberries
    1 tsp pure cocoa powder
    Dusted (read lightly breaded) Cod fillet
    Broccoli / carrot / green / sweetcorn medley
    Green salad
    6 Cherry tomatoes
    Homemade total yoghurt sauce with dill and parsley
    1 plain choc disgestive 😩

    Does anyone have any tips on what is the most filling food and least calories? (No meat but yes to fish and seafood please)

    I’m not feeling hungry but my body is like “what the hell where are the potatoes bread and rice…and cornetto ice cream”

    USA DAY 3 FD

    FD today came in at 671 calories, mostly from veggies and protein, plus a few blackberries. No exercise, though, as I was too tired.

    I seemed to have put myself on two pocket lists and got a little confused. Also, even though I am signed in, I was receiving the posts. Very strange! Anyway, see you all tomorrow!

    USA Day 3 FD

    Oops! I meant to say I wasn’t receiving the posts!

    Day 4 – Brisbane – FD

    Quick check in today. All is going well thanks to this forum’s support and my walking buddy. Lost 0.3kg yesterday and very happy to see my tracker graph moving in the right direction.

    @at – belated happy birthday wishes to you. It sounds as though you had a great day.

    @flourbaby @daffodil2010 – thanks for the tip about 30DS. I am going to try this out starting today!

    @rabbette – same height! same goal! Yay! Let’s do this!

    I love those little cooking videos on social media and this is one of my favourites! Cauliflower Breakfast Muffins. This is a Facebook link to the video. If you don’t use FB but would like the recipe, let me know and I will post it.


    Another great motivator for my walking buddy and me this year has been the Qantas Wellbeing app. For the Aussies amongst us @arelkade @betsylee @gretta @penz (have I missed anyone?), if you are a QF Frequent Flyer member, you can earn points for the steps you walk each day. If we’re walking anyway, why not earn some points along the way.


    The Australian Heart Foundation also has a walking app and there is a daily leaderboard and weekly leaderboard for the most steps walked. In April they ran a campaign with prizes to be won for anyone who completed 250,000 steps in the month. I’m sure anyone could join the app but perhaps there are others out there in your local area as well.


    Have a great Day 4 everyone!

    Day 4 Pocket List:


    Day 3 third post

    Holding on thru bedtime munchies, determined to drink more water and avoid snacks!

    Also picking up the Pocket List confusion 🙂 We’re in different time zones so will be starting at opposite ends. Friends down under get to start us off, and we roll in to join you before bedtime… Have a good FD!

    Day 4 Pocket List

    And here’s the Day 3 Pocket List …

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    @michelinme thanks…that clarifies the pocket list for me a little. So we add ourselves? I think I have it now.

    Day 3 – Ireland – NFD
    Happy birthday @at I hope you had a lovely day…
    I’ve had a busy bank holiday day and I’m ready to reset from tomorrow!
    See you all then…

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 4 – New Zealand – FD
    Have been away for the long weekend (Queens Birthday weekend here in NZ), so this is my first post for the new challenge. Thanks Penz for taking up the challenge of leading us. Didn’t make my goal last month, but still lost some weight so happy enough. Report card for the month would definitely read “Could try harder”, but a loss is a loss and I’m ok with that.

    Day 4, Aus, FD

    FD!! Yay!! First in what is absolutely ages.

    Ah I remember the 30 day shred discussions now, Daffodil2010. I should do the same! Enough dragon talk!

    @flourbaby – not that it’s any consolation but I also hit the turps last night. Feeling it today but managed to ignore cravings for an egg and bacon roll.

    Hello @aglowworm – welcome! Hoping this month is kinder to you.

    Phew @Rabette. So relieved for you and your kitty.

    Good luck with your helping/meddlesome friend @snowflake56 – lots of other good advice on the forum so I’m just sending you supporting vibes.

    Day 4 pocket list:

    Thinking of those still on day 3

    Day 3 Ohio, US — MFD

    Thanks, everyone, for your kind wishes. Your support really helps! The MFD is going well, but I had some deep tissue work done on my legs and am now feeling really wiped out. Maybe it’s not such a good idea to combine both things on the same day.

    Yesterday started back with doing my yoga routine and continued today, although with the way I feel now, not sure if I’ll be recovered enough to do it in the morning.

    @keitii Those breakfast muffins look interesting. The grocery stores around here have started carrying riced cauliflower, so that could make the recipe even easier.

    @aglowworm Hope those issues get sorted out quickly! Teresa of Avila has a line in one of her poems, “Patient endurance attains to all things.” It not be a quick fix, but patient endurance will see you through!

    Day 3 California FD

    Didn’t add myself to the pocket list because I’m kind of late to the party but I was there in spirit!

    Happy birthday @at 🎈

    Day 3 – USA – NFD

    Hello, all newbies and lovely oldies! Still lurking in the shadows, on the spreadsheet, reading posts, but rarely posting. I joined this forum in February 2017 and started out at 191.6 lbs. I am now maintaining at 135-140 on a low carb, moderate protein and healthy fat regimen. I exercise a few times a week, but have a physically demanding job, which keeps me moving. I’m a senior out of retirement, getting a new feather in my cap being trained in a new profession, but keeping my home-based business going as well. I rely on the wonderful comraderie of the people on this forum for encouragement in all things 5:2 as well as other aspects of life in general. Wishing you all the best in June to meet your goals!

    Day 3 – USA – NFD

    Second post: I updated the spreadsheet for June, but I think it was an earlier one. Can someone add me to the new version? Thanks!

    Day 4 – Japan – NFD

    My water fast was easy. I eat before working out today, trying to figure out how to do better. I’m not to happy with my progress right now.

    What an awesome Day 3 pocket list! Hang in there it is almost done!

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    Day 4: Gloucestershire, UK, NFD:

    Cloudy start to the day….I hope it doesn’t rain…posties’ worst nightmare! Especially on a busy day…..which Tuesdays are not, normally.
    @dykask: our resident expert for water fasts….well done, again! Sounds pretty good to me.
    @metatauta: Good to see you’re still around.

    Must fly….time for work already. I’ll try to look after my injured hamstrings!

    Day 4, Emden Germany, NFD

    @dingping, @rabbette, @annemarilyn and @penz thank you so much for your advice, it’s much appreciated. I told her last time we were there I like their company but don’t want to be forced to eat. My DH also explained to her it’s better for our health to eat a normal amount of food. I don’t think she understands/wants to understand. I’m just not good at setting bounderies with others but it seems I don’t have a choice now, it’s not a situation I want to be in. We’ll see how it goes this afternoon. x

    @dingping gosh, a water fast! What a pity you derailed with the sweets, it’s hard to resist when they are around.

    @michelinme I never thought of freezing bananas, on the next hot day we’ll make the ice cream, I’ll report.

    @borealis I’m in the same boat, gained 10 kg, total lack of willpower on my side.

    @metatauta welcome, I added your name to the spreadsheet, here’s the link to add further details if you want:


    @rabbette I’m glad your kitty is fine again. Tricks for cats???

    @johnnyr wow, 3 WF in a row, I can’t even do one.

    @keitii 250.000 steps in one month is huge, I’m glad if I get 5.000 done per day.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    First FD of June out of the way! No change on the scales this morning, although I was pleasantly surprised that I hadn’t actually gained anything. I think I’ll have to do 4:3, at least for the first couple of weeks if I’m going to shift the last two kilos.

    One similarity I’ve noticed between fasting and exercise, for me anyway – it’s not so bad if you do it regularly; but skip a few days and it’s a struggle to get back on track.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 4 – Ireland – FD
    Hi all, hope you are all doing ok…
    Running late for work so quick post here…
    Hoping for a good FD today! Well done to the long list of fasters yesterday!! 👏👏👏
    Day 4 pocket list:

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 4 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
    2nd B2B

    Made it through the FD, although one slice of hot buttered toast did and in my gob at supper time….but now there is NO MORE bread….plus, amazingly, 3lbs dispatched over night!

    Now, that’s 3lbs that popped on over the weekend so it’s the “easy come, easy go” sort, and I need to get cracking on dispatching the stubborn 10lbs that seem glued to me. But on we go. More mojo so far this month than the previous two.

    @ciren2 it’s lashing rain here, I hope it doesn’t cross the Irish Sea while you are on your round 😨

    @keitti, @flourbaby, @penz so today will be Day 4 of the 30DS for me. I plan to get rid of wobbly tum by end of June and DH’s 50th party, but I am taking it slightly easier on the jumping jack part thus time (I hurt my sciatica with all the leaping about in March so hoping I gave strengthened the glutes etc now). Let’s do this!!!

    Off to work. The girl who got the job that I didn’t get….she started last week. Nice young woman. I like her and I am glad she got the job. I am remaining professional and looking forward to whatever the future will bring once my own contract finishes at the end of August. 💃

    Pocket list Day 4

    Day 4 – Melbourne Aus – NFD

    Turns out the shoulder was disclodated…eeek. Not terribly, but it will be a while before i’m back to what i was doing before. So need to be very careful with the exercise over the next few days. Walking and stationary bike are ok, so went for a walk this morning (instead of sulking in bed that I couldn’t attend my usual HIIT class), and will find a local spin class while I’m going through rehab. Very annoying, but could be worse.

    Good FD yesterday, though was very hungry. Am finding the FD’s much more enjoyable now that I’ve added an allowance for a bit of milk in tea – not sure why I waited so long! Can’t drink milk black (coffee ok though), and really missed it!

    Very busy at work, which is keeping me off the snacks, meetings all day tomorrow which should help the FD.

    @missybear ooh yes I need to be less wine greedy on weekends too – I resonate with that!!

    @penz gosh I can hear my excuses too – like next Monday is a public holiday here (and holidays count as part of the weekend….right???)

    @aglowworm welcome back!

    @at thanks for the kind words, she’s sadly terminal, but we’ll hopefully get some quality time to spend together in the coming weeks and months 😊 she’s not in pain, and that’s the main thing.

    @ciren2 oh no sorry to hear your injured! Sounds painful, hopefully it’s a quick recovery.

    @rabette your poor kitty ☹ glad to hear she’s on the mend. I’m a stress eater too, not easy to kick that habbit.

    @keitii ooh thanks for the reminder about the qantas app – I used to get points with that ages ago, might have to get back onto that while walking will be a large part of my exercise for the moment!!

    Must run, emails to get through. Hope to catch up later!!

    Day 4 Herefordshire U.K. NFD

    Busy garden day yesterday. Noticing I’m getting very stiff in my lower back and hips, need to do some stretching and strengthening exercises.

    @welcome back @metatauta

    @snowflake56 – hope you can enjoy your friends wedding. Emotionally manipulative people are hard to be around, they find ways to exploit our better nature to make themselves feel better. Your friends behaviour says more about her needs than yours and she sadly sounds closed off to hearing and respecting yours. Stay firm with the messages you and your OH are telling her. It might be worth consider what you are gaining by being friends with this person, what she gets by being your friend and how reciprocal is this relationship – we choose our friends and so maybe this difficulty around food is worth working through with her because of what she gives back in many other ways.

    @gretta – hope you heal quickly.

    So impressed with the lengthy Pocket List yesterday hope you all felt the waves of support from all four corners of the world!

    Have a good day all.

    Day 4 UK, FD

    Hoping for a successful fast day- planning little meals of porridge and soup.
    Managed to properly exercise for the first time last night so feeling good about that. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be so I’m not as unfit as I expected!

    Went a bit overboard on my NFD yesterday- bought some rocky road at the supermarket and ate it all. Won’t go to the supermarket for the rest of the week so not expecting this to happen again! Got to get the willpower under control.

    @gretta hope your shoulder is healing up well!

    @dingping I stretch every night before I go to bed- makes me feel really relaxed and flexibility has massively improved!

    Day 4 – Reading, UK FD

    A reasonably good day yesterday, but I don’t really track my calories. I used to belong to Nutracheck, but that’s a paid for app. I don’t mind paying for a while, but the battle of the bulge turns out to be a lifetime endeavour. How does everyone else track calories?

    Otherwise, I’m slaying dragons with your help, and trying to stay focused.

    Day 4, London, UK, FD

    Slipped a bit today with a milky coffee this morning ……………………… black just isn’t cutting it!!! I’ve been trying for 0 cal before my OMAD to prolong the fat burning time, peppermint tea tomorrow, I promise!!!

    @penz, nice bacon & egg swerve ……………………….. wine means poor choices for me, I managed to ‘find’ chocolate in a house emptied of ‘evil treats’ …………………. I actually sniffed it out!!!

    @prina39, that dragon roars VERY loudly once you deprive him of his white refined buddies!!! Personally I swear by soup, you can have a huge 700ml soup from New Covent Garden for under 350 cals and they’re so easy & convenient for me to take to work!! Now I’m trying to stick to OMAD, I save it for the evenings and there’s no chance of snacking since I’m so satisfied with the soup ………………… Win, Win!!!!

    @keitii ……………………….. DO NOT blame me when you can’t walk down the stairs tomorrow!!!………………….. If you think you’re gonna die, just follow Anita!!! Good luck!!!

    @metatauta, Welcome back!!! I’ts good to have you back with us!!! I’m glad the new job suits you, no heavy lifting in this one???

    @daffodil2010, I suppose you’re past the level 1 pain barrier now, I’ve a couple more days to get there. Clearly I’m not as nice as you, I was reading your words through gritted teeth about the ‘nice young woman’ who got your job!!!! Fate always plays its part, I see you using those green fingers in the near future!!!!

    @ktcaroline, I use My Fitness Pal, free, simple, easy and it didn’t look too disappointed or judgmental when I added a ‘peanut butter kit-kat’ to the list on Day 2!!!

    Stay strong everyone, we’ve got this!!!!!

    Day 4 – UK – FD

    Hi all. Thank you to everyone for your kind words. I’m hoping for a FD today, so adding myself to the list:

    Pocket list Day 4

    I really hope that I can do this! Good luck everyone.

    Day 4, UK, NFD

    Yesterday’s NFD went alright until I got home from work and completely emptied the fridge and the crisp cabinet. It’s my M.O. after a stressful day *sigh* Hoping to go for a walk this evening with OH to avoid going crazy on snacks tonight again.

    My first B2B FDs tomorrow, excited and worried at the same time!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Felt hungry by bedtime yesterday but stuck with the FD and just drank camomile tea so first FD of this new challenge done ✅

    In my quest to get back to goal weight I’m back to basics this month so I’ve started measuring and logging everything that passes my lips everyday. This worked for me when I first began 5:2. I find it tedious but it already shows me that my portion sizes have increased in maintenance. @ktcaroline I previously used calorie guide and notebook to log calories but this month I am using my Fitbit app and it seems good so far and a bit of a novelty to keep me interested. The most important part is using kitchen scales again rather than my estimates of portions.

    @flourbaby I didn’t know there was such a thing as a peanut butter kit-kat. Oh no 🤦‍♀️ hope they aren’t available in Wales!!!

    @at huge admiration for doing a birthday FD and now you can enjoy your birthday celebrations guilt free 🥂

    Keep strong Tuesday fasters and have a good day everyone 🙂

    Day 4- FD- Atlanta, Ga- USA

    Second day of camp. We’re taking the kiddos bowling today. I’m sure they’ll enjoy it. The science experiments and projects were a hit yesterday and the campers had a blast! My FD didn’t go as planned yesterday. Went over by about 400 Cals. But I think I got it today. Today I have a plan to stay on track.

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