June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

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June 2018 Monthly Challenge – Hello Summer!!!

This topic contains 933 replies, has 68 voices, and was last updated by  Anna6 6 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 938 total)

  • 2nd post
    Thank you @shinything for your lovely comment – much appreciated! 💖

    Day 4 Stevensville Maryland CFD

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day, made good choices on food but not so good with the bottomless Bloody Mary bar. Will keep my FD under 500 calories today.

    Adding my name to the pocket list.
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B

    Today is my brothers birthday so I will be spending some time with him today.

    Tomorrow I am having a reading with my favorite Medium, looking forward to hearing from spirits and guides.

    A flower doesn’t compete with the flower next to it, it just blooms. Have a great Monday everyone.

    Day 4 – Iceland – NFD

    Had an acceptable FD on Saturday at 560kcal, stayed well under TDEE yesterday and aim to do the same today. Still same weight as Friday morning, despite EFS Friday evening…🙂
    @at and @diana123 – very best belated birthday wishes to you!
    @sarahbob and @flourbaby – thanks for reminding me of the videos by J. Michaels – I did follow them once before and think I might join you in the 30-day shred for some very much needed toning!
    @ktcaroline – I did use protein shakes for lunch when I started this WOL and had not so many ideas what to cook/eat and couldn’t easily skip both breakfast and lunch. It worked very well for me, used raw, organic, vegan, dairy free and soy free protein from Garden of Life, mixed with almond milk and a few frozen berries, comes at 100-150kcal, depending on how much protein you use.

    Good luck to all Monday fasters!

    Day 4 West Yorkshire UK FD

    First ever post.
    Been following 5:2 since Feb. Lost 14Kg so far with the aim being 28-30 in the end. Found last month a struggle as I had a bit of a plateau with the weight loss. Have adjusted my non fast days to the TDEE for my target weight rather than the weight I started at (pretty obvious but I’d forgotten I need fewer cals now I’m thinner) and it seems to have done the trick. Hoping the monthly challenge will keep me motivated to stick to the new regime.

    Having taken 20+ years to get as horribly overweight as I was and failed many times to stick to various diets this is proving to be a revelation. First few weeks were hard but since then it’s been surprisingly easy – and I’ve turned into a diet bore 🙂 The cool thing is how good you feel after the fast day. I never eat breakfast so by lunch on the day after my fast I expected to feel tired and grumpy – and starving – but I feel more happy and relaxed than at any other time.

    FD today. The family is here. Staying focus on what I eat while they are here.

    Adding my name to the pocket list.
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B

    Day 4 UK FD

    Slept well but too late to bed & got up late, faffed away my rest morning trying on clothes and now only got 2.5 hrs to do yoga, meditation and get papers written & out for a meeting before my brother comes over for tea. Then I’m off to St Paul’s cathedral to meet up with friends & hear the new Bishop of London! Strange day for a FD but hopefully I’ll get & keep focused.

    @flourbaby no puffball skirts or lace gloves in my house! The ball gowns were mainly leftover bridesmaids dresses in sumptuous colours and materials, victorian or edwardian styles including a few vintage laura ashley & droopy & brown. Some have made their way back into the suitcase bc DD told me to! Shocked at how small i used to be tho – old size 10, whatever that is now.

    Wishing you all a Happy Monday x

    Day 4 pocket list – add your name if you’re fasting
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B

    Day 4 FD North Canton OH

    My cell phone woes continue, the factory certified phone that was sent to me on Thursday stopped working after an Android update on Saturday. So I called it in and they are sending me a new one – again. I should receive it by Thursday. I am so weary, I am not even mad anymore 🙁 just tired. So I apologise for not keeping up with posts over the weekend. My oldest daughter offered me the use of her phone for my workout this morning; so I did get to workout (last week I did not) and I was really touched by that because she is not much for sharing and her electronics are her babies, so that was nice. Once I am back online, I can keep a closer eye on posts and can respond a bit faster so it so that I do not get overwhelmed.
    Keep on keeping on my fellow fasters; you are worth it.
    Day 4 pocket list – add your name if you’re fasting
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B

    Day 4 USA (Illinois) NFD

    @basyjames – I hope your technology woes improve without too much trouble!

    @meltham_owl – Many of us fully understand how 20+ years of gradually tacking on pounds can be so simple. I bet you will quickly realize how we have made this our WOL(Way of Life) in losing pounds and maintenance.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 4 – USA – NFD

    @diana123, glad you and @at had a nice birthday! Welcome newbies!

    Second post.

    @at and @diana123 Happy birthday to you and may you celebrate many many many more
    @songbird you and me both 🙂 there must be a life lesson in here somewhere

    USA NFD Day 4

    Just checking in. I am coming up to the end of my 16:8 day and am ready to eat again! 🙂

    Day 4, FD, US

    I’m so bad at checking in over the weekend so belated happy birthdays to our early June babies.

    My OH is going alcohol free at the moment; and without my regular drinking buddy, I’m certainly imbibing far less. Good for me too!

    Aiming for a B2B this Mon/Tues as I’ll be travelling later in the week which makes a FD a challenge for me.

    Day 4 – SW WA USA – FD

    A beautiful sunny day – the sun is such good “medicine”! Will go for about a 45-46 hour fast beginning 6:30 pm Sunday through 5 pm Tuesday. Hopefully I did the math right. This hopefully will help take care of the recent feasting. I’ll be breaking the fast with a free meal for teachers at Red Robin 6/5 with another colleague.

    @snowflake56 – 10 more days till retirement & the last day is a 1/2 day! But who’s counting 🙂

    @meltham_owl – welcome!

    Day 4 pocket list – add your name if you’re fasting
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B

    I’m glad we’re together!

    Hi all day 4 NI fast day

    Day 4 pocket list – add your name if you’re fasting
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B

    So far so good – with just a glass of kefir so far with a chicken salad planned for later. Finished week 3 of couch2 5k and hope to start week 4 on Wednesday.
    My first fd of the month was not a great success and the weekend was a little indulgent but hopefully I have reset and plan to do a b2b today and tomorrow to get moving downward. Not caught up on all the posts but hope all are doing well.

    Happy belated 60th @at sounds like you had a wonderful day. I had meant to post on your birthday!

    Day 4 – NC, USA – FD

    I definitely started the month on a festive note with a board retreat that involved more temptations than I could handle. I did good on the alcohol side, but treated myself to carbs. Today is my reset day. And as hard as today feels psychologically, I loved wearing skinny jeans this weekend and feeling good so I need to focus on how happy fitting in my old clothes makes me, and how many more clothes will be an option if I stick to this WOL.

    I believe it @bert1802! That’s precisely what happened to me this weekend. Or more truthfully, what I chose to do and the results that ensued. Normally at home, I sit and eat a meal with no snacks in between. But since we were all at a lake house for a retreat with an imaginable amount of snacks and unhealthy foods in front of us for 48 hours, I allowed myself to snack on some popcorn, carrots and hummus while socializing. It seemed reasonable. But the problem for me is that once I start snacking, I loose track of the portions and invariably overeat. Clearly I’m incapable of snacking in a healthy way. Sitting down it is from now on!

    Happy belated 60th birthday @at and happy belated 61st @diane123! Wishing you both lots of joy and fun adventures in the upcoming year.

    @ccco congratulations on your 24 hr water fast. Good for you for hanging in there! It’s always reassuring to hear others admit some days water fasting is a struggle. Normally I do okay, but today is definitely a hard FD. I delayed my weigh in fearing the results of all the fun I had this week, but that meant i also delayed drinking fluids and somehow that always makes it harder for me. Plus it’s so silly: it’s not like delaying stepping on the scale was going to have an effect on the scale lol. Lesson learned.

    @kerryn73, I so agree with you about weighing yourself after a FD. Definitely fake news. I still track that weight but I love that my Happy Scale app tracks my moving average. It’s much more reflective of where I truly am. I even track my Sunday morning weigh (my highest weigh each week) on My Fitness Pal app so I can see the downward trend of the highs.

    @mogaman Enjoy your second vacation week!

    Hang in there @@daffodil2010. It will come off. You have done so well until now. It’s the homestretch now.

    @cjfrench so lovely to think of a French village today! Are you French yourself? Although I live in the States and grew up in Paris, I’m from Bordeaux originally. The weather must have turned beautiful by now. Enjoy!

    Thank you @shinything for your encouraging words today. They help!
    And welcome @meltham_owl!

    Day 4 pocket list – adding my name to the list
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 4 Canada FD
    Add me to the gang of fasters!
    Have a great day everyone

    Day 3 NFD
    Day 4 NFD

    Dublin, Ireland

    Just got back from our mini-break in Poland visiting my parents and I worked up the courage to step on the scales – 73.4kg! Uff, that is a 2kg weight gain since last Wednesday!

    Thankfully tomorrow is a fasting day, so hoping to shed some of it. I have to admit, while I was expecting that there would be an increase because we over-indulged this weekend, I had hoped it would be less than 1kg. Right now this just seems like such a set back, like I’ve undone all of the hard work of the last 6 weeks. The fiance was hit even worse – a 4kg increase. How is that even possible in just 4 days? Surely it must just be water retention?

    Best of luck to everyone fasting today, just a few hours left! Hope I won’t be alone tomorrow.

    Can someone also please explain the concept of the pocket list? Is it simply to track who is fasting on a given day? Thanks!

    Day 4 second post

    just home, only had an apple all day so going to eat late supper but good FD.

    @meltham_owl welcome, Great first post, and congratulations on an brilliant start!
    @basyjames sorry about your technology problems, hope they are sorted very soon! Thanks for posting, it’s good to know to keep an extra eye out for each other & newbies too x

    Day 4 pocket list – catching up the list – what wonderful company!
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @anna6 1st of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 1st of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B

    Day 4, Surrey (UK), FD

    It’s a bit late in the day to be adding myself to the pocket list, but rest assured I’ve been with you all in spirit today. This is my first post in June, so I’ll tell you a bit about myself.

    I’m a 57yo female, currently 159lbs, 5’7.5” tall, BMI only just under 25, yet my waist-height ratio (WHR) is 0.46. Many posters have mentioned they are the opposite way round with a BMI of below 25 but WHR of over 0.5, so I think I am somewhat unusual. I should explain that I have a really heavy, muscular frame, I think due to my mixed Viking/ Scandi/ Eastern European genes. My feet, hands and head are so large that I struggle to get ladies’ accessories to fit me.

    I started this WOE about 6 months ago, when I weighed nearly 200lb, so that’s a loss of 40lb in that time, which averages out at 1-2lb a week. And it shows now – but in unexpected ways! My current target is 150lb, my wedding weight, which I’m getting close to now. Although I’ve lost the weight gradually and (I believe) I have maintained muscle mass through regular exercise, I still have a lot of subcutaneous fat in the strangest of places – fingers, feet and knees in particular. In fact, each of my knees measures 16.5”, whereas my neck only measures 14”! It seems gravity is pulling all the fat downwards! The places that have slimmed down, such as my arms, are now a little bit ‘crepey’ in appearance. My moniker, Fatfingers, has come about because one of my ambitions was to be able to wear my wedding and eternity rings again. I can just about squeeze them on now, but I have to negotiate a large pad of fat below the knuckle!

    I’m not especially bothered about any of this – but I am curious because I now realise I’ve gone through most of my adult life without knowing what my weight and measurements ‘should be’. The main thing is, I feel sure that I’ve already taken myself out of the danger zone where the risks of diabetes, heart disease and strokes lurk hidden away, and that is what really matters. From now on, it’s about incremental improvements to my health through continued IF, exercise and good nutrition on NFDs.

    I’m also curious about WHY this WOE works so well. I enjoy reading the discussions that crop up on this forum about this. It seems to me that there are three basic theories to explain the success of 5:2. One: it is a convenient way of restricting calories. Two: fasting brings about benefits besides weight loss, that we respond positively to. Three: psychologically, it is easier to stick to a regime where deprivation is time-limited and no type of food is off limits on NFDs. I can only speak for myself, but I certainly agree with the 1st and 3rd theories. I’m essentially a very lazy person, who cannot be bothered with the faff of counting calories every day. It is much easier for me to eat just very little on the 2 FDs, thereby achieving a practically guaranteed 20% reduction in caloric intake during the week, with minimal effort. After all this time, I find fasting is quite easy nowadays. I also find that I’m keen not to undo the work of a FD, so tend to choose healthier food in smaller portion sizes on NFDs. I also respond well to the idea that if I really fancy something, I can have a small amount of it on a NFD, so I never feel deprived.

    The 2nd theory I’m not convinced by – as yet. Although the 5:2 diet came about based upon the studies done on fasting by some well-respected physicians, I imagine a different kind of study would be needed to compare the effects of following the 5:2 diet with a conventional, calorie-restricted diet. To my knowledge, this hasn’t been done yet. However, that’s not to say that IF (as advocated by 5:2 method) doesn’t have some benefits besides pure weight loss. However it works, I fully intend to ‘keep on keeping on’ – at least as long as I’ve got fat on my fingers to lose!

    Day 5 – Japan – NFD 79.3kg

    39 water fasts done in 2018. My weight is off a bit but I haven’t been about to sleep well. Partly due to being on-call for work and partly due to teenagers that can’t manage their time.

    @fatfingers – I lost so much weight that I couldn’t wear my wedding band as it kept falling off. I had to put it away for months, however it now fits a again. My fingers fattened up a bit I guess or maybe it is from pull-ups. You’ll probably get there too! Good luck!

    2nd post –

    This morning after working out my fasting blood glucose was a pre-diabetic level of 118 mg/dl. I tend to have high fasting blood glucose levels but that was high for even me and 110 to 140 is considered pre-diabetic. I hope it is just due to lack of sleep.

    After breakfast my blood glucose dropped to a normal 91 mg/dl.

    My breakfast:
    – 100+ grams of oatmeal, just rolled oats. (Dry weight)
    – 3 tablespoons of peanut butter (I like it 🙁 )
    – 100g of blueberries
    – 2 small pieces of very dark chocolate
    – 2 bananas (medium+ only slightly green)
    – 4 prunes and 2 figs plus about 20 grams of raisins (My sweeteners)
    – 1 small apple because I was still a bit from full.

    (Not really a light breakfast)

    Most people would probably claim that all that fruit would drive blood glucose up. I’m sure the oatmeal helps but I’m just lucky when it comes to fruit as I don’t seem to have a strong glucose response to it. The ice cream bars I haven’t eaten for months though are a completely different story! Lots of milk chocolate over rich vanilla ice cream … 300 calories … so good and so fattening!

    Fasting gives me an appetite. However I’ll eat a lot more modestly the rest of the day.

    Day 5, India, FD

    After falling off the wagon, I am joining now again. Tried doing OMAD, then some extended fasting. But I have ended up gaining 6kgs. I just have to start again…what always gets to me is that I plateau around 71kgs always, eventually get frustrated and then stop fasting. And then regain whatever I lost.I am hoping to reach 71kgs again in the next couple of months. My ultimate goal is 65kgs.
    I hope everyone has a fantastic June

    3rd post …

    I’ve been thinking about the belly fat I can’t get rid of. Well it is going but very slowly. Now I have an upside down “V” going up to my belly button and a pillow of fat on either side joined above my belly button. Any I don’t think the problem is actual storage of fat I think it is just the number of cells. When we are building that big belly of fat we are generating new fat cells. It used to be thought that the fat cells were then with us forever but now it is more like they live roughly 10 years. So the trick is to either kill the cells or outlive the cells without stimulating new cells to be developed. There is now cold sculpting where the fat cells are frozen which tends to promote cell death. It seems the fat cells will freeze at around 4 degrees C, which avoids freezing the water in the cells we don’t want to kill. Some people are even putting ice packs on their problem areas for 40 minutes a day for months. Seems painful.

    I also wonder if these cell deaths don’t often happen in waves. It could account for the whoosh effect we often see when a weight plateau breaks. I have nothing to back that up though, just a thought.

    So my problem is likely too many fat cells around my midsection. Going be work to get rid of them.

    @rahul1905 – surprised to hear that OMAD didn’t work for you. The one meal a day, day after day seems very hard to me.

    @dykask I have figured that 5:2/4:3 works better for me so decided to start that again. Weekends are always a challenge too, we eat out or I snack more when I am at home. Then the weight I have lost during the week goes back up a little.

    @rahul1905 there is a lot of water in our bodies. Yesterday morning I was 83.6kg which was really high after a festive weekend, but this morning I was back down to 79.3kg. That is mostly water. I lose more like 50g to 100g per fast day. I could lose faster but I like eating too.

    Day 5, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Oh dear – too much prosecco consumed last night – too many snacks – didn’t sleep well! 😐 I like visitors but it brings out my worst eating habits. I managed to fast half sunday and monday up to 6pm so hopefully not too much damage done.

    @meltham-owl – i too sometimes turn into a diet bore. 😆 I now combine fasting with a plant based diet and its the diet everyone wants to talk about. Especially the positive effects on blood pressure and cholesterol, which i did not get when vegetarian. I try and avoid raising the subject but i am so obviously healthier that other people ask all the time Once they ask I have trouble stopping!

    Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD 2nd B2B

    Great FD yesterday. Almost totally liquid, but as the sunny evening drew on and I was sitting in my garden enjoying the birdie antics on the feeder I could hear the wine dragon calling ……it’s sunny, this is so rare, it’s bank holiday Monday, chillax……so I made an oatbran porridge and went to bed!!!!!! Dragon slayed 👍

    Absolutely delighted to advise that easy come, easy go, has happened with the weekend weight. It’s not all gone but a goodly chunk has disappeared. Yesterday I dared not admit what the weight gain was from just one weekend…but I admit now that it was almost 7lbs 😱 3kilos 😱

    Happy to report a loss of 4.5lbs, or circa 2kilos overnight.

    So @moukinator, do not fret at the 2kg increase from a trip home. These things do happen, but if it’s easy to come on, then normally with a good FD, it’s relatively easy to go. There is a great thread on this from @simcoeluv…only I am late for work I would find it for you. Don’t despair ☺️

    Pocket list Day 5
    @daffodil2010 2nd B2B

    Day 5 France NFD

    Had a great fast day yesterday…. no breakfast, a radish and cabbage salad for lunch and roquette salad with a tiny bit of steak for dinner. I had enough calories left to permit myself a square of dark chocolate for dessert.

    Didnt really struggle at all 🙂 and down to 87.4kg this morning. i know i know it isnt exactly the most accurate time to weigh but at least i can see the numbers dropping! All my inflammation has reduced since Sunday too so thats a great sign. All the best, fasters and non fasters today.

    Day 5…NSW Australia…NFD
    (5.40pm Tuesday)

    Hi everyone. Just checking in!
    Had a very good FD yesterday – managed to have fluids only till 5.30pm, then protein and veges. Scale down 1kg this morning, from yesterday morning. A little ‘whoosh’ and I’ll take it! Hopefully, finally back in the swing of things. Feels good 😉

    I hope you all have a very good week! Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 5, Finland, 1 day B2B

    Good morning!
    So I had an ah-ahh moment yesterday, but not really a good one. I decided to go dress shopping as we have a friends sons confirmation in August, and I want a new dress. For along time I have been denying the fact my European size 48 clothes show UK 20. I have been saying to myself that can’t be right and I am an UK/Aus 18 at most. That for me is a big enough size, and I flat out couldn’t be a 20. Well I shopped at Helsinki’s M & S, and found a lovely dress. Only problem is…it is confirmed, I am a shocking size 20!!How did this happen?! It could be the spur on I need…it is a huge psychological blow to be size 20! I also found the dress I have been picturing in my mind for my sons confirmation in 2 years time….but only in a 16. I am thinking I will buy it anyway, I have time to get into it, right?

    So…in light of this appalling realization, I am going to attempt my second B2B, thanks to a good set of shifts at work. And then I have 3 nights coming up which are always light days.
    REad all the emails, some great posts. Lots of you have lost big amounts in seemingly small times….I really need to get into gear. Jogging 3 x week has started well and did pilates at home this morning. Off to work now….

    Todays pocket list as follows:
    @daffodil2010 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 2nd of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B

    Day 5, London, 2nd day B2B

    First ever post, sorry for jumpimg on the bandwagon late!

    2nd day of my first B2B today so thought I would need some extra motivation! I’m 26 years old, and been trying 5:2 for about a month. I had done it sporadically in the past, but more as a few days to get me in a healthy eating mind set before going on a traditional low carb diet!
    I’m 5 foot 2 and like to weigh around 8stone/50kg, but 4 months after moving in with my boyfriend had gained to 8.10/55kg – too many Ben and Jerrys and netflix nights and drunken chicken shop 🙁 I know that’s not a lot to loose but I could feel myself on the slippery slope! I’m really liking 5.2, as it still allows me to cook and eat with the bf most days, have meals out without panicing and go out with friends at the weekend without being a kill joy! I’m also trying to eat more healthly on my NFD which we are both really enjoying and feeling much better for. Both realising that our ‘sensative tummies’ are completely self inflicted from eating crap!
    Yesterday had a lovely FD – two hard boiled eggs for lunch at work and then fish fingers with some salad leaves before my Monday night art class – so much easier to fast when your busy! Me and the bf are off to Berlin on hols from Thurs-Sun so needed to move my normal fast day from Thursday to Tuesday – hence the first B2B. Working a 12 hour shift so hopefully will keep me distracted! Trying a 200cal salad with boiled chicken for lunch and then two poached eggs for dinner 🙂 This mornings weight was 8.6 (53.5kg) so getting there slowly but surely!

    Day 5 UK FD 2nd of B2B

    Yesterday’s fast day went well and was actually the easiest one yet. I know today will be harder but hopefully I can remain strong.

    @borealis come join @flourbaby and myself on the 30 day shred. I’m on day 10 this time round. It’s hard but it does work. I hate Jillian during the workouts as she’s mean but by the cool down I love her lol.

    Todays pocket list as follows:
    @daffodil2010 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 2nd of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B

    Day 5, London, UK, FD.

    I’m looking forward to todays’ FD, because for once it’s not reset FD after a bread, cheese & wine weekend!!! I know it’s the start of what WILL be an efficient & effective B2B2B!!!! The 4NFD weekend didn’t derail me and I managed to eradicate some fat, now I’m back at work, the next 3 days should see this downward slide gain momentum!!!

    @dykask I loved your note – “3 tablespoons of peanut butter (I like it 🙁 )” ……………………. I was thinking, are there people out there that DON’T like it!!!!!!!! Who are these freaks!!!!! Also ……………………………. I’m off to buy an ice pack or 20!!!!!!

    @daffodil2010, I could hear you “Phew!!!” from here!!! I do that head in the sand thing with added lbs too ………………………….
    Me: ”It didn’t happen, it just DID NOT happen, it could NOT possibly have happened”,
    Me (3 days later): “Oh, I’ve eradicated those extra 5lbs!!!……………… ok, I admit it; it did happen!!!”

    @kerryn73 ………………….. size 20 to size 16 might take less time than you think, even at 1lb per week for 2 years (call it 100 weeks) is 100lbs…………………….. that’s got to take you to at least a size 8 or 10!!!!!! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself ……………………..’Club Tor-Twah’ wins every time………………. Eventually!!!!!!!

    @sarahbob & @borealis ……………… if you think you’re gonna die, just stick with Anita!!!! Go 30 Day shredders!!!

    Stay strong everyone, keep the faith and believe @at’s mantra ……………………………. “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 5, Guildford UK, MFD

    I am back to 800 cal days again. I overslept this morning and am thinking of studying this am and working this pm.

    I have a blocked drain, it appears ivy has penetrated the drain in my back yard and it’s blocked. Stinks. So I am using the upstairs loo. Doing great for my fitbit stair climb stats. Plus it burns extra calories I think, full going up empty coming down. Calorie wise a WFD looks great today.

    For the Newbies WFD is water fast day. MFD is modified fast at 800 Cals, CFD is controlled fast at 1200.

    I do best on WFD but am studying.

    @basyjames technology knows you are busy that’s why it plays up. It’s a Given!

    @sarahbob I love Gillian Michels shred I have done it a couple of times. I own the DVD (proud moment expect cheers!). But I like to start my challenges on the 1st day of the month….. for neatness? Or reasons of procrastination? Hmm mm…..

    If you want an official monthly challenge sometime I will join in. We recently did a plank and sit up challenge for a whole month and it was hard. Only the support here and fellow pocketeers got me through.

    I am thinking of joining Les Mills on Demand as they allow us to use it whilst on holiday and travelling, might be useful and it can be projected to the TV via Chromecast.

    If I had a smart tv. The room where I exercise has only a 10 year old TV with a DVD player in it (not even hdmi). Not even flat Screen! I might need an extra TV in there. Otherwise would also need to buy a DVD player. The one in my living room was taken by my ex and I haven’t replaced it because of lack of cash so my DVD I love so much are trapped in a spare bedroom unloved. Maybe one DVD player could do the job instead? Although I think a smart DVD player would need a hdmi connector. Would a Chromecast need that? The little box one didn’t, I suspect the new ones do.

    I like my films and I have favourites.

    So am torn and need the money for drains any way.

    I have my dad’s spare TV but it isn’t a smart one but the picture is good. It might have hdmi.

    Sorry guys I am musing out loud.

    I wonder if eBay has a cheap recon one? And DVD players may be available too. One I could move from room to room if I want to watch DVDs?

    I will ponder, in the meanwhile I will do a GM workout with you and @borealis on my super old TV with a DVD.

    Todays pocket list as follows:
    @daffodil2010 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 2nd of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile MFD 800 Cals


    Day 5 – MFD; Dublin, Ireland

    Hello everyone!

    First fasting day of the month, woohoo! Weighed myself this morning and @daffodil2010 you were right – the extra weight is coming off quickly, already down to 72.5kg, which is almost 1kg overnight. Let’s see how much further I can push that by tomorrow.

    I see that most people here do the fasting days properly, i.e. they either do WFD or stick to the 500kcal restriction. I don’t think I could last a whole day without eating, so haven’t even tried a WFD and since I’m happy for the weight to come off slowly (and stay off!), I have been aiming for <800kcal on my fasting days. On NFD I also keep track of my calorie intake, aiming for <1600kcal. So far this has created on average a 1500kcal deficit each week.

    I’m curious to see how long I can keep this up – I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 months since we started this diet, it’s just flown by and neither my fiance nor I feel that we have really been limiting ourselves in terms of what we eat. We still enjoy the occasional ice-cream or bottle of wine, guilt free!

    @rahul1905 – it sounds like you and I have the same goals. Best of luck!

    @kerryn73 – what you said about the dress sizes really struck me, because I had the exact same reaction when I hit the EU size 40 for the first time. I was devastated and still am whenever a size Medium doesn’t fit me and I have to try on Large. How did I let it get to this point? But, as @flourbaby said, dropping 2 dress sizes in 2 years should be very achievable! Best of luck.

    @louise12 – All of the weight that I am trying to shift now, I gained since I started living with my boyfriend, the majority in the last year. We used to refer to it as ‘the love pounds’ while it was only 1 or 2kg, but when it got up to 10kg weight gain (for me), we had to face reality 😛

    @sarahbob – what is this 30 day shred you mentioned? Is it like a 30 day workout program?

    Adding myself to the pocketlist:

    @daffodil2010 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 2nd of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile MFD 800 Cals
    @moukinator MFD 800kcal

    Day 5 FD Kildare, Ireland

    @moukinator Also my first fasting day of the month but for me it’s also the first fasting day of the year.

    As they say be prepared or prepare to fail which is key for me, If I don’t have my food planned for a FD it can all go belly up. Feeling strong although sitting across from an intern in the office munching away on some savoury snacks is weakening me slightly!

    Also trying to increase my running this month and have downloaded the 5:2 audio book to keep me company as I pound the pavements. Really enjoying it so far and it’s giving me serious motivation to stay on track.
    Best of luck to everyone this week 🙂

    Day 5….Florida….NFD

    @louise and @ moukinator…. welcome!

    @fatfingers……if I could, I would like to add my theory to yours as why this works. Many diets out their focus mainly on food and exercise, where as 5:2 makes you focus on your body as a whole. During the fasting period, we are no longer consumed by what we are putting in our mouths, so our brains are able to focus on what are bodies are doing. To start we hear our belly growl, we are cold, legs may hurt, a slight headache, as we move forward, we begin experiencing that empty feeling, clear minds, more energy, bowel movements start to change and other symptoms change…..I could go on!
    And lastly, 5:2 changes our bodies, it goes from storing fats and fluids to using fats and fluids during our times of fasting. This is why so many of find we lose more inches than weight sometimes.
    Those are just my theories on 5:2 capabilities.

    Well, I’m off…. both the hubby and I have off today, so we are having a date day! Yippee!

    Japanese legend says…….if you are not sleeping at night it is because you are awake!

    Day 5 – UK – Reading – FD

    Having another go at a FD today as failed miserably yesterday. I’m still tired after a walking weekend, and its so hard to be good when I’m just fighting to keep going. And thank you @borealis for your reply regarding shakes. I’ve decided to try and stick to food, mainly because I researched it and lots of people say they taste funny. And in the long term, food has to be better. Interesting that you only did it as a short term thing. So I’m going to try leeks with olive oil and lemon instead of shakes. I think I need more rules 🙂

    Day 5 – USA – NFD

    Day 5 USA (Illinois) FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list for today:

    @daffodil2010 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 2nd of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile MFD 800 Cals
    @moukinator MFD 800kcal

    Today is a non fast day for me, I have a question to those who are more seasoned at this. Do you find you do better by fasting all day on your fast day and just eat all your food at dinner? Or maybe just have some broth during the day. I am going to go as long as possible on my next fast day before I eat anything, just drink water and tea, and see if it makes it any easier. I do admit that it starts to get a little easier with each fast day.
    Happy Birthday to those that I missed out on!

    Day 5 North Canton OH FD

    I was not very sleepy last night and woke up very easily for my morning workout. However I was really tired after my workout and need a pick me up this morning (coffee run)

    @ktcaroline, the best part of this WOL is finding out what works for you; and then you can stick to it long term. I have never been a shake or smoothie kind of gal. FD that don’t work out are part of the journey, just learn from them and keep going.

    @linda329 I prefer to drink coffee & water at work and can sit down to a nice dinner with my family when I get home.

    @bert1802 I have to agree with you, I have never been as aware of my body as I am now.

    @rainbowsmile I enjoyed your TV musings, it was like watching your mind work 
    Welcome back @rahul1905 I noticed when you stopped commenting and I am glad you are back. I can understand your frustration but as we say, it’s all part of the journey; we learn and move on.

    Thank you for adding me to the pocket list

    @daffodil2010 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 2nd of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile MFD 800 Cals
    @moukinator MFD 800kcal

    @fatfingers, were wondering why this WOL works. I can give you some reasons:

    > Community gives support, ideas, etc
    > Fasting has benefits like increased metabolism, improving hormone levels and forcing our body to use more fat for fuel.
    > Fasting helps us reset our tastes and many people end up eating much healthier diets. A lot of healthy foods I used to avoid actually taste great now.
    > Fasting works well with exercise and I find allows for more effect exercise.
    > There are mental changes too, like I doing so much effort here … do I really want to blow it. Over time these really add up. For example I used to drink a lot of diet cola, then I started just drinking less on NFDs and mostly using it on FDs. Then I just kind of lost the taste for it and stopped drinking it. Those small changes add up.

    There are likely dozens of more reasons! Good luck.

    Day 5, FD, US

    Second day of B2B but if I kinda blew yesterday, is it really B2B? I prefer doing a liquid FD – I know myself. I KNOW myself! But what did I do? Last night, my tummy was rumbling. Big deal, right? Making a lot of noise, but so what. Well, I thought I’ll just have a bowl of home made vegetable soup, that’s not too many calories and will still count as a FD. Nice yummy soup. But that woke up my stomach which started screaming MORE!!! So more was a teaspoon of peanut butter. I say “teaspoon” but we all know how much peanut butter can really be carefully moulded and shaped on to a teaspoon right? And then I just had to have two (small, they were small!!) chocolates. Sigh.

    Familiar huh. So today, I really will do a LFD. I KNOW if I eat I lose all control, and I KNOW that LFDs are really fairly easy for me.

    FD Syracuse, NY

    Hello all! Grabbing a bit of inspiration from everyone for my FD today. I had to buy a new scale since my old scale (Cruella) died. I replaced her battery and she still didn’t work. Trying to feel sad for her…but I don’t. So I have a new scale but I haven’t named it yet. I think it’s a girl. Thinking of naming it after a frenemy I had. You know, that friend who isn’t really your friend? Queen of the back-handed compliment? Maybe I’m overthinking it. Have to think about something I guess, other than food. What do you guys do when you’re caught thinking about food on a fast day? I clean or pray but I’m curious about what others do!

    Day 5 – North Carolina – NFD

    Phew! I was glad to see yesterday’s WFD end. I did really well (just water and herbal tea all day) but I was weak, tired and foggy all day. I’m back down to 131. Not as low as my lowest weight but I’ve calculated that I take about 7 weeks of crazy ups and downs to looks 5lbs. I’ve been dancing between 130 and 133 for about a month now, so I’m hoping by the end of the month I can break the 130 mark and start beebopping (is that a word?) just below that mark during the month of July. Tortoise all the way…

    Welcome @fatfingers and @louiseo46!

    @flourbaby, I love your posts! You make me smile. I do the same thing as you and @daffodil2010 with the “nope nope nope, it didn’t happen” routine.

    Stay strong everyone and have a fantastic day!

    Hi all day 5 NI fast day

    @daffodil2010 2nd of B2B
    @anna6 2nd of B2B2B
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B
    @basyjames B2B2B2B2B
    @rainbowsmile MFD 800 Cals
    @moukinator MFD 800kcal

    Not caught up on posts – but sad to say toast and peanut butter last night derailed a good fast day up to that point. I had a lovely chicken salad but does anyone else get a really empty feeling after having just a salad – as though you need a nice chunk of bread? Hence the toast and peanut butter – but hey ho on we go! So far so good with some kefir and one coffee. Busy tonight with yoga and playing squash afterwards with my son so hopefully should not feel like eating.

    Day 5 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Yesterday’s FD went well, stayed under 500 calories. Maintenance is working for me. My goal for this month is to not gain any of the 20lbs I have lost since doing this WOL starting in mid January 2018.

    A flower doesn’t need to compete with the flower next to it, it just blooms.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone.

    Dykask, I read some articles about what you were talking about. Since there are two kinds of stomach fat, I was interested in this the visceral fat is active and easy to burn away. Unfortunately, subcutaneous fat which can form all over your body is difficult to get rid of! 🙁 In any case, I also read about the whoosh effect you spoke about. I was fascinated, so I suggested you google the whoosh effect in weight loss. It is a very real thing!

    NFD today. Did well on my FD, yesterday. My family was here and it helped keep my mind off the food. Saved my calories for dinner, knowing we would be going out.
    Now they have left, heading back to their home. Feeling sad and trying not to get depressed as I don’t know when I will see them again. I don’t want to feed my feelings. 🙁

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