June 2017 30 Day Challenge

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June 2017 30 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,893 replies, has 168 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 6 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 1,895 total)

  • Day 6 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was excellent, especially with that great cauliflower with my salad supper. I still eat one apple a day for regularity so always have that 100 calories or so even on a FD. Scale was very kind at 157 this morning, under my goal of 160. I’m so glad that 6:1 seems to be working for maintenance, and that allows me some freedom to be a “pocket wino” on NFD’s.

    It will be a terrific day meeting @coda and her OH at O’Hare Airport then getting them to their hotel. @chitowngirl plans to join us when she finishes work. Very excited!

    Onward and downward!

    Day 6 – Cumbria UK – 2nd of B2B FDs

    Well yesterday was 163cal FD and today is a planned 500cal FD if all goes according to plan – Hope all the other B2B and B2B2B are going strong too 🤗to keep you strong.
    I kept busy – drank lots of water and tea with a dash of skimmed milk. Did a bit of housework in the morning – met some friends for a coffee and chat followed by a 1hr Pilates class in the afternoon and a 1.5hr evening Yoga class – a glass of my homemade skimmed milk Kefir before bed ensured no tummy grumbles and a good night sleep 😴

    @babs_b – no need to feel ashamed – we all have days when we go way over TDEE – the important thing is to press that RESET button ASAP with a strong FD – this WOL can be very forgiving of such days – Remember a bad day does not a bad week make!
    @bert1802 – those fizzy drinks are your 🍷of the pocket winos…….LOL – together we can control these 😈treats! You did it before so you can do it again – maybe don’t banish them forever but only allow it on some days 😇 like we do with 🍷🥂
    @songbirdme – like you – when I reached my goal weight and had got some new clothes that fitted – I did not keep anything from my wardrobe that did not fit me – I made a pact with myself that I was never going back there and I now weigh once a week and if any weight has crept back on I make sure I press a strong reset button – hence my B2B after my birthday week of indulgences……
    Thank you for that cauliflower recipe – will be giving that a try! I have roasted a whole cauliflower in the oven before but not tried the slow cooker way.
    @belfastsink – 😃great minds and all that…..
    @chitown-gal and @coda and @songbirdme – have a fab get together in Chicago.
    @snowflake56 – I cannot dance as am terrible at following a tune but I love seeing the ballet – going on Wednesday to see Frederick Ashton’s The Dream / Variations Symphoniques/Marguerite and Armand – Live from The ROH at my local cinema – This gorgeous mixed programme demonstrates the great creative vision of FA – looking forward to the evening!
    @happymargo 🤗hope you are starting to feel a little better each day
    @flourbaby – agree with you and @happymargo – “wine and shoes……… a girl can’t have too much of either!! I am one of the pocket winos and I am not giving up on either and this WOL sure allows us to have 🍷🥂and still lose/maintain weight….
    @lynzm – I watched the concert on TV – were you there? must have been an experience being there live!
    @lola907 – I love the idea of your wilderness yoga retreat in a yurt – I have done the same here although not exactly in the wilderness but in a forested area – such an amazing experience (usually 6-8 of us with our teacher)
    @okeydokey – must be getting excited getting ready for your holiday – don’t stress getting ready, I find it always works out and have a fab time x
    @mogaman – also getting ready to escape I see – 4 months in the mountains of Massachusetts, escaping the Florida heat. Enjoy
    @lindasue – what a rewarding afternoon and so rewarding in lots of ways!!
    @onahealthyhigh – what a nice DH 🥂Happy 41st Wedding Anniversary
    @lacerx @josnorgren @chocolatemilkshake – Welcome
    @queenbee20280 – well done on completing that first FD – you have done the hardest first step into this WOL
    @jarbia – hope after all that you managed to enjoy your time in Ireland – You have got this – we are with you to help you press that reset button x
    @rainbowsmile – enjoy your holiday in Madeira – lovely place with lots to see and do – hope the shoulder injury starts to ease off soon – rotator cuff injuries are no fun 😧
    @notmyrealname – nice to “see” you back on here – hope the personal issues from April are resolved or getting there – great job in getting nearer to your BMI marker during a difficult personal time

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet if anyone needs it

    “STRENGTH – A river cuts through a rock not because of it’s power but it’s persistence”

    Day 6 Chicago, Illinois USA – NFD

    Looking forward to meeting @coda, her husband and @songbirdme today!! Safe travels @coda and @songbirdme! See you both later.

    Day 6 Oman

    Day 6 USA-WA NFD

    2nd post

    @chocolatemilkshake – yes, of course and welcome.
    @jarbia – lovely to ‘see’ you back – sounds like a sensible plan.
    @notmyrealname – and lovely to ‘see’ you back too.

    I’ve added you to the spreadsheet in case you want to enter and track your details:

    @chumi – sounds like you’re well in control 🙂

    Day 6 – Rochester, NY, USA – NFD

    Yesterday’s fast day went well. I abstained from food until 4pm and ate my allotted calories before 9pm. It’s been interesting to feel the hunger pangs come and go….just when you think you’re too hungry and can’t go without food for another minute, the empty feeling subsides for awhile and it gets easier.

    When the hunger really sets in, I try to get busy and distract myself, drink water or tea, and visualize reaching my goals. This WOL is so much of a mindset. Knowing that I can eat at TDEE the following day really helps me get through! (I’m impressed by those of you who do B2B fasts….maybe I’ll be brave enough to try that soon!)

    Today’s plan is to eat plenty of delicious whole foods and get in a solid workout. Onward and downward, fellow fasters!

    Day 6 – UK – FD

    Great fast day yesterday and today going well. I drink lots of tea to drown the dragon, with some skimmed milk. When I first started fasting, I couldn’t believe you could last until lunchtime without eating, now 6 weeks into this WOE I can last until 6pm. Not saying it’s easy, but it definitely is getting easier.

    @coda, @songbirdme and @chitown-gal, it’s great that you are meeting up, I hope you have a lovely time on holiday coda.

    ah bummer… got side tracked this weekend… will tackled again in July. perhaps next week.

    you guys gooooo

    Day 6 US 2nd b2b FD
    I wasn’t sure if I could do FD’s this week while home cyber schooling twins, packing, planning for Kennel visits for Sweetie our pup, while visiting 3 different states😛 But I kept my cals to 435 for all day yesterday. Yay!
    Staying calm and moving onward and downward.😊
    @fatveganchickslims sorry you are going through so much pain. I to have the aggravation of having an aggravated stomach if I don’t eat something with my meds or even some vitamins. In March I had no problem not eating with vitamins, in May and this month I do. Eating small amounts can ease the digestion of meds. ✨a hug 🤗 for you and good luck✨
    @onahealthyhigh 😊✨🎉Congratulations for your 41 years Wedding 👰 Anniversay!✨🥂 Have fun… even if you have to change today into a NFD!😊✨😅
    Also @onahealthyhigh and pocket winos✨ is proseco good? My hubby and I have a wine tasting party to go to in NC on lake at my Fathers house later in June. Does any one recommend a good wine to bring that I could drink also?
    @songbirdme Have a great time with @coda and her OH and then @chitowngal… sounds like great fun! Thanks for the cauliflower recipe, I will try it!
    @coda Wishing you great and good luck on your journey in the US! Have a wonderful time!😊✨
    @brunsjk Thanks for reminding me that the 2nd FD is easier…😊
    Taking bioplasma sport homeopathic cell nutrients helps me pull my energy together when it is tough. The cellular nutrients act as catalysts to activate and use other vitamins I’ve had either in good or capsule form. Maybe it will help you also.
    @fatrabbit You do so well with all your veggies. It may not happen as fast as we want.. But it will happen because ✨We got this!✨🤝✨
    @at Thank-you and very sound good advice.🤗
    @strawberriesandcream Is the bone scan for your back? That sounds serious. I hope your doing ok. A big virtual hug 🤗 for you.✨Thank-you for asking😊 I will def be popping in.😊 You and the people in this group help me to remember why I’m fasting and how I need to adapt this in my daily life. I will mainly be working on maintaining. If by some miracle I lose weight or inches that would be great also.✨
    @hotchoc ✨✨🤝✨✨Hold my virtual hand we will do this together… Breathe and drink more water.😊You got this!✨ We got you! ✨Together we are stronger!✨

    I will be reading more soon!

    Warm and sunny Wishes to all! Have a great day!✨

    Day 6, Rocky Mountains, US, BSD 800 cals

    Well, sleep deprivation and fasting is really not a good combination. So, I am doing BSD 800 cals and this works. Will do this all week. Sat and Sun will be CDs below TDEE. This is also the plan for the rest of June. Worked really well before. 😊😊😊

    Safe travels to all fellow fasters who are out and about! 🌻🌼🌺

    Day 6– Colorado USA– BSD

    Mapped out all my planned meals for today in Lose It app. Total 549 calories. Leaves room to still enjoy homemade veggie soup & Greek yogurt while staying at 800 calls, so I guess that gives me a nice controlled BSD day. Sweet!!

    @happymargo: Just did the same thing! 😄
    I really can work with BSD 800 cals! 😊

    Day 6 – Montreal – NFD

    2nd post

    Obviously soooo busy at work, just found this site for Dr. M’s BSD, lots of recipes, advice and forums!!! (I might be a bit slow, and this is common knowledge!!!)


    I’m still staying true to IF, but mixing things up for a couple of weeks might stop these @#*$ scales from bouncing up and down!!!!!!!!!!!

    Second post, have been able to do a little reading and want to wish Coda and hubby, SongBirdMe and ChiTownGal a great time. Wish I could join you but alas, I can not. Have fun!!!

    @redrockgirl302 — I haven’t really tried the BSD route before. Glad to hear you’re having success with it.

    I figure 800 calories is still far below my TDEE. Plus, I’m still getting 16 -18 hours Fasting window in, so it simply has to help, right?!?

    Day 6 – MT USA – FD

    So, I’m going B2B even though I don’t really like to. I’m traveling for work starting today and don’t think I’ll be able to fit in a FD for the rest of the week. Also, did a spin class this morning and ate about 350 cals before hand so I would have enough energy, so looks like I may just go liquids only until tomorrow morning. Shouldn’t be too hard since I’m flying for most of the day.

    Day 6 – SW WA USA – NFD

    So appreciating some sunny days. They seem to ignite the “can do” spirit.

    Looking to make this a controlled NFD after a successful FD yesterday. @fatrabbit, I’m sorry the scales are going the wrong direction for you. Hopefully it won’t last long. I’m tired of my bouncing scales, and hopeful moving the numbers downward.

    @hotchoc – I find that on FDs it’s good to have beverages I like on hand to “drown the hunger dragon” as others have coined. Presently, I have a pitcher of TAZO Iced Passion tea in the fridge. Of course water, also some broth and fixings to make coffee or chocolate drinks. One I enjoy is chocolate mint tea – starting with mint tea & then a tsp of cocoa powder & some stevia – Yum so good!

    @flourbaby – thanks for sharing your “old” you thinking. I still have to work on not eating when I’m not hungry on NFDs especially on the weekends.

    Wanted to respond to more, but I need to get headed to school. Have a great day everyone! Together we are stronger!

    2nd post


    Agreed – I always believed it to mean being left short when insurance didn’t fully pay up or in a work context regarding expenses!

    Anyway, hope those that are fasting are having a good FD? Mine is good so far… :0)

    Day 6, Hampshire, UK – NFD

    Felling a little demotivated :(, I weighed myself this morning for my weekly weigh in, I have just finished week 3 and I have not lost any weight, stayed at 69.5kg. I did loose 2.7kg in the first 2 weeks so maybe my body will take a while to give more but I have been working out really hard (running and I have always done weights) so its a little disheartening when the scales don’t give a result.

    I have measured my waist, arms and thigh and no loss there either.

    I am doing a 5:2 this week as I go on holiday on thursday and will take a 1 week break but I really hope to see some loss before I leave, I am doing a FD tomorrow so will weigh again on Thursday morning.

    wish me luck !!

    3rd post

    Congrats to all those doing B2Bs! Hats off!

    If anyone would like to feel happier about how ‘difficult/easy’ the 5:2 is, then read Dr Mercola’s new book Fat for Fuel!

    Highly laudable concept and clearly uber-healthy as based on all the latest research, but I would be so miserable following that regime! No treats, no alcohol, nothing of any fun! It makes me very glad that I found the 5:2!

    @xrox – there are a number of threads covering the negative impact of exercise on weight loss, especially if you have increased your exercise. Try not to lose heart as it may well be additional water retention due to the exercise and also replacing fat with muscle, which is more dense so the same volume weighs more. The extra exercise is good from a health perspective, but has far less impact on weight loss than diet does.

    Day6 Post 1 NFD Huntingdon UK

    Day 6 – Portland, Oregon – NFD

    Thanks for the welcome all! Excited to get back on the fast-train. 🙂 Have a great Tuesday everyone!

    Also – I’m excited to try out that slow cooker cauliflower recipe – I usually steam mine until it’s quite squishy and then make cauliflower mash. A great hit at our house.

    @happymargo: Absolutely. I also have at least 16 hours fast, sometimes more as you said. Today it will be 24 hours because I closed my food window yesterday at 3pm (very satisfied with 765 cals) and will eat today at 3pm because I have a doctor’s appointment at 1:30 and I don’t want to eat before. For me the great thing is that I can stick with it and feel good. As I mentioned in one of my posts I follow BSD Mon through Fri and Sat and Sun are NFDs but actually CDs. I am not eating to my TDEE, actually I can’t, it is too much food if you eat LCHF Mediterranean diet. 😊😊😊

    Day 6 – USA – NFD

    @onahealthyhigh, congrats on your anniversary!

    London U.K.
    Day 2 3 & 4 were NFD’s
    Day 5 and 6 B2B FD

    Feeling good as finally lost a stone (14lbs)!! Whoop whoop

    2 were in slimming world which took forever and the rest has been on 5-2

    I’m planning on doing NFD tomorrow then another FD Thursday. I’ll let you know how I get on.
    Not sticking 100% 500 in NFDs but still working so I’m happy with that.


    Day 6 Akron OH 2nd B2B FD.
    @xrox it can be pretty discouraging after all your efforts to not see the results you are hoping for. Since the same thing happened to me, I would like to send you a few words of encouragement. I was in pretty much the same boat as you, was fasting, working out and strength training. For about 3 weeks the scale didn’t budge and then the 4th week, with no change in my regimen there was a massive loss on the scale, about 3.5 pounds. So the human body is funny and doesn’t always react like you’re expecting it to. But this WOL works. In fact right now I’m in maintenance and desperately trying not to lose any more weight. I just updated my wardrobe and can’t afford any more weight loss right now. My friends say it’s a good problem to have; my body has become a really efficient fat burning machine, which is good but not so great for my pocket.

    Day 6-nfd-uk

    Had planned a fast day today but my little boy wasn’t well and I have a one year old as well so wouldn’t be able to get out. A day at home bad enough never mind fasting so have moved it to tomorrow. Feeling determined. Cooked a healthy tea. The joy of this lifestyle not up to it one day can just change it without having to write off the week x

    xrox, why stop Fasting while on vacation? Especially since you are on a plateau? It is so easy to have an egg, some ham, a bit of cheese, and some fruit at a hotel buffet for breakfast. If your holiday involves walking, even if it is sightseeing/shopping, you should be able to enjoy a sensible dinner out and still be at the lower end of the scales. This works for me, and has been very helpful.

    If your accommodations are self-catering, then you certainly can continue to diet.
    Have a good holiday and you’ll be off that plateau if you stick to Fasting. Basyjames, Slogan, and others agree.

    Day 6, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Today one year ago I started 5:2 fast diet sometimes 4:3 and by the end of October I lost 15.2 kilos. I gain two kilos and I’m still within my healthy mbi. However I wish to eliminate these two kilos and continue to maintain.

    Good evening/night everyone. Onwards and downwards

    Day 6 US FD
    Going well, I’ll be doing another FD tomorrow so as to get ahead of the NFD’s during traveling.😅
    @fasting-me I like your thoughts and ideas… The family gatherings and eating meals together as family ….. makes it a little more difficult. I’ll just plan to stick with veggies and low carbs as much as possible.😊✨
    @slogan15 ✨🎉Congratulations on burning and disintegrating 14 lbs. : 1 stone. Remember ✨We’re not losing weight, We are getting rid of it. We have no intention of finding it again.✨ 😊Good for You!👏👏👏👏
    @basyjames Glad you are maintaining. ✨Good for you!✨With @fordprefect my DH and booper.dooper my DD on the FD, NFD plan…we are wearing loose clothes here at our house, buying new clothes as we get the chance.😊✨
    1:54 pm in afternoon… Staying strong 💪 for the rest of the day and evening. Nice to know we aren’t alone. 😊🤝😊

    ✨Together We are Stronger!😊

    Day 6, Germany, FD

    Day 6 Portugal NFD
    Day 5 NFD

    Unfortunately no FDs this week yet. Will try again tomorrow.

    I’m being good on my FD. Here to get my nails done and was offered 🍷 wine…. I said no Thanks… I know later this week, I will have the opportunity at my nieces wedding. 😊 I realize that sometimes procrastination from carbs, sugar and wine is a tool I use to get me through.😊 Hopefully for success😊 I chose to drink water with lemon 🍋 instead.

    Day 6 I Jo’burg, S. Africa I NFD

    Just caught up with all the fascinating posts. My OH says I’m addicted 🙂

    I really enjoy hearing everyone’s experiences, and seeing the kindness and support in the group.

    Had a good FD yesterday and was surprised how well my evening yoga class went on a FD. I did make sure I had a couple of eggs for lunch. I see there are a few yogis in the group.

    I haven’t weighed myself yet. Weighing does bad things to me. If I lose, I overeat and if I put on I overeat! I’m just enjoying feeling well and disciplined at the moment. It’s particularly novel to me I’m fine eating twice a day on a NFD. It really agrees with me because lunch can often leave me feeling sick or bloated in the afternoon.

    There’s a line from the fast diet book I really like – the challenge itself is part of the benefit.

    It can be applied to many things…

    Day 6 FD NUMBER 2
    Scotland where it has been heavy rain all day long. It’s like the monsoon has come.

    Managed to stick to the 500kcal and the thought of breakfast in the morning is keeping me away from snacking.

    @okeydokey thanks for encouragement, much appreciated

    @annemarilyn good idea about the drinks – I’ve had loads to drink and I have never been away from the
    loo! Maybe I over did it! Was thinking miso soup might be another one to try

    Off to have a lovely cup,of tea.

    @coda and I (and her OH) have all been enjoying Chicago so far! Ever so delightful to meet them, and very soon @chitown-girl will be joining us! What fun to meet up with virtual friends! I was in that first challenge Coda began in May 2016, my first experience on this board. Looks like supper for us all soon!

    Day 7 NFD NZ
    I’m still fasting from yesterday. Will carry on until this afternoon probably.
    @shaninia I fully understand what you mean about weighing. It’s very counterproductive for me to as I also celebrate a loss by eating and commiserate a plateau with more food! Best just to stay in the zone where I’m conscious of steady slow change and be content with trusting my clothes.
    I’m making a big effort to sort out my sleep and finding a cup of sleepy tea and a passionflower and valerian tablet very good at night along with my son who is also struggling with poor sleep, it’s so hard to be a teenager these days.
    Our whole family is going totally tech free from 9.30pm, shutting off all overhead lights and using dim lamps and enjoying a new evening ritual as a family while we aim to really connect and support each other.
    I’ve also restarted my gratitude diary.
    Every day I write 3 new and separate things I am grateful for. The practice of thinking and recording helps me to shift my mental attitude towards positive thinking and thankfulness and an overall sense of contentment.

    Day 6 Florida USA We are enroute from FL to MA for a 5 month stay. Travel days are tough, even though I brought healthy snacks in the car. Day 1, of 3, not so bad. I’ll be right around my TDEE. Mostly because we pretty much skipped breakfast to get an earlier start. From now on my posts will say Massachusetts, USA. I realize before writing everything down my travel days must’ve been off the charts! Wishing everyone well today!

    Day 7 NFD Glasgow Scales advised 79.1 kg no surprise there. Meds aer woking thier magic on my back could not run but did walk around 10k plus.

    Day 6 Oregon USA NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went well, I lost one lb., yippee, one down!!

    Today I woke early and drove into Portland for a Photo outing. I took a protein shake with me for breakfast. Lunch was in the car on my way home, a dry turkey sandwich picked up at a mini mart. Before I got home, I stopped again for a bag of BBQ Potato chips. Now that I’m home, dinner will be fresh fish and a salad. I need to learn how to eat on the road. Hopefully I’ve not set myself back the 1 lb. I lost yesterday!!
    @rainbowsmile – I had rotator cuff surgery a year and a half ago and have finely crossed the line to no pain. You will heal, and be able to live the benefits, hang in there!!
    @lany36 – I like your comment about maintaining control on NFD, and that it’s the key to progress. I’m starting to get it!!

    Thank you all!!

    Today was AGAIN supposed to be a fast day, and again, I caved. I am feeling really weak willed, and having a hard time staying the course. I had a great March following this WOL, a fairly good April, but May, and the start of June have been rough. Feeling rather hopeless as I watch the scale creep up. I guess all I can do is start fresh tomorrow!

    Day 6 USA FD
    Rather easy day. For some reason, I have not been hungry. I noticed that not all of my messages have been sending. Has anyone else ever had that problem? I am sure it is probably something I have been doing wrong. I am not very tech savvy! Good luck to everyone tomorrow!

    Hello all nfd day 6 I think. Had a fabulous meet/catchup with @songbirdme and @Chitowngal but now one very tired Coda. Not caught up but hope everyone is ok x

    Day 6 California, USA, NFD Hello everyone! I started off on June 1 at 150.2 and this morning I’m at 149.6. Yesterday was a FD. I started this diet at 155.8 and lost about 5 pounds in the first few days when I did 2 back to back fast days (500 calories). I’ve up a pound and down a pound or so since then. I think I need to eat more mindfully on NF days and not eat between meals.

    Good luck to everyone this month! I’m going to be traveling the next couple days for my job, so that will keep me from snacking between meals. I just have to be careful when having lunch with customers.

    Day 6, Pacific NW USA, FD, so far so good with liquids only, planning on a b2b till dinner on Day 7, about 45 hours. Started June at my maintenance weight of 164.

    @coda – Yes, planning to meet up with you in Seattle!! Can’t wait.

    @at – I am LCHF since starting 5:2 May 2016. Trying to appreciate health and well being but still want to cut a few more pounds. Maybe I can read from @pamelav‘s page and kick some action out of this maintenance phase I’ve been on for months!

    Day 7 Tasmania Aus FD

    Day 3 of b2b2b. Sorry if I put up the pocketeers list wrong last time. Thought it was for all three days though not everyone was doing all days. Won’t attach it this time though I’m certainly thinking of you all and if I wasn’t part of this pocket group I could have caved today. Have just had to take a pain killer for my back which was unexpected so now looking for something low calorie to have with it that won’t entice the hunger dragon!
    Pocketeers we can get through this last day together!!

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 1,895 total)

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