July 2018 Monthly Challenge

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July 2018 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 804 replies, has 57 voices, and was last updated by  MoliJ 6 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 810 total)

  • Day 4 – Japan – NFD 77kg

    No 4th July holiday for me, but for USA Americans, enjoy! Also whoever else is into it.

    My weight is about as low as I’ve seen, except for when I did a seven day water fast. Strange it went lower after a NFD, but that is just part of the random nature of body weight. (Yesterday I was at 77.4kg after a water fast day.)

    @Purpleviolet I find I feel that way too and really look forward to my fast days as I like how I feel after them!
    I almost want to try alternate day fasts but I’m scared that will just set me up to fail.

    Day 4 UK FD

    A bit nervous about today’s fast day as I have a headache and am tired. Yesterday wasn’t brilliant. I tried to stick to 2 meals a day but then got home late from work and snacked on toast and cereal. I would really like to change this bad habit.

    I’m with the people going for no sugar in the week. Will try that.

    Bit of a negative post I’m afraid but will try to stay positive.
    Love the forum.

    I’ll attempt to start a pocket list!


    Day 4 -Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    I have decided to do another FD today so making it B2B2B – 3 days in a row. Reasoning is that DH is off tomorrow so (as he normally works until 12 midnight I normally dine alone) we will have dinner together. Not saying I will shovel rubbish into my face but if a cheeky bottle of wine is produced I may well partake 😉

    We are off on the motorcycle to the South of Ireland this weekend, beautiful Cork and Kerry, and it’s so great to make these plans knowing the weather is still forecast to be fab 💃

    @shinything would you have a look at July spreadsheet please? It’s just blank pages for me on the iPad. Was the same yesterday too. Thanks my dear. Maybe it’s just my iPad……..🤔

    Was it you who asked about tomatoes? It’s too late now to grow them, I had my seeds sown in February. Try it next year, it’s soooooo satisfying to make your own tomato sauce, have your own tomato salads, sandwiches etc 🍅

    @purpleviolet Yes, I know that feeling after an NFD. It’s especially prevalent on a Monday FD after a weekend. That’s when I find I can do liquid only fasts etc, as I am so full from the weekend. You will find your way, just hang in there ☺️

    @siano, I am with you today

    Pocket list Day 4

    Day 4, Emden Germany, NFD

    @coda nice to have you here again. You did really well while away!

    @daffodil2010 thanks! We bought the tomato plants, put them in compost, watered them but never gave them any food, didn’t know we should. We had 9 plants in the greenhouse and 9 outside. Only the ones outside had the tomatoes on. The plants grew large though. Will try again next year but will read about growing tomatoes first, we don’t really know anything about plants or gardening. Everything in the garden has to look after itself, we just do some cutting here and there.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 4 NFD

    Good luck to the fasters!

    I’m out for dinner tonight so I’m keeping it as light as possible in the day x

    Day 4, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Wow this week is going fast. Approaching that Friday weigh-in, so have to be controlled.

    Its wet today in Cornwall, so I’m focusing on my work (not 100% as I am on here!) and looking forward to the sun coming out tomorrow. @daffodil2010 – your weekend of bike riding round Ireland sounds glorious – and I am in awe of your B2B2B fasts.

    @merryapple – I have quite a few prints of Pieter van der Westhuizen pastels on my walls. I like the big bold colours and am a fan of naive artist, Alfred Wallis. I suffer from artist envy – wanting to be as good as them! Enjoy your upcoming trip to London.

    @slacknz – congrats on the nearly under 30BMI – I reached it in Feb this year and I remember what a great feeling it is – stay controlled and go for it. I am trying to chase down BMI25 but its slowing down now.

    @siano – late night snacking is a hard habit to break – my OH did it for years – buttered toast was his thing – but he’s managed to kick the habit (mostly!). Maybe remove bad snacks from the house completely (if you can) – eg have no cereals, no unhealthy bread, etc, and have fruit or celery sticks to hand! Emptying the cupboards is a commitment in itself, as you are deciding you would rather throw (or give) away the food than eat it.

    @kaywesterman – I think they have been filming the last series of Doc Martin this year, so it should be coming out soon? Port Isaac is such a great place to visit, and you should plan a trip some day. I don’t go there that often as its on the north coast and I live on the south coast, and I tend to mooch round here. Cornwall feels like living on an island sometimes as it only takes about 40 mins where we are to go from one coast to the other. But then Florida is a bit like that too? One of my most favourite films of all time is the Bird Cage, the version filmed in Florida with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane – the light and the colours are fab and the film is hilarious. Its probably not a realistic version of Florida but it looks great – and do you follow Keno Yoga? – she does some of her yoga sessions by the water in Florida and I just want to be there too – especially when its raining here.

    Day 4 Belfast FD
    Happy 4th July to our American friends ( thanks @dykask for the reminder)

    Diana123 medical marijuana is still not readily available here but is coming on board due to a couple of high profile cases of children with epilepsy. Hope your mum feels better soon.
    Exciting times @annemarilyn!
    Great post @ Mogaman
    @annamariav don’t beat yourself up. This is a marathon, not a sprint and you will get there.
    @mjrbcd44 your post resonates with my current frame of mind. Have you also seen the BBC documentary ‘The truth about carbs’? It basically echoes what you’ve just said. Alongside my on-going fight against sugar I’m also trying to cut refined carbs. I mostly cook from scratch but it’s hard to lose that delicious bread etc.
    https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b5y6c0(not sure if you can access it outside the UK)
    @slacknz Well done on reducing that BMI
    @daffodil the spreadsheet is the same on my iPad, but at the bottom it says ‘June 2018’ and if I click on that it comes up July. Enjoy your biking!
    @coda glad you enjoyed your break. We were in Norfolk a couple of years ago for my nephew’s wedding. Lovely part of the world.

    I’m joining the pocket list for today.

    Pocket list Day 4


    Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Frothy clouds and a light breeze here in Pembrokeshire this morning, my legs are grateful for the fresher feel of the day!

    I echo what has been said about avoiding processed foods and sugar, I am convinced all calories are not equal and that my weight loss has been the result of giving up refined carbs and sugary foods. What’s more I now enjoy eating nuts and delicious full fat cheese guilt free 😋 and no longer experience the mood swings I used to get from the sugar highs and lows, that hangry feeling is a distant memory.

    @michelinme hope you are recovering well, thinking of you 💐

    Have a great day everyone.

    Day 4, UK, NFD

    Happy 4th July to our American friends and all who celebrate 🎈

    @coda so nice to see you here, you are an inspiration 🤗

    @annamariav don’t be too harsh on yourself and just keep going, you will be happy you did later one day 🙂

    @purplevilet I feel like eating less and less hungry overall after FD, I think its not unusual for body to react like that 🙂

    @siano there is a practice by quite a few people here to “close” the kitchen at certain time, meaning no more snacking. Brushing teeth also helps, as we don’t usually feel like eating after that, maybe worth a try? 🙂

    @daffodil2010 the spreadsheet works and looks fine for me, I even edited something just to test it, but I’m using laptop, it must be something to do with tablet? 🤔 And yes I asked about tomatoes …. damn, I thought it would be too late for this year 🙁 , oh well , next year than 🙂

    @MssyBear I’m with you on avoiding processed foods and sugar and feeling so much better for it 😀

    @michelinme hope you are feeling better, sending you lots of hugs and healing vibes 🤗 🌹

    Have a great day everyone ❤

    Day 4 London UK FD

    Today is my first attempt at two fast days in a row and I’m already thinking about food. I don’t think I’m hungry but have been booking a table at a lovely tapas restaurant for the weekend and now all I can think about is tapas!! So I’m here to check in and get focused!

    @daffodil2010 your trip to Cork and Kerry sounds wonderful. We did the Ring of Kerry a couple of years back – Kilarney National Park was glorious and we were in Lisdoonvarna during the time of the matchmaking festival – hugely entertaining! My husband is Irish and so we head back every two/three months. It’s the perfect antidote to London (and I do so love London!), especially as we now have a 22 month old son. All that space and fresh air! His family are all in the west, just outside Galway. Next trip is for a couple of weeks in August and I can’t wait!

    @debster251 Thanks for the BBC documentary link – Carbs are my weakness. Last week when I wasn’t well I took a break from 5:2…but not only that, I ate my body weight in bread. Is there anything more comforting than hot buttered toast?!

    Day 4…..Florida……NFD

    Happy 4th to all who celebrate!

    Did well in the food area yesterday. I think what helped is that I cleaned my who,e room in the warehouse. I’m stiff today for it! But it feels hella good that things are finally becoming organized.

    Off today for the holiday, I’m just going to relax the day away. Off to Mass with the hubby, then we’re going on the hunt for some runner rugs for my hallway. My YS is in Orlando with his girl and her family for the rest of the week. He texted me last night, they’re headed to Sea World today.
    My OS will be smoking ribs for dinner, I’ll make potato salad and asparagus.

    @daffodil……I love to hear about your garden. We’re done here until Sept. when we will replant. It is just to hot here in the summertime. I just picked my last cantaloupe. Now the only thing that seems to be growing right now, I can’t believe that haven’t gone dormant yet is my pole beans and my white eggplant. I hope they go dormant soon as the heat will make them sour next season. My eggplants are nearly 4years old now!

    @snowflake……On your tomato plants if you pick off the little growths that grow in the elbows of the stems. Some say they look like feathers, your plants won’t grow as big and will produce more fruit. I find it odd that your inside plants didn’t produce, the compost should have been enough….. You could try testing your soil, the ph could be off. For those inside plants, I would try trimming the back, if they haven’t died, do a soil test and see if you can get them to produce. It might take some work and research on your part but I’m sure you can turn them around.
    When I first started my garden, I had some trials like this, I meanI finally grew cantaloupe for the first time this year after 4 years of trying!

    Okay well, I’m off……..

    Do you think regular dogs see cop dogs and say oh shit there’s a cop?

    Day 4, Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Happy Fourth to everyone! As in, happy Independence Day for those who care, and happy Wednesday to everyone else! 😉 (My favorite Fourth of July joke is, “Do other countries also have a Fourth of July? Yup! They also have a Third of July and a Fifth of July!” Yeah, I know, corny, lol!)

    Hubby and I were at a party on Saturday night, another on Sunday night, then off on a little vacation (to Omaha, just 50 miles away) on Monday and Tuesday, where we ate and drank with abandon. Well, no, we shared food, but we certainly drank with abandon, lol! And now it’s the Fourth, and this will be another day of too many calories. But I’ve learned over the years that the only way to really live life for me is to allow me some of those days of abandon. So I’ll enjoy my lunch time gyro from the food stand at the big July 4th celebration where I’ve been buying it for almost thirty years, and share a funnel cake with my husband, and then come home and grill hamburgers (WITH the bun, thank you very much) and make a baked bean dish, cole slaw and a blueberry dessert…and tomorrow I’ll be back on the wagon.

    I’ve read many of the comments from everyone, but I’m out of time to finish reading now, so comments toward everyone else will have to wait for another time as I have lots to do before we head out of town to Seward, a town of 7,000 that has 40,000 people show up on the Fourth of July for their big celebration. It’s our family tradition, and I get lots of Christmas shopping done at the big craft fair they have on the town square…very “Americana” stuff today!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 4, UK, NFD

    Please can we start the month all over. Climbing back on the wagon again – please strap me in @bert1802. Meant to be fasting today, already bombed.

    Going to re-read ‘Alcohol Explained’ as my excessive wine drinking is ruining my life at the moment. Any words of support and advice will be gratefully received and appreciated.

    Reminding myself that how I feel at the end of this month is entirely up to me. I don’t like the way it’s started, so I know what my job is.

    Just taking a coffee break and ready to gnaw my arm off today. Checking in for sanity. Normally I find FDs easy. Why not today? I’m even contemplating driving to the shop to buy some wine gums.😦
    @Strawberriesandcream – it’s so hard not to crack open a bottle in this hot weather. Adverts at everywhere too, with ice cold beer to make you salivate. Start the month again? That’s just what you’re going to do. Start the month over and one day at a time. You did so well mid June and you can do it again. Buckle up and hold on tight. We’ve got your back. Xo

    Day 4 – USA – NFD
    Forgot to post day 2 which was a NFD. Happy 4th to all who celebrate it! @missybear, love your approach! @michelinme, feel better! @Strawberriesandcream, hang in there, we’ve got you!

    Day 4, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Happy 4th 🇺🇸 to all my American friends! Busy day, going hiking, then grilling 🍔and chilling. Will read posts later.
    Unfortunately, we have a severe situation here in Utah and the governor just declared a state of emergency due to an extreme out of control wildfire.
    And as it is so often, this fire was man caused.😢😠😡

    Have a good Wednesday! 😊🌼🌺🌻🦋

    Day 4 CD Oregon USA

    Happy 4th of July to all the USA gang. 🎆

    @redrockgirl– so sorry to hear about the fires in Utah. Being in Oregon I understand your pain and concerns.

    Didn’t do very well yesterday with my food and beverage choices. Good on excercise and stuck to 16:8.

    Hopefully better today but there will be a barbeque tonight with friends…and beverages. Definitely going to get exercise in before.

    Have a great day everyone!
    Be who you are and say what you feel,because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” Dr.Seuss❤

    Day 4 London UK – 2nd post

    Happy 4th July everyone over the pond!

    @redrockgirl the wildfire sounds serious – I hope they manage to get it under control and that no one is hurt.

    Cant believe I have managed a B2B although I very nearly derailed at lunchtime! I tend not to eat at all during the day on my fast days, and I went for a walk to get some air….and ended up in Whole Foods! They had prawn sushi rolls out for people to taste and I had a slice. Being free, it wasn’t huge by any means but of course having had something pass my lips I wanted to eat. managed to stay in control and had 8 grapes back in the office. A random choice but it hit the sweet craving spot! Have realised I am an all or nothing faster. Also, I like having one main full meal to look forward to when I get home.

    This will be me done with FDs this week and my next one will be Monday. However I am going to check in each day as I have a tendency to go over TDEE when I don’t.

    Weighed myself this morning and found that I have managed to lose 3.8lb in three weeks…Another 7.3lbs to go! Feels like a long way to go especially as those last few lbs are so stubborn but we have a trip in 7 weeks where we’ll be seeing old friends I haven’t seen since pre-baby so I really want to feel confident and not frumpy!!

    Day 4 -Florida

    Happy Fourth.

    NFD today. Got out and walked before the heat got bad. Worked on a painting pour.. Hoping it dries before our afternoon storms come through. May not be able to see the fireworks as the storms are suppose to start around then.
    @cornish-jane I’m glad to hear they are making some news series. I love the show and the scenery. Yes, I enjoyed the movie, The Birdcage. I think it did show how parts of Florida is. That was film in Miami and we live on the gulf side. No, I haven’t hear of Keno yoga instructor. If you ever come to Florida, I recommend the fall – May. Cooler and not during the rainy season which is summertime.
    @redrockgirl302 hope you have a great hike. Sorry about all the fires. California is using drones for their fireworks. I saw it on the news and it was awesome!
    Have an amazing day!!

    Day 5 NZ FD
    Gunning for a good fast day today.
    Hoping to wait until as late as possible to eat anything. Usually I have a snack mid morning and am aiming to stop that.
    Jeans felt looser this morning so that’s positive.
    Good luck today everyone

    Day 4 USA (Idaho) NFD

    I am thoroughly enjoying this time with my future in-laws in gorgeous Coeur d”Alene, Idaho. Terrific hospitality and wonderful eating. Fireworks tonight.

    @redrockgirl302 – may your Utah wildfires get under control!

    Onward and downward.

    Hi @strawberriesand cream. I’m supporting you too.

    When I tell people I’ve stopped drinking, they often say ‘ what, again?’ which I find massively unhelpful. It took me ages to stop drinking, and I did have about six goes at it. I actually stopped properly when I hit 60, because I could see my retirement looming ahead of me and drinking was making me very unhappy. So don’t give up. I’m sure you can do it. I always have AF beer in the house, because the good stuff is nice and tastes bitter. I can’t bear sweet drinks. Heineken 00 seems to be one of the best.
    Alcohol Explained helped me massively, but Soberistas is good too. Have another go, and remember there are loads of people on here who wish you well and understand it’s not easy. But it is definitely worth it.

    Day 5 FD Auckland

    FDs are just that much harder when the weather’s a wee bit miserable. We’re off for a walk. When you’re in an apartment with a dog you have to go out regularly!

    Pocket prop up List
    @strawberriesandcream just in case you’re doing a FD or CD

    Day 4 Massachusetts, USA NFD I couldn’t fast on the 4th- had to have a burger and fries. I will fast tomorrow as we have a family party on the weekend and start a road trip to Canada 🇨🇦 on Monday. I did swim
    Laps in our lake today which felt great as it’s been beastly hot 🌞. Congratulations to all you Brits 🇬🇧 who are Soccer fans-great game yesterday. I have a wee crush on Harry Kane!

    Day 5 – Japan – NFD 79.8kg

    Weight way up from yesterday, 2.8kg. Still it is lower than I used to get to after a water fast day. Over time the WOL really takes off of the fat. I still don’t have abs, but sometimes I see them starting to peek through. They been buried for so many years that they are shy.

    FD 2nd post..
    Well i waited until 12.30 before I ate so that’s a positive. The more I do it the easier it will get i guess.
    I am drinking tea like its going out of fashion as I am sooooooo cold! I mean its cold in NZ now anyway but on fast days it’s so much worse! I am wearing 3 layers and am at work with a heater going! A little bit ridiculous I know.
    Anyway this has been one of my best fast days to date (only my 6th ) So im pretty happy.
    I’m here with you @merryapple
    And @dykask that’s pretty awesome you almost have abs! Jealous!
    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 4 – SW WA USA (in BC Canada)

    Kept it a 16;8 as I traveled up to my parents. So glad I came. It was a bad news then good news kind of day. My brother tried to prepare me for seeing my mom. She had slept most of the day before I got here. When I entered the hospital room, Mom’s eyes were wide open, but she didn’t recognize me. She’s been dealing with dementia induced by prednisone in 2009, but until this visit she always knew me. I was able to help her eat some supper; apparently more than she’d done earlier. I went back again later in the evening & she was more alert; even talked some instead of just nodding. She also had a great couple of nurses for the night shift. One even answered a few of my questions & reallly seemed to care. I felt I left her in good hands.

    @daffodil2010 – wish I still had my 1100 Virago & that I could join you for a ride around the Irish countryside.

    @songbirdme – did you get to take in the fireworks over the Lake at Coeur d’alene? They’ve had some of the best in the past.

    Think I’ll be aiming for mindful eating while up here * back to fasting when back to SW WA.

    Hi everyone

    Day 5 – London – FAST DAY! Yay!

    I’m looking forward to this one, went for dinner last night and didn’t hold back :).

    My aim is not to eat til tonight x

    Good luck all.

    Day 5 North Wales FD

    Pocket prop up List
    @strawberriesandcream just in case you’re doing a FD or CD

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Morning all. Successful 3 FDs in a row and down 3lbs. I had a blowout month in June and still need to dispatch another 2lb before I get to start June weight…..but I will!

    It’s still hot and sunny here in Co Meath and a countrywide hose pipe ban will start from Friday morning. Oh well, my plants will have to tough it out for themselves.

    @debster251, & @shinything Thanks guys, I got the July sheet back. There was a couple of blank sheets opened on top of the July sheet so I have deleted them and renamed the July sheet tab ☺️ I do like to enter my daily weight on the sheet to keep tabs on myself. 😀

    @snowflake56 Do have a read up on how particular varieties of tomatoes like to be treated. I have grown tomatoes outdoors that grow up a string and I echo what @bert1802 said about needing to punch out shoots. I am now growing a wonderful cherry tomato variety called Garden Pearl, it’s a compact bush growing in pots with absolutely no pinching out or tieing in required. And loads of fruit.

    Don’t you just love trials in the garden @bert1802?

    @beedoo Enjoy your trip to the west in August. I looooove Galway. I spent three years there in the early 1990’s where I attended university. Such fond memories ☺️

    @annemarilyn I have a Suzuki GN 250 so you would be way ahead of me on those country roads ha ha. Hoping all well with your mom, tough times.

    @cornish-jane thanks, so looking forward to the trip down south.

    @dykask I laughed at your shy abs 😆 Good on you.

    Have a great day everyone

    Day 5 UK FD
    Yesterday’s fast day didn’t work out so I’m doing it today instead. That’s what I love about this WOL. In the past planning a good day then not succeeding would’ve been a problem. I would feel like a failure and then give up. 5:2 means I can just change may day.

    I follow a blogger called “be more with less” and read about a 90 day challenge. I’m going to meditate daily for 20 minutes every day for 90 days. I think that this will really help with 5:2.

    Have a great day everyone

    Day 5 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Day 5, UK, FD

    Thank you @debster251, @metatauta & @EmmaTaylor – I really appreciate your support.

    @EmmaTaylor – I am so pleased and motivated to hear that you have never looked back since giving up. This is it for me and I am calling July 4th ‘My Independence Day’. I have a cupboard full of AF beer from my attempt in January. Going to take it one day at a time.

    OH and I have decided to pack our new tent in the car and take ourselves off for a few days, so I’ll be offline until we get back.

    Together we are stronger.

    Hi @Strawberriesandcream. Just one last thing… it’s not that I don’t occasionally fancy a drink, obviously. I was very partial to a Campari Spritz, especially in Italy! But I just try to remember that one drink, for me, would lead to a disaster. EFS every day, but with alcohol. I thought I’d really struggle, especially on holiday, but actually, it’s easy. Much easier to have none than one or two. As I’m sure you know. Don’t give up. It’s possible. H

    Day 5, UK, FD

    Its a bit cooler outside today with a possibility of some rain they said, which my garden would really welcome! Not me though since I plan to go for a walk and keep busy on my FD 🙂

    @redrockgirl302 I hope they put those wildfires out asap, they are horrible and so devastating, feel so sorry for wildlife 🙁

    @mogaman it was a good exciting game and with happy ending haha :D, and you have extra incentive to watch and cheer for England in the next games too 😉

    @dykask your abs are becoming less and less shy with this WOL , clearly 💪

    @slacknz feeling cold on FD is a common thing, tea should help , and a virtual hug 🤗

    @annemarilyn its so hard seeing a parent not recognise you, sending you lots of hugs 🤗 , its comforting to know that your mum is in good hands.

    @siano you’ve got this, just keep going 🙂

    @Strawberriesandcream you can do it, believe in yourself 🙂 , and have a good time off 😊

    Pocket List for today:

    Have a good day everyone 🌺

    Day 5 UK NFD

    Thank you for all your lovely messages, which cheered me up and moved me more than I can say. Forgive me for not naming you – I’m short on capacity – but you know who you are. Thank you so much.

    Safe home to rest and recover after v dramatic few days. I spiked a fever on Thursday night and it didn’t respond to the usual remedies. V early Sunday I had 3 paramedics in my bedroom and went off to A&E. Put straight on the sepsis protocol for a few hours before lovely consultant decided ? atypical pneumonia.

    Admitted to acute medical ward for round the clock treatment to assess, stabilise and zap me back to wellness. It was pretty full on, and sleep was not a priority.

    Now home – weak, weary and breathless – amazed how much breath simple things take – and with plenty of battlescars. A week more antibiotics for pneumonia and pleurisy, and under GP care. From the kindness of staff to the speed of treatment, I’ve definitely experienced the NHS at its best.

    Unfortunately I’ve lost 6lbs in the last week and still off my food. I plan to eat my way healthily back up to end June weight, and then lose it slowly via 5:2. Currently only 4lbs from goal and don’t want to be here – who knew?!!

    Enjoying reading posts and rooting for you all. I’ll keep a watchful eye and join again when I’m Weller.

    Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. And let go of the rest. Xx

    Day 5 Belfast NFD
    Yesterday’s FD came in around 650cals but not what I should have eaten… an ice cream and two cookies?!!
    The sun is missing this morning so I shall use this opportunity to catch up on a few indoor chores. I’m a little disheartened on the garden front. Everything is drooping from lack of water and I can’t possibly water it all with a can. My vegetable patch is taking precedence although the spinach has now bolted and my Swiss chard is being attached by bugs 😡 I love the sunshine but I suppose you can’t have your cake and eat it.

    @Redrockgirl – sorry to hear about your disaster . We’ve had our own here in the U.K. as a result of the dry weather. Hope they get to grips with the fires.
    @EmmaTaylor you are an inspiration!
    @annemarilyn – my heart goes out to you. Dementia is the cruellest of illnesses.
    Good to see you home safe n sound @michelinme. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

    Whoever mentioned the Magic Pill, thank you. I went back and re-watched it. An excellent documentary.

    Aiming for a controlled mindful day. Slaying that sugar dragon🗡🐉

    Day 5 North Canton OH FD

    Pocket List for today:

    Have a great Thursday everyone

    Day 5, USA (Nebraska), FD

    Well, it’s been five days of wild eating and drinking, lol, and those five days sure announced themselves on the scale this morning: from 151.8 on Saturday morning to 158.6 this morning!!! 🙂 But, honestly, mostly it’s water weight and simply the quantity of food that’s currently in me. I think it’s likely I’m up one actual pound from the vacation and holiday eating since Saturday. And while I’m certain this is true, that scale sure was ugly this morning. Ugly, ugly, ugly.

    As I was waking up, I was thinking how much better I feel when I wake up empty of food–did I read that a couple of you were saying the same thing? So I’m looking forward to this FD, just because I’ll feel so much better tomorrow morning.

    That said, I would change little about what I ate over the past few days. When I look back on the food and drink my DH and I have shared, it all makes me smile…well, all except the bunch of potato chips at one point on Saturday, and the far-too-many-chocolates on Monday afternoon–that, I could have done without and never missed it! The rest of it? It was part of our lovely staycation. The food I ate yesterday? It’s TRADITION–can you hear the melody, lol? I always have a gyro on the 4th of July from the same food truck, have been for almost thirty years, and it’s part of the joy of the day…and this year, my husband and I shared it, so that was good.

    So it wasn’t that any particular day was awful, but only that there were so many of them in a row. And now I get to fast and feel the joy of this day as well!

    Pocket List for today:

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Hmmm…I’ve hit submit on a message five times, and it’s not posting, so I’m trying this to see if it works. What’s up??

    Okay, I’ll try the original message again (I copied it and pasted it, so I’d have it when I got this to behave).

    Day 5, USA (Nebraska), FD

    Well, it’s been five days of wild eating and drinking, lol, and those five days sure announced themselves on the scale this morning: from 151.8 on Saturday morning to 158.6 this morning!!! 🙂 But, honestly, mostly it’s water weight and simply the quantity of food that’s currently in me. I think it’s likely I’m up one actual pound from the vacation and holiday eating since Saturday. And while I’m certain this is true, that scale sure was ugly this morning. Ugly, ugly, ugly.

    As I was waking up, I was thinking how much better I feel when I wake up empty of food–did I read that a couple of you were saying the same thing? So I’m looking forward to this FD, just because I’ll feel so much better tomorrow morning.

    That said, I would change little about what I ate over the past few days. When I look back on the food and drink my DH and I have shared, it all makes me smile…well, all except the bunch of potato chips at one point on Saturday, and the far-too-many-chocolates on Monday afternoon–that, I could have done without and never missed it! The rest of it? It was part of our lovely staycation. The food I ate yesterday? It’s TRADITION–can you hear the melody, lol? I always have a gyro on the 4th of July from the same food truck, have been for almost thirty years, and it’s part of the joy of the day…and this year, my husband and I shared it, so that was good.

    So it wasn’t that any particular day was awful, but only that there were so many of them in a row. And now I get to fast and feel the joy of this day as well!

    Pocket List for today:

    Have a great day, everyone!

    third message

    Well it finally went through! Odd how that happens occasionally. Anyone know what was up?

    And while I’m asking questions, will someone again explain what is meant by 16:8? Thanks!

    FD #2 – going well. Yesterday was a disaster though…got bad biopsy results, due to stress response, completely over ate 🙁

    Thank you @slacknz, @daffodil2010 and @shinything for sharing your experience on day after FD.

    Pocket List for today:

    Day 5 Stevensville Maryland USA

    Feeling FAB today, Yesterday was a CNFD and despite the holiday, I stayed under my TDEE’s, it seems like I am never hungry and more. Maintenance is going great and the outfits are feeling wonderful.

    To all the newbies, I am a 61 year old women, I have been doing this WOL since mid-Jan 2018. I have lost a total of 22lbs, so I can tell you hang in there, stay strong, it gets easier on FD’s after a little while. I am now in maintenance and total enjoying the new me.

    To all of those who are suffering today, I will send positive energy, prayers and Angelic healing.

    Successful weight loss takes programming, not willpower. Have a great Thursday everyone.

    Second post…..

    @michelinme its so good to hear from you and to hear tha you are on the road to recovery :). Wishing you speedy and full recovery, take care of yourself 🤗

    @stitchincarol it happened before to few people that posts have gone missing, thats why its always advisable to copy your post just in case you need to use paste 🙂
    As for 16:8 its eating within 8 hours window only, like between 1pm – 9pm (could be any time that suit you), many people follow that alongside 5:2 🙂

    @purplevilet hope those bad biopsy results is something that can be sorted out, sending you a virtual hug 🤗

    Day 5, Cornwall UK, FD

    Fasting going well today. Finally took myself off down the coastal path with dog and OH, with the excuse that I need the exercise and the sun is out again. Clearly avoiding admin and decisions to be made at work.

    Had a black coffee at The Hidden Hut looking out to sea. Still think its beautiful. And proved to myself that a good time can be had without stuffing my face with cake or ice cream at each stopping-off point! 🍰❌

    It keeps my inner chatter-monkey calm when i exercise some self control – just wish i had more of it on non-fast days. Still struggling with that a year on.

    Day 4 and 5 – UK – NFD

    Hope all our American friends enjoyed their 4th of July celebrations – sorry I missed out on logging in yesterday!

    All good here, I have been enjoying the wonderfully hot and sunny summer we are experiencing – even up here in the Lake District it is dry and water levels are lower than normal everywhere!

    Broke my fast this morning with a late morning coffee and cheese scone whilst out with OH at our favourite little cafe, sitting outside in the shade – Just Perfect 💑

    @purplevilet – I too love doing a FD after an indulgent day or two, I call that pressing my RESET button and then the day after that FD I have lots of energy and feel renewed!
    @siano – you are not alone – a lot of us have struggled and still do at times with late night snacking – for me this goes hand in hand with 🥂🍷 but if I have a bad day I don’t berate myself and just make the next a good one – keeps me balanced! But I find that with time this bad habit has lessened and only happens occasionally now!!
    @Strawberriesandcream – You can do this – When I feel that I have been overindulging in 🥂🍷 I do a 5:2 in reverse with alcohol = 2 days a week I can drink and 5 days I can’t. I love this quote and hope it inspires you “You’re braver than you believe and stronger and smarter than you think.” —Winnie-the-Pooh.
    @redrockgirl302 – stay safe!
    @annemarilyn – it is such a relief when you have faith in those caring for your loved one “There is one thing dementia cannot take away, and that is love. Love is not a memory-it’s a feeling that resides your heart and soul” 🤗
    @michelinme – good to hear that you are back home – absolutely right to eat healthy and nutritious food as it is just what your body needs – don’t worry about gaining/losing weight and let your body heal xx
    @stitchincarol – 16:8 is where you fast for 16hrs of the day and only eat in an 8hr window – that is my everyday style of eating wince I found this WOL as I never feel hungry on waking!

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 5 CFD Oregon USA

    Off the rails eating and drinking with the holiday party. But was lovely fun. 🎆

    Back to it today. Ate outside of my window last night so will be stretching it Longer today.
    “Luckily” it’s a work day in office so won’t have the whale song calling me from the pantry. 😂

    @debster251 it was me and the Magic Pill. Glad you enjoyed it again. I found the whole story of the missionaries in Australia to be particularly compelling. All of the stories we’re great but the implications of processed food/ sugar over time were so obvious there.

    @Michelinme–truly good thoughts of healing and rest. Take it slowly and listen to your body as I know you will!💪

    Be who you are and say what you feel,because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” Dr.Seuss❤

    Day 5, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 800 cals

    Yesterday was definitely a feast day
    but my DH and I had a lot of fun 😊 with first hiking, then going to a State Park where they had 4th of July festivities- had naughty donut holes there freshly made 🍩🍩🍩yummy, afterwards grilling hamburgers 🍔 at home and chilling.
    Dammage today: 2 pounds more but as you said @stitchincarol it is mostly water retention and food in process. Also 16:8 means you fast 16 hours and have an 8 hour food window.
    So today it will be a FD @800 cals.

    To all who are ill and suffering I send good thoughts and healing vibes! 💐

    Pocket list today:

    @redrockgirl302: 800 cals or less

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