July 2018 Monthly Challenge

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July 2018 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 804 replies, has 57 voices, and was last updated by  MoliJ 6 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 810 total)

  • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/135ug0bd2WKaLy2VUGottq3oVjjZf6F_cIuIlYS34dYE/edit#gid=1200296035

    This is the link for the spread sheet, feel free to add yourself if your name is not there, fill out all/any details and use it as you wish 🙂

    “Whatever you do, never forget to be kind to yourself.”

    Hello and welcome to our July monthly challenge.

    The first monthly challenge was started by @coda in May 2016, since then so many of us have used this important tool to start, continue, or resume our 5:2 journey. Here’s how it works:

    1. Brief introduction – will help us to get to know each other, esp newbies! Please use your very first post of the month to introduce yourself – perhaps say something about your beginning, your journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from this Way of Life (WOL). Include your starting weight any other measurements (waist, hip, bust etc) you’ll be tracking this month, plus your monthly goal(s)

    2. Spreadsheet – You can also record & track your progress on the spreadsheet, listing ourselves in alphabetical order by username. There’s space to track your monthly targets, mark your fast days (FD) and keep track on how others are doing too. It may help to keep ourselves accountable, or plan FDs for the month ahead. Any problems with the spreadsheet please ask – there’s always someone happy to help out. The rows highlighted in green indicate the challenge members who have met their goals and are in maintenance.

    3. Format – Start each day’s post with the date where you are, where you’re from, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). Members live all over the world and in different time zones; it’s helpful to know which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting etc. For example I live in North Canton OH and I will be fasting on day 1. So my post will begin Day 1 North Canton OH FD.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily and briefly, some check in every few days, and others come every day and share experiences and ideas. There can be maybe 80 people around the world taking part in a monthly challenge so we’ll mostly post once a day. If you‘re posting for the second (or third) time in a day, please begin your post accordingly eg Day 1 second post.

    5. Content – Post your comments or questions, complaints or causes for celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks ideas welcome too. Remember – we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails. Whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum is there’s almost always someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support or solidarity.

    7. Pocket lists – Over the course of these monthly challenges, small groups have added their own mini-challenges. A ‘pocket list’ is a group who’ve set themselves a target and are supporting each other through it, mostly by knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join one a pocket list or start a pocket list for a FD– it’s entirely optional and flexible.

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    The link for the spreadsheet is in the first post but I will post it again at the end of this post. If you need help with adding yourself or filling the details please don’t hesitate to ask for help.

    I’m delighted to be your host for the second time! I wish everyone good luck and successful month in every way.

    Lets do this together! ❤


    Day -3 UK

    Huge thanks @shinything for hosting – I’m in 🙂 x

    @shinything Thank you so much for doing the hosting.
    Much appreciated

    Thank you @shinything. Count me in!

    Hi @shinything – count me in for a new month, but no need to add me to the spreadsheet. See you all next week!

    @shinything thanks you so much for hosting, would love to be part of the new challenge!

    Thanks, @shinything, I’m in for the July challenge!

    @shinything thank you for hosting, I will be here for July xx

    Hi everyone, I’m new to the forums. I actually started yesterday (tagging-on to the last 4 days of the June challenge).

    I’m 31 and American ex-pat living in Costa Rica, and I spend part of the year in the UK for work. Married and mom to one darling boy 🙂 I am currently around 200 lbs. and 5’3 (91 kg and 160cm). I tried doing low carb off and on for a few years but just found it completely unsustainable. I then tried Alternate Day Fasting for 2 months last year and it was by far the most sustainable and effective WL plan I had ever been on – I lost about 20 pounds. However life events derailed me and I have now regained. I am obviously looking to lose weight, but don’t do well when being stressed about seeing losses on the scale – so I don’t have a goal in mind for July. As I’m just getting started again, what I want to do is commit to 4:3 (500 calories on FD, 2000 calories on NFD) for all of July, and going to the gym 3 times a week. Let’s do this!

    Thanks, ShinyThing, for hosting July!

    @shinything: Thanks so much for hosting the July Challenge. Count me in! 💐

    @shinything thanks for hosting the July challenge please count me in.

    Thanks, @shinything. I’m in — July will be rather busy, but I hope to post as much as possible. Daughter getting married on the 21st!

    Day 29 North Canton OH FD

    I am ending June with a lower weight and body fat percentage than I started it; which makes me happy. Lost 6 pounds to reach the top of my maintenance range at 155 pounds and down to 26.5% body fat – I was 29% last month. Like April and May, June was a tinkering month for me; I was seeking a sustainable path for maintenance and I am hopeful that I have found it.

    It was such a pleasure to host our lovely forum this month. I am so thankful for the newbies who joined as well as our veterans who offered words of advice, encouragement and perspective. This WOL works, there may be some frustrating days but the trend for weight loss and improved health is fabulous. Having tried every diet out there, I can attest that this is a fact.

    @shinything thank you again for hosting July, really commendable seeing as how you just hosted us in May.
    @at congrats on your 5 B2B FD, awesome!
    @merryapple, my heartfelt condolences on yet another break-in, I hope they find the perps soon
    @flourbaby great job inspiring us all this month and happy holidays
    @dykask I just wanted to give you a shout out for sticking with us gals, I am sure you will complete water fast #46; if not this go then the next time you try
    @daffodil2010 enjoy your dinner tonight, and I am so glad your mammo was relatively drama free. I still dread it every time.
    @missybear I am so sorry about your cat
    @michelinme congrats on stepping off your plateau to a new low; exciting and worth celebrating!

    I found a couple lovely under 80 calorie cocktails that may be my new best friend for the next little while. While I can abstain for a while, I don’t want to feel deprived because feeling that way leads to bad downward spirals. Here are the recipes in case anyone else wants to try, I will let you know Monday if they were any good.

    June was fun and I am sure July will be even better. Remember to start where you are, and use what you have, to do the best you can; because while fasting may not win every battle – it is winning the war.

    Take care guys and see you on the other side.

    Hi everyone! Huge thanks @shinything for hosting this month challenge. And thank you @basyjames for hosting last month’s challenge. I did not jump in very much as it was a crazy month for me and I kept feeling guilty for not having a chance to read everyone’s post, but I am very grateful I still participated.

    Welcome @bluebell Blue and good for you for being true to yourself regarding having a weight goal. I think we all have to do what’s best for us psychologically, not just physically, and it’s wonderful that you know what works for you! Looking forward to hearing about your successes in the weeks to come!

    Thank you for the cocktail recipes @basyjames!

    I’m looking forward to July! It’s time to break this plateau and I’m hoping being this board will help me both with accountability and support. And I’m looking forward to hearing all the great stories, the challenges and the tips that always seem to pop up.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Second post ahead of Day 1 since I’ll be on vacation on July 1.

    A little about me: I’m 50 and live in North Carolina, in the US. I started out at 146 or 147 at the beginning of March and I’m am down about 15lbs. I actually enjoy this WOL. It’s the most sustainable method I can think of to be healthy and loose weight while still being able to enjoy gathering with friends and family. My weight loss is insanely erratic (seriously, I can eat 700 calories one day and gain a pound!!! How crazy is that?!), so I have to watch my mental state and really focus on enjoying the process as I go, so I stay motivated and happy. But overall, the results are there as long as I keep the daily ups and downs in perspective.

    I’m in the last 10lbs stretch and my body is not that interested in giving those up lol. But that’s okay. I have decades to stay at my goal weight so arriving there this month or next is okay as long as I’m headed in the right direction. Onward and downwards as many of you have taught me.

    Very much looking forward to the July challenge. I’ll be gone the first week on vacation at the beach (Yay!!!) but I am planning on eating lots of salads and walking every day. And I’ll pick up on July 8th.

    Let’s make it a fabulous month!

    Hi everyone, I am trying the 16/8 version of fasting as it is fairly easy. I am never hungry in the morning so that is a great help & the 8 hour window prevents me from having unnecessary snacks.

    Hi, ShinyThing! Please count me in for July! Thanks in advance!

    Thank you @shinything for stepping up to host the July Challenge – I’m definitely in and hoping for a more settled July (my 19th month of maintenance 😇) after the many birthday celebrations in June……… having said that I’m out for lunch with friends of Monday as a final birthday treat!

    Welcome to anyone new to the challenges and it will be lovely to see all our regulars again – See you all in July ☺️

    Hello @shinything – please count me in. Thanks for hosting.

    Hi @shinything. Thanks for hosting. Much appreciated. Hope everybody round the world is happy and healthy. Have a good day, all. H

    Welcome to so many familiar faces, its good to see you in another monthly challenge guys 😀
    Welcome back @Strawberriesandcream, its good to have you back 🤗
    And welcome @uk-smarty and all who are new in joining us this month, its great to have you with us 😀 . If you need any help with anything please ask, and there is a lot of useful info in the opening post as well 🙂
    We have the last month of June to get through and we will kick start July tomorrow 🙂
    Have a great day everyone 🌼

    Well June was a bust for me, so I’m trying it again in July!

    Just a refresher….
    I live in Florida, work full time, I have new position that I’m trying not to mess up!
    My hubby and I will celebrate 21 years married in Dec. we have to kids, who still live at home.
    I’ve been a 5:2er for almost 2 yrs, lately, I’ve been screwing that up but I’m trying.

    I think that’s it….

    Do you think regular dogs see cops dogs and say oh shit there is a cop?

    Thanks for hosting @shinything. I’m in for July.

    In summary, I started 5:2 in July 2017, nearly a year ago. I had lost some weight using standard calorie restriction, but was flagging, so feel very lucky I remembered the Dr MM documentary from years ago and decided to try intermittent fasting instead. Its been very effective.

    Overall, I’ve lost 31kg (68lbs) and am now down to 75.2kg (166lbs). Its taking a while to get back to a healthy weight, but I’m making good progress and feel hopeful I will keep going. I hope to reach 71kg by the end of summer (healthy BMI of 25), and 63/65kg by the end of the year.

    For July, I plan to continue without any hitches or personal dramas and lose another 2kg! I struggle to keep a balanced view, feeling really good when the weight is going down and get dis-heartened when the scales don’t move (or move in the wrong direction!). So I come on here for a bit of moral support and to learn from those who are ahead of me.

    Thank you @shinything for hosting July. Please count me in. Please could you add me to the spread sheet as I can’t access it on my phone,sorry.

    See you all tomorrow. 😁

    Thanks @shinything (my fellow Bulgarian yoghurt/kefir aficionado and bird feeder enthusiast 😄) for hosting July.

    Quick summary about me. I have just turned 51, I am now a slim petite strawberry blonde female, and how lovely it is to state that I am slim! I am married to my darling husband since 2010, we are both second time around true loves 🤗 I have no children of my own, but 4 step children and an adorable step-granddaughter. I left the big corporate world three years ago, went back to college to study horticulture, and I now work in a local glasshouse specialising in micro herbs and edible flowers. I can’t believe how much my life has changed for the better.

    I found the 5:2 in July 2017 and it has been a revelation. I am a veteran of many many Weight Watchers attempts, soul destroying when I was averaging a half pound loss a week. I was quite successful with the Dukan Diet but could not sustain the weight loss.

    I have lost around 35lbs with this WOL and have reached my original goal BUT I have decided to push further for another 5-10lbs to get my waist:height ratio well under the healthy margin.

    I look forward to getting through the July challenge with all you lovely people ☺️

    Count me in for July @shinything

    I’m choosing this with my will at the moment; not my feeling. To borrow from the Spanish, the “ganas” aren’t there right now.

    Thank you @shinything for hosting July. I love these monthly challenges. Help keeps me focus. I’ll be weighing in tomorrow to see if I made my June goal. Looking forward to July and to see if my exercising program is strengthening my legs. Have a big trip plan to Spain and I know it will require a lot of walking.
    Hope everyone is having a great day.

    Count me in @shinything. I’ll add myself to the sheet sometime soon.
    Hello friends!!😘😘

    Well I am back.
    I don’t know exactly what it is going to look like but I am committed to 16:8 and will be attempting FD’s on Monday and Thursday. But mostly just going to be completely accountable for calories and exercise and 16:8

    For the newbies…I found 5:2 in October 2017. I lost 10 pounds of which 2 are currently back with me. I pretty much flatlined due to poor compliance and laziness.
    In May, I took a break. And after 6 weeks of let’s just call it mindlessness…. I am reinvigorated and ready to start again in July.
    I am 53, the mother of four boys (men)and I like to think I am funny. But not nearly so clever as @flourbaby.❤️

    And for the record, I don’t have a great geographic knowledge of the English “shires”so in my book you Brits all live close to each other.As in you could grab coffee or meet at the pub.😊

    Busy month ahead with all four boys here next weekend for the youngest’s grad party. Where does time go?

    Here’s my quote for the month:

    “Be who you are and say what you feel,because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”❤️ Dr.Seuss

    Day 1 New July Challenge! Auckland NZ NFD

    I’m 81.6kg today, which means I have lost exactly 10kg since I began 5:2 in mid January. I’m 5’9 / 176cm and turned 60 in April 2018, my ash blonde hair is long enough to tie up like Patsy Stone from Ab Fab and just has a few grey streaks so I haven’t had to resort to any artificial means as yet!

    I’m an ex critical care nurse who studied Fine Arts and did an MA on the culture of high-tech medicine. Now I work on ‘useful art’ mainly with textiles. My OH is an artist with dealer galleries in Hong Kong, London and Auckland. He has an exhibition coming up in London during the Frieze Art Fair so my goal is to KEEP LOSING those kg as best I can and look absolutely fabulous!

    We have been out of our 100 yr old house for 9 months now while is being brought up to today’s stds. It seems to be taking forever to finish… Our little family includes Macintosh the Westie who is 10 1/2. He and I go walking 2-3 times a day. We’re sitting down on the wharf at the moment looking over the harbour on a cool crisp winter’s morning with the big seagulls flying overhead.

    Welcome / back / one and all and may we all hear about less of us! Thank you @shinything.

    Forgot to say that’s a 1kg loss for June. Not bad considering I went up 2 in the month because of wining and dining in HK…!

    Day 1 – Japan – NFD

    Thanks @shinything

    Day 1… NSW Australia…NFD
    (3.40pm Sunday )

    Hi everyone and warm welcome to all the newbies!

    I’m a young 66, married to a delightful OH – we share 3 grown up children and 3 grandchildren. We live on the east coast of Australia in a rural country town. I work one day/week in a medical centre.

    I started this WOL on 1 October 2017 at 82.5kg. I’m 159cm and currently weigh 75.9kg – ultimate goal 65kg, then maybe lower 😉. My weight has an approximate 1kg range that varies each day ie from 75.9 down to 74.8, depending on the carbs consumed and water retained! I find a slow and steady pace suits me just fine – the slower I take it off, the more likely I’ll keep it off, so I’m a member of Club Tortoise!

    I’ve usually given up other ‘diets’ after about 3 months because I don’t like counting calories or restricting food on a daily basis. This way of life suits be just fine – it’s so flexible and easy to follow; and the advice, support and encouragement on this forum is outstanding!

    I look forward to sharing our experiences in July and wish each of you every success in your endeavours!

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    July 1 = NFD. Hello Everyone! I am an artist living in San Francisco and I am excited to join the July Challenge. Since starting 5:2 with the April Challenge, I am down 15.2 lbs and 11.25 inches! Weightless has slowed down since the first month, and during the June Challenge I lost 3.8lbs –almost the perfect 1 lb a week weightloss. I hope everyone has a great month!

    Day 1 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Hello friends old and new. I began 5:2 on 28 June 2017 weighing 159 lbs. I’m 59 and 5ft 5” and currently weigh 129 lbs. I was 10 lbs at birth and have always been a heavy weight with a lifelong history of dieting, losing and gaining! 5:2 has been a totally different experience, I eat good food, drink red wine (LCHF Mediterranean style) and just count calories on Monday and Thursday when I allow up to 800. I’m now learning weight maintenance on 5:2 and this is where I have always messed up on previous diets. From this forum I have already learnt to accept a weight range and mine is 129 to 133 lbs. Getting to grips with maintenance is a critical stage in my 5:2 journey so I’m holding tight to you good people for support….and I’m addicted to the love and friendship shown here, thank you everyone. Let’s have a great month.

    Hi Folks,
    I am new to 5:2 – I have just signed up.
    Until about 5 years ago I was sporty, fit and active. Then life happened and with a divorce behind me and close family bereavements I have made myself a product of some serious emotional eating.
    And I don’t like what I see.

    So here’s the commitment: 12 weeks of 5:2, and a map back to fitness.

    Thank you for this Challenge group. Have a great month everyone.

    Day 1, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Here we go everyone – day 1! Its a non fast day for me and i can smell bread being baked downstairs. So whats my job today? Not to eat too much of it! As many of you may know, i do like bread, sourdough most particularly.

    The heatwave has just broken in Cornwall with a big rain shower – who would have thought we’d be welcoming rain down here. I nearly went out and stood in it! 💧💧💧🌝

    @annemarilyn – shows strength of character to join and keep going when you’ve lost some motivation. Hope your mojo returns soon! 💪

    Day 1, Guildford UK, NFD

    On a dance weekender at Camber Sand.

    Lots of great exercise.

    Thank you @basyjames for last month and @shinything for this month.

    Going dancing all day and night.

    Oh yes…….


    Day 1, Newcastle UK, NFD

    There really is something lovely about the first day of a new month. And it’s totally up to me how I will feel on the last day. So here goes.

    Bit of background. I’m a 58 year old female, 5ft 5 inches and currently weigh 144.4lbs. Having joined the challenges in February 2017 I momentarily reached my ideal weight of 133lbs in May 2017, then bobbed up and down but generally under the 140lb until this last month when I completely lost my motivation and piled on the lbs. I took the last two weeks out to get my head sorted and now look forward to a good month. Thanks for the warm welcome back @shinything.

    Following a broken metatarsal in January, I’ve been told it may take up to one year for the tendons to heal and this means no dancing or rigorous exercise. That took the wind out of my sails to say the least but I’ve finally got round to learning and practicing yoga and whilst it is early days, I am feeling the benefits.

    I’ve found from experience that when I set out a strategy, the little devil on my shoulder immediately trips me up. However, I’m now back in control and will follow basic 5:2 with FDs on Monday and Wednesday and will happily join ‘Club Tor Twah’.

    All the best folks.

    Day 1 London UK
    @merryapple – I usually go to the Frieze Art Fair. I hope you enjoy it. I have a mental picture of you as Patsy now!
    I’ve been doing 5:2 since the end of last year, and I really like doing it. I like the way the fasting days give my body a break from eating, and can see myself doing this WOL for good. BUT, this month has been tricky – just fitting fasting round a very busy social life. So I’m skipping breakfast, sometimes skipping another meal, avoiding bread and carbs I know affect me badly, and just biding my time until this busy bit is over. This forum stops you throwing in the towel which is great. And the effect it has on ones mental state is brilliant. I don’t think I’m a failure, I don’t think I’m weak, I don’t think I’m useless if I have a bad day, I don’t hate my body, I don’t hate myself. So all good, despite my falling slightly off the wagon. I’m sure a lot of others here feel the same. Have a lovely day, all.

    Day1 North Wales NFD

    Pleased to be back, I am not a regular poster. Trying to wean myself off my phone and iPad. I have been doing these challenges for over a year now and I have found the encouragement and support you get from this forum invaluable. Never thought that I would be able to fast two times a week, but I can and I now look forward to my fast days. I am a 62 year old, who had struggled to lose weight for many years. The 5:2 is my way of life now, I can’t see me not doing it. Hope everyone has a good month.

    Remember Together we are Stronger 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

    Day 1 – Iceland – FD

    Many thanks to @basyjames and @shinything for hosting June & July!

    I am excited to begin my 8th month of 5:2 – have been traveling for the past week and might have gained a little already… so hope for a good start with a FD today. I do not have scales with me at the moment so I will take my last weigh-in on June 16th at 77kgs as a starting point for July.

    Wish all of you a great, successful month!

    Day 1, UK, NFD

    Welcome to July challenge everyone ❤

    A bit about myself to start with: I am 51 yrs old female, 5.3ft 52.5kg right now. I was 57kg when I started 5:2 in January, so I am definitely a member of our Club Tortoise 🐢 , and a proud one 😎. I believe that the slower I lose weight the more likely is that my body gets used to the “new” weight and accept it as normal.
    My overall goal is 50kg, which was my long time weight before I got sick in 2016 and due to the sickness, which restricted my exercise as well, I put on over a stone.
    I would feel like my old self if I reach the weight I was before. 🙂

    @metatauta sending you virtual hugs 🤗

    @annemarilyn glad you were not hurt in that accident 🤗 , hope your mum keeps recovering 🙂

    @debster251 yes, its unbelievable that there is a hosepipe ban, we will be next, which is unbelievable as well, but my God! Its so dry and been without rain for ages now 😮 . I have a second job at the moment watering my plants and filling bird baths, to keep both plants and garden birds alive 😂

    @bert1802 – “Do you think regular dogs see cops dogs and say oh shit there is a cop? ” you made me laugh so much 😂

    @daffodil2010 sending you a virtual hug my fellow Bulgarian yoghurt/kefir aficionado and bird feeder enthusiast 🤗

    @celtic Girl welcome to our July challenge and to this friendly, supportive group 🙂 Feel free to ask if you need help with anything 🙂 , and there are some useful links in the opening post as well.

    @cornish-jane I am a sourdough bread lover too, and I made one yesterday yum 😀 , and as for the rain ….. its so dry here when it rains next I think I WILL go out and stand in it haha 😂

    Lets kick off July challenge now! Good luck everyone and stay the course 💪
    We can do this!

    Day 1 (I so love that. So optimistic) Belfast NFD

    A few overhead clouds today have broken the endless blue skies, and give a bit of respite to the high temperatures.
    A bit about me
    I am a 63 yo retired primary school teacher, married, two grown up sons, who has been doing this WOL for two years approx. I have lost around 28 lbs (definitely Club Tor-twah (tortoise club) but slow and steady wins the prize). Essentially I am quite thin, with the exception of my waist, from which I would ideally like to despatch 2”. My dilemma is that I really don’t want to lose weight anywhere else, so I have decided to stop now and go into maintenance.🎶👏💥I would have liked my weight to have reached a nice round 140lbs but at 144lbs and a BMI of 23.6 I’m not going to nitpick. And I don’t want to look to scrawny. So like @missy Bear, I am setting myself a range from 142 to 146lbs and we’ll see where that takes me.
    I will fill in the spreadsheet when I get home.

    Goals for this month.
    * eat mindfully
    * Keeps slaying that sugar dragon 🐉
    * Keep up my exercise routine and give the 30 day shred a go.

    @shinything I echo @ Daffodil2010 re the Bulgarian kefir. I love it and am busy promoting it to my friends.
    Welcome back @strawberriesandcream, @mjrbcd44 and @molij and a big hello to tall those regular and new friends.
    This WOL really does work.

    Day 1 (yay!), NFD, US

    Hello all, familiar faces and new. Great to be back for another month.

    I started 5:2 about a year ago and have lost around 10 kilos, but, if I’m honest, have not lost any weight since about December. Completely due to my lack of mindfulness on NFDs, and my love of alcohol. So, enough excuses! This month I’m going to do Dry July (except for 4th of July because we’re hosting). No grog all month!!! I know this will help me lose weight, and not just because I’ll be missing out on all those calories in wine and martinis, but because when I drink, I snack more.

    This will be a great month and I love that thought @strawberriesandcream, that how I will feel at the end of the month is completely up to me!!

    Day 1 country West Australia NFD
    Day 2 will also be a NFD then hopefully some FDs again!

    Day 1…….Florida…..CD

    Well today’s the day, I starting getting my shit together. June was a total bust, I really do feel a bit scattered. I am think that if, I get myself together, health and homes especially, the organizational part of me will fall into place and I’ll be successful on all fronts.
    Thank goodness, I only went up 5lbs and off track a month before this realization came to me.

    @shinything …… Thank you for hosting. I don’t do the spreadsheet, so could you keep my name up dated….. start 131.4lbs….FD Mon, Wed and Friday
    500 calories on FD…..1200 calories on NFD… 1000 on CD…

    Okay, well Im off to help the hubby, he’s out cleaning the patio out back. We’ve had so much rain and wind, the outside is looking a bit rough! I know it’s early but if we don’t get it done this morning, the heat mid day will kill us both!

    Do you think a regular dog sees a cop dog and says oh shit there’s a cop?

    Day 1, Germany NFD

    Hello all,

    I’m a relativly new member of the group, since I joined only 3weeks ago. I’m a Hungarian 41 year old female, with three children between 6-11. I’m currently in Germany with the kids for two months without my husband, and so far I really like this WOL.
    I’m an emotional & habitual eater, so I limited my food intake for 2 meals/day. I combine 16:8 and 5:2, my FDs are on Tuesday and Friday. I eat only raw vegetables, fruits anf nuts on my FDs. I don’t count calories.
    My start weight was approx. 74 kg (163 lbs) 3 weeks ago. My goal weight is 59 kg (130 lbs). I don’t have scales here, so I don’t know the results of my first 3 week, but i do feel better and my clothes started to become loose so I definitely am on the right path.
    My goal for July is to stick to this eating pattern every day.

    I wish everyone a successful and happy July.

    NFD – Day 1 – Florida

    Here we go!! My June goal was to reach 175. I guess one could say I sorta made it. I weight in at 175.7 🙂
    Since I’ve started exercising, I’m wondering if that is slowing my weight loss??? Anyone else noticed this? I really need to keep the exercising going so I need to make some adjustments somewhere.
    Hope everyone has a great day.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 810 total)

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