July 2017 31 Day Challenge

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July 2017 31 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,994 replies, has 126 voices, and was last updated by  Chitown Gal 7 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,851 through 1,900 (of 1,996 total)

  • @flourbaby I am so sorry to hear about your dad’s passing. What a blessing that you were able to enjoy the BBQ for his 92nd birthday together, and then his sister’s birthday a week later. I’m sure you have lots of happy memories from the parties to add to all the memories of his life.

    Stay close here, when you can. We’re all here to offer support any time we can. There’s always someone around, 24 hours a day. ((((((HUGS))))))) to you from across the pond.

    Day 29 Chester UK NFD

    Back from holidays. The fjords are truly stunning. Tried to be good 😊 but ate and drank far too much. I did manage at least 10000 steps per day – the ship was big! But somehow don’t think I offset the wine/champagne and gorgeous food we had.
    Pressing reset firmly next week. I’m not going to weigh in till next Saturday when hopefully I might have lost some of the weight gained last week. (I’m a real chicken and don’t want to see how much I’ve gained). I’ve caught up on a couple of pages, will try to read back a few days tomorrow.

    Day 29 Newcastle UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ NFD
    Defiantly posted this morning but it ain’t there noow.
    @flourbaby sorry to here of your loss.

    Day 29, Guildford UK, NFD

    Lost my motivation and haven’t exercised

    Am in a very dark place at the moment, very demotivated about just about everything including this, was doing so well

    It’s so slow


    Day 29 – USA – NFD

    @rainbowsmile, I have been in your dark place, and I suspect some of us have also experienced this type of pain. Please know that it is something you will come out of at the end of that dark tunnel and you will see purpose and hope again. Big cyber (((hugs))) to you!!!

    2d post

    @saffy420. Your trip sounds wonderful! I have always dreamed of visiting and taking a ship through the fjords. It’s on my bucket list. Y’all get back on track again.

    @RainbowSmiles. You will also get back on track and get your mojo back. Just looking at your moniker makes me smile.

    Day 29 Massachusetts USA NFD It took a long time for the sun to come out today, so I didn’t swim. I’ll get it done tomorrow. Worried that my weigh-in Tuesday will show no loss, like in May. We’ll see.

    @flourbaby I’m so sorry for your loss. My condolences.
    Day 28 was my first successful fast day in two weeks. Day 29 went well also. July isn’t my best showing but I believe it’s part of the journey. I know what it’s like to meet and exceed a goal, but I also know what it’s like to fall off the wagon.
    You only fail if you give up completely, every other experience on this journey is just a part of your story. I want to encourage any one who is struggling to hang in there and play the long game; take it one day at a time. Tomorrow is not promised, all we have is today – do your best to make it awesome but if you fall short dust yourself off and try again.
    Blessings to you all.

    Day 30 – Tokyo, Japan – NFD 83.4kg

    @flourbaby – Sorry for your loss. Hopefully you make longer and healthier than your parents did. 92 sounds like your father had a lot of life. Hopefully you have a lot of good memories.

    My teenagers are very healthy and I think that what parents should be doing is helping their children be healthier than they were. I’m very perplexed about how lifespans in modern parts of the world are starting to decline. We have done the younger generations a disservice.

    The food industry has such massive control over peoples lives. I find it difficult to not only overcome the brainwashing I had but even that of others even in my family. Fasting is something that has been safely done for literally 1000’s of years but people in the modern world have been brainwashed into believing it is only harmful and will even cause one to get fat. It is so absurd but some people believe that when you fast you are starving yourself and that leads to the body accumulating fat so it has it when it needs it. Huh? I’ve actually had people tell me that.

    Day 30 – Mornington Peninsula Australia – NFD

    Had a very busy week so had mainly CD after my B2B on Monday/Tuesday.

    @RainbowSmiles -Hang in there! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, concentrate on people and things that make you happy, get out in the sunshine. Those are the things that help me when I feel down. Sorry if it sounds like clichΔ—es, hugs!

    I cannot believe tomorrow is the last day of July. Good luck everyone!

    Day 30 NFD country West Australia
    yesterday’s FD went out the window, well down my throat actually!
    Was doing OK but then plugged the numbers and …eek!! although well under 1200 TDEE was well over 500 calories so it turned out to be a CD NFD.
    This morning went to early church and had morning tea. Why are church ladies such good cooks and provide such sumptuous food ? in such quantity ?πŸ€”
    Then had lunch in town with a friend. Just guessing that cheesecake straight from the oven with cream AND ice-cream will not come in under 500 calories ! ( may be hard pressed to even come in under TDEE!) πŸ˜‹
    Yesterday I took my 92 yo mum, who has dementia and living in Aged Care ,shopping. Had planned to stay inside and chat as it was so cold. But the sun came out and I decided to take her shopping with me.
    We had such a lovely time and mum really enjoyed doing something ‘normal’.
    It is interesting to see how participating in routine, normal activities can be so good for those coping with dementia.
    @flourbaby, so sorry to hear of the loss of your father. Our parents are such special people. Thoughts, hugs and prayers across the ocean.
    @awilson, rainbowsmile and others, holding on to your coattails so we can jump aboard the wagon together, it’s right there waiting for us.
    I have found the accountability of posting daily and reading the posts really helps me and sustains me. It makes me mindful of living this WOL. Hate to think what I would be like without all you lovely people from across the globe.πŸ€—
    As Katie Scarlett O’Hara ( from Gone With the Wind) famously said ” Tomorrow is another day!”

    Day 30 | Sydney Australia | NFD

    Well since last Monday I haven’t had a successful fasting day. The wheels have well and truly come off.

    I have had a virus hanging around all week and it has taken hold since Friday. My 8-year-old daughter is very sick with the same thing, she has totally lost her appetite and lost a couple of kilos.

    I have always managed to gain 2 or 3 kilos when I’ve been sick like this, and this time will likely not be an exception. I can’t stay away from the comfort food.

    I’m hoping that tomorrow I’ll feel well enough to fast and hit the gym. Any weight I’ve regained over the past 6 days should be gone just as fast.

    Day 30 UK FD

    Day 30, UK, NFD

    Away from home for a few days, so haven’t had a chance to weigh myself since Friday (yes, I normally do it daily). Good FD yesterday. Off to a fmily do today, but as I’ll be driving afterwards, at least alcohol won’t be taken. So oight to be relatively controlled. And then I’ll finish the month with a FD tomorrow before the reckoning on Tuesday morning.

    Have a great Sunday everybody. Onwards and downwards!

    Day 30, Wales, NFD

    Days 29 & 30: Gloucestershire, UK: NFDs:

    @coda…sorry (again) I forgot to log-in yesterday. A bit of a busy day. Came home from work then we went visiting family in Hampshire, and didn’t get back till late. Terrible weather on the journey too, driving rain.
    I am guessing @at is continuing with the August challenge. I think I’ll step away for a time, as I haven’t fasted properly since 8th March. Maybe I should take the pressure off for a while. Thankfully, my weight seems to have stabilised at approx. 14 pounds above what I achieved. So, fatter than I should be, but not massively so!
    Keep up the good work, folks xx

    Day 30 – Woking, UK – NFD
    Still hanging on to 17st 7lbs although it’ll be touch and go whether I’m still that weight tomorrow as we’re meeting my sister, brother-in-law and my niece and nephew for Sunday lunch today. It would be nice to finish up the month at 17st 7lbs but if I do bounce up I know it’s likely to be water weight and food in transit.

    Day 30. Belfast NFD
    Well pocket winos @at, @strawberriesandcream @brightonbelle @matron65 @rocy65 @missybear @awilson why is it, that when I drink, even though I haven’t eaten and drunk an extra 3000 cals my weight goes up by a pound or two? Yesterday, I had some fruit and yogurt during the day, a couple of gins, then two glasses of wine with a Chinese meal, which I ate mindfully, and the scales are up 1.5 lbs. I was hoping to break even in the scales department at the end of the month, so now I have two pounds to lose before tomorrow. 😒 I’m hoping that by leading the August challenge it will make me focus better!
    @foodfreedomgirl – I personally use the number 1560 that came from My Fitness Pal, which I set to lose a pound a week. I came across that calculation in a magazine, and coincidentally it was close to the MFP number. However, on this forum my TDEE is 1950 – as you say, a huge discrepancy in all of them. I just really threw out that calculation to see if anyone else had come across it. However, I confess I haven’t counted calories for a while, and my weight loss has reflected that! Next month, I’m going to start using MFP again.
    @flourbaby – I’m so sorry to read the sad news of your father’s passing. Our parents play such a big part in our lives. Sending you big hugs xo
    @rainbowsmile – I’ve been thinking of you. You’ve come so far and the end is nearly in sight. It doesn’t matter about diet or exercise for now. Just focus on the positive and getting through day to day. Sending you big hugs xo
    @lilymartin – enjoy those precious moments.
    @basyjames – great words
    @big_bill -hope you and your daughter feel better soon. Xo

    Day 30 UK NFD

    Thanks for hosting @coda – it’s not been a great month for me but I’m drawing a line and starting afresh in August

    @flourbaby ❀️

    Day 30, Cheshire UK, NFD

    @flourbaby so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is so tough, sending good thoughts your way.

    @strawberriesandcream, the fjords are really beautiful and I think an ideal way to see them is from the water. When do you go to the Baltics? I love that itinerary and didn’t know you could do it from Newcastle.

    Seems lots of people have been struggling lately, or maybe more people are being honest about their feelings. I think we’ve all been there, I know I have. I’ve been disgusted with myself for allowing me to get so fat in the first place. But this group is the best resource I’ve ever found for support. No judgements, no patronising, just a global group of people all willing each other on. Last week I did things I couldn’t have attempted six months ago – doing a 5mile hike at the top of a mountain, driving the smallest electric car you’ve ever seen. Realistically I’ve got at least another 70lbs to go to get to mid BMI so I’m here for the long haul. Thanks @debster251 for hosting next month.
    @okeydokey glad to see you’re back posting, hope you had a lovely Anniversary. Think I need to join the pocket winos, drinking every night for a week is not healthy! Can I join the list?

    Day 28,29,UK NFD
    Day 30,31,UK FD

    Sorry been missing in action this week! Lost a bit of my focus and mindfulness… hopefully can get back on track… will try FD today and tomorrow and start afresh in August.

    Second Post

    Have just read back on the posts I needed to catch up on. What an amazing group of people and I’m so glad I found this forum! My focus was lost this week and fell foul of a few things which I now regret,,,, too much wine,,, too many crisps and carbs…. general loss of care about what I was eating. Had to remind myself of how far I’d come thanks to being part of this group. @saffy420 summed it up well. We’ve all been there! So a huge thanks to all and to @coda for leading us this month. I’m now looking forward to August with renewed enthusiasm …
    @flourbaby, so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my dad too 3 years ago and it’s a terrible void. Thinking of you at this sad time. X

    Day 30, Newcastle UK, NFD

    @flourbaby – my condolences on the loss of your Father xx
    @rainbowsmile – I totally echo @metatauta‘s words – hang on in, keep posting and know we are here for you.
    @saffy420 – good to hear you enjoyed your cruise – we too wish to cruise the fjords in the next year or two. We sail on 29/8 to The Baltics. There are more and more ships sailing from Port of Tyne but they are smaller than those out of bigger ports of course. However, we are enjoying trying out different cruise lines and this time we are with Thomson. Here is the link to the POT cruise schedule for the rest of this year. They publish 2018 schedule after the final 2017 cruise. http://www.portoftyne.co.uk/business-divisions/cruises-and-ferries/cruise-schedule.php
    @awilson, @at & @califdreamer – thanks for your kind words. @debster251 – I suspect water retention is the culprit after drinking alcohol. We enjoyed our night with friends last night but I am certainly feeling the effects this morning of totally indulging in too much of everything. Had a healthy cooked brunch just now and apart from a little fruit and yoghurt later on, that will be it for today. I am now accepting that my finishing weight for July will be higher than I started, but I know it will be temporary. With our holiday in sight, I shall be totally focussed in August.
    @dykask – yes, I’ve had the same thing said to me, so I just suggest they do a little research before poo pooing it.

    All the best – together we are stronger.

    Please add me to the August challenge. I’ve managed to stay through June and July, I just don’t post much.
    One thing, I gave up alcohol in May, and bearing in mind that I was easily drinking about a thousand calories a day, and I haven’t subtituted alcohol with anything more calorific than zero alcohol beer, my weight is not exactly falling off! Bit disappointing, but I really like fasting. It seems to make me happy, and feel fit. Or is that because I’m not a toper anymore …?

    Day 30 Newcastle UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ NFD.
    Bike ride this morning 25 miles in 2hours and 1 min, that’s fast for me and no knee pain, hoping that’s the problem resolved. Sundays are my weekly weigh day and I get on the scales after my bike ride as this is the lightest I’ll be all week lol. 180lbs today 2lbs under goal hopefully I can have a steady day today and finish the months challenge on a real high. Thanks for hosting @coda and all who have since i joined the group in March, it’s really appreciated.
    Being able to sound off about our highs and lows has been a real drive to my personal success.
    The August challenge will be my first month of trying to maintain my weight I have my son’s stag do and the wedding in this month I certainly won’t be dieting on those two days LOL. Have a great day everyone whatever your doing and keep at it people. Love this WOL.😍

    Day 30…..Florida….. NFD

    I think I missed posting yesterday….. but it was a NFD anyways!

    The last couple days have been a little sideways, eating portion included.
    Aww such is life!

    Day 30 – USA – NFD

    @flourbaby – so sorry to hear you lost your father. Mine was also 92 when he passed on in 2009. I still miss his wit and smarts, and guidance. May your memories of him sustain you.

    Day 30 – USA – NFD

    @flourbaby, so sorry to hear of your loss. @coda, thank you very much for hosting July challenge!

    Day 30 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ NFD
    ✨✨✨Thank-you ✨@coda ✨ for being a wonderful host and leader for the group! πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ˜Wishing everybody a great day today!
    I will get a chance to read more later😊
    @flourbaby so very sorry about your Dad passing. Big Hugs for you. Wishing you and your family well with the transition.
    @rainbowsmile sorry your are in a dark place, please be safe take care, maybe some healthy nutrients, or something fun to look forward to would help. Please keep me, us posted. Wishing you well.
    @debster251 I think what you have is just a small blip in the road, no issue, just temporary break from fat burning. Fat burning will come back, as you resume your controlled FD, and FD. I’ve had healthy salad mostly with nothing else for the last 2 days 😊 I also had 2 glasses of Rose’ wine.😊 Because of the wine, I know there will be water retention, thus weight gain. I’m trying to decide if the stress reduction on drinking the wine (once a week) Is worth the wanting carbs and water retention. I’ll see… today, I’ll have a controlled NFD with an egg, tomato this morning, and a home made bone broth, vegetable soup this evening. If I can stay away from carbs, my week coming up should be good. If the wine has triggered my cravings for carbs… I’m in trouble and I won’t be able to have wine 🍷 once a week, for fun😊
    I’ll know after Monday, if I make it through. I’ve been drinking ACV that helps balance the sugar and I feel as if it gets me closer to the fat burning zone.
    I’ve chosen to not weigh myself until the beginning of August. I just don’t think it would help my mind set. I know I have to make up for the past month and a half of, having an awesome summer and celebrating with wine and or Margaritas. I actually eat less if I’ve had wine or a Margarita. My body, mind gets use to the sugar and it’s the days after that I’ve had a hard time pulling myself away from sugar and carbs. I found ACV, and working out at the Gym helps.
    I’ve been walking, and on the treadmill (12,000 steps for to days) leg presses, leg lifts for my knee. Also full workouts on the machines for full body muscles. That will but a person into fat burning mode 😊

    Day 30, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Good CD yesterday. Another is planned today. Maintaining under goal weight.

    @flourbaby: I am very sorry for your loss.😒 I lost my beloved mother almost three years ago at the age of 92 and I still miss her so much. Sending you my positive thoughts and lots of (virtual) hugs! πŸ’œβš˜πŸ’š

    @debster251: I think it is water retention especially from the salty Chinese food. It will go away soon.😊

    Have a good Sunday everyone! I am very glad to be part of this wonderful global group! 😊🌺😊🌼😊⚘😊🌹😊

    Sorry, my mistake. The August Challenge is being run by @debster251

    Day 30 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Only one more day left after today in this July Challenge – it has gone fast………

    A just over TDEE day yesterday and enjoyed a couple of glasses of a lovely white Rioja (β€œPocket Winos” @strawberriesandcream @brightonbelle @debster251 @matron65 @rocy65 @missybear @awilson – are any others out there????) with a yummy homemade seafood paella!

    Hello @snowflake56 – hope all is well with you health wise?? sounds like you are keeping below maintenance weight – a bit like me!
    @coda – hope you were able to relax over the weekend and leave work behind for a couple of days – hope it’s not so busy next week for you – Thank you again for the July Challenge x
    @liathanail – hope you enjoyed the cycle ride – sounds ideal with no traffic and it covers some lovely parts of London – great fun and energetic day out
    @metatauta – good to hear that your injured chickens made it OK – sounds like you are building up a nice little group and I’m glad the raccoon was caught and sent to a more suitable area for him to live in
    @bigviking – some bonding time is good but bet you suffered more than the boy the next day!!!!!
    @foodfreedomgirl – you will find that most people will share a bit about their journey so far on Day 1 of the new challenge – OH stands for other half – look forward to getting to know you 😊
    @flourbaby – Big virtual Hugs – so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad whilst you were away – he will always be in your heart and your memories. I lost my darling mum in September 2014 and she is always near in my head and heart. Even if you don’t participate in the August Challenge pop in to say hello and stay in touch xx
    @saffy420 – sounds like you had a fab holiday – the fjords are rather amazing
    @rainbowsmile – take it a day at a time – don’t think too far ahead – you are stronger than you think and your virtual family on here will be able to provide support and encouragement πŸ€—
    @big_bill – hope both you and your daughter feel better soon
    @basyjames – well done on your first successful FD in 2 weeks
    @ciren2 – it’s @debster251 who is running the August Challenge – even if you don’t fully participate in the challenge – hang around in the background and pop in every now and then to let us know you are OK
    Try to make the month of August as controlled days to ease pressure – will be thinking of you xx
    @debster251 – food in transit and fluid retention (especially with Chinese food due to it’s salt content) and normal variations easily account for that kg gain which won’t stay……
    @saffy420 – what lovely encouraging words for those struggling or who are just starting – I second everything you said and a big welcome to the pocket winos!!!
    @mia139 – just keep at it and stay strong and positive – you will get there
    @steve-toon-taxi-driver – great job on reaching your goal with 2lbs leeway – great to see you staying with us in August – I have found these challenges a great motivator to keep me in maintenance!

    Day 31 – Who else is joining us in a FD for the last day of this challenge? TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B



    Thanks for the encouraging words… and yes I’m going for B2B on the final 2 days of the challenge. Trying for a strong finish and a reset of my motivation! Feeling very positive today and hopefully carry this on into the August challenge.
    @debster251, thanks for hosting the August challenge and sign me up please!

    Day 30 California USA NFD

    My CD yesterday after the feeding frenzy on Friday, got rid of most of the 2 lbs. I gained from it. Back down to 62.7 this morning.

    @ciren2 – Stay here! Now isn’t the time to step away when the fasting isn’t going as planned. You need us! And we need you. August is a brand new month and no better time to turn things around than now, so you’ll be in shape for the holidays. Together we can do this!

    @big_bill – Hang in there and feel better. Sorry to hear that you’re still sick.

    @saffy420 – You said it perfectly. I agree that this group is the best resource for following the 5:2 WOL. Sharing successes and sometimes disappointments and sadness makes it so much easier. The support of everyone here is so important to me. We have a worldwide community that is committed to the 5:2 WOL and we get each other through a lot of the rough spots. @coda Thank you for hosting July (Still one day left – make it count!) and thank you to everyone else for being here.

    Day 30 NFD St. Louis USA
    Adding myself to the pocket list for tomorrow started by @at. Taking two of my granddaughters to a birthday party shortly. Haven’t decided what and how much I will indulge. Planning a vacation August 5 through the 13th to Gulf Shores with my daughter and her fam. Don’t planned to fast but will plan sensible eating and staying within TDEE. Will be interesting to see what happens. Haven’t read through all the post yet since I am preparing for this birthday party.

    Day 31 – Who else is joining us in a FD for the last day of this challenge? TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    All my best to all of you.

    Day 30 – McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    I have a party to attend to this evening so my goal is CE. Feeling stronger todayπŸ˜€

    @flourbaby – I’m so sorry for your loss

    @rainbowsmile – I’m sending you my positive thoughts. πŸ’

    @lilymartin – I agree completely on the accountability and reading about how others are doing. It does help keep me from giving up!

    @big_bill – I hope you and your daughter start feeling better soon. It’s hard to be strong when your body isn’t feeling well.

    @saffy420 – Good job on the 5 mile hike. Your comment about driving the smallest electric car you’ve ever seen made me lol.

    Adding my name to the pocket list for tomorrow.

    Day 31 – Who else is joining us in a FD for the last day of this challenge? TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 30 nfd south coast, uk
    @flourbaby – so sorry for your loss, thinking of you and your family.
    @brightonbelle, well i have managed to get rid of those pesky 2lbs and list another 0.4lb on top so loss for July only 0.4 – hope august proves better.
    Usual for me this week, FD mon and thurs.
    Thinking of buying combined exercise bike/cross trainer – question is would i use it daily?!?! Oh decisions decisions.
    @rainbowsmile – be kind to yourself and take each day as it comes.
    @coda – again thank you for hosting. Probably will not get time to check in tomorrow as have a really full on work day which might overextended into a 14 hour day tho i hope not!!!!!
    Take care everyone, keep on and see you august

    Adding my name to the pocket list for tomorrow.

    Day 31 – Who else is joining us in a FD for the last day of this challenge? TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 30 – SW WA USA – NFD

    @lilymartin – I appreciate your sharing about your mom dealing with dementia & your time with her. My mom also has a type of dementia spurred on by too much of a medication she was given. On a phone call this week as she was at my brother’s place, it was so good to hear her cheery comments. She comes alive when there are others with whom to interact. She might not remember the conversation a few minutes later, but her mood just lifts as we spend time with her & her sense of humor comes to the fore. I live about 5-6 hours away but try to get up at least once a 1/4 and more often in the summer. I’m having to learn how to relate to her at this very different stage of life. Thank you for your input.

    @emma Taylor – this is the July challenge; find the August challenge above and let @debster251 know you want to be part of things πŸ™‚

    @big_bill – hope your and your daughter are feeling better. I hear you about going to comfort food when sick.

    Day 31 – Who else is joining us in a FD for the last day of this challenge? TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Adding my name to the pocket list for tomorrow.

    Day 31 – Who else is joining us in a FD for the last day of this challenge? TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisanΒ 1st day of b2b

    Steve – you and I posted at the same time, so just put myself back onto the list πŸ™‚

    Day 31 – Who else is joining us in a FD for the last day of this challenge? TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 30 Idaho, USA CD

    Only sort-of tracked calories for my NFD yesterday. It was rather freeing to be able to sample this or that without feeling “off plan” I avoided the old “as long as I’m cheating I might as well…” of old diets. I think this is really going to work out well for me long term. Early days for me. Fast day tomorrow ends my first week of 5:2.

    Adding my name to the pocket list for tomorrow.

    Day 31 – Who else is joining us in a FD for the last day of this challenge? TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @mia139 – 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Hello all Day 30 Co Down NI NFD

    That is me caught up on posts – phew
    Firstly @flourbaby welcome back from your holidays but sorry to hear of the news about your Dad – Thoughts to your and your family at this very sad time.

    @at thanks for your offer for August but a big thank you again to @debster251 for taking up the reins. Also @basyjames for the offer for September – that’s another 2 months taken care off – if anyone wishes to volunteer for October, November and December? Yes @at i could not have envisaged that the challenges would still be going strong. I am glad so many people have found the monthly challenges so supportive and beneficial but it is down to each and everyone of you. You are what makes this work – thank you.

    @rainbowsmile – just keeping walking toward the rainbow, a step at a time. Keep on keeping on – really what is the alternative. Remember the ebb and the flow, the dark times will pass.

    welcome @vicky1 and @foodfreedomgirl – hope you see you again in the August challenge

    @msraven – happy birthday, hope you had a fab day!

    @strawberriesandcream – think that was a good decision – moments like that need to be enjoyed. They don’t happen everyday so make the most of them when they do.

    @saffy420 glad you are back from your holidays and back here with us.

    I still haven’t stepped on the scales – listening to me and it just doesn’t feel the time. I may get a nice surprise lol or it may come as a nasty shock and I have been kidding myself (so easy to do). Last fast day tomorrow to finish July.

    Number 5 son mentioned a while ago that he would like to get some more chickens – we had some years ago and I still miss those fresh eggs. So with the talk of chickens here I have been working on my OH and the coop has been ordered. I hope to get a couple of rescue hens and maybe a couple of hybrids – 4 in total (OH thinks 2 ha ha). Also been busy planning raised beds for the garden – sourced some timber and some pallets to fence off a bit of the garden. So busy busy but really excited!!

    @ciren2 – I hope you will still keep in touch during August don’t worry about posting everyday, it is really what suits you. It would be nice to keep in touch.

    @mia139 – ? 2nd day of B2B
    @sirisan 1st day of b2b

    Day 30, Guildford UK, NFD
    Day 31, Guildford UK, NFD

    I am finishing the month, its a very sad time in my life and stressful.

    I didn’t drink wine since the 9 July so not a pocket wino!

    Thank you every one for the support and great kindnesses. I will join the August challenge which I need.

    I am so very grateful for the encouragement and outpouring of love.


    Day 29 and 30 Nfd
    Day 31 – Scotland- FD

    July has been very difficult, diet-wise. Back on binging, too much, to the point of feeling unwell. But I don’t want to give up. Fast day for me tomorrow, I don’t want to tell myself “I can simply start on 1st Aug”. Terrible numbers in the scale. But on August I want to be back in track. I will!

    @rainbowsmile – Mari (((((Hugs)))))

    Day 31/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    Back from four days of sun, snow and intensive grandparenting! Thoroughly enjoyed relaxing away from the Internet but arrived home to 287 emails from this wonderful forum sitting in my inbox.

    Weight wise I’m up 1 kg since weighing last Tuesday. Some will pass. Holidays always upset my system. But I’ll definitely need to be mindful in August as my weight is creeping up towards my goal weight of 59kg. I’ve now been below goal weight for 2 years and 3 months now. Vigilance but not obsession is definitely the key to maintaining.

    @coda thank you. I was with you for the first challenge and am so glad I rejoined in Feb this year. There is so much wonderful support.

    Pocket winos I am still with you. @strawberriesandcream or was it @debster ? you certainly didn’t let us down. Enjoying a glass or two with friends or when an occasion arises is definitely part of our lifestyle. When I began 5:2 I enjoyed a measured glass of wine every non fast day but since reaching maintainence I’ve struggled to limit myself. @at wine always releases the cheese dragon! I’m trying not very successfully to limit myself to a bottle on the weekend only. That will be my goal for August.

    @rainbowsmile I echo all the support offered.

    @flourbaby I’m sorry for your loss.

    Thank you all for a wonderful, supportive July. See you in August.

    2d post

    @lumat and anyone else who is interested I wanted to share a concept that we use in the type of therapy that I do working with eating disorders and it can apply to any of us when we are trying to change our behavior. It is a concept called dialectical abstinence. What that means is we come into it with a 100% commitment to our goal, focused on what we want to achieve. At the same time we commit to be willing to pick ourselves up and start again if we should miss the mark. Like a runner in a race who stays focused on winning and at the same time if they should fall back or even trip and fall to get up and start again. I find this very helpful as it does not mean assuming we will fail but rather keeping our eyes and attention on where we want to go all the while knowing we are not doomed and can always begin again. It’s not an either or but rather both and I find it very freeing.

    Day 31 Australia NFD so having lost nearly 4 kgs for July, when I weighed in on Friday I then went mad and ate everything in sight all weekend! I had hurt my back and was confined to bed so felt very sorry for myself. I hope everyone else has better luck with their final weigh ins. And thank you @coda for managing us this month xx

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