Join our Journey in January!

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Join our Journey in January!

This topic contains 389 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  AT 3 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 408 total)

  • Day 11 – NFD – UK
    Good day everyone,
    yesterday the FD went really well. I felt good no issues at all. I also managed to work properly the entire day. This group is such an inspiration and a source of motivation. THANKSSSSSSS ๐Ÿ™‚

    @5twodiet perseverance and patience are my struggles. thanks for reminding me to don’t give up!
    @daffodil2010 I never heard about “Long lost families” (I am still learning the UK programme!) given the topic a glass of red seems an obvious choice. Maybe I will avoid watching it on the NFDs.

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 11

    Day 11 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – NFD

    Successful FD yesterday. And what a list?! I hope everyone else found it manageable. Going to resume MFP on NFD’s; ‘rewarding’ myself & not logging calories on NFDs seems to be where my results go out the window.

    So hot here. My phone says ’28C – feels like 32C’. No kidding ๐Ÿฅต๏ธ

    @i-hate-lettuce – another FD for you today?!

    Pocket List – Day 11 ๐Ÿ‰

    Day 11 – NFD – UK

    Good day everyone I have the feeling that the post I wrote this morning has not been received!

    Yesterday The FD went really well. I didn’t have any problem. ๐Ÿ™‚ I wanted to thank you all of you.. This group is inspiring and a real source of motivation!! THANKSSSSSS @5twodiet thanks for reminding me to be patient…. perseverance and patience are not my thing!!!!
    @daffodil2010 I never heard about this program (I am still learning the UK programs!!).. Given the content a glass of wine seems an obvious choice ๐Ÿ™‚

    Pocket List – Day 11 ๐Ÿ‰

    Day 11 Wales ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ NFD

    Good OMAD FD yesterday, just water and coffee until early evening when I had an enormous plate full of broccoli with a salmon fillet and some fruit to finish leaving me feeling full and satisfied. Slept really well. Now for a couple of careful NFDs before next FD on Thursday, and โ€˜dry till Friโ€™.

    Have a great day all ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 11 Melb Aust NFD

    Had an over-indulgent day, or rather evening, today. I forgot my own advice and didn’t drink enough, sigh. I won’t be doing a FD tomorrow, but am aiming for a CD then FD for Thursday and Friday.

    Great reading all the posts and the progress being made, either with weight loss or self-knowledge (which is often the hardest part of the weight loss journey).

    @northgeorgia, hope the news re your father is good post-op.

    Too late to write much here – onward and downwards!

    Day 11 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Most of my cold symptoms are disappearing. I had a bad sinus headache last night, but it’s better this morning. Still a little chest congestion and stuffed up head. However, I’m going to head back into the office this morning after dropping my mother off at the hospital. When she calls for a break for a meal, she may want to do as yesterday, and go home and rest a while. If that’s the case, I’ll take my laptop home and do a partial work at home day.

    The nurse called last night around 8:30 pm, and let my mother talk to him as he had awakened. He was still groggy. He was able to get out of bed and take a few steps with the nurse. He got off the ventilator very early in the afternoon. Had to give morphine though, so it must be very painful.

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 11 ๐Ÿ‰

    Day 11 UK FD800 (2nd b2b)

    Successful FD800 yesterday. It was TOUGH in the late evening but I thought of @at also doing b2b and stayed strong ๐Ÿ™‚ Rewarded this morning with weight back down a lb to Friday’s 185lb.

    Woke today with crashing headache, same as last Tuesday. Despite not eating processed sugar I think either the weekend popcorn and keto Christmas cake OR getting really cold and stiff neck may be the culprits. I’ve done a teeny bit of yoga stretching this morning and will fit in some more later. It’s my 83yo mother’s weekly visit this afternoon and I’ll feed her the rest of the Christmas cake!

    Going for another day of liquids – black coffee, herbal tea, sparkling water and marmite tea – then OMAD early supper. I’ve got some lovely veg (butternut squash, parsnips, sweet potato, cabbage, sprouts) and will look for a new recipe to spark my attention. Enjoying cooking and eating more mindfully are part of what’s helping me to stay focussed on this WOL.

    Two useful bits of collaborative writing edited yesterday and a promising zoom call this morning. The backlog of more challenging email is next on my list – it takes motivation to chip away once these things have mounted up. I’m longing to have got to the stage where I can focus on the more interesting things, but it’s all in the preparation!

    @northgeorgia @quebecoise thinking of you and your loved ones

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 11 ๐Ÿ‰

    Day 11 UK NFD

    First ZBC for a long time , it used to be the norm for me then I got stuck on the idea I โ€œneededโ€ breakfast following a FD but really didnโ€™t fancy anything with my coffee so hoping this is something I can continue with

    Iโ€™m with you on both FD Mon & Thurs and DTF @missybear๐Ÿ’ช

    Good news about your Dad @northgeorgia , hoping for a speedy recovery โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Yesterday’s FD wasn’t as low in calories as I’d intended, because I’d miscalculated in my head what the calories would add up to. I didn’t feel guilty, however, as I was eating precisely what I’d planned…until I had a piece of leftover Christmas Pudding, LOL! It was still FAR fewer calories than most of our vacation days, and had zero wine/beer, so that was a win, and today is my WFD, so it’s all good.

    I walked with Leslie yesterday (actually, did ab work with Rocky…), planked as part of that, got down the first Christmas tree, and went for my teeth cleaning at the dentist. Must run now as I have four thank you notes to write to piano students, another Leslie walk, and get ready to go, so no time to lollygag on my laptop. ๐Ÿ˜œ @northgeorgia Isn’t it amazing what doctors can do and the patients can come out of the experience better for it?? Amazing. So glad your dad came through so well!

    @basyjames @northerndawn Where are you???

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 11 ๐Ÿ‰
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 11 – 16:8

    Successful FD yesterday. Had a good thought and added some handfuls of baby spinach to my soup. It was yum & more nutritious!

    Cold here and Iโ€™m still finding excuses to put on my overcoat and go out to garage to play with the feral family. I have definitely made friends with one of them.

    Interesting NYT article ( behind paywall, unfortunately) about food cravings.

    The study made 3 groups – control (no advice), positive advice( accept cravings will be normal), neutral advice (ignore cravings) and gave them a box of chocolates to keep with them but NOT eat for a couple of days. At study end, 30% control group had eaten chocolates, 9% neutral advice had eaten chocolates but none of the positive advice group ate any chocolates. I would love to see that underlying study, but they didnโ€™t link to it. Still, Iโ€™m fascinated. Willpower PLUS awareness (not shame) for the win.

    My thoughts are with everyone, especially those finding their FDโ€™s extra challenging and those with friends and family who are (I hope) in recovery.

    Day 11 – UK – FD800

    What a lovely day, low cloud inversion to start then blue skies and sunshine – simply gorgeous! OH had a fall on Sunday resulting with a head injury ๐Ÿค•and mild concussion, he had a full rest day yesterday and we went for a walk together today to see how he coped – walked from home exploring his running tracks up to the top of Loughrigg and avoiding all the tourist tracks – 11km with 391m elevation, well over my 10000 steps – he seems to be back to normal but definitely not ready for a run yet…..

    Yesterday’s FD800 went well – aiming for my 3rd B2B FD800 today – all intake worked out via MFP and inputted to help keep me on track!

    @daffodil2010 – I think watching that show taking into account your OH recent emotional journey definitely needed that glass of wine ๐Ÿค—
    @i-hate-lettuce – thank you for sharing that link – certainly impressive!
    @northgeorgia – good to hear that your symptoms are easing and what great news regarding your Dad, must have made your mum feel so much better to speak to him
    @michelinme – thank you for the support and for adding me to today’s pocket list x
    @stitchincarol – you mentioning some old friends on here made me think about old regulars and how they are doing…….would be lovely to hear from them ๐Ÿค—

    I have a zoom HIP (high impact pilates) class at 1645 then a OMAD FD800 of homemade prawn jalfrezi to look forward to…..can’t wait ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿคฃ but I will and am sure to enjoy every morsel after all the exercise I have done today…….

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 11 ๐Ÿ‰
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Hi, brand new to 5:2 this month, started 3rd Jan 22. I am nearly 65, female, need to lose at least a stone. I have done slimming world successfully in 2013, but it took 2 years to get 2 stone off. I think SW does not teach you portion control. So, week 1, I have lost 2lbs..go me! I thought I would find the 500 calorie really tough, but I have chosen to use my fast days to think about all my blubber leaving me, lol. I don’t follow a Mediterranean diet on fast days or non fast days, I make a lot of meals from the Pinch of Nom books which I find really good. I know this won’t make my journey a really quick one, but so far I feel happy with my effort and result. I have a supportive other half too, and that I think is very important. Good luck everyone, I will update here and there as I progress.

    Day 12, NFD, Aus

    Welecome @newme22!! Where in the world are you?

    V hot in the office this morning – I don’t know if there are too many people for the square meterage (is that a word??) or if the air conditioning is severely underpowered. I suspect the latter. One should NOT be sweating at one’s desk! (or, to be quaint, one should not be glowing)

    I think that’s exciting, @songbirdme, to be called up for jury duty. That’s an experience I would love to have. (I’m conscious though that many people feel that it’s an inconvenience and imposition on their time – I hope your selection or not aligns with how you feel about it!)

    Happy Wednesday everyone (which phrase always puts you, @funshipfreddie, in mind – even during those months you were absent from the forum!)

    Day 11 USA (Illinois) FD

    In spite of not being chosen for the jury, I am glad I got to do my civic duty and hear some more about our great legal system here in the States. “Innocent until PROVEN guilty” was certainly hammered into our heads as we listened to those being interviewed. Being there most of the morning made it easier to turn today into a FD.

    @penz – our posts often overlap when I am late and you are in Australia! Thank you for the props on my potential jury service. And yes, some FD’s are easier than others.

    @daffodil2010 – your “long lost” family show must have felt very close to home. Who needs a “proper FD” when you can have wine instead? Hugs to you.

    @i-hate-lettuce – that starling video taught me 2 new things: “murmuration” and RSPB that I decided is very much like our Audubon Society (of which I am a supporting member, oh and Cornell University Lab or Ornithology. I guessed anything in Britain that starts with “R = Royal” and “B = Bird” so got that far! I cannot imagine seeing that many birds in one place. So cool!

    @funshipfreddie – we also are opposites like our -2′ F often feels like -20’F or more in “windchill”. In the summer it is “discomfort index” with heat and humidity. I LOVE our international group. You and @penz in the southern hemispheres are just my opposite!

    @froby79 – your first post populated the start of a new page. I was terribly confused the first time that happened to me. Thanks for keeping up with us!

    @northgeorgia – wow… father up and walking. Continued prayers and glad to hear your cold is better.

    @michelineme – could your bad headache be caused by lack of caffeine? That happens to me.

    @stitchincarol – yeah for your progress getting Christmas away! We got our nativity from the front yard put away (it was falling over from high winds, getting covered with snow) but the tree is still in the living room. Soon I hope.

    @newme22 – welcome to you! Please feel free to join in daily, post where in the world you are, and try to keep up with us! We are a great and very friendly group of posters.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 12 Melb Aust NFD

    Not sure what kind of day it will be, actually. I’ve eaten a bit so far, but also walked for 36 minutes and just don’t feel hungry. Lots of fluid intake. Will post tomorrow re what it ended up being.

    @northgeorgia, glad your dad has come through surgery okay. Not surprised he needed morphine. Unless the process has changed for bypass surgery, the doctors cut right through the centre of the chest wall. People I’ve known in the past have ended up with a long scar down the middle front. Let me know if the process has changed any.

    Onward and downwards!

    Day 12 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    Now how is it Day 12 already ๐Ÿค” Going to keep it TDEE today. Had a bowl of bran flakes for fibre (my consultant told me to up my fibre intake to help inner healing of the gut, but sometimes I forget ). I have a chicken, olives and spinach salad for lunch, and dinner will be some smoked coley and Brussels sprouts. Lots of water, tea etc

    @i-hate-lettuce I loved your link to the murmuration. Fabulous. About 8 years ago starlings chose our village to murmurate and people would come from far and wide. Then the local Tidy Towns committee got the trees cut down that the starlings used to roost in….the trees were blocking fancy street lights over the bridge…..boom…no more starling murmuration. ๐Ÿ˜จ

    It’s going to be a bright, sunny but cold day today. Hopefully I can get out for a lunchtime walk.

    Happy hump day ๐Ÿช

    Day 12 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    @funshipfreddie – Yes snuck in a FD yesterday, I went to our local Drs surgery for my annual review, which I passed with flying colours! Apparently I’m back to where I was in June 2020 which is BC (before cancer) and both mind and body seem to have re-booted and in a very good place. happy days!

    @songbird me – RSPB = Royal Society for the Protection of Birds here in UK, we have a reserve about 3 miles away from us, but we’re right in the main flight path from the estuary and other mosses where loads of birds/geese/wildfowl feed during the day.

    @at – Loughrigg is always ‘value for money’, haven’t been in a while, must try to get in a sneaky wander before the ‘season’ starts.

    @newme22 – Pretty sure you’ve got your hear around 5:2 already as you understand it’s slowly does it and don’t ‘let go’ too much on non FD’s. I have one day a week where I have what I want, but have found these days the mindset is such it’s hardly any different from the rest of the week!

    Having said that …. Dates and pecan nuts, eaten together taste exactly like sticky toffee pudding. All of the flavour and none of the effort ๐Ÿ˜‰ just don’t eat too much of it!

    Take care all

    Day 12 – Ireland – FD
    Day 11 – FD

    Hi to the newcomers! This is a fantastic forum and provides so much motivation so the more you check in the betterโ€ฆ I dip in and out but Iโ€™m hoping to be more present โ€ฆ life just seems a little bit disorganised but Iโ€™ll get there and build back to good habits in terms of posting.

    Thank you @at yesโ€ฆ I forgot that the F word does not exist ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    All going well here this weekโ€ฆ really good FD yesterday and hoping for another one today as I am off work this evening for a long weekend.. I was due to be in France but will be walking in Ireland insteadโ€ฆ was a close contact last week – trop triste ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜‚

    I am still off alcohol and limiting sugar and feeling great with thatโ€ฆ

    @northgeorgia Iโ€™m so glad to hear your dad is doing well.
    @daffodil2010 Iโ€™m so glad your lakes trip was fabโ€ฆ itโ€™s so easy to get to and so beautiful! It must be incredible to have a whole new family to visit ๐Ÿ’•. I have watched Long Lost Families beforeโ€ฆ very emotional viewing so Iโ€™m not surprised you and your DH needed the vino ๐Ÿท.

    I have to run.. so busy in work but wishing you all a lovely day! Itโ€™s a beautiful one here โ˜€๏ธ . I had a lovely 7km walk before work but must get back on my bike soon ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Pocket list day 21 โ˜€๏ธ (Am I on my own? – surely not ๐Ÿ˜„)

    Day 12 UK FD800 (3rd b2b2b)

    Successful OMAD FD800 yesterday, largely helped by focus on cooking interesting food. I made a vegan chilli with quorn mince, butternut squash, parsnip, tomatoes and cajun spice and served it with camargue red rice. I saved some of my rice to have as a pudding with pear, raisins, cinnamon and soya milk – yummy! None of that late evening hunger tho the nibbles were hard to fight off, eventually allayed with six tiny cashew nuts ๐Ÿ™‚

    Weighing in today at 183lb, 2lb down on yesterday and 6lb down on the month so far. This is the fastest bit so i’m going to make the most of it in the knowledge there’s another 40lb to go! Revising my goal for this month from 182lb to 178lb, a weight last seen in September 2021.

    I’m doing well on eating and drinking lots of water but not so well on sleeping, structured mornings, yoga or meditation. To get me back on track I’ve paced my day around a 2pm adapted yoga class, an early supper before hosting a community zoom event this evening, bath and bed by 1030pm.

    DD has second chemo cycle today – easier than the first time because she knows what to expect but it’s hard to be so far away. Planning for a week long visit next month, pandemic & health permitting.

    @songbirdme it’s a bit like a caffeine headache but I had to give up caffeine last January because of post covid hypertension. These days I’m only drinking decaf coffee, herbal teas and fizzy water!

    @newme22 welcome! Make yourself at home ๐Ÿ™‚

    @at sorry to hear about your DH’s head injury and glad it’s not more serious. yay for 11km at elevation! I think we have your sunshine down here today. Good luck with your 4th b2b today ๐Ÿ™‚

    @jaifaim lovely to hear from you & great to have company on b2b FDs! Sorry you’re not in France but hope you have a lovely time in Ireland ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 12 Pocket List

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 212 lbs. Hopeful that my father will be transferred to a regular hospital room today. He wasn’t eating much due to post-anesthesia nausea, and felt weak and depressed. Hopefully today will be a better day.

    Probably more of a 213 lb weigh-in today, but scales did tip to 212.8 several times, and I need it for motivation haha! Last time at 212 or lower, my record 211 weigh in on November 24.

    Take care!

    Day 12 Pocket List


    Day 12 – rural Nebraska, USA – OMAD

    The scales gave me 141.8 this morning, which gave me lots of joy after the gluttony of Christmas. ๐Ÿคช

    I did lots and lots of thinking and inner pep talks yesterday as I drove from lesson to lesson, and think I’m back on track with my mojo and RESOLVE. Fingers crossed that it doesn’t abruptly disappear again.

    I’m on my phone this morning (long story), so this is it for today. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 12 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – NFD

    Late to the party today. Yesterday was not good. Steps clocked – 8500. Calories consumed – 8500. Probably. And mostly of the liquid variety ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Followed by a terrible night’s sleep. No surprise there. But I WILL be back on form for tomorrow’s FD, & dust off my MFP app.

    @newme22 – welcome!

    @i-hate-lettuce – great news re your annual review! ๐Ÿค

    @songbirdme – jury duty?! Are you disappointed you didn’t get selected? I’d love to do that. I imagine 90% of the cases are very dull, especially if they run on for weeks. But it must be quite an experience. โš–๏ธ

    @northgeorgia – wishing your dad a full & speedy recovery.

    Happy Hump Day! ๐Ÿซ

    Day 12 UK NFD

    Very good result @stitchincarol , it wasnโ€™t very long ago we were a similar weight but Iโ€™m currently around 10lb higher than you โ˜น๏ธthat and the fact Iโ€™ve just booked a trip away in 7 weeks time are spurring me on ๐Ÿ’ช

    Happy ๐Ÿซ day all See you on the list tomorrow

    Second post

    @brightonbelle The approach I found that gave me some good progress was to do the eat like a bear ridiculously big salad. It’s a 23:1 approach that is also HFLC. As I am, you’re also in the middle of winter, so a huge salad every single night as your only meal may not be very appealing, but I dropped 5 lb in nothing flat when I tried it back in the fall. That’s the approach that @daffodil2010 found left her too miserable to continue, but @emma-taylor is having wonderful success with. So? It would be fun to have a neck-and-neck race with you!

    Day 12 ELAB London UK

    Seeing as Iโ€™ve been mentioned I thought Iโ€™d post! Iโ€™m still here all the time but not posting much. Weight drops off you when you ELAB in a very short window. I guess, after, what, 45 years of trying and not doing very well at losing weight, I am finally within a few lbs of my ideal weight. All the dresses (50+) and swimsuits and trousers Iโ€™ve made in lockdown will have to be altered but I donโ€™t care. FINALLY somebody worked out a way for older women to eat plenty of food every day AND lose weight at a pace. Hallelujah. I know the men on this site seem to find it relatively easy to lose weight and keep it off, but I think itโ€™s different for post menopausal women. Anyway, thanks again @stitchincarol.

    Sorry. I forgot to mention that Amanda Rose, originator of ELAB, has recently written an ebook called soups, stir fries and skillets ( I think) which has hot meals following the ridiculously big salad model. I only bought the salad book, but in the winter, you could look at the other one.

    Day 13, FD, Aus

    Am very sleepy today which means the day will feel streeeeeeetched out. But a FD it will be (with lots of coffee).

    Day 12 USA (Illinois )NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went very well with good results on the scale this morning. My 500 calories on a FD is often a good sized salad with some protein (chicken, fish) and Caesar dressing. But I was cold yesterday, so made a chicken, broccoli, mushroom creamy soup and had a few Nut Thins crackers with it. Figured my one meal to be about 400 calories.

    Got done with my morning Silver Sneakers before I came home and made eggs, bacon, and a healthy muffin to break my fast.

    @at – sorry I missed seeing about your DH and his concussion. Whew! That is scary! Sure do hope and pray he is fully on the mend.

    @betsylee – sometimes FD’s just happen even when not planned. I do love it when it does that! Too busy, not hungry – don’t care why.

    @daffodil2010 – boo to those Tidy Towns peeps for cutting trees that were habitat for your starlings. Oh well … people don’t always agree on what is important.

    @jaifaim – glad to see you, and glad things are going well.

    @northgeorgia – drop in scales is always great. Sometimes stress for me makes me lose my appetite rather than stress eat. Maybe for you too?

    @stitchincarol – congrats on the good scale results!

    @funshipfreddie – I honestly didn’t mind not being chosen for this jury. It was a domestic violence charge of a man “spitting in the face” of his significant other. Not sure I wanted to hear all the details.

    @brightonbelle – you are in the right place, and you know this WOL works.

    @emma-taylor – the soup recipe of Amanda Rose just might be something for me to find.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 13 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – FD

    It’s cold and foggy and coffee won’t do it at 8am so I am having a hot mug of Bovril and that should keep me until lunchtime and salad. It’s only a few calories but a hot beefy Bovril packs a punch. @michelinme reminded me of it with her vegetarian Marmite tea…something about the yeast sometimes helps ๐Ÿ‘

    DH and I have been consistent with the Leslie Sansone HIIT walks followed by a walk around the village, feeling sore but a good tired muscle sore, means it’s working. Sadly not seeing any further movement in scales but knowing that flexibility will improve and we will be hopping on that motorcycle once good weather comes back.

    @EmmaTaylor, so happy that ELAB works for you, when do you have your RBS, is it evening time, lunch? I will try it again once weather improves, trying to get through the working day, every day, with nothing to eat and feeling cold, I didn’t last more than a week. Dropped 5lbs no bother though……..unfortunately gained with Christmas ๐Ÿ˜จ

    Have a great Thursday. Lots on the list today ?
    Pocket list Day 13


    Day 13 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    I’m assuming there are people out there??? Looking out of the window, dense fog, can’t see across the road!!!
    Hope it clears, I’m off out exploring one of my old fishing haunts, the good news is the trout won’t see me if it stays like this. Very mild morning the birds already out and about chasing each other round and calling to each other, bit early in the year yet, winter won’t have done with us yet.

    FD today should be straightforward, a little breakfast and a power bar for lunch while I’m out wandering round the lake, plus a bottle of water, easy ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take care all

    Pocket list Day 13

    Day 13 – FD – UK

    Good day everyone. Ready for the FD! Glass of water and coffee with a splash of mink for breakfast :-)) For lunch a gammon steak with green beans and a freshly made Minestrone with some rice for dinner.. Snacks with lots of herbal tea!!!

    Have a nice day everyone!!

    Pocket list Day 13

    Day 13 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – FD

    Oh dear? Sounds like there’s a lot of fog over the British Isles? Hope it clears up soon!

    Feeling back on form today after a marathon 9 hour sleep, & pushing the heck out of that reset button ๐Ÿ”˜

    @froby79 – mink?! Eww?! I had no idea they were even edible! ๐Ÿ˜œ

    @penz – popping you on the list & joining you in a bucket of coffee

    Pocket List – Day 13 ๐ŸŒ

    Day 13 – UK – FD800
    Day 12 – UK – NFD

    Good morning – blue skies and sunshine now starting to appear so should be a nice day to get out for my 10,000+ steps……..

    Yesterday sadly ended up a NFD – a bit of worry with OH symptoms following his head injury on Sunday – flashing lights in his left eye (oppposite side from HI) and after several calls for advice we ended up with an emergency appointment at the opticians – he has a slight bleed in that eye which should resolve in time without surgery ๐Ÿ™ review in 2 weeks! I ended up having a coffee and cheese scone whilst he spent an hour at the opticians and then some nuts and wine in the evening definitely put paid to the FD….

    The good news is that whilst OH had a snooze in the afternoon I set out for a brisk (average pace of 9.38/km) walk as the sun had eventually burnt through the early cloud cover and ended up doing 9.9km covering just over 13,000 steps ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Today is a new day so planning on trying for another B2B FD800 ๐Ÿคž

    @newme22 – welcome – never too late to join – looking forward to getting to know you
    @i-hate-lettuce – wonderful news from your annual review and hopefully the sun has come out for you – we have beautiful sunshine and blue skies here !
    @northgeorgia – thinking of your dad and your family and hopefully he continues his recovery on a positive path
    @stitchincarol – good result
    @emma-taylor – I’m glad that ELAB is working for you and your post sounds so positive! The ebook called soups, stir fries and skillets sounds more appealing during our winter – will look out for it!

    Putting myself on that pocket list to help my RESOLVE before I go get ready for a walk with OH – he’s hating not being able to go out fell running especially as the weather is perfect ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŒ

    Day 13 – Ireland – NFD

    Good morning all!
    @at I hope your DH is ok after his concussion ๐Ÿค•!

    Well done @i-hate-lettuce on your health review!! That is great news!! I might just have to try dates and pecans together.. sounds delish!

    And well done @stitchincarol and others who are doing really well after the Christmas breakโ€ฆ Iโ€™m still chasing sub 160lbs and would then love to bob around there..๐Ÿ‘€
    Maybe I need to turn into a bear ๐Ÿป @emma-taylor and @stitchincarol

    @michelinme your meals as always sound fabulous!! I have never heard of Camargue red rice but must look it up ๐Ÿ‘ I assume itโ€™s Frenchโ€ฆ Iโ€™m sorry to hear about your DD โ€ฆ it must be difficult to face into the treatment a second time I think?

    @funshipfreddie 8500 calories??? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I missed it but sounds like you had a celebrationโ€ฆ shur it has to be done โœ…

    Iโ€™ve also just booked a trip for later in the year @brightonbelle and thought of @i-hate-lettuce when doing so as itโ€™s one Iโ€™ve always wanted to doโ€ฆ a cruise ๐Ÿšข. I was due to go on one in June 2020 but that was cancelled and tbh it was Mediterranean so I didnโ€™t really mindโ€ฆ The one Iโ€™ve ALWAYS wanted to do is The Norwegian Fjords and I am so excited ๐Ÿ˜†โ€ฆ

    Hoping skiing might happen too but weโ€™ll just wait and see for that one.. ๐Ÿคž

    Oh now for a lovely mountain walk .. have a lovely day!

    Onward and downward โฌ‡๏ธ
    We rise by lifting others ๐Ÿ’•

    Day 13. ELAB London UK

    I think I got the name of Amanda Roseโ€™s book slightly wrong. Sautees is in the title and stir fries isnโ€™t! Anyway, itโ€™ll be easy to find.

    @daffodil2010 – I eat my meal at lots of different times. There seems to be an idea that you should keep your body guessing so that it doesnโ€™t settle into a pattern of expecting food at a particular time, and thus hang onto body weight. It sort of makes sense. My life has very little rhythm to it, in that I do something different most days, so I try not to eat my massive meal too late, but otherwise it can be at any time. It is hugely freeing to know you will have a very big delicious meal every day, which I struggle to finish, and weight drops off you. It feels counterproductive but I trust the process ( as opposed to the scales..) and it works. There are over 150 people, mostly older women, in the ELAB group, who have lost, with fascinating photographic evidence, over 100 lbs. Sorry to sound like a convert, and I will shut up, but itโ€™s a complete revelation.

    Day 13 Melb Aust CD

    Managed a TDEE or slightly under yesterday, which was satisfactory, and I’m at the lower range of CD today, somewhere between 1000-1200 calories, so that okay. Aiming for a FD tomorrow, but it may end up as 800 rather than 5-600 calories. We’ll see.

    @EmmaTaylor, so glad you’ve found an eating regime which is giving you such great results.

    @at, hope OH’s eye settles down as the docs have said, without needing surgery.

    @songbirdme, no, yesterday didn’t end up as a FD, but not too bad. Today has been better, and tomorrow…. ? We’ll see how I go.

    Onward and downwards everyone!

    Day 13 Wales ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ FD

    Dry till Friday isnโ€™t happening this week. We have had a worrying few days with our elderly cat having daily seizures and after consulting our vet we are in the process of increasing her medication to the maximum level in an attempt to stabilise her condition again. Last night DH, who doesnโ€™t drink, poured himself a Baileys and I had 2 large glasses of wine…… and it helped so no regrets.

    No wine today, intending to have a good FD.

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŒ

    Day 13 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Good steady trend downward this week, although no record-breaking new lows. Slowly moving towards a midway 215 average instead of 217ish.

    My father got into a real room yesterday, spent some time sitting up, although it was painful — of course he was exhausted by the end of the day. No, I don’t think the hospital will allow anyone except a single designated visitor, so I’ll keep dropping off and picking up my mother for the next several days. We’re hopeful he’ll be home by the weekend, but nothing is definite yet.

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŒ

    Day 13 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Yesterday, 8:07am: “I’m strong, I’m back, I’m motivated, I can do this.”
    9:07am: “I’m hungry.”
    10:07am: “Like, really hungry.”
    11:07am: “I-can’t-think-of-anything-else-hungry.”
    By then, I’d broken my OMAD and had an orange that really needed eating (actually, not merely justification), and driven off to run errands, and gulped down lots and lots of water…all to no avail. I got home and decided I’d have to have a real meal in an attempt to avoid the EFS that was imminent…but it did no good. At least I avoided beer/wine. And, at least I was still full enough that I skipped supper. ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Hopefully, today will be simpler, and tomorrow will stay on track. DH and I were going to go out to a restaurant tomorrow, but there’s rain/ice/snow in the forecast, so instead I’ll make Eggplant Parmesan and open a lovely bottle of red.

    @emma-taylor I bought both the salad and the hot-food books, and have mixed reviews on the hot meals I’ve made. They’re fine. That’s the best I can say for them. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

    @froby79 Huh? “Mink” in your coffee?? Like, the animal?

    @at So sorry I somehow missed any comment on your DH’s fall on Sunday, and now he has a bleed in his eye? That had to have been a spectacular fall; prayers that this is the last of the drama and now he simply heals, quickly and and completely.

    @michelinme My DD was in the hospital for two days with a fever and early contractions; not a huge issue at ALL, but it had me in a quiet dither. I can’t even imagine what a dither it is to have a daughter fighting cancer. Hugs and prayers to both of you. Also, there’s been a fair amount of anecdotal evidence that water fasting before chemo is VERY effective, both in avoiding the worst side effects and also in increasing the effectiveness of the treatment itself. Perhaps you want to research that and consider telling your daughter about it?

    @emma-taylor No need to apologize for your enthusiasm; I LOVE that you’re having such success!

    @missybear So sorry about your cat’s seizures!

    @northgeorgia Such lovely news about your father, and such lovely news that you’ve managed to stay on plan throughout his hospitalization and surgery! Well, well done.

    I have another student to add in today, but the drive is so far that I think I’m going to ask if I can move her to Tuesday, when it’ll work far more easily.

    @flourbaby Where are you???

    So many friends who haven’t been posting lately; @snowflake56 is another. I sure hope everyone is doing well.

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŒ
    @stitchincarol WFD: the only thing in the week I find easy, LOL!

    Day 13 – 16:8

    Yesterday fast day went well, but Iโ€™m under the weather as my mom used to say. Good wishes to all!

    2nd post

    For accountability I am logging on to own up

    Managed not to eat anything during the day – drank 2 mugs of tea and drank plenty of water – despite doing a 10.44km walk with 530m height gained with OH today and according to Strava burnt 680 calories……so far so good…….
    Then he goes and requests salmon and minted pea puree filo parcels served with oven roasted baby plum tomatoes seasoned with balsamic vinegar for dinner…….๐Ÿคฃ…… he is recovering from his head injury I thought I ought to spoil him…….there will be a glass or two of white wine to accompany my meal….so definitely not a FD800 but will be between a CD and TDEE – I’ll take that!

    @northgeorgia – good news regarding your Dad
    @stitchincarol – the start of your post made me smile…..but I don’t think that I’ll swerve that wine with my meal this evening as it’s in my head now ๐Ÿคฃ

    Day 3 UK FD (4th b2b)

    Another FD dusted yesterday – phew! Miraculously I’m finding the rhythm again at long last: Mon-Thurs FD800 seems to work for me and I think will be sustainable for the next while. It’s also fresh approach which has engaged my ADHD brain.

    Weigh in this morning down another lb to 182lbs. I’m looking forwrad to tomorrow’s weekly weigh & measure day.

    Really full day today. Finally managed to wash my hair – peripheral neuropathy making this hard atm – which feels great. This morning the bedroom radiator wastemporarily fixed by heating engineer after 4 weeks of stone cold temperatures. A tricky zoom call which left me feeling quite uncomfortable led to not eating but a short trip to the common and some time appreciating the splendour of winter trees in sunshine – progress.

    I’ve got an online course this evening so going to eat easy OMAD in a moment. I roasted butternut squash and parsnip earlier to have with vegan steaks and cabbage with nutritional yeast: total prep time now c10 mins. I’ve got some apples to stew in the microwave with blueberries, clementine and cinnamon plus vegan yogurt. That should see me safely to bedtime, esp as I know it’s weigh-day tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

    @at your walk sounds amazing – well done! hope DH continues to recover well

    @jaifaim thanks! I love reading other poeople’s recipes and getting ideas for meals which is why i post mine ๐Ÿ™‚ Camargue rice is French – v nutty, chewy, much more satisfying than regular rice. I’ve also got some Italian wild red rice. I discovered these a few years ago and can’t go back now, they’re so much nicer!

    @betsylee well done on yesterday’s FD & hope today’s CD has been a good one. You’ve got this!

    @missybear I hope the medication change helps your poor cat to settle down again. it must be so frightening ๐Ÿ™

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŒ
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 13 UK FD

    Thanks for the suggestion @stitchincarol, I am seriously considering, Iโ€™m donโ€™t think I could manage multiple OMAD at the moment , but never say never and both you and @emma-taylor are great adverts for this

    Usual Thursday FD , just need to carry on my good work over the weekend which is my downfall but I am a bit more determined this week

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 13 ๐ŸŒ
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 14, NFD, Aus


    I’m loathe to use the forbidden F-word, but let’s just say yesterday’s FD didn’t. Oh well. There’s always next week.

    Have been reading everyone’s posts and following all the news but sorry am flat out and don’t have time to comment in detail.

    have a great weekend everyone

    Day 13 USA (Illinois) OMAD – CD

    Making an Italian Stew for supper that I concocted years ago when on South Beach (very-low carb) Diet. The Italian vegetable blend is hard to find (I’m lazy, don’t like buying and cutting up lots of different vegetables) but my grocery had it the other day. Frozen package that I just hack away to make smaller pieces. It’s like a minestrone without any pasta. For DH (and me) we will have some garlic bread along with it.

    @daffodil2010 – I just adore learning about other national items, like your Bovrit. I can find Vegemite in specialty grocery places, but don’t think I have ever seen Bovrit. Sounds good.

    @i-hate-lettuce – I just heard my Amazon Echo (Alexa) tell me we have a dense fog warning here for tonight and tomorrow morning. But no fishing nearby with frozen ponds here. Not that I fish anyway. Ha ha!

    @froby79 – another new item: gammon steak. My Google search tells me it is like our fresh ham steak. Sounds like a great meal.

    @at – a few years ago, I started having flashers in my eyes too. Very disconcerting feeling like (especially driving at night) a police car is flashing lights at me! My eye doctor said they likely would go away, and they have. Hope your DH doesn’t have any lasting problems with them. I also have floaters that can show up on retina scans.

    @jaifaim – your Norwegian cruise sounds wonderful! We got to Norway in ’02 for our former exchange student’s wedding. We saw lots of cruise ships as our host took us (with their van) on various ferries and into fjords. Gorgeous scenery! Will you ski there? Our student fit in well with us as she skied on the glaciers in Norway, and we ski on the hills of Wisconsin.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 1, UK, FD

    Hi everyone! Iโ€™m new to the forum and Iโ€™d figure Iโ€™ll start FD after my birthday, hopefully reaching my ideal weight before the next ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™ve tried some extreme weight losing ways before but didnโ€™t end up well, but this sounds promising. Today has been going great, I normally skip breakfast so I didnโ€™t eat until noon, and I kind of distribute my portions evenly between lunch and dinner.

    Day 14 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    TGIF!!!! Yay, we almost made it! Looking forward to vino tonight, the whole dry till Saturday ain’t gonna fly this week due to hormonal things and a literal pain in the neck ….so I want to relax in front of a cracklings fire tonight with an adult beverage. ๐Ÿท

    Planning to go lakes tomorrow in our camper, DH wants to fish, I want to read and not talk…perfect scenario. @i-hate-lettuce, we are hoping the fishing is good, we heard it has been well stocked with trout.

    This week, not much weight loss but plenty of exercise and flexibility getting better. Hoping the pain in the neck goes, I am doing special Pilates neck exercises to strengthen the neck and shoulder…it worked for my foot, hope it works for my neck.

    Have a great weekend.

    Day 14 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Despite a good week, put on 2 lbs since last Fridays weigh in, worried, no, just fluctuations, will no doubt disappear. Certainly don’t feel bloated or anything so will simply carry on, sometimes strange things happen. It’s like when you plateau, for no reason you can’t lose anything no matter how hard you try, then suddenly it drops away.

    @at – Hope OH settles down quickly and gets back to ‘normal’ ASAP.

    @jaifaim – Norway, my favourite cruise destination, especially if you head right round the northern tip to the Russian border. Even better is if you then head North to Svalbard! Summer or winter it is a fascinating place and lovely people!

    @northgeorgia – Sounds like Dads on the right side of things, excellent.

    @daffodil2010 – Had a fabulous day yesterday round the lake, it’s so mild this morning going to have another session. Fish were lying deep but with so much oxygen in the water (wintertime) they were fighting hard!

    Take care all

    Day 14 – Norwich UK – NFD

    Good morning,
    another good FD has gone ๐Ÿ™‚ To reassure everyone I don’t add “mink” in the coffee!! just cow milk!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Diet is going well, so far I have lost 1.4kg, 1cm waist, 1cm hip, 2cm tummy, according to my scale also the BMI is decreased from 28.1 to 27.6.. Very happy!!

    I feel good during the FDs but I have noticed that I don’t sleep well. I tend to wake up very early.. does anyone have the same issue? any suggestion on how to improve this?

    Tomorrow I am going to Italy for the weekend.. a surprise trip for my dad’s birthday. He is celebrating 79ys.. After 2 years of COVID I needed a “normal” weekend trip..

    @daffodil2010 enjoy the wine and the weekend!
    @doradostern welcome to the group. I am also a new member, this is my second week ๐Ÿ™‚
    @songbirdme I really like the minestrone.. I have actually never put pasta in it. in my family we tend to eat it plain or with bread (you put bread from the day before in your plate and pour the minestrone on the top).. of course there is always parmesan in it! Some people cook the minestrone by adding the parmesan crust.. super yummy!!

    Have a nice day everyone and keep the motivation up! ๐Ÿ™‚

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