Jaunty January 2024

This topic contains 343 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 1 year, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 341 total)

  • Day 17 NFD 🏃🏼‍♀️77.2kg NZ

    My poor old boy, Mr Mac is having a hard time in this stiffling weather esp in the evening when the wind drops…
    Another good save by @stitchincarol for @brightonbelle! I always think that it takes a wee while for your metabolism to change over so don’t lose heart, keep going and it will happen!
    @stitchincarol Wow! There’s some serious weather going on out there. I hope you’re travelling with a sleeping bag in your car, not in the boot because if something happens it won’t open. Modern cars are too clever…
    @cocco 2 pounds is 2 pounds of butter in volume! Hang in there!
    @northgeorgia NO!!! The takeaway from this is don’t let other people sabotage you… And a true friend would not undermine you…☹️
    @flourbaby Go you! You’re getting into the groove!!
    I just did 2 minute wall sit. Can I go on the ski trip too? I’m so envious!
    @funshipfreddie I agree with you on the sheet.
    Now what sort of dress did you have in mind? I’m sure one of us will have something hanging in our wardrobes that we could offer up to you!!
    I see @fastingnurse is keeping up her exercise on the sheet so well done you!
    @lilymartin Fantastic news!! Roll on Friday for the dress try on! We’ll need a full description since we don’t have pictures!
    @penz Funnily enough I have bottle of Aussie Johnny Q. Shiraz sitting on my bench. I will open it with great respect and have a wee toast to you!!

    We’re into the second half of January now. Time to think about what your Jaunty January goal was to make sure you’re on track!

    Onward and downward!!💪💪

    Day 17 country west Australia very very CD
    Away from home and no scales so having to be very careful as driving lots of hours and sitting.
    I had a small egg and tomato tart and an orange for breakfast so hoping that will be all until dinner ( hopefully back home if all appointments go well in Perth).
    Listening to weather in some parts of the world is SO different from us at present.
    41ºC yesterday and hot and humid. I drove straight in to a fierce thunderstorm and our main highway was shut, not from snow as @stitchincarol, but due to the storm and a bushfire started by a lightning strike.
    The Fire was close to the road and the road undriveable due to thick smoke. What a contrast to the USA!!
    The cue of cars stopped was VERY VERY long, so I turned around and ,knowing the countryside quite well, I took the ‘ scenic’ detour which added another 100 kms and over an extra hour to my trip !!
    When I arrived in Perth the highway still had not been opened so some folk must hve waited or. few hours. Luckily the storm reduced the temp where the fire was by bout 10ºC but Perth was still scorching when I arrived.
    Back to 5:2… well done to everyone on their wins ( in losses??) . It sound like a lot of people are making health their priority this year which is always a good thing.
    @funshipfreddie, I st start using the spreadsheet !
    Onward and downward

    Day 17 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.1 kg

    @merryapple – I’ll get back to you on the dress 😅 That’s plan B – I’ll see how I go with MFP, but I’m already seeing a difference.

    @lilymartin – I hope the spreadsheet helps. It certainly can’t hurt, & it only takes seconds to glance at it every morning 🎯

    @flourbaby – Cats really know how to push our buttons, & yet we still love them 😻 Congrats on the whoosh! 💪 Love the Buddha quote ☸️

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Day 17, London, UK, FD

    I think the ADF routine is working well and as the mojo is HIGH, it isn’t a problem🤞🏼🤞🏼

    @penz, “Glad you’re still keeping Leslie company, @stitchincarol. Say hi for me!”………..🤣🤣🤣 My ½ ar*ed NY resolution was to reacquaint myself with Leslie 🤭, unfortunately, multitasking swerved this particular woman, so focussing on food is about all I can manage at the moment, once it’s 2nd nature, I will visit Leslie & say hi for you!!!!🕺🏼

    @merryapple, you’re envious??? I’m not sure if I mentioned it😁, but I HATE the cold, so you can definitely take my place on the skiing trip, if I can replace you in the lovely warmth you’re basking in!!!😎………………… @lilymartin, why can’t we ALL have a happy medium temperature? I don’t want knee high snow, nor do I want 40+ degrees, forest fires, etc. Year round 27 degrees should do it!!

    @penz and @merryapple, I can’t even say the V word 🍷, I’ve got to stay focussed on Dry-ish January, but Shiraz or Malbec are just as triggering as saying vino!!…………Doh!!!🤭🤭

    @daffodil2010, hope you’re doing ok, stop by if you need some hand-holding!! We’re here!!🤗🤗

    I must get on, the deadline looms large!!!

    : “Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” – Brian Tracy

    Am I on a pocket list of 1??!!😱😱

    Pocket List – Day 15 🍋

    Day 17 UK f800

    Thanks for retrieving my somewhat garbled post @stitchincarol

    I’ll join you @flourbaby

    Pocket List – Day 15 🍋

    Day 17 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Day 2, here we come!! Brrrr… -10C here this morning. I know it’s absolutely tropical compared to my compatriots out west and up north, but still… leaving the water taps dripping all day long in hopes of preventing a major burst.

    Pocket List – Day 15 🍋

    My fault…………… it is Day 17!!

    Pocket List – Day 17 🍋

    USA. Day 17. FD

    Pocket List – Day 17 🍋

    Day 17 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 160.6

    I did go ahead and have two lattes yesterday, and then had a small amount of diced ham when I got home, thinking the protein of it would be good for warmth; total calories was about 360. Even so, I slept with the electric blanket on high most of the night, so I was still cold. But, not miserably so, and I’m thinking I’ll follow that pattern on other frigid winter days; it sure made it much easier.

    @penz Wow, what did I say that made you think I’m keeping Leslie company??? 😂🤣😂 I actually have been doing some exercise, however; I discovered Jessica Valant doing pilates, and have been enjoying it. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJT6CPSK94Q

    @merryapple I did indeed pack up some blankets and had the bag of stuff close to me for “just in case” but was astonished how good the roads were on my way home. It was dark by then, so I couldn’t see for certain, but I believe they were entirely dry, unlike when I drove in in the morning. The streets of Omaha were pretty awful occassionally, but the rest were well cleared and even dry. What continues to astonish me after all these years is that, even though the temps were still far below freezing (the high was 9F/-12C), the sun was able to melt the snow and ice on the streets. That sun is POWERFUL!

    @lilymartin Holy Cow, that is serious summer temps! Stay safe!

    @flourbaby I continue to be dazzled by your abundant and determined mojo; go you!!

    The high today is going to be 22F/-6C, and while I understand why that would be miserable for many of you, let me assure you it will feel BALMY to us here–keep in mind it’s FORTY degrees warmer than a few days ago, LOL! School kids will be wearing shorts and even reasonable adults will skip the coat as they walk from their car to the store. We have more cold and snow forecast starting tomorrow, but the bitter arctic freeze is just about over, and I’m probably done reporting on our weather. But it was fun to envision just what the reality is of an arctic freeze, right? 😇🧊❄️

    Today’s food plan: make-my-own latte for lunch and a quessadilla, and then a pork salad sandwich for supper. Nothing elegant, and not enough veggies, but I’ll be busy and need to eat up the leftovers in the fridge, so it’ll work.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    OOPS! Got distracted and now it’s three hours later… 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

    Day 18 NZ FD 77.7kg

    I had more to eat last night in preparation for my FD🤣. Actually my dinner guest didn’t front because of gastric poisoning from late night Chicken Flied Lice three days ago and is still unwell. My cousin’s daughter is coming to stay on her Art Therapy study week today so we, not just I, can eat up the rest!
    @stitchincarol Pleased to hear it’s positively barmy and you’re safe home! I learned about the boot thing when I drove the Mini with Mr Mac to Wellington on the scenic route and lost power on a hill in the middle of nowhere. I was congratulating myself that I had water and food etc freely available if it took a while to be rescued not realising that I couldn’t access the boot because the central locking was kaput…
    @northgeorgia Yeah! On the downhill again!
    @funshipfreddie I’m sure you look great whatever you decide to wear!! I’m feeling more confident now at around 12 stone😬 and am venturing out in Bermuda shorts! I have fair hair (to be precise, natural ash blonde with a very light dusting of grey!) and pale skin so don’t actively cultivate a tan esp with a hx of melanoma. In my glamour days I was south of 10 stone/140lbs/63kg. But that ain’t going to happen again!!
    @flourbaby My favourite drinks at the moment are soda, ice and a splash of kombucha, which I make so it’s more vinegary and refreshing than the sweet store-bought version, or with Angostura Bitters sometimes accompanied by a splash of gin! These are potential alternatives to the V word!!
    @lilymartin doesn’t the road start to melt at those temps? I think it would here… Good on you for holding those reins firmly in your hands!
    @snowflake56 We’re all thinking of you and sending 💪😘
    Same to @maui

    Onward and downward!!

    Pocket List Day 18💪🏃🏼‍♀️

    Day 18, FD, Aus

    FD today. Will power!!

    Oops, @stitchincarol, I got the Leslie reference from the post you posted for @brightonbelle – she deserves the credit for keeping Leslie company!

    A friend of mine has just moved from Queensland to Maryland. He’s sent us pics of his backyard – completely covered in deep snow. Ha ha! A shock to his system!

    Day 18 country west Australia 80.8 kgs FD
    So eating below 800calories BUT no exercise and the scales are up .3 kg. It shows the importance of exercise.
    My mantra is currently still ‘ You can’t outrun a bad diet’!!
    Sending you willpower aplenty @penz for another FD
    @merryapple I think my story is similar to yours ( but for me – oh to be 77kgs again !!!) My plan is to be 60 kgs by year’s end.
    I know it is a stretch and probably impossible but what do they say ‘ Aim for the moon and you might land among the stars.’
    @stitchincarol I almost need a heater just thinking of your temperatures. I can’t stand being cold.🥶🥶
    @northgeorgia, well done on the downward trend.
    @flourbaby, go you! Glad you have plenty of mojo . It certainly helps!!
    @funshipfreddie, hoping that Boo Boo is letting you sleep in. Don’t they say, people own dogs, cats own people ??
    Have a good day all.

    Day 18 – FD – NZ
    My Tuesday FD turned into an UD so now I’m doing Back to back FD today and tomorrow. I did weigh today to check the damage of missing my usual FD and I’ve stayed the same. I still want to get in 2 FD’s though so will let ya’ll know how I get on tomorrow. I’m almost through the first FD, 6.25pm here while I sit on the train on my way home from work. Saved my 500 calories up for dinner which I’ll be having a small portion of my homemade chicken katsu and salad no rice.
    Hope everyone’s week is going well, TGIF tomorrow!!

    Day 18 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @lilymartin – that’s so true! Boo Boo has definitely got me wrapped around her paw 😅 Except when it comes to my sleep. She’s banned from my bedroom at night, because she won’t let me sleep. But she’s happy watching cat videos on YouTube. The TV is set to switch itself off after 4 hours. I think she uses more wifi than I do 😅

    @merryapple – I’m also fair, I can’t go out walking without wearing a hat/baseball cap, or else my head/neck gets sun-burned. I’m sure you could get to under 70 kg if you put your mind to it. I was happy at 73 kg, but after I quit drinking my weight dropped without me even doing anything different. At one point it went to about 67 – which was too thin for me – but now I weigh the same as I did in my 20’s. I often get asked, “how do you stay so slim?”, which is simultaneously flattering & cringe-worthy, because I can only truthfully answer that by mentioning fasting. Which can then lead to people looking at me like I’m a nut-job. So I usually just say I’m careful about what I eat.

    Dr Mosley had his brain zapped 😲

    It’ll have to be a Friday FD for me this week. Sending RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters! May you all have Friday morning PFDS 💪🎯

    Pocket List Day 18💪🏃🏼‍♀️

    Day 18, London, UK, NFD

    It’s a flying visit from me today………. That deadline is HERE!!!

    Feeling ok, mojo still in place. Aiming to be very controlled today despite the stress I can FEEL coming!!

    Stay strong folks, mojo aplenty to the fasters!!!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

    Day 18 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. Come on day 3! Will break the fast tonight with a warm bowl of soup.

    Pocket List Day 18💪🏃🏼‍♀️

    Day 18 UK f800

    At last a bit of ☀️still cold though at 0( positively balmy compared to some of you )

    Pocket List Day 18💪🏃🏼‍♀️

    Day 18 – UK – FD800
    Day 17 – NFD

    After waking up to all that snow on Day 16 – it felt necessary to go for a wander despite the continued snowy conditions and no views – nearly 6miles in powder snow….fantastic!
    Went to see an early evening showing of the film Priscila that evening with friends and stopped for pizza and a glass of wine to discuss the film after….

    My yoga class on Day 17 was cancelled due to the icy conditions as access to the studio wasn’t safe so met with friends for a light lunch and catch up instead – a lazy day with no exercise apart from walking into the village and back home

    This morning I went for my 9am regular aerobics class and it was just too nice not to go out for wander in the ice and snow afterwards – absolutely gorgeous, a local waterfall was half frozen over and still lots of snow on the lower paths of the fells – only 3.75miles but hard work on the ice and snow despite wearing my micro spikes!!! A 6pm Pilates class to look forward to, that will stretch those muscles and also keep me on track with my FD 🤞

    @merry🍎 – thank you for putting me on the pocket list so now I have to make sure I stick to my FD 🤣

    Pocket List Day 18💪🏃🏼‍♀️

    I am hoping to do B2B FD800 today and tomorrow to end the week on a positive note as we are having a lovely meal thanks to Simon Rogan @ Home planned for Saturday night with matching wines…..naughty but definitely nice!!!

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – LFD – 161.8

    As usual, I lost the plot by suppertime yesterday. I didn’t go nuts, but I did eat more than 1500. On the other hand, we had choir rehearsal last night, and my fit bit thought I’d gone bicycling during those 70 minutes, given how active I was (I’m the director, so lots of arm waving and bouncing up and down and pounding the piano, etc.) so I burned off the extra calories. Any tips on how to maintain motivation? Because that’s where I always lose it, is I end up not caring. Being content isn’t always good, I guess! 😂

    Today, we’re supposed to get more snow and the forecast is for it to be heaviest right when I’m supposed to be driving to Omaha, and lasting until when I’m supposed to be driving home. Will I actually drive in? Don’t know yet. If I do, I’ll allow myself a latte again since that worked so well on Tuesday. If I don’t, I’ll make my own latte, and then perhaps I’ll ask my husband to lock me in my sewing room so I can’t wander into the kitchen. 🤣😂🤣

    @merryapple That had to have been irritating; how long were you stuck on that hill with no power?

    @penz Aww, your poor friend, moving right when the entire country is experiencing a deep freeze, and snowfall on top of it! Ten years ago, we had a foreign exchange student from Chile: he left his home in August, just as it was coming on summer and got here just when it was coming on winter. He left here in early June, just when it was finally warming up, and got home where it was already cold. Poor kid was cold for three full years, LOL!

    @lilymartin You are doing extraordinarily well; you deserve to be beyond proud of yourself!

    @fastingnurse Good on you for immediately jumping back into a fast…but what’s a UD?

    @funshipfreddie Back when I weighed 112 (BMI of 19 or so), I had lots of people insist I was too thin, but I felt terrific and was as strong as a horse, so found their worry to be extremely misplaced. It’s fun to remember those days…

    @flourbaby Shoot. What am I forgetting? What deadline?? Encouragement to you for whatever it is that I’ve forgotten, and apologies for forgetting!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 18 UK f800

    At last a bit of ☀️still cold though at 0( positively balmy compared to some of you )

    Pocket List Day 18💪🏃🏼‍♀️
    @stitchincarol LFD

    second post

    @at You and I posted at the same time. I can’t even imagine finding a wander in snow and ice to be wonderful and irresistable…you are amazing!

    USA. Day 18. FD

    Pocket List Day 18💪🏃🏼‍♀️
    @stitchincarol LFD

    Gearing up for more snow shoveling. At least I can look at it as a food form of exercise!

    Day 19 NZ FD
    So I made it through Thursday, I’m now 0.6kg since my last weigh in last week after 2 FD’s. I’ve never completed a FD on a Friday before so may be challenging but I can do it!

    Day 18 USA/Hawai’i FD800
    Weigh in 160 lb
    Still on track to hit 159 lb by end of January.
    Fighting some depression or something but back to step up and get back on track.

    Pocket List Day 18💪🏃🏼‍♀️
    @stitchincarol LFD

    Day 19 NFD NZ 77.6kg

    The trouble with house guests is they bring you lots of thank you treats and extra food like chocolate coated almonds.
    I have developed plantar fasciitis in the arch of my left foot so am hobbling around and can’t go on my power walks☹️ I think it’s down to my favourite summer sandals… I’m icing my foot for 15 minutes now…
    @maui Great to have you check in. It does take a wee while and much psychological effort to shift from, and be comfortable with, a ‘we to I’ status. Stay with us and we can at least help on the healthy weight front😘
    @cocco That is a great plan – useful exercise!!
    @fastingnurse That’s fantastic to hear! You’re on the way down! FDs do get easier. I eat an hour earlier on FDs to prevent any pre dinner grazing getting out of control…
    @stitchincarol You are hilarious. I love your description of your conducting style with the Fitbit trying to figure out what you’re doing!! As to advice on motivation… if you have a particular weak time, how about preparing something earlier so it’s ready to be eaten and you don’t have to go hunting through the fridge and kitchen cupboards. Or get your DH to bring you a cup of tea with said item to keep you out of the kitchen!
    I was on the hill for 2 1/2 hrs luckily in a parking bay.
    @at There’s something crisp and refreshing about winter walks. All you really need to add is a dog!
    @brightonbelle Amazing you’re still on the FD800s. You must have settled into quite a routine!
    @northgeorgia Your will and won’t power is amazing!
    Thanks @funshipfreddie. I do need an achievable target of 70kg then will evaluate my Rubenesque features! I was super fit and playing heaps of sport back then as well as being two inches taller!! 63kg/140lbs would give me a BMI of 22 now. 70kg is around 24. All will be revealed in the fullness of time, I hope!
    @lilymartin You were my yard stick when I started this forum last year!! I can’t quite believe my next milestone is 75kg. I try and think in 5kg lots because it’s the difference of a clothing size. We’ll get there together!!
    @penz Is it Friday night pizza with a big bodied Shiraz?!!
    @flourbaby We look forward to having you back in full flight when you’re project is done and dusted. Glad to hear you’re keeping it together despite the stress!

    Keep the faith everyone. It’s onward and downward!!

    Day 19, NFD, Aus

    I’m guessing that @fastingnurse’s UD was an uncontrolled day? Well, that’s how my planned FD yesterday turned out. I’m annoyed at myself especially since I consciously decided to chuck the FD out the window and over indulge.

    Stay safe on the roads, @stitchincarol, if you do decide to head out.

    My dogs don’t tend to be interested in tv, and I’ve never tried them with YouTube. Last night we started watching the new season of Muster Dogs on ABC – it tracks the progress of 5 young Border Collie pups learning how to work stock. My two (not Borders, but working dogs nonetheless) both sat up straight and watched the screen with such focus! I wish I had had my phone by my side to capture it.

    Ouch! @merryapple. Such a pity you can’t sit in the basket and have Mac bike you around! And you bet, tonight is pizza and a lovely bottle of plonk!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 18 FD, NZ Post2

    @merryapple yes I think they will, I guess those days I wasn’t able to complete FD was because I ended up going out for dinner with friends I hadn’t seen a long time both nights 🤦🏻‍♀️ and also really hungry at lunch both days!

    @penz the 2 attempted FDs on Tuesday and Wednesday ended up being OK, not too out of control, I had lunch and dinner both normal sized meals but I would’ve been well over 500 calories and probably more like 1200-1500 calories and most of those calories would’ve come from the dinners when I saw friends. But I know what you mean by overindulgence, it’s easy to do but you can do another FD another day or if I can’t do another I’ll try to do 2 the next week. Eventually the weight will come off😊

    Day 19 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @penz – “I consciously decided to chuck the FD out the window and over indulge.” Nooo?! So disappointing. Imagine how much more you’d enjoy that pizza/wine if you had a little PFDS to go with it? Maybe you just need to ask yourself what you did differently on your last successful FD? Did you have something in the kitchen you just couldn’t resist this time? Tell me to mind my own business, but I’m just curious..🤔

    @merryapple – those plantar wart thingies are nasty? I had one when I was working on the QM2 about 20 years ago, It took forever to get rid of it. A doctor attempted to remove it with liquid ice or something, but I think I eventually got rid of it just by using one of those medicated pads you stick over it.

    Article re Restless Leg Syndrome. I can’t remember who mentioned this last year, but a couple of people were discussing it:-

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹🍕

    Pocket List – Day 19 🍒

    Day 19, London, UK, FD

    I’m swerving my usual nemesis today …………………….. Free food🤣🤭. It’s the usual office breakfast, but it’s also a FD, so I’m opting out today, which is unheard of😇, and settling for my small salad for lunch then chicken & broccoli for dinner.

    @at, I’m so envious of your Pilates classes, no longer Zooming, my teacher has moved her classes about 20mins away, but the start time coincides with me being stuck in traffic!!😢

    @stitchincarol & @penz, repeat after me ………………… “I really fancy eating/drinking that, but I’m fasting, and I CAN have it tomorrow”. Perhaps we need to introduce some punishment to the challenges…………. would a👿 reinforce the need to 🚫 to temptations?? You might end up with a 😇or a 👼🏼 for your efforts …………………. Or……………….. just a better number on the scale😨!!
    One trick I have is to always have a couple of sandwich bags or plastic containers handy to collect the obligatory temptations in the office and save them for tomorrow, because, as I may have mentioned, I suffer badly from FOMO!!!🤤😏

    @merryapple, I hope your foot improves with the ice, I had thought my New Year’s foot problem was plantar fasciitis, but I don’t think it’s a 3-day thing!

    @funshipfreddie, erhm🤔 plantar fasciitis ……………………… NOT plantar wart!!🤣🤣🤣

    Onwards , downwards & thinwards folks!!!!

    “I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” – Audre Lorde

    Pocket List – Day 19 🍒

    2nd Post – Day 19

    @flourbaby – oh! Duh?! I thought ‘fasciitis’ was a fancy foreign word for wart 🤣 Whatever, they’re still bloody painful 😖 Well done on swerving the free food & joining us on the Friday pocket list 💪🎯

    USA. Day 19. NFD

    I was going to do a WFD today and put myself on the pocket list, but I realize I need my energy to shovel all that snow when it finally stops. Ugh!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – too much

    I ended up not driving in to teach yesterday; there wasn’t all that much snow, and the roads would have been acceptable, but it was coming down heavy and with wind, and that would have made visibility awful. In the end, I reminded myself piano lessons are not worth putting myself in danger, and stayed home with the mom’s full blessing.

    And so my WFD lasted until about 3:30, but then I was hungry and I was cold, and so I ate. Never anything awful, and never in huge quantity, just again, and again, and again. @flourbaby I’m going to try your phrase, remembering my friend @flourbaby is behind me, encouraging me on…

    DH doesn’t want to go out tonight because we’re back in an arctic freeze, but I have nothing thawed for dinner, so I don’t know what I’ll eat today, or when. I may just push hard to drive to a resaturant anyway, as the sun’s out and the roads will be fine by this afternoon, despite the temps.

    (((((((((@maui)))))))) (That’s a cyber hug) After the year you’ve had, I’d say your “bit of depression” is entirely understandable, honey. We’re here with love and support for you.

    @funshipfreddie Yup, I’ve also frequently “decided to chuck the FD out the window” (or the restraint or the whatever), so I fully understand @penz‘s choice. It all comes back to my comment yesterday that days eventually wind up with me realizing I simply don’t care, and how do I maintain that motivation? How do I make myself “desperately wish to be thinner” (a la @at‘s personal motto)????? I have lots of motivation in the mornings, and have reached indifference by evening…
    Oh, and I had Restless Leg Syndrome for years, but didn’t know it was a thing, and just called it “twitchy legs.” I still remember the evening DH was reading the newspaper, we were in our 30s, and he said, “Honey! You have a ‘thing’! It’s called Resless Leg Syndrome!” But I almost never suffer it any more, so that’s a relief. Do others here suffer it?

    It was fun to read all the comments today–the plantar fasciitis v. warts really made me laugh!–but I should get up and accomplish something today. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 20 NFD ZBC NZ 🏃🏼‍♀️

    We had a lovely impromptu girl’s night last night with everyone contributing something: Tamale Pie with frijoles negros , Harissa rub on a roasted lamb rump, salad and beans. Desert was fresh blackberries and delicious not sweet Pomegranate Turkish Delight. I polished off several glasses of – wait for it – big bodied blackcurranty Shiraz!!!
    I’ve just been for a walk and am icing my foot preventively. It’s 95% back to normal but I needed a walk esp since I’m going out for lunch… My house guest is cooking pasta for me tonight. I might have gone for a OMAD today had I been on my own. C’est la vie! and this is a WoL and you need to be happy and have fun!!
    @funshipfreddie I’m pleased I don’t have a wart because like you found out, they are hard to dispatch… I traveled on the QM when I was 2 – New York to South Hampton. I’ve always loved jet setting!!!
    @stitchincarol When you’re cold go to YouTube and find Diana Ross and the Supremes, Barry White or Manilow and have a warm up dance!!! Your Fitbit will love you!!!
    @cocco Think of the gym sub you’re saving!! I guess the shovel has to swap sides to get both arms!
    @flourbaby You’re an inspiration!! Watch and learn everyone!!
    @penz Friday nights are Friday nights… I see your working dogs have risen to the managerial classes…
    @lilymartin Hope you made it back home safely…It sounds just too darn hot out your way…
    @fastingnurse That’s the ticket. Make this WoL work for you! Lucky you don’t have to do the grave yard shift…

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
    Onward and downward!

    USA. Day 19. NFD

    The snow has been dispatched and I have had my fair share of exercise while shoveling today! Now my shoulder hurts! LOL. Anyway I just began my WFD. My only problem with my water fasts is this weather. Not being able to go out and do things because of this terrible weather leaves me home and bored. Bored and stress make me eat. Normally, I can find a way to work around that but now I buy snacks for my grandchildren. If they don’t come over, I find myself gorging on them. Before I had grandchildren, I never bought snacks which solved that problem. I have to hide them. Out of sight out of mind (I hope).

    I hope everyone had a lovely day.

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. Sorry, I guess my post didn’t go through this morning. I did resume regular meals today, but tried to be cautious not to overdo! We’ll see how I fare in a few hours in the very frigid morning returning for the weekend. The water taps are running overnight…. brrr

    Day 20 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.1 kg

    I’m a wreck?! My annoying cat woke me around 4 am when she knocked her dish off the top of her cat tree onto the tiled floor, & I’ve been awake ever since. 🥴️ Strangely enough I still got a ’79’ (just below ‘good’) sleep score on my Fitbit app, which probably proves those scores are just twaddle 😅

    @merryapple – you sailed on the original Queen Mary?! Did you know it’s still going strong? Sort of. It’s now a floating hotel/museum in Long Beach, California. I had lunch on there several years ago, when Long Beach was my home port https://queenmary.com/history/

    @stitchincarol – I don’t think I succeed with my FDs out of a desire to be thin/thinner, although that’s obviously part of it. I think I have a perfectionist streak. For me it’s always been a case of ‘do it properly or don’t do it at all’. Even with things like punctuality. Many people wouldn’t be perturbed with being 5 or 10 minutes late, but I’d be furious with myself if I was even a minute late for anything. When you ‘chuck a FD out the window’ it’s like you’re breaking a promise you’ve made to yourself. We probably wouldn’t as easily break a promise we made to another person. Which reminds me of the quote @flourbaby posted yesterday – “I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” – Audre Lorde

    Michael Mosley UK Mail article:-

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    Day 20 – NZ – NFD
    Weigh in: 114.8kg so down 1kg after 2 FD B2B. So even though I epically failed the two attempted fast days earlier in the week I still managed to get them in before the weekend. Also, I’ll add – the past few weeks on FD’s I’ve been very cold even though it’s 25 degrees outside which is really good for Wellington if anyone knows of the area 🤣

    @merryapple yes you’re right I’m lucky enough not to do shift work especially in my job, I have worked shift work in the past in the hospital but it really does affect your appetite, sleep, everything! I definitely have nurse friends who work all kinds of hours and make it work for them. Do you work grave yard shift?

    Day 20 UK NFD

    Decided I’m going 2:5 for a few weeks , so sticking to 800 5 days a week , relaxing for 2 . It’s the relaxing that will be tricky for me , very pleased with yesterday had a few drinks ate well though and came in under 1500 cals so let’s see how it goes Have a lovely weekend everyone

    USA. Day 20. FD

    I was going to do a WFD but I needed energy to remove more snow. At least I can say I have gotten a lot of exercise this week with all this snow!

    Thanks for the article, FUNSHIPFREDDIE!

    Day 20 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I’m pleased with yesterday: what I ate was not low-calories (potatoes Dauphinoise, for example), but I ate ONLY what I’d planned. ONLY. Not even one lonely smoked almond, for example. That in itself is a miracle. The scale is not impressed by my restraint, so I’ve chosen to ignore its announcement and just celebrate what I accomplished. And, honestly, I’m still full from that lovely dinner I cooked, so if I stay this way, this will turn into an OMAD. We’ll see.

    @funshipfreddie Yeah, I get your point. I came to that same realization in August of 2021 (2022?) about promises to myself, and enjoyed several months of absolutely stellar restraint. Haven’t been able to find it since then. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Apparently I’ve become blase about breaking promises to myself…

    @merryapple Your dinner sounds glorious! I hope your plantar fasciitis goes away quickly for you; I had it more than a decade ago, and it took a year to resolve…not a pleasant time!

    Just discovered I got distracted by some emails and never posted this; forward and onward!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 20 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 223 lbs. Hmmm, again my post didn’t go through from this morning. Well, I’m sure after the big lunch at the Mexican restaurant with my family, I’m not 223 lbs right now hehehe

    Anyway, planning on Monday as my next FD.

    Day 21 NZ FD 78.3kg 🏃🏼‍♀️🚴‍♀️

    Hmm I seem to be in reverse mode so today is a FD to rebalance. I made reasonable choices for lunch – Haloumi salad plus a pint of IPA ( I did say reasonable…) My lovely house guest cooked zucchini pasta with two cups of mascarpone cream and a load of Parmesan. 😶… I am happy to do extra calories from protein but straight dairy fat😬… So today is an extra FD. I’m on dinner so I can manage me not going over the 500 cals.
    @cocco Good on you for all that snow shovelling!! Would your grandchildren eat healthy treats??!!
    @northgeorgia You have inspired me to do a B2B FDs!! Luckily I am not going to a Mexican Restaurant. I absolutely ❤️‍🔥Mexican food!!
    @funshipfreddie Yes, the original QM. I did know it is a floating hotel now. Must go and visit some time! The Scottish sailors aboard gave my twin brother the nickname of Robbie which has stuck!!
    I’m short of 💤 thanks to Macintosh walking around restlessly in the night…
    @fastingnurse Good on you!! No, I’m not working at the moment. My poor old Westie can’t be left for more than an hour or two. He’s not going to last much longer 😢 and then I’ll get a part time job. I was last working at Auckland Hospital’s ED on the Covid team.
    @brightonbelle You’re so organised you’re going to be at maintenance in no time!!
    @stitchincarol Yum Potatoes Dauphinoise😋Well done on sticking to your plan. That really is the key isn’t it – making a plan and sticking to it!!
    One year… that must have tested your patience… My foot is 95% back to normal, thank you. I’m rotating my footwear often to avoid aggravating it..
    Enjoy your Sunday everyone! Especially anyone having a Sunday roast!!!😄

    It’s a fresh start on Monday with ten days to go to hit your monthly targets 🎯

    Day 21 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I went to a birthday lunch with a few neighbours yesterday, at the ‘Off the Hook’ restaurant by the harbour. I was very impressed with myself for ordering the side-salad instead of the chips 😇 I had a small cheeseburger too, which was delicious, but I wasn’t all that hungry thanks to being woken pre-dawn. They say poor sleep leads to poor food choices, but it seems to kill my appetite.

    @merryapple – look at you? – a Sunday FD! I’d normally be joining you on the list, but I’ve been on my best behaviour with my daily MFP logging, so I’m hoping I’ll only be needing two FDs this week, most likely tomorrow & Thursday🤞

    @northgeorgia – I love Mexican food 😋 I discovered a Mexican restaurant recently just 10 km away from where I live. My Spanish is quite basic, but I nearly drove into a tree when I saw the name of it as I was driving past! 🤣 I can’t write it here, cos I’ll probably be kicked off the forum…https://www.nmbt.co.za/listing/chingadas_mexican_cantina.html

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 21 🍳

    2nd post Day 21

    Really @funshipfreddie??? Using the 🤬word to name a restaurant??? Might I enquire what else goes on there???

    2nd Post – Day 21

    @merryapple – I know?! I haven’t eaten there yet, but they’ve got +1300 Google reviews & a 4.5* rating, so I’m pretty sure it’s just a restaurant/bar 🤔

    Your FD is almost over – I hope you had an easy one..

    Day 21 UK f800

    Ha ha – I had to look that one up @funshipfreddie , but it’s worked , it’s got people on 3 continents talking about it 😀

    Pocket List – Day 21 🍳

    Day 21 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Only a few ounces above yesterday, but on Sundays, I weigh-in later in the day. In fact, it’s been a ZBC today. The last Sunday of December: 230 lbs; the previous two Sundays in January: 225 lbs. So, it appears that in spite of the two holidays in January, the 3 day B2B2B fasts may be resetting the metabolism. I will do it once more tomorrow through Wednesday, then get back into a regular 5:2 pattern. @funshipfreddie I am fluent in Spanish… that name for a restaurant is hilarious!!

    Hello Everyone! Joining from the US. I’m pleased to have found this forum. I’ve been IF for a few years and have lost my TRE windows in the last few months. I’m hoping for some accountability from like-minded folks as I get back to my fasting for preventative health and attempt some longer fasting windows for weight maintenance/loss. Thank you for this forum. What a positive community.

    Day 22, FD, Aus

    Happy Monday everyone. @stitchincarol “I have lots of motivation in the mornings, and have reached indifference by evening…”. Exactly!! How much easier would it be if we were doing Fast Nights (and could sleep through it) rather than Fast Days!

    I think, rather than consciously throwing away a FD at the last minute, I need to consciously stick to it. A shift in mind set. Focus. Commitment. Remembering @flourbaby’s veiled threats of unspeakable punishment (or frowning emojis at best). And promising everyone – but most importantly me, that I will stick to today’s FD.

    Your Saturday night meal sounds wonderful, @merryapple. I ended up with an Ansonica (a white varietal) because it was just too darn hot for a meaty shiraz.

    I almost didn’t google that Mexican restaurant’s name because I’m at work, but curiosity got the better of me. WT?!?!?!

    My MIL has plantar problems – new orthotics did the trick for her.

    Welcome @teneer!! Always great to have a new face/name on the forum. Where in the US are you?

    I’m going to sign off now – pathetic excuse, but I was cleaning the stove on the weekend and have scrubbed the end of my index finger (steel wool is to blame) and it hurts to type!

    Day 22 FD Auckland 77.9kg

    Whew! Back in the 77s but definitely need another FD to catch myself up! Nine days to go before Jaunty January closes and we move on to ???Fabulous February??? Or Ab Fab Feb???!!! I🩷Eddie and Pats!!! (Absolutely Fabulous! for any luddites out there!)
    A big hello and welcome @teneer If you go back to the first post for the month you can read how we run this informal group. We take turns hosting the monthly challenges and I am this month’s hostess with the mostess but everyone contributes. That’s the whole point! To keep each other going!
    We have a sheet that you can access via https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q5va6oBwihLVcO6_earVMKdIWw3o6HgzkfSa0Iy5hU0/edit
    which you can add to and help yourself on the way.
    @northgeorgia That’s wonderful to hear. Your metabolism has had a real shake up! Good on you!!
    I’d love to be fluent in Spanish but I’ve forgotten quite a lot and don’t get much chance at all to speak it here.
    @brightonbelle However, sadly I never seem to forget swear words🫢.
    @penz How about trialing eating earlier on your FDs?? Interesting you’ve turned to a European white. I’m so used to the crisp fruity style of NZ whites I always found the nthern hemisphere whites a bit insipid esp with food.
    The hard arch supports on the innersoles of my walking shoes are what kick started my problems unfortunately when I was in Shanghai for 6 weeks in 2019 with only two pairs of shoes…. That’s why I wear Church’s shoes because they don’t have artificial arch supports… And losing weight should help…😅
    @funshipfreddie We’re all waiting with baited breath for your restaurant review!!
    @stitchincarol What no post!!! Have you fallen off the edge of the earth???!!!
    @snowflake56, @jaifaim, @maui, @at, @lilymartin and everyone else, I hope all is well with you😘.

    Onward and downward!

    Monday Pocket List🫵

    Day 22 country west Australia FD 80.3 kgs 😇
    Well, just half a kg short of my target for this month so happy with that.
    I tried THE dress on on Friday – and it fits !!!! It is a long formal close fitting sheath with an overlay top. Very figure fitting and without the weight I have lost it would have looked like a ‘ sock on a bottle’ as my dear mother used to say!
    Anyway I was very gratified with the compliments.
    Wow! What a lot has happened here since I last posted.
    @stitchincarol, re motivation, I hear you sister !!!! For some years that was me !! Seriously Annoying as I had been 5:2ing quite successfully for some time with good results.
    Whilst losing weight is definitely one reason I do 5:2, I am at the age where my health needs to be a priority.
    Family history of chronic diseases AND a health professional to boot 🙄🙄 I am back doing 5:2 as I should have been for the past several years.
    I think I lost sight of the fact that 5:2 is a WOL and not a diet. 😬
    THE dress was also a major motivator for me in the short term as I refused to shell out so much for a dress I couldn’t wear.
    Now I have a lovely dress I can wear again !
    I adore food – never saw a calorie I didn’t like – or consume!!!😰😱
    Having drastically reduced my food ( and drink) consumption over the past few weeks has reset my appetite and shown me ( again 🙄😲) just how much I overeat.😢
    I am currently eating good food but MUCH MUCH less of it.
    I am thinking about delayed gratification a la @funshipfreddie previously mentioned.
    And the biggie for me …. I am asking myself before I eat anything ” Why do I choose to be fat ?” And since I don’t , it has helped me to be more controlled in what I eat.
    I also drink GALLONS of water. Truly, I think I slosh when I walk!!
    I read somewhere that we often confuse thirst with hunger. So I drink 2 glasses of water when I feel hungry and often that is so filling that I don’t eat what I was going to.
    The reset appetite is also a game changer. I am satisfied with MUCH less food so happy to continue on 5:2 and the NFDs ( usually far more of a challenge than FDs) are now much more controlled. 😊😊
    I hope some this might help @stitchincarol with ides on motivation .😊
    @funshipfreddie I do find the spreadsheet helpful to see one’s progress or otherwise.
    @merryapple, yes I was all motivation and mojo last year – just lost the plot and ate too many empty calories !! Well done you. My next goal is to be 77 kgs ( not seen for some years !! ) by end of Feb so I am in hot pursuit ! I m so sorry to her about your beloved Mac… It’s so awful when we lose a doggy family member. Enjoy his last weeks💐💐
    Plantar fasciitis – ouch !!
    @penz,😆 I think a lot of us are fine when we are busy but when we stop , at night, then we start to think about food! I remember some time ago people would take a bath, read books etc at night so the ‘ the kitchen is closed’ could go up.😬
    And @flourbaby‘s veiled threats ….🤪😰
    We love muster dogs and watched it last night.
    @teneer, welcome to this lovely supportive International forum.
    @northgeorgia, you’ve got this. You CAN do it. 🤝
    @brightonbelle, good luck with the 2:5, hope it goes well.
    @fastingnurse, congrats on the downward trend! 😇
    @at and @ccco, all that talk of snow…!!! We sweltered in 37ºC yesterday but cooler today with a mere 31ºC.
    Onward and downward gang – we HAVE got this !!😀

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