Jaunty January 2024

This topic contains 343 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 1 year, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 341 total)

  • Day 4 – Rural Nebraska, USA – dunno… – 162.4

    That weight, ladies and gentlemen, is a mere 0.2 lbs above the weight the last time I weighed (Christmas Day) here at home. It’s astonishing and joyful! And given how much wine I drank, it’s a miracle, LOL! I did control my food, both quantities at meals, and when I ate–we went out for breakfast at 10 one day, and I didn’t give in to the yummy smells, and just had coffee–so that is part of the success…but, still, I’m stunned.

    I’m still struggling to figure out what today’s eating will look like, because I am not teaching lessons as usual, but all my students are giving our Christmas recital tonight. Perhaps OMAD will be the solution, going out after the recital, so about 7:15. We’ll see.

    I’ve also not sorted out the details of my behavior in January, but I WILL get back into the 150s and then continue the journey back down again. Perhaps by tomorrow I’ll have found time to think it through to decisions, but some sort of rules about less wine and more exercise will be included.

    @snowflake56 How delightful to have you back with us, and I’m so sorry about all the health issues your husband has been suffering; I do hope he’s at the end of the journey of ill health and will only get better from now on!

    @songbirdme Wonderful to hear from you and an excellent reminder about how important it is not to be too casual about maintenance; if you haven’t caught this detail, I’ve gained back all 20+ pounds I lost, and am beginning the journey again, so well done YOU for keeping it off!

    @merryapple I’m very impressed that your weight has dropped back down; you’re doing a great job of controlling what you eat!

    @penz BTW, we also use muggy in Nebraska and did in California, so I think it’s a universal word.

    @maui From the things you’ve mentioned about what you eat, I think healthy foods are always part of your diet, yes? I’m impressed.

    @mmp Oh, what a challenge for your DH to have to go back and forth between Spain and the UK, but you mentioned it so casually that perhaps it works smoothly and well? I’m glad you’re able to focus now on yourself, because improving your own health will benefit your family as well. Enjoy the last of your holiday in the UK! (Oh, and if you stick around and chatter for enough months in a row, you’ll quickly feel as if you’re as integral to this group as anyone else; that’s how it’s happened with each of us, and is one of the great joys of my life, to have all these friends around the world, none of whom I’d recognize on the street, but all of whom are beloved to me.)

    @funshipfreddie What a funny story about driving around all the old people! And, yeah 81yo DS is in terrific shape, making that walk two days a week, and doing an hour of water aerobics three days a week. My 80yo DS, however, is another story, as walking from the sofa to the dinner table is very hard for her. Partly, she’s had serious health issues which still affect her well-being, and partly, she’s let herself go. I’d say my two sisters are an excellent warning to me of what’s in store for me, depending on the choices I make, right?

    @northgeorgia Oh, MY!! Not merely B2B2B FDs but WATER FDs. Those are HARD. I did one, but only lasted until 3pm on the third day, and I’ve never again gone so long. I remember the American man who lived in Japan used to do them all the time…his name is on the tip of my AH! @dykask perhaps?? Anyway, talk about you taking control of your choices and starting the new year as you mean to continue; I’m impressed.

    @brightonbelle Isn’t it lovely when we undertake a challenge and then find out it’s not nearly as difficult as we worried it would be? Good for you!

    @flourbaby So excellent to hear from you, and what great inspirational stuff you included…”I’m not supposed to be comforted by food” or something to that effect, is insightful. We’re all in the same boat in one form or another; that’s why this forum is so helpful and treasured.

    I bought a red-lace-with-scattered-sequins dress a few days before Christmas and tried it on for DH this morning, and he agreed that, yes, it’s snug, but then said the magic words: “but not too snug; it looks good.” So that’s what I’ll wear for the recital tonight, and the thought of wearing that snug dress will control what I eat between now and then, LOL. We get our motivation daily, from whatever is the most helpful on that day, right? 😂😂😂

    Have a grand one, everyone, filled with motivation and RESOLVE and awareness.

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍋
    @penz – WFD
    @stitchincarol FD800 (I’ve decided, LOL)

    USA. Day 4. FD

    Hi, everyone! Getting back up on that horse again for 2024! 🙂

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍋
    @penz – WFD

    Hope you are all having a great day! It’s cold here! 🙁

    day 4 USA/Hawaii FD800

    Joining the fasting team today with FD 800

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍋
    @penz – WFD

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍋
    @penz – WFD
    @stitchincarol FD800 (I’ve decided, LOL)

    Day 4 – UK – FD800

    After a successful FD800 yesterday today ended up a B2B FD800 – was not planned but it just seemed to happen……so @funshipfreddie @penz I too am looking forward to that PFDS feeling tomorrow 😊

    Just back from my regular evening pilates class, first one for 2024 – it felt good to be back on the mat

    @merryapple – very lucky to live where we do – lots of hiking from our doorstep and plenty more within a radius of 10miles drive
    @funshipfreddie – your bus adventure made me smile – I can see that you will be in great demand from now….🚌
    @jaifaim – luckily I am only partial to dark chocolate and you can’t more than 2 small squares of those at a given time!!!
    @flourbaby – lovely to have you back with our merry band

    Even though we are at the end of the day I am adding myself to the pocket list to ensure I don’t do any late evening snacking….

    Going out tomorrow with my DD – she’s a dog walker and has a busy day so she’ll appreciate the company and the weather looks good too.

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍋
    @penz – WFD
    @stitchincarol FD800 (I’ve decided, LOL)

    Day 5 NZ NFD 78.6kg

    Thank you @stitchincarol. I seem to have developed a rhythm that is working for me, long may it continue!! Your red dress sounds amazing!! What a lovely tactful DH!!
    Gosh, that must be hard for your middle sister to see the energy levels of #1 and #3 and feel so disempowered.
    @cocco I gather it is easier to lose weight in cold rather than warm weather so cold could just be a plus!
    @flourbaby I’m glad you’re through your challenging Christmas and are building RESOLVE! I’m not sure you eat breakfast but carbs for the first meal of the day help to get your energy levels up and going. In other words do you need to cut bread etc completely, just timetable them into your day??
    @brightonbelle and @snowflake56 You both sound like you’re off to a great restart – lovely to hear!
    Wow @northgeorgia You certainly know how to make those scales rock’n’roll!! Go you!
    Hurrah for you!! @jaifaim
    @mmp You have fans here already! Ushuaia looks amazing. My kind of place!
    @penz I hope you have a big dose of PFDS! Likewise @funshipfreddie, @maui and @at and anyone else on our big patch pocket list! We’re all on a roll!!

    Onward and downward!

    Day 5, NFD, Aus

    Feeling a bit grey and dull today, like the weather. I’m one of those people whose mood is really affected by the level of sunlight, and we’ve had days of rain and storms

    Still, enjoying the feeling of PFDS. You too, @funshipfreddie? (And apologies, I couldn’t help but laugh at your bus story!)

    Good you’ve got a fasting buddy, @northgeorgia. Sometimes it’s so much easier to keep a promise made to a friend (‘yes, I’ll have a FD with you on Friday’) than it is to keep a promise made to yourself.

    @flourbaby!!! Good to see you back on the forum my friend. And so so sorry to hear about your mum.

    have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 4 – second post

    Breaking the water fast with a 500 calorie meal at 6 pm. My coworker is planning to do the same. It was a good experience and no real hunger pangs or issues. Since the fast technically started the night of the 1st, it’s only a couple of hours short of a full three days. I saw a video last night claiming a three day water fast can reset metabolism so that regular intermittent fasting becomes more effective. We will see!

    USA. Day 4

    Today’s FD didn’t go well. Tomorrow is another day! 🙁

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.4 kg

    What a 🚀 pocket list that was?! @penz – yes, I’m basking in PFDS 😇 I hope everyone else is too. Oh, @ccco, I just saw your post, drat. Today is indeed another day. What threw the spanner in the works..? 🤔

    @flourbaby – great to ‘see’ you back! Very, very, VERY early 50’s? 😅

    @snowflake56 – yes, line-dancing is fun – especially when everyone gets it ‘right’, but no-one takes it too seriously. Good exercise too! It’s surprising how many steps you can clock up in that one hour! Re Ushuaia – I never saw the ‘End of The World’ T shirts. It poured with rain when I was there, which is why I & a few other crew members finished up in the pub. But I remember the beer mats! 😅 which stated, “Disfruta! Es el Fin del Mundo” or something like that – “Enjoy! It’s the End of the World’. I think we sailed to Antarctica after that 🥶️

    @stitchincarol – oh, well done on a very controlled Christmas! 0.2 lbs isn’t even on the radar! 👏

    @at – only two squares of dark chocolate at a time?! I must be buying the wrong brand then 🤣

    @at, @brightonbelle – the bus trip 😬 I’m not sure it’ll be a regular thing, not on a Wednesday anyway, as it clashes with the line-dancing. But our manager Judy asked me to send her a copy of my license ‘for insurance purposes’ – “for possible future trips (no reversing out of or parking in the garage required)” 😂

    @daffodil2010 – hope all is okay with you. I miss your posts from the Emerald Isle 🇮🇪

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Day 5, Germany, FD800

    No PFDS here, my weight doesn’t change at all. We were out yesterday as it was the first day in a long time. It’s raining again now. I ended up with only one meal and ate later than I normally do.

    @flourbaby I’m sorry about your mum, you seemed to be so close. Have you found your Victorian dream house?

    @funshipfreddie Haha, does the manager doubt you even possess a driver’s licence? We didn’t go to Antarctica, I can’t remember the next stop. It was in 2000, a long, long time ago.

    @brightonbelle I hope your results are better than mine!

    @stitchincarol Hi! We hope things get better healthwise, we’ll see. What a lovely comment your DH made about your dress!

    Pocket list day 5

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. Pretty amazing! Let’s see if it has an effect on my normal 5:2’ing next week.

    Day 5 UK F800

    Resolve still holding strong and f800 experiment going well, about to enter what is historically my danger zone – the weekend 😈 but I’m not too worried , the big difference being drinking , although I did partake in December I recently went dry for over 4 months so I know I can do it , also the weather is just so miserable here I’m not out and about that much so away from a lot of the temptation

    @snowflake56 try not to stress about it , you will see results, might take a little while

    Pocket list day 5

    USA. Day 5. FD

    Yesterday didn’t go as well as I hoped, so I am back trying again!

    Pocket list day 5

    Have a great day!

    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 162.4

    Well, best laid plans and all that…I got COLD yesterday afternoon. Unbearably cold. So I had a bowl of high fiber cereal and then took a hot bath. And then found a lovely black wool skirt and paired it with a sparkly top and sequin-y cardigan, and called that a huge improvement over that red lace dress with scattered sequins, which truly felt too snug–the kind of snug where I would have kept tugging it down, not good–AND it was much warmer than the short sleeves of the red dress. THEN, when DH and went to the restaurant after the recital–which went well–he chose a different place than I had in mind and their appetizers weren’t the lower calorie option of what I had in mind. But, my weight didn’t shoot up, so I’m thankful for that small grace.

    And all that is reasonable…but it’s also excuses. As in, “one month from now, will I be celebrating a month’s progress in my goals, or will I be making excuses?” (That’s not right, but it’s close, and it covers my situation.) And I also must accept that “I can find inspiration from others, but determination is solely my responsibility.”

    So my buzz words for January are PROGRESS and DETERMINATION. In that spirit, I’m not setting “goals,” because that implies they may or may not be reached; instead, I’m making choices for the future. Perhaps that’s a pointless distinction, but I’m focused on DETERMINATION as I work to find a way to make PROGRESS.

    My choices for January, then, are:
    * Six servings of alcohol for the rest of the month, consumed whenever I want.
    * T & TH will be either WFDs or regular 500 calorie FDs, with no guilt
    * I’ll add in 3 extra FDs (WF, 500 or 800) for the month
    * NFDs will not exceed 1500 calories
    * TRE from 11:30am to 7pm except for Saturday (because of DH’s schedule)
    * Starting Monday, I’ll do some sort of exercise for a minimum of 15 minutes on 3 days a week…not nearly enough, but better than none, and it’s a start.

    Okay, it’s a plan.

    @merryapple Actually, there’s a fourth sister, she’s 71, and is in far better shape than the 80yo but not as good a shape as the 81yo, LOL. And the 80yo seems to be skilled at denial and excuses…she’s not nearly as open and communicative as the rest of us, so I don’t actually know how she feels about it all. The sad thing is that we all saw evidence of confusion and mental deterioration when we were in California, but all covered up with bravado and indifference. She’s the sister with two doctorates, so it’s even more evident. It’s tough when siblings show their age.

    @penz Are there any “fixes” for you when gloomy weather depresses you?

    @ccco Yeah, you and me both, LOL.

    @funshipfreddie Well, let me assure you, it didn’t LOOK “very controlled,” LOL! I’m still trying to sort out how it happened, and I think I’ll never know, but I do wonder if my Christmas Day weight was inflated with water weight. Regardless, it was comforting to be essentially the same weight! And so funny what Judy said about possible future bus trips!!

    @snowflake56 Yeah, that husband of mine can be very sweet! When will you find out if your DH has to have another surgery or goes back to chemotherapy? And what a choice that is!

    @northgeorgia What a lovely weight that has to be. Did you get on and off and back on just for the joy of seeing it?? 🥰👍🏻💪

    @brightonbelle I’m so dazzled at your FD800 progress and success!

    I’m adoring that we’re back to a lovely number of participants this month; welcome back to all of you who have been absent or who are new!

    I just got a request for two new students and was able to tuck them in at the end of the day on Tuesdays. I think I’m nuts. 😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 5 USA/Hawai’i FD800

    Weighing in at 161 lb .. down 1 lb so I count test days FD a success.
    Going for B2B FD 800’s

    Pocket list day 5

    Adding reading a novel just for fun to my self care. I had forgotten how fun it can be to become absorbed in the story and characters. Nice escape from racing thoughts and endlessly over thinking small issues that need to be forgotten and left behind for good.

    Best to all for a wonderful day or evening.

    Day 5 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Hi everyone! What a healthy challenge it is this month with so many back with us… and a super pocket list yesterday. Bravo everyone!!

    I had a fabulous day with friends and a really lovely fancy meal.

    Today has been busy as I’m on holidays next week so trying to tie up loose ends in work and will be with mum this weekend.

    So we have two line dancers 👯‍♀️😀 fabulous! Maybe it will catch on with us 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️♥️

    Came in at 157 today so on the way back down… but… ski food next week… so will be interesting to see what changes 😀

    Maintenance at end of the month is the goal ⚖️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Second Post

    I’m really and truly wanting to go into the kitchen for a snack, but I’m working hard at reciting all my strong words from earlier today about inspiration and determination and progress and excuses. I’m a bit hungry, so that’s part of it (it’s 3:10, so even early for hunger), but we have a lovely dinner planned for tonight, so I’m reining myself in. There’s stuff I need to put away in the kitchen, but I don’t think I dare go in there, so perhaps I’ll pull out my knitting and watch a movie. Sitting on the sofa isn’t the best option, but I suppose if it keeps me out of the kitchen, it’s all good… yes??? 😂😂

    Day 6 NZ NFD 78.7kg

    Mr Mac and I had a bike ride y’day but today it’s wet with thunderstorms heading our way. What’s with the southern hemisphere summer @penz??? Just remember to put the dogs between you and the fridge!
    @jaifaim Oooh skiing sounds so fun! And a great goal to aim for!
    @funshipfreddie Wow! It’s going to be difficult to dodge driving Mr and Mrs Daisies now they have your details!
    @stitchincarol That sounds so sad for your sister. Those doctorates unfortunately are no protection for her now. Getting her weight down might be. Early signs include passivity and loss of taste.
    @maui That sounds a lovely way to relax and be transported!
    @northgeorgia You’re a machine💪! What a great number!
    @brightonbelle I recall MM trying to get Covid weight off people by using 800 cals to kickstart weight loss. Sounds just the ticket for you!
    @ccco Hope the FD is coming together for you. Just keep at it and you’ll get there!! We’re all here with you! And same to @snowflake56
    And @daffodil2010 Where for art thou???
    I’m out to a Greek friend tonight for Gk pie😋 having eaten carbs all day so far. Sunday will need to be exemplary – I think I’ll plan for sorrel soup and a fruit smoothie…

    Onward and downward one and all!!

    Carley from Australia
    Day #1
    98.3 kilos
    I am not feeling very confident at all.

    Day 6, Germany, FD800

    I was very hungry and cold yesterday but managed to come through.

    @merryapple Thanks for the encouragement! The weight loss is not going as smoothly as I thought it would go but I know the weight will go down eventually.

    @stitchincarol Your plan sounds good! My DH has his next appointment at the 17th. If they find something they have to take it out, if not, he can restart chemotherapy.

    @carley.marie Welcome! Just give it a try and see if it works for you.

    @jaifaim Have fun on your holidays!

    @brightonbelle Are you with me today?

    Pocket list day 6

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @carley-marie – welcome! But, it’s ‘Day 6’. The day is just today’s date, regardless of whether you’re on a fast day. Why aren’t you feeling confident though? Believing in yourself is half the battle. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” You can get plenty of advice here, but there really aren’t any shortcuts to fasting. Just tell yourself you can eat…tomorrow. 🎯

    @snowflake56 – well done on having a Saturday FD! I hope you get some company. Seriously considering having an FD tomorrow. Somehow I find Sunday easier than Monday.

    @merryapple – I hope you enjoyed the Greek pie. I just googled it. Spanakopita, spinach & feta? I shouldn’t have done that, I’m hungry now 😋

    @stitchincarol – I hope you survived the temptation?! But, it’s so much easier when you’ve got something to look forward to later in the day, right?

    Michael Mosley’s weekly column:-

    “How I discovered the poltergeist in my attic.” I’m usually very sceptical about stuff like this, but this is quite convincing. And spooky! 👻

    It’s almost 11 am & all I’ve done is drink coffee & feed the cat! Gotta go
    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    Day 6 UK F800

    I certainly am with you @snowflake56 💪 I too had one of those afternoon wobbles @stitchincarol I wasn’t actually hungry just missing the ritual of eating ……. something I think will take me awhile to eliminate

    Taking the tree down today 🎄

    Pocket list day 6

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD – 162.6

    I’m not liking the looks of my puffy belly, and have nothing in particular planned for supper, so have decided this can be one of my three extra FDs for the month. If I’m particularly hungry, I’ll make it a FD800; otherwise, I’ll stick to FD500.

    Yesterday ended up close to my eating goal, but even so with more nibbling than a truly successful day would have, and I am uncertain how many calories I ended up eating; it may have been fine, or it may have exceeded my 1500 goal…the uncertainty proves, once again, I need to be faithful about using MFP.

    @maui Well done on losing this month’s first pound!

    @jaifaim Years ago, a friend of mine had lost about 35 pounds with WW when she went skiing…and ate FAR more than usual–but came back a pound lighter. She was startled by the power of skiing all day long, LOL, so I wish the same for you for next week!

    @merryapple Yeah, she actually has all sorts of issues, but the same stubborn determination that got her through all her education prevents her listening to anyone else’s wisdom. For example, she replied to a text on her phone, trying to pay “the post office” 30 cents “they” had requested as due on a package, and we only knew what she was doing when she commented in frustration that she couldn’t figure out how to put in her credit card number. The three of us in the room at the time were absolutely firm that there was no way the post office had sent that text, but despite all our questions as to how that could be, it took another day before she announced with all confidence that it must be true because of research she had done. The thought that my smart and educated sister could be duped in such an obvious way is both sad and worrying, but she’s so certain she’s the smart sister that she never reaches out for help or opinions, and is reluctant to accept our words when we give them. It’s sad, indeed, and there’s even less I can do now that I’m 1700 miles away.

    @carley.marie Welcome! Lack of confidence is natural when starting something new and unfamiliar, but stick with us and we’ll coach and cheer you along! (Do note, however, that some of us have been doing this for a full decade, so the oisted number doesn’t refer to how many days we’ve been fasting, but simply to the day of the month; since we’re all around the world, it helps to sort out when who says what.) Are you planning to fast today, or simply do time restricted eating of 16:8, and put off a 500 calorie fast for another day, if ever?

    @snowflake56 The waiting for the 17th will be so difficult, won’t it? And your experience with fasting proves that the weight will drop, even if it’s being a bit slow right now to respond.

    @funshipfreddie When I was newly married, I tried a new recipe and we invited over two other couples; the recipe was filo dough layered with spinach and cheese and there was butter to be found in abundance. One of the couples sent a thank you note about the spanokopita and I had no idea what she was talking about! So I looked it up and discovered THAT’S what my dish is actually called, not merely “Spinach Pie.” 😂😂😂

    @brightonbelle I think I’ve figured out that when I’m doing a water fast, I understand I’ll encounter hunger and I simply accept it and drink some water; when it’s a random NFD and I encounter hunger, I firmly think I need to DO something about it. So I’m working on relearning my instincts and remembering to drink water. No idea how hard this will be, but it’s my plan. And our outdoor lights are coming down today, but the tree is staying up a bit longer, since we were gone for ten days, and I’m not actually tired of it yet. 😂

    It’s currently snowing, but only barely and no accumulation is expected. Tomorrow is supposed to snow in the evening and then we’ll get some measurable accumulation starting on Monday morning, so I’m planning on “Nana Kay’s Sunday Gravy” that was on the Today show a few months ago; I’ve made it and it’s yummy, and struck me as a lovely thing to have simmering on the stove on a snowy day. (Google it and I think it’ll pop up for all of you with those details.) This is the part of winter I love, is the staying inside with something yummy on the stove all day. 🥰 The part I don’t love is the careful walking on icy sidewalks so I don’t slip….

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket list day 6

    Day 6 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Too bad tomorrow’s not a FD, but it’s my niece’s 10th birthday, so I’ll put it off until Monday. Might do a Monday and Tuesday B2B. Not sure yet. Have an all-day event on Thursday, so I hate to have to break a fast on a day like that. Weighed in late today, but still happy with a less than 2 lb gain after my first NFD. Let’s see if I can hold things steady til Monday.

    Day 6, 2nd post

    @brightonbelle Thanks! It helps when I know someone else is fasting too. Tomorrow I’ll have @funshipfreddie at my side, that’s nice.

    @stitchincarol It’s also snowing in this part of the world, the garden looks beautiful. I try not to think too much about the 17th. I tend to panic over little things nowadays but I try to stay calm. I’ve finished eating, you’re a few hours behind our time so stay strong today!

    Day 7 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Still trending downwards… pour le moment….😂
    A controlled day today and tomorrow.

    Thanks @stitchincarol for the glimmer of hope that I won’t come back way up 😂😂
    I’ll have a great time and be mindful but enjoy myself without abandon 😂😂 Thanks gang!
    Have to get mum’s tea and we’ll have a quiet night – colder here now also..but beautiful bright weather after what seems like 6 months of wind and rain 😂. I love this weather ❄️❄️❄️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    USA. Day 6. FD

    I am trying again for a FD. My downfall seems to be the evening. I am really great all day but in the evening I start stress eating, so that is what I will have to start working on.

    To this end, I will be adding myself to the pocket list today!

    Pocket list day 6
    @ccco. 👍

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 6 – UK – TDEE
    Day 5 – TDEE

    I did enjoy that PFDS yesterday morning and weighed in at 62.9kg…..down 0.8kg from Day 1 💃

    Had a lovely day with DD yesterday doing 4hrs of dog walking with her – weather on the coast was sunny – perfect ❤️

    Today was a frosty start to the day but with beautiful winter sunshine once more – I went to a “New Year Yoga Workshop” 10-3.30 – breath work, movement, ‘to me’ love letters, stillness, reflection, relaxation, sankalpa intention setting, restorative holds, silence, and a sequence to help balance regulate the nervous system and we also had a light healthy vegetarian lunch – What a great start to 2024

    Best of all both days stayed within TDEE so hopefully won’t be undoing the good work of the B2B FD800……….

    @stitchincarol – that red-lace-with-scattered-sequins dress sound beautiful – you will wear it soon and feel amazing when you do 🤗 I love your buzz words for January – PROGRESS and DETERMINATION. You are so lucky having your sisters around – I still have a sister in New Mexico and the other in Melbourne Australia so don’t get to see them – but so grateful for FT. I have googled Nana Kay’s Sunday Gravy and it looks delicious
    @flourbaby – so sorry to hear about your beautiful mum 🤗
    @snowflake56 – you will see results – keep the faith x and positive thoughts whilst you and your DH await the appointment of the 17th
    @northgeorgia – 3 day water fast 😮 glad to hear that it was a good experience and no real hunger pangs or issues for you – 222lbs great effort!!
    @funshipfreddie – the dark chocolate I have is 85% hence why only 2 small squares at a time!!
    @carley-marie – welcome on board – you are among friends – lots of us are trying to find our MOJO back this month so stick with us 🤗 I have added you to the spreadsheet in case you want to use it for motivation – see the link on the first post from @merryapple on Page 1
    @ccco – I do sympathise as I am very much like you in that “My downfall seems to be the evening. I am really great all day but in the evening I start stress eating” so something we both need to work on

    Lovely to see such an active month once more with a couple of newbies joining in

    I’m off for an early night with some reading before sleep claims me…..

    Day 7 NZ NFD 78.5kg

    It was indeed Spanakopita accompanied by a delicious Greek salad – cubes of cucumber, feta, olives etc and wine… I must look at more Greek recipes while the temperatures are warm. The posts about snow and wintery dishes sound so cosy!!
    I have a busy day ahead with unexpected guests for dinner so I have to rattle my dags because of zero planning and preparation. The menu is Gazpacho, sourdough and paella c/- of my El Moro cookbook.
    Welcome @carley-marie. Hang in with us and you’ll be OK.😊 We have all reached a particular number, decided enough is enough and found this group who are walking the talk. I was 93+kg this time last year and committed to losing 1kg per month. It might not sound a lot (you can lose more!) but it gave me time to develop a rhythm and gain confidence in myself and it all begins to add up. And then when you hit your target the maintenance crew kick in to help you! So give it a go and we’ll all be there to help.
    @ccco I solved my evening downfall by eating an hour earlier on FDs. This might help???
    I have to get going… Muchos besos!😘

    Onward and downward or at least sideways.

    USA. DAy 6. FD

    thank you, @merryapple, for the advice. I will try that! 🙂

    Day #2, I met all my goals yesterday, focus on the small successes right? 🙂

    Day 7, NFD, Aus

    Hello all – quick log in today.

    Welcome @carley.marie. Good to see another Aussie on the forum. I echo others’ comments and encouragement. We all have good and bad days, and if you hit your goals from yesterday you are well on the road to success!

    Great buzz words for the month, @stichincarol. Do you still recite your old hypnotism phrases?

    Let us know if that 3 day WF truly did kick off your metabolism, @northgeorgia.

    I recall how you were dreading your first line dancing class, @funshipfreddie, and now you’re converted!

    Day 7 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾

    Oops I was a day ahead of myself yesterday …
    Day 7 today and an early start. Up and out and will be back for mum’s breakfast.
    Welcome to you @carley.marie you are off to a great start ⭐️
    Absolutely – one step at a time.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
    One week in to January already – it’s crazy – and we are stronger together 💕
    Kia Kaha as @merryapple would say.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I lost the plot yesterday. There was chocolate, & peanuts. And a LOT of cappuccino. So the gloves are off from today. Christmas is behind us & I’m resolving to get back to basics 💪

    @merryapple – ‘rattle my dags’ 😂 that’s a new one. I Googled it, & then wished I hadn’t 😳
    dag: rattle your dags: Hurry up, get a move on. Dags are clumps of matted wool and dung which hang around a sheep’s rear end. When a daggy sheep runs, the dried dags knock together to make a rattling sound 😱

    @at – I also buy the 85% Lindt chocolate, & try to stick to 2 or 3 squares; but I could easily munch my way through an entire bar. It’s surprising how different dark chocolate can taste between brands though. Last year I tried a local, much cheaper brand & it was awful, really bitter. I actually threw away most of it.

    @penz – I am! 🕺The class resumes on Wednesday – no more 🚐

    Secrets of the Blue Zones:-

    Happy S🌞nday y’all!

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7, Germany, FD800

    @at I’m struggling with positivity at the moment but I know it’s just a phase. From tomorrow on we go back to the normal routine and life gets busy again. I remember the time we weighted 52-54 kg and someone here commented we were too skinny. We were so motivated back than and everything seemed to easy. I have to find that motivation again.

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 7 – UK – NFD

    My Yoga workshop was fab but slightly spoilt by the fact that I got an an episode of my BPPV halfway through the day but I stayed and did what my head allowed me to do without feeling dizzy and nauseated – felt a bit rough yesterday evening – slept well and woke up feeling nearly back to normal today……

    🥶 Jack Frost morning here 🥶 but the sun is starting to fight its way through so should be a lovely day for a wander with the right 🥾 as it will be icy….a friend just called and wanted company on a walk so we will set out together in about an hour and enjoy the frost and sunshine

    @funshipfreddie – I haven’t tried the Lindt one yet……I tend to get some from local chocolatiers but will look out for the Lindt one next time I’m out shopping
    @snowflake56 – I just checked my records and last time I weighed around 54kg was in April 2019!!!! and yes others did think that was too thin……I stayed around 55-56kg for the next 2 years then the weight slowly crept up and stabilised around 58kg but in the last year it has crept up again and I definitely don’t feel in my happy place at the moment so 2024 will be my year to lose those extra kgs 💪

    Right must go get ready as my friend is arriving in 1/2hr

    All power to Sunday’s pocket list – I’ll be on tomorrow’s one

    Day 7 UK f800

    I’m really enjoying getting back into my Yoga and Pilates , need to take it a bit easy as extra weight and a few months absence certainly do make a difference

    Still going remarkably well on f800 , it’s a big help that DH is joining me , we have our sights set on beach bodies by June and a few interim targets – mine is fit into nice jeans by Rome trip in 9 weeks 👖

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs, and today’s my niece’s birthday, so it’s off for pizza and cake and etc. Looking forward to another FD tomorrow. So far, with not eating when not hungry on NFDs, only gaining 1.5 lb a day. We’ll see how the next several days go!

    USA. Day 7. FD

    Ugh! I just discovered that my email did not make it here! 🙁

    I will just add myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Have a great day, everybody!

    Day 8, FD, Aus

    Another grey wet day. Was it you, @stitchincarol, who asked if there’s anything I can do to lift my mood on days like this? Good question and I’ve given it a long hard think. Getting out for exercise in the sunshine is the best cure, but that’s not possible when it’s raining!

    I am not looking forward to today’s FD. Last week’s mojo has fled (been washed away!) but I will plough on.

    Day 8 Second week in FD NZ 78.8kg

    I always seem to cook for friends or go out to dinner on a Sunday night then have a Monday morning weigh in to record on the tracker. I have thought about changing it to Tuesday after my regular FD but stay with Monday because it does reign me in a little…
    @penz How was Friday night pizza? I‘m too am trying to find the motivation to go for a walk.
    @ccco I know that frustration… @jaifaim recommended using notes to write something then copy and paste it. If you take too long to post or edit more than once the post tends to disappear…
    @northgeorgia Listening to your body is a great approach except when it’s telling you I’m hungry feed me on a FD!!!
    @brightonbelle That’s a lovely goal. Do you own the jeans or will you go shopping? The Italians have such a great sense of style.
    @at I’m sorry to hear about your vertigo but amazing you managed to keep going in your yoga workshop…
    54 – 55kg!! Incredible!! @snowflake 52 – 54kg!! You too!! But nice to know you will look great with a couple of extra kgs too!
    @funshipfreddie We use that phrase as a metaphor unless we’re on a farm!!!
    Next matron will be asking you to drive the old dears to line🕺🤠
    @carley-marie You got it! One step at a time. Everyday is a new day with the opportunity to refocus especially if the previous day didn’t go so well.
    @stitchincarol Oh no the post office scam… Someone just contacted me through Instagram saying they had paid to rent my beach house for the weekend but didn’t have any directions about access and a key. Thing is I don’t own a beach house…
    Time to get it together and go walking…

    Kia Kaha… Stay Strong!

    Pocket List

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71.0 kg

    A Sunday pocket list! 👏 My FD went well, just over 600 cals followed by a good sleep last night. But Saturday’s splurge is evident on the scales. Planning another FD tomorrow to make amends 💪

    @penz – have you tried just walking ‘on the spot’ at home when the weather’s bad? Nothing beats going out in nice weather, but maybe just watching something on TV while walking on the spot might lift your spirits? You could walk along to a YouTube Lesley Sansome video, but anything interesting works. And/or curling up with a good book is always nice when it’s raining. Maybe a vitamin D supplement – the sunshine vitamin – would help too.

    Gotta run. RESOLVE to the Monday fasters! 🎯

    “Resolve says, ‘I will.’ The man says, ‘I will climb this mountain. They told me it is too high, too far, too steep, too rocky, and too difficult. But it’s my mountain. I will climb it. You will soon see me waving from the top or dead on the side from trying”. ~ Jim Rohn

    Day 8, London, UK, FD

    Well, I’m properly ‘back’ now!! I’m back to work after a rather miserable 2 week break😷🤒😩 ……………. COVID then a sprained foot so I haven’t been able to bear weight on my right foot since I woke up on Friday morning. I’ve no idea what I was doing in my sleep but it’s a mystery to me how I injured myself, I needed crutches on days 5 & 6, day 7 was better, just one crutch required and today I’m just limping and walking mostly on my heel. I’m baffled & I’m honestly glad to be back at work!!! 😥

    I haven’t caught up with posts🤭, but I’m glad to see a bumper group for this month. The Xmas treats, wine, nuts, chocolates & biscuits have gone!!🥳🥳 The cheese remains, but I’ll portion and freeze it all this weekend, I’m not sure why I thought I was feeding the 5000 with cheese alone, especially since I’m the only cheese fiend I know!!! Ahh!! I see what I did …………….. Buy the cheese, Offer the cheese, Nobody else wants the cheese, I eat ALL of the cheese😏!!!!

    I’ve started today with a peppermint tea, I’m swerving the coffee because of the cream or coffeemate I HAVE to have with it!! Lunch will be a tuna salad and dinner, chicken with Brussel sprouts! It might be closer to 800 cals, but I need to go gently after the madness of the past 2 weeks😁😁!

    So, I’ll need to get some work done, but I WILL be present & correct from now on!!

    Keep the faith folks, the challenge is well & truly ON!!!!!

    “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
    — Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Day 8 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 227 lbs. Biggest jump was today by a full 2 lbs, and it’s likely due to the carb-heavy meals yesterday (birthday cake, chips, pizza, soft drinks, everything you can think that would be wrong to eat)! Didn’t manage to get anything healthy in at all haha! And of course, felt miserable that evening.

    Anyway, the celebration is over, and I’m still down 2 lbs over last Monday morning. Today will be a FD, and I think tomorrow, too.

    Pocket list – day 8

    Day 8-No. VA USA-FD 800
    Still here, planning a FD 800 for today. Weather chilly and a bit dreary, but no snow. Two years ago, we got 18 inches in two days and trees branches broke everywhere. So this is easier!
    @flourbaby, I have had a similar foot pain show up with NO explanation. Not recently, fortunately, but very severe and took a few days to resolve. ??? What are we doing when asleep???
    @stitchincarol, I have been contacted several times over the year about the land we have for sale, and how to contact the buyer…only we don’t have any lots for sale anywhere. And the Nigerian prince fellow shows up every year or so trying to get me to send him money. He has been around for a while.

    Resolve to fasters!

    2nd Post – Day 8

    A tidy pocket list is a happy pocket list 🙂 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 8
    @flourbaby 🧀
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 8, Germany, FD800

    Line-dance started again but with only half of the group being able to come into town. The farmers have a large demonstation in town and are blocking the streets with agricultural vehicles.

    @at and @merryapple I loved weighing 56-58 kg, I felt way better back then. I was slim but not skinny. I wear a lot of dresses and as I’m 5’4” they look better on me when I’m slim.

    @at Is your vertigo completely gone now or does it take a while before it vanishes?

    Pocket List – Day 8
    @flourbaby 🧀
    @excelsior12309 FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 8 UK f800

    Thanks for tidying the list @funshipfreddie🧹

    Don’t start me on cheese @flourbaby for a well earned treat I had 1oz cheese yesterday, not quite the portion size I’ve been eating for the last few weeks 🔍

    Cmon FD800s we got this 💪💪

    Pocket List – Day 8
    @flourbaby 🧀
    @excelsior12309 FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    USA. DAy 8. FD

    Pocket List – Day 8
    @flourbaby 🧀
    @excelsior12309 FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Haave a great day!

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