January 2018 Monthly Challenge–Bring on the New Year!!

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January 2018 Monthly Challenge–Bring on the New Year!!

This topic contains 1,551 replies, has 125 voices, and was last updated by  steffieagle 7 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,501 through 1,550 (of 1,558 total)

  • Day 31, Finland, NFD

    Good morning everyone! We have made it! To all the fabulous motivating and inspiring stories everyone has been sharing, a big thank you. It is helpful knowing people who have been doing this WOL for a longer time have managed to crush some of their demons, but still face challenges like the rest of us. But also that perseverance and hard work will pay off. It has helped immensely knowing there are so many of us on this hard journey together.

    The month has ended with an unplanned almost B2B. So monday was a FD as planned, and went well, 36hr fast, ended with breakfast yesterday. Then yesterday was such a hellish day at work I didn’t get a break at all, so effectively hadn’t eaten up until i finished work at 4pm. So I was unsure what to do…normally I would eat the days food when i got home…..instead I decided to ‘sort of fast’. I had a protein bar on the way home to take the edge off my hunger so i wouldn’t go crazy at home, then just ate dinner, a home made burger. That managed to keep me under 600cal. Pleased with my effort! And nice scales this morning! Would love to take this number as my final January number, but will wait for tomorrow. As a reflection of January, am happy with how my FD’s are going, but need to work on NFD, especially the weekends. Will definitely be joining the Feb challenge, as soon as i am done here, and adding some concrete targets for the month. See everyone in the new month!

    Day 31 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
    January goal – 132lbs
    Current weight – 139.5lbs
    Verdict – not a chance 😄😄

    It’s the last day of the month already!!! So, this morning I weigh in at 139.5 so at least in 9 stone territory again to end January. That trip to Peru and long air travel really piled on the pounds, much to my surprise, I was only gone for 2 weeks 😨

    I have decided at the last minute to make today’s FD a liquid only, with water, bovril, herbal teas to mainstay me. I have holiday photos to organise in a Photobox album so that will keep me busy tonight, then early to bed, let’s see what tomorrow will bring.

    So many of us fasting today. Together we are stronger 👍

    @EmmaTaylor you are already in the Feb challenge ☺️. Yes, I love that I come home from work in the brightness and can see a little brightness in the mornings too. My daffodils are about to bloom, already have a wonderful show of snowdrops and crocuses. I love this time of year…..hence my name…my favourite flower

    @igorek hello and welcome, I will update you on the February challenge when I get home this evening. These challenges are wonderful so step right in.

    Thanks @mjrbcd44 for your wonderful hosting despite being a relative newbie. We are all grateful for steering us through the month (though I got lost in a vat of Peruvian beer and food), well done and thank you 🤗

    I will have February sheet tip top and updated later so we can all start girding our loins for……drum roll………THE FEBRUARY CHALLENGE………….!

    Day 31 – Ireland- final January FD 👍👍

    Day 31 UK NFD

    hi all, sorry to have vanished but I was finding maintenance rather difficult in the head space department and needed to focus my thinking away from weighing myself as I was finding not losing weight rather stressful. Letting go of my success and doing without it after a year of it is a challenge. So I stayed off the scales until today but I promised myself I could weigh myself for the end of the challenge. And it reads 140.2 pounds, just over ten stone, right where I wanted to be but never thought possible. Yay!

    These challenges have been so helpful, thank you all, but I need to move on now having achieved what I needed to. I wish you all well on your own journeys.I am going to pop in at least once a month when I allow myself the treat of weighing myself to update my tracker and my own thread and catch up on how everyone else is doing.

    Again than you. Together we are stronger!

    Day 31/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    Cannot believe how quickly January has gone. There are so many posts I’d loved to have responded to but the opportunity has disappeared. I’ll be with you in February. Still maintaining after 2 1/2 years.
    @fatrabbit I’m so happy you popped in.I’ve missed you. Understand completely. Looking forward to. An update in February.
    @coda thank you. Your post really, really resonated.
    @mjrbcd44 thank you so much for hosting. Your wisdom, kindness and support shone through. Looking forward to more in February
    @daffodil2010 loved, loved your travel stories especially Australia winning the motorcycle Dakar!
    Too many to respond to. Please be assured every post mattered, inspired, supported and contributed. Thank you all. 🙏

    Day 31 Belfast FD

    The scales are up one pound after Monday’s FD so I’m going to have a final fast just to be able to post that elusive all time low as a final weight for the month.

    @igorek – you’re very welcome. We were all newbies once! You’ll find different mini challenges within the month’s post. For instance, there was a dry January, sugar free, and a plankers’ challenge.
    Yes, @EmmaTaylor silly though it may sound, I got excited when we saw 5.15pm with some light in the sky!
    @fatrabbit I’m delighted that you’ve achieved you goal but sad not to read your daily bunny stories. удачи

    I’m starting a pocket list for this final day of January
    Add your name if you want a final focus.

    I’ll post a final weight tomorrow. A BIG thank you to @mjrbcd44 for hosting and @daffodil2010 for herding us in February’s challenge.

    You folks in the US and I think are in for a treat tonight with Super blood blue moon. I don’t think we’ll see it here.

    The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

    Day 31, UK, FD
    75.4 kg. Ok, so yesterday wasn’t as controlled as I’d hoped and the revised January target will not be reached. But with a good FD today, I should be back below the original target tomorrow.

    Have a great Wednesday everybody!

    Day 31, London, UK, FD

    @coda, as @bigviking said in December – “@coda, if you don’t have another bright idea in your life, the monthly challenges will still be enough. And then some!!” I guess you’re entitled to having one really bad idea about diet pills, luckily it turned into just a ‘learning event’!!!!!

    @daffodil2010, I see you busily polishing that halo, well done!!!! I have to say, my 2 week Xmas off work 2016, then 2 week holiday last year July, then another 2week Xmas break 2017, ALL led to between 6-10 lb reacquired weight…………… nightmare!!!! But, I have to just keep on keeping on and using the tools I have to balance those super enjoyable times I couldn’t/ wouldn’t swap!!!!!

    @miraclelou, if throwing food is such a struggle, maybe you could wrap them & freeze them, that ½ sandwich will look pretty unappealing in a couple of months and binning it won’t be so difficult!!!!

    @EmmaTaylor, I would love to join you for a Dry February, BUT, BUT, BUT, I’ll be celebrating my Birthday on the 24th and as much as I would like to join @daffodil2010 in a spot of halo polishing, if there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that ………………. THERE WILL BE WINE!!!!!!! I’ve been thinking of just being mindful because, ……………….well, ……… not making excuses, but ……… March – 1wks hols with my mum in Portugal; April – isn’t Easter in April??, May – I’m certain I’ll be celebrating the start of summer; June – I’ll be grieving the end of summer; July – 2 week hols in Cyprus; August – I’ll need to wean myself off the booze after the holiday excesses!!!; September – kids back at school, so an additional 1 hour on my journey from work – I’ll NEED wine!!! October – well, it’s practically Xmas!! November – 90% of my family have November B’days, what’s a girl to do?? ………………………….. December………………….. Dare I go dry, just to book-end the year????????????? I’ll let you know!!!

    @cornish-jane, prepare for the complements – and I don’t mean the “You’ve got such a pretty face” type said by tactless, inconsiderate oafs the world over. I bet you’re feeling light in your feet now!!!

    @fatrabbit, you truly are an inspiration!!! Many congratulations on maintaining without hourly weigh-ins!!!! I’ll continue to follow your ups & downs (& bunny tales please!!) on your thread, stay well!!!

    @mjrbcd44 – Mega-thanks for hosting this trying month, I’ll post (maybe) my final results tomorrow, I think there might have to be an amputation or two to meet my target!!!!!

    Thanks to my fellow travellers whether tortoises or gazelles………………remember………………….

    “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – Beverly Sills

    @flourbaby – your post is so funny. Esp. about grieving the end of summer. Hahaha. Actually it hadn’t occurred to me I wouldn’t be drinking on my birthday. Eeeerm… Not sure how to get round that one. It’s not till April anyway. Gives me time to think.

    Day 31, NFD, South Wales

    Final weigh in – no loss, but no gain either. Blimey, this month’s been hard work for some reason. Time to dust off the trainers to do some exercise in February (if I can find the trainers…!)

    Day 31 Wales FD

    So glad to see the end of this month, illness and gloomy weather, I’m really looking forward to a fresh start in February.

    @mjrbcd44 thank you for hosting 💐

    Hoping I’ve not gained weight whilst taking steroid tablets this month, bit nervous about stepping on the scales in the morning but there I go worried about measuring my self worth and mood by the number on Cruella!!!!!! Going to make this last day the month count with a good FD.

    Day 31….Florida…..FD

    Sorry about being MIA for a couple days……. I just layed down in the road for a while. I’m back up and slowly making my way back to the wagon!

    Day 31 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.
    Lost 9LB in January 😁 got to be happy with that. Waist down two and a half inches, hips down 1 inch, chest down two inches and my neck the same at 16 inches.
    The 8/16 with two fast days of 600 calories seems to be working for me. I’ve had a few dodgy non fasting days within the month but managed to offset them with an extra fast day here and there. 20 minutes hit exercise on the rowing machine most nights and 20/25 miles on my mountain bike on a Sunday weather permitting helping get the weight off. Think I’ll keep this going till I hit 13 stone 182lb. Out tonight off to watch Newcastle play Burnley in a league game obviously there will be beer and curry lol.
    More control needed on non fasting days in February. Hope you all had some success in January and we all get focused for February.

    Day 31, Hampshire, UK – FD (final one in Jan)

    I’m happy with my progress, I may have only joined in the last 10 days but I have hit my target which was 73kg, this morning’s weight 72.8KG – can’t complain!!

    I have lost a total of 1.5 inches off my waist and I feel and look a lot better, so pleased!!

    Bring on the February Challenge, I got to NYC on the 23rd and so I have set myself a target until then as I will take a break while in NYC and aim to just maintain.

    Feb target: 70kg – we can do it!!!

    See you in the Feb forum 🙂

    Day 31 – Colorado USA- FD

    January results time!

    Highest weight = 158
    January start. = 156
    January final = loss of 3.8 lbs.

    Wins =
    1) Back on the wagon! Weight heading downwards!

    2) Consistent, steady increase in my exercise. Mostly cardio (jog, row, stationary bike & many long walks!) Each workout, FD, OMAD,etc received bright highlighter to mark the “Win” that day. So I hit my goal of making my wall calendar look like colorful confetti. January is bright & colorful with daily small successes! Now to keep it going in February too.

    3) And successfully fought off the Sugar Dragon!

    Losses =
    Sorry Dry Januarians. I blew it.
    Last Friday, OH and I went to an indoor arcade for bowling & billiards. It was Happy Hour & on total reflexive habit, I ordered my dry red wine. Then the 2nd. Oh my, Saturday morning I felt terrible. It takes very little to give me a hangover headache now. Ouch! Lesson learned!

    Day 31 – Surrey (UK) – NFD

    Jan start 185lb
    Jan finish 179lb – just beat target 180lb. YAY!!
    Loss = 6lb

    Thank you everyone for supporting me through the January challenge! So many insights to inspire me, and a few lessons learned as well. Here are my highlights of the month:

    1. Maintaining on holiday without fasting – OK it was only 1 week, but it felt great to achieve that, in spite of the pasta and extra carbs! @toddybear – you can do it too!

    2. Realising that I can’t cope with sugary or floury treats – even one triggers an overwhelming desire for more. What a revelation that was! I keep them well away from me now!

    3. Making acquaintance with the evening snack dragon, and learning to tame it! Like others have reported, I crave salty, savoury foods probably more than sugary ones, but especially around 8pm! Sugar free chewing gum helps me if I’m out, and I’ll try cleaning my teeth next time it happens at home.

    4. Getting more deeply acquainted with my scales and their strange yo-yo readings. My personal trick is to weigh 1st thing in the morning, starkers, and take at least 3 separate readings, re-positioning the scales each time (in case a creaky floorboard has an effect), keeping still whilst standing on them. I aim to get 3 consistent readings, then I’ll take that as the result.

    5. Watching my measurements gradually go down and feeling the looser fit of my clothes, especially around my waist. I also take measurements of my upper thighs, knees and my ring finger, all of which are high fat spots for me. My thighs are down, but I’m nowhere near being able to wear my rings yet. So I’m still FatFingers for the time being!

    I’ll be taking part in the February challenge, with a starting weight of 179lb and a target of 175lb, so 4lb in 4 weeks. But my main ambition is to complete 8 fast days, 2 per week, and let the weight take care of itself. There – that’s a commitment from me!

    Take care all, and see you on the February challenge thread!

    Day 31, Germany, FD!!!
    Let’s go for this last day of January! 🙂
    It is 2 pm here right now and I am at home today, because my son is ill.
    I find fasting at home a bit harder because I have more time … It’s going good so far though. For me the afternoon and evening is always the hardest time. But I am determined to set a nice ending on January! So in case of struggling I’ll just come back here!!!
    @debster thank you for your idea, I will keep that in mind. For lunch and dinner it might be really worth a try. Breakfast I always pack in a box for my kids for school/kindergarden.
    @flourbaby freezing half sandwiches… hmmm… the thought of it may help, too LOL 😉
    @igorek Welcome!! The February challenge is already active and I’m looking forward to read more from you in there!
    Hope to “see” you all back in February!!!

    Day 31 NF Stevensville Maryland USA hit my goal for January and couldn’t be happier. I am not finding the February Challenge!!!!

    Day 31 is finally here FD

    So much happened in January, and I am so thankful for how low maintenance this WOL is because I really did not have time to pay attention to my diet. I either ate or did not. I tried to check my weight this morning, but couldn’t because my scale needs new batteries. I was a little bummed, coz I wanted to know. My physique seems ok, just by eyeballing and my clothes are not tight so hopefully did not do too much damage.

    I already shared how we bought a house earlier this month, what I did not have a chance to share was that we listed our house for sale the next week; super stressful with de-cluttering, cleaning and keeping it in tip top shape for showings. We had a great response and I am happy to tell you that we sold our house 8 days after listing.

    All in all, a great month. Now we have to put our moving hats on – which should be fun.

    @mjrbcd44 thank you so much for hosting us this month. I am not sure who is hosting for February, but please count me in! I will see you all on the other side. As always my best to you all.

    Day 31 – USA – FD

    Day 31 – USA – FD

    @mjrbcd44, thank you for hosting January; @daffodil2010, thanks for taking up the reigns for February. Can you please add me in? Will give my starting weight tomorrow.

    Day 31 FD? CD? Oregon USA

    So many great posts this morning!

    @fatrabbit thanks for “hopping” in and updating us. Many congratulations and best wishes for your new “normal” in maintenance. Will check your thread and hope to hear from you here every now and then.

    @Stevetoontaxidriver–fantastic success for January!!

    @flourbaby–giggling as always between the alcohol calendar and the oaf statement “you have such a pretty face”.

    @bert1802… Laying in the road were you? 😊 climb back on, we are here!

    @Debster251-loved your quote. Hopefully I can break off bigger chunks of my mountain in February.(January it felt like pebbles in my pockets was all I could muster) 👍

    To all–new and old alike. Thank you for being here in January. I will update the spreadsheet in final by Friday and post our overall numbers.

    It had been a tricky month for many (me included) but many lessons learned.

    Not the least of which is…


    See you all in the new month, new board.

    Day 31 USA – NFD

    Another month done – wow, we have made it, one way or another. I’m so happy to have shared “living life” with you all. This ended my 21st month of challenges, and am I ever so happy I found @coda those many months ago. It’s been such an enhancement to my life. Yes, TOGETHER we are STRONGER.

    Maintenance is still my game, 6:1 or 16:8 almost all days or weeks. I feel more fit, trimmer, and strong.

    See you over in February!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 31, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Glad January is almost over. What a dreary month! Finally there is still a bit light at 5:30 pm.
    No super blue blood moon with partial eclipse for us here: it is totally cloudy. So sad!

    January achievements:
    1. Managed to get rid of 3 holiday pounds. Still have 7 more to discard to get back to maintenance.
    2. Stayed with the Dry and Sugar Free January folks.
    3. Attending Yoga and Tai Chi classes
    4. Walking 10000 steps a day

    @mjrbcd44: Thank you for hosting January! 💐

    Have a great last day of January! See you in February!⚘⚘⚘

    Last day!!!

    Thanks for hosting us @mjrbcd44

    I did not finish the month the right way – completely blew out the second planned FD in a row. Your story really resonated with me Coda. Nice to know I’m not alone.

    Roll on February…

    Hello all from NI day 31 slow day and the end of the January challenge

    My success for this month is I am ending in a much better head place than I started. If this feeling continues February should be a good month but I am just taking a day at a time. It has taken me a long time to share my story with anyone else and thank you all for your support and to realise once again I am not alone.
    Yesterday was a good day with my avocado and baby leaf salad for lunch and for dinner I made spaghetti bolognese but I weighed and logged everything – I was a bit gob smacked to find that 50g cooked spaghetti is 170 cals and you get next to nothing. I had previously started spiralising courgette instead of pasta but I couldn’t be bothered but I stuck to my 50g and ended the day on 1,253 calories which is below my TDEE of 1400. Today I am having dinner with an old work colleague and having Chinese. So will most likely start February off with a fast day.

    @miraclelou – one suggestion is to wrap the left overs and put in the fridge with the intention of ‘if I want I can have them later’ – a bit like @flourbaby‘s suggestion of putting them in the freezer but generally a few chips while they looked appetising on your child’s plate look far from appetising when cold and the grease is visible or because you have waited that little bit longer you may find you no longer want them. Another is to picture the left overs have been crawling with flies/maggots/spiders or whatever would put you off. Finally if your children are old enough announce that mummy is not to have any left overs and they can scrape their own plates into the bin.

    @bert1802 – there is always a hand or 2 here to pull you up – like you have done for many others.

    Day 31 – McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    Day 30

    Glad to see the backside of January.

    BTW – Michael Mosely has a programme on BBC tonight about exercise – I think it shows 3 x 10 minute bursts of quick walking gets better results than doing the standard 10,000

    Day 30 – CD
    Day 31 – Massachusetts – FD

    Yesterday was supposed to be a fast, but I just didn’t feel well. Thought eating something would help, unfortunately it didn’t. Oh well! I didn’t make too many poor choices, so I can count it as a CD.

    Today will be my last fast of February! The month didn’t quite go as I wanted, but I will weigh in tomorrow and update. Even if I didn’t make my goal, I still feel accomplished this month. I stuck to another month of 5:2, keeping this as a habit for life. I got over the tough New Years hurdle, and I can confidently say that I intend to keep going rather than giving up. I have returned to exercise after having bronchitis for 6 weeks, finally picking up where I left off. And my family noticed my progress! So feeling pretty good. 🙂

    I have some new goals for next month. I have gotten too comfortable – time to shake things up! Comfort is the enemy (or at least my enemy) of progress!

    Good job all. Looking forward to seeing you in the February challenge. Thank you @mjrbcd44 for hosting this month! You did a lovely job.

    Well only managed to loose 1.7 kilos in my first month but at least it is a loss. I went on holidy etc so I am happy enough. New month! Not going to set my goal as high this time 🙂

    Day 31 CD
    Las Vegas NV

    To those of you that did well this month congratulations! To those of you that had a tough month I hope you learned from the experience and the experience of others posting here.

    I had a very good month despite not fasting for the first 13 days that included a 7 day cruise and then a 4 day vacation in LA immediately afterwards. My goal for the month was very aggressive, losing 2.6% body fat. I managed 1.9% loss and I’m quite pleased. My scale weight actually went up one Lb and that makes me happy as I’m trying to gain muscle.

    Day 31, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Today my fd turned into a nfd within tdee. My weight this morning was 67.3 kilos a kilo less then yesterday. I’m the same weight as the start of January.

    Thanks for hosting Mjrbcd44.

    See you all in the February Challenge.

    Good night 🌙😴

    Day 31 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Last day of December I was at 201.4 lbs. Today I’m at 200.2 lbs – down 1.2 lbs. One day I was a tad below 200. Hoping to see more of the other side of 200 in February.

    I did stay sugar free in January.

    @mjrbcd44 thank you for hosting even in the midst of your own challenges!

    Already Day 1 of the February challenge. Thank you for sharing January. Looking forward to more success (and control!) starting today! See you there.

    Day 31 – FD
    Day 30 – NFD
    Day 29 – NFD
    Day 28 – CD

    Well I did manage to end up the month with a successful FD (446cals)!

    For the month of January, noting that I have been travelling since the 14th of January; I have managed a total of 8 Feast Days (well over TDEE), 4 NFD (up to TDEE), 13 Controlled Days (below TDEE) and 6 FD (below 500cals) Weight this morning is 52.6kg/115.9lbs who says this WOL does not work 😀

    Huge congratulations to those who lost weight small or large; achieved their goals for the month or have successfully maintained 👏
    To those who seem stuck on a plateau, just think of it this way -“When you get to a plateau, think of it as a landing on the stairway to your goal. And maintenance is a lifelong plateau, so a bit of “rehearsal” for maintenance isn’t the worst thing in the world” 😇
    To those who have struggled or even put some weight back on – Tomorrow is the start of a new challenge – Let us all move forward together “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow” 🤗

    Finally a big THANK YOU to @mjrbcd44 for hosting this month 💐 Sorry I went a bit AWOL for the second half of the month but keeping all of you from this forum in mind has helped me to stay in control, I have been enjoying my visit back to my home city of Melbourne – lots of good food, wine and bubbly and excellent times at my niece’s wedding and catching up with family and friends has been had………….Sadly it all comes to end soon as I catch a flight back to a cold and wet UK on Monday 5/2!!!!!

    Looking forward to the February Challenge with @daffodil2010

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Starting weight: 57 kg
    January goal: 55 kg
    Current weight: 55.5 kg

    I just missed my January goal. But its ok, February is almost here 😀
    Where is February challenge link? I’m in 🙂

    Thank you so much for hosting @mjrbcd44 💐 . It was my first month here and its been really great 💜

    Day 31 Sarasota, Florida Wow! Last day of the month. I had a couple of times I was veering off course in January and being accountable here got me right back on track. Haven’t been near a scale- I’ve had to avoid the YMCA because of the flu epidemic. But, clothes are still fitting well. My swimming is curtailed by cold weather here but I’m doing Pilates, yoga, and bicycling. Welcome to newcomers joining the February challenge. The 5/2 works as a WOL!

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Weighed & measured this morning cos couple of days out at project things. As of today I’ve lost 2kg, bringing me down to 76kg/168lbs – weight’s gone up and down & that’s where it ends. Also lost an inch from my bust & waist, 2 inches from my hip and an inch from each of my thighs. BMI down to 27.0

    Lovely Friend took me out for unexpected treat lunch today, at the National Gallery restaurant in London! I was amazed to find myself eating a superfood salad – and sharing a portion of chips and a bottle of fizzy water. Then while my friend had her cappuccino and pudding I had a huge pot of fresh mint tea.

    I had a post-chip sugar craving this evening on my late late journey home but managed to resist diving into the shop to pick up sweeties. Came home and made a healthy brown rice pudding with banana and cacao – what’s not to like?! Hit the spot but made me super sleepy and still had project work to finish up.

    Thank you @mrjbcd44 for hosting this month’s forum.

    Dozing off sitting up – better go grab some sleep! See y’all in February I hope

    Thank you @mjrbcd44 for hosting

    My biggest achievement was dry all January……

    No planks though Feb is plank month

    See you all in Feb


    Day 31 2nd post

    @miraclelou I had a thought on the leftover dilemma.

    A friend of mine used to do this when we would go out for meals or even at home with something she couldn’t resist. (Now mind you I know it is wasteful) but some of us simply have to live within our own food habits/issues and deal with those first head on. Then we can save the world. 💪💪

    When she was done with her meal, or dessert, or whatever she would dump salt all over it. She didn’t trust herself not to keep picking/stealing bites and this curbed her desire because one taste with all the salt was awful. And she did it quickly before she thought about it too much so there was no second guessing the decision.

    Again–I know it’s wasteful but it helped her from overeating.


    @mjrbcd44 thank you for caring and your idea!
    I am quite shocked because my weight is up 1.6 kg from my Saturday weigh in! Even though it was a FD yesterday 😥
    Must be water retention…
    How does this saying go: get up, dust yourself of and get going!!! This is what I am gonna do!!! More in the February challenge! Hope to meet you all back there!

    January round up

    Starting weight 1st Jan – 136lbs
    Jan goal – 132lbs – achieved 4th Jan
    Holiday in Peru for -18 days
    Holiday weight gain – 10lbs
    Finish weight 1st Feb – 137.7l s

    So looking at it clinically I am only up by three quarters of a pound in January ☺️
    I will take it.

    Off to February – see ya’ll there 👍

    Final post.

    Initial weigh-in: 81.6 kg
    Initial goal: 74.8 kg (December 1st weight, when I entered maintenance)
    Revised goal: 73.0 kg
    Lowest weight: 73.9 kg
    Final weigh-in: 74.0 kg (163 lb, 11 st 9 lb). A loss of 7.6 kg.

    So I ended the month half-way between original and revised goal. Over-all a good month and it is now back to maintenance.

    @mjrbcd44 Thanks for hosting!

    Final post

    January Starting Weight : 152.9lbs
    January Goal Weight : 148.0lbs – 145lbs – 142.9lbs
    January End Weight : 141.9lbs – 11lb loss

    Morning everyone

    @mjrbcd44 thanks so much for hosting the January Challenge, I’ve enjoyed keeping up with the thread and we’ve been treated to some wonderful stories this month, so thanks to all who shared.

    January went surprisingly well and started with me hoping to just get me back somewhere near my pre-Christmas weight, then to get me below my Christmas weight, and now I’m at my lowest for over 20 years so pre kids and marriage.

    Sorry I’ve not been around much, finding the motivation to connect with people a little difficult at the moment.

    Congratulations everyone. Even if you didn’t achieve your goal this month, you still remained mindful of where you are and where you want to be and owned the number on the scales.

    Hope to see you all in the February challenge.

    Final Post,

    Well I’m officially on the plateau for January 0lbs lost this month, so I’m starting February with new determination & purpose!!!!!

    See you all on the other side!!!

    Thanks again @mjrbcd44!!!!!

    Weigh in post:
    January start weight 137 lbs
    Today’s weight 137.6 lbs
    Over to February with renewed determination, see you there.

    Final post

    Jan start…. 132.8
    Jan end……129.4

    Not to bad, considering!

    See you all in Feb.

    Final post

    Jan Starting Weight: 96.6kg
Jan Goal Weight: 93.5kg

    Jan End Weight: 93.0kg

    Stayed on the no-sugar wagon for the most part of January, but still struggling with the sugar dragon and the battle seems not nearly over yet… 😅
    Thank you @mjrbcd44 and everyone on this great forum for the company during the ups and downs of January! 🌸
    Off to February challenge!

    So here it is:
    Start weight: 152.5
    End weight: 148.75. Loss 3.75 lbs

    Plank challenge ✅✅
    Dry January ✅✅✅ fell off for just one evening
    No sugar challenge ❎❎ the first half of the month was great…. say no more.

    A big congratulations to all the losers and to all those who haven’t achieved what they had hoped, don’t lose hope – tomorrow’s a new day.
    Thank you again @mjrbcd44 for your thoughtful and supportive replies
    See you all hopefully around the corner.

    Final post!

    Down 2.2 kg this month, according to my scale at home! The doctor’s said I was 3 kg heavier than my own, but I did wear clothes and shoes and such, so I’ll stick to what my own scale is saying 😉

    Hope to join the February challenge and shift another stone (preferably 2!) by May.


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