January 2018 Monthly Challenge–Bring on the New Year!!

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January 2018 Monthly Challenge–Bring on the New Year!!

This topic contains 1,551 replies, has 125 voices, and was last updated by  steffieagle 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hello all, just laying the ground work and getting us all set up and ready for January, the month of resolutions and new beginnings. 🙂

    I’ve taken on hosting for January and just following what I’ve seen from previous hosts. I’m only in month 3 of the 5:2 Way of Life (WOL) but have found the monthly challenge to be invaluable! I hope you do too.

    The monthly challenges were kindly created by @coda in May 2016, and have been an ongoing motivation for many here.

    Below is copied and pasted from @jessyoursize‘s lead-in to the November challenge which was my first and really resonated with me.

    Some of us are brand new to the 5:2 Way of Life (WOL), some of us are working toward our goal, and some of us have reached our goals and are in maintenance. This is a safe space to share our triumphs and our bumps, where we can voice our questions, vent to fellow WOLers, and where you can (and will) find some of the most supportive, uplifting, and motivating international group of people on the internet!

    For those who are unfamiliar with how this works, the initial post begins with the Day of the month, your physical location, and whether this is a FD (fast day) or NFD (non-fast day) some people may use the term CD (controlled day) which means they plan to stay under TDEE.

    There will be a spreadsheet for all challenge participants, and it’s up to you how much you fill out but we keep track as a group to see our combined progress at month’s end.

    If you care to, please share a little bit about your personal journey; however there is no pressure or obligation to do so.

    Get ready, get set, we’re almost ready to GO in January.

    Feel free to reply if you’re joining January’s challenge and I’ll add you to the spreadsheet.

    Here’s to a great start to the New Year.

    Hey there Mjrbcd44,
    Many thanks for hosting what will sure to be a super busy month!
    Please count me in although I will be missing in action for most of January with my trip to Peru. But having myself on the monthly challenge will hopefully keep me mindful.

    Plus, I love filling out that spreadsheet! Keeps me accountable.

    Thanks for hosting Mjrbcd44. Count me in please.

    Hey Mjrbcd44, thanks for hosting January’s challenge! I am looking forward to month 3 in this challenge! Please count me in!
    First of all there’s still a little to go in December! 😏
    Wishing everybody a merry and healthy Christmas!!

    @mjrbcd44 – Thank you for taking on the role of herding us for January – I’ll be there for another month of maintenance so count me in please x

    @mjrbcd44 Thank you for hosting January 2018! I will be there!

    @mjrbcd44 – I’m on board for January, thanks for hosting.

    Bumping. Looking forward to recommitting after Christmas festivities.

    Hello there, Mkrbcd44. Thank you for taking the reins in January; please count me in!

    Thanks for hosting…..I will be here continuing on my path, I’m hole heartily committed too! I even have a goal for the month too!

    See you all in the new year!

    Mjrbcd44, thanks for hosting! December has been a pretty good month for me and I’m excited to try some new things in January!

    January will be my third month on 5:2 as well! Count me in, looking forward to it!

    Thankyou so much for hosting the Jan challenge. Count me in please.

    Hi Mjrbcd

    Please count me in the January challenge. Have a great week everyone

    @mjrbcd44 thank you for hosting and count me in! I’m guessing this’ll be a big forum as we cement our new year resolutions.

    @mjrbcd44 – Thanks for hosting. I’m in for January. Please add me on the spreadsheet. 🙂
    FYI, I’m in Perth, Western Australia

    @mjrbcd44 thanks for hosting the January challenge. December was my first month of maintenance. I am hoping January will be my second. Still have another 4 nights of visiting family, so will probably need a bit of help in January. I am not a long poster, but I appreciate others posts and wisdom. Looking forward to getting back on track in January.

    @mjrbcd44, is there a place to download the January spreadsheet?

    Hello January challengers!

    If you have requested to be on the challenge your name should already be on the sheet in order–if you haven’t, please feel free to add yourself or ask me to and I’m happy to help. I have made some guesses based on comments in the December challenge (that people are continuing on) but if you didn’t say it outright I may have missed you!

    Wait until January 1 to fill out the stats–if you want to (not required) and get ready with many of us to get our good habits rolling strong again.

    Good choices everyone as we move from 2017 to a brand new year!!

    Here is that link @califdreamer–can you confirm that it is downloading correctly for you?


    Thanks for hosting @mjrbcd44. I’m in for January. Did join some months but couldn’t commit completely, plan to in the new year. Trying one today 27th Dec need to after all of the excess of the last few days 😩😂x

    Thnx for hosting @mjrbcd44. I’m in for January. Did join in November, had lost 1.5 kg, stopped due to my brother’s marriage. Want to start again with full spirit !

    @mjrbcd44, it dl perfectly. Thank you!

    Hi. Please count me in for January. Shall I start a pocket list for dryjanuary? I was dry in December until Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Enjoyed some wine but predictably, felt rotten yesterday. Hey ho.
    Pocket dry January list

    I am new at this so its my first time on here. I would like to join this group to get some support as i need to loose 2 stone i gained after i broke my pelvis. Not sure how it goes but i want to try. Mary

    Yes please @mjrbcd44 – count me in!

    Adding myself to the pocket dry January list (or in my case the pocket forever list) started by @emma-taylor

    Pocket dry January list

    Onwards and downwards – together we are stronger!!!!

    Thanks for hosting January @mjrbcd44, please count me in. This is my birthday month and also the month I discovered IF. However I did not commit to starting this lifestyle until Feb but still its been a year already, and no looking back.
    I am looking forward to a great month and all the support this forum offers. Bring it on 2018!!

    Please count me in 🙂 I went backwards a little in Nov and Dec, so time to get back on track! Am a little afraid to do the first weigh in, but if it’s as bad as I suspect, it’ll serve as motivation not to backslide in future I guess 😛

    @mjrbcd44 – Thank you for hosting and please count me in!

    @mjrbcd44 – Thank you for hosting and count me in please.

    I’ve been part of this group in the past but not for some considerable months now. I need some support again. January is going to be very busy so I may not be able to keep up with all posts. I will update the spreadsheet and post daily for accountability.

    Hello to all those that remember me.

    Thank you for hosting @mjrbcd44. Thinking it’ll be a busy month as we all climb back on the waggon!

    Please count me in too 😎

    Count me in please. That would be good to have some tips to share

    Please count me in too! 🙂

    Pocket dry January list

    I’m a newbie and I am very keen to take part in the January challenge. Accountability & consistency have been my stumbling blocks as much as food. I’m ready for this new way of life & I look forward to belonging to this group for support & knowledge.
    I’m from Caloundra in Qld Australia where it is ‘beautiful one day & perfect the next’.😝.
    As I’ve not participated in a challenge of this nature before, learning to access and navigate the spreadsheet and finding you all after I post this, will undoubtedly be my first challenge.
    I’m officially starting on 02/01/18 as I’ll have no internet before then.
    Do I need to follow your link in your post to download the spreadsheet or will it magically appear in the feed each day. 😳😳😳

    Thanks for hosting – count me in.

    No need to add me to the worksheet, I will just try to log in each day and read/comment when I can.

    Cannot wait to get back on track after the holidays.

    I’m new to the forum. Have done 5:2 in the past, but need to start again. Had a baby almost a year ago and need to lose the weight. I will be travelling overseas during most of January, so some accountability would be good.

    @mjrbcd44 count me in. Plenty of Xmas sins to unpick in January!

    @mjrbcd44 – thank you for taking up the reins to keep our wagon on the right path for this month. May be a busy one as we all dust off the holiday indulgences & buckle down for a fresh start.

    I can’t seem to get the tracker to work for me, so I’ll be logging my weigh-ins & weight loss on a giant calendar on my kitchen wall. I’ve already selected colorful markers to highlight workouts & progress.
    Eg: bright blue for lifting weights, hot pink for each run, neon green for FD, orange for cardio (bike, row, hike), day-glo yellow for pounds lost, etc.
    By the end of the month, my goal is to have that calendar look like a confetti cannon exploded on it!

    🎉 May your New Year be healthy & your extra pounds melty! 🎉

    I’m joining the Dry Januarians. Planning a No Wine (No Whine!) start to the New Year.

    Just updating the list today and so everyone who has chimed in here is on the spreadsheet–please note, it is 100% Great for you to add yourself to the spreadsheet if you can as I see many have. 🙂

    Here is the link:

    @Ragnymph–Welcome! You will find this an amazing group of support and great inspiration.
    @Healthytoo–yes, you should download the sheet and since it’s a google shared spreadsheet when you put in information on your sheet, it shares to everyone’s copy.

    Love your new tag @happymargo…may your pounds be melty. 😄

    See you all on January 1st!

    Lovely to see so many old and new friends committing to a healthier life. Can’t believe I’m doing this but I’m also committing to a dry January, starting from the 2nd, after the excesses of the past fortnight.

    Adding myself to the Dry Januarians’ pocket list


    Hello *waves* from a newbie who is also determined to make 2018 the start of something special.

    I will hit 40 in February 2019 and I am determined that on the morning of that birthday I will be in the best shape of my life. I’ve let my 30s run away with me a bit and now is really the time to take back the control.

    I have a few obstacles in my way – a recently diagnosed congenital heart condition I wouldn’t have known about had I not have had a series of medical checks in November to come and work south of the equator for two years. Coupled with a slowly healing set of bruised ribs from an ill-advised tug of war, I need a special dose of willpower to get things up and running, and the January 2018 challenge may be just the thing!

    I will add myself to the spreadsheet tomorrow when I get the opportunity (my iPad won’t download the Excel App, but again that’s a home bandwidth issue unfortunately, so I’ll need to pop into work to do it there).

    Also adding myself to the Dry Januarians’ pocket list


    (Quick dumb newbie question – @soup Dragon as per my username or @soupdragon)

    Mine will run from 2nd – 29th January as I have a NYD party that will spill over into the early hours of the 1st (I’m not going to start the challenge by kidding myself!) and a massive leaving party for a colleague on the 30th. But apart from those bookends I’m in it for pretty much the duration and I love my red wine so it’s not going to be easy to give up that treat. Look forward to getting to know you all better in the coming month.

    Think I answered my own question there! Hopefully will still work even though my username has a gap in it?

    Adding myself to the dry January pocket list


    @mjrbcd44, thanks for hosting January challenge.

    I signed up for December, having missed a couple in the middle part of the year, but sadly my husband passed away just before the challenge started so I bowed out.

    Have put 3lb on in December, but I’m sure that will soon go once I get back into fasting next week. I’m going to take it easy for a couple of weeks, kids still home from school/uni and too many temptations still around, and hope to really get going from 8th.

    Currently about 10lb over a healthy bmi, and determined to shift this before I return to work, probably early April. Will have been off work nearly 3 years by then and should be around 5 stone lighter – colleagues should be able to see the difference.

    Will weigh on 1st and set goals at that time.

    @mjrbcd44 – please can you add me to the challenge for Jan 2018 & thanks for hosting.

    Up until mid Dec it was all going v well then Dec Christmas over indulgence from parties to family gatherings completely derailed me – but as it’s been pointed out it’s not about looking back it’s about looking forwards especially to a New Year!!!

    🎉 May your New Year be healthy & your extra pounds melty! 🎉

    The Dry Januarians pocket List is growing!.
    Planning a No Wine (No Whine!) start to the New Year? Add your name to the list for extra support!


    @strawberriesandcream – I admire your honesty & openness with your struggles over the past months. Ditching the alcohol (or sugar, tobacco, grains…whatever personal demon one may have) is not easy. But together we are stronger!

    I have added myself to the sheet.

    Reset time. By my birthday in May I want to be at target. That’s not too ambitious I think.

    The Dry Januarians pocket List is growing!.
    Planning a No Wine (No Whine!) start to the New Year? Add your name to the list for extra support!


    Added! I may have a whole year of no alcohol, but it will exclude weddings birthday, Xmas day and new years eve.

    I started no alcohol early boxing day.


    Hello all! I’m a 67 YO man from Las Vegas NV and I’ve had long term success with weight management. For 17 years I’ve kept off >40 lbs, most of the time >55 LBS and now I’m down 77lbs, 163.0 on NFD’s @ 5’10”.

    I had a very successful December and support from the “silly season” and “December” groups was very helpful. Accountability and group support are very powerful tools.

    I was attracted to fasting and 5:2 more for the health benefits than weight control. For me fat loss is a side benefit. I’ve tried many “diets” over 17 years and the net-net was that if I ate less calories than I burned I lost fat!

    I’ve done the standard 5:2 diet and it works for fat loss, but my goals are optimum health. I like to self experiment and I tried B2B water fast days in December and it was pretty easy to do and really accelerated fat loss. I also noticed that my joint discomfort abated in only 2 and 1/2 days of fasting.

    I’m going to try and limit toxins by following the plant paradox diet and continue my B2B WFD’s in January.

    My big challenge will be the one week Caribbean cruise I have scheduled.

    I will not be dry in January as alcohol has rarely been an issue for me, and besides everyone knows a glass or two of red wine is good for you! LOL None of that nasty beer for me!

    Hi everyone! I’m a returning faster.. I have never taking part in a challenge before.

    My main reason for fasting is the health benefits. I suffer quite a lot with bloating which may be connected with a chronic kidney disease called PKD. I know when I was fasting the bloating was practically non existant. I’m petite and weigh in around 51.6kg… I’d be happy to maintain a weight around 50kg (because I like a nice even number..haha).

    I’m a mum of two and work full time so have a busy lifestyle. Joining local gym for January with the goal of toning up and just getting an hour to myself. I’d also like to take part in dry January.

    I will be starting this new journey on Jan.1. I would love to join to keep me accountable.

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