Is There an Australian Version of "The Fast Diet"

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Is There an Australian Version of "The Fast Diet"

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Greetings from Perth, Western Australia. I couldn’t get Michael and Mimi’s “The Fast Diet” in my local bookshop so I ordered it from the UK. I’ve started intermittent fasting but find the back section of the book frustrating because of all the non-metric measures, etc.

    As a first-timer, I did a search but couldn’t find the answer I need. Like a previous thread ( I find The Fast Diet book frustrating. I’m sold on the concept but I don’t want to have to spend my life converting kilojoules (which is used on all labelling in Oz) to calories. Same with weights.

    So, is there an Australian (fully metric) version of the book available? If not, is one planned?

    Hey Tonester,

    The book I bought in the US has only metric measurements in it. Got it at a book store too. Surprising you can’t find one in Australia. ISBN 978-1-4767-3494-1 or ISBN 978-1-4767-3496-5 for the ebook.

    Hope this helps.


    “So, is there an Australian (fully metric) version”

    It occurred to me that there is a symbolic version of 5:2 that Is probably my own:

    Fasting and feeding with bouts of Chicago deep dish styled pizza.

    It’s not in print, it’s on my mind.

    I’m also glad that is early morning and they are not open yet.

    But soon.

    Hi Tonester,

    I’m in Perth and although I bought my book from the Amazon Kindle store I was with my sister in Kmart last week when she bought a copy of the book for herself. I’m not really sure where your confusion lies. I use the My Fitness Pal app or website to work out all my calories and have no issues with having to convert to kilojoules. Either way you can just work out the kilojoule equivalent to your daily fasting amount 500 calls for women or 600 for men and count everything in kilojoules if that suits you better.

    Sorry if I’ve missed your point. If you have any more questions we are here to help.


    Hi there, yep as KimG says above, you can just do your TDEE as normal in KCal and convert your calorie allowance into Kilojoules (if that’s easiest for you to work out on food packaging etc.). Then you’re just doing one conversion. (Well actually, if you’re doing it to lose weight you’ll need to re-do the calculation every time you lose significant weight & need to recalculate based on your new weight).

    Acording to the online calculator I just used 500 KCal = 2093.4 KJ and 600KCal= 2512.08.

    There you go – that’s all you really need to know. You can just buy any ‘balanced diet’ cookbook you like and tailor the recipes you like to your new lifestyle. I’ve found my mum’s ancient Weight Watchers cook book invaluable for nice balanced meals of 500-600KCal per portion. Easy peasy. Good luck.

    Thanks folks. I’d worked out that 600 KCal was roughly 2500 KJ. But I’d like to have all the tables in the back section in the UK version of the book converted to KJs rather than have to convert the entries one by one.

    Lost 3 kg so far.

    Never read the book (didn’t even realise this website existed until I’d already been doing 5:2 for almost a year) so I don’t know what tables it has but I’m pretty sure you can count up your own intake using the back of your food’s packaging and by googling the calorie content of whatever else you want to eat (eg: plum = 33 kcal – I never noted down the kilojoules because they mean nothing to me but they’re always there). It pretty quickly becomes second nature to know what you’re taking in, because most people stick to pretty much the same kinds of foods.

    Don’t get too caught up in books & tables. The 5:2 diet is for life – your life – so it needs to fit in with you and your preferences, you don’t have to change what you eat, you just need to be aware of your intake on non-fastdays and stick rigidly to your allowance on fastdays. That’s it.

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