If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,840 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 1 day, 2 hours ago.

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  • Shelley, I had the opposite experience, I saw it on the scales before I felt in in my clothes. Trust me, seeing it in the way your clothes fit is better! 😄 Now that I’m down 20 pounds my clothes fit a lot better and I’m seeing lots of baggy jeans! I lost about 1.4 pounds (.64 kg) per week on the classic 5:2 with 500 calories per day. I only deviated a couple of times and threw in a third day when I was on a long plateau.

    I found that the scales barely moved but I started to see that my body was changing shape only because my clothes showed me that. I was pretty fed up with all of these reports of lbs being lost on a weekly basis but my loss on the scales was so slow. What kept me going was a woman on here who posted that she lost no weight but had dropped 3 dress sizes! I lost 26 lb and 26 inches in 8 months and went from a size 18 to a size 12.

    My dear friend has lost 5 stone and for her there were many weeks when the scales did not move but it was clear that she was shrinking. I would see her in skirts that used to be knee length that were down to mid calf a few weeks later!

    One of my best moments was pulling a skirt that was zipped up, over my hips and falling to the floor. I was sick of wearing these clothes and could wash them all and donate them to charity. Top tip would be to use charity shops as body shape changes and shrinks.

    Morning all,
    I had lost my mojo, but now its back. Hurray!

    I have stood on the scales, had a measure and clothes try on. I fasted yesterday until lunch and was ‘mindful’ the rest of the day. I am off to visit relatives tomorrow so that will be lunch out and train travel, not a winning combination!

    The plan is to do a FD on Thursday and Saturday to get things kick started again. I feel so much better when I eat simple food and don’t miss pasta, rice and bread. I miss ice cream far more!

    How is everyone getting on?

    Hi everyone

    My first FD yesterday went well..water fast (with tea w milk, black coffee, no sugar) I managed until I got home around 5pm, then cooked a mushroom broth and had that then a half serve of veg/beef stir fry then plain yogurt w banana and cinnamon.
    Today I had some sourdough toast w vegemite for brekky, some tinned salmon and salad for lunch and will have steak schnitzel w veg for dinner (with homemade salsa on top and melted cheese). I still managed not to add sugar to my tea or coffee today (I only put in half a teaspoon anyhow) and it isn’t too bad. I used to be sugar free, but when pregnant started wanting sugar in my tea, mainly.

    Glad to hear your mojo is back Annette. Funny isn’t it, that we are told it only takes about 6 weeks to develop new habits. I have developed great new habits over the time when I have lost kilos….for years…only to (with no effort at all) discard the newfound habits and return to the dreaded old ones…and back came the kilos (or pounds for you IF’s on the other side).

    For all those that have pretty much omitted the simple carbs out of your diets, what do you have for lunch instead? I don’t think brekky (if I eat it) or dinner will be much of an issue, but I do feel lunch is going to be a hassle. I don’t tend to eat a heavy lunch and do enjoy a toasted sanga or crackers with cheese, ham or tomato (always carbs in there). Salads of course with a protein is an option, although being a working mum I don’t always leave myself a lot of time to make a salad up in the mornings..I can reheat so leftovers is another option …not a big fruit fan (so hard to get fresh, in season fruit)but will eat most fruits.

    Any suggestions are much appreciated.

    My mojo has gone to outer space I think! You are so right about those bad habits KrysK. I have eaten far too much lately BUT not really enjoyed it and certainly don’t like how it feels/looks. So why am I doing it??? Went to bed feeling so bloated – yuk.
    I can’t fast today as it is my blood donor day but tomorrow I intend to haul myself back on track.

    Ha! It must been with mine Iona! I have scoffed chocolate, crisps, cakes and ice cream and it all made me feel rubbish. Why do I do it once in a blue moon when I know I feel rubbish? Perhaps I hope that I can eat it and feel great?

    Hi KrysK,
    I have changed what I eat and how much after reading Robert Lustig and Jason Fung and fasted for longer too. I cook for myself and my adult kids sort themselves out now. I have just had a whole avocado, a heap of cherry tomatoes and some homemade salad dressing for lunch followed with some fruit. This evening I will have fish and peas for dinner. I don’t like vegetables so peas and carrots for me only. I like fruit, salad, nuts, cheese, eggs, mushrooms etc but ironically enjoy homemade vegetable soup!

    I make hummus and eat that with crackers, which is portable for work. I like a tin of tuna mixed with some mayonnaise and scoff that with salad type goodies. I often have an omelette when I am home for lunch. Just think about what you like to eat and try it and see. I have found that rice and pasta both leave me struggling to stay awake, but I only realised that when I didn’t have them for a week. Nothing is banned, just avoided for the most part. From what I have read, some people are more sensitive than others to complex carbs. I suspect that it will be trial and error. I rarely eat sandwiches. Any help?

    I thought that it was a mad idea to try avoiding complex carbs and I resisted trying for a long time. It is fine, less washing up/cooking and eating more raw food which I prefer anyway.

    KrysK, welcome to the 5:2 way of life. I often have a can of soup at lunch. There are a few under 200 calorie ones that I like. Until I get around to making my own soup on a regular basis, the tinned ones are easy. I also have a freezer space problem because of bags of frozen veggies (mainly cut broccoli spears which I like.) seem to fill it up quickly. Soup is filling and takes a while to eat. I add hot sauce (Tobasco brand) to a lot of soups because it gives them a robust flavor. Cut veggies and hummus are another choice for lunch.

    Thanks guys..both of your suggestions are a great help.

    I googled ‘The Diet Doctor’ as was recommended on here…and there is quite a bit on fasting (I think taken from Dr Jason Fung)and some excellent tips and recipes.

    I too have always had a diet which was heavy in carbs…it will be a challenge to turn that around, but I am determined to not grow old feeling a lack of energy and being overweight and not being happy with how I look, so think this is my only option.

    I have a few days with no social events so I am trying my best to get back to a sensible eating pattern, clothes are beginning to feel a bit tight, not happy☹️Things will settle down once daughter gets back to work after the summer break hopefully!
    My apple tree is laden this year so I will be giving a lot away as I am already tempted to start baking. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Hi everyone. Nice to have new voices on the thread. (I’m a maintenance person having lost a stone and 3 inches on waist and hips 2 years ago). When at work I’ve been fasting until 3pm most week days. It seems to work.

    I have lots of apples too Iona. I’ve been chopping them and chucking them in savoury dishes. Perhaps baked apple rings, or chutney. We like apple stacks, sliced apple with sliced cheese (lunch idea!)

    I’ve been feeling my 45 years in the hormone department lately. I’ve started on some herbal tablets to help. Been feeling a bit low, but better this week. I was convinced I was a lot fatter, but only half an inch more on the waist. Feel flabbier though so need toning up!

    During the school hols it’s been tricky. Trips out always involve food, not usually healthy. Hardly fasted at all, but did a day at work the other day and fasted to 5pm no problem. I need the distraction.

    I tried something from Michael’s blood sugar diet recipe book for breakfast. Bacon, mushrooms, small broccoli fried in pan, then sprinkled with cheese. Very nice. I think I should start a recipe book of all the low carb things I’ve tried and liked, including snacks. It’s easier to reach for junk food than to think healthy, so it might inspire me to have recipes in one place. Annette, I remember a show where they made a chap eat a little pot of mixed green raw veg every day for a week or so and he ended up loving it, having been anti veg!

    Meeting friends at the home of the Sussex Charmer cheddar for lunch today.
    Cheese on toast is the speciality!

    Hello Everyone,
    I have been away for a few days to visit cousins that I hardly know, which was lovely. On the downside, it meant sandwiches/meals out and nothing terribly healthy. I missed dinner because I wasn’t hungry last night and the plan is to skip breakfast and lunch today. I haven’t done this for a while, but that’s the plan.

    Hell will freeze over before I eat the green leafy stuff that isn’t lettuce, Cinderella. My mum used to cook vegetables for hours and I sat for many an hour refusing to eat sprouts/cabbage as a kid. My eldest loves vegetables but doesn’t eat fruit. I love fruit and not much veg.

    I am back to work next week, lunch isn’t provided until the following week, so I should be able to fit in a few FD without too much hassle. The real challenge is when lunches/puddings are provided along with endless biscuits. Plus my youngest is 21 on Wednesday, so that is dinner out and cake…

    Hello Everyone,
    I fasted from lunch to lunch yesterday which was fine. I also managed to leave the supermarket today and tomorrow without a pack of 6 ice creams, so feeling very virtuous. I cooked 2 salmon fillets yesterday and had one hot with salad and the other one cold with salad for dinner.

    Trying to come up with some packed lunch ideas for the rest of this week. My boy who works in a restaurant came home with a pack of some grains(not sure what it was) with some chopped grapes and fresh parsley. He thought that it might be barley.

    Hello y’all

    I have done 4 x 24hr fasts in the last fortnight and lost 1kg. Happy with that and motivated to keep going. I decided not to worry so much about the scales so will weigh in once a fortnight. My diet has consisted mainly of protein, veg, some fruit, cheese and nuts. I have cut out sugar in my tea/coffee and mainly stuck to black coffees. Have no doubt it has all helped. Once I start exercising regularly again I hope to see even more improvement.
    There are another couple of ladies around my age at work who are also trying to lose some weight so we are encouraging each other.

    1st day of spring here – we have had some beautiful warm days already these past few weeks. Glad to see the back of winter, although it hasn’t been a very cold one here on the coast.

    How is everyone else going?

    Finally I’ve got back to my fasting routine. I have definitely put a few pounds on lately- eek!
    My very romantic husband has got me a Fitbit as a wedding anniversary present!! So I will be more active to keep up with the friends who have challenged me!! My family have also persuaded me to get a dog again so that will help me become more active. I hope everyone is doing ok and we can help each other along the way.

    Iona, It may not seem romantic, but a Fitbit is a very nice gift, certainly better than a romantic box of chocolates! 😁 A couple years ago I joined challenges on my Garmin Vivofit that Garmin placed me in. They were groups of people I didn’t know, but I ended up walking miles to get winners badges and higher ranking. I think I need to do that again!

    Hello Everyone,
    I have been very bad. There have been biscuits/puddings at work, ice cream in the evening and some rather poor food choices. It doesn’t make me happy or make me feel good, so why on earth do I do it?
    Saw a programme BBC1 called ‘how to live young’ which has fired up my mojo. Essentially the impact of what you eat/exercise/stress/sleep has on the body which is given an age based on the results of 23 different tests. So the volunteers were given 12 weeks to use the new information and then tested again. So they might have an actual age of 52, but a body age of 72. After 12 weeks changing their diet, they might reduce their body age to 60 with the ability to reduce this age further.
    So what age was my body when I was 3 stone heavier? What is my body age now?

    Eating rubbish is not going to help. I want to be as fit and healthy as I can as I age. So, I am taking my lunch in with me tomorrow to keep me away from poor decisions. I am having cold salmon and salad, followed by fruit. I suspect that this might be something that I will do regularly.

    What a great thread this is. It’s so true about scales vs. measurements. Thanks.

    When all goes quiet on here, we are being bad! Sounds like a good idea Annette re the lunch. You could fast through to tea time one day. I’m back to work now so fasting again, had a couple of INSET day lunches first though. Tape measure has moved half an inch upwards. Hadn’t weighed for a long time and it had translated to a few pounds unfortunately. I do better at work than home for the school holidays, so hope to get back on track. I am a bit better re sugar, at the cake counter in cafes I’m not bothered, more likely to pick something savoury. That’s not to say I don’t indulge in ice cream or Club bars etc. Was disappointed to find the cheap dark choc from Lidl I’ve moved over to is still very high sugar. Need to look at the higher percentage versions.

    Watched the Fed Up film on Netflix for inspiration, features Lustig etc. And Lustig on Youtube, but he did get a bit technical. I’ll watch that BBC show Annette, sounds interesting.

    I got my Autumn\winter clothes out, makes a nice change in the wardrobe. Sorted my bookcase and blew thick layer of dust off ‘How Clean is Your House’. Not very, clearly. 😬 That is going to charity.

    Keep your spirits up ladies.

    Hi little_ella, do feel free to chip in and share your experience.

    Cinderella, you do make me chuckle, especially regarding the thick layer of dust!

    I fasted from Sunday roast in the evening to my cold cooked salmon/salad and fruit at lunch time. Got lots of odd looks from folk but avoided masses of rice and very little else. Result! Home to fruit and nuts although I did savour my last Lidl almond/milk chocolate ice cream in the last of the sunshine in my garden before an almighty downpour.

    I find the online programmes too long and a bit technical. I much prefer the paperback that I can dip into and they are written for ordinary folk, so not too much science.

    Lunch is just half an hour at work and a social time, so skipping lunch would be a bit miserable. I would rather fast after lunch on Friday until lunch on Saturday, it feels much easier to me.

    There is only one real option regarding chocolate. It has to be ditched. It is my gateway drug into everything sweet and in the process turns me into a lunatic that gets more grumpy with each sugar crash.

    I will be interested to hear what you think about the programme. I think that it is fascinating.

    I watched the three programmes Annette. Yes, fascinating. Most scary was the 45 year old who is my age, she didn’t look bad at all did she? At least I’ve reduced my sugar. What hit home for me was the fitness angle, which I always think of as cardio. I don’t exercise but I’m often rushing around so feel like I’m active. I hadn’t considered the strength angle ie not falling over etc as we get older. Already noticing I’m more creaky than I used to be. Anyway I’ve downloaded some free apps and bought some weights. My son has been joining in so it’s quite fun. I’ve just been doing HIT for 10 mins, then a specific body part. I’ll build on that. It also said that cardio can help with memory etc, I definitely need that! Feeling porky, under my bra especially, the worst place. I’ll keep on with the daily delayed eating and see if that helps. Still getting over the school holidays. How are you all, very quiet.

    I watched all 3 twice Cinderella. It also inspired me to get out for a run!
    I have been going for a short/run walk and am increasing the times that I do it after work.

    Interesting things happened this week. Offered a cup of tea and was given the 1 with a teaspoon of sugar by accident, I couldn’t believe how sweet it tasted(gave up 1 tsp sugar in tea this time last year). I also had a pudding at work and decided that it was far too sweet(that has never happened before) and left half of it.

    I continue to struggle with ice cream/biscuits but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Dinner for me is often salad(because I like it) with fish or cheese or eggs. I am eating far better quality food and far less of it.

    I have done some fasting but need to do more. I haven’t had any pasta for months, and now rarely eat bread. Potatoes are not something I miss and enjoy roasted ones probably once a month at the most. Rice is something that I have at work but will avoid it where I can. I eat more raw food now too. Another week to go and then half term.

    Hello Everyone,
    It would appear that chocolate bars are not too sweet! I hadn’t had any for ages but really fancied one yesterday which somehow morphed into a pack of 4.. and ate them all. I think that there are some things that I simply need to avoid and accept that.

    My plan for November is to commit to 2 fast days each week. I haven’t done that for a while. Who is going to join me?

    First FD in ages. Skipping breakfast and then out walking with my friend, then the plan is to keep busy until I meet another friend this afternoon. I will try to skip lunch and keep going until 6pm. This is something that I have done before and can do again.

    Well, I took the summer off. No fasting, increased alcohol, much more sedentary, staying up all hours:( Gained back 20 of the 30 pounds I had lost. Trying to get back on track. This is my second week of 5:2 fasting, I managed to get to bed by 11:30pm last night (this is progress), and started online barre3 classes. Such a bummer how long it takes to lose and how quickly it comes back, but lesson learned that taking 3 months off is not an option.

    Hi Guys
    I’ve also taken time off from fasting but I feel ready to get back to it.
    In September we got a new puppy, life has been a whirlwind since!! I had forgotten just what it was like with a pup, our last dog was 14 and no bother at all! Naturally this one is into EVERYTHING, and very active. He also wakes up every day around 5am and demands attention.
    Both my husband and I have had pretty stressful times at work lately and although the issues have not been resolved, we are both learning to adjust but it’s not easy. On the plus side, now the puppy is a bit older we can get out walking everyday. I haven’t put any weight on, in fact some clothes do feel a bit less snug. I need to get back to more sensible eating, cut out the junk (and the booze) and starting fasting again. Once I get a taste for cakes and biscuits I find it difficult to give them up. I have skipped breakfast a couple of times this week but not pushed fasting any further yet. So yes Annette…. I am with you.

    Hello to you both. I thought that I was on my own!

    I managed a 4 mile walk with my friend in the sunshine this morning and refused cake when we stopped for a cup of tea, which then meant that she gave it a miss too! Got home but found that I had a headache so I gave in and ate a late lunch. Light dinner followed with fruit, so I am more than 500 cals but it was fasting again that was most important.

    I have started running and studying again, so I hope that the running will help with the stress of studying! I find the winter tough due to the lack of daylight so exercise and eating well helps, no question.

    I have had the tape measure out and a clothes try on, so know the situation and where I would like to be again. I have to avoid the rubbish and not give it house room but that doesn’t mean that I don’t give in sometimes. However, it is never as good as I think it is going to be.

    We can do this.

    Currently at 19 hours of fasting and really pleased with myself! Later I will have a meal of chicken and veg after work and I will NOT have a glass of wine.
    Good to get back in the groove.

    Very impressive Iona.

    I went out for a slow 5 mile run/walk with my eldest son in the sunshine and it was lovely. Felt very pleased that I could go a bit further than I could last time. Then quick shower and off to a Christening at lunch time. Buffet lunch to follow which I chose to have was a portion of cold salmon, couscous, some mini quiches and some lovely mini pasties and a glass of wine. I dodged pudding and the cheese with biscuits because I simply didn’t want it. I am now cooking a roast for my family which is chicken, some roast potatoes and then vegetables. We gave up pudding on a Sunday a very long time ago and don’t miss it either.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Hi Iona, nice to hear from you again. What breed of puppy is it? I ought to try the 500 cal fasting again Annette. I’ve not weighed but the tape measure is telling a tale! I’m still doing my delayed eating fasts four days a week which does keep me somewhere near goal but half term was tricky being at home or out for lunch. I had a horrible bug recently as did my son but sadly no inch loss!

    We need to get in control before Christmas don’t we? Annette needs to start her warnings about Christmas excess soon, it really helped me last year!

    Hello Everyone,

    If I don’t have biscuits with my tea at work, then I eat lunch, avoid pudding and don’t buy rubbish on the way home(which I then scoff all by myself). If I have those evil little discs then it is often downhill. I am very much a work in progress.

    I did walk past a child clutching a large baguette, and my only thought was ‘poor you, you will feel rubbish after you have eaten that.’ When I walk past all of the festive food in the shops, I sometimes pick it up and look at the sugar content just for amusement. It is always very swiftly put down again!

    Glad to hear that it helped last year Cinderella.

    Hello Fast Friends,
    Just a month until the day of food. I had a cup of tea out with a friend and there was a plate with a mince pie chopped up into many pieces. I love mince pies, make loads and eat loads as they come out of the oven just before Christmas. However, I had a piece and couldn’t believe just how sweet this little piece was so had to have another just to confirm. Extraordinary. I usually use a jar of mincemeat, add ready to eat apricots chopped up and some brandy in thin pastry, so much nicer than the shop bought variety with thick pastry. My chaps will expect them, but whether I will eat them is another question. I have crossed to the dark side!

    How is everyone getting on?

    The first mince pie Annette! Luckily I’m not a big fan of them, perhaps because I’m not much good at making them. I do notice how sweet things are now, still trying to focus on savoury and don’t go for a cake every time I buy coffee like I used to. Having said that I scoffed a meringue snowman at the school fair!! Still fasting most work days, my measurements not as low as my best ever but holding steady. Trying to visualise sweet things with devil horns! Worry that I eat too much cheese etc though. I was given a coffee with sugar at work and it tasted vile, my taste has quickly changed.

    Will have a keep resisting buying the Christmas goodies, it’s only one day and all that!

    My sister has persuaded me to sign up to Instagram. I’ve signed up to a few healthy eating gurus who post pictures of their healthy meals. Encouraging I suppose.

    Hi Cinderella,
    I notice how sweet some things are, but biscuits and chocolate just don’t taste that sweet to me. I was musing on the last week at work will comprise to 2 Christmas dinners, so I think that I will have a FD morning then the works, then nothing in the evening. The second one, I will try and avoid completely.

    Here is something to amuse. Yesterday was supposed to be a FD, so I skipped breakfast as usual and nothing passed my lips until lunchtime, but the soup and the main horrible, I ended up with a roll. Well having blown it with the roll, I somehow found a slice of carrot/cheese cake on my tray. Feeling very cross with myself, a bar of chocolate found its way into my hand on the way home. The irony being that I ate worse on a FD that I would on a NFD!

    I am struggling at work, lots of the sweet stuff at every turn. Home is far easier as I simply don’t keep it in the house. My plan is to attempt a real FD later in the week. I am going to try visualising sweet things with horns. I think that cheese is far better for you than sugar without doubt.

    I need to drink lemon and ginger at work. If I have tea, then I want a biscuit or 3 to dunk. The odd pudding has snuck in too.

    I am happy with my slim limbs and body above my waist. My legs are fine too. But the waist could do with trimming….

    Clarification – when I said my measurements weren’t quite as low as my best ever, I meant the last few years. Not my 18 year old measurements, they are long gone ☺

    Well that was some fast day you had there Annette!! Never mind it was the fault of the caterers really…..

    Hello Ladies ~ I’m not doing very well at all lately, I have managed to miss breakfast a few days but the lure of lunch has been too tempting. Then like you Annette, once it’s gone wrong it’s a rapid slide downhill. I just can”t seemed to get my head in the right place. I’m not happy with my weight, even though it is down a little, my shape is changing and not in a good way, I’m blaming the hormones!! We are going away for a few days with friends this weekend which will involve eating out and alcohol, I’m so easily influenced by others, if they are having it – so am I. I really need to work on this. I can”t believe how close Christmas is, I just hope those party dresses are going to look okay this year???

    I am back to studying and feeling the stress of a deadline looming fast. This would have meant cake, chocolate and crisps. So far, it has been fruit, nuts and crackers so quite an improvement!

    I haven’t weighed myself for months and months. My clothes are my scale and I can see that there is an improvement in recent weeks despite my awful FD.I am happy overall with my body but a little more off the tummy would be lovely and once I break up in a couple of weeks, I will have rather more control over food. Last year I did several 24 hour fasts just before the festivities and I plan to do the same again this year.

    I did hear Iona, that a glass of alcohol may equate to a slice of cake. If you saw the glass of wine as cake, would that help you to decline? I don’t have anywhere to go that requires a party dress, so not worrying about that.

    How is it going?

    Hello Everyone!

    It has been a tough week, cake, chocolates every where I look at work and a meal out as well as 2 Christmas dinners at work. I have decided that I am not going to worry too much this week. I break up on Friday, thank goodness. My plan is either x3 FD or x2 24 hour fasts next week.

    I have had a summer clothes try on and they are either tough to do up or the zips will not meet. I have measured and the problem is the tummy. So, back to 2 FD every week and back to giving up puddings/biscuits at work and a weigh in.

    I will have x3 weeks to get back into the groove before I am back in the path of temptation, so hopefully that will help along with the linen trousers that I aim to slip into in the summer. Quite an incentive!

    I will enjoy Christmas Day and Boxing Day and then back into the groove. I have a small pile of festive food in the cupboard, but no Pudding or Cake for us this year.

    What is everyone else going to do?

    Awww…I posted this in the wrong place. Deleted the body of the post but can’t seem to get rid of it completely.

    Hello Everyone,
    I am fasting today, first one in a while but so far so good. I managed to sleep until 9.30 this morning which has been a big help. Then went out to so some errands and Christmas shopping, even braving some food shopping on the way home. Presents wrapped and clearing up completed and its almost 3.30pm. The plan is to wait until 6pm and have dinner then. Just need to keep busy and out of the kitchen until then.

    Filling up the cupboards with food for the festive season. Made some mince pies but ate 3 of them, so they are safely in the cupboard out of my sight!

    How is everyone getting on?

    The first 24 hour fast in a while was quite easy. Just wondering if I can fit another one in before the big day. The odd mince pie or cheese straw has crossed my lips but I am really not worried at all, I am doing far better than this time last year when I was scoffing loads still warm from the oven!

    Waiting to see my boy who I haven’t seen since the summer. He has Aspergers and is very rigid about his food choices(texture is a big issue) and has been overweight for about 15 years since he was about 10. I suggested to him to ditch his beloved fruit juice, avoid rice/pasta/potatoes and bread and he has been shrinking. He has always refused to stand on any scales so I have no idea how much he was at his heaviest. I have taken photos of him whenever I have seen him and it is obvious that he is becoming slimmer.

    He doesn’t eat if he isn’t hungry, has omelettes for breakfast when he is working and a bacon roll when he isn’t. He takes a sandwich for lunch and I was encouraging him to swop the cereal bar for another piece of fruit. He loves vegetables and meat and now that he is looking after himself, he has started to widen the range of what he will eat which is wonderful.

    I am quite excited because he told me that he bought a jumper because he was cold-never known him to wear another layer indoors and he has bought smaller clothes. The focus has been on his waistline to reduce that to 37 inches-no idea whether he will let me measure-he hasn’t in the past.

    Hello Everyone!
    I hope that you have all had a lovely day.

    Feeling very blessed as all 4 chicks are home, safe and sound. My boy has shrunk his tummy which is great to see, which is wonderful.

    Made a lasagne last night which we shared with some crusty bread, followed it with a half a chocolate cheesecake- I had a small slice, much too rich for me. Didn’t sleep terribly well, a coincidence? I don’t think so.

    Today I skipped breakfast, cooked and then ate a large roast dinner, followed with a few glasses of bubbles. There have been chocolates and biscuits this afternoon which don’t last long between 5!

    Happy Boxing Day to all! Hope your day yesterday was lovely.

    Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet lately. I’ve got a new job starting in January, so have had to do handover days in both new job and with the lady replacing me. Also trying to finish up and write notes. We have had snow, sickness, various bad colds as well as Xmas shopping, so all a bit stressy!

    As you say Annette, what could be better than having your chicks home? Great that you’ve had an influence on your son’s diet. My young chick, having had a cold for at least two weeks already, went downhill yesterday. He spent 3 hours asleep after lunch! Such a shame. We will just have to enjoy the week off. Him being at school and me working in one, we have all the bugs!

    I don’t think I’ve done too badly in the run up diet wise. Feeling flabby under bra though so will need to take some action in new year. Will try and rope my husband in also. I make a chocolate/chestnut tort type thing which I love with brandy cream. Not many chocs as gifts so that is good.

    Take care everyone. Look forward to the repair work with you all in the New Year!

    Lovely to hear from you Cinderella. Life sounds very exciting, if not a little bit stressful. I hope that your chick is feeling better. I work in a school too, its not the cherubs that infect me, its the staff!

    We have been working through the Christmas food and I have made a few mental notes of what I wont buy next year either at all or in smaller amounts. I think that we will finish all of the sweet stuff today, never takes long when shared between 5.

    My boy goes back tomorrow and although I will miss him, he needs peace and quiet away from people-he has Aspergers and finds people exhausting-trying to work out what they actually mean by their convoluted speech and body language. It has been wonderful to see that he is still shrinking, a way to go still but I hope that by the summer he will be more in proportion. I will ask him if I can measure his waist before he goes-no idea what he will say. Lovely to see that the large tummy has shrunk considerably. He says that he can’t be bothered to cook rice or pasta, which is certainly having a positive effect!

    I will get back to normal eating tomorrow, although I have eaten far less of the sweet stuff than I did last year. I have been thinking about what improvements I can make when I go back to work and the grand plan is to get back to avoiding puddings and biscuits. I am going to need willpower for the puds but I am going to have to change my habits to avoid the biscuits which I love to dunk in my tea. The only solution is to avoid tea at work and stick to lemon and ginger-I am not going to plunge a biscuit into that!

    Onwards and downwards fast friends!

    Hello everyone Seasons Greetings to you all.
    We have had a fairly quiet Christmas with both my girls at home. Enjoyed our lunch on Christmas Day and have not eaten too much since, only had the occasional alcoholic drink too. I’m feeling determined to make progress in the New Year, I have reset my Fitbit to 15000 step per day, easy on days off with the puppy but much more difficult sitting behind a desk all day at work. I’ve had the tape measure out this morning and thankfully no change so the only way is down now. Like you Annette, I have been thinking about what changes I can make, I am also a big fan of tea and biscuits but I’m just not going to buy any and the family will just have to get used to it!!! See how long they put up with that haha. We have a few changes to our shift times in the new year and will be doing a shift 12 noon til 8pm I think this is going to be an ideal fasting day as it’s too early for lunch before I go to work and too late for dinner when I get home. However I’m not sure how often this shift will come around so I need some other fasting plans in place.
    I love New Year not just the celebrating but the sense of a fresh start and the knowledge that Spring is on the way ~ lets make it a great 2018!

    Lovely to hear from you Iona. I stopped buying biscuits several years ago and after some mild moaning I never gave in and they accepted that I wasn’t buying them, and that was that. If the family want biscuits then they can buy them, but I suspect that they wont bother. Sounds like a good plan for fasting.

    I love the thought of spring with plants bursting through the mud. I find the winter a real challenge-less so with my SAD light, and my birthday is just around the corner too.

    I think that the New Year can be lots of pressure in all directions and I used to feel completely overwhelmed and defeated. I was thinking today about what I was like before the 5:2 and where I am now almost 5 years later. I am unrecognisable, both in physique and attitude.

    Happy New Year!

    I have made a rookie error and stood on the scales this morning! I knew that my jeans were tight and that they weren’t before Christmas so I was prepared for an increase. However, the number was rather higher than I had expected!I haven’t weighed myself for months, using my clothes as a guide and looking at the naked body.

    I have been rather indulgent the last few days, I have had pasta 3 times which drives a need for more processed carbs, which has been a nightmare too. On Saturday morning I slipped off the last few steps of the stairs and sailed into a wall resulting in a quite spectacular egg sized lump on my forehead along with a sore arm and leg. Crisps and chocolate helped soothe my wounds. Last night I fancied a ready meal that I had wanted for ages-never eat them usually but managed to scoff 50.4g of sugar in the chicken fillets with sweet and sour sauce and another 8g of sugar in those scrumptious prawn toasts. Total calories consumed was 1374 without any rice!!!!!!Bearing in mind that recommended daily sugar intake should be 24g that was rather spectacular.

    Today I am not having any breakfast, lunch will be an omelette and then I am cooking a roast dinner for me and 3 of my chaps. Tomorrow will be a FD and I am aiming for 24 hours, so skip breakfast and lunch….then a light evening meal.

    How is everyone?

    I felt full after the roast and found myself rubbing my poor tummy all evening. Last night I thought that I could manage 36 hours for the very first time, but found that I was struggling from 3pm, I did however, manage 22.5 hours. I think that I need more practice with longer fasts and will give a longer fast a another try when the weather is warm and I am not at work.

    On the plus side I have a much cleaner house with lots of sorting/organising completed!
    I might do a another fast this week and see how it goes.

    annette52, 22.5 is good – gets easier with practice!

    I’m hoping that combining Dry January with a very concerted effort to ADF will help – giving in by going to the pub after a stressful day is my downfall.
    Have managed two 100%, 36 hour, 0 cal, fasts this week – as happens sometimes, it was so easy that I cannot understand how sometimes I give up when I’m nearly at bedtime!

    Not weighing self has really left an impression on me – had 6 months of stress issues and I’ve really not looked after myself – I’m almost certainly the heaviest that I’ve ever been, but I will never truly know. But, from some mail order bought clothes that I tried to try on recently, I don’t need no stinking scales to confirm the truth 🙂

    Happy new year!

    Hi snedger,
    How the devil are you? I am not much of a drinker, it just makes me feel rubbish. I drank 3 glasses of Prosecco on Christmas Day with dinner and chomped my way through more food than I would have done without. Felt so much better the day after without any alcohol.

    I am very impressed with the 2 36 hour fasts. That is a goal for me but for when it is much warmer! I did laugh at mail order clothes, my jeans that had been loose had become rather tight. But the FD has shifted some numbers on the scales so I am pleased to be going in the right direction.

    Sorry to hear about the stress. I self-medicate with chocolate which is bonkers as it doesn’t make me feel any better at the time and then I feel cross with myself for eating it…and the cycle continues.

    My challenge next week is to ignore the puddings at work along with the never ending supply of biscuits. I love to dunk a biscuit in tea so I have bought a supply of lemon and ginger tea bags to have instead-I wont want to dunk a biscuit in that!

    You’re brave Annette, I haven’t been on the scales. Don’t they say weight can be like an aeroplane changing course, up and down. We will be going back down in January! The flu I had is clinging on which is annoying as I started the new job on Friday and wanted to be 100%.

    Had lots of time in bed watching tv shows on my tablet. I watched a GP surgery programme, which was really interesting. So many issues relating to weight. The GPs have no real advice to give. Telling a 20 stone truck driver to have a little less on his plate is not going to cut it. I felt that every surgery needs an in house weight loss clinic that they can instantly refer patients to. The government need to get their act together and decide on some proper advice. Sugar is in the media a lot lately but nothing concrete. Even the GPs don’t seem to know what they are supposed to be advising.

    I was feeling annoyed as the mum of a youngster that they are giving advice out about limiting snacks. Something about giving malt loaf which is full of sugar! Or a cracker with low fat cheese. Surely the message should have been to cut out sugar as much as possible, and become label aware. Cut the sugared drinks.
    Kids are growing so I’m sure full fat cheese is not a problem. Always confusing messages.

    I watched a period drama The Miniaturist, the early days of sugar imports in Holland. It was treated like a drug with guests taking a tiny piece and rolling their eyes as if high. Says it all! Rant over.

    For now I’m trying to stick with savoury as I think I generally eat less as less cravings as a result.

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