If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 20 hours, 14 minutes ago.

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  • The tahini was simply cooking sesame seeds on gas mark 4 for 10 minutes, allow to cool then pop in the food processor and then drizzle with olive oil until it becomes a paste. I have mine in a jam jar in the fridge and it should last for a couple of months.

    Hummus was a tin of chickpeas drained(put keep the water), a sliced garlic clove, a tsp salt, 3 tbsp lemon, 2 tsp tahini all in the food processor with about 3 tbsp of the drained water and blitz.You can sprinkle a little cumin on the top. Store in the fridge.

    You could use any veg to dip, how about peppers? I wonder if cucumber might be a bit to bendy??

    If you make it yourself, you know exactly what is in it, you can adjust the contents to suit your taste, it is much cheaper and very very easy to do.

    Oooh……peppers! Great idea! Love them!

    I hate peppers-yeuch.

    Pink shorts are almost a good fit and will be perfect by Christmas I am guessing.

    Light jumper is too loose/baggy sleeves and weirdly too long. Washed and added to the charity bag. I am going to have to shop for new knitwear soon….

    Feeling peckish, so some raw carrot batons with a little homemade hummus.

    Thank you for sharing that post Itsmoni. I have read all those things before, but it always helps to read them again. One thing I have noticed this week is that my new diamond ring that I just got last Spring is loose. That is mentioned in the article…”are your rings getting loose” I can see ab muscles more clearly than I probably ever have and my boot camp workouts have me feeling strong. It’s all good!

    Annette…how did your week go? I have started the eating window plan and have had 2 successful days. Today and tomorrow will be more of a challenge since I’ll be at home and near the kitchen all day. It’s only 8AM and my stomach is growling already! My window doesn’t open until 2-3 this afternoon. We’re going out to dinner with some friends at 6, so my window may get stretched a bit depending on how long we linger at the restaurant. No worries, I aim to enjoy the evening.

    Have a lovely weekend and thank you again Itsmoni for sharing that post. Hope to see you here often.

    The notion that eating what you like within an arbitrary time and will somehow lose weight doesn’t make any sense to me at all Lori.I have been reading more from Robert Lustig and gather that a calorie isn’t a calorie either, there seem to be a number of myths that he is dismantling. Another one is that exercise is great for fitness and burning fat in your liver and muscles, but don’t expect to lose weight. You will, however, lose inches. It is those inches around the middle are the dangerous ones as it indicates the amount of fat around your organs. Women should have a waist of 31.5 inches and men 37 inches.Others suggest that your waist should be less than half your height, but many seem to agree that BMI and the scales are a waste of time as an accurate indicator of health.
    So, with that in mind, I have focused on eating unprocessed food when I am hungry, adding legumes means that we are all full for longer, so less likely to snack. I have had some biscuits and chocolate, but I am finding that as I am avoiding sugar, it is becoming less attractive to me. Weird and wonderful. I might just be breaking free of this sugar addiction.
    I have put the scales away, along with the tape measure and will leave it for a few weeks and see if I can see any difference with my clothes.I am undecided whether to fast for a couple of days this week, or to just focus on whole unprocessed food.

    Annette, I’m sure you’ll see marked differences in how your clothing fits in the next few weeks. You’re doing very well. Breaking free of the sugar addiction is fabulous!

    I had lovely scallops and veggies along with a salad last evening for dinner. My husband and I shared a wonderful piece of Italian lemon creme cake for dessert. Wonderful meal! I’m quite proud of myself for not having a potato or rice/pasta and opting for the veggies instead. I didn’t miss the starch at all!

    Funny how this burning fat thing works differently for each of us. We have to find what works and is livable and go with it. My aim is to retrain my appetite so that eating when not truly hungry is, for the most part, a thing of the past.

    Eating healthy food and restricting carbs and sugar is the key, for me anyway. Good luck to all of us!

    Good Morning!

    This has been a very quiet thread lately! Hope all is well with everyone.

    I am thoroughly enjoying my eating window experiment. I’m still trying to eat mainly healthy food within my window, and often find I don’t eat enough. My appetite will adjust as I go. After one week, I am down 2.4 lbs, so I’m quite happy about that. I really felt like it would be more as I feel so thin thru my tummy and hips.

    My sister is coming for the weekend, so my window will probably get stretched a bit. She’s not a breakfast eater either, so I won’t have that temptation. I will be having some alcohol this weekend which will probably have a negative impact on the scale, but we’ll see what next Friday brings when I weigh again.

    Hope you had a great week!

    It sounds as if it is all going very well, Lori.

    I have worn those winter trousers that I couldn’t get into at the start of the year, last week at work. Those pink shorts are getting easier to do up and one of my many goals is to be comfortable in them on Christmas Day!

    I am trying to avoid sugar and some days have been better than others, but overall my sugar consumption is much lower. I do feel better with less white stuff in my life. Youngest son had a complete meltdown the other day that there were no jar tomato sauces in the house, but then he hadn’t realized that he hadn’t had them for the past few weeks either. He also looks slimmer and trimmer, and has no idea that he has eaten lentils in lots of his meals either!

    How is everyone else getting on?

    Love that you are sneaking those healthy foods into your kids meals and they are non the wiser! Awesome that you can tell your son is trimmer. Go Mom!

    Still doing well with my eating window. Today has been great so far as it’s 12:15 and I’m just starting to feel a bit hungry. Aiming for a 1-6 window today. I talked to my sister about my experiment and she is on board. She normally eats pretty much this way anyway, but one thing we both noticed this weekend is that having the window keeps you from mindlessly walking past treats and dipping in for “just a couple”. She brought some terribly yummy finger foods that previously I would have been munching on in the mornings or evenings. This weekend they were saved for the window and only a small serving was consumed. Trying hard to tame the mindless eating!

    Boot camp was brutal this morning. Hoping to go tomorrow and Friday this week. Thursday is out since it is Thanksgiving Day here. I’ll be cooking and cleaning up most of the day. I probably won’t do much eating as I spend the whole meal trying to make sure that all my guests have what they need and that all is well. I’m not used to cooking for a crowd, so once a year I go into a panic!

    Have a good week!

    Hello Ladies, how the time flies by. I have been reading the posts but don’t seem to find time to reply. We have had a few days away with a group of friends that involved eating out and drinking rather more than usual and I have not managed a fast day since we got back. Tomorrow is my day to get back on track. I have been reading the Robert Lustig book Annette and I’m finding it fascinating. I am an avid label reader at the moment, trying to reduce my sugar and increase my fiber!
    I got measured today and my waist is exactly half my height so I’m pleased about that, however my measurements last year were a couple of inches less although my weight was the same. I was a bit puzzled by this at first but realise that it must be because I am not doing much running or gym compared to last year so it has proved to me that muscle takes up less space than fat. I’m going to have to change my ways I guess and put my fear of falling (again) behind me.
    Good to hear what everyone is up to, keep up the good work.

    Sounds good Lori. Good luck with Thanksgiving and the cooking.

    Iona, glad you find Lustig as interesting as I do. I am on day 2 of no sugar in my tea and although I can’t say that I am enjoying it, I am finding that I am getting used to it. Congratulations on the waist measurement. I have read that exercise is good for trimming off the inches. Have a look on the internet to compare 1 lb of fat to 1 lb of muscle, really striking to see how different they are.
    I need to get out running again too, but it is cold and dark so I might wait until school breaks up in December to run in daylight. I am also getting close to the size/shape that I would like to be and at almost 55 I have no desire to be skinny, but I do want to look in proportion. The infamous pink linen shorts are my goal for Christmas Day and although I can do them up, I would like to feel that I could wear them in comfort all day…and I might just to confuse my boys!

    Sounds like you’re all doing very well with your pink shorts, weight lost,and trim waists! Well done everyone. I’m still stressed at work and I’ve had car trouble this week, so some FDs have been lost to disorganization! I haven’t weighed either. Back on a FD today. Must up the anti as Christmas approaches! Feeling the loss of tone now gained for my holiday, so that little bit of exercise did have an effect. I have to go now as my son wants ‘a wrestle’!

    Morning All,
    I have great news after 3 weeks of no scales/tape measure/FD and just putting my faith in more whole foods and avoiding sugar, there is 2 lb less of me, but more exciting than that…another half an inch off my actual(around the belly button)waist, half an inch off my hips and another half an inch off my thighs!!!!

    I am thrilled. I have 2 more weeks at work with 2 Christmas Dinners in the final week. I have had some chocolate and cake over these weeks, but it has been occasional. I have also completed a whole 5 days without sugar in my tea, which after 40+ years is quite amazing.

    Pink shorts are still snug but hopefully 2 more weeks will give me some ‘wriggle’room!

    What great news Annette!! Slow and steady and you will be at your goal in no time! Those pink shorts will soon be falling down!

    I’ve been doing well, apart from Thanksgiving and the day after. Sigh…hoping to get the sugar monkey off my back starting today. One of my guests brought some homemade toffee & chocolate candy that is nearly impossible to resist. I’ve eaten it the past 2 days, but no more! I didn’t get on the scale for my normal Friday weigh in yesterday since the Holiday “wrecked” my plan. I may wait until just before Christmas to weigh and just go by how I look and how my clothes feel.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Thanks Lori.
    My plan is to just to continue for the last 2 weeks of the winter term and then see what the damage is after 2 Christmas Dinners and a meal out with my friends! That leaves almost 2 weeks before the big day.

    I had a clothes try-on last night and there are more items that either look much better or are simply too big. Either way, I am thrilled with the changes.

    Never mind Lori, just make a few small changes to what you eat and see what happens. I am certain that less sugar in my diet is responsible for my changes.

    Oh my…a sleepy Monday afternoon! I guess I got up too early this morning and then boot camp wore me out! I have a Christmas party to go to tonight…sure hope I can stay awake!

    I think I’ll weigh again on December 23. That gives me 3 good weeks to work the plan. Hard to believe that tomorrow is the 1st! Time is marching on. My retirement date will be here before I know it!

    Hope all is well with everyone.

    Hi Lori,
    I hope that goes well for you. Wish I could retire, don’t think that I will ever be able to afford to. On the plus side, I am certainly the smallest that I have been for many years and hope that I will be as fit as I am now for many years.

    I have been ill in bed with a virus for 2 days, which has meant some snacking on things for Christmas! Not a huge disaster, but just goes to show the desire for unhealthy stuff when feeling low.

    I have a skirt(charity shop bargain) that I love but have never been able to wear as it was too tight with a muffin top. Just tried it on and I could wear it next week, which is completely thrilling. Little way to go for those shorts though!

    Good Morning,

    Sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling poorly Annette. I know what you mean about turning to treat foods when we’re not feeling well. An attempt to make ourselves feel better, I guess. Congrats on the skirt fitting! I’m sure the shorts will not be far behind.

    I’ve had a good week. Not sure that the scale would agree, but that’s not the only measure, is it? I got in 4 good sessions of boot camp and stayed pretty well within my eating plan this week with minimal treats. That’s about as good as I can do.

    I’m off for a day of shopping with some friends. A small(10 vendor) craft show and then off to some stores to see what we can find. The weather is supposed to be quite nice for this time of year, so it’ll be nice to be out and about.

    Take care!

    Congrats on the 2lbs Annette, that’s amazing just eating whole foods etc. You must be disappearing! I so admire your boot camp efforts Lori, sounds exhausting. I’ve done 3 fast days since I last posted and another today, I don’t feel any better yet but it’s got to help at this time of year! I’ve a hotel do to go to on Saturday night with former colleagues. Went to Debenhams yesterday and bought a Coast dress for ยฃ15 that was ยฃ85, so that was great. I was looking very pale in the changing room mirrors, the Bermuda tan has finally worn off! Went to buy our real tree last weekend, which is now in a bucket in the shed as it’s too early. In the woodland play park I put a packet of crisps weighted down by some flapjack on a bench and Joe Crow swooped down and took the lot, so a few cals saved there! Have a good week, don’t let the Christmas shopping stress you out too much.

    Just finished the winter term with a rather lovely Christmas Dinner. I have arrived home with lots of chocolates which add up to a terrifying total of 220 teaspoons of sugar!!!! So some will be re-gifted…

    The week has been busy with a pot luck supper, 2 Christmas Dinners and mince pies/Stollen/chocolates at every turn. I have found that after week 4 of no sugar in my tea, my taste buds have changed and I no longer seem to find the sweet stuff attractive or what to scoff loads. Weird, but delighted.

    Great find in Coast Cinderella. Have you ever looked at Oxfam online? I have just had a Boden dress delivered for ยฃ17-fifties style, which I love. How I laughed at the Crow!

    I am far from disappearing but I am keeping an eagle eye on my waist measurement. The plan is to get back to running as I haven’t done any for weeks, so just a mile looks very daunting at the moment. I have a 10K in early February, a very hilly one, so I need to get some practice in or I will be last.

    I shall see what the scales/tape say at the weekend.

    Sorry I have not posted in a while, time flies by! I am in the process of searching for a dress for New Years Eve, very envious of a Coast bargain. I have a few from TKMaxx to try so hopefully I will find something. Im just at an awkward in between size right now so nothing seems to look right?
    I was doing well with cutting down on sugar until a box of mince pies appeared, however I didn’t enjoy the one I had as much as I expected to, so hopefully that will keep me away from the rest. We got our tree up and decorated today but I’ve still got quite a few gifts to buy, I’m always struggling for ideas and hate wandering around shops without a list of what I’m there for.
    Make step on the scale in the morning for a benchmark pre-Christmas!!?


    I had a lovely long weekend with my sister that entailed eating and drinking a bit too much, but did not go completely off the rails.

    Good luck with the chocolates Annette…they have been my downfall lately, but after the Holidays, I’m going to be very strict with myself where sugar is concerned. I’m actually trying to do that a bit during the holidays too. I will only waste precious sugar grams on something truly wonderful.

    Good luck getting back into running. I’m sure you’ll do fine in your race in February.

    Iona..good luck with the dress shopping. I hope you find the perfect one! I, too, am going to weigh in just before Christmas to see where I stand. It has been weeks since I weighed, so I may be in for a shock. I’ve been exercising and staying pretty close to my plan, so I’m hoping for a maintain, or at least not much of a gain since my last weigh in.

    Have a good week!

    Hello Everyone!

    I did gain 2lb after all those Christmas Dinners, but lost a smidge off my waist, so very pleased with that. I still haven’t been out for a run. Either the weather has been awful/i have been ill or simply too busy. Every week that goes by is making it harder to put on the running kit, just because I know that I will find it hard, but I also know that it is not as hard as I think it is going to be(based on past experience). I am very much a shorts/vest top/sunglasses runner and not grey cool/wet days.

    I am struggling to get back into the groove and think that chocolate is my personal gateway drug to just about anything. The siren call is very much there in the background and if I allow it to be heard, will lead me off into madness. Sugar is my drug of choice and there have been some serious lapses fast friends.

    I met a friend for lunch which was lovely but ended up as a main/pudding and a beer. We ate a light meal later, not because we were hungry, but were off out to a gig and couldnโ€™t eat later. Breakfast was paid for and I ate more than I should have and then more that I shouldnโ€™t have one my way home. Somehow a bag of chocolate leaped into my hand and within a few moments they were gone(61.8g sugar!!!!)They were not worth it either. Ho hum.

    On the basis that my biochemistry has lead me astray, I am back on the wholewheat pasta and home cooked meals, avoiding sugar where I can. I am a happier/calmer person with less of the white stuff in my diet. Having stopped sugar completely in my tea, has saved me another 21 tsp of the white stuff a week.

    The plan is to stay on the path of sanity up to the big day, eat what I like on those 2 days and then get pack on the path again. I am not making dozens of mince pies this year and I might just buy a box instead, on the basis of when they are gone they are gone. But I canโ€™t get past the 22g(5.5 tsp) sugar per pie!!!

    Hi Annette,

    Yes…it’s easy to start down the sugar path again, isn’t it? I’ve been eating more of the stuff than I should the past month or so. That will come to a screeching halt after the holidays. That is not to say that I’m going completely crazy up until then, but I do allow the odd treat. Once January 1 hits, those treats must be eliminated. On we go.

    Good idea to buy the mince pies instead of making a lot of them to tempt you. That would be my theory as well. Good luck with your plan.

    Take care.

    Hi Lori,
    It can be tricky can’t it? I think of you every time I scoop out some homemade hummus and devour it with carrot sticks!

    I am buying bits and bobs to eat over the festive season, but certainly not in the quantity that I did last year. We shall just have a bit more than we usually do with some extra treats. Hopefully the damage will not be too great!

    My youngest son has given up alcohol and wants ‘healthy’drinks, which is almost impossible if you take that to be no/low sugar. so he has decided that Lime and soda water will be his drink. He has lost over 14lb by having 3 meals a day and only snacking on fruit, but the extra calories in alcohol(that he is no longer consuming) certainly seem to be helping too.

    Patience is the key, especially when one’s just starting a new programme. The key is not to get too obsessed with stepping on the scale way too often, but focus more on how you feel and look in the mirror.

    Hi Mollie,
    On the basis that you can gain or lose 10 lb in a day, scales are not accurate at all. My focus is on my decreasing waistline as a good indicator of health. Skirts/trousers are tried on regularly to see how they fit, which is my best guide. If those pink linen shorts fit better than they did a few weeks ago then I will be pleased..and then thrilled when they look fabulous.

    Morning All,
    I have eaten out, been to parties, consumed x2 Christmas Dinners already and stood on the scales, which was my mistake. The scales claim that I have put on 4 lb, which was depressing until I tried on some clothes and got the tape measure out. I have a much loved summer shift dress that at the start of the year I couldn’t zip up at all, but have been able to do up for some weeks now…and still looks great. The famous pink shorts can be done up but are still a bit tight at the top(not yet fabulous), so a goal in progress for the new year.

    I measure both my natural waist which is an inch and a half less and my real(around the belly button) waist which is 2 inches less from this time last year. What I can’t quantify are all those jumpers and tops that I have had for years that are simply too big all over(that were snug) and are off to charity.

    Although I had hoped for a special number on the scales and I am disappointed not to have reached that goal, I should be pleased with my progress. Then I put on my old jeans, which are much too big and keep falling down…and remember the joy of fitting into them. I have come a long way.

    I am making some sweets as Christmas gifts and I haven’t eaten them either. Result!

    I have made a small pile of the food/snacks bought and have to stop myself from bowing to the pressure to get moreโ€ฆand more. I can see how and why I have managed to put on 10 lb every Christmas by looking at the sugar content in both sweet and savoury foods. It is going to be a challenge, but interesting to see how I cope.

    I am going to get back to the 5:2 after the big day and combine that with more wholefoods and all cooking from scratch(batch cooking is the secret). I started the 5:2 in January 2013 with a weight of 11 stone 11 lb/BMI 30.5/struggling to fit into size 14 jeans..and was miserable. Before the festive onslaught I was 10 stone 2 lb/BMI 26/size 10 jeans. I know that 23lb less of me is great, but I am really thrilled that I have shrunk 4 inches off my waist(all that visceral fat gone), 4 inches off each thigh and 4 inches off my hips and 3 inches off the bust too.

    I am going to try and find goods that weigh 23lb just to see how much less weight I am not lugging around on these short legs.

    You have made great progress Annette, stay strong over the festive period! I’m struggling with the temptation of mince pies today but did resist buying the trifle in M&S! I’m feeling as ready as I will ever be, just got some housework to whizz through tomorrow then I can relax. I’m looking forward to more normality in January!

    Merry Christmas to everyone! Stay strong, but enjoy yourself. We must remember that it’s not all about food, right?

    See you in the New Year for a fresh start!

    Best wishes to you Lori and all the lovely people posting on this thread๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿพ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ

    Thanks Iona. I have a box of 12 mince pies sitting in plain sight and still sealed. I have decided that making any this year is simply too dangerous, I will make loads and then eat loads like I did last year! Well done on trifle avoidance…not a fan myself.

    Is it just me or is there a lot of pressure to buy loads of food for just 2 days? It is just a roast and there are only 4 of us. I try hard to avoid the nonsense where I can and have bought far less this year than last.

    The definition of a success in our house is a game of Monopoly completed without a row!
    Have a lovely time Iona and Lori as well as all the other Fast Friends.

    Hello Everyone!
    I hope that you have all had a lovely time. I ate far less than last year and was still full, so I am hopeful that I am improving. I had a mince pie and a slice of Christmas Cake, which I have to say was uninspiring(perhaps I am cured?) and not worth the sugar content.

    Today is left overs and a piece of homemade Christmas Pudding that was in the freezer for a year and smells divine(brandy) so I may just have a morsel later to see if i am really cured!

    I have done nothing much for the past few days as I haven’t felt great(antibiotics for an ear infection) But tomorrow I will be up and out the house for some fresh air.

    I am cured.

    The Christmas Pudding was OK but I enjoyed the ice cream more than the pud, so I don’t think that I will bother next year. It is weird,but I can only assume that less sugar in my diet has changed what I enjoy. I would have assumed that less sugar would mean that I would want more of the sweet stuff when I had it, but I don’t. I am grateful for the change and now don’t even think about sugar in my tea.

    Just 5 days until 2016 fast friends. Lets be kind to ourselves.

    Good Morning!

    Annette…congratulations on being “cured” from sugar! What a great feeling to not really want that stuff.

    I did have a few indiscretions over the Holiday, but didn’t go completely off the rails. I had quite a miserable day yesterday as I really restricted myself and since I was at home all day, temptations were many.

    I hope you are feeling better today Annette. The antibiotics should soon clear that infection for you.

    Yes…the New Year is upon us and time to buckle down(for me at least). My sister and I are going on a Bermuda cruise in May and I’d like 20-30 lbs less of me till then!

    Have good days!

    Thanks Lori, I am feeling better each day.

    I feel really bloated though and have been thinking about next Christmas and what I will do differently. I won’t bother with the bubbles or Cider, I won’t bother with mince pies/Christmas cake or pudding. I won’t buy any cole slaw as I am the only one that likes it, and perhaps no dip as my son and I are struggling to get through it. The huge amount of chestnut stuffing and left over turkey has been a huge hit with the boys along with the raw Cranberry sauce. I am not a fan of turkey and fail to see any joy in it as leftovers. I will buy less crisps and crackers, a smaller box of mince pies for my two. Hopefully I will remember that next year!

    Bermuda Lori? Sounds wonderful, I am very very jealous in grey gloomy England. That is plenty of time to make such a change. My top tip would be to look at the sugar in your diet(there is lots in the savoury as well as the sweet) and see what changes you can make to reduce your intake. The aim is to consume no more than 6 tsp in total a day, which is a grand total of 24g. Once you start reading packets/jars/boxes you will see what a challenge that can be. But if I can stop having any sugar in my tea after 45+ years….then anyone can reduce their daily sugar consumption.

    I have several days of antibiotics to go and need to eat with them, so will have to leave fasting for a while yet. My goals for 2016 are to fit comfortably in those pink shorts, whittle another couple of inches off my waist and get back into running.

    Yes, that is my main focus. Getting the sugar out of my diet. I really don’t usually have a lot of sugar, but have been having chocolate here and there the past few months, as well as cookies. No more!

    Luckily, I love proteins and especially cheese. I’m off to make a cheese omelet right now!

    Running in 2016? I must get back into that too!

    I am leaving the leftovers to the elves and getting back to more wholefoods and avoiding sugar. I am rather nervous of the grand weigh/measure on Friday, but hopefully it will still be much better than a year ago.

    Off out to clock up 10,000 steps.

    Glad you all had a lovely Christmas. It was a bit manic for me in the lead up to the day, I was not as organised as usual. Meant to do a couple of FDs the week before Xmas but it didn’t happen. Proved to me that FDs are a lot harder for me when I don’t have the distraction of work! We had a great day and are now surrounded by toys. I have been nibbling on the chocs a fair bit. Threw some liquor chocs in the green bin when I realised I’d eaten half the box and they weren’t all that. I’ve frozen mother in law’s Christmas cake in slices so we can have it now and again. I put together a kit gingerbread house with my son which was fun. Hopefully it won’t taste all that good. I don’t go mad buying food but there is still a fair bit hanging around. I did go to Iidl, big mistake as ended up with baklava and tiramisu! I’ll have to look at that Oxfam website Annette. I love charity shops, mainly for toys though. I did get a bargain dresser on Ebay delivered a week before Christmas, getting it in the dining room was a whole other story, poor husband.

    Take care everyone, Annette’s wonderful tale of her losses can inspire us all!

    Hi Cinderella,
    As a Lidl shopper myself(local shop opened in the summer) I can understand the temptation to buy all the wonderful goodies. I looked at lots of things but most of them went back on the shelf/in the freezer once I had seen the sugar content. All the Christmas food is almost gone, chocolates re-gifted and the freezer is rather empty.

    I was the most organised that I have ever been at Christmas(all prepped the day before) inspired by Jamie Oliver. Just as well as in a rash moment I opened a bottle of Cava(Lidl about ยฃ5-very good) and thought that it would be a good idea to have a glass while I cooked dinner, bearing in mind that I rarely drink. I was very relaxed!

    I am rather glad, after all the hype and pressure that it is all over for another year. Next year I will buy even less and will re-gift the chocolates again.

    I am very pleased with my Oxfam dress, very 1940’s and fits like a dream. I just look at the Boden stuff, the rest is a bit overwhelming.

    Your poor husband. I can imagine the comments!

    Just taken 3 carrier bags of clothes to the charity shop. They are too big but I still have another couple of bags of summer clothes that could also go but for reasons that baffle me…I can’t yet let them go. Perhaps I am worried that I will be bigger again by the summer??

    I have had a huge sort out and try on of clothes. All neatly folded/hung and ready for the return to work next week. Shoes that I couldn’t fit my feet into..now fit. I never thought that I had fatter feet, but I must have!

    My poor tum is suffering from the antibiotics so I think that it would be wise to leave fasting until next week. The plan is to weigh/measure on New years Day to have a starting point for 2016.

    I am not looking for a particular weight. My focus is on my waist measurement and shrinking that by another couple of inches to reach that elusive waist that is less than half my height goal. Also to get running a little bit…again.

    What are everyone’s goals for 2016?

    LOL Annette52, i put on 4lb in four days, and i stayed low carb!. however, i have been having the odd lager or two or three…..Im not going to over stress about it,.
    and back on the Fasting on the 4th.
    i find that doing the 16:8 all the time helps with the fast days, it is surprising what you can get used to.
    I have lost 28lb, now im going to do alternate day fasting to lose the next 35lb.
    I wish id known about sugar when i was younger, fancy putting 2 spoons in my tea and smothering my food with tomato ketchup at 30% sugar.What a twat!

    Hi bennyboy,
    Well done on the 28lb loss and I am sure that you will be successful with the next 35 lb.

    I wish I knew about sugar years ago too. It is a gate way drug for absolute rubbish for me and I feel so much better with less in my diet. If I can ditch the sugar in my tea, along with the puddings and biscuits…then anyone can. I am not a purist but I do like being able to avoid food that makes me feel rubbish. The flaw is that you have to avoid them for a while, to feel just how rubbish that they make you feel, when you have them again.

    I will join you on the 4th.

    Very true, im like that with bread. I gave up gluten about three years ago and felt better, lost weight, bloat went down,ibs symptoms gone. A new guy started work in the office in May, i started having rolls again at lunch- you know the story!.
    To be honest i don’t enjoy tea as much now, and its been three years since i gave up sugar, and funny, i don’t miss the sugar i just don’t enjoy the tea as much.
    I got a wake up call in early October, when my doctor said i had diabetes, i cant think of anything more motivating than that!.So i went low carb for 6 weeks, then 5:2 and low carb, then 16:8 and 5:2 and low carb That worked!.Thats a 3-4lb loss a week for me.
    So new year its 16:8, then 3/4 for the first week, then alternate day fasting, all the while 16:8. I think it will be three months to get the rest of the weight off, if the type 2 hasn’t gone then its time to get serious!
    As a side note mentally i feel so much better, more alert, less tired

    I don’t enjoy tea as much either, but as I drink more water now that I have less tea, I think that is only a good thing. I am not a huge fan of bread, but do love the white stuff toasted but I don’t think it loves me! I could easily give up bread although it has taken me years to get used to eating soup without it on a FD. I only eat a couple of slices of wholemeal at the weekends or when I am not at work, but having a couple of loaves of the white stuff over Christmas at the request of my chaps, has made me realize that it doesn’t make me feel great.

    I had been doing the 5:2 for a couple of months but a trip to the doctors with vertigo found that my blood pressure was very high. The threat of statins was very real but I struck a deal with my GP that I would lose weight and then see what my BP was. She was very interested in the 5:2 and so gave me 3 months to see if i could lose weight. It was a fabulous incentive, I was very focused and lost 14 lb, and my blood pressure became normal, but best of all was the response of my GP who was stunned by my achievement and appearance.

    What has shocked me is that how much sugar is in so much food. Have you swapped to brown rice and pasta? Do you eat legumes? Have you changed your diet much? I read labels all the time now. I have batch cooked and frozen a vat of homemade tomato sauce along with the homemade meatballs(a favourite in my house). I am mindful that I have to make changes to my diet that are achievable and easy to maintain.

    You may be interested in a recent read of mine which is by Robert Lustig(endocrinologist) called Fat Chance the hidden truth about sugar,obesity and disease. He looks at how obesity has become so prevalent, what we can do ourselves and dismantles lots of those diet myths. The hook for me was that he argues that we are victims of our biochemistry rather than being weak lazy people.

    Hi Annette, i have to say i dont eat pasta,rice or potatoes. All people who have a lot of weight to lose, or blood sugar/insulin issues should avoid them. I used to eat processed peas all the time, but i avoid them now because of their carb content.
    Roast swede is a good substitute for roast pots ,1/3 the cals and carbo, and cut green beans and mushroom stir fry are my veg with cabbage leeks etc.
    What follows is a personal opinion, and comes from the standpoint of someone who at one point got to over 18st!.
    I knew i was eating and drinking too much, i knew i was grossly fat but i didnt care enough to do any thing serious about it, until that type 2 shocker.
    Although its gradually becoming clear that a lot of false info was being given about dieting, with all the hidden sugar in low fat products, in the end the individual has to want to change. Eat low carb, less than 20gramms a day and cut calories, my overall calorie is less than 1400 a day.
    When a person has reached their goal weight, carbs can be reintroduced slowly.
    I find the 16:8 a fantastic tool, because even on calorie restriction in means you can have two good meals. I have to keep focused and be strict, to lose this 35lb!
    I see from your earlier posts that you do some distance running- Well done!. Have you found that fasting boosted your energy levels?

    Good Morning!

    Interesting reading here this morning. Benny…good for you for taking the bull by the horns to get the Diabetes under control. My blood sugar is always over 100, but less than 110 and I’d like it under 100, but my Dr says not to worry about it at this point. There is a lot of diabetes in my family(Grandparents) and I want to avoid it at all costs!

    I had a VERY hungry day yesterday. Extra coconut oil and a spoon of natural peanut butter took care of it. I want to stay strong today as I’m going to have my “New Year” weigh in tomorrow instead of the 1st. We’ll be eating out tomorrow night and I don’t want that bloat showing on my restart weigh in!

    Oh…I do the eating window approach too Benny. Most days 16:8. I’d like to get to the 5 hour window, but that is really pushing it for me. I actually feel better with a 6-7 hour window. I really think there is something to forcing your body to burn stored fat during the fasting time.

    Well, I have rambled on long enough. Have a good day everyone!

    If it works for you Benny…
    I have 4 young men to feed on a budget, so rice/pasta/potatoes feature in our diet regularly. I like fish but they don’t,so that is what I eat on a FD or homemade soup. I wont touch anything ‘diet’ or low fat now because of the sugar content and feel fuller as a result.

    I eat 3 meals a day and miss breakfast when I am fasting. I am fed lunch for free at work, so make my food choices on what is available on a FD, as well as on a NFD.

    I started running just 3 years ago. There is a local half marathon in my city with many roads closed for most of the day and I wondered if I could complete the course, uninjured. I am not sporty at all, but started running between 2 lampposts and then walking between the next few until I slowly got a bit better. I have now completed 5 half marathons and numerous 5/10K. I am not fast at all. My logic was that if I was lugging less weight around then I should be faster.

    I don’t fast for the last 2 weeks before a Half and I haven’t found that fasting has boosted my energy levels. Less weight to carry has done that along with less sugar in my diet. Looking better in my running kit(unforgiving lycra) is a great incentive although I do love to run when it is warm enough for shorts and a vest, not so much when it is cold/wet/grey/winter!

    That is a good idea Lori. I might well join you with a weigh/measure tomorrow too. Whatever the numbers are tomorrow, I am in a much better place than I was last year.

    Hi everyone, just popping in to end the year and thank you all for the warm welcome, good advice and friendly chat.
    I much prefer New Year celebrations to Christmas, as usual it has been a stressful time with too much time spent in the kitchen with very little help, but I’m not going to dwell on that.๐Ÿ˜ฌ
    Eating has been okay for me, not opened any chocolates I received, but a few nights out have added alcoholic calories. I’m looking forward to getting back to routine, restarting the regular fast days and spending more time in the gym. Tomorrow I will write my resolutions, fill in my plans on my 2016 calendar, have a final night out with friends and await all that the new year will bring. Wishing you all health and happiness and look forward chatting on this forum throughout the year. ๐ŸŽ‰

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