If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,151 through 1,200 (of 3,907 total)

  • Hi Deb, welcome!! The plan is really simple. Just two days a week, you cut your calorie intake to 500calories. It is recommended to do this on non-consecutive days. My days are Tues and Thursday.
    Many of us try to do fairly low carb, especially on fast days, as eating carbs,especially simple carbs, set me up for eating all day long
    Have a look around the site, you will find all kinds of helpful info, suggestions and stories of how well this way of eating works.
    I have found that my sweet cravings have decreased, I still have days of wanting lots of junk, but not very often. Be patient with yourself, you will learn what best works for you. Be sure and drink lots of water, it helps.
    I’m sure the others will be along soon with lots more to share. Good luck, and please let us know how you are doing. Phyllis

    Thank you MountainMyst,,, what a wonderful welcome,,,,I have decided that today will be my first FAST day, although not prepared as well as I should be with a better stocked frig, but I have made my mind up that THIS is it!
    Water,,,, I have read that it is critical and I do drink a lot but what is the guideline,,,,is there a better times a day to drink it,,,,continuos?
    Also I am reading at various sites they eat specific foods at different times on fast days,,,is there a guideline?
    Sugar cravings,,, any more suggestions?

    I know everyone is different, but is there a better time, method, strategy?
    Many thanks, Debbie

    Hi Debbie,

    Welcome aboard! I agree with all MountainMyst/Phyllis’s wise comments. I’d just add a few other things.

    In 5:2 you make the rules, after a bit of trial and error you’ll find what works best for you, e.g. whether you fast on consecutive days or as Phyllis and I, together with my OH, do, a day or two apart. Our days are Tuesday and Friday. Some people are self-disciplined enough to fast for 3 days out of 7, sadly that doesn’t include me.

    On your non-fast days, you can choose to count calories, which I don’t, but it’s a good idea not to go overboard on these days, maybe one or two treats – there is room for something sweet 🙂 – but counterbalance that with relatively careful eating. For example, if you know there’s some good cake in the offing, perhaps opt for main meals that together add up to around 800-900 cals so that you’ve room to enjoy your cake, bicuits, chocolate or whatever with a clear conscience. Or if you are going out for a meal, say for dinner, keep your breakfast/lunch intake as low as you can so that you can push the boat out a bit at dinner. If you feel you have overdone things, take more care over the next day or two. In fact you might be glad to do just that. As you progress with 5:2, you’ll probably find that you just can’t eat as much as you once did without feeling just a little bit unwell.

    The book might give the impression that it’s OK for a woman to consume 2000 cal on non-fast days. Certainly, that does work for some but not for other lesser beings like me.

    Finally, don’t be disheartened if the weight loss is slower than you would like. As you say, everyone’s different. Someone who is already eating fairly healthily will lose more slowly than someone who until now has been filling up on cakes, pies and doughnuts. I got stuck on a plateau for 5 months but I’ve still lost 30+ lbs in 19 months, which for me is a near miracle.

    And even if the weight loss is slow, all sorts of other good things are almost certainly happening to your body – such as reduced blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose. And many of us find that although the scales don’t budge our clothes are fitting more comfortably, some of them now so baggy that the only place for them is the charity shop.

    If you have any problem, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s a dead cert that some one, or a whole bunch of someones, have been there and done that.

    Good luck and enjoy doing 5:2.

    Wow Hermajtomo… Thank you for your email… Thank you for the encouragement. what a great bunch on here,,,you are what I need.
    I have been living virtually out of a suitcase since mid June from Middle East and waiting to get my own place… Renos almost done by mid September. My world is completely new to me and no routines have been set. That is good and yet dealing with coming back to real world time, has been very scary.
    Eating what is convenient or what someone else cooked has been way of life for past while,,,,however that sounds like another excuse as I write!
    I am keeping a dairy of what and when I am eating on FAST days so I know what is some “go to” food or plan.
    Water,,, how much are we talking here… Again, I don’t have the book so I can’t look it up.
    Many thanks again!

    Hi Debbie,

    Glad to be of help. However, I’m probably not the right one to ask about water. I am well aware that I don’t drink nearly enough. I am almost never thirsty and there are days when I suddenly realise that I’ve got through the working day on a single cup of tea (how very British!). To be somewhere hot – like Berlin was during our week-long visit a few weeks back – and to feel thirsty enough to gulp down a big glass of something liquid non-stop is an absolute joy.

    There are others on the forum who are far more clued in about water consumption, so when you get a reply I’ll be learning alongside you.

    If it’s not an indiscreet question, what took you to the Middle East? Not the happiest place on the planet right now. I’m imagining you to be possibly a medic, a humanitarian aid worker, a journalist… but I’m probably wrong on all counts.

    Hi Hermajto.
    I was a vp in a big school. Not as heroic as your assumptions. Life was very different and lonely. However it has been a huge change to come back. They say that if you were an expat for three or more years, you shouldn’t come back due to not fitting in. I was away two years. I would do international again but have aged out. I am 63 and most countries only accept until age 60.
    Many changes now back. Living city condo not country lake house. Never been without a job until now worked 44 years. Hate the word retirement. Likely get a job back in education in some form of education when I get into my condo I just got back 7 weeks ago. So now having to adjust big time. Learned nothing is permanent.
    Thank you for support

    Vivian and anyone who is reading this:

    I feel your pain! I have been at this 5:2 diet for 16 weeks now. At week 8, I was ecstatic because I had lost 12 pounds and 5 inches around my abdomen without exercise, simply following the 5:2 diet and then on non-fast days attempting to stay within my TDEE. However, since that time, I must have gotten too confident and probably not been as diligent in following my TDEE as I was on my non-fast days. (Please keep in mind that on my fast days I am extremely strict and go at least 10 hours inbetween breakfast of 250 cal and dinner of 250 cal while drinking lots of water.) However, the consequence of my slacking off on non-fast days and not exercising is that:I have GAINED half the weight back but have maintained my abdominal inch loss. Noticing a bit of difference in the way my clothing fits but not decreased even a size yet. I have stuck with it but have been a bit more discouraged. I seem to want to binge on sweets–though not as much as I used to–on the non-fast days and go over my TDEE. I will attempt to add in three days of 45 minute brisk walking as well. I may end up having to do 4:3 even as I have read that this can work for those who may not be as diligent in following their TDEE…any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated! Good luck to all!

    Sorry,,, but I am new to this,, started today,,, what is TDEE?


    Check out this link for an explanation: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/how-many-calories-on-a-non-fast-day/

    Take a look at all the pages accessible from the very top menu or here http://thefastdiet.co.uk/

    Hope,,, just hang in there,,, I know what you feel like after all that work and a back slide. Please go one day at a time.

    sorry to bother you, but are you suppose to go 10 hours between eating on fast days?

    Thank you, Amy. I went to both sites and entered data

    Hi Debbie,

    I was going to add teacher to the list but when you said you had been living out of suitcases I thought it was something more nomadic.

    No way is being a teacher less heroic. I do hope you are able to find another job in education. Would teaching would-be teachers be a possibility?

    Always thinking of others, Hermajtomo. I use to teach teachers at a Canadian university and supervise student teachers for an American Uni. ….. I have been around!,,,,, olololol
    Are you American? I can almost hear an accent!

    Hermajtomo, not a great start but it was at least a start,,,, 766 calories,,,,, it wasn’t 500 but it wasn’t 2500
    The biggest was being able to be aware of the strong subliminal cravings for sweets!!!!! Ohh yeah.AND NOT GIVE INTO THEM!!!!!,,,,, love it.

    It was my sisters dinner that did me in. I wanted to keep it a secret and ate little. She thought I was crazy but when she pulled out a cherry pie (my absolute favourite bought specifically for me,,,, ) I had to come clean. I did NOT have any!

    I am proud of myself,,,, now to keep up the vigilance. I think I may have to do a real fast,, just water on Tuesdays.

    How wonderful you guys/girls take the time to update us newbies on your experiences. This is my 4th week. I also wasn’t losing the kilos i was sort of expecting but did find my clothes loser. Hit me yesterday when at work i was hitching up my uniform pants!I’m losing it where i need it.With standard diets any weight loss was from the face down. Annette52 is so right. Weigh/measure once a week.

    When I started IF in August 2012, it was to gain the benefit of effecting IGF1 production, to repair cells on fast days, rather than make new ones.
    Weight loss, for me, is a gratefully received side effect.
    I went for zero cals, 3 days a week, because I knew that counting only 500 cals would be error prone and open to denial abuse/mistakes, I already knew that coming down after the insulin spike of eating a few calories would make my hunger unbearable, no cals=no spike=no come down and I didn’t know/believe that 500 cals would trigger the IGF1 change properly.
    First 2 weeks were really hard, but then after total breeze!
    3 days gives more leeway if a social event intervenes, or you have a bad day.
    Last few weeks though have been very poor.
    Was out of work for ages and then 6 weeks ago I ended up going for a permanent job away from home. I’m now in my third week of being relocated in my new home.
    Bed and breakfast and bored pub visits have been bad for my diet.
    Today is first fast day today in yonks.
    I’ve joined a really pleasant gym – throwing myself into the classes, gym and pool will hopefully keep me away from mischief.
    The thing is, there are a variety of ways to IF/ADF – just need to, relax, take time, to find the best for each individual.

    Good to see that mostly people are on track.

    It is my habit to weigh myself once a week because I really wanted to maintain the weigh I finally gained over the months. My weight varies but only a bit. Keeping our weights needs vigilance in our end. Keep focus and do not over eat… always eat in moderation.

    Hi Annette, not spoken for a while so just wondered how you are doing? I know it has been a bit up and down lately – but you don’t have to beat yourself up – you always get back in the swing! 🙂

    I think you have a half marathon coming up too don’t you? How is the training going?

    I am still desperately trying to get don under 11stone (3 more lbs to go) – but it is hard work and I seem to sabotage myself a lot. I am dedicated in the week, but it all goes wrong at weekends! I will not be following 5:2 on holiday (12-23 Sept) so if I could slip to 10st something before I go that would be marvellous!

    Hope all is well with you

    Cath x

    Hi all, my good ness so great to see all the new names! Welcome to all our newbies, you are going to love this way of eating. Debbie, a lot of folks go for extended periods without eating. Some people have to eat a little every few hours, you will learn what works for you. Mostly I have concentrated on keeping my total calories below 500 on fast days. I usually don’t eat breakfast, I save most of my calories for the evening meal. It seems to work for me.

    I usually drink about 80 ounces of water on fast days, and aim for 600 on non-fast days. Some folks drink a lot of tea or coffee, and not so much water. As I’m someone who likes a little coffee in my cream and sugar, I have one cup a day and stick with water and a little

    Several lessons I’ve learned so far…. Patience is vital. Sometimes you won’t loose as rapidly as you would like.
    Don’t depend just on the scales, watch that tape measure, and how your clothes fit.
    Sometimes you will do everything right, and the scales won’t budge. My first couple of fast days, I got on the scale next day to find I had GAINED!!!!! Eeeeeeek. But then the next couple of days it went down. Probably best not to weigh every day, especially if you are prone to get discouraged.
    Breakfast is usually best made up of protein, doesn’t tend to trigger the munchies.
    Oh, and it’s REALLY hard to do something good for you out of self loathing. I lost lots of weight before because I hated the way I looked, and hated myself for allowing myself to get that big. I finally decided that I deserved to care enough about myself to do what was good for me.

    Well, if you have read through all my rambling, I’ll just tell you a bit about my journey. I’m a retired nurse,age about to be 62. I have health issues that prevent me from exercising and cause brain fog (one reason for the rambling,and not welcoming everyone by name). I have been doing 5-2 for almost a year. I am now 29lbs lighter, lost approx. 30 inches overall and almost to my goal. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
    Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing. :-). Phyllis

    To Snedger and Mountain myst
    Please ignore auto correct,,, makes me sound like a lunatic!

    Thank you for your responses. Good to know there are others who felt this way and can honestly be open about it.

    I think I will have to try the zero calories even of one day…. And gradually add the second. The counting of calories is just too difficult to stay with 500 unless I can come up with two ideal meals that total 500. I don’t like same food everyday so it has to be changed up. I find when I eat something in the morning, it just opens up a huge hunger about 10-11 am and then I can go long periods without foods….irregardless of how much protein I eat. What do you drink on zero days,,,, plain water is not appetizing for the whole day.

    Mountain Myst,,, Phyllis !
    Thank you for your continued support. Good for you for staying on this for so long and the weight loss. Within the day, I think I drink a lot of liquid. As a treat, I might have a can of diet coke on some days to treat myself to sweeeeeeet.

    I am living with my sister since I just came home 7 weeks ago until my condo is ready in three weeks. So I am living somewhat differently than what I will be in my own place. There is no scales here so I am guessing at my weight and going solely on tape measure and clothes as an indicator for weight loss. I think this is best because I get discouraged easily and it would be a good excuse to go off.

    I did not have candy yesterday,,, that does not seem to be a biggy to some people but huge to me,,,, I think I become out of body when around candy. I am so stupid when it comes to control… Something else takes over! Trying for second day today.

    Keeping a dairy also…. So here goes!
    Thank you ladies!

    Hi Debbie, I forgot to say, congrats on the 766 cals yesterday, AND no Candy!! Big accomplishment. You are off to a good start, you may try many different patterns of fasting as you go on. The diary is a good idea, be sure and note your feelings too. That way you can find triggers that cause the cravings. It will be easier when you are in your own place and can plan according to your needs. Good luck!

    Me again, just realized my finger twitched and it says I drnk 600oz a day. Now, I like water, but that’s just silly :-).

    Hi Debbie,

    First of all, congratulations on a very good start. OK, so you totalled 766 but that’s pretty good for someone coming to 5:2 more or less unprepared.

    There’s probably no need for you to do a full-on fast unless you really want to. Maybe don’t eat until you are really hungry. I often do that. I’m a night owl and don’t really enjoy eating more than a modest amount until the evening. This applies on fast and non-fast days. Today’s a fast day and at 14.00 hours local time all I’ve had so far are two cups of tea. I’ll probably have a very light snack in the next hour or so but will leave most of my 500 cals for dinner.

    I’ve also been around – journalist, travel agency clerk, au pair, picker-up of odd jobs while travelling in France and Spain, teacher of English as a Foreign Language, shop assistant, bank clerk, then to uni as a mature student to read Spanish and Portuguese, after which I formally qualified post-grad as a teacher of modern languages, teaching French and Spanish and, in my second post, beginners’ Latin, would you believe. I was also a fringe theatre actor for about a year, but found profit sharing, which might amount to about £10 for a month’s work, too hard to handle .

    Then at 50 I found my calling – freelance translator, a job I love and am still doing. I now specialise in Arts and Media, which explains why I’m in the final straight of a part-time MA in History of Art – it’s dissertation time, folks!

    My very favourite lecturer at the uni is a compatriot of yours. I made a very shaky start on the conversion course that students with degrees in other disciplines had to take to qualify for the MA. However, this lovely lady, whose classes were unmissable but was reputed to be a tough marker, restored my self-confidence by giving me a very good grade for an essay on Central European architecture at the turn of the 20th century, with some very nice things to say about my research skills. After that I never looked back. And whenever our paths cross, she’s never short of something positive and encouraging to say.

    I’m flattered that you thought I might be American and it’s true that on the two trips, each about a month long, I’ve so far made to the USA I’ve felt very much at home there. I can’t wait to go back, and this time I’d love to cross the border into Canada. My other half has a long-cherished ambition to drive Route 66. We’re going to need more than one trip. 🙂 However, I’m a Brit and a Londoner to boot.

    I’m new to this particular post – but have been on the 5:2 for nine weeks and I’m 7lbs lighter. I am guilty of getting way too hung up on the numbers on the scales I must say – especially today, being a weigh in day..and feeling real “slim” this morning, only to step on the scales and it read that I had gained a measly half a pound!! However, I am nearing my goal weight and don’t have much to lose now..so I know this will be when it starts to get hard. Just need to persevere. May do a 4:3 next week to jump start my metabolism. I have read many posts on the forum from people who have stayed the same weight, or gained even though clothes feel looser..the forum has been a huge help to me and all the posts have kept me motivated – a big thank you to all and keep going, good luck!

    I usually try and drink a 2 litre bottle of fizzy water – occasional black coffee – just one today.
    I just try and look forward to the following feed day, the full English breakfast justifies the means.

    Hello Fast Friends,
    Welcome to all of the newbies, please do join in.
    Thank you all for such great support.Family crisis seems to be calming down and I am thrilled to report x2 very strict fast days this week too. I hope that there is some change somewhere to show for it, mind you I made jolly certain that I had a cake on 2 of the non fast days!So I hope to report that there is a change tomorrow.I have a half marathon in 2 weeks on Sunday, which is very scary as the training has been rubbish due to injury mainly. Ho hum. My son/stats man/pace-setter has just informed me that we will be running the 13.1 miles tomorrow morning!!!!

    Annette well done on the 2 fast days too…..WOW!! 13 miles I take my hat off to you . Looking forward to see how you do

    Wee xx

    Hi, Lynn good for you nearing your goal. Patience is very important at that stage. Keep it up, you’ll get there.

    Good to see everyone! Annette glad you had a good week, good luck with that run. Makes me tired just thinking about it. LOL

    Good fasting everyone. Phyllis

    Hi Hermajtomo,
    I knew I could hear an accent from you,,, I knew you were not Canadian. I am Canadian and I live fairly close to US border.
    I love to hear stories of strong women who grew to know HOW strong they really are,, usually out of some ( or a lot) of hardship. Good for you!
    Today was an ok day,I have to count them up,,, I am counting calories just to see how much I ate…. In Kuwait you could barely read the numbers let alone understand nutritional values so I don’t know calorie counts.
    I know I turned down the very large piece of pie,, and split it in half,,,better than the whole thing.

    Snedger,,,thanks for the note,,,
    I had an ok day after a fast day,,, but really looking forward to another fast day… Birthday party tomorrow for a friend,,,,, so will be a test to stay away from sweets.

    I am new here. Did my first fast on Monday. 3 meals total 486 calories. Second fast day 490 calories just having breakfast and dinner. I plan to weigh every Tuesday. I am not counting calories on my non fast days. I lost 100 lbs over the past 4 years so I know what foods I can eat to stay within my calorie range. I gainned back 45 lbs so now I am trying this. I am hoping this will be a life style I can live with and not yoyo any more. I am 67 and a breast cancer survivor twice so I need to be healthy.

    Great start, buffy. It must be really helpful that you already know your way around food and calorie values. Let’s hope that 5:2 will keep you as healthy as you want to be, as I’m sure it will.

    Hi Debbie, I think you can allow yourself to celebrate your friend’s birthday with a little something sweet – as long as it really IS little and you aren’t seen scurrying away with the whole birthday cake. 🙂 Enjoy the party.

    Hi Buffy, welcome! Sounds like you are off to a great start. Congratulations on the weight you have already lost. And especially congrats on surviving cancer twice!! I think this is the easiest plan I’ve ever done(and I’ve done a lot). I think you will like it. Please visit often and keep us up with how you are doing. Oh, and be sure to take your measurements so you can see the inches melt. Good luck.

    Debbie, one of the great things about this plan is you can have some cake and still loose. I found over time that I didn’t want as much as I used too, but I still eat a little of anything I want. Have fun at the party.

    Hermjtomomi, thank you so much for all the encouragement and help you give us all. I really enjoy your posts. Happy fasting Phyllis

    Good morning all . Just in for a quick visit .
    I would so love to go to Jamies resturant I am dead jealous ( as they say here in Scotland).

    I love the willpower of just the half of the cake . My temptation is ice Cream . When I was on LOW CARB I always broke the diet with ice cream . I can have some now and just count it in my daily allowance . I love skinny cow choc mint chip and I look forward to that once a week .
    I managed to do the 2 fast days back to back and my tummy is rumbling at the moment . Both under 300 carbs as that is quarter of my daily allowance as I am an auld git lol .
    I usually do Mondays and Thursdays but I wanted to just give myself a wee boost before going to the Lakes next Sunday and Monday and home on the Tuesday . It’s 2 years since we had a wee break and we are looking forward to it so much .
    Off to have my shower now . Hubby and I have the day together as our lovely daughter in Law is seeing to Dad today (He is 96 and has Alzheimers) . Don’t know if we are going out or not …Just see what the day brings .

    Have a great day everyone …and well done Buffy

    Wee xx

    Hermajtomo and Mount/Phyllis
    Bigger numbers yesterday than I thought. I was just under the 2000 mark but still a dismal number. It was a good exercise to go through and I will continue for awhile until I get a feeling of what “lower calorie” foods look like again.
    When it comes to sweets and especially candy, I have an out of body experience…. Someone else takes over,,, not mindful and just gorge. There is not enough chocolate (and pie) in the world,,,, almost alcoholic,,,,, so it means all or nothing. Cake and cookies, I wouldn’t walk across the room for.
    So I do know what I have to do when it comes to pie and candy.

    There is a birthday party today and I know I will be smaller on her next birthday!
    Thank you again for your support and encouragement.

    I’m so glad you enjoy my posts, phyllis. One of the very few talents I have is a neat turn of phrase. As for encouraging everyone, they/we achieve so much, sometimes against incredible odds, what else can anyone do but cheer them on?

    Hi wee,
    Greetings from one “auld git” to another. 🙂 Until a couple of years ago, I really could take or leave ice cream. With many brands I still can, but since Haagen Dazs introduced creme brulee, dulce de leche and, even worse, salted caramel, I share your temptation. There’s some in the freezer right now. In my own defence, it is strictly kept for non-fast days and even then we only eat it about once a week. OH has just appeared with some strawberries, so I guess we’ll be having those with HD ice cream this very evening.

    Enjoy your weekend, whatever you choose to do.

    Wow Buffy,
    You are impressive. I wish I could get the numbers that low on my fast days… You give me inspiration!… In many ways… First the cancer survivor challenge. Way to go, girl. Bless you
    Second the weight loss… OMG, super. The weight gain is only a blip and you know what you have to do.
    Keep it up and keep in touch.
    I just did my first fast and although it was a try, the numbers were too large. I have been living in Middle East and I think through emotions I regained my 30 lb weight loss over the two years.
    Now is the time to concentrate on what I HAVE to do.
    Keep well and keep in touch.

    Wow Buffy,
    You are impressive. I wish I could get the numbers that low on my fast days… You give me inspiration!… In many ways… First the cancer survivor challenge. Way to go, girl. Bless you
    Second the weight loss… OMG, super. The weight gain is only a blip and you know what you have to do.
    Keep it up and keep in touch.
    I just did my first fast and although it was a try, the numbers were too large. I have been living in Middle East and I think through emotions I regained my 30 lb weight loss over the two years.
    Now is the time to concentrate on what I HAVE to do.
    Keep well and keep in touch.

    Morning Fast Friends,

    I love reading all the posts, such an interesting bunch of folk.
    I stood on the scales this morning and was exactly the same, so were my measurements. Now I know this happens but I was completely demoralized and very negative on our run.

    We staggered round a very very slow 13.1 miles=1500 calories burned. Calories in via sports drinks/mars bars=1000.Net gain =500 calories, not much is it?

    Ho hum.I shall fast 2 days next week and then wont the following week as it will be the week of the half and I will need some carbs.
    Good luck everyone.

    Impressive that you posted by 1:30 pm that you’d completed your morning semi-snickers – unless you started really, really early 🙂
    Never mind the cal balance, just think about the investment in muscle for an improved basal metabolic rate.
    I walked with a new Ramblers group today – only 5 miles – countryside here is not the best of England – I’m not getting a car, so train journey research is required.

    Thanks Snedger. I hadn’t thought about investment in muscle, which is odd as I have very very sore thighs!Stairs are a bit of a challenge.We took 3 hours, walked and ran. On the plus side, at least I know that I can stagger round, but the course is fast and I am expecting to be the last over the finishing line after all those speedy souls.

    Good luck with your train research.

    Question for anyone,,,,
    Do you try to stay under the TDEE or the BMR on non fast days?

    I try to stay under my TDEE. I’d be slightly uncomfortable eating less than my BMR every day on top of fasting and that’s not the point of this WOL for me. I don’t want to be thinking about food all day on my regular days, that defeats the point of this diet. I do however have days where I eat around or only slightly above my BMR but that happens automatically so I feel perfectly saturated en then it doesn’t feel like a task.

    Thank you FlemishCurves,
    I looked at the definitions of TDEE and BMR and you are correct… BMR is what you burn when doing nothing,,,
    I do not want to be worried about what I am eating ALL the time. That is every other DIET… That I eventually failed.
    Thank you

    Hi Debbie,
    The whole point of doing the 5:2 for me was not counting calories.I never believed that it would work for me and sort of thought that I was stuck at a certain weight and would never be able to shift below it.I lost on average a lb a week, but the changes in my body shape were far more impressive.

    Keep trying on the clothes, measuring vital statistics and weighing no more than once a week. One famous month when the scales seemed to be broken, I lost 7 inches!

    Thank you Annette,
    I have just returned from Middle East after two years,, living with sister until my newly purchased condo is ready and basically still living out of suitcases. The best thing is that she does not have scales and I am unable to jump on every hour and be in a constant roller coaster of highs and lows.
    The other thing for me is that I can’t remember the calorie content of many foods after being away and not nutritional vales on the side of the jar that I could translate. I thought I would keep track of the calories for a few weeks so I get back into it
    Annette that job of keeping track of calories has made me HONEST!

    Honest to myself. Honest to what I am really eating. Makes me think twice if I am really hungry, really need it or just plain bored or eating it just because the food is in sight.
    My problem is candy. I have not had any chocolate,,, am somewhat holding back on that one,,, I am so addicted to chocolate, candy,,, sugar, that I am not in control. I would kill for some, just like a drug. So right now, I need to stay away,,, as they say,,, one is too much and hundreds are not enough.
    I have had a piece of pie(favourite type of desert) but thank goodness it tasted pretty rough,,, but did not have good sense to NOT to eat it.

    I am consistently below my TDEE and someday I will weigh, but until then I will let my clothes and tape confirm that I have lost weight.
    Thank you again.

    Hi Debbie,

    Here’s my two-pennyworth to add to FlemishCurves’s and annette’s contributions. I started by not counting calories on non-fast days. In the beginning I probably did eat up to 2000 cals on a fast day. I still lost weight, though, probably because of the shock to the system of fasting two days a week. Then when I found myself on a plateau for 5 months I was rather more careful.

    I still don’t count the calories on non-fast days, but I’m calorie-aware. For example, if some high-calorie eating in planned – dinner out, a meeting with friends over coffee and cake, or I’m about to cook something involving lamb shanks or something else very meaty, I make some adjustments to the rest of the day’s calorie intake. I don’t include family visits in this regime. There’s little chance of me overeating as the kids hoover up a fair portion of the goodies before the adults get the chance. 🙂 Also, as I’ve said before, there may come a moment when, if you really overdo things on a non-fast day, you feel so unwell 🙁 you won’t be doing it again any time soon.

    How true Hermaj.
    I think that I might be in denial. The week that I counted the calories, I lost 2 lb, which I have since put back on, although to be fair I am juggling with the same lbs since Christmas!I had hoped to reach goal by now.

    Summer is over and I am back to work tomorrow, but will have to be calorie aware and leave the biscuits alone. It is going to be tough.

    I am going out for a meal tomorrow with my friends and have never refused pudding yet, so will have to be creative with a packed lunch tomorrow.

    Hi Annette and Phyllis,
    I think I have such an unconscious eater for so long that I don’t know NORMAL. I know for a fact the eating in Kuwait was a comfort /depression thing because it was just work and apartment sitting. I could have made more effort to get out and exercise.

    I have an app that as you insert what you eat,,,dairy,,,,,it counts calories, fat. Protein and carbs. I am amazed at the percentages. Keeping that list of foods is helpful to me about being more conscious and keeping my wits about me to know what I am eating, serving size and when I am hungry vs bored or scared.
    I have been in a job 44 years where I ate on the go,, eat and walk, eat and talk or go all day, famished but unable to take time to eat,,,,and then inhaling it! I have to sloooow down when I eat.
    I can see where the counting calories are going to stop very soon. I am busy with seeing people most of the week,, don’t know what day I will get them in,,,, have to figure that out,,,, ed and Friday will likely be it!

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