I think I need to increase my calories on non fast days!

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I think I need to increase my calories on non fast days!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Spaponte 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Help! I started last week and did 2 days of fasts and survived! However I was on the LOSE IT App ( not sure if anyone is familiar) before I started the 5:2 plan. It was only giving me a daily allowance of 742 calories. So that’s what I have been eating on non fast days. Yet from reading forums your suppose to eat at or just below your TDEE which for me is like 1300 calories. I am scared that if I go that high on non fast days it will slow down my weight loss ( 3 lbs week one! ) yet if I stick with this I will lose my mind! Should I just go for my TDEE?

    If you are ok with a slower fat loss, then eat 742 calories. 500 calories (for women) is based on a 2000 calorie per day, most people eat more than that, but you can do 500 calories for one day and then repeat. You get to decide what intermittent fasting looks like for you, no one else.
    Have you read the book?

    Hi VibeRadiant
    No I ordered it and am waiting for it. In the meantime, I am reading up mostly online and on these Forums. I really want to lose body fat and don’t want to lose muscle. Should I go up to my TDEE? Is that whats worked for you?

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