I need to lose 6 stone. Any big girls want to buddy up?

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I need to lose 6 stone. Any big girls want to buddy up?

This topic contains 944 replies, has 62 voices, and was last updated by  Lolly_ 8 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 947 total)

  • NorthernGal, so glad you’re dealing with a persistent problem. It must be daunting to look at such a long course of antibiotics but if they do the trick that’s what counts. And I hope they will to your entire satisfaction.

    Try not to stress about it in the short run. You may be more sensitive to it than other people are but, in any case, we all have our flaws. I hope that make up can make up for anything the antibiotics don’t.

    About those antibiotics, tho, did your doctor give you any remedy for the gut flora they will wipe out too? American doctors frequently don’t caution people but when I was in South Africa I was prescribed a probiotic along with an antibiotic. I would be certain to include that and also fermented foods: yogurt, sauerkraut, cheeses, etc. You want to repopulate the beneficial bacteria that help you metabolize the food you take in and, I personally believe, fuel our healthy appetites and inhibit our counterproductive ones.

    I wouldn’t worry about the chocolate bar. You had an upset. Now you’re dealing with it. And you’ve done so well since you started IF that I’m sure that improved health aspect will help counter the newer problem.

    ((HUGS)) while you’re dealing with the roseacea.

    Awesome, speckles! Just AWESOME!!!

    My biggest tip, carole, is to keep busy and distracted. It’s shallow as all h*ll but sometimes I go shopping. There’s lots to see and much of it can be very motivating and I can pound around the streets or the mall while getting errands done. But there may be gardening you’ve been neglecting or someone you haven’t seen in ages, or a project to roll up your sleeves and dive into at work or an audio book you could get engrossed in while walking in the park.

    Two things that you should know are 1) you won’t get hungrier and hungrier. You’ll get hungry then you’ll get distracted and it will go away. That may happen several times in a day but the point is, if you don’t wait it out when it comes you won’t get to see that it passes. And 2) the more you do it, the more it becomes part of your pattern each week and the easier it will get. I’ve been doing this since just before Christmas and now I look forward to my FDs. They reset my appetites, make me feel energetic and great, and they make it possible for me to enjoy the food on my food days. Oh, and I’ve gone from size 20 jeans to size 12s.

    Oh! Just remembered. Some people suck a slice of lemon and find that that shocks them out of the hunger and I drink something warm. Could be tea. Could be some chicken broth. I put some celery salt and a splash of tomato juice in the broth too. Adds some flavor for not very many calories.

    NorthernGal, I have rosacea, too. It affects so many people for so many reasons that it’s hard to pin down, as you know only too well. Mine has cleared up unbelievably this past couple of weeks on 5:2, and I’m so grateful. But previously, I found it was flaring due to things like wheat and tomatoes. Apparently, it wasn’t keen on sugar, either! Would it be too lucky to hope that you might be able to look back and see something new introduced 8 months ago? Fingers crossed for you.

    I see you, speckles, dancing on air! Wonderful news for you, congratulations!

    Carole, try drinking lots of water, I find if I keep my tummy full of fluids I don’t get hungry. Of course I also try to keep myself busy and prefer to do a fast day when I am working as I never get a break anyway. – It used to be eat a sandwich at the desk so I just have a glass of H2o and a cup of black coffee. Personally I find once I eat, I get hungry so I don’t eat till dinnertime and I am fine but on the occasions that I have breakfast, I am looking forward to dinner all day.
    Stick with it as it is worth the angst to start with. you will get into a nice flow.

    Thanks Girls, I had a great nights sleep feeling so much lighter!

    Northern Gal. I had a client who had Rosacea and we were able to get rid of it through a combination of essential oils which she used daily and also looked at a lot of reasons why she primarily had it on her face.
    For her, and this is just an example, she didn’t feel confident meeting new people or even going out in general. So her work was a tiny office tucked away from everyone and that suited her. When she looked at her issues and treated her skin it cleared up but it was a lot of work and soul searching.
    I know that for some people it is a skin problem that can be dealt with and gone but for others there may be an underlying emotional trigger.
    For so many of us, there are physical ailments that are often masking emotional issues. Of course not every cold etc had some underlying cause but I am finding it is worthwhile checking with yourself. Even our excess weight serves us a purpose.
    There is a great book by Louise Hay called You Can Heal Your Life. which is worth having a read of.
    I hope I haven’t overstepped boundaries here. It is just something to think about and written with love.

    Thanks everyone for your lovely words. What an amazing support this thread is for all kinds of issues.

    LA – completely agree about the probiotics. Doctors here don’t mention it either.

    Lolly – it’s wonderful to hear that 5:2 is helping to clear yours up. Are there any creams or cleansers that you have found to be particularly good?

    Speckles – you comments have been received with the same love with which they were written. What is it that you do? I do completely agree that emotional issues can be the root cause of physical symptoms. In 2015 I didn’t care in the slightest how I looked or that I was gaining weight so maybe it’s a reflection of that in my skin?
    I was doing research online into the wee hours last night and made the decision to try and tackle it via natural means and diet. If no difference then I would start on the antibiotics. Low and behold, I’ve woken up this morning and it’s better than it’s been for ages. Plus my eyes are actually white again – they’ve been red for such a long time (which I was putting down to sleep deprivation).
    I’m a great believer in the power of the mind also. I had excruciating back pain last year and every single movement literally made me scream with pain (the neighbours later said that they though we were having some weird kinky sex!!). I didn’t want to stop breastfeeding suddenly (my little fella has his own health problems and my milk really helps) so all I could take was paracetamol. A whole succession of medical professionals kept telling me that I needed hardcore pain killers and that I just needed to stop breastfeeding. Anyway, one evening it got so bad that I decided I just had to take pain killers (major decision and very, very upsetting). My partner called our doctor who said “finally” and faxed a prescription to our local pharmacy. During that phone call my partner asked if I’d still be able to look after a 2 year old, or would I be too out of it? This hadn’t even occurred to me. I decided right then that I was going to get better as I had to look after my son. I started saying over and over again “I feel fine, my back feels great” and started hobbling up and down the room. 2 hours later I’d gone from literally screaming with every movement, to standing upright. I certainly wasn’t pain free, but the difference was unbelievable. The mind is truly remarkable. You might be interested to know Speckles that it was a wonderful lady that I called the next morning to come and carry out hypnosis for the pain (though we did EFT “tapping” in the end) who linked my back pain to a problem that was going on with my partner. And she was absolutely right. Incredible. I was causing my own pain with my mind!!
    Anyway, sorry for the long post. The long and short of it is, that I’ve decided that I’m going to do everything in my power to do something about the rosacea naturally.

    Have a fab (and hopefully sunny) day everyone.

    Dear NG-

    Good for you!

    PS Oh dear!!! I re-read what I wrote yesterday and that first sentence is a doozy! I didn’t mean that I was glad you HAD a health problem. I meant I was glad you were taking a health problem IN HAND. I hope and trust that was clear.

    I forgot that you were breastfeeding. How brave and wonderful if you can skip the antibiotics for your little guy. But do be smart about taking care of yourself!

    NG what an amazing post! It’s amazing what the power of the mind can actually make you achieve. I’m a great believer also. I believe that although many here have had weight issues for so long and some for many years getting our minds around losing weight, living this way of life, and accepting it for what it is, is more than half way to achieving our weight loss I guess. Previously, I have always attempted to lose weight too half heartedly and if I had a bad day all would go to pot and I would end up putting it all back on and more. This time my head seems to be in a state of just acceptance. That’s the only word I can think of – acceptance. I feel calm about things instead of anxious and ‘what if I don’t lose weight this week’. If I have a bad day now, I will accept it, pick myself up, dust myself off and I will just carry on. I’m going to see what happens when I don’t give up! Hope you all have a lovely evening (or day if you are not in the UK!).

    Skyblue, that’s my experience too! And it’s the greatest part about intermittent fasting: I am relieved of the “food crazy” after about 6 decades! The fat burning is a peripheral effect that makes me healthier. The weight loss is almost inconsequential in comparison even if that’s what motivated me to begin.

    How *blessed* not to be controlled by either the food cravings or a number on a scale! I know some of you consider the scale an important tool and I’m highly in favor of what works for individuals. But I feel liberated of ALL of it and just HEALTHIER and MORE RELAXED.

    Meh, no loss for me this week. My first plateau. I guess that’s the Easter effect, although I thought I was pretty good – maybe I’m kidding myself. That lemon tart wasn’t going to eat itself. Measured, but that didn’t look much different either (maybe if I squint a bit I’ve lost an inch from my waist) but I’m not very good at measuring. Pulled on an old pair of jeans that I used to have to suck in to zip up, and now they’re too roomy across the stomach and in the bottom so that is pleasing at least. I shall take inspiration from Buttonboots and just keep on keeping on.

    LA its such a liberation isn’t it. I was going to say ‘a weight off our shoulders’ but that would have been too much of a pun! But it really is a relief just to not be bothered about it any more and take each day/week as it comes and just carry on regardless. I think before I was too busy wanting to lose weight by ‘such and such a date’ and getting frustrated and unmotivated when it didn’t happen so just gave up altogether. This time I am telling myself it is not a race and there is no date I need to have shed the weight by so it will go when it goes and that’s that. I’m not going to give myself deadlines anymore.

    MMe – That’s the spirit, don’t worry, you know it’s going to come off eventually! It’s great news that your jeans are getting loose so changes are happening anyway!! As you say just keep on keeping on!!

    It’s weigh in day today for me also, was a bit shocked to see another pound has bit the dust after last weekend’s Easter Shenanigans! I’m now down to 14st 4lb. 1 more pesky pound and I will have lost a stone since my first weigh in on 5th February.

    Have a lovely day all and HAPPY WEEKEND!

    Apologies, I’m talking only about myself, and no one else. That’s great, Skyblue! Fingers crossed you hit your stone (and maybe a bit more) next week.

    Sorry to hear about the rosecea, NG. I hope your skin continues to clear.

    I definitely agree that deadlines aren’t helpful and I’m trying not to think in those terms. I can’t believe we’re already in April and I’ve been doing this “diet” for longer than I’ve done any other kind, and it’s been so much easier. Also lost more weight in the time than I ever have. We’re off to the US in a couple of weeks, so it would be nice to be a kilo or two down before we leave, but what will be will be.

    LA, speckles, Lolly, carole – keep doing your thing and let us know how you get on.

    Soooooo right, Skyblue! The other day I finally caught on that what I’m doing is not dieting or losing weight. It’s recovering from an unhealthy life.

    MmeMonkey, so great to hear that your jeans are telling the tale of you are also recovering. Jeans are my indicator too as I don’t weigh at all. And keep it mind that a smaller jean size is really very significant as I think it represents a good bit of fat liberated from our bodies. You don’t drop a jean size by losing water weight!

    How is MMonkey’s IF been going?

    Hello all, may I join this forum? I’ve signed up and am just starting the 5:2 diet! I need to lose about 5 stones but my first goal is 1 stone. Any tips for a complete beginner? I’ve read the info for newbies but wondered if any of you lovely people have any extra tips for me?

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi LA! And thanks for asking.

    MMonkey’s journey is going well too. He’s lost a stone since we started, and is down to the lowest weight he’s been for quite some time (he actually weighs quite a bit less than I do – I would like to be lighter than him one day!). He’s had a more erratic journey than me, lots of plateaus and then drops of 2 or 3 lbs. Not sure he fasted yesterday, as he’s been away at his uncle’s funeral, so probably not a good day to do it. But we plan to continue with this WOE as we’ve had great results, and are finding it very doable. It’s also saving us lots of money. Our bank balance is looking healthier than it has for ages, as we’re not spending so much money on rubbish.

    Oh, my mother has started doing it too!

    So, so true SB and LA. You have both summed it up perfectly.

    MmeM, that is fantastic news about the jeans!! Worth much more than a pound off on the scales. I know it can be disheartening, but hopefully next weigh in will be good.

    Welcome Pigpog! There is loads of information on the forum and I wish you every success with 5:2 and hope that it changes your life, in the same way that it has changed so many of ours.

    SB, that is fantastic news. Congratulations!! We are in perfect alignment this week SB as I have also lost 1lb (and 5cm!!) and also now weigh 14 stone 4 lbs!

    I’m off on holiday on Saturday and look forward to reading what you’ve all been up to when I get back. Take care everyone and have a great weekend.

    Welcome pigpog!

    My tips would be:

    before you start, take a bit of time to think how you might manage the fast days and maybe have a practice semi-fast day (perhaps experiment with skipping a meal) to see how you go

    plan what you’re going to eat that day ahead of time – don’t put yourself in situations where you’re called on to improvise

    if you plan to cook something fairly involved and time-consuming, like a stew, do it ahead of your fast day so you just have to reheat it. Even better, batch cook and freeze

    avoid sugar, even fruit (on fast days, fine for non-fast days, if you can handle sugar – plenty on here are sugar-free though)

    make sure you drink lots of water throughout your fast day, you’ll need to keep hydrated. A good selection of herbal and fruit teas can make things less dull, as can miso soup or stock pots

    a spiraliser can be a good investment to make as they make vegetables so much more versatile and interesting – but perhaps don’t splash out until you’re confident you’re going to stick with it as the good ones are quite expensive

    Welcome, pigpog! I never read the tips for beginners so I wouldn’t know what to add. What do they say?

    You are lucky to have so much support in your real life, MmeMonkey! And they’re lucky that you helped them to a healthier life. I KNOW you will get down there below Monkey! It’s just easier for them to lose weight.

    My husband had a gastric bypass some 5 years ago. He’s weighed less than me since. …and he’s a full foot taller than I am. But I’m getting there… And I don’t have all the stomach upsets and food no-no’s he now does!

    I hear ya about the money saved when you’re (that’s the editorial “you” that actually means “me”) not eating for an army. In my last successful diet (that lasted more than 2 years) I saved so much I started collecting Trollbeads and spent *thousands*. I am such an over__________(fill in the blank). Just *have* to have some kind of excess in my life. 😖

    Good tips, MmeMonkey! Particularly the business about making your FDs easier by making sure sugar doesn’t sabotage them.

    I don’t think Dr. Mosley ever talked about sugar, did he? I know he said occasional treats are OK on 5:2 but I think they just set some of us up for struggle and failure.

    I had treats and excess over Easter and managed to get back on track by fasting but that’s after I’ve been 5:2ing for more than 3 months. I think if I had had that indulgence early on I wouldn’t have been able to get back on my horse. And I know people on another thread who have been doing 5:2 for more than a year and still struggle when they have some simple allowed but sugar-laden snack (which included alcohol, BTW). They are now working on eliminating it completely. It’s tough to watch how they struggle and how it makes the rest of their program harder despite the enormous successes they’ve had.

    I gave sugar and processed foods up pretty willingly and I do OK with small amounts of sugar, say, in commercial tomato sauces or yogurts. On the other hand, I avoid grains like nuclear waste. We’re all different and, even while we do 5:2, I think we need to experiment with what works for us and what doesn’t. But I would DEFINITELY eliminate as much sugar as possible at first and certainly on FDs and then add small amounts back in once the body adapts to IF.

    Yes, I am lucky – and I found it harder doing a fast day on my own yesterday. He’s always been very healthy – schoolboy athlete and played football and cricket for years and years and is still very active doing lots of running, walking and cycling – but he’s quite tall and broadchested and likes his beer and food. so developed a bit of a gut. He’s still a few pounds above the upper end of his healthy BMI, but I think BMI might be a load of old rubbish.

    Is your husband still on micro-meals after his bypass? I’ve never met anyone who’s had one.

    I wouldn’t call them micro-meals by any stretch of the imagination but he eats a fraction of what he used to. I mean he finishes most of a 2-egg omelette with veggies and an English muffin for breakfast if that’s an indication. A pretty normal adult man’s breakfast.

    He’s developed a small gut again in the 6 or 7 years since his surgery but he’s MUCH healthier. His Type 2 diabetes stays controlled by meds now and he has a family history and long personal history of cardiac issues so I think it’s fair to say the surgery saved his life.

    Thanks for the welcome LA Chubster and for the tips MmeMonkey. At present it is not unusual for me to not get a lunch break at work so often miss a meal anyway! I’m planning to fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays (both work days) and split my 500 cals between 2 meals – breakfast and tea. Do you think this would work or is it better to have just one meal in the day?

    Whatever works for you. You might want to delay eating anything for as long as you can. I tried breakfast and then dinner on my first day, but found it too hard (although it was fruit for breakfast, which was a mistake). I skip breakfast, have a small lateish lunch at around 1.30/2pm and then a bigger meal in the early evening. YMMV.

    LA: pleased to hear he’s doing well!

    NG That’s fantastic news!! Well done on the loss – we are heading in the right direction!

    Welcome to the Forum Pigpog. MMe has given you some fantastic tips there and I can’t really add to it. Everyone finds their own path as to what works for them. For me I don’t eat until dinner time and have my 500 calorie allocation then. It just makes me hungry if I eat anything during the day so I wait. Also as NG says there are plenty of hints and tips on this site too!

    Have a lovely weekend all!

    Hi all!

    Good to see everyone is staying on track after the Easter Break!

    NG – you have all my sympathy! I too have skin conditions and know what a misery they can be. I have been feeling run down this week – (and will probably just manage one fast day this week and hope to stay-the-same weight wise….it happens occasionally)- and typically my skin has broken out as a result…any stress or feeling under the weather and the skin gets affected…..Are you seeing a skin specialist? I have psoriasis (amongst other things) and find that going soap free has helped – I get soapless-‘soap’, moisturisers and shampoos on prescription)

    Hi all

    Glad to see everyone still going strong. I’m just popping in after being away on a family holiday. I took a planned complete break from fasting, and being Easter, activities included lots of chocolate eating, drinking and generally being merry. Monday is my usual weigh-in so hope to pop back in soon as I need to climb back on the wagon next week and get back on track.

    I seem to have lost several posts I have written over the last week. Has this happened to anyone else?

    Welcome PP, you’ve been given some great info to start with and will work out for yourself as time goes by what suits your lifestyle and needs the most.

    LA, you are correct, I have read Dr Mosley’s book twice now and he doesn’t talk at all about sugar. I wonder if that is because he is British and the “sugar” no-no has a lot more attention in the USA than it does in other countries. I saw a doco on Sugar vs. fat done by 2 Drs who were brothers, one lived in the USA and the other in London. It followed their progress as each omitted the relevant component from their diet. I think it was simply called Sugar vs. Fat. Very interesting.

    We are now entering the last of the summer evenings and I am afraid that my salad for dinner is not gong to be as satisfying in the cooler months. In the past I have made big batches of vegetable soup and usually had this for dinner or taken some for lunch. The problem is I LOVE to have bread with the soup to mop up the remains and to give me something to chew. AS I have been avoiding bread because of the carbs does anyone have other suggestions for easy meals that can be cooked in advance and frozen. I am on my own but usually cook 4 portions and fridge or freeze the rest for later.

    MMe, that is great that both you and your hubby are doing this together. Also it would be interesting to see what you both eat and how if affects your weight release. Do you both keep diaries?

    BB, I hope you are feeling better, I know that skin conditions are very hard to deal with. My sister has psoriasis and when she is stressed she doesn’t want to go out as it is all over her legs and arms.

    Happy Sunday
    I release any excess fat cells that no longer serve me.

    Hi Everyone,

    I would like to join your group! I did some fasting a few years back and had amazing results. I had more energy and my face looked great. I think I lost about 25 lbs. The downside is that I did loose a lot of hair…nothing noticeable to others but definitely to me. I don’t think that will be a problem this time b/c I am taking vitamins and minerals.

    My plan is similar to LA Chubster: On the days I eat I won’t start until after 2pm. I will not eat unless I am hungry and I will do a 24hr fast 2x per week. I will be paying attention to my body and if I am tired I will sleep instead of eating.

    So glad you all seem to be making progress. I am 53, almost 6 feet tall and will be losing approximately 40lbs. I will weigh myself tomorrow and then not again until I am at the weight I want to be.

    Very happy to be here!

    Hi SS and welcome.

    I LOVE your attitude, though be gentle on yourself as well. I am 54 so know it is a bit more difficult to release the weight once you have reached menopause, which of course does not mean it is not do-able as many of us are achieving it and the 5;2 is suitable for most people.

    I haven’t done a 24hr fast as yet. Am saving it to a plateau when I will need a boost.

    I envy you your height, though you probably hate it. I would like a few inches more than my 5’3 that I have shrunk to. LOL

    I release any excess fat cells that no longer serve me.

    Hi speckles – we both track what we eat using MFP although hubby is much better at this than me. The main attraction of 5:2 for both of us is that we get to eat pretty normally for five days a week, so we eat fairly normally – three meals a day, nothing excluded.

    I’d say the big changes we’ve made are to cut out all kinds of pastries and desserts (except for special occasions). If we want dessert it’s fruit and/or yoghurt. We used to have croissants or pain au chocolate every Saturday morning; that’s stopped. We’ve upped the veg and reduced the carbs, so we’ll still have mashed potato or rice, but much less than we did. And portion control (we’re feasters rather than cravers), we’re eating much less and reeducating ourselves on portion size. A possibly bad example (it’s been an untypical couple of weeks), but we got an Indian takeaway on Friday night, and that did us for two meals, Friday and Saturday. Six months ago we would have scoffed the lot. We used to have a large rich meal most nights of the week, but now we try to have smaller, simpler meals: beans on toast, kippers with a poached egg, jacket potato with tuna. It’s a cheaper way of eating, as well.

    I like your approach, MmeMonkey. Modifications you can both live with long term. Portion control is going to be key for me rather than deprivation, and it’s been interesting to keep a food diary the last few weeks. I was taking in too many calories even when I thought I was making good choices, so I’ve found weighing and measuring a big help. I also started using a smaller plate and bowl and my brain seems happy to be tricked.

    Welcome, Pigpog and Sarah! 5:2 is working for so many people, and I’m sure it can work for you, too. Keep reading everything you can here — there’s a wealth of experience to help you make your own choices.

    Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family, Lisa!

    NG, really interesting post about the rosacea. I use a mild cleansing gel rather than soap but have trouble with most moisturisers. I’ve been testing Burt’s Bees with some success recently. A friend is sending me a new product to try, so I’ll let you know if it helps at all. But I’m intrigued by the emotional triggering, and it’s set me thinking. Also, I do agree that antibiotics don’t seem to be the answer.

    I was thinking about your bread with soup question, speckles. I like to cook-ahead, too, so I went looking through my own recipes thinking I must have something useful for you. I was stunned to see just how much my recipes depend on carbs! I see some re-working ahead of me…

    Mme Monkey, I think small changes may be a lot more sustainable in the long run than big, radical changes. It’s inspiring to read how many habits you were able to modify and “tweak”.

    LA, I read somewhere earlier on this thread that you wrote about living to create the perfect loaf of bread, and what a long process it was for you to let go of carbs – I know the feeling. I love baking, it’s magical to take such unpromising ingredients as flour and turn them into something different altogether. When we were kids and teenagers, my sister and I would pick recipes my mother didn’t make and try them out – we loved doing this. I’ve almost stopped baking “regular” stuff (I only bake “regular” cakes for potlucks, but feel increasingly bad about offering sugary stuff) and bake the occasional bread. This suits me fine because it helps me to avoid tempting carbs. Now I will have to reconsider – my 6-months-old baby is starting to eat regular food and LOVES bread. I’d rather offer her homemade breads without all kinds of icky ingredients in it, so I’ll have to find a new way of dealing with Bread In The House. Bother.

    Morning all…another bread-lover here!
    I bake my own bread. That way I know exactly what I am eating. It also helos with controlling the cravings – I could quite easily eat a whole loaf on my own – between meals! It is onlt good sense not to have temptation like that around!

    Given the choice, I would rarely go for the British soft white ‘pap’ bread. I like a nice rye bread…or maybe a sourdough…perhaps an occasional slice of three of pumpernickel…I am all but drooling!

    It is a fast day for me today…must stop thinking of carbs!

    Hi all
    Feeling refreshed after my hols and glad to get back on track with a fasting day today. Scales say 2lb gain – not too bad and expected as much. Here’s hoping a good week will see a chunk of that gone.

    Catching up on posts – I’m a big bread lover too – its one of my real trigger foods. The family are white bread eaters and I try not to touch it. Buttonboots – I’m with you and avoidance of temptation really is best. If I really fancy some though I’ve started making my own quick flatbreads and adding herbs/spices to keep flavours interesting. It gives me just enough and no leftovers to consume….
    Speckles – love your way with words and talk of releasing the weight.
    I’m learning all the time and recently watched “that sugar film” by Damon Gameau and found it eye opening in places. Once back into the swing of things I need to revisit my food shop choices and sugar consumption. I don’t think I’m too bad but as has been said, small changes will continue to add up.
    Have a good week everyone

    Lisa and Buttonboots – yes, avoiding temptation is the key – I just can’t have good bread in the kitchen. Luckily, The Husband has an abysmal taste in bread and buys whatever cheap edible bread-like substance is on offer in the supermarkets; not tempting at all.
    To work around temptation while providing the baby with something to chew on, I thought I’d make small spelt breadsticks and freeze them and maybe small oatcakes. But we’re still stuck at the mashed pumpkin stage, I guess I don’t have to hurry.

    Fast day on Wednesday, and lovely day out ahead.
    Hope you are all well and happy!

    Good morning all – just checking in and catching up with everyone’s posts.

    Welcome to the Forum Sloppy Sarah!! Lisa, welcome back and I hope you’ve had a lovely holiday!

    Reading all your posts about bread. Hubby and I have decided that, starting Saturday, we are going to cut back our carbs for two weeks, just to begin with, to see how we get on. We will also stick with fasting for two days a week too. I really am a carb addict and love my bread, potatoes and pasta. But on the other hand, I also love meat, cheese and vegetables so that’s the bright side!! I haven’t got a sweet tooth so avoiding sugar won’t be difficult for me either, poor hubs will find that more difficult than me but he is excited to give this a go for two weeks to see how we do. Anyhow, before we start, I have been researching low carb recipes and came across this website called dietdoctor.com and it’s got some amazing recipes here that look so tasty. But, more interestingly it has a recipe for low carb naan bread. I think this would be useful to mop up stews/soups and also maybe for use as a pizza base. I haven’t tried it as yet but am hoping to experiment this weekend. There is an ingredient in there called Psyllium husk which I’d never heard of before but I managed to pick up some easily last night from Holland and Barrett. It is very expensive (normally £13.99) for a pack but it is half price at the moment at £6.99.


    Alternatively here is a you tube video for the recipe for a 3 ingredient paleo naan bread using coconut milk, tapioca flour and almond flour.


    The Diet doctor gives a recipe for low carb tortillas.


    I think obviously the textures may be a little different but they may be useful as accompaniments to soups and stews etc and the tortillas may be handy for wraps etc.

    Hope you all have a lovely day!!

    Also if you google low carb bread there are lots of recipes and videos out there. There is also something called ‘oopsie’ or ‘cloud’ bread – has anyone heard of this??

    I found this fun video on you tube:-


    Hi, I have just read some of the many posts here.
    I am nearly 49, 10 stone overweight and about to embark on the 5:2 again. I lost about half a stone last year but was scuppered by Easter and my love of a certain make of chocolate Egg!
    I was diagnosed as Diabetic last year and have been Hypothyroid since I was 13yrs old. I am not the most active person in the world but I intend on fitting in some extra steps at every opportunity.
    My daughter will be home from Uni soon and she is good at keeping me motivated. Sadly my sons are not as motivating or helpful around the place!
    I am going to fast on my work days as we never get a chance to have a break and are always busy. I just need to plan ahead so I can eat soon after I get home.
    I’m looking forward to feeling well again. I know that I had more energy last year when I did the 5:2 and that my house actually started to resemble that of someone who did housework!

    Hello Kilwinny and welcome to the forum! It’s good to have you here. You will find lots of support and advice here, I am so glad I found it myself! I also fast on my work days as that is when I am kept busy and the day seems to fly by without even thinking about it. You have done this before and you will be able to do it again too. You are right when you say you need to plan, that’s definitely the best thing! It keeps me on track anyway!!

    Hi Ladies!

    May I join you?

    I was doing the 5:2 diet successfully before falling pregnant with my daughter. And that was over 2 years ago.

    I knew I needed to lose some weight really but it really hit me when I discovered that I an unable to complete a climb over the o2 arena I have booked due to my thighs being 2 inches too big. Gutted but it may be all the motivation I need!

    I have 3 weeks to (hopefully) trim down enough and overall 3 1/2 – 4st loss longterm.

    I have completed one week and 3 fasts, stopped sugary drinks (my downfall), fast food and increased my water intake.

    I haven’t told anyone about taking up the 5:2 or the fact I can’t currently take part in the climb. So hoping I can take some inspiration from you ladies and some moral support if that’s okay?

    Welcome to the forum No_stopping_me_now! It sounds like you’ve made a fantastic start already!! You’ve done this before so I bet you can do it again and you are in the right place here for lots of support, advice and motivation. I’m doing this with my hubby and we haven’t told anyone either!!

    A big welcome to Kilwinny and No_stopping_me_now! You both sound clear on your goals and I’m so glad you’re adding your voices to our strength in numbers.

    Nice work on all those sources, Skyblue. I found the concept of that cloud bread fascinating: I’m curious to try it, if only for the science experiment value!

    I am so excited to be able to report to you all that I am 3 lbs. to the better this week. Even more importantly, I feel so well! I’m sleeping more regularly and my joints are far less painful. My reading links sugar to increased inflammation and I have to say that the past few weeks have been proof enough of that to me. I may never be marathon material, but I’m dancing in my head!

    Lolly 3lbs is Amazing!!! Well done you! That’s fab news!!! I must say I can’t wait to do a bit of experimenting this weekend with those recipes! Fingers crossed they’ll turn out ok!!

    Hi everyone. Always nice to see new names – the more the merrier so we can all help each other along. Lolly – you must feel great with that loss – that’s great going. FD for me today – copied an idea I saw on the tv yesterday for a change – big plateful of mixed spring greens (petit pois, mangetout, spring onion and little gem lettuce) cooked in chicken stock and served with a portion of fish. Not only tasty but so low in cals that I’ve managed to squeeze in a dessert – some lovely strawberries with yoghurt. Feeling very full now and plan on doing this combo again soon…

    SUPER Lolly! “Feel the fear and do it anyway” seems to work!
    *happy smile

    As to low carb bread – a recipe I got from an LCHF forum is flaxseed crackers. You take flaxseeds (crushed) and mix them with a little water until you’ve got goo. Spread the goo thin on some non-stick paper to line baking trays with and pop the whole thing into the microwave. Cook for about 5 minutes until it’s firmed up (times may have to be adjusted). They are incredibly filling and you can put all kinds of stuff on top of them (parmigiano is especially nice, just cook for another couple of seconds until it’s melted).
    I never tried the oopsies, some people didn’t like them on account of their egg-y taste.

    Well done, Lolly! Fantastic result. I am hoping for a good one myself this week. Feel like I’m back on track and my running is going well. Mimi’s beef madras is in the oven right now. We’ll have it tomorrow for our FD dinner along with cauliflower rice. If anyone has any cauliflower rice recipes or tips let me know, otherwise I’ll just bung it in the microwave.

    Morning all!!

    Austrian I have heard that the oopsie bread can taste eggy straight after it comes out of the oven but the advice is to let them cool, and put them in a zip lock bag or similar and even let them rest overnight and apparently the ‘eggy’ taste disappears, I haven’t tried them yet so don’t know if this is true or not but I’m hoping to make and try them soon so will let you know my verdict if I get time this weekend!!

    MMe have a look at this linke regarding cauliflower rice, it gives 3 ways of cooking it and at the end recommends flavouring it with cumin, chillies and coriander. That sounds lovely – I might have to give this a go too haven’t done cauliflower rice before!! Hubby and I are going to start low carb eating from Saturday so looking forward to trying a lot of new recipes! Still will be fasting twice a week though!!


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