Morning all
Just thought I would pop in to log my Friday Weigh In Results. I got shot of another 1.25lbs on Friday taking me down to 13st 4¼. Its a fasting day today for me so Happy Fasting to all those who are fasting today too!!
This topic contains 944 replies, has 62 voices, and was last updated by Lolly_ 8 years, 3 months ago.
Well done SB. Over 1 lb is great.
I have seemed to be wavering up and down. Had a naughty weekend last weekend and caught up with an old school friend and me- who rarely drinks helped to polish off a few bottles of wine and 1/2 bottle of Baileys. UGH! I did drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink and felt fine just guilty. Well it is not done often and we only get together once a year. (just as well)
I am off tomorrow to a conference. The good thing is I was able to fit into a formal gown I haven’t worn in 10+ years but the bad thing is cocktail parties and Gala dinners each evening for 5 night. I should have said I wanted a diabetic meal, now that I think about it. Oh well I will just have to be choosy in what I eat.
all and happy fasting
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim.”
That is great SB!! Well done. The 12’s are in sight!!
Speckles, that’s wonderful that you can fit in the gown! I’m sure you’ll be able to get back into the swing of things once the event is over. Try to enjoy and don’t beat yourself up if you have a treat.
Lisa, that was a great post. Thank you.
I’ve been zig zagging up and down on the scales since my last post, but generally in a downwards direction, so happy with that. Not below my pre falling off the fasting yet, but that’s OK. Fasting today, so hopefully the scales will be kind tomorrow. I’m off to Ireland next week to see the mother-in-law. It will be a very stressful week as she doesn’t like me, so we’ll see how that goes. Last year after I’d put on over 3 stone and we visited she was awful. Whenever anything sweet was being offered, she’d not offer anything to me and if it was just the 2 of us in the room (she’s sneaky and makes sure my partner doesn’t see her nasty side) she’d have a biscuit/cake, not offer to me and start saying “mmmm, this is delicious. Lovely and sweet.” The irony is, she’s an alcoholic so she should understand how difficult it is to stop a bad habit. It would be the equivalent of me pouring everyone wine, except her and then slurping it loudly and saying how delicious and full of alcohol it was!
Have a great week everyone. My partner is off for the school holidays and I always go through the summer in a foggy haze of not really knowing what day it is and find it very hard to buckle down to work myself.
Ooh NG, you are probably at your mother-in-laws by now. Hope it’s going okay but she does sound like a piece of work if you don’t mind me saying! I’d hate having to visit so I hope its not too bad for you this week.
I had my Friday weigh in as usual and – oh dear – only lost a quarter of a pound last week taking me to 13st 4lb. Really wanted to get down to the 3lb last week but oh well never mind maybe this Friday fingers crossed!! At least it was off and not on I guess!!
Hope you all have a lovely week!
Hi Girls, SB don’t fret, that drop is just waiting to surprise you. Roll around Friday and you’ll be jumping for joy.
NG how awful. My mum can be a bit like that though not so blatant. She will say “do you really think I should offer you one” and I tell her that yes she should give me the right of refusal if I want to do that. I hope you cope alright. Maybe if you are having wine at dinner you can refuse it saying you would hate to become an alcoholic or something similar. Remember to just Breathe!
My conference was alright. we learned some interesting stuff and had some great speakers but it was such a stressful lead up to get to it and I only just made my plane. I really though last week that I was going to have a breakdown, had and still have so much work to do and the interim boss (who doesn’t like me at all) is totally ignoring any requests for assistance etc. SO it took me a bit to unwind from all of that and it was a bit stressful leaving Lady (cat) with my mum. I did OK on the food side, at more then usual but only a little here and there but unfortunately the food was what I would call unhealthy with mainly fried stodgy food and lots of seafood which I cant eat so it want too hard to pass up on a lot of it. The morning and afternoon teas were my downfall but I was craving a salad and FRESH food by the second day.
I had booked an extra day at the end of the conference to meet up with friends who live in Brisbane (I am in Sydney)so 1.5hrs flying time or 14hrs driving. Knowing there was an outside heated pool, I packed my cossie and had been looking forward to a swim for days. Sunday morning I went to get dressed for a swim and my swimsuit fell straight off me! SO while I was disappointed that I couldn’t swim I was very excited about it being far too big.
The last couple of weeks I have noticed more that my clothes are too big and it is interesting as this has been my plateau period so obviously my shape is adjusting to the scales.
Only added 1kg which was pretty good with wine and fried food and cakes all of which had been avoided up to now and I am back on track with fasting today.
Have a great week everyone
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim.”
Hey Speckles, Glad your conference went okay but your work does sound quite stressful at the moment! Hope that eases up for you soon. Well done for keeping mainly on track with the food while you are at the conference and absolutely WELL DONE regarding your swimming cossie!! I know that meant you couldn’t have a swim but My Gosh I bet it still felt good for it to be way too big for you, its such a boost!!
Yesterday, for the first time I had 3 separate people notice my weight loss. I’m only 2½ stone down at the moment and a long way to go but three people told me I looked like I had lost weight yesterday and it gave me such a boost, it really did. We plod along, and when someone notices it kind of hits home that something is working and we are doing something right!! It’s really spurred me on!!
Wishing you all a lovely day!!
Morning everyone, Happy Friday!
NG are you back from your MIL’s yet?? I hope you have survived the week unscathed!!
Just checking in to log my Friday weigh in results, this week I have lost 1½ pounds taking me down to 13st 2½. Oooh those 12s are in sight now!!
Also had a Non Scale Victory this morning – I am wearing jeans that a few months ago would not meet in the middle, not even nearly!! And today I am wearing them with pride, and not only do they fit – they are really COMFORTABLE!!!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Hi Skyblue – that’s fantastic! You’re doing so well.
I wish I was. I’m a bit stuck. I’m still a pound heavier than the lowest I got to a few weeks back. It’s been a bit crazy on the social front recently. Lots of meals out with friends, in laws staying etc, we’re off to visit my parents next week. I put 2kg back on following a mad week. It’s almost all off again, but I’m plateauing, rather than losing. I know I’m eating too much on my eating days, and I’m not running at the moment. Hate running in the heat. I’m just going to keep going with the fast days though.
Hey MMe keep going you will get there!! I guess there is always going to be times when life just gets in the way. I’m terrified of September and November. September hubby is away with work for a week and I know its going to be hard keeping on track and fasting while he is away, for him he has no chance as he will be eating with colleagues in the evenings and can’t really get out of that. Then we have a huge birthday celebration for hubby towards the end of September taking up a whole four days over a weekend with all the family and we have a few days off before and after that so I’m thinking there won’t be a chance for us to fast on those weeks either. November we are away for the first two and a half weeks on holiday and I just KNOW I’m going to put on weight (Its All Inclusive!!!), then when we get back its a countdown till Christmas!!! I’m going to try and keep my head down and try my hardest on the weeks when I can fast – its all we can do I guess!! You’ll get back into it when life settles down a little! I think you have done rather well to only be a pound heavier with all that’s going on with you!!
Thanks, skyblue.
I have been fasting two days most weeks. I skipped a fast day a couple of weeks ago as I was home on a sick day and it’s so difficult to do when you’re at home all day watching the telly.
I guess it’s just a bit dispiriting that it takes two fast days a week, plus loads of walking (I walk at least 3 miles most days) just to maintain my weight.
I think I’ll try not to worry too much about it and just hope I can stick where I am – I’m still the lowest weight I’ve been in years, and recently bought a new pair of jeans (size 18) that are falling off me :). We are going to Greece for a holiday next month, and then when we are back I can knuckle down in the long run up to Christmas.
Well done SB, yes you are getting closer and closer to that 12stone mark. Don’t worry about the end of the year as you will find a way to sneak in those fasts. Even if you use a day or two of your days off and go hiking with your hubby. It should be good weather there for that. Also with the holiday we have to remember that YES it is all inclusive but if we over do it we will pay for it in other ways. So is that extra serve or a second desert worth the grief??? That is my thinking when I go on a cruise and the same food will be back tomorrow if I really want to try something.
MMe I am a bit like you. after a couple of bad weekends with a conference last weekend I seem to be stuck in a cycle and or plateau. I know it will drop and I am just being impatient but I am planning on having my breast reduction in October and I really want to release a bit more of my menopause middle.
Patience! We will both get though this bit and suddenly hit the slide.
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim.”
Thanks Speckles! That’s great advice, happily (and luckily) I really don’t have a sweet tooth at all, so I will be able to resist all deserts on holiday – its all the savoury stuff though that I can’t resist, however, although I am going to have a good time on holiday, like you say I really don’t have to go overboard with it and I will try my best!! Poor hubby really does have a sweet tooth though but he’s been so good with it lately, although a slight lapse last week when it was a relatives birthday and there was lots of cake and desert around!
MMe I know what you mean its so frustrating, last week I walked my socks off every day doing well over 12,000 steps a day and only lost a quarter of a pound last week!!!
Its fab that those size 18s are falling off you. Sometimes when things are slowing down and we get a bit frustrated its good to look back and see how far we have already come instead. We are all fabulous and doing our best and that’s all anyone can ever do! Keep at it!!
Hello everyone — so good to see you all dropping clothes all over the place! I’ve been sewing elastic into the waists of trousers to use them as long as possible but they are definitely on the baggy side now. Makes a change from figuring out how to wear them without doing them up!
One week down, five to go for my radiation therapy. Feeling well so far — I do think that my having changed my diet these past few months has set me up to cope with this challenge. I’ve had to make a few adjustments to my food plan but still on course.
Best wishes to you all.
Hi Lolly, Gosh I am so sorry you are having radiotherapy. Just be very gentle with yourself and as you said if you have to make changes for the short term then so be it. I love the baggy pants thing and just think you will be able to buy new winter trousers.
You are quite right, very likely the fast diet has helped you avoid more prolonged therapy and helped you mentally deal with it all.
I will be saying some prayers for you.
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim.”
Thanks so much, speckles — I do appreciate it. I’m truly grateful for all I have learned here and it’s helping me now to just take each day at a time.
Welcome, Lollypop75! You’ve found a site which can support you as you work miracles in your own life. As you read through the threads here you will find many success stories and a number of variations on a theme. Begin simply, then adjust as you go to add in things which resonate with you. Many people, including myself, have started with a basic 5:2 and found themselves comfortable eliminating certain foods (sugar for me!) and increasing fasting frequency. Doing this has relieved me not only of weight but of depression, binging, and diabetes. Most of all, I love that the food plan I have now fits me perfectly so it is no longer a daily struggle with food.
Good luck. Stick with it. You’ll be glad you did.
Lolly I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Like Speckles says be gentle with yourself, your health is your first priority now. Sending all my very best wishes to you.
Lollypop75 welcome to the forum! Stick with us for lots of support and good advice and you won’t go far wrong!! Good luck!!
Ahh bless you Lolly, yes I do agree this forum is a great place for support, you just need to take good care of yourself for a while now and we are all here if you need us. We can’t help in real life of course, but we can listen and support you.
I’m just popping in as its Friday morning and my usual weigh in day. Unfortunately this week I have stayed the same. Which is a slight bummer, as I know I was sooo good last week. In fact my calorie deficit was almost the same as the week before when I lost 1½lbs!!! And I walked my socks off this week, walking a tad longer each lunchtime. But, as we all know, weight loss is not at all linear and this is the way it goes sometimes! So, I’ll just carry on as usual and see what happens next week! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend (and a wonderful long bank holiday weekend for those in the UK!).
Hi Girls, how are you all doing?
NG did you survive the trip to the MI Law and how are you sleeping now?
Skyblue I hope you are peeling off those layers of pounds and getting ready for your summer holiday.
Lolly, I have read a bit of your thread and you are doing well. The best thing is to let the diet work its self out and look after yourself and it sounds as if you are doing that.
I have missed you all and the others too.
Personally I feel like I have hit the wall with a thud. I think that the stress at work really got to me and I have spiralled down mentally. My weight has remained the same though as I have also stopped the ciggs that is pretty good but I have had to be extra vigilant and it is not what I WANT to be doing or eating at the moment. I am afraid that if I go off it the weight will spiral upwards.
I have booked in for the breast reduction for the 20 Oct which is 6 weeks away and had hope to be about 7KG lighter by then but I think that is pushing it as I made that goal about 6 weeks ago and nothing has shifted since then. Spanner in the works is with the stress at work I got some pain in my chest which I mentioned to my Dr and have had all sorts of ECGs and stress tests. Now I am going to see a cardiologist this week and I will have to make sure that he is OK that I go ahead with the surgery.
The best thing is my lovely cat has been a great consolation and a warm hug to come home to and she snuggles into my lap at night when we watch TV. She has been a blessing.
Cheers all and a happy weekend
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim.”
It’s been very quiet in this thread for a bit and I miss all your “voices”. Good thoughts going out to you all, wherever you may be.
I’ve heard that smoking is one of the most difficult addictions to break away from, so huge congratulations to you, speckles! Not easy to maintain while you deal with work pressures, I’m sure. This is the time when you have to use your conscious mind to override impulses that effect all parts of you. You can do it. And this too shall pass.
Creating a new habit is always the same: you just have to keep repeating the new action consciously until it become normal to do it. Of course, it’s always easier if the direction is one you truly want to go in anyway, but even then it takes time and self-awareness. You are on a journey of self-awareness, speckles, so I know you’ll move ahead once you sort out this temporary road block. The operation will happen when it’s right for you.
For me, two more weeks of treatment. I’m feeling better than I expected to and I give credit to the self-discipline I’ve developed since starting 5:2. It’s helped me to be sensitive to how my body responds and to be able to adjust my food plan to cope with changes. At the moment, I have not much appetite — a novel experience, indeed.
Love to you all — Lolly
Morning Ladies!
Lolly, I am so sorry to hear that you are having to go through radiotherapy. My thoughts are with you and I’m sending you lots of healing and positive energy and hugs. I am full of admiration for you and the way that you have stuck with 5:2 throughout having to endure treatment too. Your posts are an inspiration and you’re absolutely right – if you stick to 5:2, your body does indeed begin to tell you what you should and shouldn’t be eating for your health.
Speckles, well done on giving up the cigarettes!!! Wow, I’m sure that’s hard. Try not to worry about hitting a wall weight wise. It’s hard enough just to lose weight, never mind lose weight and stop smoking at the same time, so don’t be too hard on yourself. The chest pain sounds worrying, but hopefully just stress related. Let us know what the doc says and keep stroking your cat – it really does do wonders for stress levels. Not long to your surgery!!!!
SB, I hope that all is well. You have been doing great with the weight loss. Slow and steady and I hope that your last hiccup hasn’t deterred you as you are doing absolutely brilliantly.
MmeM, hope that all is well with you too.
Well, I managed to survive the MIL and even managed a fast day on holiday. I haven’t being fasting consistently over the summer. I thought it would be easier with my partner off work for the summer, but actually I found it much harder as there was no routine and we were going out a lot. I was managing one fast a week for most weeks and my weight stayed the same (encouraging for when we reach our goals and start maintaining) but the last couple of weeks I haven’t fasted properly. I haven’t weighed, but can feel that I’ve gained weight, so it’s back into a fasting routine for me. Usually I don’t really like routine day in, day out and get a bit jittery without change, but it turns out I that I definitely need routine for fasting. So, my little fella has started preschool (sob!) and 4 mornings a week I can once more sit down in front of my computer, get stuff done and get back to my fasting routine.
I wish all you ladies a very lovely and hopefully healthy week.
Hi lollypop im also a mother of 3 need to loose about 4 stone. I went upto 15 stone over the last year so quicky and i really want to start this diet and loose weight. i tried to fast monday but failed as i was so hungry. Im currently doing weight watchers but would like to also fast 2 days a week i need that weigh in commitment to help me. i would like to join on and would be greatfull of any help and support. X
Hi Girls, I hope this finds you well as I have been very remiss about checking the board lately.
Lolly I hope your treatment went well and is all over and you are recovering nicely.
I just wanted to give an update. I have remained the same weight the last few months which on one hand is a bit frustrating and on the other is OK as I have stopped smoking so the big thing is I haven’t put weight on with no ciggs which has always been the case in the past.
I had a ream of tests regarding the chest pain I had and it showed that there is some narrowing of the arteries in some heart veins but not enough to get worked up about and as mu cholesterol etc. is perfect, he wasn’t concerned and said just to see him in a year. I am glad that is all done and I now have a baseline as mu Dad has had several heart attacks.
So with that done we are going ahead with the breast reduction on the 20th of this months which is 10 days away! I am both nervous and excited about it and will be going to my mums for a few days after a few days in hospital.
I would have liked to have release more from my menopause middle beforehand but I have now been told not to diet before the surgery. It will be there to inspire me to pick up again after the surgery and continue on a downwards scale.
I don’t know if anyone comes to this thread anymore so I will start a new thread after the surgery as sort of a new beginning for me.
I really hope you are all doing well and continuing to release the weight and I thank you all so much for all your encouragement and cheer over the last 6 months. It really made releasing the first 23kg so much easier. Now another 15 – 20 kg to go.
Bless you all and may your journeys be interesting ones.
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim.”
Hi ladies,
So good to hear your voice Speckles. The news about your chest pain must be a relief. And your surgery is due very soon. wow! All the very best with that. I’d love for you to continue to update on this thread, as well as your own. Good for you for staying off the ciggies!
Lolly, I really hope that your treatments are going OK and that you’re holding up.
SB and MMeM – I hope that you’re both well too and still on the 5:2. If you’re anything like me, you’ll have been more off, than on. I have been really remiss and I need to get back into the mindset. I have put on weight and am back in the 13’s (aaaaagh!!) but I do find that on the weeks I do a proper 5:2, I lose 4 lbs, so all is not lost and I am determined to get back into the swing of things. I’m not quite sure what’s stopping me, other than my own mind. Lolly, you’ve been an inspiration staying off the sugar for such a long time and that’s a place I really want to be.
Take care ladies and hope that you’re all OK and would love to hear how you’re doing – good or bad. I miss hearing about you all.
This thread has been quiet for a while now and I have missed the connection with you all. Mutual support has been a strong part of my own success these past few months. Just knowing that others are succeeding means that I can do it, too.
All the best for your op, speckles. You’ve waited a long time for this so I hope it gives you what you need. Sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery.
NorthernGal, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head when you say that it’s only your own mind stopping you now. That’s so true for all of us! The good news is that you know exactly what to do now and I believe without question that as soon as you’re ready it’ll be full commitment. There are so many reasons that we hesitate — identifying mine and disarming them is an ongoing process — but you’ll do it.
As for me, I completed the radiation 2 weeks ago. Official results in another month but unofficially it looks good. Still recovering from some side effects but it could have been a lot worse. My food is getting closer to normal again after having had to cut back to a few things I could tolerate during treatment. And I have just hit 18 stone exactly, which means a loss of somewhere around 3 1/2 stone this past half year.
Regardless of what others can handle, I know what works for me — and sugar doesn’t. Neither do grains. So I leave them out. That seemed like an impossible thing to do when I began, but once they were out of my system I ceased to crave them. That’s huge because I thought I’d be struggling the rest of my life to resist them. Far from it — unless I start using them again. For me, there is no moderation with sugar any more than there’s moderate drinking for an alcoholic. I am at peace with this reality.
Each one of us has an opportunity to use 5:2 to find what works for us. And what works will vary. Low carb was my ticket to sanity along with IF. I will always be grateful for the tolerance and encouragement of others in this thread and you can always find me in my own as well. I’m going nowhere while there’s work to be done!
Hello everyone! I am still here and still 5:2 ing.
I very much eased off in August and September as life was a bit mad, and then we went on holiday to Greece, and I took a break from fasting altogether. But been back in the habit for three weeks now and I’m back to the lowest I’ve been all year. So I’ve been stuck at one massive plateau since July, but I’m fine with that. Very pleased I didn’t fall off the wagon altogether; it would have been easy to do. Now I’m focusing on Christmas. I’d like to lose at least another 5kg.
Very best wishes to you all.
MmeM — good to see you again! Hope you really enjoyed that trip to Greece.
I hear you about the life madness thing. In the past, one slip always meant the end of whichever restrictive diet I was on — and none of them were sustainable long-term anyway. With 5:2 there isn’t that craziness and we just get back on track and motor on. All the best with your 5kg goal for Christmas. I’ll join you in that!
Gosh it is nice to hear from you all. I wonder how SB is getting along.
It is funny how we form bonds and friendships with people we have never met or even spoken to but in some ways we open our hearts more with the written word I think.
Lolly I am so pleased to hear you have finished your treatment and remember that each day that passes is another day closer to your “real” self. You are so strong and I know what you mean when you say the connection is part of your success. I totally agree and it really has made all the difference to me as well. Maybe because as I live on my own.
I also agree about sugars and carbs. I have noticed that since I have been having lunch and dinner instead of just dinner, I am mentally searching for something to eat all afternoon and really have to be very strict about not delving into the treats that the other girls buy. When I was just having dinner, it never bothered me at all.
However I have maintained my weight (give or take a few pounds) but I can change that in a day, so I am content about that and will start again when the Dr gives the go ahead after the op.
NB you will get into the right headspace when you are ready, it is like anything isn’t it – no one can make you lose weight, stop smoking, give up booze etc until YOU are ready to do it but you have the bonus of knowing what works for you so you can just slip on back into the good habits when your head it there.
Mme good for you for regaining your path and the good habits. It is interesting that I have noticed that I am making far better choices than I have in the past and because that is what I WANT not what I know I should have. Good luck with your Xmas goal, it is very achievable.
Obviously the longer we stay on the 5;2 the more ingrained that becomes and it is not that I don’t like a treat now and then but it is a different treat that I have now. I cant eat milk choc anymore – far too sweet, and it used to be my favourite food. I have 80%dark choc now if I want some and usually get the good brand which has chilli in it so I only want a square or two.
Well only 3 days to go till my boobs get reduced. I wonder how much I will loose LOL. I have been preparing meals as I wont be able to lift my arms much or cook etc. for the first 2-3 weeks so have cooked some healthy soups and meals and frozen them and salads are easy if I can get someone to get all the ingredients out for me. I am both anxious and excited. I pray that it wil make a difference to my back pain.
At Xmas I usually get together with a friend and we spend a weekend Xmas baking which is the best part of Xmas for me. We make gifts for friends and family and I usually get a few plum puddings made, mince pies, spice biscuits, a cake or two, nougat and other yummy treats. Thankfully this year my friends will be away I don’t think I will be up to it so we are going to give it a miss. I say thankfully as there has always been a lot of taste testing along the way and leftovers to deal with so that makes it easier to cope with the merry season.
Blessings to you all and continued and permanent releases.
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim.”
Morning Ladies!
Lolly, I’m so glad to hear that your last course of treatment went OK. I look forward to hearing a positive result when you get it officially in a month. Well done on your 6 month loss. That is a fabulous achievement!
Speckles, it’s nearly time!!! I’m sure all will go well and I hope you love your new boobs when you meet them. Plus, as you say, you should get a lovely surprise when you step on the scales too. I wish I could say the same about dark chocolate. I seem to be the only person able to eat a lot a dark chocolate! I’ll get there though, I’m sure.
MmeM, it’s so good to hear from you. Well done on being the lowest you’ve been all year!! That is really great, especially after a holiday. I too will join you on the 5kg Xmas challenge. I lost 2 lbs this week. It’s great but I won’t be fully happy until I get back down to the weight I was before I fell of the wagon for the summer. I’m creeping closer though.
SB we’d love to hear from you!
Have a great week everyone.
Thanks, everyone — I’m really feeling much more myself this week.
I was also thinking about Christmas baking, speckles. Even after I had to give up wheat several years ago I still gave gifts of old favourites and I did the Christmas pud in gluten-free form so I could still enjoy that. I toyed in my mind whether to come up with low-carb substitute treats this year and pored over recipes with almond and coconut flours. Some of them looked delicious!
In the end, I made a choice to let the baking go for this year and revisit that decision next year. It came down to this: those recipes looked too damned good to me. I am doing well, having eliminated sweet things from my menus, so why would I fill my kitchen with them now? They might be things I could technically eat, being low-carb, but how appropriate are they for me as someone working on weight loss? I don’t even keep almonds in the house because they are too more-ish, so what makes me think that almond biscuits would be a good idea?
People will survive somehow if I don’t bake this year. I might not, if I do.
Once I thought it through to that point, I felt a sense of relief. Reactivating my sweet tooth — even with sugar substitutes — just felt wrong. Perhaps I’ve done my last bake. We’ll see next year. But for this Christmas at least, my pans will continue to gather dust.
Now to put my thinking cap on for substitute gifts!!
Lolly, you had me laughing so hard I scared the cat.
especially this statement as it is SO TRUE.
“People will survive somehow if I don’t bake this year. I might not, if I do.”
Funny after I wrote the last post and was grieving a bit for my Xmas baking (to me it is like decorating the tree, music on, laughter etc) I thought what I might do next year is gather my nieces and any other young cooks and teach then the joy of Xmas baking for themselves. That way they get to keep the food and I get to do the baking and never the two shall meet.
Do you have any young cooks around you that would enjoy some special time with Auntie Lolly?
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim.”
That’s brilliant! You’re absolutely right — it’s the loss of a tradition I’m mourning, not the food itself. So, I’ll just tweak that tradition to fit me and make it a wonderful way to pass on my recipes and memories to my favourite Millennials. I think I may even do that this year and not wait for next. Something really nice to look forward to.
Sending you good thoughts for your op, speckles, and wishing you a speedy recovery. It’s going to make such a difference for you!
I just typed a long post but the wifi went down and i lost it. Breifly before it goes again, I ahve had my surgery 6 days ago and will be going home tomorrow, was a bigger job then expected but everthing is good and I AM SO HAPPY. Went from 44H to 40D and he took off 2.5kg!
I will give more details when I get home next week ( off to mums for a few. days)
I hopw everyone is keeping well. Still no word from SB?
Cheers all
Have decided to take the plunge & try the 5:2
Looking to support & get support if it’s ok I join in with you girls?
I lost 8.5 stone over 2.5 years with Slimming World but in past year I put back on 4 stone & struggled with SW.
Read up about 5:2 & seems like worth giving it a go.
Have ordered the recipe book.
In 2015 after 6 months going from couch potato to runner I ran a 10k race. But not run in a year due to chronic Achilles tendinopathy
Really need to get my healthy eating & exercise mojo back!
Hi All, and welcome to Mancunianpoodle.
Well home now for the last few days and out of hospital a week. My surgery went well though when it came to putting the breasts together the surgeon had to do some lipo from the sides of the breasts which made it a bigger procedure then expected. We had talked about this prior and we both said rather not go there unless necessary but it was – if the boobies were going to sit right. I still have quite a bit of swelling and massive bruising (the bruising comes out in waves). As I mentioned it was just over 2.5 kg removed and I cant believe the difference just that amount makes on even something like just standing.
I had lots of drainage so they kept me in hospital for a week which was longer then expected but they knew I lived alone and I think that was the decider.
I did go to mums for 4 days when I came out but unfortunately she is not an easy mother. She had hurt her hip the week before but hadn’t been to the Dr until I made her despite having a week to do so. I kept saying don’t come to visit me in hospital go to the Dr instead but she didnt. I ended up looking after her and cooking dinners etc so after 4 days said I was going home. A miracle occurred and she was healed overnight (of course) and wanted me to stay but I had had enough. So now it is just Lady and me.
I have been going for long walks which is something I haven’t done in over a decade. My back used to give me so much pain after a few minutes that I would constantly have to stop. Now I am finding I can walk for 20-30 mins until my legs give out, so I am making a point of walking to the shops each day which is 20 min in each direction.
Saw the surgeon today and he is cautiously happy, said it will be a full 12 months before it is completely healed as it was such a big reduction. No lifting or raising my arms above shoulders and while I can drive now I cant wear a seatbelt for the next 2 weeks. I am also off work for the next 2 weeks. I need a new wardrobe now but as I can now see my stomach I have realised how big it is! UGH!. Dr said no dieting but I have to focus on nutrition for healing so I figure I can do that with the 5:2 and maybe just be a bit less strict. New wardrobe is going to have to wait.
All in all the pain has been minimal and my only regret is I waited so long to get this done. If I had realised what a big impact it would have I wouldn’t have hesitated.
I do hope everyone is doing well and that lolly you are recovering nicely. Have you ever had the wheatgrass? It tastes pretty kacky but you do get used to it. A lot of the health store and juice bars sell it here but it needs to be freshly cut not from the fridge and also should be not incorporated with any other food for an hour either side to gain the full benefit. (so no eating the slice or orange they give you with it). Worth a try.
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim.”
Hi everyone,
I’m delighted to hear that you’re doing well Speckles. It certainly sounded like a big operation. Make sure you heed the doctors advice and concentrate on healing yourself. It’s terrible that you ended up looking after your mum, rather than the other way around. I love going for walks and it’s great that you can do that now without the back pain.
I’m into the second day of a 3 day juice fast this week in an attempt to really kick me back into fasting gear. I don’t know why I’m finding it so hard to get back into it fully, given that I enjoy it so much. I’m enjoying the juice fast, so hopefully it’s the motivation I needed. I’m craving sugar. Oh, how I want to stop the sugar cravings again. Lolly, I think you hit the nail on the head when you said it’s better just not to give into temptation, when you were you were talking about the Christmas baking. I was off sugar for over 3 months at the start of the year and all it took was a single piece of dark chocolate on holiday to undo all the good work and bring the sugar cravings flooding back. I’ve not been off it fully again since. Anyway, fingers crossed. The very least I can do at the moment is to start doing my full 2 days again and hopefully the juice fast will do that.
Take care and have a good week everyone
It’s quiet in this thread, but as I’ve been away for a month myself I can scarcely complain! Hope everyone is doing well and gearing up for the holidays.
Had some family stuff to deal with and lost my fasting momentum. Now I’m looking at the scales and annoyed that I have ground to recover. So here I am, home again, and having a fast day. And knowing that I’m going to feel a lot better about myself tomorrow.
Hi All,
Well it has been a very long month since I last checked in.
I was recovering very nicely from my surgery then several things happed at once.
The ceiling of my bathroom started leaking and although I had been asking the real estate to fix the crack for the previous 4 weeks nothing had been done. So now I had water trickling from the ceiling from leaking pipes above me. Renting is no fun as we have so few rights.
I notices a small hole just a pin head size on the underside of my breast has started to ooze. I attended to it with betadine and it seemed to clear up after a couple of days.
3 days later when the plumber was finally going to come and fix the roof, I awoke with a fever and chills so went straight to the medical centre who sent me straight to emergency department. I was madly trying to arrange for someone to be at my home for the plumber and mum to go and rescue my cat as she is very scared of strangers.
Long story short I ended up in hospital with an infection and got to stay for 3 weeks. I had to go to surgery twice to get the wound cleaned out and have a vacuum drain attached to me. I came home yesterday with the drain attached and will have the nurse from the hospital visit 3 times a week to change the dressing.
When it is sufficiently healed I have to go back to theatre and the surgeon will close me up again ( wound is currently open) and I may have the vacuum dressing put back on for a while. It increases the oxygen to the wound so promotes healing.
So all in all I feel fine and after the first week and the fever had gone and I got rid of the drip I was able to walk around the hospital grounds which was nice and go to the coffee shop etc. Alas the surgeon sent the dietian to see me and I have been put on a very high protein high energy diet with supplements of protein drinks 6 times a day.
This has not been good for my weight at all but nothing I can do about it as I have to follow Drs orders and need this wound to heal, so I can get on with life.
Sorry that really was a big whinge wasn’t it. LOL
Just frustrated I think and in hospital the internet was so unpredictable I barely used it so couldn’t keep in contact.
Now I am home, even though I still have to take the supplements, I can at least prepare nutritious meals which are better than the hospital ones.
LA is was lovely to hear from you and I am so pleased you have found a group that resonates with you.
Lolly, I am sorry that you had family issues to deal with but have no doubt at all that you are already back on track and whirling down the scales.
NG yes, I too am realising how bad the sugar is for me and I have really noticed it with the supplements I am having as they are so carb/sugar laden along with the protein. I am going to ask the chemist is there is a different one with less sugars.
I think sometimes we have to try different things to realise what works for us and what doesn’t and that can be an occasional treat and things to stay away from permanently.
I hope all is going well for everyone.
“I release all excess fat cells and any emotional baggage that is attached to them that no longer serve me. I am safe being slim. I welcome good health and well being into my life and accept any healing that is sent with good intentions.”
Yikes, speckles, what a to-do! I’m so glad you’re doing better now but it does sound like you’ve have a time of it. During my treatment I had to eat very differently from the way I wanted so I feel your frustration with those supplements. Hang in there. The good news is that you know exactly what to do when you’re free to get back on track.
Sending you healing thoughts!
Welcome, Netty!
Don’t worry: it’s quite common to do this in the first couple of weeks as our bodies lose a lot of bloating. I did the same. The 1 lb thing will make more sense as you settle in and are losing more actual fat, although those of us with quite a bit to lose often record 2 lbs loss or more. It will vary from week to week. You’ve made a brilliant start, so well done you!
Stick around and explore this site. You’ll find wonderful inspiration from the success of so many here, and lots of good advice.
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9:19 am
9 Aug 16