I need some support please :)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Halfway through my fast day and I am as grumpy as all hell and STARVING.

    I had to rush out the door so didn’t have a chance to pack anything but had a 300 cal b/fast which has now completely worn off and if people round here aren’t careful I’ll start gnawing on their legs LOL

    Tell me its worth it!

    P.S. I would normally never whinge about this kind of thing and would normally NEVER ask for help but there ya go – age must be teaching me something !

    Haha – it’s worth it Dave.

    Have a look at what you’re eating on your fastdays from now on. I think Michael Mosely started off the trend of people having breakfasts on fastdays because it worked for him in the documentary but I’ve never found eating early on a fastday to be helpful AT ALL. If you have something carb-heavy like cornflakes or even porridge then you’re setting yourself up for hunger later on.

    You’ll learn pretty quickly that it’s not ‘really’ hunger and break your body of the ‘pangs’ but you’ll still WANT food quicker if you eat lots of carbs on ANY day, so toast or sugar puffs on a fastday morning are a huge no-no. If you really MUST have breakfast have something really protein heavy and wait as long as you can before you eat again.

    My personal recommendation is to dump breakfast completely. Tough it out with just water for as long as you possibly can. Have something filling but low cal (porridge or soup) if you need it for lunch and then a more substantial late meal. AVOID carbs as much as you can. You CAN eat them if you WANT to but you’ll pay for it in the necessity for extra willpower when you get the ‘carb-munchies’ an hour after you’ve eaten.

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