I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 3,046 total)

  • Michel – thanks for that, your egg dish sounds delicious, and is a clever tactic of loading up on protein for fullness. Another FD tomorrow and I’m stealing your recipe!
    You and I are similar in our backgrounds of having no ‘real’ reason to compulsively overeat….wonderful that you made progress using therapy though.
    Funny how people think that we can be fixed or cured so easily isn’t it? My husband is brilliant, but as soon as I mention my weight or diets he just switches off. He says “You know what you need to do, so just do it,”. Of course he eats all the junk under the sun and is lean and lovely. Grrr….

    Natmau – I too have contemplated OA but always think I’ll be least normal there and everyone will be disgusted at me….stupid I know but I have become so entrenched in this mindset of shame over the years! I think the beauty of forums such as this is that we can say anything, even things that would cripple us with shame to physically say face to face. As someone said previously, writing here has a cathartic effect. Thank goodness we all found our way here, thank you Bingeing Queen for bringing up the topic!
    I found I had a headache for days when I gave up sugar, then again when I gave up artificial sweeteners too. Although moving house is a mega stressful time – best of luck with the move. Make sure you’re well hydrated, dehydration is probably the main reason I get headaches these days. Sometimes I forget to drink for hours….so I’ll have to follow Michel’s lead and drink loads of water all day to stay full.

    Weighing myself tomorrow….fingers crossed.

    Kitty, so sorry to read about your diagnosis, and I hope healthier days are ahead. Do stick with us, it’s a lovely, caring group — not to mention really good for a few belly laughs, sometimes the best medicine around. Sounds as though you are doing great FDs with your giant pot of lentil soup!

    It’s Mon but I can’t do a FD today, having returned only yesterday from travels — sleep eluded me. The Ghrelin Monster is too strong to engage today. My easiest FD routine is coffee, skip food until dinner, then 500 cal lean protein and veg in the evening. I have found that if I just resist, the hunger pangs subside. It still seems awfully hard in the moment, but I am beginning to get it, that the hunger does go away if i fight it. That said, conditions have to be right for a FD in my life. Lack of sleep, feeling unwell, or personal problems….I just have to wait those out.

    Got on the scales for the first time in a month…very pleased to have only gained a POUND! I will take that. I was basically two people on the trip, skipped lots of “day” meals and walked tons, but ate big at night. I honestly had to think about food way too much. As in, can I eat that now? What will I be eating later? Because honest to god, if a big dinner was on the horizon, I was diving in no matter WHAT had been eaten earlier in the day! it would be fun not to think like that. But at least I know how to deal with my brain the way it is.

    Someone asked if the cravings ever go away, and for me it is a big fat NO. I will never be that person who blissfully forgoes sweets. Not that I don’t have many days happily eating like a sane person. But then along comes some craziness that lands me in the caramel tin, and I love being there in the moment just as much as ever. So this needs to be a forever thing for me, I’m pretty sure.

    Thanks for sharing all your stories here. They give me a lot of hope and warm fuzzies that I am a normal person. Good luck to all those fasting today!

    Hello fellow faster!
    I have a success to report. I went to a party Sun & only had 3 cookies. I fasted till the party and was prepared to eat & enjoy myself. They had lots of cookies, cupcakes & Dr Pepper floats. I started w/ 2 cookies and moved on. For the next 2 hrs I managed to walk away from the table numerous times, telling myself I can have more later. I held out till the end of the party & had 1 more. Where the willpower came from I don’t know, but it felt great.
    Today is a fd & it will be a hard one. There will be cake in the office for a BDay celebration.

    Kitty: I hope you enjoy the egg.

    Jade: Congrats on losing a lb while on vacation. Sounds like you made good decisions. It helps to understand yourself and be realistic.

    Thanks Jade, you are all wonderfully kind people on this forum, I will definitely stick around for the duration! Well done on only gaining a pound! All that walking and not eating during the day cancelled out any naughtiness. I’m similar in that I need to plan my meals to avoid any “what the hell I’ll just eat a loaf”. It would be so nice to just eat like a normal person, without constantly thinking about what to have later and the consequences if you eat something now. Saying that, I’ve been practically saint like since my diagnosis, although I don’t recommend it as a motivational tool for everyone lol!
    Well done Michel! What marvellous willpower! I haven’t been in a situation where I’ve been faced with such yummy treats (I’m pretty much housebound), but I’m sure that I wouldn’t have been able to moderate as well as you did. Your strength is an inspiration. I hope you’re doing well on FD. I never had the egg, my husband very kindly prepared me a lovely lobster salad. I’ll do it on my next FD though, maybe Wednesday.

    Not amused at weigh in this week – neither up nor down. Quite annoyed because I’ve been so good….ah well no point whinging! Hubby and I are going to Mexico in September and I’m aiming to lose another 21lbs by then. I may get harpooned on the beach otherwise!

    Anyway, best wishes to everyone, I hope you are all making the choices best for you.

    Kitty – so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Have you watched the original Michael Mosley documentary about the health benefits of fasting? I can’t remember if liver disease was one of the things it helped (I remember it could reverse type 2 diabetes & high glucose and cholesterol). It’s a BBC documentary and it is available on the net. Might be worth watching to see if the liver is mentioned. It’s quite an inspiring watch in any event.

    Hello to everyone new posting – and thank you for sharing. It is indeed refreshing and comforting to know there are other people out there for whom food is such a challenge. I just want to be normal – not even thin – just a normal person who can eat a sandwich and then not try to eat everything in sight.

    I know several people have mentioned OA… someone very close to me did this. It can work for some people I think, but the problem is it is so restrictive as to what you can and can’t eat, that I think in many ways it would just trigger me to binge on the ‘forbidden’ foods, and my goal is to be a person who is able to eat normal food, in a normal way, rather than somebody who has to eat no sugar, no wheat, no caffeine etc. for the rest of my life.

    Weigh in tomorrow morning. Wish me luck. I’ve been avoiding it for a couple of weeks. I know it isn’t going to be pretty.

    Hello evryone. I hope you’re all well. I don’t post often because I’m not often on the computer, but I’m here in spirit!
    My son is doing a course in a boulangerie/patisserie here in Brittany. I’m so pleased for him as he’s loving it and getting on well there. However…. guess who has to take him in at 3am ?! I’m so pooped with the broken nights. Then (bless him) he brings all sorts of goodies home, which I have to eat infront of him (he want’s an opinion). Struggling on the diet at the moment! Only three more weeks to go 😉
    Have a wonderful day!

    Morning fasters!
    Mcca: Thank you for the reminder of how good this wol is for our health. I get so focused on weight lose I forget all the wonderful things going on in my body on a fd.

    Chrissie: Congrats to your son for doing well in his class. My sympathies to you for having all those yummy goodies you must try. Does he bring you only one to try or is there a box off left overs?

    My fd went well yesterday. I just find it so much easier to just not eat. Today on the other hand; there are donuts in the breakroom as I write this. We are having a free lunch delivered later (every Tues) followed by another BDay cake. How am I supposed to eat healthy w/ all this food calling out to me all day. I have been unable to focus on work because of my obsession w/ the donuts.
    Ok…….Here is my strategy for the day:
    1) I WILL NOT go in the breakroom unless someone else is in there. (Can’t sneak food unless I’m alone)
    2) I WILL drink the same amount of water I do on a fd (try & keep my tummy full)
    3) I can eat what I want w/ this wol, but NOT AS MUCH as I want. I WILL cut all my good in half & wait 5 min before eating the 2nd half.

    I will report to y’all on how I do today. It helps knowing there are people out there wishing me success. Kind of strange to feel supported by people I don’t know, while the people here keep walking by telling me I better hurry & get me some.

    Hello to all and an especially BIG hello to so many new people and I’ve really enjoyed reading all your stories and hearing how everyone is doing 🙂
    I’m so sorry to hear of the diagnosis Kitty and lets hope it is something modifiable with diet.
    I’m just over a week into my trip and have some half decent WiFi again (is ‘free airport WiFi’ the most over-hyped product on the planet??!) and thankfully the over-catered working week of the trip is over and I’m back to finding my own food again. Of course I could have refused two of the courses in the daily three-course lunch AND dinner but then I wouldn’t be on this forum if I could do that now, would I??!! I don’t fast when I travel but I’ve had the odd forced fast day recently due to a reluctance to spend good money on airport food which is invariably disappointing as well as over-priced.
    In answer to the question about no longer craving (sorry, forgot who asked) my experience is also no but with a caveat; I’m finding it much, much, much easier to become aware early that I’m craving and I’m much better at telling myself that food is not going to satisfy that craving so I’d better find something else that will. So, in a sense and at least on a day-to-day basis it is far more manageable but I do believe I’ll always crave “something” and food will probably always be my first go-to source of relief. I’d like to think it might be ‘no’ one day. I think people who don’t use food in this way are using something else – instead of binge eating they are making a phone call or going for a run or a walk in the woods or having sex or getting an early night or taking a bubble bath or writing in a journal. I think it’s human to crave but for me food was a very accessible and successful way to manage difficult emotions in my early life. I’ll get off my soap box now and go to bed – all the best for anyone fasting tomorrow 🙂

    Hi just want to go ‘yippee’ as have just weighed in and weight now 198lbs which am so happy with as am finally out of 200lb range! Full of resolve my next target is to loose another 4lbs and move into overweight range and out of obese range – it’s a fast day today so can honestly say with my boost this morning am actually looking forward to it…..

    Way to go fizzy!!! That’s fantastic. Happy for you!!!
    And congrats to all for their successes lately, whether fending off the Cookie Monster (or pastry chef) or just sticking with this through a plateau. Lol I GAINED a half a pound after a FD so I am getting my jollies vicariously through my buddies here. It is OK, I am just happy to have clothes fitting.

    Good luck to all fasting today!

    Hi everyone! How are we all today?

    Mcca – I haven’t seen the documentary but have downloaded it for when my attention span is a bit better. Damn meds! Hope your weigh in brought you good news. and if not, no worries there’s always next week.

    Comespring – thank you, I have great news about that! My specialist said this morning that he is confident that my condition can be hugely improved, if not totally reversed, by healthy eating and cutting out fat/sugar. In addition, in the space of two weeks my bloods have improved…simply due to what I’ve been eating. I’m so relieved I could cry!

    Chrissie – hello and keep fighting, you can do this. I keep saying to myself “it’s just food, it doesn’t control me” but Ooooh patisserie treats….good grief I’d be like the side of a house! Kudos to you for even being able to diet under such circumstances!

    Michel – again you amaze me with your willpower. The break room cake reminded of a time when I used to work in a hospital. A colleague was retiring, so someone had brought in one of those huge Costco cakes which are delicious. Little party followed, then everyone went back to work and I was left alone with this giant slab of cake, neatly cut up into little pieces. Well what followed was simply gluttony on a titanic scale. I believe I was on my fifth piece when someone came in for a drink of water and I snapped out of it. Luckily there was no evidence of my greed, I would have died of shame. Sorry that was a long winded way of saying I very much admire your strength when people are trying to force feed you.

    Fizzy – Yaaaaaaaaaay!!! Giant congrats to you, what a fantastic result. How much have you lost so far if you don’t mind me asking? I think your sub 200lb result will spur us all on. I love reading about willpower triumphs and weight loss successes. Happy day! I wish you success in meeting your targets.

    I moved out of class 2 obese into class 1, looking forward to being overweight lol!!
    How often do you all weigh yourselves? I’m trying to stick to once a week, but I can’t help but sneak on every day, which I know is detrimental as we change so much.
    My friend said I should just buy a pair of jeans in the size I want to be and hang them up where I can see them every day, and ditch the scales altogether. I think that would just frustrate me though…what do you all think?
    Sending you all good thoughts and much positivity.

    Hi kitty I don’t mind saying how much I weighed when I started it was 221lbs on 15th april – I agree that putting an item of clothing you would like to try and get into somewhere where you can see it is a useful tool but I wouldn’t dispense with scales – I did this and was in a state of shock when I weighed myself and had put on 28lbs!!I guess I just bought bigger clothes and pretended I wasn’t gaining weight this had been on going for years steadily putting weight and then not losing weight gained during pregnancy – my youngest is now 11 so have no excuse. Although I don’t like scales am finding they keep me on track when I waiver as they don’t lie about how quickly weight goes back on. Keep going everyone we are all fabulous whatever we weigh!

    Hi jadelark thanks for your support – I feel so good when I eat properly and so bad when I dont that I am still having serious talks with myself about why self sabotage however I have a feeling that when I do over indulge it is possibly not to quite the same extent as I used to thanks I firmly believe to the 5-2 and this forum! Anyone else think this applies to them too? Fizzy

    Morning gang!

    Kitty: Great news! How wonderful that you have already made progress. Michael Mosley’s research has confirmed how good fasting is for your body. You can turn this around with this wol. Have you ever tried green smoothies. I don’t know if you have any diet limitations, but they may be a good way to get extra nutrients in your diet. I researched them years ago and have been drinking them ever since. Some people say they have really improved their health. On the topic of having a small pair of jeans to help motivate: I already have a closet full of clothes I can’t fit into. Not very motivating.

    Lizzy: Great job! You are an inspiration. I also find myself eating less during a binge.

    Jade: Don’t let the .5 get you down. Another fd will take care of it.

    To help keep me honest (mostly w/ myself) I will report on yesterday. I ate 1/2 a donut @ 11:30 and the other half @ noon. Pretty pleased with that. I ate my miso soup during the party & saved my bundt cake for later. Unfortunately, I went in the kitchen alone @ 4 and ate 2 mini cakes before I realized what I was doing. Thankfully, someone came in before I could get another. So overall not a bad non-fd

    Today is a fd. Currently, there are brownies & fruit kolaches in the kitchen and we are having pizza for lunch. What is wrong w/ the people I work with? I’m going to try & save my pizza for tomorrow. I have no idea if I can do it. Wish me luck I need it today.

    Be strong my fellow faster…….We can do this!

    Hi again everyone. You all are each an inspiration to me. I lurk around in the shadows over here and read all the posts as they come through my phone. Usually, when they show up, I’m sucking down a glass of wine or inhaling a cookie on what was supposed to be my fast day. I can’t say that I’ve totally fallen off the wagon, but I’m clinging on to one of the axles.

    I’m leaving tomorrow for a seven-day, six-night backpacking trip through the California Sierras with my best friend from way back in the day. I won’t be fasting, obviously, but I hope that I’ll shed a few pounds from the exertion and the lack of booze and that I’ll be ready to get the fast days going again when I get back.

    I truly admire all of you and I love the camaraderie here. Good luck to all on their fast day; wonderful news Kitty! Fizzy, congrats on making it to “one-derland!” I’ll see you all in a little while, provided I’m not on the menu for some bear’s non-fast day!

    Today was an epic fail as a fd. The pizza proved to much for me and then there were all those goodies still in the kitchen. Maybe I can skip dinner? (She thinks hopefully)
    I will do a fd tomorrow.
    One thing I love about this wol, I only need to get in 2 fast days a week to make it work (and today is only Wed)

    Penguin: Have a wonderful time on your trip

    Morning fellow fasters!
    Miss hearing from y’all; starting to feel like I’m alone the forum.

    I could not resist stepping on the scale this morning. My dip in the binge pool yesterday resulted in a 1.5 lb gain. I know part of that is the salt in the pizza and the rest is all the calories from brownie after brownie followed by a pint of ice cream on the way home. As many on this site have said: why? why? why?

    Today is a fd, hopefully I can make up some ground.

    Here’s wishing everyone control over food!

    You are not alone, Michell – I like to envision lots of “cyber vibe” support even when we don’t post. I actually wrote a long, newsy, personal post the other day and when I clicked to post, it just vanished. Wish that would happen with the excess lbs!

    I also took a refreshing dip in the binge pool. Because scale be damned, yesterday was NOT a fast day so I just let myself go – not to the point of feeling sick, but definitely with abandon. So today I added 1.5 to the .5 and am TWO lbs up. Maybe it is salt, maybe not.

    But you know what? I needed a free-for-all day after the trip. I truly wasn’t into a fast the other day, still too tird. But I feel strong and ready today. I feel as though I can pay off my excess the other day and it will be back to normal. I love that feeling.

    FWIW, I agree with your thinking Michell — it’s only two days, and if your first try doesn’t work due to food craziness in the break room, then tomorrow is another day! If we can manage — even sometimes — to turn a failed FD into a regular TDEE day, that we are succeeding! But even when we don’t, we can make amends and get back on track. I’m convinced that the fasting, even if we don’t make it through the day, is retraining our brains to accept hunger as not a bad thing.

    Good luck everyone! xx

    I’m here, just SKULKING and HIDING. Still reading & enjoying everyones posts however still haven’t weighed in (it’s been 2 weeks) because I am too scared that the scales will just shout at me YOU ARE A GREEDY FAT PERSON.

    Going to brave it tomorrow morning. Have to face the music sometime. I read today that people who keep weight off are those who weigh daily.

    Jade & mcca: Thanks for posting. I read many of the threads on this site, but this is really the only one I post on. So many just don’t understand where I’m coming from.

    Jade, I also feel strong & ready for fasting today. Good luck to you.

    mcca: Your words to yourself are so harsh. I hope your weigh in goes better than you expect, but if it doesn’t try to be kind in your “self speak”. Thoughts & words are very powerful.

    I admit I weigh every day. I have for years. But I only chart my Mon weight. I have heard: one should weigh weekly when trying to loose weight and daily when trying to maintain weight loss.

    Good luck mcaa! I’ve never had success avoiding the scale, so I typically jump on every day. Thankful mine does not talk, because I would have to muzzle it. My scale is especially sneaky, because it will sometimes seem to let me get away with a midnight sugar party – only to show the damage the second morning after.

    Your words are wise, Michel. Easier said than done for all here, to be kinder to ourselves, but because of the mutual support I do think it is happening more often than it did before 5:2, when I was kind to myself only when I was at my goal weight or actively dieting. I also feel better just knowing a lapse in control is truly temporary. And of course I feel better laughing at all the escapades with food shared here. A godsend.

    At the moment though, this FD is drilling a hole through me. Did I say I was feeling strong!? When did days start lasting 84 hours? xx stay strong

    I feel ya. I’ve had so much to drink today, I think I’m in danger of floating away. 2 more hrs till dinner. Yea!

    Stay strong & remember we are in control!

    YAY YAY YAY! By some miracle I am down 2 lbs, and back to the lightest I have been since starting fasting (I’m 8 months in). Thanks for your support guys! It’s really helpful to check in here, and hear everyone else’s tips. Michell you are right – I need to be more positive in how I talk to myself. And very interesting on the weigh daily/weekly thing. That makes sense! Jade thanks for the heads up on the midnight sugar parties sneaking up on me – good to know this can happen a day late!!

    Penguin – I know you are off line at the moment but I’m back to your question about falling off the wagon and getting back on again. I’ve been doing this for 8 months and have had many times where I just haven’t done it for 2 or even 3 weeks at a time. But I do keep coming back to the plan, and it is working for me better than anything else in my life ever has (and believe me, I have done every diet out there) and I have stuck with it for longer. I do also think it has had an effect on my binge eating. I still do it, but I think it is less often now, and less food when I do. Don’t get me wrong, on a non-fast day I am still way more likely to really overeat than not (to the point where my stomach hurts), but it is less than before. My weight loss is super slow (I’ve been playing with the same 2 lbs for 2 months now), but given that my weight has basically crept up and up over 20 years, I imagine the healthy way for it to go down and down is slowly.

    Will I ever be normal with food? I doubt it. Will I always obsess about food, whether fasting or not fasting? Probably. But with this plan, I have been able to stop punishing and hurting myself by overeating every single day, and that has to be a good thing.

    Good morning and what AMAZING work going on here ladies (and gentlemen?) WELL DONE fizzy, Michel, mcca and jade!! I’ve also been wondering how it’s going for you kitty, Helen and chrissy and others who haven’t posted for a while – and I hope all is well with you Queen?
    I’m starting to feel the effects of a mammoth eating week last week that is not being helped by the delicious food on offer all around me, with no real meal schedule. Hard to resist the wonderful eastern European breads and meat-filled crispy pancakes cooked to perfection in butter… I am trying to only eat when I’m hungry as I’m not fasting at the moment but there are to-die-for pastries on every street corner. Not going to beat myself up though and I am going to enjoy what’s on offer, albeit with a little moderation! Stay strong 🙂

    Hope you’re all well.
    Where are you in Europe Comespring?
    Mcca… My mirror sniggers at me ‘you are a greedy, fat person’. Great that you lost two pounds. That’s brilliant!

    Dearest son brought home almond filled croissants yesterday. One was gone almost before I realised what was happening!
    I was good in the evening though. Half a large sweet potato with cinnamon and a large salad, plus some puny but tasty strawberries from the garden. Went for a long walk with my friend and my dog, and then went to bed. Getting up at two thirty to take son to the boulangerie was hard but at least I was able to get back to sleep quickly. Thank crunchie it’s Friday and I get a whole night’s sleep tonight!
    Have a good day everyone!

    Hello lovely People!
    It’s like a little club here isn’t it…instead of Fight Club it’s Fast Club! The rules of Fast Club are: never talk about Fast Club! Lol! Oh my I think I’m delirious from hunger. Excuse my daftness, I’m on another fd.
    To everyone who was wondering, I’ve been ill the last few days. Nothing to do with the liver thing, just a tummy bug that’s had me in the loo 24/7. Sorry if TMI! I hope that at the end of it I’ll have lost some weight though, the scales have been refusing to shift.

    Congrats to everyone who had a loss, well done and carry on! And to those who are going upwards instead of downwards – f**k it, just start again when you’re ready.
    There are such wise words on this forum, it always makes me feel better. Such a wonderful motivational tool – I think we are all benefitting from being able to compare horror/success stories. So many times I read someone’s post and think “my god, that’s me, I do exactly that”. Especially with regards to the self sabotage issue, why do we ruin things for ourselves by chowing down? Who knows, if someone finds the answer please let us know before you go off and make your millions!
    Dear god I really am rambling….sorry guys I’m not right today! Right, I’m going for a nap. The less time I am awake, the less I will eat.
    All the best to all of you, whether in full on glutton mode or Saint-like starvation. Xx

    Happy Fri Fasters!

    Successful fd yesterday. Managed to lose 1 of the lbs I gained on Wed. If I can make it till dinner w/ no snacks, today will be a good non-fd. Breakfast burritos for the office today & I managed to only have 1 and then a left over piece of pizza for lunch. Not the healthiest choices but at least I was able too walk away. (This time)

    mcca: Great job on losing 2lbs and getting back to your lightest weight. Must feel really good.

    Comspring: “Pastries on every corner” is my idea of “died & gone to heaven”. Great for the taste buds, not so much for the waistline. I like your outlook. Enjoy in moderation.

    Chrissie: An almond filled croissant, salad & sweet potato sounds like a good eating day to me.

    Have a great day and remember to

    Kitty: Hope you had a good nap. Maybe you will lose
    a little from the tummy bug.
    I like “the fast club”

    Struggling to not dive head first into the bowl of chocolate sitting by the copier. So far I’ve only put my feet in……..

    Congrats on going down, Michel and mcca! Good lord Michel they sure eat a lot where you work. Kudos on all the willpower you exercise. There is often food where I work but it’s easy to avoid in my large building. And mcca you nailed what I appreciate most here. Even if I am never “normal” around food, I’ve found a way to feel normal more days than not. And hopeful as well. It’s sure better than I felt before!

    Oh Chrissie, almond croissants are my absolute fave! And if my child made them, I would love them even more. I’m impressed that you were able to restrain yourself afterwards with what sounds like a lovely light dinner. Congrats to you!

    Kitty, hope you are over the bug. And doing a FD too? You’re ambitious! I confess I had to say f*** it the other day when I wasn’t feeling tip top. And Fight Club, lol I wouldn’t make it very far. I agree, if anyone discovers the psychology behind binging, please do share with the Fight Club before you go off an make your millions. I did some light research in Ghrelin and leptin and all I got was confused. Probably just like the leptin in my body, it’s very confused. STEP IT UP LEPTIN, WOULD YOU PLEASE??

    Spring and Penguin, enjoy your travels and indulge yourselves in moderation if you can! Lots of walking will be involved so I’ll bet it will all balance out.

    So…gold stars to everyone! Well, except me, I wasn’t too well behaved today, thanks to a tin of — of all things — PEANUTS, but I did successfully complete a FD yesterday so I’m holding my own and happy for that. Baby steps, I tell myself….peanut binges are slightly better than doughnut binges, right? When I start having lettuce binges, I’ll let you know (lol HELEN!! Where are you girl?).

    Have a great weekend all! xx jade

    Good morning everyone – have gone (as usual) from ‘yipee’ to ‘oh dear’ ….as after feeling great and doing well on fast day, went back to the familiar scenario of hurtling off the rails and eating all of my familiar comfort foods (peanuts, crisps, tortillas and dips hmmmm yummy) added to this my new most favourite tipple – a cool glass of processco! Am still thinking that before 5-2 I would have continued to eat until I felt physically sick and more often than not used to be sick. So I am going to continue doing my best and hopping back onto that wagon! Fizzy

    Fizzy, you mentioned that above, the bit about going a bit less off the rails than before 5:2. Me, too! Only I just realized it when I reread your post. I may be a slow learner, but this is an epiphany for me!

    After my peanut binge yesterday (and seriously I ate like a goat, many handfuls of nuts down the hatch), I went out for dinner with friends and had only one slice of pizza and one beer. I could have eaten more, it was delicious, but I wasn’t all that hungry. And I nursed the living hell out of that beer, but it lasted just fine and I drank water along with it. So I ate like a normal person, in other words. Before 5:2, I’m pretty sure I’d have tossed all care to the wind, because the day was lost as a “diet” day anyway. But there was no reason to sabotage anything, because yesterday I was not on a diet.

    So now I see that I’m learning how to succeed and also realizing how often I am succeeding — whether it’s with the scale or my head. I want to control my eating, but even more, I want to lose the guilt. I’m beginning to do both and it feels terrific. I’m sure that sharing stories here has a LOT to do with that, so thank you. The scale was up today (well, compared to after a FD, no shock there), but I am not discouraged by that, because I feel so darn normal. Oh dear I’m getting all sappy, but it’s a good feeling and I wanted to share it. xx jade

    Morning fasters!
    I agree w/ both of you, I am doing better. It has been awhile since I ate to the point of being sick. I know I’m doing better and the scale is no longer going up, up, up. This is good for my health. Logically I know these things, but I can’t seem to break the “well I’ve blown it, so I’ll just stop & get ice cream on the way home” cycle. It’s like I get in the car, telling myself I will not stop, but knowing I will. Then I’m on some self destructive auto pilot that ends with me hiding an empty ice cream carton in the trash.
    If I can just not start eating till I’m truly hungry, I seem to stay more in control. I have know idea if that makes sense. Yesterday, I was not hungry for the breakfast burrito but everyone was eating one so I joined in. Then the hunger monster was loose. So hard to work when all I an think of is eating.
    Ok, today is a new day. My goal is to wait till I’m truly hungry and then I will have a tuna wrap.
    Good luck to y’all—stay strong & committed

    Hi fellow FC
    I too have had somewhat of a revelation since reading fizzy’s post about not binging to the extent of before 5:2……It really hit home last night when my husband decided to sit beside me with a tub of Ben&Jerrys Karamel Sutra, my all time favourite ice cream. I mean, I would have crawled over burning broken glass to get me some of that and would have eaten at least half (all of!) the tub. Last night, I had three (big) teaspoonfuls and quit, feeling satisfied. This is huge! Hubby was stunned, he had been fully prepared for me to seize the tub and vanish into the night, but he said he has really noticed a change in how I eat as well as what I eat. Amazing. And I never felt guilty either, I’m slowly getting out of the mindset of being “allowed” things. I can eat whatever I like, it’s only food. As long as I just have a little bit, then quit, happy instead of guilty. Maybe we are starting to get in touch with our inner “off switch” where we identify, and stop at, the point of satisfaction – rather than plunging on regardless into binge/sick/guiltguiltguilt territory.
    Of course maybe this is an isolated incident and I’m over analysing it, and maybe it’s because I’m ill, but I’m definitely less inclined to binge to gluttonous extents now.
    I totally agree with Jade, I think a lot of it has to do with us openly discussing our experiences and having people who identify exactly with what we are going through. A success for one is a success for all, it galvanises our resolve and gives us strength. Good god I sound like a TV movie, excuse me I’m still ill!
    Long may good and positive things continue for all of us!
    Thinking of you all, enjoy your weekends x

    P.S Jade – “ate like a goat”. The mental picture I got from that made me laugh so hard I nearly peed.

    I’m waiting at the eye Dr, rereading the posts and realized how therapeutic this forum has been for me. I’ve mentioned before that I spent some time in counseling. It was mostly me talking and comments by the counselor; interspersed with aha moments. This is much the same. The aha moments are were we make our progress, but the input from each of you helps me.

    Kitty: Good for you! Only 3 spoons full. I’m impressed.

    I agree, this really is therapeutic in so many ways. How wonderful that by telling our stories we can help others, and receive help. Makes me very proud to be a part of it.
    Hope your eye is ok Michel!
    Another triumph – hubby had giant bar of chocolate yesterday, I ate four small squares and quit. Even when he went out and left it unguarded, normally that scenario would end in diet disaster….but I left it alone. And God, it felt good! I truly believe that this forum has helped me hugely.
    So again, thank you everyone. I appreciate you all.

    Hi all, just signed up after reading all your posts. I have been on and off with my weight for last 15years and only really managed to be happy with my weight when traning for half-marathon and running 35miles a week. Now with two kids and two jobs and shiftwork that is not sustainable and so really need to address my food. I seem to have an issue with food, either extremly healthy positive day or complete ‘pig out’ with huge amount of calories, followed by lot of exercise and healthy food to off balance the damage. I am very settled in other aspects of my life so cant really put my finger on my struggles with food. I am almost 14st and should be max 12st so 2st off would be a dream. Hope ok to join in on your posts as you seem to be all very supportive to each other.

    I found it very reassuring to hear how you are all battling on and off and not giving up and that perhaps we will always be bingers but I can finally relate to so many off you and not feel like ‘a weirdo’ that is keeping her food issues secret. I appreciate your real posts so so much.

    So my first fast day tomorrow and very excited about it. Starting on 89.4kg

    Welcome moturam! Looking forward to seeing how you get on. I am a jogger as well, I would say a runner but I’m slower than a tortoise. Though, given the ge, I can go a long way! Anyway, when I don’t have time, it can be a struggle to get my appetite on board with reality.

    I am settling for mental progress this weekend, but for me that is a big step. Tomorrow is a FD and I am looking forward to what I know I will get from it – a renewed sense of control, a turnabout in the weekend’s gains (and I’m sure there are some but I decided not to jump on this morning – way too much uninhibited, i.e., cocktail-infused, noshing last night). I’m glad to lose the guilt but do need that weekly dose of self-control!

    Congrats, Kitty, on your victory over the chocolate bar!! I can so envision the scene….you, alone with it….contemplating…..free to scarf it up in one fell swoop! How wonderful that the resistance is getting a little easier.

    Buckle up for tomorrow, all fasters – see you at the water fountain. xx

    Morning All!
    I’m lounging in bed reading you posts and looking for inspiration. And I found it!

    Kitty: Big “Great Job” to you. We understand the call of unguarded chocolate like no one else. Add this one to your victory over the ice cream. Also, thanks for asking, but I was only in for an annual eye exam. Can’t get more contracts w/out the exam. It did help delay my eating till lunch time. I had my tuna wrap @ 12:30, made it till dinner before eating again. Struggled not to snack the rest of the night, but for me the day went down as a win. I weigh in on Mondays, usually the heaviest day of the week, so I’m hoping to be strong today and eat “normally”

    Jade: 🙂 You made me laugh with the “slower than a tortoise” comment. But you should be proud, at least you are out exercising. I have ordered the Fast Exercise book. I’m looking forward to reading the science behind it. I will be fasting tomorrow as well and am also looking forward to it. A very strange thing to say, but I understand where you are coming from.

    Moturam: Wellcome to our lil gang of fasters. Your post sounds familiar, except for all that running. 🙂 Hopefully we can all gain control over food and the desire to binge.

    Moturam – welcome to Fast Club! We are a happy little gang and everyone is oh so supportive. Well done on the running by the way, I couldn’t run the length of myself!
    Haha Jade, you and I could have a slow race!

    Michel – glad to hear your eyeballs aren’t falling out or anything like that!! And well done on taking the steps toward exercise by ordering the book. Great job x2!

    I am fasting tomorrow too…and weighing in…fingers crossed.
    Lots of strength and positive vibes to everyone fasting tomorrow! You can do it!

    Kitty: You are cracking me up. I’m glad my eyes are not falling out too. And I could join y’all in the slow race. That’s part of the reason I’m looking into the Fast Exercise, even I should be able to do 10 min a day.

    I just made the best spaghetti squash w/ onions, garlic & parmesan cheese. My hubby really liked it and it was pretty easy. I’m not a cook, so this was big for me. And spaghetti squash only has 31 cal for a cup.

    Here’s to healthy choices today and fasting tomorrow!

    Hi FC …so far my third coffee on my first fast and plenty of water. Getting slightly wobbly but feeling strong.

    Jade .. Can’t call myself runner anymore but any little jog I manage feels like great achievement…..in my slow elephant motion. Not fun carrying extra 40lb around since I was a runner. Still hoping that one day….

    Michael u are making me hungry with your spaghetti. And I am sure any extra movement will help to offset the binge monsters.

    Kitty hope Fast is going well.

    Planning to make a curry pot tonight (no cream) and have some without carbs for dinner.

    Hi Group,

    I haven’t had the chance to catch up on all the posts as yet. I just wanted to add I haven’t moved on from where I was last time I posted. I am trying to avoid bingeing though, but have realised not only am I binger; I am also a compulsive eater. So give me a bakery and I will eat the shop.

    One thing I have noticed and if I could only be disciplined enough to do this every day, I am much better if I hold off breakfast and eat either t 10.30 am or nothing until lunch or mid afternoon. Times I binge tend to be 10.30 or 3pm. They are my peak times. I have noticed, on my early shifts – thank you DC – I am wanting coffee and chocolate or cereal straight away but that has nothing to do with hunger, that’s to do with feeling yuk, and whether I eat ten bowls of cereal, or nothing I am hungry by 10.20 whatever- how bizarre. I am much more effective in the mornings, when working, if I can hold off on breakfast. My willpower is rubbish though and most mornings I think “what the heck” and impulsively scram as soon as I get up. So I’m working on this. Also, I haven’t been fasting as I mentioned my willpower hasn’t been great and I’m trying to avoid bingeing, but I’m convinced fasting itself doesn’t worsen bingeing, it can certainly make me eat more if I am tired and am not thinking about what I am doing, or if I were to fast for a week I would be bingeing for england, but on the days I did fast it was nice to feel genuine hunger, and genuine hunger made me feel like eating vegetables and fish, meat lentils – filling nourishing food, or it makes me choose something I love, like pizza, but I savour every bite, and recognise when I am full.

    Like a previous poster stated I do think bingeing is quite complex, there are certainly mental health and physiological components to it and I am trying to overcome those, but the current binge treatment therapy of letting oneself eat what one wants isn’t helpful for me at this point in time, I just seem to be overeating all the time and feeling like I am in a mental fog. At the same time banning foods does make me crave them… I am also not doing well with keeping any food I fancy in the house, at the moment I am in all day and it’s a nightmare to avoid the kitchen!

    A random update but just to let you know I’m still part of the group and trying! Also to let you know I’m still capable of eating a whole french stick, and endless amounts of chocolate in one go…!

    Good luck to all.

    Ah Queen, it is good to hear from you, and as your fellow struggler I have lots of sympathy. Not much you can do about work schedules that probably leave you tired. That is so hard! I have the same battle with cereal, must avoid in the mornings. But get a load of this, last week I poured rice krispies into a bowl and added marshmallow fluff and ate it in clumps with a spoon. I must have looked like a caveman gnawing on a bison leg.

    Sometimes all I can do is remember that this 5:2 thing is actually a thing, a way out of my dilemma after a loss of control. For the last week, I’ve had to define “success” as just giving in temporarily, and not giving up for good. I see the other threads with people who are fasting twice a week and TDEE’ing the rest of the time. After 4 months of trying (often failing) with this 5:2 thing, I don’t think I’ve had any of those weeks. But I still think I’m better than I was, even if just mentally. I’m hopeful that more things will fall into place, and dear lord it is slow going most of the time. However, I guess I have nothing but time and no one else to be but myself, and so I’m sticking with you here. Go fast club go.

    And as you said, there are those good moments! When I’ve succeeded with a FD and wake up feeling grand. When I’m truly hungry and the taste of real, nutritious food is a joy. Those are elusive memories in the throes of a binge or a monster craving for chocolate, but they’re in my head now, I can at least reason with myself that there is a fix. Those ideas weren’t there before.

    OK off the soapbox, confessional, whatever I’m on. Because it’s a FD and (haha) I must conserve my mental energy!!! xxx jade

    Hello to all of you fatclub/fitclub people! Its great looking at all of the posts they are full of all the things I like – humour, empathy, support and advice. Gosh changing your mindset around food is a minefield (in my case a minefield full of crisps, nuts and vino) but like we all seem to be saying it is something we are all doing our best to negotiate. I like to try to run/jog/wobble/shuffle but have not attempted for a couple of months as dropped large box of books onto my foot and still finding it difficult to do. Has anyone tried the NHS couch to 5k running app its really quite good – although over the past 2 years have never managed to get past week 7 before something (me) puts a spanner in the works and I just end up stopping and then having to start at the beginning again. Its a FD today and so far am doing ok – would agree with those who find not eating until 2/3pm helps.


    Hi all, so good reading all your posts. I’m really struggling at the moment. On non fast days do you guys eat three meals a day or little and often. Which one if any helps prevent bingeing?
    I’ve had success with eating every three hours in the past but i’m so mucked up in my head I don’t know which is the best to do anymore.
    The weight is going up and up (I’ve put on 3 and a half stone since Xmas).
    Apologies I know this isn’t strictly 5:2 business but you are all so supportive and I’ve no one else to talk to.

    Hey gang!
    Been a crazy busy day at work. Made fasting a little easier, which I needed; I gained 1.9 lbs last week. 🙁

    Morturam: How did your day go? Hope it was a success. I can’t do caffeine on a fd, makes me feel weird. Curry pot? Not familiar with that.

    Queen: I agree that fasting does not make bingeing worse, at least for me. I was bingeing/overeating long before I started fasting. I wish I had brilliant words of wisdom for you. All I have to offer is support and the knowledge that you are not alone in your struggle.

    Jade: My weight chart is all over the place. I can fast, but sticking to the TDEE on nfd seems impossible. The calories just add up too fast. To keep the calories down I have to diet (because I don’t know how to eat normally) and this is not supposed to be a diet. Grrrr!

    Lizzy: Sorry about your injury, hopefully you will be out running before long. It’s great that you have found an app too help you.

    Wendy: My successful non-fd happen when I eat 2 meals. I don’t need breakfast, so when I wait & have lunch then dinner I’m good. Of course these days are undone by my overeating on non-successful fd. I have never had success eating small meals all day.

    From the Fast Beach Diet book “reframe the motivator: I’d like to be slimmer, healthier and full of energy.”

    Hey Wendy, good to see you again!
    Like Michel, my successful non-FDs involve some measure of control. Breakfast doesn’t usually interest me, except as dinner lol (an easy FD dinner too, and my unsuspecting hubs loves it). So I try to wait as long as possible, usually make it until around 11 or so, and then still keep things light until dinner. I’ve mentioned this before, but I love a big dinner. And if I have a big lunch, I STILL love a big dinner. Thus the weight gain – I just can’t eat 3 meals a day and my TDEE confirms that, So it doesn’t work for me to have more than some fruit, cheese, or a salad for lunch. I know that sounds like a diet, but I get my reward at night and it works for me. Well, it would work if I did it every time!

    I enjoy eating when I’m hungry. It’s why South Beach didn’t last for me. I ate every 3 hours, the cheese sticks etc., but poo who wants a damn cheese stick. And I wasn’t hungry, so that glycemic index business was valid, but I missed being hungry! It was weird. For someone who loves food, ugh, it was like the Stepford Wives’ diet. Give me Fizzy’s minefield of crisps, nuts, and vino any day over monotony.

    Sorry about your foot, Fizzy! I do like some of the running apps, but usually I just listen to Beethoven on the earbuds. He was so brilliant. I have used “Running for Weight Loss: Interval Training” which seems to incorporate the HIIT idea that is recommended here. It’s a little hard core for me. I’ve heard that couch to 5k is popular so it must be pretty good. But I’ll just stick with my guy Ludwig. He gets me 🙂

    Thank heavens this day is almost over. I ate leaves and chicken for dinner, and the Father’s Day goody leftovers are singing to me. My husband has no sweet tooth, darn his hide. If he would just eat them, they’d be gone. I guess if I would just not make them, they’d be gone, too. But then what fun would Father’s Day be for me, right? I mean, those kids didn’t raise themselves without my help. All right, I’m getting punchy, time to go.

    Stay strong, fast clubbers. xx

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