I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,301 through 2,350 (of 3,046 total)

  • Hey islanders! Go you, Spring – well done on the FD.😍 A loss is a loss, and control is control. Kicking ass can be tough, boy do I hear you on that score‼️

    I’m post meno, so that and my age have ensured that my tdee is about the size of a light dinner in my youth. So it’s no wonder I have gravitated to saving most calories for the evening meal, with perhaps a small snack to tide me over. I don’t know if my metabolism is more efficient or I have naturally slowed down as I age, but honesly (w/o the junk in my system) I can be satisfied with a light snack and an evening meal. But if I change that up and have a big lunch, guess who still wants that big evening meal? You got it – LIZARD GIRL!🐲 So Annette, I could not do the lunch thing at all, and typically don’t. I take fruit to work and maybe some nuts or peanut butter, and the thing that works for me is that it looks and feels like a snack. So I am not really having a meal, thus I don’t expect to be full – my goal is just not to be ravenous. Where I get into trouble is that tipping point where I morph from a deliberately light eater to a heat-seeking missile. Or make that a doughnut-seeking missileπŸ™„πŸ˜  Unless I am super busy and absorbed in my work (HA HA), a true lunch just distracts my mind. It thinks “aha, she’s eating a meal, party time!” Seriously, my whole body rebels. I want to relax, have a beer, watch some Tv..and that’s so awkward when it’s only slightly past noon and I’m at school.😏

    The no-grain thing is working though. I don’t avoid them like the plague, I’ll have some pasta or rice without making a scene, but I am wary with it and just take a larger portion of the non-carby part of the meal. It’s working, I think? I don’t really miss bread (OK, THAT took a few days) and I’m not stuffing myself. It’s not the most fun, because I’m not eating the things I’d want to stuff myself with πŸ€” but hey you can’t have everything! And so I don’t feel exactly normal, but I don’t feel as deprived as before. I do want a decent amount of fruit and veg so I’m not counting carbs – but anyway it seems like something I can live with for now. And I still hope that someday I can lighten up and be more normal. No delusions of actually BEING normal, oh no I think there is a permanent wing in the Rehab Cave with my name on it.πŸšͺ🍴

    Love and luck to all – we are peas in a pod, all ideas are helping me even if it’s just to cheer you on! πŸ‹πŸ‘―πŸ’ͺπŸŽ‰πŸŒ΄xxxx

    πŸ™‚ Such a lovely post Jade and thanks for the laughs – I’m confident there’s a wing being built in the rehab cave for me too although I just wish I looked more like Sandra Bullock in 28 Days and less like an extra from Trainspotting. I was struck by your comment “my goal is just not to be ravenous” and that is so essential for me too. I’ve known that tipping point, and heat-seeking missile sums it up brilliantly – a brain explosion that atomizes my resolve and scatters it around the kitchen. I keep 10 almonds in my handbag at all times to ward off LIZARD GIRL and it mostly works really well as I can go a long way on 10 almonds πŸ™‚

    I swam just over a kilometre this morning and so far I’ve eaten 2 boiled eggs, a banana and a coffee so I’m feeling quite virtuous (whenever I write that I have a vision of the robot from Lost in Space yelling “Danger!! Danger!! Hubris Approaching!!). I shouldn’t boast because it’s only 1:40pm and still a ways to go to make sure I come in under TDEE. I’m pretty sure my current TDEE would starve a goldfish but it’s the one that I have so it’s no good moaning about it, right? Sending strength your way if you’re fasting today and have a great weekend everyone, taking some time to relax and refresh. Love Spring xxx

    Good morning all.
    I’m reading about all your struggles and issues with food and I think, thank god for all your honesty and support. Reading all your posts about struggling with emotional eating is such a comfort because it means I’m not alone in feeling this way and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel is different lengths for different people but there is still a way out. Its hard to put into words how much more positive I’m feeling now.
    Thank you all ladies.

    I’ve been back 3 days from my holiday and 8 lb weight gain but yay, I’ve already lost 2 lbs. Although I’ve not got back into the my fasting yet it seems as I suspected, most of my weight gain was alcohol. Now I’m not drinking its coming off. I feel much better now.

    So much for good intentions. I fasted until about 9.30am and then had biscuits!!Of course, then all bets were off so I ate lunch, some more biscuits and then when I got home via the supermarket, I ate a pain chocolat and an ice cream in the sun!!! I seem to have turned into a rebellious teenager over night and have decided to indulge this moody individual until next week.

    I was reading anything and everything last night about menopause and weight gain. I suppose that needing fewer calories as we age does make sense, but then exercise is encouraged too for keeping healthy and maintaining muscle mass. I do find it both sad and depressing that I simply need far less food than I would like.

    I too seem to have a TDEE that would starve a goldfish! I am fed up.It seems so unfair after all of the positive changes that I have made. I shall give in to my inner 3 year old for the weekend and then get back into the groove next week.

    Annette, it sure sounds like menopause – the sullen teenager with the added fun of lower calorie needs. That is a special wing of the Rehab Cave that has a secret escape hatch, and we’re all smart enough to find it. I do sympathize, it’s SO unfair when my body fails to react properly to my efforts. After all, I’m not doing this for my health!! Oh wait, I am…OK fine but I want the other door prizes too.

    Right, so whole foods aren’t the holy grail for us. They’re awesome and they make me healthier, but they don’t necessarily make me leaner. As a teacher, I give whole foods a C+ if I’m feeling generous. Where in the **** are the A+ foods, the true holy grail? I’m on experiment #847 to find out (the lower-grain/carb thing) but who knows. I may always be a moody teenager a certain % of the time, and if so, then that’s me. Carpe diem when I’m not, but keep your children safe when Annette and I are on the prowl!🍦🍩🐊

    I think that is just the way I am. Indulging the teenager from time to time, and being more vigilant when I crawl back to myself. We are who we are, and we are all improving but success may not be exactly as we imagined it. (Chubs said it best in her St. Crispin’s Day speech, as I think of it, a few pages back.) Weight control and good health aren’t easy for us, and sometimes we need a righteous break. But the time always returns when we’re ready to give it the good fight, otherwise we would never have landed on this thread. Cheers to us for not giving up. πŸŒˆπŸ”†πŸŒ΄β™₯️

    Hi All — I’ve posted a few times here. Was trying the 5:2 and have a life-time history of binging. Really addicted to carbs which I have sort-of tamed over the past 5 years or so. Sort Of. Anyway, I was struggling with the Fast Days. I would get very hungry. Sometimes something social would come up and my FD plans would fly out the window. So mostly I would not do the FDs.

    Then one day I read Karen M’s posts on Low Carb High Fat way of eating and I started investigating that. I think this is my new way of eating. I love the food. I’m following the dietdoctor.com challenge and cooking his recipes. Everything is delicious. I don’t get hungry for probably 5 hours or so. Sometimes I just have two meals a day. In the two weeks since I’ve been eating this way (hate to call it a diet), I’ve lost 6 lbs. I feel great. Never hungry and if I am there are LCHF options for snacks. I have not had any desire to binge. My body feels sated from this way of eating. I think it’s all the fat.

    My fingers are crossed that this really is a healthy way of eating! It’s a bit of a leap of faith. But with every meal I include a huge amount of mixed greens so hoping that is good. Today’s lunch was pesto pork chops with a mayo/pesto sauce, a cheesy broccoli and cauliflower bake I made a few days ago, and then probably 3 cups of mixed lettuce/greens. There is no calorie counting. Just trying to get the right amount of fats, proteins and carbs.

    Anyway, this is just my experience with this during a short time but I really do feel like I’ve found a way of eating that is good for me and I can do forever. And lose weight! I might still read here now and then for the binging information but I won’t be following the 5:2 plan. Best of everything to all. Thanks.

    Hi all

    Hive of activity, and sorry if I haven’t had time to go back through all the posts πŸ˜‰ we’re on a new screen page. So totally agree with the sentiments that have been wafting through this thread.

    Spring, I saw you post a couple of days back and totally get the psychology going on and the 5:2, I imagine we’ve all got private struggles related to food and the 5:2 will not really address these, but does allow some control, and goals to feel better πŸ™‚ I’m guilty as charged of wrecking FD on thurs, I was on track all day, then around 5pm, it was a beautiful evening, met my sis at the station, as we were walking up the hill, I knew we were walking towards wine! my FD was 1 1/2 glasses of wine, some nuts (of course) and an omelette, but worth every minute as we sat in the dusky sunshine. Next day I paid the price with a blinding headache, note to self, drinking on fast days! But I agree with you Spring sometimes (think it was you) sometimes we just have to live!

    Annette, yes agree with the inner child, I can feel mine rising, I checked back to previous FD’s last year, I did about 30 from April to July, but every 4th FD there was a blip, so if that’s the case fine! will have the cake or whatever, and not beat myself up, we are only human, and as I mentioned above, on any one week I’m aware of feeling lonely, fed up, sad, frustrated and angry, as well as happy thank god! I think this is this the peri-menopausal Tsunami, it’s suddenly upon ‘one’ and having to deal with some challenging and for me, childish feelings, and a sadness of having to move on to life’s next stage! luckily now we’re still pretty young at 70 etc….compared to when my granny was around

    The metabolism thing utterly sucks, I’m sure I could live on air! if I indulged in my TDEE (1900 cals) I would be making no progress. Basically I lose on 4:3 and quite strict NFD’s and no booze, but I think it’s a lot of stress on my body, and a lot of ‘hangriness’, although if I have a goal it’s useful. I agree with Chubs, distraction is totally the best way to deal with FD’s and food in general. I love the days when I can get out of my own head, and just focus on healthy stuff πŸ™‚ who doesn’t? Yes spring I’ve been doing the 90 day challenge, AMAZING! I also have weekends when I’m practising new routines for my classes, this can be ALL weekend til I get it right, and it’s when I’m happiest, my neighbour downstairs is luckily a bit deaf..

    Back to the peri-menopausal thing, I’m so much better in the summer, and for those in the UK (anyone?) we have about 8mths of bad weather and 3/4 mths of reasonably sunny days and lovely light evenings πŸ™‚ Climate change has wrecked havoc on our winters and we now have mild winters with big storms/and wind. When the sun comes out its amazing the transformation! I really suffer in the winter months, am never warm enough (thyroid) etc, but come summer, I have more energy etc…this improves peri-menopause and general outlook! One day I plan to return to Latin/America or Spain…..for the sun.

    Jade congrats on the new jeans! I loved the description of them, ‘North of the muffin top’ haha! that’s awesome. I’ve also bought new trousers, and it is an amazing feeling to go down a size..The scales can be rubbish and unkind but in the end the only indicator that things are on the downward trend. Here’s to sucessful FD’s and a fabulous weekend ahead!…

    Hi to Lolly, FCanadian, CaliB, Queen, Karen, Caspersmum! anyone else? xx

    A big hello to all you lovely ladies!

    I was traveling last week in the US. The waiter in the hotel almost fainted when I ordered a 3 eggs omelet with bacon, triple cheese, extra butter on the side, no fruit thank you, spinach and mushrooms are fine though – and please can you get me the salt? ha ha, I think he wanted to call the health check police πŸ™‚

    Was a bit more challenging to keep up the LCHF but got on alright with breakfast really being the easiest bit. I even tested whether white wine or champagne throws one out of the ketosis, which is not the case thankfully. Only had 2 glasses max and very much enjoyed those.

    Really doing just fine with my new way of eating, eating great stuff. If I am not feeling satisfied I just eat more fatty food until I am full. Am eating way slower now as my body seems to realize that it needs to be carefully to not eat too much of the fatty stuff. And once I am full of the delicious fat I really have no cravings left whatsoever. Takes sometimes up to 7 hours until I am hungry again. No surprise there either I guess. Am very careful with carbs, no more than 30g a day.

    And I did a lot of reading on the plane. I got the book from Phinney and Volek “Low Carbohydrate Living”, 2 academics who did massive research on LCHF and living by it themselves in maintenance mode now. Simcoeluv posted an interview with them the other day here. They are doing a very nice job in outlining why on earth the high carb/low fat diet became so popular, why cholesterol became the bad guy and why fat was the new poison. Which all led to a massively overweight population and explosion of diabetes II cases.

    Highly recommend to read it. Makes interesting reading even if you are not planning on going on a LCHF. Just shows how the food industry, incompetent academics and an even more clueless public health administration put us all on the wrong track. FastCanadian, great to hear that you give it a go. Do read the book, as it has some really important health advice like drinking broth at least twice a day and generally increasing your salt intake.

    Jade, Tango, congrats on new jeans/trousers! I have to get some new ones soon, all my clothes are really hanging quite loose now. Like it πŸ™‚

    Sending you all positive thoughts – we will all find our ways. Don’t give up, hang in there.


    Hi guys! So good to see everybody here. I’m sorry to see so many of us struggling but, even so, there are markers of success too, no?

    I’m in a merry dance of one day up and another day down and remembering wistfully when I felt so confident and got such steady results. Still, today seems like an up day and my knee is much better so I think I’ll be able to go back to the gym on Monday. I think I’m going to have to dial back on the resistance significantly in the interest of being able to maintain daily activity. But, if that’s the way it’s going to be, so be it!

    We are in our final month here. And now it looks doubtful that we’ll find ourselves reassigned here again. Real estate in Vancouver has gone certifiably NUTZ and living here is no longer a sustainable thing. This is a realization that many Vancouverite families are coming to as well when their adult kids are having to leave for more affordable climes as well. But we have been extremely *blessed* to have known Vancouver from the time it was a sleepy little city to these heady post-Olympics days of incredible growth. And we will take precious memories with us.

    The good part of going home is: air conditioning (in time for Summer!), our 5yo grandson (*obviously* NOT in that order), our own bed and both of us getting to deal with the routine but necessary medical services that keep these creaky old bodies moving. I’m grateful to think that may mean a pain-free knee again and being able to read books that AREN’T IN LARGE TYPE. 😏

    My bad news for today is I think I’ve figured out at least part of how I’ve been setting myself up for poor 5:2 results. I’ve been allowing myself cheese, yogurt and kombucha to up the probiotics. I think all of them are acting like triggers for me. I guess I could leave the condensed milk out of the yogurt and see if I tolerate ti better that way. I didn’t use a lot; just enough to balance out the sour flavor but if it has to go, it has to go. The cheese will be tough to adios. Sooooo many ways to make milk delicious!!!! And , if there’s one thing Canada has, it’s an abundance of wonderful cheeses. The kombucha will be the hardest of all to give up as a cold sparkly glass when it’s hot is bliss. And then there’s the personal satisfaction that this SCOBY I grew from start when we got up here was getting soooo good.

    I love making kombucha. It’s just such an interesting living thing and I like to watch it change from day to day. It’s as much fun as opening a bottle and hearing the pop of all that effervescence that magically develops in the bottle. ::sigh:: But I’ve just got to decide what I want and what it takes to accomplish it. Jade, you are lucky to have an inner teen. I’ve got an inner 6yo running *my* life…

    *Love* all of you guys that keep me from throwing in the towel when the road gets rough!!!! I’m proud of what you do and grateful to you all.

    Doesn’t condensed milk have a lot of sugar in it? Here is an easy way to make your own yoghurt(it isn’t sour) that I now do regularly,you just need a thermos flask, thermometer, small pot of ‘live’ yoghurt and whatever milk that you want to use, and a large jar with lid to store it in the fridge. This is a recipe that I have used half a dozen times now and works consistently, but just bear in mind that it needs 8 hours in the thermos before you store it in the fridge.Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat until 85C and then leave to cool to 46C, then stir in the live yoghurt(3 tbsp/500mls) and then pour into a warmed thermos flask and leave for 8 hours. With all of the comments about high fat and low carb being helpful, I have started making the yoghurt with full fat milk, which certainly makes me feel fuller for much longer.It never occurred to me to use some of my yoghurt as a starter for the next batch, but apparently it works, so going to give that a try later.
    Thinking about my beloved homemade meusli(porridge oats/dried fruit/nuts)and whether I could make something lower carb etc, I have found this recipe which I made yesterday and tried for breakfast for today with my homemade yoghurt-it is delicious.Put this all in a large bowl.This meusli consists of a cup(130g) of finely chopped almonds, a cup of sunflower seeds,1 cup sesame seeds,half cup finely chopped walnuts,1 cup pumpkin seeds,1 cup flaxseed(linseed),1 cup dessicated coconut. Then mix 3 tbsp honey into 3 tbsp hot water and then add half a cup of almond oil. Pour that into the bowl of mixture and stir. Then pour the lot onto a large baking tray and put in the oven on a low heat. ( 1 guessed and put it on gas mark 1 for half an hour and then left it to cool in the oven for a couple of hours) then left on a cooling rack with a tea towel to cover over night. It is now stored in an air tight box. Try it chubs with some homemade yoghurt, it is scrumptious and made loads.
    I loathe green leafy and most root vegetables, but do like salad, fish, fruit, nuts and this low carb meusli. With this in mind I am going to try to eat much more of these lovely things and avoid the sweet stuff(ice cream is an addiction that I am struggling to break)and just keep going with this way of life.
    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Yes, annette, condensed milk does have a lot of sugar. I’m not defending the use of it, mind you. I’m resolved to leaving it out. But Vietnamese style yogurt uses about a 1/4 cup of condensed milk to a quart and a half of milk. Not so very much sugar per serving (if it doesn’t wreck havoc with your metabolism as it does mine) but what it does is add a mellowness that’s lovely and takes off the acid edge.

    When I make yogurt I put the inoculated milk in 8 ounce canning jars and put them in my microwave overnight. If you don’t turn on a microwave it’s a big insulated box excellent for yogurt, proofing bread dough and keeping food away from marauding labradors! I put in a teapot of boiling water just to keep the temperature up so they all cool very slowly. In the morning I could turn the jars upside down and nothing would get disturbed. I can do a quart and a half at a time that way and have individual servings.

    I also do one 4-ounce jar that everyone in the family knows is off limits so I can start the next batch.

    The jars are so convenient for carrying away from home and pleasant to eat from. I also leave about 1″ of headroom so if someone else wants to add some jam or lemon curd they’re free to stir that in.

    That’s the island spirit, gang 🌴πŸ’ͺ🏼 don’t give up on your health. And that’s what all this is for, whether it’s mental or physical health or both. If solely weight loss is your goal, yes there are faster ways. But even our LCHF cave is as happy about the feeling of control as about the loss in lbs, right?
    We’ve all seen it said here: the less you eat, the more you lose. There is no magic except maybe what feels like magic in our individual chemistry and what works to eliminate the nuttiness if cravings – a work in progress for sure. I read other posts sometimes where people ask whether they have to eat their full tdee when they aren’t hungry. Thank you, diet industry, that’s what you’ve done, created a belief in magic with no basis in reality. The short answer is no, of course you don’t. But of course we’ve been sold time and again by diet sellers with come-ons like “the more you eat, the more you lose!” to which I say eff off.
    Anyway, on that premise, it’s really simple. Eat less, lose weight. Don’t buy into the hype that says it’s a lost cause, or that you’ll just end up with a slower metabolism. Chubs nailed that one. Whatever the metabolism is, that’s what the body needs. Believe me I can eat far less than my 190-lb husband and be stuffed. Am I jealous that I can have one burger when he has two? Um…no.
    A week now pretty grain-free, and I feel less bogged down. Better. Not fireworks better but enough better that I think I’ll continue for a while. I know though that it isn’t magic, it’s that I’m eating less. I’m not craving sweets the way I was. I include enough fruit so that I don’t feel deprived. I wouldn’t mind a doughnut at all, but I don’t have the same mad craving of yore so I resist them. I had a few cookies yesterday because it was just an unexpected low-food situation, so I ate them the way I eat lunch – just enough not to be ravenous. But still feeling hungry. Keeping in mind I would not feel good physically or mentally if I had more.
    So it’s currently an exercise in being super mindful but not rigid. That leads to failure for me, so I avoid the “bad” stuff unless there’s a very good reason not to. Those very good reasons include politely taking enough of what’s offered by a host (so as not to offend), or keeping myself from becoming ravenous when I’m stuck and there is no other option. This works for me, as I then know I will have these things occasionally – almost like a surprise — yet I’m building habits of control and choice when the decision is completely up to me.
    Sorry, a bit rambling but I’m typing on my phone while I kill time caring for a sick relative and I thought I’d share my latest musings. Hugs to all and have a great week!❀️🌴jade xxx
    ps lol chubs we crossed 😘

    Hurray!!! You summed it up beautifully Jade when you said “being super mindful but not rigid”. That is the only answer for me and when I am mindful I eat when I’m hungry until I am no longer hungry and I make good choices. When I’m not mindful, I eat when I’m not hungry as well and don’t stop until I am feeling uncomfortable and I make a lot of dumb choices. The difference for me has very little to do with what I ate in the previous 24 hours or even the previous week and so, so much more to do with what I’m thinking and then subsequently feeling and then subsequently DOING. Of course the trick is that the nano-second gap between the thinking and the feelings those thoughts generate often mean I don’t ‘catch’ those thoughts before the anxiety/stress/worry kick in and then, if I don’t face the feeling then it’s action stations at the pantry/fridge door before I can rein it in. I am getting better at it though: better at jumping into that nano-second gap but also much better at recognising that when it happens, not to compound the problem by ushering in feelings of anger, guilt and shame that – you guessed it – also need to be placated with something yummy. Someone on here (sorry I can’t recall who, but perhaps Queen?) likened it to when we drop a phone and crack the crystal, it doesn’t mean we have to then take a hammer to it πŸ˜‰

    I’m also with Jade in wanting to acknowledge that WOW!!! We are all doing a really good job and it wasn’t so long ago that to be arse-up in a tin of caramel sauce for long periods of time or back in the Krispy Kreme drive-through was not so much an aberration but a way of life around here. How much has that changed??!!??

    So keep reflecting and refining and trying new things but also be sure to recognise where great changes have been made and feel proud of your achievements. I say this at the fag-end of a FUFD but you know what?? I’m just going to ease up on myself and try again tomorrow. Love Spring xxx

    Also, I forgot to say Jade, I hope your sick loved-one makes a quick recovery and Chubs I second the lost cheese lament – ‘How do I love thee? let me count the ways…’ and your muesli sounds really yummy too Annette, but I would find myself snacking on it’s nutty goodness all day and have to make a fresh batch for tomorrow… Oh dear xxx

    Oh my goodness, Ladies, you know me better than I know myself and you are all far more eloquent! I completely agree with you and it seems that you have peeped inside my head. I had to go to the shops on my way home today, to prevent that tomorrow when it is a FD, and managed to talk myself out of a 6 pack of ice cream. I did allow myself a pain chocolat as i was very hungry and decided that 1 item of 400 calories was rather better than 6 at 300 calories. And I have made dinner and served myself a smaller portion than the boys, which is a breakthrough too.
    Tomorrow dinner for them is something that I loathe, so that is easy and I have some smoked salmon and salad which i love for my FD. I am going to try and eat more salad/soup at work and then have something lovely when I get home-which for me is fish/prawns/hummus and salad type foods with some home made dressing.
    The muesli is delicious but has rather confused my digestion but hopefully that will settle down.I felt rather good having made it(very easy) and the yoghurt too. I should have glossy hair and fabulous nails with all of the goodies that are in it!
    I hope that the sick are recovering Jade. Chubs-yoghurt making sounds ingenious.
    I saw on another thread a link to a Ted talk on IF which was really interesting with regards to dementia and why IF might be helpful. Sadly, I can’t find it now, but it was in the US.

    Yes, Sprng, that infamous nano-second gap! How fast that thing goes byπŸ˜‚ The book about mindful eating by Sheryl Cantor discussed something like that – the whole stop and think business, and if you’re going to eat it, then acknowledge that decision first. It sounds a bit silly but there is definitely something to it. Kind of adding a step between us and the lizard pit.

    And in that vein, GOOD FOR YOU, Annette! You thought about it, made your choice (and not the worst option eitherπŸ‘), and enjoyed it. Then moved on to a calmly controlled dinner. Sounds eerily normal to me! Well doneπŸ€—.

    Indeed we are far removed from being face down in the caramel tin or Krispy Kreme bag, who’d thought that would ever happen. I am still not convinced that grains have that much negative power, but avoiding them (and sugar of course) has lowered my desire for them each day – like I said, not gone, they don’t disgust me, but they’re just not at the forefront of my brain. I thought to myself driving home today that I’d had no breakfast and was hungry (it was past noon) but I wasn’t craving anything in particular. Just food. THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. I mean, y’all, it was weird. I had some scrambled eggs, a banana, and a few peanuts, and my appetite is back to sleep. Invasion of the mind snatchers!!! I hate to even describe this, lest it vanish the way these thugs do. But I think the science of habit and blood sugar is real. 😎 One can hope! πŸ’•πŸŒ΄β˜ΊοΈ Keep at it, islanders – we can do it! xxxxx
    ps: lol “thugs” = things

    I think ‘thugs’ describes exactly how they vanished Jade πŸ™‚

    Goodness Jade, you have crossed to the dark side! I find that I ask myself more often whether I am hungry and if I am not sure, then I wait a while and then see how I feel. I have no doubt that our biochemistry is far smarter than we are. The longer that I avoid the sweet stuff, the better food decisions that I make.I realized that while I have brown rice and pasta at home, it will be the white stuff at work, so I am going to try to avoid them where I can at work and see if that works. It all depends on what the other options are, of course, but I will give it a go.

    Yep, I think that ‘thugs’ sums it up.

    Hi everyone!

    Jade you got me laughing, ‘face down in the caramel tin’! hilarious πŸ™‚
    I also feel I’m coping a bit better over the last few weeks, avoiding grains and sugar as much as feasibly poss. Like you Jade, I’m not totally convinced grains are bad, but I’ve cut down on porridge oats which seems to make me really hungry only a few hours later, so I usually only have them at the w/e. I also now add protein powder, it’s a make called Pulsin, it’s Sunflower protein, so I use it for a protein drink after Latin class, it does not add up to a lot of calories with milk, a few almonds and blueberries.

    So another thing I noticed is that when people are ‘feeding’ me so to speak, I don’t have issues with food, so on meals out (quite rare) and in a place where I so some voluntary work, they give us a free, and healthy vegan meal, mostly chickpea sand lentils etc, but occasionally pasta, which I never eat, but in some ways I’m less neurotic about food, if I don’t have to make the choices! lol

    Chubs and Spring I also agree cheese can be a trigger, I did ban it out right for a while, but it’s gradually crept in, I try to limit myself to a slice of about 20grms…luckily I don’t like any of the so called smelly blue cheeses, but do like Halloumi and Feta, which have less fat than the yellower ones, my favourite ever is Manchego, but I save that for visits to Spain, hopefully I will be in Sevilla in August!

    Chubs and Annette, thanks for the yoghurt recipes, I will deffo try, I eat Greek yoghurt mainly, but would love to try my own, Chubs did you try it without the condensed milk, I’m sure if it’s only a blob it wouldn’t matter too much?

    I agree with the ‘nano-second’ theory, lol. It’s like the ilicit kiss, there’s always a second when you know what you are doing, before you get ‘swept away’. I think Annette’s HALT is great, hungry, angry, lonely, tired? Sounds as if it would be the opposite but, a 10 minute stretch or more energetic exercise routine works well for me, as it picks up my mood if I’m about too cheat. I’m finding FD’s ok, but my real danger time is about 7-10pm, I don’t eat anything all day, until the evening, but wondering if an all out fast might work, so I suppose like a water fast? It’s all about the balance isn’t it? the nutrition you can get, while eating fewer calories. I am not allowed to eat certain veg and fruit cos of under active thyroid, so hate the thought of further restrictions. Annette, well done for the pain au chocolat moment, it’s good to be in control. I’m a great cupcake fan, occasionally indulge in something that is yummy, but doesn’t undo too much good work. I practice the same logic with wine, only 1 glass (2 days out of 7) it’s hard, but I used to buy a bottle and drink nearly all of it and feel like s*** (about 5 yrs ago) so pleased with this.

    So happy to be be part of this lovely community, shared wisdom and vision πŸ™‚ WE ROCK !!


    Tango, by all means try making your own yogurt! If you reinforce whole milk with dry milk powder you will get something as thick as Greek yogurt.

    Let me know if you want a recipe. It’s so simple and the only real equipment you need is a reliable thermometer.

    I am still struggling mightily but yesterday I managed a clean FD. Got another one planned today. Fingers crossed!!!

    My knee continues to be really messed up so I’m not doing much moving at all. Even the stairs up and down to the laundry room have become a challenge. I look forward to getting back to LA where I can get both my knee and my foot straightened out. That will mean more weeks of recuperation and inactivity initially, but I hope over the long run it will mean I am able to move and work out without all this pain.

    I finally bought the sneaks. …not ’cause I met my goal but to bribe myself not to give up entirely. They are HEAVEN! I can’t believe how light they are.

    AHhh the shoes – good for you, Chubs! Hoping you get the knee fixed up soon. You all have me wanting to make my own yogurt, though at Costco I can buy tubs of the plain Greek pretty cheap, though I think it’s fat free. Not that I can’t get fat somewhere else, I love the taste of the thick yogurt regardless.

    Tango and Annette, well done on the control efforts! No way can I be controlled every day, because life. Parties. Sadness. Etc.πŸ€” Oh good grief so many things can go off right? But as I keep saying…here we still are. We will winπŸ‹πŸ† Annette, you started me down the chem-habit path and holy s**t it’s a good one. Long, but good. I’m a firm believer. It’s good to see some of my efforts finally paying off, and I think all I’ve done otherwise is to recognize that I will never be in control all the time. Except that to recognize that IS a sort of control, or at least working around what I can’t change.
    Catch up later – gotta run – love you all xxxxx

    Hello Everyone,
    FD yesterday went well overall, so that was good.Today…less so. I caved in and had sticky toffee pudding with custard, which I haven’t had a a very long time. It was scrumptious BUT I felt very tired about an hour afterwards and struggled through the afternoon. I was also searching for the sweet stuff all afternoon but managed to keep the lizard contained with avocado on toast after a run which I forced myself out to do. It was sunny when I left, the dark clouds gathered and then 10 minutes from home there was heavy rain which then morphed into hail(me in shorts/t shirt/sunglasses). As I stepped out of the hot shower, there were blue skies and sunshine! I have no doubt that Lustig is right.
    I can’t take credit for HALT, that was someone else. I do love it though and it has made me stop and think lots of times before I am about to shovel something in my mouth without thinking.
    I am enjoying the seed/nut meusli, it doesn’t taste like it is doing me good in a worthy way at all, so that is a win. Suggested to son no 2 that he might like to try some on top of his porridge this morning, but i had to leave before he tried it.
    I don’t think of it as control, rather, I simply feel better with less sugar in my life. I enjoy cakes but now try to do that at the weekend, rather than every day. Alcohol has always made me feel rubbish, so I rarely drink. If I could convince myself that ice cream made me feel rubbish, then I would really be onto something! It does make me want sweet stuff afterwards though, so it is best not to buy it at all.
    Sorry about your knee chubs, but glad that you have the shoes and they make you happy.
    Tango, try the yoghurt and see what you think. For me it wasn’t about cost it was about making yoghurt from full fat milk and seeing whether it filled me up more..and it does. My mission is to eat full fat and avoid anything stuffed full of sugar. I have always eaten butter, much prefer the taste.
    I might have another go at a FD tomorrow or Friday. I am feeling a teeny bit positive.

    Holy moley, annette, am I understanding that you were out running in a downpour? That’s *committement*! Bet that shower when you were done felt GREAT!

    You’re right about the homemade yogurt! It’s soooo much better BUT I’m sure there must be some serious savings in it as well. I began making my own again (did it back in the 60s) because I found whole milk yogurt so hard to find in anything but the big vat size. And if you want yogurt for Indian food that whimpy low fat stuff just won’t cut it.

    I am in my second day of clean fasting. Insane hubris of me to congratulate myself when I haven’t even gotten past lunchtime yet but it *feels* like I’m gonna do it. My fingers are crossed that it’s the beginning of being back in charge. Must be the sexy sneakies are bringing me luck. 😏

    I had better get some sexy sneakies then! Well done chubs, keep going.

    I love making the yoghurt and it is so much better than the shop bought stuff. It took me a while to realize that I need to keep a little back as a ‘starter’for the next batch, which certainly makes it cheaper!

    When I left home it was bright sunshine as the clouds began to gather I was trying to see if I could get home before the downpour, but I never imagined that there would be hail stones! I had no choice but to keep going in the rain/hail to get home. I did feel rather daft in short and sunglasses!

    I need to get me some of that sneaker action too Chubs!! I’m fasting and it’s 5pm and I’m at work for at least another hour and I’m very, very hungry πŸ™ and I know there is a vending machine a floor down from me BUT I. am. not. going. there.

    Annette – I loved hearing some of that old determination in your post which has been there all along but just out-shouted by Lizard Girl – glad you’re kicking her to the curb πŸ™‚

    Chubs, sorry about the knee pain. I read something over the weekend about a new product that can be injected into knees to stimulate cartilage regrowth and it looked really promising but I daresay it is sometime off human clinical trials. The enforced lack of mobility will definitely be worth it in the end.

    Tango, I wish I could do a quick Latin number to overcome hunger pangs – what a great image I have of you, it brings to mind the character of Fran in Strictly Ballroom when they are in the final competition. Just LOVE that movie. Great work on the wine intake too, which in my experience people often struggle with even more than food.

    Jade, recognition IS control and I’m convinced that attention to the nano (or even the pico) all goes to making that nano-second into a microsecond and then into a millisecond and then you’ll have the luxury of a whole second in which to catch your thoughts/feelings and do something different (and yes I’ve been looking up orders of magnitude because I’m still at work and I’m tired and have very little motivation to do anything else!).

    Just wondering how the countdown to the wedding is going out there, penguin?? Also hope you’re travelling well Queen and it would be lovely to hear from you too CaliB and lolly & Karen (sorry if I’ve missed anyone).

    Okay, well better do a few final things before hubby arrives to collect me and I can go home for my paltry dinner. It does of course taste awesome on a FD! Love to you all, Spring xxx

    Hi there – greetings from the LCHF cave!

    Chubs, can you maybe post a picture of your new sneakers? Would love to see them!

    Well done, everyone, you are well on track, this is great news!

    I am now into my third book on LCHF and am still amazed by it all. All these wrong studies leading us to believe that they way to eat healthy is high carbs, low fat. I had two dinners out in a row, all business, and did well, choosing wisely, ordering green salad instead of the potatoes, eating fish, green veggies and even some meat. And even some white wine, but very controlled. This morning I was really hungry then as there was not enough fat in the meals, so I had thin slices of flaxseed bread with nice layers of butter and salami for breakfast. This breakfast I had in an airport lounge waiting for my delayed flight, and the guy sitting next to me was munching on his bread, fruit and yogurt. I am sure that he thought that I was mental to eat all the fat. And I thought that he thought that I am mental and that he is the one who didn’t get the memo about good fats and the dangers of carbs.

    My mood is still very much on the bright side, am way more relaxed than 3 weeks ago. Annette, you might be interested to hear that this way of eating is actually boosting performance when running. I followed the advice of Phinney and had a broth before my 10k run on the weekend. It went extremely well, felt full of energy and easily ran in what actually turned out to be one of my all time high speeds.

    Life is good πŸ™‚ Access to all this information is so easy and so important. We are really privileged to have that and to connect in this community here πŸ™‚

    Sending you all lots of good vibes ~~~~~~~ Karen

    We can white-knuckle-it through today together, spring, if it would be helpful for you.

    I had 2 clean FDs and I feel ready resuming a good program today but I was hungry almost all day yesterday and I have more than typical hunger this morning to get through until lunch at 2. The very good news about this hunger, though, is that it’s a “clean” kind of simple hunger rather than the obsessive out-of-body stuff that I haven’t been able to deny for the last 6 weeks or so.

    VERY encouraging news, spring, about something that could generate new cartilage. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I know my orthopedist says it’s a major area of orthopedic research. But, for now, I’ll be thrilled to just get the lubricating injections that make a big difference for 6-9 months.

    I have been so far behind and not able to keep up with reading here. I’m sorry I missed penguin and Queen but glad to see they’re out there and they’ve been by here. Hope they are carrying on and exciting to think there could be a wedding in the planning for penguin!

    Here are my new sneakers, Karen. http://www.runnersworld.com/the-shoe-room/exclusive-first-run-nike-lunarepic# They’re incredibly lightweight, breathable and comfortable. And pretty snazzy looking as well. I am not runner. God knows! at the moment I’m hardly even a *walker* but I would image these would be great to run in because once you pull them on they’re like a part of your foot because there’s the elasticity of a sock. They just mold to your foot so there’s nothing to rub anywhere.

    I see you are an LCHF acolyte. I had really good success many years ago with Atkins and I’m impressed by how many of the things that worked for me for a while in the past fold beautifully into intermittent fasting to make a workable whole. …she says after only (HOPEFULLY) managing to get back on track after 6 weeks of struggle. πŸ˜– πŸ˜€

    My journaling program is starting to pay off. I have a spot to check back and get real information about what’s working for me, what’s problematic and what progress I’m making.

    Cheers to everyone for a good, healthy day!

    Heloooo from the airier wing of Karen’s LCHF cave, a/k/a the low-grain cave – where potatoes and fruit run free but amazingly do not trip me up. I guess I’m into LGSHP (low grains-sugar, hi protein), not worrying about the fat but not really adding it.

    You know, all along we’ve acknowledged how each of us may react differently to different foods, but I’m surprised to discover the low-carb idea can be tweaked and still be effective! The 20g daily limit just wasn’t for me (Karen do you count carbs?) I don’t really like high fat (tum issues), and I simply enjoy fruit and the occasional potato. So I embarked on this latest tweak/plan thinking it wouldn’t work because it defied the rules, but who the hell knows what the rules are for my crazy appetite. And this time I think it’s working. (Shhh, I actually know it’s working but I don’t want boomerang karma.) I just needed a smaller circle of danger foods than “carbs” so mine is sweets and grains. It feels natural to avoid them when I can have all the rest. I am enjoying the rest, but none of it makes me nuts.πŸŽ‰πŸŒ΄ So I’m having a party in my cave if anyone wants to join me! Karen and I can fix a buffetπŸ‘ and I’ll put the fruit and baked potatoes on the kids’ table.

    Spring, you crack me up with your increments of the second. Yes, soon we’ll have that full second of reflection, which will seem like hours compared to the instinctive reactions of last year – when I could drive to Krispy Kreme in a semi-conscious state🐍😳

    Annette, I agree it’s so nice to hear you sounding up again. Remember all those times you said it’s not our fault, it’s our systems and how we’ve been fed over the years with a bunch of malarkey? (That’s my polite word for bullsh*tπŸ˜ƒ.) But anyway, maybe there is still something in your now much more healthful diet that is causing cravings, the way I felt with whole grain bread. I know it’s good nutritionally but it could set me off on a cruise to Lizard Cove. It is just too yummy and noshable. And fruit/baked potatoes are not. That’s it in a nutshell.
    Tango, I also allow myself a pass if someone else is doing the thinking/cooking/offering. I can be much more controlled then for whatever reason! I think, again, because there is a small but definite circle of doom around those foods but also a small, definite exception, i.e. “You can have those to be polite” or whatever. Then when I’m home, and it’s up to me, I’m not nearly as tempted to fix them for myself. Odd the way the mind works, especially mine 😜 Ha ha, it is often small but definite itself.

    Chubs, I remember you posted a link to your shoes a few pages back. Did you get the same kind? I’m all for retail therapy and NO REASON IN HELL it has to wait for a certain scale or clothing number. NO no no, we deserve a pat on the back (or foot) for being the awesome perseverers that we are. I mean that, we are all effing awesome and I would never feel as healthy mentally and physically as I do now without you. I’m not saying that because I think I’m cured, either. I know better than to think that, but even better is to know I’m part of a like-minded group that isn’t giving up, and not just alone and hopelessly weird 😍🌴😍 So let’s keep going down the road, it’s getting better all the time – love to you all, jade xxxx
    ps: talk about the nanosecond…Chubs I always seem to cross with you! 😍

    Yup! That’s what I got. In that spiffy turquoise color.

    I love them so much I may still get the more sedate silver ones if I hit my 150 goal. I’ve moved back up to size 14 jeans for the time being but my husband thinks I look like I haven’t done any damage. Yay for that!

    I missed a lot of what was going on when I was eating badly and feeling like a pariah. Mind explaining about that time thingie is? If it’s helpful I certainly want to have it working for me.

    And, finally, so glad to hear that the grain restriction thing is working for you. Hell’s bells! anything that works is good, no? But I really think there’s something about grains for some of us and it *frustrates* me that the medical/nutrition community doesn’t acknowledge it. It would be so helpful to have some real hard information about it — beyond the “processed white flour” thing — so we could balance out nutritional and personal needs and take steps to meet both.

    Lucky you that you can manage potatoes!

    TCM is doing a Cary Grant marathon and at the moment it’s “Night and Day” and what could be better than Cary Grant and Cole Porter music? What a way to get the day perking!

    The time thingie, I believe, was explained best by Sheryl Canter, who wrote a book called Normal Eating for Normal Weight, and here’s a link to something I posted about it a while back. https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/i-am-a-binger-any-info-on-fasting-and-bingeing/page/16/#post-106421 Oh here it is, I was able to copy what I wrote:
    Sheryl Canter discusses just that in her Normal Eating book. She advises just stopping before eating to ask am I hungry? Food can only cure hunger (yeah, I laughed at that, too, but keep reading).
    So if I’m not hungry, what am I? Usually I’m either bored (wanting the entertainment of food) or celebrating something. So I’m mostly a happy eater. Others eat when upset (mad, disappointed, stressed, etc.). Either way, the common tie is that hunger is not the real trigger.
    So, as a first step, she says to just stop, briefly, before eating. Try to figure out what is driving us to eat, if it’s an emotion and not hunger. See if it’s possible to satisfy the need with something that will actually fill it. E.g., I’m upset with myself for putting off a task. I should go do the task instead of eating. HAHA, I know, I should do that. I am smart sometimes and can multi-task πŸ˜‰
    So, sometimes I think it over and either can’t figure out the underlying need or don’t want to deal with it, and I go ahead and eat. It’s still better than mindless eating, and it WILL eventually lead to more mindful eating.
    In a nutshell, it’s stop and think first, whatever you do next. The whole idea was that, even if we ARE just bored, angry, etc., we still need to see ourselves as in control of the choice. So, even if we still end up saying f*** it I’m having this doughnut, then fine, have the doughnut! But decide to do it first, then do it. Own it. I think it helps break the cycle we see as unbreakable. I did like her book but can’t find it now. Another tip was to stop eating in the car or sneaking it. That was a big guilty pleasure for me, and as someone put it, we’re all so darn responsible in our lives, it felt good to get away with something that wasn’t hurting anyone else. The psychology is fascinating.

    Hooray for husbands who encourage usπŸ’• With all you’ve dealt with lately, Chubs, you should be proud of yourself! And isn’t it nice to have days where you can binge on Cary Grant instead of [insert unmentionable food item🐍]. I’m going to do a little gardening before the next storm hits. Here’s to a dirt and growing veggie binge! Happy mindfulness, islanders!πŸŒ΄πŸŒ΄πŸ”†xx

    Oh, good for you, Jade! I am just out to get a few colorful annuals to plant this morning as a distraction from waiting for lunch.

    I have missed my garden so much. We left LA in February when it was too early to plant much and it will be the middle of next month before we get home too late to plant the stuff we want most like TOMATOES!

    This is the second year in a row this happened to us. I guess I could be glad that my soil got a nice long rest and hope that means great disease-free tomatoes next year. Meanwhile, I put in a few herbs here but I’m planting in containers on a 5′ X 30′ or so deck so that’s what I’ve been limited to this year in the way of edibles.

    One other thing I’ve been tending here is a tiny red Japanese maple that I discovered as a seedling in one of the rose containers. I LOVE Japanese maples and I’ve *coveted* one in my LA garden which is too hot and too dry for them for years. But this thing is about 10″ tall and looking vigorous. I may take it home with me and see how long I can keep it going in a pot in our very sunny family room that has 2 walls of big windows.

    It would make a great souvenir of my beloved Vancouver!

    Thanks for the explanation! Makes sense to me. And I’d say that’s pretty much what I did in a different way when I was struggling. I sort of decided to give myself a certain amount of permission to “give up” temporarily with a view to getting back on track when I could fully commit and my body would cooperate. Took much longer than I was comfortable with — especially since I’ve gotten so far before only to have it collapse on me and that prospect was *scary* — but it happened so I’d have to endorse taking control of even the out-of-control portions in the way we can.

    Food for thought! I think that biscuits and ice cream are responsible for making me crave just about anything. Very busy day at work yesterday, ate biscuits, poor lunch and then decided that I was going to ‘treat’ myself with chocolate buttons on the way home. Ended up in charity shops and arrived home with 3 new scarves and had forgotten about the chocolate! After a good/sensible evening meal last night, now planning a FD for today.
    I don’t each much bread at all over a week, I might eat a grand total of 4 slices at the weekend, which would be smothered in a mashed avocado post run.The bread is wholemeal and seeded, and much preferred by the boys too. I am really not bothered by bread either way. However, white bread toasted and smothered in butter turns me into a complete lunatic and I cannot stop eating it and anything else one I start. So, I don’t but it. I do love nuts though, but do think that eating more wholefoods and higher fat yoghurt and the seed/nut meusli is better for my body and probably my mind.
    It is very interesting about the notion of food triggers, whether they are wholefood or not. I shall think about it and see if there is anything that I think makes me want to eat the sweet stuff. I do know though, that ice cream turns me into a cruise missile looking for more sweet stuff, which shouldn’t be a surprise when I look at the sugar content.
    I just wonder that how much of what we eat is simply out of habit. Those foods that soothe when we are tired/stressed…or we think that calm us. I am sure that my mood is more stable with more fat/less sugar, but changing what I want with what I know makes me feel better is rather more complex!

    It’s interesting what we still have to learn about *ourselves* this late in our lives, isn’t it, annette? We are become our own experiments. And why not? If we look at these things analytically we might just learn something that makes our road easier in the end, no?

    I am just learning — or trying to learn — about the compulsive hunger that I’ve been dealing with for the last 4-6 weeks v ordinary hunger. One is ever so much easier to resist and deal with than the other but what triggers the beastie one and how to come to terms with it?????

    Even now, I’ve managed 2 clean fasts and my first clean food day and I did that because it was easy again. Why was it easy now and soooo frustrating and unsuccessful prior to this????

    It’s irritating to me (you too?) to not have these answers. But it’s also sort of a primal adventure that’s been lacking in my life since I became an I-know-it-all-already-adult that I can get a little excited about as well.

    Meanwhile, those habits can work *for* us as well as against us. Maybe applying some of that wait-a-minute-and-figure-it-out-first strategy to behaviors and choices as well as food is in order? But tired and stressed is the worst condition for making decisions, no? They make everything seem more immediate, more critical and more intolerable than it really is.

    And, BTW, are you up very late or very early? It’s late-isa here on the West Coast of North America and I’m just about to toddle off to bed. I guess that must mean it’s very early there…

    Hello dear ladies!! So good to hear from you Chubs and Karen and Jade.

    Love the sneakers Chubs and hope they are keeping your toes warm while you wait to be able to use them to stride out. They will be an awesome inducement to walking once your knees are ‘Mark II’

    So pleased you are flourishing Karen. I’m envious as I did Atkins once but unfortunately without a gall bladder I did not manage the high fat without some close calls in the GI tract department. As a result I had to scale back the mushrooms cooked in butter and the CHEESE πŸ™‚

    Jade, you and I are very much on the same page about the use/abuse of grains. While it’s crucial to know our personal triggers and I would never question that, I think it’s important to remember so much of the research into diet is based on people who have already passed the point of a healthy weight and are thus not the best cohort to use in determining what keeps people healthy. That’s not to say there is anything wrong with the advice given to overweight/diabetic/pre-diabetic/obese/overweight people regarding fasting/dieting/activity or even LCHF but it does concern me that the advice for people trying to reverse a metabolic syndrome/condition is extrapolated to the whole population. Some generations ago people ate well with moderate amounts of whole grains and root vegetables and protein and fat and did really well and it does seems that ingesting foods that were considered okay for my great grandmother are suddenly laden with moral baggage. I think we also have to take into account the effects of several generations who have received cows milk substitutes in infancy rather than breast milk, as the composition of cows milk is designed to grow a calf to a cow in 18 months ready for breeding. A human however, if breastfed, is given milk that has (compared to cows milk) a lower level of protein, less fat and a much higher level of carb, as lactose. A great number of studies have shown that babies who are breastfed for a year have much lower rates of both obesity and Type 2 diabetes in later life yet I don’t ever see anything on these blogs about the importance of breastfeeding when possible or the potential effects of substitutes. The key has got to be to help children to stay within a healthy weight range, eat a good range of healthy foods and remain active. Once we go over the top due to high-sugar laden treats (also laden with fat) we are in trouble and in dodgy metabolic territory.

    Okay, rant over. It’s Saturday night and movie time with hubby and also time for a glass or two of vino. I will conveniently ignore the advice about the ingestion of alcohol. Go well folks, Spring xxx

    Spring, I’ll join you in a cyber wine! cheers

    Lots of thoughts and advice to take in, and although I’ve done 11 FD’s since March 29, I’m still not seeing the *numbers going down* although have lost inches and gone down a size in clothes. Chubs I also agree, healthy foods can also be triggers, I think I maybe overdoing on the nuts, they are a good source of protein, but I’m know to eat a whole pack in one sitting: this link is quite useful:

    Chubs I sympathize with the knee issues, you were the one who kindly added the link for the Knee guru, hope you’re not in too much pain. My own knee history has got much better, on it’s own, have had to wait so long to get treated πŸ˜‰ that it’s cured itself. I have had to give up running though ;( have not ran for 7 mths, because prefer to save my ‘legs’ for Latin class. I think this is why my weight has not moved much. This time last year I was doing 3 runs a week, plus all the other stuff. Once I get to see the physio, I might start running again on grass, run/walk run/walk, I’ll virtually have to start again. I’m tempted by those trainers with LED lights along the sides of the sole, would be really cool for dancing.

    This WOL of life certainly has peaks and troughs, and the fact we are fasting, and coming to grips with certain food yearnings/issues/feelings, can only be good. I feel that getting through a FD is a testament to having a strong self-belief, it’s worth the pain, and the brilliant feeling the next day. Moreover, for many of us, it’s not something we’re going share *outloud* only mainly on this forum, so it’s very personal. It’s equally depressing to FU a FD but it is life after all. I know deep down if I stick at it, it will work….it’s the self-belief that will help us along.

    I’ve got another couple of goals coming up, but I was being a bit hopeful to have lost my 21 Ibs by July! I’m aiming now for August, more manageable. I was given some vouchers at work for 5 years loyalty (if only they knew I want to leave) so went out and got a top, it fits but is something that shows off quite a lot of shoulder, I’m aiming for the ‘launch’ in August (or hopefully sooner)

    This week coming, I will try for 2 consecutive day fast, as used to do this last year, and seems to work. Yes I agree with the idea that we have to find the food items that may be triggers only to us, *one man’s meat is another man’s poison* so to speak. I’m finding I’m better off without porridge oats, but will not ban them totes. I’m better at *banning* stuff during the mon-fri, then at the w/e going a bit *mad*

    Shout out to Jade, Annette, CaliB, lolly, Karen, Caspersmum, Queen, xxx

    Happy Saturday islanders😍🌴 – or I guess Sunday for Spring, but either way it’s the weekend and I don’t have to “work” work so I’m happy. My part of the world is having an every-other-day sunshine/rain thing, so today is the sunny day. πŸ”†πŸ”†I can finally open my car roof again and try to dry the thing out for leaving it open during a storm. I drove it yesterday and the seat was dry and I thought YAY until my feet squished against the floorboard. Ugh. And of course yesterday was the “rain” day. Fun times.

    Wow, LOTS of food for thought here. I don’t think whole grains are an actual trigger for me, they don’t make me nuts or anything, but I just can eat too darn much. The old “eat what you like” (just not too much) works fine with meat, veg, fruit, even nuts. But the grains…even whole….I just need to treat them LIKE a treat and have them sparingly.

    As you said, Spring – I think back to the time when a sandwich wasn’t that ubiquitous – and we certainly didn’t have a basket of bread with meals at home. I believe that in time I’ll get back to that state of eating things, all things, in moderation. In teaching, we call it the steps of competence, and in the learning stages students have to think constantly about what they’re doing – so they may actually do things right, but not without a lot of mental focus, and ultimately they will perform learned tasks almost subconsciously – like riding a bicycle. If I have discovered the way to have a more normal appetite, though it involves some conscious limits now, re sugar and grains, I hope at some point to get to subconscious control. In the meantime, the experimentation is kind of fun. Ha…KIND of.πŸ€”

    And then there was yesterday….I’ve gone through some emotional stuff lately that seems to be subsiding toward the good side, so yesterday when I found some cadburys in my desk, I filled that nanosecond gap with thoughts of absolute permissionπŸ˜πŸŽ‰ Unfortunately, i didn’t have very much of the good chocolate, and of course that little bit had made me hungry, and I hadn’t brought lunch because hadn’t wanted any for the past week, so let me tell you there was a lizard bonfire going full tilt 🐍🐊πŸ”₯πŸ”₯- and it was rather a progressive dinner party featuring first course, chocolate, main course, chocolate, and of course the dessert course…chocolate. Not a PB on the pig out scale but, as clean as my system HAD been, I think I could’ve flown to Australia without the need for a plane – or any more fuel.πŸš€πŸ˜‚ So I think I mentioned I was a happy eater? I eat to celebrate, and I was definitely due for a celebration.πŸŽ‰ So I had my fun and today I was happy to have coffee with cream and some scrambled eggs to calm those lizards down. πŸŠπŸ”«

    Annette, YES retail therapy to the rescue! πŸ‘š It’s a big deal to be able NOT to toss the entire day onto the scrap heap – a big step toward normal to be able to have some “bad” stuff and then proceed with the day as though we are not lunatics. Good for you! Hope you got some good stuff in the op shops. 😍

    Side note not about food😊- Chubs YES you must take the Japanese Maple home if you can (can you take plants across the border?) I know you’ll miss Vancouver but boy it will be nice to be home again – even if you can’t start a real garden, you can surround yourself with great fresh produce.πŸ πŸ…πŸ†πŸˆ

    I am being so lazy today…time for me to find a household project to tackle. Perhaps the mountain of laundry…keep those insights coming, love to allβ™₯️🌴jade xx
    ps: Hi tango! We crossed 😍

    One of the things I’ve read is that the grains that are presently grown have been so genetically “managed” that they are just NOT what our grandmothers ate at all. And that applies just as much to them in their “whole” form as their refined forms. When the genetecists endeavor to feed a whole planet despite the challenges of draught and whatever some of our personal needs get left in the dust.

    If we learn what our personal needs to consume and avoid ate, we can negotiate around that but, having had to give up so many foods, I’d like to know that I’m getting my big picture nutritional needs met as well. Guess I’ll have to go on how I feel and I certainly feel and function better IFing than I did being a prisoner of my impulses and prisoner in my unwieldy body.

    I have to think losing weight is also about the best thing I can do for my knee. …until they come up with that replacement cartilage.

    Speaking of which, I’m so very glad that website is useful for you, Tango. I know when I was recuperating from the surgery that repaired my patella I got FAR more information and encouragement there than I ever got from my doctor. My physical therapist was great but PTs are so much in demand that she didn’t have a lot of time to talk about the millions of concerns and issues I was going through. The Knee Guru folks, on the other hand, were inexhaustible and companionable!

    I have good news and bad news from yesterday. It marked 5 days of clean fasting and eating and did a world of good for my confidence. I took some measurements and found that I had lost some girth from my last ones about 2 weeks before. And I’d lost even more compared to the time when I started going astray. My boobs remain stubbornly pneumatic but both my waist and hips are down so that felt great.

    But I made the mistake of having a fruit-infused kombucha with lunch and was more hungry. Then I had a celebratory dinner with lots of caramelized onions. More sugar. By the time I went to bed I’d had chocolate, applesauce (homemade and YUMMY! with brown sugar) and a junky thing my husband loves that’s made with lots of processed foods as well as the really (FABULOUS!) fatty pork belly I made myself for dinner. 😩 😩 😩

    I’m mad at myself for spoiling the week. But if I white-knuckle through today and tomorrow I’ll have a couple more FDs coming up to get myself back on track. I’m concerned, though, about a lot of upcoming disruption. We’re traveling back to LA on Sunday (airline food). Then we’ll return to packing up and we’ll be driving back home in a few weeks. I need my routines to support me. All that unconventional coming up one thing after another will be a MAJOR challenge.

    Everyone seems so quiet. I hope it’s because you all have a wealth of interesting things to do!

    GREAT weekend, all!!!

    Glad to hear that your tribulations are resolving in good ways, Jade! Always worth celebrating! And I guess we’d get very tired and worn down if we didn’t get to celebrate sometimes.

    No, I “can’t” take the tree across the border and I “can’t” take it into CA. Think that will stop me? If I stop posting sometime in late June it may be that I’m in manacles in some drafty jail…

    And you’re ever so right! BIG cheers for all of us who trip and get up and keep going! That’s really the ticket, isn’t it?!?!?!?! And BIG thanks to everyone here who provides the support to make that happen!!!!!

    Hi Ladies, it’s been a while since I last posted – I had a real come to terms with myself about my refusal to cut my carbs down. I stubbornly allowed myself to eat all kinds of high sugar foods on feed days with the illusion that fasting would somehow cancel it all out. What started to happen was my body was beginning to gain back the weight I had lost and I was also feeling lousy from all the junk I was eating. Two months of this was enough and I read someone’s post here (maybe Karen?) that mentioned a book by an author about HFLC eating. I looked into that man and that took me to the new Atkins book. I read that and then started to realize (duh!!!) that my high carb count even on FD was creating a state in my body where weight loss was impossible.

    You girls are very wise with your knowledge of your carbs and its effect on your bodies…. I was reluctant as I thought I was somehow different… Well guess what??? I’m not!!!

    I downloaded the free Atkins carb counter app and I’ve been keeping track of my carbs not my calories on feed days. My high end is 40 g and boy does that add up fast. I feel great and the weight-loss is moving along much faster now. Fast days are still hard sometimes and easier other times. Yesterday I had to just go to bed instead of giving into eating. I feel like the combination of fasting and the HFLC way of eating is my ticket to meeting my goals. 10 more lbs to go and I am feeling so much better now. Hopefully this will stick as in the past I would find something that worked for a while and then it didn’t. I am hopeful this time!

    Your posts are invaluable to me…. I read them everyday and find inspiration from each of you…

    Hello Everyone!
    I have some good news. The scales have finally moved in the right direction and I am thrilled. I would love to tell you that I have been a paragon of virtue, but I haven’t. I did walk past the ice cream twice in the supermarket, gazed at it lovingly and then left it where it was and bought some fresh prawns and salad.If I had picked it up, then game over!
    I have managed 2 FD and tried to be mindful on NFD. I have simply tried to avoid anything which has a label on it, which went well until I had a ‘want’ for chocolate. I ate a large bag and then found that it wasn’t anywhere near as fabulous as I thought/remembered that it was going to be, especially when I saw just how many calories/sugar I had almost inhaled in 10 minutes. I then ate fruit and nuts to shove the lizards back in their cave and it worked. On the plus side, these ‘want’ times are rather rare now, which is great as they were several times a day!
    Yesterday we went out for a meal to celebrate my 3rd sons birthday(22) and my youngest(19) who is leaving home to live 3 hours away. The choice was an Indian meal at a restaurant, which is a rare event. The food was lovely, we shared the portions of rice and then came home to eat some chocolate cake. I then found myself with some fruit and nuts, shoving the lizards back into the cave, which worked again.
    The bottom line is that I want to be a healthy weight for my height far more than I want to eat chocolate or cake. I like wholefoods/fruit/nuts/fish/full fat yoghurt and the seed/nut yoghurt. I am not giving up rice or pasta, but I do eat less of it now.
    The thought of finally shifting this very reluctant 10 lb, would thrill me no end and confirm that ‘for ladies of a certain age’ it is possible to shrink, but far far easier to do it when you are younger.

    GOOD FOR YOU, annette! So much to celebrate!

    It feels exciting to be excited for you!!!

    So good to see you, CalBikini! I almost missed your post but I’m glad I didn’t.

    Yeah! Carbs are insidious. But I’m interested in that carb counting app. I’ll have to look for that.

    Headed back to SoCal myself tonight. We’ll have 8 or 10 days there and then return for good next month. CA has turned into a Carb-Free Zone in my absence, right? 😏

    Hey islanders, looks as though we’re all on the right path….And Annette it’s as you say, sometimes when the path doesn’t feel normal, then we might take a short side trip but ultimately we all want lasting health more than anything else. I’m sure I’ll keep taking the side road to chocolate. Like you said, Tango, not banning anything “totes”πŸ˜‡ just setting a goal to cut back – but I have so much more information now about what certain foods do to me. I enjoyed my chocolate stroll the other day, but I also recognized that I was irritable and off kilter until the next day. I know I’ve said this before, but that’s how I lost my appetite for ice cream – the payback in how I felt was not good, and finally I began to associate even the taste of it with a bad experience. And if that can happen to me, it can happen to anyone, believe me. Cali, keep going girl – when it feels right, it is right. πŸ’ͺ

    I know also that this idea could be taken to the extreme: If you overeat anything, you’ll feel a bit sick – so I’m not advocating false logic. But for me, the key has been to figure out exactly what foods are too easy to overdo. Bread, sweets, pastry, cookies…. Without grains and sugar, I still have a wide choice of foods that won’t waken the lizards. I feel very lucky that I don’t have to narrow the list further. But I encourage everyone to search for that list of safe foods, the ones you happily eat when hungry but that don’t tempt you to eat past the point of satiety. I had to start simply with whole foods, to wean myself off the sugar, and of course was still overeating some of them (ahem, BREAD). So I had to go a step further, which resulted in the avoidance of grains (not just wheat), at least temporarily. Because grains, right? The latest in food marketing. Yes, I can overdo new grains, ancient grains, it really doesn’t matter how old they are😑

    Chubs, you made an excellent point – we have no idea how modern grains have been altered from what we used to eat, back when “eating in moderation” was effortless. Who knows, maybe nothing, maybe it’s the old romantic saw, “it’s not you, it’s me”πŸ˜‚ especially given the beating my blood sugar has taken over the years. But I’m convinced now that it is possible to be normal. We just have to determine which foods we react normally to! For everyone, there are SOME, probably enough to constitute a healthful diet. Who can truly binge pig on lean meat, veg, even fruit (all prepared without sugar of course) well past the point of satiety? I mean, sure, I CAN do that, but unlike cakes etc., that stuff doesn’t signal mindless noshing.

    Chubs, πŸ˜„ re the tree. Reminds me of flying home last year from Ireland, and I had an apple in my pocket and I dearly wanted to keep that apple. And I just clutched it in my hand and somehow made it through. And you’ll be driving so…even easier.

    Time to get out and enjoy some sunshine because they’re predicting a solid week of rain starting tomorrow -Monday, how fitting…can’t trust that day🎧 Have a great day anyway, gang πŸŒ΄πŸ”†πŸŒ΄xxx
    ps YES and a big cheer to you Annette for the reward at the scaleπŸ†πŸ…!!

    CaliB that’s really interesting about the carb counter. I’ve been trying to keep my carbs between 25g and 45 max, much easier on FDs as it makes sense to rely on protein, fat and veg for them. But I suspect that I go in and out of ketosis depending on how many days consecutively I’m below 30g. Just had long weekend off, potatoes, cheese scone, bread and biscuits etc with visitors. It’s not put weight on yet but it will, so FD tomorrow and back to LCHF.

    Keep going, Annette! And great that you’ve lost some more. You really helped me over my first plateau, so now I ignore them and just focus on the diet itself. You gave me good advice.

    Hi all, so good to read all your posts!
    Cali, glad to hear that the LCHF seems to work for you as well. Right now I am really really strict and try to stay below 25g/day of carbs, but will change that once I am in maintenance mode. But am eager to live in ketosis forever and a day. Ketosis is such an amazing energy booster, I feel so much more alive – am really addicted to this feeling. Much better feeling than any carbs could do πŸ™‚ Not missing the bread at all – who would have thought, as I always loved that. But no more appetite for that. Sweets, no thanks. But I admit that the thought for some nice ice-cream is tempting. Phinney/Volek have a nice walnut ice recipe in one of their books, might try this at some point.
    I didn’t lose any weight for 2 weeks now, all stable, so today I decided to cut out the cream and berries for a week. See how that goes. But the two weeks were very useful for me to find out what I can eat to keep things in balance.
    Can I share with you guys my diet fact of the last two weeks? We humans lived for over thousands of generations (really, like 2 million years) on a diet that was mainly based on meat and veggies. Grains and fruit only entered the scene a couple thousand years ago. And as you guys all rightly pointed out, the grains that we eat today are muchos different from what even our grandparents had. Same for fruit: to start with, it wasn’t available all year round, and then they were also much less sweet. The fruit we get, are really sweets with vitamins.
    That part I don’t like about LCHF, but after I also read “Why we get fat”: I increased my meat consumption. And I was pretty much a vegetarian. But meat, fish, fowl seems to be best for our bodies. Our metabolism is actually functioning best with meat and green veggies. *Sigh* I always found these paleo people pathetic. Somehow. Now I am living on a pretty similar diet and feel great.
    The good thing about LCHF is that you really can stop counting calories. I only count carbs now. I eat as much hard cheese, green veggies, olive oil, meat, fish, eggs of all kind, butter and coconut oil as I feel like. Not that one can really binge on these foods, but it is very liberating to eat until satisfied.
    And I got two new pants today. Both are two sizes smaller than what I had. Yeah! So all this experimenting and trying and testing what works best for us does pay off at some point.
    But I am not kidding myself: trying the “be mindful about what you eat, eat everything in moderation, listen to your body, then you can eat anything” simply does not work for me. And never will work.
    Greetings from the LCHF cave πŸ™‚ Karen

    Hi Karen – very helpful info, thank you! Yes, I also scoffed at the paleo thing, but mostly because the hype was about becoming cavemen or something, and that’s fine for true paleophiles but I had a more specific goal in mind. I.e., banning the sugar lizards. Now that people more like me are saying LCHF is life changing, I’m all ears. I haven’t counted carbs, but heck if I can eliminate grains and sugar, I’ll bet I could cut down on the fruit too. Step by step into the pool I go. How lovely that a cocktail has no carbs πŸ™‚

    So today’s “fast” will get me back on a low-carb course – I had a bit too much of everything yesterday, and to make it worse I was moody, hubs was cranky, even the dogs were yappy. Tonight we’ll have whatever strikes my fancy at Costco in the meat/fish/veg category.

    I’m looking forward to feeling the way you’re feeling – let’s all put our noses to the grindstone this week, islanders – we deserve to feel better πŸ™‚ xxxx

    Hi everyone,

    Short but sweet message. Well done to you Karen, glad it’s going well πŸ™‚
    I’m carb *mindful* and keeping them quite low, and enjoying some fats. I’m also about to do a ‘zero’ FD, let’s see how I go. I’ve plateaued, and think it’s maybe my FD’s which need tweaking, i.e less or negligible calories, so will have *nose to grindstone* today and tomorrow πŸ˜‰ will let you know how it goes! Luckily a beautiful morning here in the UK, so already feeling hopeful.
    Annette fab news on the downward trend! always great to hear of success πŸ™‚

    love to all and happy FD’s and NFD’s

    Oh dear, mine will be short but not so sweet Tango as it appears I fell down a rabbit hole and rather than finding a tea party I’ve been overwhelmed with the urge to eat: EVERYTHING!!!!!!! I’ll definitely be back when I gain some kind of equilibrium (and a few pounds too I suspect πŸ™ ) but I do wish you all the very best as there is much to celebrate with you all doing so well. Spring xxx

    Hi Spring, don’t go away. Stay with us. We are here for you. In good times and in tough times. We all know exactly how that feels to fall into that hole. Please, you are not alone in this. Don’t be shy, maybe it helps if you write about what is going on right now. Again, here when you need us!!! We are much better company than the most delicious cakes & cookies πŸ˜‰

    Jade, the cocktail mention made me smile. I am so glad that this LCHF doesn’t condemn you to not drink any alcohol. Could not really do well without my 1-2 glasses of wine in the evening.

    Tango, good luck on your zero FD. That’s a real challenge, very brave of you to try that!

    Love to all, xx Karen

    Spring– I inow that feeling that eating has the best of you right now- you will overcome it!! Life goes up and down and today is a new day– it will be better!!

    Karen- good to know alcohol is not prohibited on LCHF– I love an occasional cocktail– wine is harder for me now for some reason- I don’t feel well after it– that’s ok b/c vodka and whiskey go down just fine!!

    Tango– good luck on your 0 FD– I know you can hang in there. Stay strong and drink lots of water!!

    Jade- love your caveman analogy!! I know I have mentioned the carb counter app previously but what I didn’t realize is it tracks all your daily input– fat, carbs, protein, daily calories and shows you a bar line of each to see how much you have left to reach your maximum allowed.

    I usually get plenty of fat!! I often don’t eat to my full carbs or protein. Hard for me to get that much protein in. What I like is I choose my carbs and I can keep track of how much I have left so I don’t feel confined. My only complaint is that my plumbing seems to be backed up-

    For me it has been the ticket to jump start my weight loss and squash down any sugar/ carb cravings. I did buy carb quick mix on Amazon and made cheddar biscuits with them. It is a low carb bisquick-like mix. Only a true dieter who is doing low carbs would think they taste like normal biscuits but I love having the taste and feel of bread smothered in butter!!

    I am transitioning to 5:2 from AD fasting and also considering a daily 14 hour fast – I’ll let you know how it goes. Wishing you all a great and successful day!!

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