I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi Plainy,
    Have a look at the FAQ’s at the top of the page, which should help with some queries. As regards your TDEE, make sure that you pick an activity level that is accurate for what you are doing now. Try writing down everything that you eat and drink for a week, a bit tedious, but just for 7 days, which can be a complete eye opener in where those calories are coming from. You might also note your mood. There was someone on this forum who mentioned HALT, the premise is very simple, before you eat/drink something ask your self ‘am i hungry?’ ‘am I angry?’ ‘am I lonely?’ ‘am I tired?’. I found that really helpful and as a result made some different decisions.

    I see no reason why you cannot reduce your TDEE, but make sure that it isn’t ready
    meals or take aways. Processed food is full of sugar, sugar is keeping you on a cycle of bingeing, so reduce the sugar in your diet(watching out for hidden stuff in baked beans, jar tomato sauces etc) and you will feel better, the desire for the sweet stuff will diminish and if you drink fizzy drinks, then stop them now. Have a look at what you eat over the day, especially breakfast.

    It is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Think about what you like to eat that is unprocessed and aim to eat wholemeal bread, fruit and vegetables, unprocessed meat, brown rice and wholewheat pasta, eggs, cheese, nuts, legumes, yoghurt etc. Aim for whole grains, porridge is very good. Avoid anything that has the word’diet’ or ‘low fat’ as they are invariably stuffed full of sugar. A really interesting read is by Dr Robert Lustig( a paediatric endocrinologist in the US) who has been studying obesity and why/how we get fat and what we can do about it, busting all those diet myths along the way-such as eat less, move more(why they don’t work). The list of foods to aim for is from his book ‘fat chance, the hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease.’ It will make you think about what you eat and why, the role of the food industry and the misinformation that we have been given and how/why.

    Read the packets of the sweets etc and look for the amount of sugar within. Anything over 22g sugar is high, so avoid. WHO Guidelines are for 6 teaspoons of sugar per day=24g sugar. I know that you will find the numbers truly shocking once you start to look as I did( a recovering sugar addict).

    I eat a much better diet that is not weird or expensive, or antisocial to maintain. When I have over indulged(as I did yesterday) I eat less the next day. I feel better and no longer hide food or go out to get that chocolate fix, it is liberating and I am much much slimmer.

    Hello everyone!
    Welcome to the newbies and the oldies. Not much of a wizard, Jade at the moment. It has been a tough week both at home and at work, so I have decided to give myself some slack and no FD this week. I also had a week moment walking home in the pouring rain and driving gales yesterday, but I didn’t feel guilty for one moment. I enjoyed every morsel in the knowledge that it was a one off(when it used to be several times a day) and now today has been a new day with restraint that has been easy. I suppose there are days when it is a breeze and days when it is anything but, the difference is that that the easy days get easier and much more frequent as the weeks tick by.

    Just 1 more day than a whole week off work(half term) and I cannot wait! I am planning a couple of FD, but will see how it goes with plans to catch up with friends and stay with family. I am not putting myself under any pressure.

    Wow Annette thank you so much for such a detailed and informative response I honestly cannot wait to get started and will try and use the next three days to gather as much information as possible x

    My pleasure. I hope it helps and do drop in and ask for help/advice etc. We are an eclectic bunch with a wide range of experience. Never a day goes by where I don’t learn something on the forum.

    Top tip-meal plan, which means buying the food before a fast day(FD). I like things that are quick and tasty on a FD, so that my time in the kitchen is limited. The fast day cook book is a good place to start for ideas.

    Weigh all pasta and rice.

    Aim for protein and leaves on a FD. Avoid carbs.

    I miss breakfast on a FD, but have a simple lunch at work(provided free and there is a choice) and then use up my calories in the evening. I go to bed early and then aim to eat ‘normally’ the other 5 days.

    It will make life much easier if you can reduce your sugar intake each week.I have just given up sugar in my tea after 40+ years, it will never set my world alight, but I am prepared to live with that on the basis that I am no longer a complete lunatic looking for my next sugar fix after every ‘crash’. Plus, your mood will stabilize and you will look much better. There may be a headache along the way, but it has been so worth it for what I have gained.

    Hey Josie – I had a “Normal eating” book, sounds like the same one – her best tip for me was to be mindful, thinking before eating, consciously choosing it instead of just noshing. Trouble is I’ve been consciously choosing it too often lately! Thumbs up on the soup idea, best FD meal, filling and you can have a lot if it’s brothy. And as Annette said, skip the carbs on a FD they’ll just make you hungrier. We’re all working on our specific triggers, everyone is different, but I do believe we all could binge on sugar/simple carbs of some nature.
    Plainy welcome – oh a bride-to-be! I agree with Chubs and Keeptrying, don’t worry about the TDEE yet, see if you can really “eat normally” on the 5 days. The best thing about 5:2 is that we’re not always “on a diet”! Sure, the health benefits are nice, too 🙂 Btw, it’s fine to eat less than TDEE – the less you eat the more you lose, after all – but don’t deprive yourself if you want the whole shebang. Deprivation makes us very crabby. Slow and steady loss is the way to keep it off forever.
    Annette I am with you this week – it’s just been one unexpected delicious thing after another and I have not resisted. Even my coffee shop offered this wonderful home-brewed toffee flavoring …my favorite. Poof, there went that day’s anti-sugar promise. It was a bit too sweet, but by then I was injected. My sweet tooth has been living large this week.
    I probably need another whole-foods detox. Let me tell you, lovely newbies, whole foods are the secret to calming a sweet tooth! Take it from Annette and her Dr. Lustig. When the urge to have junk strikes, feed it with fruit and whole grains instead (and of course the usual protein and veg too). After just 2-3 weeks before Thanksgiving, I was a convert. But of course then the holidays came and off the cliff I went. I KNOW the secret though – it’s just doing it that has been a problem lately.
    Have a great Friday and weekend everyone – 🙂 xx
    ps: hugs to our cave dwellers Queen, Spring, Mcca, and all – miss you.

    There are 2 books with the similar normal eating title- “The rules of Normal Eating” by Koenig, which I own and found to be similar to Roth’s books (Eh, not the greatest book. Roth’s are far better). Then there is “Normal Eating” by Sheryl Cantor, which lays out a 4 step plan to addressing first the binging, and then the eating out of non hunger. Stage 1 addresses binging, and then when you are reliably binge free, you start to address the non hunger eating. You work in stages, as trying to cure binge eating and stop yourself from eating when not hungry is too much at once. This is the book I have pdf’d.
    I found Cantor’s book far better. Its more direct and to the point with clear instructions and guidelines, and a 4 step plan. I think many people relapse in spite of these books because they go into it trying to use it as another diet to lose weight rather then cure binging, I know I did in the beginning. Eventually I resolved the binging but I still struggle with non hunger too- hence trying the 5 to 2. I am really a huge failure at mindfulness and using a food/emotion diary, that is why I still struggle with the non hunger eating. But the binging was relatively easy to get rid of.

    Thank you very much for the welcome and advice it’s much appreciated, however I am not the bride I am the groom!, sorry for any confusion!

    Ack! What a day! I’ve been running constantly the whole morning and am just sitting down to lunch at 2:30 and cooking dinner while I eat. As I’m caramelizing onions in the oven this means getting up every 5 minutes to stir them. Hardly what I’d call “mindful” eating! 😡

    But there’s very good news to report. I had to see my doctor to get all my prescriptions either filled or brought up to date so I can order them with a phone call from Vancouver. I knew this would involve being weighed. First I hoped I’d break 180. Then I started looking at my “How Fat Am I” pix and I saw nothing encouraging. Plus I’ve overdone my eating a good number of times. Not eating the wrong kinds of foods but overdoing the high quality nutrition to be sure. So I began preparing myself for no or very minimal weight loss.

    When I stepped on the scale I was down 4 pounds in just over 2 weeks! Glory hallelujah! But that’s not even the best part! I told him I am only using my steroid inhaler infrequently as I hear “krinkly” breathing. Instead of the typical speech about I just have to realize I’m an asthmatic and be rigorous about not letting it get ahead of me he said if I’m not using it consistently it’s not doing anything and if I’m not getting myself into distress not using it, I might as well dump it. I AM OFF INHALED STEROIDS!!!!!! I haven’t been able to say that in 20 year or more.

    I will still need to use a topical steroid on my skin but I’m using that only occasionally. I can see myself saying I’m steroid-free one day and meaning *all* of it! 🏆 🎉 👍 🏆 🎉 👍

    Had a blood test as well. It will be interesting to see how that is but they didn’t make that face and say my blood pressure was high and I should watch it.

    On my way home I bought myself a kombucha to celebrate. It had some sugar. It was great!

    Planning continues for the move but now it’s less clear where we’ll be moving to…

    Tonight is my last meal until Monday at this time. I’m making ratatouille. I love, love, love it but it’s really for my husband who’s life is hell at the moment. That makes me extra grateful that you lovely ladies and Plainy (thanks for that heads up!) are out there so I can share my excitement and then be all sympathy and quiet voices when he gets home.

    Wishing all of you all the best! I hope the weekend is a treat for you!

    Big congrats to you, Chubster!! Better health, super drop in weight, and all with the chaos of planning a move. Well done being subconsciously mindful…? Well something worked, best not to analyze it too much. Ha. It’s not hard until I make it hard is my problem.

    Hey Plainy, sorry about the mistake – guys are certainly most welcome on binger island! Glad to have your perspective and still happy for you to be looking forward to a wedding in 2016, whichever role you’re playing in the ceremony 🙂 Hope things are still going well in the 5:2 efforts for you.

    Josie, yes Cantor’s book is the one I read. It’s still somewhere in the cloud if I can ever get my ipad going. But having read it I do think I’m far more mindful and it’s made a difference. Lots more enjoyment, lots less guilt, which is better no matter what is going on.

    My inner lizards have calmed down lately, who knows why so I will just roll with it and continue eating less sugar. Have a lovely weekend all xxx


    Awful week!

    I’ve had a bad cold all this week and have spent most of the time on the couch feeling sorry for myself. I did manage to stick to 500 calories on my fasting days, although it was very difficult. My eating days were full of comfort food and I consistently went over my calorie goal.

    I put on 1 lb

    I’m sure my body was trying to hold onto the fat cause I was ill and hopefully this week I’ll be on target and start to lose weight again!

    Fantastic news Chubs, you must be delighted.
    Jade, glad the lizards have left you alone. They seem to have moved to my house.
    Squircle, never mind. It happens. Tis almost a new week.

    Tough week for me, at work and at home, plus gifts of the sweet stuff. So it is back to the notepad for me to keep track of what I am scoffing up to my TDEE, to re-set my new normal..again.

    Half term for me. Lots of catching up with friends and seeing family too. My plan is to not exceed my TDEE, get out for a short run if it ever stays dry, and make sure that I clock up 10,000 steps every day.

    Poor squircle! Have you got a comfy quilt and good book to get immersed in? Hope you’re feeling better by the end of the day. And remember chicken broth is comforting and filling.

    Jade and annette, you can send your lizards packing. Send them here! I’ll put them in one of those boxes headed up North.

    Meanwhile, is there something hiding in a prepared food that’s acting as a trigger?

    Those stomach acids got to me again last night. I already have scarring from GERD and my father had horrible ulcers so I’ve got to respect the damage they can do . I was supposed to be fasting but I started with chicken broth and then had some mozzarella and a bit of ratatouille. Still well within 500 calories for a fast day.

    Today I’ve taken a Prevacid (a proton pump inhibitor) in advance of it happening. If it will prevent the heartburn I’ll just make that a part of my FD routine. Fingers crossed.

    In the process, however, I discovered that chicken broth with a splash of tomato juice and a sprinkle of celery salt makes a very tasty, low calorie, low effort, warming soup.

    Good advice from Annette and Chubs, Squircle – and kudos on the FDs! But during bad times, weight loss takes second priority to comfort. Relax your goals and feel good about what you can reasonably achieve. “No binge” is still a good day, when you get right down to it.

    I’m putting up a valiant effort against the sweets today. A FD is probably unrealistic. If not, then I’ll go for the whole foods and at least not be hungry. Say, Chubs, that soup does sound good – I never thought of combining chicken broth and tomato juice, yum. Sorry to hear about your tummy issues, but sounds as though you are prepared to deal with them. That’s half the battle done already. Any more news on the move?

    Hey Annette, let’s send Chubs our lizards, she’ll pack them in a box and maybe drop it off a bridge or into the ocean. Begone lizards. Let’s do this, gang, it’s one day, one step at a time. Spring is coming, and I want my pink shorts xxx

    Yes, Jade, it’s definitely settled on Vancouver (YAY!!!) and my husband will leave next week so I gotta gear up and start making this happen.

    By all means send those lizards here! Dropping them off the Lions Gate bridge sounds like an *excellent* plan and I’m sure they’ll be happy there as the view of Howe Sound out to Vancouver Island is spectacular with sunsets to die for. So, done deal! They’ll never want to leave YVR.

    Brilliant idea for the lizards! Just got to catch the blighters and then they will be on their way to you!!

    Nothing in food that is a trigger, just used the sweet stuff in times of stress. I need to find another way of dealing with that. I would like to get back to studying, but essay deadlines always involved me making at least 1 cake….and eating it through the many re-writes to try an fit within the dreaded word count. A re-think required.

    Chubs, the move all sounds very exciting. Hopefully the stomach issues will all settle down.

    Well done Jade. I am struggling which is not a surprise after the week, but the plan is now a FD tomorrow. I need a ‘re-set’ and to get back into the groove and see what I can achieve with the shorts by the end off the month.

    I’m in the struggling mode too, Annette – now that I’m used to feeling healthier, I may be taking it a bit for granted? But I’m still trying! (Please, no Yoda quotes.) Hoping spring knocks this ambivalence on its rear end. Shipping all my lizards to the Lions Gate Bridge may help 🙂

    Chubs, that’s great about Vancouver – very exciting! Re your Q about triggers in foods, definitely “added sugar” had an effect on me. I have cut way down on processed food, which I know you have too. Last year this time, though, I was clueless. I still enjoy desserts but “mindfully” – and I’m pretty careful to wait until nFD evenings if I indulge. And boy have I changed my shopping habits. I stop at least every other day for fresh fruit/veg, whereas before I’d rely on packaged and canned stuff and make some cheesy gloppy casserole with probably 19,000 additives (10,000 of which would be some form of sugar).

    Ah the drudgery of grading essays awaits…hope everyone had a great weekend, now let’s have a great week! PINK SHORTS, I CAN SEE THEM IN THE DISTANCE xx

    I have just done a weigh and complete measure. Not as bad as I thought but not as good as it was…and a way to go for those pink shorts.

    I am about to walk an hour round trip with my trolley to the fruit and veg men, the fruit is much fresher and cheaper than the super markets. I have changed what I buy, for me the biggest change has been ditching that spoon of sugar in my tea and those jar tomato sauces with the addition of brown rice and wholewheat pasta. There are some things that I will spend money on now and others that never get into my basket at all.

    I have always enjoyed cooking but have found it a challenge to find food that is healthy, filling for 4 young men, affordable and that everyone likes. Now the preparation of a meal that we all sit down to and talk about the day, is of prime importance to me. I have got rather a lot of cookery books, several of which are charity shop purchases and that combined with recipes on line has broadened what we eat. I was rather bored with the same dishes.

    Morning all first day = first fast day! Weighed in this morning at 276lb! Had a litre of water and been on a 2.5 mile walk and onto my second litre of water! Plan not to eat till 5/6 pm but we will see! Good luck to everyone today and this week!

    Good Afternoon for all those in my time zone!

    Thank you all for your support. I feel so much better this week. Having gone over my diet for last week, I saw I had eaten too many sugary snacks and treats. Even on one of my fasting days, the 500 calories comprised mostly of ‘unhealthy’ foods. I am determined to do better this week.

    Today is a fast day and I’m just back from my first post-op walk. 3 and a bit miles and about 9000 steps. I feel good, if a bit light-headed. Stopping of at Dobbies half way for a coffee was a real test of my will power. Soooooo many cream cakes…and scones…and cream scones!

    Time for some soup!

    Can guys wear pink shorts?

    it seems the first 4 weeks were the ‘honeymoon’ period as now in 6th week and it just feels harder and harder
    so very close to having an all out binge
    I think I can do the fd’s but today isn’t one
    and I just want to eat and eat and eat even though I know it is a stupid attempt at filling an emotional hole, not my stomach

    I hate this

    I bet you are noticing that you’re eating better food, annette and Jade. And I don’t mean that just nutritionally either. I bet you have food that fills your self-esteem as well as your bellies. I know cooking is very important to me and I could sooner give up eating than cooking. And now, on 5:2, I DO!!! Happily.

    annette, can you prepare your meals as pairings of protein & veggies with filling starches like polenta, pasta, rice, pilafs, etc? Then the boys can chow down on the simple carbs they can metabolize and you can minimize that part of the meal? But, of course, this is probably old business since you’ve been doing this for so long.

    Mostly, props to both of you for making the big change from processed foods to homemade food from real ingredients. You’re doing a wonderful thing for your families as well as yourselves!

    Very exciting to be beginning with you, Plainy. Sounds like you’re off to a great start with the activity and inclusion of *lots* of water. Smart too, I think, to push your meal back as late as possible. I bet you find that, so long as you keep yourself busy and distracted, it’s not as hard as you may anticipate.

    I know treats are allowed, squirrel, but maybe they’re better enjoyed after you’ve reached your intermittent fasting stride. I suspect they’re making things harder for you than they need to be. Of course maybe your metabolism is very different than mine. I don’t have anything with sugars (watch out for many different *kinds* of sugar in processed foods) or grains because I know they’d just keep me in the struggling with cravings zone.

    If it’s any kind of encouragement, I can tell you that I can bake wonderful things and throughly enjoy the experience and the achievement PROVIDED I don’t have any of it. When I don’t have that stuff in my system I am completely LIBERATED from the craving for them. That’s the miracle of intermittent fasting for me: I am ABLE to make choices and I am HAPPY with the choices that serve me best.

    I experienced that too, keeptrying. My first 6 weeks were effortless and highly productive. My husband noticed I was losing weight before I told him what I was doing. Thank god! Boy! that motivated me!!! Then I started having gastric distress when I fasted.

    The think what I’d ask you is have you figured out all your trigger foods? Is there something sneaking into your food that is fueling these cravings? My trigger foods are things that I *love* so I was very skillful at *not* recognizing them for a whole lifetime but when I finally gave up and gave them up, *everything* became easier. Another approach might be to try an extra fast day and stick to very simple veggies/protein/beans so you could reset your appetites. Don’t forget to have *lots* of water and JadeLark has success putting lemon in it. Those are the things that work for me.

    Yesterday was a fast day and a good day for me. I took a PPI (Prevacid) first thing in the morning and I think it kept the stomach acids at bay. At least I wasn’t bothered by them on my FDs for the first time in *weeks*. I have to take my PPI at night because the doctors tell me when I’m lying prone the acids do their most damage but I think an extra morning one on Saturdays and Sunday will be the ticket. because yesterday my hunger came and went as it typically would but there was no burning in my gut. Yay!

    Food day for me today. I confited some tomatoes last night. Looking forward to adding them to my salad later today.

    I had a question I couldn’t find an answer to here. So I wrote to Dr. Krista Varady who is conducting research on the 4:3 approach to intermittent fasting. She is one of the researchers who was interviewed in Dr. Mosley’s documentary.

    In her reply she said she operates a Facebook page with new results of her group’s research and other items related to IF and weight loss. If it’s of interest to anyone it’s here:


    I came across this entry that I’m tucking away in the back of my brain:


    PS She says her research indicates no difference in results between people who distributed their calories between mini meals and fewer substantial meals.

    I can’t guarantee that anything at either of those spots is gonna change anyone’s life but the endorsement carries a serious pedigree and maybe something will be helpful.

    Here is another entry from Varady’s FB page.


    It describes how individual our responses to food are. In one example given, a woman had glucose spikes from eating tomatoes which I think almost everyone would classify as a “healthy” food. Meanwhile, the woman had no idea they were causing her problems.

    I put this up for annette and JadeLark who may still need to track down some “innocent” thing in their lives that are making things tougher for them. Maybe boring old food diaries, guys?

    Great advice Chubs – I am really happy to have your perspective. How amazing that you are asking questions and getting answers from the pros! Thank you for the links. I think the food diary thing is fascinating – I was thinking grapes were causing me to go haywire, so laid off them for a few weeks. Got some today, and no spike (good, because I really like grapes 🙂 ). But it’s a good idea. Work backward from the problem to find the cause. Spock would approve!

    Keeptrying, I’ve lately found that “food” can be a trigger some days. HA, whattya gonna do right? Oddly, I had a good weigh in, 2# down (1 away from PB!) after a week that felt like one failure after another (5 FUFDs in a row). I must have eaten well below tdee even though at the time I felt like a putz. I was pretty busy, but it’s unheard of for me to accidentally lose weight. I still think avoiding the scale helped me keep trying. And maybe that every-other-day thing is what I need to stay in control. Some of this concerns the question whether the “eating window” works – it doesn’t in terms of science (no magic to eating at a certain time) but it can in terms of how much I’m likely to eat. One thing I can say about 5:2 and new habits – the “no more mindless eating” habit is the best thing ever.

    Back to work with me; I’m in the midst of a grading frenzy, I KNOW you are jealous Annette. I must go before the stack of paper gets even larger. xxxx

    All very interesting…
    Yesterday was a FD and I was busy, I was out and about. I had a light lunch. I could have gone without lunch, I think and just kept going until dinner, but by 4pm I was hungry. Managed to keep going until 6 when I ate over the 500 calories. No disaster, but that made me wonder if I ate below my TDEE on the other 5 days, whether that would help on a FD. So I am going to give it a try and see how I get on. Missing lunch completely when at work, isn’t an option for me as it is a social time to catch up with work colleagues and I could have soup or salad.
    I have no intention of giving up rice or pasta chubs, but I do need to dish myself up smaller portions. I am afraid that years of boys standing behind me making sure that everyone has exactly the same are rather ingrained in my psyche! I have also used food as a stress reliever over the years and that is a habit that I must try to change. So I have 2 pieces of homework! I found that after starting the 5:2 that the mindless snacking stopped all by itself, which is extraordinary as I was prolific in the evening in front of the TV. It was one of those things that I noticed after I had stopped doing it and not during…weird. I eat 3 meals a day with fruit or nuts in between and usually nothing in the evening after dinner.
    We ate little processed food before, apart from several jars of tomato sauce a week, and now that I have given up sugar in my tea and watch the sugar content of what we eat, and cook from scratch…I am not sure what improvements that I can make. Apart from my portion size of carbs and getting more legumes in our meals.
    House is a tip, dentist to fix a hole in my tooth and friend to see later for a catch up. I love half term.

    First eating day today! , found FD ok just tired towards the evening! Going to stick to 2,200 kcal today which seems plenty although my TDEE IS 3000 kcal. Good luck to everyone whether eating or fasting!

    Hello group and welcome newbies,

    I have been watching all you posts with interest and have lots of catching up to do.

    I was sitting with my husband the other evening and we were discussing different breeds of dogs… keep with me guys… and there was always the labrador… I’m allergic, but my friend’s always had labs. Those big eyed dogs were always at the table, licking their lips, begging for food. They would hoover up any food on the long walks we went on, and would consume anything (yes, anything, yuk) even grass! They also kept a spaniel. The spaniel wasn’t so bothered by food, she would rather run and play. I have step children and my own biological children. My little one (could have been influenced by me of course!) gets up and wants breakfast, whether it be five am or eight am. The other children I have to force breakfast down them. They only like white bread, chocolate and cakes, they are very slim like their mum and although they love sugar, they don’t overeat on it.

    What’s my point, I can go into it so many times but we are all different. We have different struggles in life. Some of it is psychological and some biological and some the environment – let’s face it, where can you go that there isn’t food these days. Cinema? The gym?! local forests have cafes? my country walk to town now has four cafes along the way, and about five takeaway shops. Then there is the department store, it has two cafes! Any way you get my point. I don’t know about you lot but when I get up in the morning I look forward to each meal… it’s really worrying!

    I can go for weeks being fine, sensible. My life has changed recently, and I have found, like you Annette, all I can think about when work is mounting and the pressure is on.. I want to cram in food. I don’t smoke yet I get the urge to smoke!! So I choose food as my drug of choice and it’s a struggle when I am in that mode. Sometimes food seems like the only answer at that point in time. At work everyone eats together too Annette. When I get home from work I now look forward to food treats, it sounds silly and maybe just a terrible habit and way of looking at it, but what else do you look forward to when you come in?

    I was making my little one a fish baguette – seeded bread, and it was before tea time. I ate all his left overs and the rest without even thinking about it. I dared to look at the kcal afterwards… 1200 I kid you not. It’s just too easy to overeat! Not for everyone, my husband would have felt through half way through.

    So what is the point of me saying this, I’m saying it’s hard and we need to give ourselves credit for the great work we do do. We all have different weaknesses and there will be different points in our lives that certain bits will become easier, an obviously harder. I always like to have a little reflection and venting on here. It’s for my own sake really so apologies but I wanted to share for those who are like me, I don’t want to be dramatic about it, but it takes a conscious effort to be as healthy as we can be. If it was easy we wouldn’t be on here.

    I had been doing well and reached a low point the other day. We had nutella and pancakes for the step children. I was starting a new job the next day and that nutella was like heaven, I had some to be like everyone else and wanted to join in pancake fun. It felt like a warm hug and I kid you not there a compulsion to just want more, in a way it was a nightmare, it didn’t alleviate any craving I just wanted more. I was like a child… I finished the tub, even feeling really sick, I knew I would feel that way but the craving was uncontrollable. I have discussed this before but food sometimes takes over life for me. I tuen to it to stop feeling uncomfortable, but it also does give me a high, like some people like alcohol.

    So what’s my point, Chubster – amazing job, I’m really interested to hear success stories. I’m also interested to hear about “triggers” as each book I reads says don’t ban anything… so I’m between a rock and a hard place here. I can overeat on bran cereal….

    The only thing I think that has worked for me is being a pain in the b** to my husband and only keeping meals in the house, and set portions. I can’t freeze bread because I can shove it in the toaster. We need support with this and I often post on here when things aren’t going so well. I should hare that I have managed to et my BMI into a healthy range. But I still struggle to maintain it, if someone were to put a tub of melted chocolate in front of me, knowing all I know and how it will ultimately make me ill, demotivated… I would still eat it if I was feeling slightly low, tired, stressed or TOM.

    I reflect how great I feel when I’m being kind to myself, and this is something we must ensure we remind ourselves of regularly. Annette you talk about turing to food when stressed (ME TOO!! and sometimes when cooking for others it’s tough – sometimes as a mum I think I spend my whole life in the kitchen) but other options, think about what do you look forward to? is there anything els you can do of those moments when life is overwhelming. I think it’s about making a conscious effort.

    As well as my nutella incident the other day, I had a day at home with my little one, stress in home life and work like and probably the best thing i could have done would have been to take care of myself,,, I didn’t, I look the frozen pancakes from the freezer and ate them. Oh dear.

    Jade thank you for your advice I think my life would be so much better if I stuck to the meat/veggie idea.. why don’t I do it, because it’s hard! if I say to myself this is easy, i get complacent, I don’t think ahead.
    Group you are all doing so well, this is hard and it’s a journey. remember all the studies show slim people overeat too, they just compensate (I don’t mean getting into a binge starve cycle either- a fine line here).

    I know that if carry food is within ten metres of me I can’t concentrate. I have unfortunately learnt to use food to soothe and give me a high…. now I’m seeking new highs and how to work them into every day life.

    Good luck to all, I hope I haven’t mood hoovered anyone, but I think it’s really important to emphasise every moment we do well and not binge (to all he bingers here) is an achievement.

    Well done Plainy. It is a way of life rather than a diet and does get easier.
    Queen. Lots to think about from your very long post. I have changed what I eat at work on a NFD or a FD. I aim for the soup or the salad on a FD, but sometimes choose the main and then eat something very small when I get home. For me after work is danger time, so I eat fruit and nuts to keep me going between then and dinner. I need to eat something before I prep dinner so that is my habit now.
    I have changed in what I look forward to eating. I can avoid the sweet stuff for most of the time, although ice cream is a very different matter, so I don’t have any in the house. I bake every week and currently have 2 tray bakes in boxes on the table(x1 lemon/lime drizzle and the other one has giant chocolate buttons-bought them as a treat, but realized that I was not enjoying them much and then saw that they were 69g sugar…so they have gone in a cake!) I may have a square after dinner…I may not.
    I struggled to eat my light bread free lunch after the dentist(one filling and half a numb face), met a friend in a cafe and then walked home hungry via a supermarket…and didn’t but anything lovely. The mantra all the way home was that I could have fruit and nuts when I got home…and eventually the hunger has subsided.
    It can be tough when there are mouths to feed and the need to be in the kitchen, with all that lovely stuff around. I try to focus on doing the best for me and putting me first for a change, which does involve giving myself a stern talking to and reminding myself of all of the positives of being smaller.

    I have 5 chicken legs(fried 5 minuets each side then put in the slow cooker, onion chopped finely and fried in the same pan, then added 500 mls of chicken stock, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, 75g whole almonds and 200g ready to eat apricots..brought it to the boil and then poured over the chicken. It will have cooked on low for around 8 ish hours and then served with couscous. Not much time in the kitchen and should be tasty.

    Queen we are all so much alike even if a bit different. I can eat frozen brownies and they taste even better because they are that much chewier! Honestly I’m serious that food is its own trigger sometimes. But then not others. So, like you, I’m trustworthy only if that stuff is not in the house!

    Annette I wish we could all have dinner with you! That sounds delicious and thanks for sharing the recipe. I was wishing this morning that I had something to toss in the slow cooker, as I have to work late today and really do not want take-out or pasta (the only thing hubs knows how to cook).

    I’m between classes – will catch up more later! xxx 🏃

    I agree with you, Jade. Food itself can be it’s own trigger. I have never frozen brownies..they never get that far!

    Thanks, dinner was lovely, very easy and dished up while the couscous was absorbing water. I have made meatballs for the freezer(500g pork mince and 500g beef mince in a bowl with a potato, peeled and grated. The mixture then rolled in damp hands and makes about 25 meatballs-Jamie Oliver recipe for a meatball sub-the gravy is divine and I will be having it without the sub but vegetables instead).

    Shame I can’t send you something Jade..

    Argh I stood on the scales. Half a stone gained… but I haven’t been fasting, and I have been overeating so guess what… I’ve gained.

    I wish I knew what triggered that euphoria from food, that isn’t always there. That craving… it’s gone now thank goodness, I’m back in the land of potential to overeat bu that wanting to eat all the time has disappeared… oh and it’s TOM – but that happens every month so it’s no excuse. It will be happening for a little while longer too…so I can’t gain half a stone every month. Sigh.

    Oh Annette my little one and husband would love that recipe. The great thing about boys (apart from my step children who are carboholics and nutella a holics” they love meat, and meat isn’t something I personally overeat. I wonder if you could use a sweet potato… though my husband would moan.

    Jade… frozen brownies!!! there’s a thought.

    Good luck today everyone x

    Hi Queen,
    Have a look at the JO recipe, your little one could help you make the metballs, which you can make ahead and freeze. The gravy is just onions-chopped, 3 of the meatballs and chicken stock…I think from memory.

    You don’t overeat meat because it is protein, which makes you feel full. Eat more meat! Not sure which recipe you want to swap the sweet potato for, but just remember that sweet potato is carbs and meat is protein. Keep the meat.

    I have listened to a dietitian talking about food(on Womens Hour podcast) and she said that it is culturally accepted that women like chocolate and more likely to need it at the TOM, BUT she said that from the research that had been carried out, there was no evidence that was the case.Also that young women should be encouraged to eat more red meat for the increased iron needs at the TOM rather than the sweet stuff. As a women who has shovelled in the sweet stuff over the years, especially at the TOM, my top tip would be to stop now. Menopause is not going to be an excuse for me, I want to be a good size for my height..and be healthy.

    Have a look at what you eat, see what you can change/alter to make it more filling and think about your little one and what you are teaching them about food and weight/size. The step-children will benefit from more protein to balance the carbs and will need both as they grow.

    Have a look at The Hairy Bikers Chilli and Bolognaise, they are simple to prepare and make, not a jar of tomato sauce in sight and are delicious. I made Mary Berrys Mexican Tortilla Bake which went down very well with 5 young men last week here-easy to make a chilli that cooks in the oven for an hour and then turned into a sort of mexican lasagne using tortillas instead of lasagne sheets. The step children and the little one and husband may well enjoy that and could help with the construction before it goes in the oven for 30 minutes. I don’t like chilli at all so this will become a FD dish that I can make for the others and i will have something that I love instead.

    I think that logging what passes your lips every day and keeping below your TDEE is the way forward. There is nothing magic in the 5:2, you simply have to consume less to lose weight..and i have done some research to see if i can cheat..and you can’t! Any help?

    Sorry to hear you’re struggling. It’ll get better chick.

    I’ve regained a more balanced relax with food by doing the 16:8 every day and only once that was conquered did I move on to 5:2. It works for me because nothing is off limits and I know I never wait that long for gratification.

    I now seldom think of food unless I’m particularly hungry.

    Good luck and best wishes


    Too true Annette, we don’t overeat meat – yet it sure hits the spot when we’re hungry. LOVE the Hungry Bikers website and recipes.
    Queen, so great to hear from you again. Sorry you’re struggling and got *****-slapped by the scale. But not so bad considering. I do the same eating thing, almost boringly normal some days, then BOOM I go nuts some evening and would probably steal candy from babies if I had to. HA but I don’t have to because doggone Valentine’s day…it’s right here. Frozen brownies, honestly? But perhaps that’s sort of normal for me. One reason I’m sure I’m a 5:2 lifer – I like knowing all is not lost, if I just get back on track.
    Hey Vet (Victoria), good point – I’ve found that 16:8 (or close to it) most days helps me not rev up the appetite too soon in the day. I guess I’m a feast or famine type. Even when I restrict myself to whole foods, I do not handle 3x/day meals very well.
    Off to do some work after a weird FD dinner “salad” of iceberg lettuce, about 5 strands of spaghetti, chicken salad, and balsamic vinegar. I wanted to share what hubs cooked but after fending off free food at work I was determined to stick to my guns and put this FD in the win column. xxx

    Hi guys-

    It has been whacky and breathless and expensive around here. How does my new hard drive look on me?

    I not only had a computer malfunction — here’s a hint for you guys: DON’T drop your computers on concrete floors — but I didn’t have any backup because, as we all know, don’t we?, backups are for the faint of heart. It happened as we were in the Apple store getting new phones that could take both a US and a Canadian chip. Then I took my car in for service to make sure it was up for the long drive. Good thing I did! I had 2 tires that had no tread left and 2 that had chunks out of them where I tried to save time by driving over curbs — silly me! I can only imagine what would have happened to that latter 2 if I had been driving at high speed for 3 days. 😲 I could have solved my weight problem right there by leaving a good deal of it on the pavement. Much as I may hate to give up yummy things on 5:2 I still think it’s a better plan. Yup, I do! 😉

    So, sorry to say I haven’t been doing a good job of keeping up. And I haven’t been doing a stellar job of 5:2 either. I’m running, running, running and for meals I’m trying to clean out the fridge with the old Chubster Vacaroonie. 😖

    For the trip, tho, I plan to avoid the very bad food along the interstate and pack my salad ingredients for rest stop lunches. Then I can probably rely on restaurants for a protein and veggies dinner if I judiciously scrape some other things off my plate. I’ll take some hard boiled eggs and salmon with me just in case though. Bringing salmon to Vancouver! Who but me would do such a ridiculous thing?! One thing I can count on though, there won’t be a lot of options tempting me in a car in the middle of nowhere. 😉 Maybe that will get me to my size 12s ’cause I haven’t seen much progress toward that the last week or 2. 😧

    Wednesday is the day!

    Hope you all are doing well. I’ll catch up with you once I get up there and settle in. Or perhaps I’ll surprise myself and get ready early and have some downtime after the weekend. ‘Til then smooches and skinny thoughts!

    Chubs dear girl, hope you can stop and smell a few roses during the move. Maybe even eat a few! This is a good time to relax your goals a bit, try to eat normally, it’s all good practice for future maintenance anyway. And you’ll need more energy plus you don’t want to trigger some food-Armageddon experience by going too deprived for too long. Good advice about not dropping computers on concrete floors, how about on the stairs? That was the obit for my old iPad 😲 Glad to hear you replaced your tires!!!

    It’s been a pretty good week here, I’ve found that skipping the scales = skipping a lot of my insanity. I go by how I feel lately and am enjoying that. A peek at the scale the other day showed me I was on the right track. It just helps me feel more normal and less obsessive not to get on that thing every day.

    Otherwise I’ve slipped a bit back into the habit of wanting sweets after dinner. Not gigantic portions, just a bit. NO craving any other time of day. Maybe it’s some blood sugar response to eating a big meal (or at least bigger than lunch), I don’t know. I’m really fairly sugar free otherwise, which is a big improvement. So once again I think maybe it is just that whole being normal thing, to crave something sweet occasionally. Let’s face it I will never be a rigid health nut, way too much of a wild child for that kind of restriction. And as someone said long ago, was it MichelMB?, we are pretty darn responsible and well behaved in all other facets of our lives, so no need to be downright perfect is there.😉
    I had better get going on marking these papers, which are due soon. Annette, hope you had a great week off, and can we have a loud chorus here of “hurry spring!”?? I am ready for it. And to our dear Spring, how are you getting on? Miss your wacky self. xxxx

    I don’t know if anyone here is raising small children but this ought to stiffen everyone’s resolve to stay away from sugar.


    The link to the actual research is embedded in the article’s text.


    So after my weight gain last week, I concentrated on “being good” and I lost 4 lbs when I weighed myself this morning. It was a hard week though.

    As always I was a good boy on my fasting days. My eating days I averaged about 2200 cal. Compare that to the previous week where my average was nearer 3000 and full of sugary snacks.

    I also walked – a lot! For the first time in forever my weekly steps were over 70000. I hurt! I have blisters and when my thighs rub together it feels like I could start a fire!

    I’m am 100% sure I can’t maintain that level of weight loss. I reacted to gaining weight last week and tried really hard. It worked and I’m back on track, but this week I felt like I was pushing myself and depriving myself. I need to find the balance between healthy weight loss and the stress of dieting.

    I had a lovely week catching up with friends and seeing family, however I have caught a cold and feel rubbish. I am sipping a hot cold remedy with chocolate…not ideal but it is helping me feel better!

    squircle Put some vaseline or if you have a small one nappy rash cream on your sore thighs to soothe them. Well done on the steps too, you must be very proud. I do 10,000 every day to and from work, manage the same on Saturday with ease, but have to work at it on a Sunday. You will see the difference to the definition of both your arms and legs to say nothing of a waist. Walking is truly brilliant for fitness and toning. In another few weeks you will be able to walk faster.

    As a man you will lose weight faster than the women simply because you have more muscle, so enjoy that element. If you are feeling a bit deprived then think about what you are missing and have a ‘small something’ after you have looked at the calories and then seen how far you would have to walk to burn it off. I decide to have something, look at the numbers and then usually put it back(not always). I read recently that it takes a mile of running to burn 100 calories, which is rather depressing.

    Keep going and be very pleased with what you have achieved. Have you added up what you have lost so far and then found items that equal that and then tried to pick them up? I remember struggling to carry a 5KG bag of rice from the shops a distance to a ten minute walk uphill. Then I remembered that I had lost the equivalent of 2 bags of rice, which explained why my knees ached and I was breathless on exertion!

    Perhaps try more calories for a week and see how you feel. There is no race.

    Chocolate is really helping my head/cough and lack of sleep!

    Good morning my very dear and much missed Misfit Islanders!! There’s been so much activity here and I’ve been sort of keeping up with it – glad you’ve settled in Chubs ( ‘LA’ doesn’t seem right anymore 🙂 ) and hope the cold has improved Annette – so glad the chocolate is helping!

    Dear Jade, as ever, you’re my idea of normal and blazing a trail for what it might look like if (when?) I get there. Squircle and Plainy, it’s so good to have the male perspective on the board, as well as people who still have a l-o-n-g way to go (I think one of you still has a few pounds to shed? I still have about 50lb (25kg) to go). I hope it’s still going well keeptrying, and welcome to the Island vet. Good to hear from you again Queen, I know you take a keen interest in what’s happening around here.

    It’s so nice to be out of my cave and back on the beach. I intend to spend some serious time here over the next few weeks now that the giant monkey on my back (a massive gorilla to be precise) has gone and the project has finally been put to bed. I can start picking up all the little pieces and it’s quite a mess around here I can tell you. I won’t bore you with the details but suffice to say that most of it is broken crockery that had been LADEN with FOOD and that it was sadly an integral part of getting me through the task at hand.

    It’s okay though, as I’m definitely back-on-track and yesterday had a good FD and this morning I’ve managed to fit in a 1,000 metre swim before work. Actually I kept up my FD’s throughout and they were largely successful, so for me hunger is not the issue, but appetite on my other days. Desire/pleasure/satisfaction, call it what you will, but I am definitely plagued by the demon of hedonic eating or as Dr Google so eloquently puts it “the drive to eat to obtain pleasure in the absence of an energy deficit”. Yip, very rarely an ‘energy deficit’ here 😉

    Sadly, sugar is not my underlying problem as I eat very little of it in fact and not much processed carbs like pasta or rice. However, nothing can get between me and a plate of cheese and other assorted dairy delights and they are truly my downfall – I don’t even need crackers to go with… I do like fruit so perhaps I need to look into that a bit more, although I try to keep to lower GI fruit like Berries (LOVE blueberries) and pears/apples and only 2 serves a day.

    Anyway enough of the rant. I am definitively back on the wagon ladies and gentlemen and determined to once again get the scale going in a downward direction more often that every other week. I know I can do it so I’m putting it out there (well, here, really) that “I will not gain back another single kilogram/pound of the weight I have lost to date.” Gee, that does feel good!! Love Spring xxx

    Spring, how great to have you out of the cave! I keep diving back into mine but darn if I don’t just really buy the 5:2 lifestyle. It just works for me. Which isn’t to say that it’s easy or that I follow the rules –OH NO that would be asking way too much, wouldn’t it??– but it’s just there, waiting for me like a patient old St. Bernard when I periodically sing the Misfit Island national anthem that you sang in your last paragraph.

    Wow, the dairy is what gets you, huh? And I can’t even eat that stuff – well, not unless I take a pill. And that really takes the shine off things. Anyway, I’ve taken to just limiting myself to a bit of sugar at night. I don’t need it at all during the day, perfectly happy with my righteous salad or yogurt or healthy-schmelthy meal. So maybe you could wait and have the dairy with dinner? After dinner?

    I took a bit of a break last week, sickness in the family, and I need to MFP again but of course now I am getting everyone else’s cold 😡 You too, Annette? Bleah I hate that feeling, it’s like a lizard is crawling up my throat. So I may take it easy another week. I am still boycotting the scales. And truth be told, I hate MFP too but between that and the scales, MFP is the more reliable way to be accountable.

    Squircle well done on the walking! Sorry, I had to laugh about almost starting a fire with your legs 😅 But it’s not really funny, that skin is delicate and those blisters can be painful. Annette had a brilliant idea with the baby rash ointment, or even Vaseline, and I’d also put some Bactine or other spray/lotion to keep the redness down. If it’s not too large an area, I’d use bandages just to keep from rubbing them again. Ouch – hope they feel better soon!

    I need a day of sunbathing on the beach, who’s with me? Ha, I wish! School is hectic and students are all so frantic and anxious…I want to tell them to slow down, enjoy the sunshine, enjoy being young….💐☀️🚴💃
    Night everyone 💤 jade xx

    OK. I earned my Binger Extraordinaire stripes last night and today. …only thing is it’s a distinction I DO NOT want.

    I think it’s gotta be nerves. Tomorrow is the day I head off. I’m packed and so is the car and now I’m just in a holding pattern …accentuated by an eating pattern. 😡

    Is there some patron saint of keeping your mouth shut that I could pray to? It’s been a l-o-n-g time but I think I could probably remember some of my Catholic school girl prayers if they’d do any good.

    Hello Strangers!

    Sorry I have been away on PLANET PRETEND I AM NORMAL. Rather unsurprisingly, this has led to me regaining a quarter of my original loss, so here I am, back with my tail between my legs. In Chubster’s wise words, I am pressing my reset button.

    Here is what I discovered (well, what I already knew but was in massive denial about). I have to weigh myself every single day or I just overeat. I’m going to try this for a month.

    Chubs – Great news about your inhaler! Don’t worry about your binge – definitely a nerve binge – these things happen. It’s not about how you fall but how you get up again, so just dust yourself off and jump back on the wagon.

    Jade this is an old post but well done on the one doughnut. From where you started that is an amazing victory.

    Annette – ‘cakegate’ – LOL. I definitely had a cakegate moment…. Well… month…

    Squircle – as Jade suggested, have you tried reading ‘Brain over Binge’ ? It might help you – it helped me and I can identify with the size, calorie content and nature of your binge foods. And well done on that week where you lost 3lbs despite a few bad days. This is the wonder of 5:2!

    Also Plainy you might find ‘Brain over Binge’ helpful. It’s a different approach to the ones suggested in Josie’s books but you will find what works for you.

    Spring & Jade – sounds like you have both had a few ups and downs too recently – again it is reassuring to me that we all slip up but most importantly drag ourselves back to facing up to the realities.

    Queen – love your Labrador metaphor. I am a Labrador.

    Vet/Victoria – do you loose weight doing 16:8? I’ve read mixed reports on that one and I’d be interested to know how you’ve found it.

    Sorry for all the jumping around all over the place.. been trying to catch up on over a month’s worth of posts.

    I’m back on the Island, folks.

    Mcca xx

    Good luck and happy travels Chubs! And holy hats look who it is, mcca back on the beach. Hi there! I have visited your planet lately and it has not gone well. (Mental image of car over-correcting from one ditch to the other, i.e., FD followed by OMG day.)

    Chubs if there is a patron saint for misfit islanders I will need to say a novena to him/her. I have been calling the wahwahwambulance a LOT lately. I honestly don’t know why I buy a gigantic bag of candy and put it in a bowl in my office and then pretend I am not going to eat any, even though I have not brought any lunch and the sum total of other available food is a pack of corn thins. Oh wait, that’s right, I was visiting Planet Pretend I am Normal. I need to hop on over to Planet No You Are Not. Short stop at Planet I Have A Cold which is the lamest excuse ever for eating candy but lol it’s better than some others I’ve come up with! Come on girls, we can all do this. xxxx

    Haha Jade, so true 🙂 🙂 and lovely to see you on the beach mcca!!! We will likely be here for some time so drop by whenever you want.

    I’ve certainly visited all those planets myself lately, but it seems I also have one all to myself called the Big-Girl-Has-Lost-Her-Pants-Pity-Party Planet. In fact, sometimes I think I’m heading to Planet Pretend I am Normal just to discover a system override suddenly crash lands me in that godforsaken place. The “I’ll just buy this as hubby likes it” should be a BIG warning sign that auto-pilot has kicked in to somewhere I don’t really want to go and I so relate to buying something I know is a trigger and somehow thinking magic happens. Nope. No magic, just another crash landing. Let hubby buy his own treats I say (and hide them 😉 )

    Annette I hope the cold is much better and Chubs, I just wanted to wish you super-strength in hunting out the healthy options as you head north. I spent a couple of years of my misspent youth driving around the USA and I was blown away at the availability of fast food on the highways – all these years later I doubt it is any less the case, if Australia is anything to go by.

    Okay, well it’s late in the day now and my brain is fried. Just going to head into my cave for a little rest and wish you all (lurkers included) the very best. Love Spring xxx

    Spring, i can tell you food is available in the US almost anywhere you go. I’m surprised they don’t have a vending machine in the restrooms – actually, they do, at least at most highway rest stops. I noticed the big Coke delivery truck at the school loading dock Weds and it was there again the next day – wouldn’t want to let us run out of sugar, would they! Though I’m pleased that our students are mostly slim. Gee I miss that metabolism 👯…
    What was that acronym we had for eating, HALT? Or BALT? Boredom has been my problem lately, I’m fine for most of the day but then get bored. Too many years I guess of eating while watching the TV at night. Hmm look at me, the armchair psychologist, I think I just identified another bad habit. Ha, it’s like picking weeds here, so many to choose from 😈😈
    I’m still swearing off the scales. For me, that has been the healthiest change ever. Not for everyone, I know. But I am a special kind of crazy 😖😳🤓🙄. Good luck this weekend islanders, head for the veggies and whole foods😍 🍎🍌🍆🌽 👌 We shall be normal! 🖖jade xxx

    Hello Everyone!
    I am finally well after a pretty nasty cold. On the downside I have eaten biscuits every day and bought chocolate on my way home(something I haven’t done for a very long time) a couple of times. I thought that it would help me feel better, but I still felt as lousy and scoffed 600 calories in 10 minutes! Ho hum.
    I seem to be maintaining and have done for a while according to the scales BUT I am shrinking above the waist. I have a much loved empire line dress that was too tight at the start of the year and needed a camisole underneath to avoid any potential embarrassment. I wore it last week and found that there is no need for a camisole anymore as it no fits perfectly at the neckline, however, the bodice was loose and the sleeves are loose and have morphed into bat wings! Another item for the charity shop pile.
    I think that boredom is often a problem Jade. I notice that if I eat while looking at any screen, I am unaware of what I have eaten and how it has tasted which is such a waste. I am trying to focus on the food while I eat, so that I can remind myself what I have eaten.
    Youngest son(19 and recently lost 3 stone from cutting out alcohol and snacking on rubbish) has told me that our portion sizes are too big. I always measure rice and pasta but he insists that I should reduce our Sunday Lunch further. So I will do that tonight and see what they think and whether they notice.
    There is 3 weeks until school breaks up for Easter, so the plan is to avoid the biscuits for the remainder and go back to keeping a journal of what I consume up to the TDEE of the weight that I am aiming for(which is only 200 calories less than my actual weight). It really helps me to remember everything and the running total keeps me focused on the end goal and those pink shorts. I am going to try less carbohydrates in my diet and see what happens to my waistline.
    I use that excuse too spring, and now with the shops full of Easter goodies, temptation is everywhere. I have to remind myself that the things that I crave are always a huge disappointment when I do have them and now I rarely bother. The siren call is quenched for ages and then I try again, BUT that is happening less and less as the months tick by which is a huge improvement from my daily battles.
    Hope all is well with everyone and that Chubs is safe travelling.

    Hi guys-

    I made it!

    I had a nice visit with a friend in San Francisco along the way and then drove through 2 days of pounding rain but the West Coast is desperate for that water so I just had to be grateful and tough it out.

    The food I packed stood me in good stead. I managed to eat very clean the whole trip. Yesterday which *should* have been a fast day was the worst driving of all. The combo of rain and high speed traffic and construction obstacles in poor visibility really got to me so I got off the interstate to give my brain and my eyes a break. I pulled into a Taco Bell (JUNK food!!!) in an unfamiliar city in Washington state and found to my great relief an organic deli sharing the parking lot. I was able to have a lovely free salad with Asian chicken salad and some roasted garlic veggies just for the restorative warmth.

    I’m sure it was still under 500 calories AND it fortified me for the last leg of the trip.

    I’m here in beautiful British Columbia which will be water slogged for the next week but I’ll hope for a little visibility and sunlight to get at least one pic for you all.

    Catch up with all of you in a day or two. All that organizing on one end is, blessedly, through but now I’ve got the organizing on *this* end facing me. Oh well, I’ll be rained in so there won’t be so much temptation to give in to distraction.

    Wouldn’t it have been nice if the deli gave weary travelers free salad?! That was supposed to be “green” salad but my autocorrect is random and fierce. ::sigh::

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