I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • BIG day for me! I was on the treadmill this morning and I looked down at my feet and realized I couldn’t see stomach under my boobs!!!!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Even if the smaller jeans won’t fit (they won’t) I’ve got that to celebrate now that my losses are — inevitably — slowing down. It’s a loooooong time since I could make that statement. …maybe some day I’ll be able to celebrate a SMALL day for me. 😏

    You know, Jade, things like taking the food home aren’t hard anymore. Today I’m baking a lemon polenta cake for a friend’s birthday.

    The miracle of fasting & avoiding my trigger foods is that I can do this stuff without temptations. My inner beast is missing! G-O-N-E!!! And good riddance! Oh, I have to use some strategies: wash my hands so there’s nothing to lick on my fingers, put my bowls and implements in water in the sink immediately. But that’s so do-able.

    How’s the weekend fasting going for you? Think of something fun that’s absorbing so you stay distracted. Maybe you can institute Burns Day in GA. I’m pulling for you!

    Thank You for your welcome messages. Hopefully soon I’ll get to know some of you better and get involved in some mutual support!

    I admit to having a chocolate bar or a bag of crisps as snacks – but I haven’t binged since starting this journey. I am going to continue eating “treats” on non-fast days and not feel guilty about it.

    There are thing I could change to lose weight more efficiently and quicker, but I’m very happy with my progress and I’m not struggling as much as I have on other diets. I have a goal for the first 12 weeks and will make any necessary changes then.

    Today I had a HUGE steak with peppercorn sauce and mash. It was a nice meal and I loved it. It was different from the steak meal I would usually have. No chunky chips, onion rings, butter, fried onions or mushrooms. I am having tasty indulgent meals on non-fast days, but I am changing it enough to stick to my calorie goals.

    I know people don’t like to track calories on non-eating days, but I need to or I will overeat. Today I shopped for the next 4 days and have already scanned all the bar-codes and know how many calories I’m eating. It took 10 mins and I think it’s well worth the effort. I have 500-600 calories spare on one eating day – enough for a cheeky Snickers and a bag of Quavers!

    Oh trust me, Squircle, if it’s working you do NOT want to mess with success! Almost everyone raves about 5:2 because it’s a sustainable way to live, which includes not being a raving lunatic around food (like moi, pre-5:2). Trust your instincts that tell you a big steak is just the thing, no need for all that other noisy garnish.

    Nice going, Chubster – see, what did I tell you, there are so many good surprises here apart from a number/weight goal. I loved reading about your surprise on the treadmill – yay! And may the inner beast stay away. Or stay asleep – I am not sure what’s inside me, he growled more yesterday but today has been an easy FD for a change. Usually Sundays are filled with intense cravings after my Sat night cocktails. But so far – nothing really. There goes my alcohol-trigger theory. Well anyway, today’s nice enough for dog walking, so that and various chores have distracted me. Best not to think too hard about how that happened! Carpe diem xx

    Hello my dear Misfit Islanders!!! Firstly, wow. Just WOW!! There’s so much going on and so many new folk to welcome and I love your ‘new blood’ comment Chubster, fits well with the Island mentality, where every new ship wreak is greeted with love!

    So first a BIG island welcome to bigbooty, PinkHouses, donnabalchu & sqircle, it’s so good to read your stories and I can relate to all of them. I’ve been doing 5:2 for a while with some success but it’s always a struggle and this place is a good spot to hangout for both the ups and the downs.

    So, I’ve been away from home/computer for a week so just catching up with all the news. You have been doing wonders ladies and as Jade so eloquently put it, ‘don’t mess with success.’

    Sadly, I haven’t been having much success myself but it’s now February 1st and so in the spirit of starting over (and what binge eater/dieter doesn’t LOVE the new month AND Monday combo?? πŸ˜‰ ) I’m starting over and its a FD today.

    Wish me luck! Spring xx

    Hey Spring!! Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes – an ever hopeful veteran Islander and not a minute too soon. Look at all the action here on the Island, would you? A lot to catch up on, and these newcomers are smart, too! I like them.

    And yes, great point, tomorrow is the start of a new week AND a new month! Surely the stars are all perfectly aligned for me/us to have a great week! I’d like to just stop the yo-yo that has been doing the honky-tonk-badonk-a-donk on me since Christmas. I think my little sugar lizard had sugar-lizard babies and I have been having quite the time chasing the little bastards out.

    But it’s been great to have new voices chime in to remind me that this is really pretty simple. My problem, and maybe yours, is that sometimes it’s just not easy, as rewarding as it ultimately feels. That reward will feel great tomorrow morning but right now I could seriously eat this cat purring on my lap, poor little guy (chomp). So I’m still working on this elusive goal of having weight control just be a thing that happens naturally. HAHA we shall see.

    Good luck with your FD! – xx

    comespring, it’s lovely to meet you and thank you for welcoming all us newbies to your thread! It’s a wonderful thing to find a community of people who understand what you’re dealing with and can really appreciate and share the tiny triumphs along the way. 😏

    JadeLark, I’m so sorry you’re still plagued by hunger. This is concerning given how long you’ve been about this. I would have hoped that the body would adjust somewhere along the way to be satisfied with an appropriate kind and amount of food as it gets smaller and its metabolic needs diminish. Is there still a trigger food you haven’t identified and eliminated?

    Be tough, kiddo! Today is a food day, is it not? Are you going to have something you enjoy?

    Two FDs down for another week!

    I got those damned stomach acids going again over the weekend. I can handle garden variety hunger but when those &^%$ gastric juices are flowing I’ve got to give them something to digest. …besides my stomach lining. πŸ˜— I had chicken broth and tomato juice — both with sriracha. And LOTS of lemon water. Kept it under 100 calories per day but I really want to be able to say I completed a water fast again next time!!!! Hope I can next weekend. OTOH, I don’t mean to be obsessive and undermine my long term efforts. ::sigh::

    The good news is that I’m a size down in my jeans! And I’ve already had my aerobic workout this morning from getting them zipped all the way up. πŸ˜„ Moving down always makes me happy — less because of the smaller number than because I’m Humpty Dumpty shaped and when I can get my waist in a smaller pair they look less like demin palazzo pants from the hip down. The visual is exaggerated (in a good way) and really encouraging. AND I can sit in them comfortably if snuggly. I like the snugness. It reminds me of what I have to do.

    I’m having lunch with a friend today to break my fast. A favorite Spanish-inspired restaurant near my house has a wonderful stew that will be perfectly appropriate: garbanzo beans and spinach topped with a poached egg. I’m really looking forward to it. I really like the place but haven’t been there in about a year since my husband and family don’t care for the food like I do.

    Then tonight I get to try my pastitsio and tatziki samples. πŸ‘ I’ve been looking forward to them since Saturday.

    Carry on my lovelies! Be good to yourselves and make yourselves proud today!

    Chubs, I figured you’d pick up on that! Not to worry, 5:2 works just fine. I, on the other hand, am going through a rough patch because (a) I have a sugar issue, and (b) I have a tendency to overdo (well of course, what else would a person on this thread be like) and label everything I love as a trigger – when it’s not – which sometimes leaves me miserably chewing on alternatives to things I should be eating. And then (c) I wanted to try fasting yesterday after my Sat-night cocktails, so yesterday was harder than usual. Oh and (d) I’d do better completely fasting on FDs, rather than teasing myself with food, but OH would be sad without his dinner partner.

    So yes, I could make good choices, i.e., avoid sugar altogether, stop drinking on Saturday night, fast completely on FDs.

    But I like doing things my way. So I’ve been experimenting lately to find OTHER ways to make 5:2 as easy as possible for me. I’m kissing a lot of frogs in the process, but also finding some good stuff that works for me and is easy, like whole foods and lemons.

    So take my grumbling as that of a mad scientist of sorts. I feel great today, as always post-fast, and just had lunch of boiled egg and some Italian eggplant and it was the cat’s pajamas (yes, the cat is safe).

    Hope you enjoy those Greek creations later on! Huge congrats on fitting into the jeans!! Enjoying snug clothing again is a nice benefit. xx

    Good morning to all the wonderful co-inhabitants of this fair Island. All of you funny mad scientists with bastard sugar babies πŸ™‚ and those of you leading the charge into new territory (how big is this Island??). Wow, Chubster, great effort!!! You are definitely the custodian of the “new normal” badge, something we award each other with here on the Island when it seems we’ve cracked it. Jade and Annette are our reigning champions although I haven’t had the honour very often lately – I seem to achieve it just before the lizard rears its ugly head and rips it off. I so know (and love) that feeling of getting into the next size down and I’ll hold that image of you snug in your shrinking jeans as inspiration for today.

    Jade, I love the way you describe the psychology of this up and down stuff. You are SO right that ‘sometimes it’s just not easy’ Yep, being a big girl is hard and my big girl pants are often baggy around my knees. Essentially, when I’m not as resilient psychologically (as is the case now) then I’ll generally choose the easy road to soothing myself (food) and not tough it out but sabotage myself instead. Sigh. But I’m getting better at reading the cues/recognising the triggers and that is a good thing.

    So at the risk of sounding like an unreformed binge-er, I failed again big time last night after a good day fasting until about 6pm. I didn’t even put up a fight, just lay down and let it happen I’m afraid, although I did eat standing up, if you could call it eating and not ‘inhaling the contents of the fridge’.

    But today is another day right? I stood on the scale this morning and it was sad but it needed to happen. I’d missed 2 weeks of weighing through denial and then being away but the scale has spoken and it ain’t pretty. I’m listening though so it’s one hour, one meal, one day at a time till it’s going down again. Thanks for being here fast friends, after reading your posts I feel an urge to go and kick some lizard arse. Spring xx

    Our posts crossed cassandra – welcome to our little Island!

    Spring I’ve gone through that same thing several times since the holidays – just crawled into the pantry or fridge and surrendered.

    And since the holidays, I’ve seen the number bounce around – if it’s down, I immediately feel hungry. If it’s up, I’m annoyed…and then hungry, out of spite. Like I’ll show you, scale, I’ll effing CRUSH you the next time. HA!

    So, either way, the scale messes with my appetite. I MEAN IT’S AS BAD AS SUGAR ALMOST. Maybe even worse. So I’m boycotting the scale. If I do 5:2 and use MFP (which sucks but is better than the bi-polar weighing trauma), I don’t need the scales. Not to mention my clothes will tell me what’s going on.

    Might not be the way for anyone else, but I know the scale is not helping. xx

    Oh YES, JL! The scale can be seductive when we’re starting out and making steady progress but it turns on us and it takes a STRONG person to overlook that and stay confident when that happens. Soooo much better to rely on the way our clothes fit and the way we feel.

    You know, my skinny friends go up a pound or two or down a pound or two and don’t think twice about it because they know that just happens so they may grumble but they’re not really sweating it.

    But why am I telling *you* this when you’ve done so awesomely in the long term and shown that you know what you’re doing?! I guess I just want to save you the mind games when mind games don’t even burn any calories.

    Oh pooh. I just wrote a whole screed and it disappeared… boo hoo. Much too tired to re-write it now so I’m sending you all some strong vibes for slaying lizards instead. Spring xx

    Spring I hate when that happens! Try again, I love your screeds πŸ™‚

    Chubs, that’s exactly why I know I’m just not normal about weight, but it’s been a lifetime so I don’t anticipate ever actually “being” normal about it, but rather learning how to process information like a normal person. We all know how the scale works, and I don’t give a second thought to feeling puffy after BBQ even if it’s a small portion and I’ve behaved otherwise; but let me on the scale and I lose my logical mind.

    Isn’t there a lot of sugar in BBQ? GA style may be different than what I’m used to but I make my own BBQ sauce so I know mine has a good bit both from the actual sugar I use and the ketchup which is *loaded* with the stuff.

    The meat is fabulous though. No question about that! Do you stick to the meat? Is GA BBQ pork or beef? We get TX style out here so it’s beef and sausages.

    I had a no-no night last night. I wish I hadn’t done it but I marvel that what I chose were cashews, bean salad and a handful of homemade granola (YUM, BTW). Certainly any extra unplanned eating isn’t good but I *certainly* could have done worse. And that handful of granola — which is pretty sweet with maple syrup, raisins and dates AND has oats — didn’t demand another one and another one and … You guys know the drill.

    I’m going to enjoy what I eat today and see if I can fit in an extra fast day tomorrow to atone for my no-no’s.

    Oh indeed, BBQ sauce is often sugarier than ketchup. I rarely use either one anymore, and get unsauced meat. I know there’s some sugar in the rub/marinade that it’s cooked with, but we can’t have everything. I do view BBQ as a treat anyway, not something I could eat every day for many reasons. Oh and they’ll smoke ANYTHING here – chicken, pork, beef, fish, broken down cars, etc.

    Congrats Chubster on not losing your mind with the granola! You know, I’ve found that if I have the sugary food with protein, the impact is less – it doesn’t always keep me sane but it helps. Similar to the lemon theory I guess? The overall hit is not the pure sugar explosion of empty stomach sugar gobbling. Bawk bawk! πŸ™‚ xxx

    I imagine those broken down cars must take a *long* time to get tender. 😏

    No worse than the tough cuts of beef I’ve whipped into shape, Chubs! Ha. Some days I could chew on a good rusty door hinge. OH finally opened the ice cream last night, so I had a tiny spoonful but don’t dare have more without a lactaid. Kinda takes the fun out of it, fortunately. It’s been interesting to figure out what comfort foods he loves that I don’t. No more cool whip, sorry dear, have some ice cream and soggy pie (ugh).

    All right islanders, attempt to act normal in 2016, take 33! Let’s remember the bad habits that have fallen by the wayside – sugar and simple carbs, food orgies, mindless snacking, no clue about triggers, desperately feeling powerless to stop the weight creep…and so on. All in all, many improvements. xxx
    ps: oops, not that we don’t indulge but at least they are “habits” no longer!

    Good to see you dear Jade & Chubster (I like Jade’s shortened version of ‘Chubs’ πŸ˜‰ ) and so sorry but I have a pressing/looming/urgent deadline for a project and cannot linger. But it is going to end soon (or I will have topped myself, so either way it will end) and I will come out of the cave and back to the beach with my towel and tote and hop onto an available deck chair for a damned good chin wag.

    In the mean time I have the lard baton firmly in hand and wish you all Super-Strength if you’re also fasting today (and probably more if you’re not, as the non-FD’s are the real killer!). Spring xx


    Weigh in day – lost 3 lbs – that’s a total of 15 lbs in a month.

    I am so happy with this because I did have a really bad day this week.

    On one of my eating days I spiraled out of control and binged and unlike my birthday it wasn’t a planned over eating. We had gone shopping and planned on buying a few treats to have over a few days. I ate it all!

    We had a 1500 cal curry with Nan bread and some pakora for dinner. After dinner I had planned to have 100g of kettle crisps and a few squares of chocolate. I ate the entire bag with cheese and chive dip, the whole bar of chocolate. 2 scones. A chocolate dessert. In all I ate 5500 cal.

    I tried to rationalise it by saying I had over eaten on my birthday and still lost weight. So I can binge and lose weight as long as I only do it once a week?!? NO!

    I felt horrible. I felt as if I had failed. I know from experience that 1 bad day a week turns into 2 or 3 then it’s one bad week a month and then….I’m back at the beginning.

    I knew I would have bad days on this journey, but it’s still not nice when it happens! However 3 lb loss and 15 lbs in total. I’m happy this morning.

    You guys make me laugh. I think I have definitely found my people!
    Annette – I totally agree about the sugar thing. I’m so much better when I leave it alone.
    bigbooty – I used your cut out one thing at a time method when I was starting and I found it helped a lot.
    Chubster – I’ve used your white knuckle fast day suggestion this week and (mostly) managed 3 fast days in the last 4. I’ve been a horrid, moody thing while I’ve been doing it though, lol. Feel a bit better tonight.
    comespring – hello and thanks for the welcome. I think part of my most recent binge was due to the new month/new week coming and I was trying to get all of the bad out of the way. Made sense in my head at the time when I was living the sugar high.
    Jade – honky-tonk-badonk-a-donk!! and sugar lizards!!! I’ve been having that yo-yo problem too this year. When I’m good I’m good but when I’m bad …. holy hell. But I think I’ve been experimenting too with what else works apart from what I was doing last year. Eating large share bags of choccies every day – not so much.
    squircle – that seeing how much I can get away with seems to be my undoing a lot of the time. Are you also the type that wants to know how wet the wet paint is if you see a sign? Always pushing the boundaries ….
    Although not back to what I was at least my scales are happier with me than they were this time last week. πŸ™‚

    Hey again Pink – one thing I can tell you from my 10 or so months is that one-thing-at-a-time is the best approach not to go insane, which for this lot easily ends up with an oh-eff-it response. And then the doughnuts fly.

    5:2 is so simple, but unfortunately we’re not. So eating “normally” on the 5 days has been quite the adventure in behavioral experiments for me. A mix of what encourages and discourages me. Cutting out most simple carbs/sugar has been the best thing I ever did to lessen the cravings. I also found that daily weighing was bringing me down, so I’ve decided to be accountable through MFP instead. I am tons better than I was this time last year, not that I’m normal. But at least I don’t feel so abnormal, thanks to the 5:2 community and all the thinking that goes on here. xxx

    Squircle, how did I miss your post?? Just saw it but congrats on the loss and otherwise you’re singing a song we all know – those days happen. Having them happen less and less frequently is the goal, and 5:2 seems to make it easier not to string those bad days in a row. You just dust yourself off and get back on the 5:2 train. Even Dr. M theorized that people would sometimes overeat on the regular days but that, overall, there would still be a calorie deficit. So voila, there you are, proving his theory. And even though I’m currently tracking my daily calories with MFP, if I am still just really wanting something when I’ve reached the limit, I’ll allow myself to go over. I find it sometimes happens when I’ve had a big lunch. It’s why I skip breakfast and often try to have small lunch on nFDs, so that dinner is really just whatever I like, without the sinking feeling that I’m out of calories.

    But again, focus on the positive – a clear calorie deficit and 3# loss so hooray for you! Well done – don’t let the slip up get you down. xxx

    Hello everyone!
    It has been a tough week, the FD have been fine, it is the NFD that have been a challenge. Since the birthdays and cakegate last month, it has been hard to stay away from the biscuits, so I have decided to give them up for lent(Wednesday next week) and see how I get on. i don’t have them at home, but they are always around at work. Work has not been busy either which makes FD very long.

    I had my first pudding at work last week in a very long time(one cold wet grey day after another finally got to me in food!). It was a chocolate chip brownie and was quite delicious, but I really struggled to keep my eyes open all afternoon, followed by a migraine. Lesson learned…again. Why do I test it out from time to time?

    I remember my complete shock several years ago(and 3 stone heavier) when I bought one of these WW frozen meals and saw what a small portion 300 calories was. I couldn’t believe it. BUT, it did make me realize how big my portions had become with a house of teenage boys who do nothing but eat. I started weighing rice and pasta, then this year stopped buying fruit yoghurts and chocolate mousse when I saw how many teaspoons of sugar was in each tiny pot(4g sugar=1 teaspoon) and now rarely produce a pudding on a Sunday. I avoid anything diet or low fat and cook everything from scratch, which is making me more organised.

    The shorts still have some way to go along with a couple of pairs of unworn work trousers, BUT I can now wear a skirt that I have never ever worn-whooppee! I am a bit disappointed that my skirts are not looser, but hopefully there will be a change by the end of the month(without the biscuits).

    squircle, that is amazing, well done. When you have a ‘blip’ just accept it has happened and then get back into the groove, don’t let it be a gateway for eating everything that isn’t nailed down(which is what I used to do).

    Sounds like everyone is doing well, which is great to hear.

    I am so fed up of the rain, grey skies and gales. I was meant to be Italian, enjoying the warm sun and those blue skies!

    Hi guys! I’ve fallen behind and, really, only skimmed all you’ve all been up to the last several days. So sorry that happened but hope to get up to speed and stay with you again.

    Lots happening here. I just found out that we are making a temporary move up north to Vancouver. …and doing it in 2 weeks. I LOVE Vancouver so this is in no way a problem but it means touching a lot of bases and tying up loose ends here before we go and organizing what does and doesn’t go. We’ll both need several months of all our prescription meds and a good number of over the counter things that we rely on. I’ll have to have a working kitchen with me and clothing for the cold of February through the heat of June and the rain we never get here in LA (but I *hope* to be buying some smaller things up there over time 😏) . We’ll need the bedding that creates the comfy nest we both insist on every night. And I’ll have to get this all in my car.

    My husband leaves in about a week. I’ll follow him up when I get everything nailed down.

    So, food hasn’t been so much on my mind. …except, of course, that today is Super Bowl Sunday in the States and that means an 18-hour snackstravaganza. πŸ•πŸ˜§πŸˆ I did set aside some time to plan a menu and prep and shop for a small feast. This morning I’m doing the cooking. Then I’ll go out shopping while the hungry hoard devours it.

    Happy to say that a couple items on the menu are things I can look forward to tomorrow — Cuban black bean soup (which is food of the gods but still is blessedly limited to beans, some veggies and a bit of ham hock) and chicken meatball sliders which (without their buns) will still be yummy and perfectly legitimate for me.

    The size 14 jeans zip up effortlessly now. I bought a few extra pair to pack for Canada but I’m looking forward to those size 12s already!!!

    Proud of all you guys have accomplished and overcome. Forgive yourselves for any breaches and fine tune and experiment until you hit the combinations that support your best selves. I’m so grateful to have you company and support as we change our lives for the better! …not to mention those lard batons!!!

    Off to fill those snack bowls and then to steadfastly ignore them. 😏

    Annette lol “cakegate” – I do feel scandalous at times! But of course 5:2 seems to acknowledge that “gates” happen from time to time. Wouldn’t it be nice to start each day knowing just how vulnerable we were THAT DAY to a food mashup. I’m thinking of days when I wake up not hungry at all v. days when I am hungry from the get-go. Maybe there’s a clue in there.

    Chubs, you have your work cut out for you – will you soon be VancouverChubster? Sounds like it will be an exciting time! And hey you’ve done some reading to discover the lard baton – blast from the past. Big congrats on the effortless 14s and no doubt soon to be 12s, well done!

    I hit the snacks at a party yesterday too, but I had fasted all day (in an insane try for a FD, hah that did not happen) and I was full pretty fast. THEN oddly, more food came from the kitchen, and even a scrumptious looking dessert and the thought of eating was, as Spock would say, “illogical.” I’m not sure what came over me, I wasn’t stuffed to the gills or anything, just could not imagine eating more. Wish I could bottle that feeling and have it scientifically analyzed.

    Work day here, gotta run but good luck all with the FDs – soup sounds good for me too, it’s chilly here – xx

    Serious props to you, JL, for going all Spock-like on the Super Bowl dessert! I mean, SERIOUS props! If ever there was a day set up to conspire against us it was yesterday. Not only awesome arrays of the most enticing foods but then a barrage of food commercials all day as well.

    Something you have worked at the last months has *changed* you and come to your aid at the right moment! You must be elated. That’s a powerful resource to have in your pocket!

    I was so proud going into Super Bowl Sunday to say that I had managed my first water fast in 3 weeks. Then, taking some sliders out of the oven at half time, I gave in and scarfed the mozzarella that had melted onto the baking sheet. God! it was good all mingled with the meat juices and seasonings! Then, at bedtime I was really having hunger pangs and I thought they’d make it hard to relax into sleep so I had half a deviled egg. But I think that was the right move. It really calmed my stomach. (How amazing is it that half an egg and some mayo was actually satisfying?!) Besides, all that was still well within what a conventional FD allows.

    I haven’t gone back to read the intriguing history of the lard baton. comespring just referred to it earlier in the week. Now I’ll have to read backward to see its full mystique AND get some appreciation of what you veterans have achieved over your long IFs. Time to do that!

    How exciting Chubs! That will be some packing/organizing in a short time. What a huge achievement with those jeans too! Well done you!!!!!

    What are ‘sliders?’

    Jade-it would be brilliant to have that fore warning wouldn’t it? You would make millions if you could uncover that secret!

    I have decided against a FD for a few days- I am struggling with migraine(I think due in part to the storms here) and think that is just sensible. Pan cake day tomorrow too…

    The packing given the limitations of the size of my car will be a challenge but Vancouver is *such* a beautiful city it will truly be a reward to be there. We look forward to any chance we get to be there and think about retiring there some day.

    Sliders are mini burgers on tiny dinner rolls. Three or four sliders probably equals a conventional burger. The idea is you just “slide” them into your mouth. The ones I did were ground chicken seasoned with Italian herbs and formed around pieces of mozzarella. I am really looking forward to having one for lunch. I’ll skip the roll and have a cup of that fantastic soup instead.

    They sound delicious. I was guessing they were sausages.

    Good plan.

    Yum, sliders. I remember when they were introduced here and some restaurant just made a regular burger, quartered it, and called it “sliders” – lame. I do love the true little cocktail-sized ones. Man, those chicken ones sound delicious.

    Chubs I’m excited about your plans for Vancouver – have always wanted to spend enough time in Canada to get to know a place there. So far just day visits really. Nice to get an advance taste of where you might retire – my dream!

    OK, so lately I’m trying that “sway” thing Spring mentioned a while back. I.e., what mood am I in today – whole foods only? fasting? counting with mfp? I try to pick one, at least 6x/week, to stay accountable. So far it feels like it gives me room to feel normal. I thought about a FD today but then there were cookies and pizza at work, so today was an MFP day, not really that hungry tonight. It’s been forever since I ate the food offered at work, so that was fun. But tomorrow I’m sure will be a FD – Tuesdays are insanely busy this semester. Speaking of which, off to bed with me – cheers all! xxx

    Ummm…. Not a good day. I’m very p###ed at myself.

    I resisted all that food yesterday. Today I had the soup as planned and a slider sans roll. Then another slider sans roll. Then a mouthful of 7-layer dip. Then a mouthful of guacamole. Then a piece of salmon. Then another piece of salmon. Then, for dinner, a large plate of veggies. Maybe some sort of sanity was reasserting itself. But, until then, I ate about every hour between noon and 7:00pm. πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

    Maybe I was doomed from the start. Maybe I simply failed to deal with my cravings and get them behind me. Maybe that’s just how I am and I was lucky to get a temporary reprieve.

    I started thinking about the food at about 9:30am. (Who am I kidding? I started thinking about it *days* ago when I planned the menu, did the shopping and the prep). Anyway, I couldn’t wait until my usual 2:00pm lunchtime so I started at noon. Maybe my mistake was not starting with a belly full of veggies. I won’t make the mistake of skipping that huge lunchtime salad again.

    It’s not tragic, of course, but it shakes my confidence. I genuinely was feeling like I was past this kind of insatiability. I have to plan to be more restrained tomorrow and keep myself active and distracted. Then perhaps Wed. i can stick in an extra FD or half FD.

    OH YOU ARE ONE OF US ALL RIGHT. Chubs, trust me on this – normal people have days like this. Our biorhythms or whatever’s at play inside guarantee it. But because we don’t know how to deal with food like normal people, it’s easy to forget that. I get it, I have been afraid that one wild-craving day meant the jig was up, I was a fraud, I will never be normal. But look at YOU, you regained sanity the same day. Girl you are more normal than most.

    That said, yeah the goal is to control ourselves every day. I’m trying to fight fire with fire, by assessing what kind of fire I have to deal with that day. Sometimes I just have to nibble and tally it up – even if I go over the tdee limit, I am being accountable. NORMAL PEOPLE ALSO OVEREAT SOMETIMES. Dear God, my co-worker brought in TWO King Cakes for Mardi Gras today. Can I fit a slice into my FD limit? Not sure. May have to fight that fire with flexibility and make this an MFP day.

    Anyway, for me, continued 5:2ing (esp including more whole foods and less sugar) made those wild days come around far less often. But they still come around, and lately I’ve realized that they just do – for everyone. And sometimes I can resist but M*****humper that is hard. So sometimes I figure “tomorrow will b much easier” and what do you know, it IS. So now that I’m closer to my goal I sometimes just give myself the day off – within reason (Spock would approve I think). xx

    Thanks for the perspective, Jade. What worries me is that this might be part of a pattern that began with that stomach stuff that prevented me from completing water fasts for the last 2 weeks. Then I really blew yesterday. Now, this morning, I woke up with nagging hunger. I am NEVER hungry when I wake up. Not pre-5:2. Not ever.

    I’m going to put lime juice in my water and stay busy today and hope for the best. But I’d pay anything I’ve got to get back to that blessed freedom from hunger that kept me going for the first 6 weeks! Oh yes I would!!!!

    Mostly, I want to be realistic about this new way of eating. I don’t want to be inflexible or unresponsive to my body’s genuine needs as it changes. But, above all, I don’t want to cave to those ridiculous mind games that I’m very good at and that have doomed every other diet and every other success I’ve ever had.

    Today went better.

    I added lime juice to my water throughout the day and broke the day up with sessions on the treadmill. (I had been skipping that lately but shhhhhhhh! don’t tell anyone.) And I concentrated on marshaling a little determination to balance out the hunger attacks. So, I made it to lunch and had the big salad of veggies that I think may be more important for me than I realized previously.

    After those things the hunger was more bearable. I promised myself a piece of mozzarella if I needed it during the afternoon but I talked myself out of it each time I thought the time might have arrived and now I only have about 90 minutes to go to dinner. I’ll have salmon and veggies. I know that works for me and I really enjoy salmon. I doubt I’ll have any problem after dinner. That’s never a particularly vulnerable time.

    I feel pretty sanguine about tomorrow going better too.

    I had thought I might insert an extra fast day or mini fast day on Wed to compensate for Mon. But now I’m thinking it may be more important to get on an even keel again than to be obsessively chasing any potential weight loss I might have screwed up with one bad day. I’ll just get my program clean first and then keep going.

    On a topic that’s not “me”, did anyone see a new item around here that 18:6 may be of no weight loss value at all? I think I saw such a thing but it zoomed past me before I got to read it and see why. I have been arranging my food day meals within a 6 hour window but maybe there isn’t really any point to doing that.

    Hope you guys have the success and motivation you need too and I thank you for the support that helped me turn it around before discouragement turned into dropping out!

    On the eve of the second of back to back fasts – hoping to be back to within a kilo of where I was before the week of binges in the morning.
    You’re so right Jade about 5:2 being simple but we’re not. I manage my fast days OK – I change the way I do them every few weeks so I don’t get bored. This week it’s been Greek yoghurt and blueberries for breakfast and a meal replacement bar for lunch. But the non FDs are so exciting and so full of options that I just want some of everything because I really love food. Lots of food. I think I probably do the sway thing as well on non FDs that work – sometimes I count, sometimes I Atkins, sometimes I paleo, sometimes I come up with some made up diet to justify what I’ve just eaten, ooops. Sometimes I only eat chocolate for an entire day and convince myself at least I didn’t add to my calories by eating proper meals as well at the chocolate. Seriously – I can actually convince myself that nothing but chocolate is OK. I know it’s not – but hey I’m 19kg lighter than I was the start of last year so it all seems to come out in the wash.
    That’s great that you can fit into the skirt Annette. I know how good it feels to be able to wear something that didn’t fit. I also got a shock when I saw how small the WW type meals were. They made me very sad. I’d rather go without for 2 days and then have a massive yummy meal. I think that’s why 5:2 works for me – I’m an all or nothing kind of girl. I just need to balance the alls and nothings a bit more – more of the ‘nothings’ and less of the ‘alls’. I’ve been finding that 4:3 satisfies my need to indulge myself more. But it’s all a learning thing isn’t it.
    Vancouver sounds great Chubster. But so much to do to organise. Sometimes having lots to do keeps me distracted from food – but slightly too much to do and I tend to give up and just sit and eat. Hmmm. Cakegate. πŸ™‚ Well done on the size 14 jeans! Don’t get too mad at yourself for not being able to stick to what you wanted. I think the secret to this WOE is that you can just pick it up again – get grumpy at yourself for a while, work out what your weakness was and get back into the routine. Perhaps easier said than done and sometimes picking yourself up takes longer than you want. But I’ve been able to stick with this for over 12 months now – and I haven’t been this consistent with anything before. I don’t think I’ll ever be ‘normal’ when it comes to food but this WOE is helping me manage my eating ‘quirks’ better. πŸ™‚

    Hi ladies! I just joined the forum, and I saw this topic and it resonated with me because I am a former binger. I thought I’d share my experiences about how I overcame this issue; its NOT true that compulsive/binge eating is a lifelong incurable affliction. I will try not to bore you and summarize what helped me overcome this issue, because I know how awful this cycle is. I hope this isn’t taken the wrong way, I just want to share what helped me!

    I was overweight in my youth because I developed a comfort eating (eating for emotional reasons in spite of not being hungry, ignoring hunger cues/fullness cues) habit in response to stressors in my life at that time. In my teens, I was very unhappy with my weight and I started dieting, which eventually spiraled into a full blown eating disorder. After being on an extreme diet for a year, I eventually developed severe binge eating and suffered with that for 5+ years. I would eat 10,000 calories in a day or MORE (god only knows how many calories I consumed on some of my worst binge days/periods), whole half gallons of ice cream in one sitting, whole bags of chips, whole boxes of crackers, etc… All in one day. I would think about eating 24/7 and always want to eat no matter how full or how much I ate in a day. I thought about food all the time and was consumed with the urge to binge. I would diet for weeks at a time (every diet you can possibly imagine, the worst of them being The Fat Flush) to try to make up for my binges and my weight fluctuated 10-20-30+ pounds in any given few months time because of this cycle. While being on a diet, I was consumed with the urge to binge, and I was only able to fight this urge for so long before giving in. I think overtime I would have been less able to diet and my weight probably would have increased far more, given how much I binged on the off days.

    Eventually, I was mentally and emotionally exhausted from the anxiety, fear, and shame of the binging/dieting cycle, and I bought every book I could on the subject. The emotional toll of being a binge eater was ruining my life. I remember being on wonderful vacations and not even being able to enjoy myself because I was so consumed by my thoughts of binging/weight loss/dieting. And I look back at pictures of myself then and I looked fine (not as thin as I always dreamed of, but fine!). The majority of my mental energy was being focused on dieting/not binging/worrying about my weight. I read all of Geneen Roth’s books (very good starter books), and many others as well. They all say basically the same thing: that dieting leads to binge eating disorder. I 100% agree with this. What preceded my binge eating issue was my emotional/comfort eating problem; it led to me eating more calories than I needed and resulted in my weight issue. This was NOT binge eating. I didn’t develop the binge eating issue until I started dieting to try to lose weight. I 100% think people at risk of developing binge eating are generally emotional eaters who use dieting to control their weight problem. I don’t think its some cursed genetic condition that is incurable; from all my research it seems there is a huge emotional component driving this condition. In my mind, this is why the average person who diets does not develop binge eating disorder. My weight loss obsession/misery with myself/dieting led to binge eating. Geneen Roth does a beautiful job of articulating this relationship.

    I followed the advice of Geneen Roth’s books, I did have some set backs (a binge or 2), but I think within a year I was completely FREE of the urge to binge, and I have not binged since. I don’t obsessively think about food anymore, I no longer hate myself because of my weight or am always preoccupied with my weight in the same way I used to be (I don’t like being overweight, but before thoughts about my weight consumed me). I am not afraid of certain foods like I used to be. I will say that a lot of this was a gradual thing, but the extreme binging was the first thing to disappear, and slowly overtime my relationship with food became mostly normal. I consider myself cured of binge eating. I am VERY careful about dieting, because I believe I could have a relapse if I fall back into the dieting cycle.

    For me, binge eating was easy to rid myself of. Unfortunately, it requires committing to not dieting for as long as it takes until you are sure you have beaten the issue, which I find many are not willing to do. My relapses were due to not fully giving up the dieting mindset. Even though I am not at an ideal weight now, for other reasons, I know I would never have been able to maintain my weight if I continued the dieting binging cycle, I’d probably be far heavier than I am now given my metabolism has slowed down even more (damn thyroid!!!).

    I have never really kicked my comfort eating habit; essentially I tend to eat past fullness, and I can eat when I’m not hungry. So my weight is not ideal, but that’s mainly because I haven’t committed to fully addressing that issue (I would say 90% of my meals are in front of the computer/TV/i’m distracted while eating). This is what I had before I developed binge eating, and until I do more work, I’ll be stuck with this.

    Anyways, to summarize, Geneen Roth’s books are a excellent starter resource.

    I found this book to be amazing as a practical outline of the steps to take. I found Roth’s books to be wordy with less practical guidelines. I needed a simpler book with straightforward structured advice.

    Anyways, I wish you all the best!

    I didn’t realize you have such a long history with intermittent fasting, PinkHouses. Holy moly! I’m surrounded by expert veterans who have gone the distance. Can’t say how affirming it is to hear from people who have made this a way of life!

    I guess it’s that l-o-n-g success you guys have had that make it possible for you to be so flexible about your approach to food now. For me, I think sticking to a plan is what I trust most because I know I have that “other mind” that comes out of nowhere to confound me and is *genius* at coming up with convincing rationalizations for anything — like 24 hours of chocolate. If only I could summon such talent for my real life non-food pursuits!

    OTOH, I can see how some sort of flexibility to respond to what’s actually happening in your body and your environment — as opposed to the food-obsessed delusions — could help you keep it fresh and sustainable.

    I will just sit here and learn from you and Jade and annette and comespring who have mastered yourselves AND intermittent fasting.

    I would like to say hello and wondered if I could join in this group. I began 5:2 a month ago and have received some wonderful support on the ‘brits’ thread.
    However I do suffer from binge eating disorder and so have been following your thread for a few days.

    I am currently following (trying) a system the local e/d service recommends on overcoming overeating by Peter Cooper (based on the steps of Dr Christopher Fairburn (both uk books I think)
    so at the moment I have to record everything I eat/drink and when and where and how I feel
    and also try to adhere to a timetable of regular meals and snacks
    (they don’t know I am doing 5:2)

    Josie I am interested in what you said about those books – there seem so many books on this topic – many of which seem VERY highly praised

    The one/s I am following also are against dieting, and are more focussed upon building good habits and learning to RE-recognise when we are hungry and to learn not to eat on impulse (emotional usually!!)

    anyway, I hope you will let me tag along in with you all

    Hi, josie211.

    I hear that you’re excited about those books but I didn’t see anything about intermittent fasting. Do you do intermittent fasting?

    Hi Keeptrying,

    I wish you lots of luck with your journey in overcoming binge eating! It sounds like you are on a pretty good plan, and just remember its a gradual journey and if you have setbacks, its not the end of the world. Stick to it and you will beat it! I tried a lot of things, and everything helped me in one way or another, even in small ways.

    I don’t recall reading his book, but that sounds like a similar methodology that many of the books lay out, specifically the mindfulness (recording when you eat, your feelings, etc.). I think the difference between his recommendations and the others is they don’t require a strict regimen, you are suppose to try to sense when you are hungry, and if you are not hungry and feel like eating, you can and you are not suppose to judge yourself or try to stop yourself. They key is when you eat when you are not hungry, you write down a lot of details about what you were feeling/thinking about at the time you felt like eating. The “Normal Eating” book goes over this really well. For me, I think it is somewhat like dieting to require yourself to stick to a strict regimen while attempting to overcome binge eating. I didn’t need to do that. I liked that I still had “permission” to eat when I wasn’t hungry, but at the same time I had to be mindful of why and not judge myself for doing so. If I ever relapsed while doing this, it was because I secretly had the dieting mindset still (I was trying to use the methodology to eat less and lose weight, so I still judged myself and felt extremely guilty if I ate when not hungry. AKA it became like a diet).

    I think the key is its all individual, everybody is different. Some people do better on regimens, some don’t. I suck at diet regimens. But I don’t think anyone should suffer with binge eating for years and years and always have to worry about it! So if one thing isn’t working, keep trying new things!

    LA Chubster,

    I can’t tell if your comment is sarcastic or not over the internet. I came on this board because I am going to try intermittent fasting, and I struggled for years with binge eating and saw this thread. I thought I’d share my story about binge eating, because I see people are still really struggling with it despite doing this diet. I felt weird posting a bunch of books that advocate not dieting on a dieting board, but you follow the advice until you have beaten it, and then you are free to do what you want. That is the philosophy. I knew for myself in my binging days, I tried A TON of diets that seemed really great and not that difficult to follow (not that restrictive even, some that involved fasting/eating what you want), and I could not stop binging and relapsed a lot, thought about food 24/7, struggled not to overeat, etc. That was my journey (everyone is different, some can find success where I couldn’t), and now I find I don’t have the same issues because I don’t have the 24/7 compulsion to eat.

    I am doing intermittent fasting, my fast day is actually today! So far so good.

    Not sarcastic just informational.

    I didn’t see any reference to any of the methods of fasting only references to something else altogether so I thought I’d ask if you were doing intermittent fasting as well. If your record keeping is helpful to you then that’s a big plus to add to an IF program.

    As this spot is all about support I’d hate to get off on the wrong foot or make you feel unwelcome so I’m glad you asked and I could make myself more clear.

    I realize I didn’t refer to intermittent fasting in my initial post, but this thread specifically refers to binge eating in the subject as well. I hate to pontificate; I wanted to share how I addressed the binge eating, because I know how hard it is to diet and lose weight while constantly fighting that battle everyday. I think one could easily do the 5 to 2 while doing all the work to address the binge eating on the off days (using Geneen Roth/other authors suggestions). I always found it helpful to read about people and their methodologies for overcoming binge eating disorder (it gave me hope that it could actually be cured), so I thought I’d share.

    Yup! I’m easy to confuse. …and probably more than a little one-dimensional. πŸ˜”

    Go for it, josie! We’re all up against a heartless ravaging beast so if something works for you, how wonderful is that?! And if you share it and it helps someone else, what could be better or more generous?!

    I’ll just go sit in the corner for a bit. Hope no harm was done.

    Hey all, and a big island welcome to josie and keeptrying, and hi again to Chubs and Pink and Annette our resident wizard and all the other islanders currently in their caves. I’m just checking in for a brief moment – class prep is chewing me up with a huge test I have to give tomorrow.

    This week has been hard for me, I need it to be next Monday. RIGHT SPRING?? Is that our island anthem or what – ha. Take care all, remember we can’t fail if we don’t give up. xxx

    Hi everyone I’m a newbie well will be on Monday, after reading many many blogs I know this is the one for me as I am a massive bringer! I can easily eat my daily allowance of kcal in a hour or two on chocolate, cake or biscuits! I never feel sick from eating all this and the amount I could eat of such foods is scary!
    I’m 38 from the uk and currently weigh in at around 270lb, I’m active and no illnesses that effect me and my weight battle! I’m getting married this year in October and desperately want to lose 50lb and get to the weight I feel and look my best but more importantly I need to find a way of eating that will help me for the rest of my days!!
    I’m good at dieting it’s keeping it off that I struggle with! Only last year I went from 278lb in January to 230lb in May! I had that success through eating clean calorie counting and exercise, only To pile it all back on plus extra! in fact on January 1st 2016 I was a record weight of 292 lb.
    Am I doing the right thing? Can this work for me? Any advice will be welcomed??!!!

    Just another quick question please! How rigidly does everyone recommend I stick to the recommended TDEE as to be honest it looks a huge amount! I obviously have a fair bit to lose and was thinking of chopping it down from circa 3000 to 2500. ? Any experiences or opinions welcomed?!

    hi Plainy
    I have only just joined this thread – but I am also on the ‘brits’ one, and saw your posts there.

    I have lots to lose, and also suffer from bingeing.
    I think the trouble with just losing weight is that it doesn’t deal with the issues that make us binge, or that is certainly the case for me.

    I know that MANY years ago, when I was at uni and a size 12, I still hated myself, had very poor self confidence, and I felt big.
    So I know that even if/when/as I lose weight, it is very far from being the answer to my problems.

    As regards the TDEE, I don’t really take any notice of it at the moment because I have about 5 stone to lose, so I figure if I can avoid the chocolates and cakes and eat lots more veg, then something good must happen!!!!

    I have been on 5:2 for a month now, and unlike many people, I found the first 3 weeks the easiest. Right now I am struggling – but that is because my mh has ‘stumbled’ again, and so all I want to do is stuff my face. Just about managing not to but its making me SOOO ANGRY !!

    You have a lovely goal to aim for, and I am sure you will do well.

    La Chubster, I’m also sorry that I reacted poorly- I am really terrible at interpreting tone when I read people’s comments online! I was being defensive.

    If anyone is interested in the Normal Eating book, I would be happy to send you sections of it! I have the text available online just not in pdf format, I’ll figure out how to save it. It gives very straightforward advice about addressing the underlying binge eating and its causes. The book basically advocates changing your thoughts, and keeping a food journal logging your urges to eat to create awareness and mindfulness. Its not excessively wordy and is right to the point with practical advice.

    I did my first fast day yesterday, and I found it difficult towards the end of the day. I tend not to eat until 11-12, so in the beginning half of the day I didn’t have an issue. I think next time I will cook one giant soup that I know has 500 calories total (a delicious cabbage soup) so I don’t have to eat tiny itty bitty portions. I love soup and that will trick myself out of feeling deprived.

    Good morning, everyone!

    Plainy, I am soooo very glad to hear that you are not plagued by the myriad of health and movement problems that so many big girls face! What a fabulous time to take control and avoid them forever! I know everyone will think that a wedding is the reason to do this — of course it is! — but the opportunity to save yourself a lifetime of discomfort and misery from moment to moment has to be right up there.

    Good plan, I think, to give yourself a couple days to prepare mentally for it. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you on Monday that this is the start of a healthier rest of your life.

    As for sticking to TDEEs, my recommendation would be that you try it and then experiment with variations to arrive at what works for you. I started 5:2 without quite knowing how it was done. So, from my beginning I’ve done it my own way. I don’t count calories on FDs or NFDs. I do my fasts back-to-back and I do them pretty much without any food. That’s what works for me. It’s *easier* for me to do without than to try to limit.

    But, here’s the good news: if you find out what works for you — what will be sustainable — it’s not really so hard at all. There are tough days but there are far more days that are do-able and some that are effortless. If you read enough you’ll see that there are people like JadeLark, and annette, and come spring and PinkHouses who have been doing this for a year or more or the best part of it.

    It was also really easy for me for the first 6 weeks, keeptrying. Then I had some tougher days but with a name like keeptrying, I think you just *have* to stick with it, no? πŸ˜‰ I said some time earlier that I succeeded and failed at dozens of diets but every one of them taught me something that I could bring to 5:2. That has helped me make it something very individual and supported me in using what’s helpful and modifying what isn’t.

    josie, I am *all about* what works for you! So I enthusiastically endorse anything you bring to your program. And I’m *delighted* to have you join in our community effort. I hope you’ll find, as I have, that the urges to eat beyond your actual metabolic needs can disappear when you eat quality food, avoid your trigger foods and give your body a couple days off to keep up with them.

    Everybody else, let’s keep on keeping on ’til we all fit in our pink shorts! πŸ˜‰ …unless, of course, we’re avoiding shorts as a public service. 😦

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