I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Thanks Jade.

    First FD in a couple of months and it all went well, so why was I worried? Planning another at the end of the week too. My plan is to stay away from the scales and the tape measure until the end of February, but continue to try on clothes once a week. I remain convinced that scales are such an arbitrary measure of success.

    I am always hungry after a FD, so really have to watch what I eat the day after. Today is no exception and like you Jade, I will have to keep a tally on NFD too, just until I can get used to what amounts look like.

    I do struggle to stay away from the biscuits when it is cold, but one day at a time. I need to get more lentils into our meals as well.

    Congrats, Annette! Glad the FD went well. Probably all credit to your whole foods focus, they really do fill me up if I can keep myself in the corral and not lunge after something sweet. I’m out of grapes so was actually snacking on radishes – not quite the same!
    My slip-up day is usually 2-3 days after a fast. I.e., Sat or Sun after a Thursday FD I can get out of control. No excuse really, I mean it’s the weekend and social time but still. My magic weapon has become LEMON WEDGES. Throw those into ice water and it’s just the thing to numb my sweet tooth, not even sure why – and I usually end up eating the lemon too. But I find lemon in tea tastes too sour. Weird.

    First day back at school today after the break was a bit brutal. But perfect to keep me busy on a day-after-FD, so I had a very light lunch and a dinner that anyone who knows me would say “really, that’s what you wanted?” (it was more of the same I had yesterday, ground beef sauteed then stewed with cabbage, peppers, onions, celery, tomatoes, and lentils, really yummy). Good night all – hope springs eternal again this week, doing well so far! xxx

    Hi group,

    Just a quick hello and an update. I have been reading all your posts and sounds like you’re all doing brilliantly with fd days still.

    La welcome, also thanks for your posts. I am like you.. If it tickles my taste buds at the time the poor food is doomed. For me any comforting food ie carbs I can binge on, they are all like chocolate for me. I meant to say ask if anyone has been reading Michael mosley’s mail online diabetes diet? I love how he hi admitted he has to ask his wife to portion out chocolate for him and recommends locking food up. For me that was such a relief to read, someone else who is intelligent and also finds it hard.. Yet has succeeded.

    Well I had to write today to warn you all of that feeling “I’m cured this is easy”. Yesterday I didn’t do a fast day but I didn’t overeat, I felt sick for some reason. I only wanted normal portions and my little one requested some snacks for the house. I got salty sugar popcorn, date bars, dark chocolate rice cakes. Last night I had a few nibbles of popcorn and a rice cake. I was full and satisfied.

    Today.. I woke tired, grumpy and hungry and had a morning alone to work from home. Guess what, no snacks left- apart from what I had allocated for my son and had safely kept away from my grasp. It felt like heaven in the moment. I wouldn’t have felt like that yesterday, yesterday I could take it or leave it. I was happy to stick to three healthy meals and not think about food. Where on earth did the savage beast arise from… And why on earth did I think I was cured, normal a “take it or leave it” about food type person.

    So Annette here we are again, keep the high gi foods out. Broken record but I keepthibking moderation is the key… But hey, not for me obviously. I have stopped though but only midday here in the UK and I faced the music and tyoed all I had eaten into mfp… 1300 kcals folks… For me it’s so easy to overeat if it’s there.

    Anyway I am meant to be eating out for lunch and supper tonight!

    Good luck folks.. Oh and have a read of the daily mail (if you can tolerate it, just avoid the other articles!!!!) to look at mosley’s articles. I’ll post a link later when my phone decides to play nice

    Good morning ladies-

    (Am I right in interpreting everyone’s screen names and assuming we’re all women?)

    I went a little off the rails yesterday. Varied my pattern — don’t know if that has something to do with it.

    I had a big salad with grilled salmon & roasted butternut squash for lunch. Normally it would have been just salad with beans. Then, for dinner, I had more salad and a Cuban black bean soup (YUM!). Normally that would have been just protein. Later I had about 1/4 cup of pistachios. Snacking between meals is *definitely* something I don’t usually allow. And then at about 21:00 I had a *second* dinner. Definitely a no-no! I ate some chili (beans & ground meat) rather mindlessly while I watched TV and noodled on the computer.

    I don’t suspect I went over 2K calories. And I had it all in a 10-hour period. So probably not a tremendous amount of damage done. But I’m still disappointed with myself and being pointed in telling myself to return to my program today.

    This 5:2 eating hasn’t been hard at all. And, really, I didn’t try very hard to resist those temptations last night. But there are things — foods — I look forward to and at basically one non-salad meal a day the inventory of those things calling to me is beginning to back up. I *do* love food! And, clearly, while 5:2 may address my biological needs it isn’t addressing the changes that need to take place in my *brain*.

    Poof went a previous post as I was in the middle of it! Darn it.
    Briefly, I was agreeing Queen that we have those “normal days” (and by the way, that’s some progress!) but boy wouldn’t we love to know the cause. That way we could know that, on that day, having the “potential trigger” food is OK. Instead, I just assume I should avoid them. As Chubster says, that makes for a long inventory of off-limit foods. Thanks for the mention of Dr. M, yes it makes me feel better too, to know someone like him has to lock up the chocolate 🙂

    Yesterday I tried limiting myself as you do, Chubster, no starches all day. I felt fine after my protein-carb dinner. But felt slightly hungry at around 9 p.m. (was still below tdee), so had a slice of wholegrain bread. Immediately felt that little tickle of wanting more, and I could tell it was not from hunger but that other feeling, that please just drown me in bread now. In contrast, I was well-satisfied with my dinner, felt the normal click-off of appetite. So I went to bed wishing I hadn’t had the bread at all. I was hoping if I had the tickler foods later at night, they would not cause that reaction, but nope.

    I’m left to think that only by limiting myself to foods I don’t care that much about will my appetite stay normal. Nothing against those foods but they aren’t really fun. So it’s a solution of sorts, but kind of boring!

    One thing occurred to me though, which might work for us. When I had some health issues last year I read up on IBS and FODMAPs. People with IBS can vary widely in what triggers those problems, so what they do is eliminate all potential triggers for awhile (and there are a LOT so it’s well worth trying to pare them down), then gradually try adding back in, one at a time, to see if there is a reaction. Turns out I did not have IBS, and I’m plenty happy about that.

    But maybe there is a point at which I could do the same here, avoiding the potential trigger foods for a bit to scrub my appetite-memory clean of this unwelcome reaction to wholegrain bread and grapes and the like, i.e., foods that are nutritious but that I can go off the rails over. Just a thought. Thank you all for sharing ideas here, it is fascinating to me as well as very helpful. xxxx

    Quoting JadeLark: “so had a slice of wholegrain bread. Immediately felt that little tickle of wanting more, and I could tell it was not from hunger but that other feeling, that please just drown me in bread now. ”

    Yup! That’s how it is for me too.

    You were smart to save the bread for late at night so you could avoid being taunted by it all day. Blessedly, that craving is gone by the time you’ve slept on it for a night. And I hope you are feeling all reset at “clean” and ready for a new day!

    It’s lunchtime here in Los Angeles. I’m following yesterday’s excesses by pushing my salad back as late as possible. Fortunately, I think the brand of “hunger” I have is of the I’m-bored-entertain-me-with-food variety. So I’ll defer until the foods that calm me, however boring, will be that much more satisfying.

    Let’s all have a great day free from the irritation of cravings and full of the satisfaction of choices and progress well made! 😏

    Reading everyone’s posts I am relieved to see that I am not the only one suffering from Groundhog Day syndrome…. My first successful fast day of the New Year two days ago was followed the next day by the ‘congratulatory binge’. Followed by the ‘fast of shame and necessity’ today. Hmph.

    Well done Annette on your successful FD. Hope your fast on Monday worked Spring – you are right, weight loss is never steady, up and down. Like you, I really have to do the weigh ins it to keep myself accountable. That said, I’m still avoiding it.

    I’m going to have to give those lemons a go since so many of you are suggesting them. Hello and welcome LA (although your name confuses me – I imagine everyone in LA walking around looking fantastic in yoga pants, carrying a small dog – so LA Chubster seems like a contradiction!). And yes LA, we are all women here except I think Simoceluv who pops in occasionally to direct us to research and reason, otherwise it is generally a lot of ranting and rambling but the very BEST kind of ranting and rambling.

    But having read what you manage to avoid eating, LA, I just can’t understand how you can be overweight? Your diet reads like a ladies magazine dream (no grains, no nuts, no fruit, little cheese) – what on earth do you eat my dear? I am full of admiration that you recognized your grain issue and then have been able to avoid eating them. I’m still very much at the ‘recognizing my issue and then eating it’ stage….

    Queen – yesterday I think I had eaten my entire day’s TDEE before 9:30am, so believe me I know where you are coming from with the overeating when it is there. I just Googled Dr Mosley’s diabetes diet and you are right, it was comforting to read that he (a normal, sane man) has to exercise control over himself when buying packets of biscuits in the supermarket and can’t keep ‘treat’ food in the house. So maybe we’re not all so different after all.

    Love to all xx

    Quoting mcca:

    “But having read what you manage to avoid eating, LA, I just can’t understand how you can be overweight?”

    I am having a good chuckle at your image of Los Angeles. Yes, there are the people you describe. …and then there are the little old and *round* people like me. In my senior years. Wide as I’m tall (well, I’m not tall at all actually). The truth is, most of us Angelinas are very ordinary and quite normal. And the glamazons tend to seek out their own company or a different class of old influential guys I’m not acquainted with. ::sigh::

    Of course, I’m describing what I eat *now*. But I have to pat myself on the back for happily sticking to it for 4 weeks now. What I was capable of and DID eat to get to a morbidly obese BMI was all those fabulous things that I have had to admit are poisonous to me. And the volumes? Well, best not to discuss that at all.

    That’s why this is very liberating and sanity-restoring even at the price of being a bit boring. And the miracle or fasting is that it has become — or at least is at the moment — very do-able.

    I am laughing so hard at these posts. WHAT, Chubster, tell us you at least carry a small dog, even if you have a weight problem, I mean you do have an LA rep to uphold! And yes MCCA you described Simcoe’s occasional interventions so well, I mean come on Simcoe stop being reasonable we’re trying to have a good rant here! Don’t anyone dare tell him that his point about sugar in bread might have had some validity – shhhhh. Listen guys (well, ladies I suppose), I had corn cakes today, because Costco, and they were these rice-cakey things but made with corn, and otherwise just salt and oil. Not terribly exciting but I was hungry and the first bite wasn’t repulsive. I had 3 cakes (45 cals – not what I’d call “cake”) and waited for Godzilla. And non sequitur, we should definitely make a movie together someday called Waiting for Godzilla. Anyway, Godzilla never showed up.

    Then dinner was chicken, some melon, and some smoked salmon on bakery whole wheat bread. Long story but our tiny town has a lovely bakery just opened by an adorable young man, so I want him to succeed. Went in on my way to this morning and bought a whole box of pastries and this bread. Thank God he tied the box up with string so I couldn’t get at it while driving, well not without some difficulty. Well NOW what, I thought – I have this whole box of sin, so hmmm, I could just leave it in the faculty lounge, but of course I would then untie the box myself and probably sample 1 or 2 or oh hell all of them probably. Then I had the brilliant idea to give it to a colleague recovering from a bad illness who’d lost way too much weight (not jealous – not a fun illness). So I gave him the box and said he needed some goodies to feel better. So good deed done, baker helped, goodies out of reach.

    So why did I write all that – because something did NOT set me off today. The corn didn’t, but was it because there was no sugar? The dinner didn’t, even though I had bread, but was it because I had it with all the protein and veg? I don’t know! One thing I do know is that I am not “cured,” but maybe something about the lack of sugar or just having the bread with a ton of protein was the key. I’m going to think about it. Believe it or not, thinking is good cardio for me – I can burn a ton of energy when my brain gets going.

    Anyway thanks for the laughs – makes me happy to be in this group, normal schnormal. xxx

    So glad the day worked for you, JadeLark! Hope it did for everyone!

    I think you arranged your starchy carbs very skillfully or it might have been a special dispensation from combining being so kind and resourceful with the pastries. 😏

    Where are you that you shop at Costco? I sorta assumed most people here are somewhere in Great Britain.

    Oh, and no small dog. One lab-sized older one and a very hairy cat. The dog is lovely but very Heinz 57 and not chic at all. But I have been to Graumann’s Chinese and put my feet in the impressions in the cement. And once, late at night, in the grocery store the middle aged suburban woman ahead of me in line turned out to be Kim Bassinger. Do those things count? 😏

    Hi Chubster – yes lots from the UK but folks are really from all over. We had ladies here from Texas and Oregon, not sure if they’re still reading (but we miss you, Michel and Penguin!) – and I’m from Georgia (Atlanta area). I had to laugh at the notion that my good deed yesterday kept the appetite monsters at bay – I must be one heck of a b**** most days lol.

    And yes, Dr. M is most widely known in Great Britain, I suppose. I discovered him by googling “how to lose weight fast” last spring. Pretty funny, but I tried it and it works better than anything else ever has. Plus all the warm-fuzzy health benefits are nice, and I really do like trying to figure out appetite control. Such an individual thing, but until you know that, geez the mountain of conventional diet wisdom makes you just want to stick your head in a bucket. A bucket full of Ben and Jerry’s.

    Going for FD #2 this week, so far this week I’ve played nice with M(F)FP, so I am hoping to de-plateau, speaking of mountains. Whee, onward and downward Fast Club! xxx


    I really need to learn this new language and accompanying acronyms! Wheeeeee! I’ve always wanted to be multi-lingual…..

    I have a couple things that are working for me today.

    First, I pushed my lunchtime back from noon to 2pm yesterday. It made a shorter window between lunch and dinner (7ish) and less hunger to deal with. I’m repeating that and plan to incorporate it for the future. Next maybe I can push dinner back an hour so there’s less time to not be snacking before bed.

    Second, I read somewhere that I should set an alarm and get up and simply move every 30 minutes. Alas! My computer will announce the hour OR the half hour but not both but even so I’ve been moving every 60 minutes. I just take a stroll around the house — probably not much more than 100 steps. Still, it’s more activity than I’ve committed to in about 5 years so that’s a plus.

    I don’t know that it’s gonna put me on a track to a marathon but I think it does clear some cobwebs from my brain and that can’t be bad. 😏

    My husband has a work thing for dinner. I’m contemplating going out for Indian. Just me. LOVE Indian but I’m not sure what’s in the sauces. Ground nuts as a thickener, I believe. That’s a bit of a risk for me. I’ll skip the lovely naan. But there will be rice. Maybe I’m ready to take an occasional chance on some rice. And then there will be lovely, lovely, lovely chicken tikka. Nothing but good about that!

    I may spend tomorrow white knuckling my way back to my happy 5:2 place but it will be just one day and then I’ll do my 2 days of fasting so that should put me back on track.

    Good afternoon fast clubbers. My virtuous start to the week went to hell in a hand-basket and the rest of the week can only be described as ridiculous. Already today I’ve eaten my TDEE and I haven’t had lunch yet. I’m disappointed but I’m also wholly responsible so no point in whinging, right? I’m definitely suffering from mcca’s Groundhog Day syndrome.

    Chubster, it’s lovely to hear how well it’s going for you. I LOVE Indian food too and just can’t go past the naan and all the lovely condiments. Re: LA, long ago, Elliot Gould held a door open for me into a ritzy jewellery store on Rodeo Drive, but I didn’t know it was him until the American friend I was with told me so… LA seems to be that kind of place 🙂

    Jade, what can I say??!!You’re the Island poster girl for sure and you’re kicking reptile a**e all over the place. I need you to come down-under and give mine a damned good kick.

    Okay, well, I’m now feeling lethargic and sorry for myself but work still has to be done. I’m hoping for better things next week and may even end up back in “my happy 5:2 place” as Chubster so quaintly put it. Spring xx

    Yup! LA actually *is* like that.

    One day I was in a small shop buying ski boots for a planned trip. Tiny place. Just me and the shopkeeper and then another customer walked in. He and the shopkeeper seemed to know one another. They chatted. Then the guy sat down next to me and wanted to know about my trip. Turns out he knew my destination (Whistler in BC) and we were both enormous fans of Vancouver so we had a very pleasant extended chat. Round little me and this attractive younger guy.

    When he left the shop the shopkeeper asked me if I knew who he was. Know who he was? I’d never seen him before. Why would I know who he was? Turns out he was the star of a show that had been some kind of hit some years before. Harry Dean Anderson. MacGyver. I’d never seen it so who knew? And I don’t know if I’d recognize him if I ever saw him again either in person or on the screen. But he was a warm person with very good taste in cities so there you go!

    Never went out for Indian. I’m sitting over leftover meatloaf and tomato soup as I type.

    My husband loves Indian too so I’ll save it for a night when we can both go. That way we can order more and we can both get plates with tastes of lots of stuff. …and leftovers to last for days more. YUM!

    Don’t worry about a bad day. Just remember what Mary Poppins says: tomorrow will be a different day. 😏

    Shoot y’all I had typed a post and it vanished when I hit submit. Gahh. Chubs hope the dinner went well. Spring, I had all sorts of comforting advice 🙂 but suffice to say I have those weeks and it’s all part of not being cured I guess? Push that boulder Sisyphus!!!! Will write more later, gotta hit the hay after this brutally long day with NOT ENOUGH FOOD. Ha – night all xxxx
    PS: LOL we crossed Chubster, but sounds like the safer dinner choice, and of course it’s nice to share anyway – great story about MacGyver I wouldn’t recognize him either!

    Grrrrr Mcca, I’m glad we are on the same page with managing to consume all TDEE in short spaces of time.

    I have found out one of my problems … multigrain bagels, I can consume one pack toasted in one go… I keep getting them, putting them in the freezer, I even made them up into smoked salmon sandwiches… but have you ever defrosted a bagel and had it warm… anyway, it’s like a drug and I have just sent he ingredients… sugar and caramelised sugar! I can east plain bread anyway but sugar is… get this, the second ingredient!!!

    I had to share that with you all. I had some and now I want a cake. Weird how it sets off the little greedy voices.

    Anyway, tomorrow will be a different day.

    Guys I love the posts! the problem, if I was to avoid all food that I overeat I am left with quinoa, fish, chicken and vegetables oh and plain greek yogurt…. that’s it! I even overeat apples!! Don’t get me started on those little healthy date and nut bars.

    So it’s back to the drawing board and 2214 kcal consumed today by 12.30… it’s so hard to not think oh blow it, I might as well go eat a cake now….

    Good luck all! Have a great weekend x

    Ladies I know what you mean – seriously, I have now identified grapes as just too sweet, it sends my appetite flying. Till now I’ve just eaten MORE grapes until I’m like Violet Beauregard and turning INTO a grape (well, she was a blueberry, but same idea). There was no off switch. I suppose to normal people food is essentially boring….?

    But really there could be something to this detox-idea of limiting ourselves – just for a while – to those foods that don’t set us off. Let the gremlins disperse, leave town, thinking they are never ever getting the bagels or whatever ever again. They aren’t dead, but they’d be gone, and we could eat “normally” and be fine as long as we didn’t overdo the triggers day after day, i.e., my Christmas holiday! Think of it as the happy 5:2 place, Spring! Not exactly happy maybe but at least safe.

    So Queen, that would be a quinoi, fish, yogurt, and veggie regimen for a bit. Somewhat similar for me, though I can have apples, just don’t for the love of God top them with peanut butter. Or any nuts – I remember typing long ago that I shoveled in peanuts while driving home, oh dear that was a bad day. Sad that I have two categories of food – it makes my heart sing or it’s basically boring. Well unless I’m fasting and then even my shoes look appetizing.

    We can do this islanders – we can! I must get myself to school now but let’s keep working on this. As long as we don’t give up, we can’t fail. Who said “failure is not an option”? kind of trite but…failure is resigning ourselves to having this same craziness the rest of our lives!!! NOOOOOO. No. xxxx
    ps Chubster – MFP is my fitness pal, the app to track calories etc. I tend to add an additional adjective that starts with f 🙂

    “I tend to add an additional adjective that starts with f :)”

    You are *hysterical*, JadeLark! I speak a mean AngloSaxon myself but I assume you’re referring to “fabulous” or “fortuitous”. 😈

    “I have found out one of my problems … multigrain bagels,”

    Listen! Life is learning and the more we learn about ourselves the better we can manage our lives, right? If you give up one trigger food after another you’re going to see results. And you can keep telling yourself you don’t have to give anything up forever — as soon as you prefer feeling fat or plagued by cravings or having high blood pressure or whatever you can go back to bagels, right? 😏

    I’d just once before I die — just ONCE — like to experience what it feels like to be normal. Then maybe I’ll go back to my breads and pastries. 😈 Or maybe I’m going to *like* it and never want them again. It’s just an adventure I’m on, KWIM?

    I’m pulling for everybody! At 60 we *deserve* this success and satisfaction!!! Let’s be on our own side!

    Yes, My Fabulous Fitness Pal, exactly right Chubster 😉 And man what a battle cry you wrote – we have the choice: (a) be fat or plagued by cravings, or (b) avoid triggers.

    What I’ve suggested, without much of any logical basis mind you, is that at some point, after doing Plan B long enough, those trigger foods will lose their trigger power, and at that point I’ll be able to enjoy them like a normal person. Which is why I also thought of the FODMAP approach – pare down the real villains and let a few petty criminals back in, if they’ve promised to behave 🙂

    I felt SOME progress along these lines over the holidays, after my cake-less and fairly low-sugar November. I.e. I could have a serving of cake and not go nuts, maybe a mild tickle but not the gigantic seismic tickle and you all know what I’m talking about there. Annette described it better, as “not as good as I remembered.” I think I said it was “every bit as good” but maybe somewhere in the middle lies the truth. The cake was delicious but it didn’t give me that electric impulse sugar-rush the way my favorite doughnut used to do. The problem is that I did some version of the “I’m cured” dance and then had cake every day and voila, soon I was back to square one. So right, having cake every night, followed by other Christmas goodies, is not normal. And I live with a normal person which is why I can’t have cake in the house – he will eat one piece and that thing can sit there for a month and he will never want more, so you can guess who takes care of that!

    Good discussion here, it is really helping. If nothing else, it is a hopeful new angle instead of simply thinking oh hell I’m just crazy and always will be 🙂 xx

    ” At 60 we *deserve* this success and satisfaction!!! ”

    Well, that was pretty dopey of me! I thought I was on another thread. Bet you guys are all Babes in your 20s and 30s and destined to have whole long lives of “normal” because of what good care you’re taking of yourselves now!

    Off to a quiet corner where I can continue being senile on my own. 😔

    Please do join me in my 60s cave, Chubster 🙂 Yes, I’m up there too, and still crazy after all these years, to quote Willie Nelson though not quite for the same reason 🙂 It’s what unites us here despite our age differences – but indeed we are all defiant and strong crazy people! xxx

    Let that freak flag fly! 😏

    I had a good day. I continued my get-up-and-move-every-30-minutes deal all day. It’s just about 150 steps but I jogged out the last couple rounds. And when I was out shopping I even bought a bathing suit and found myself thinking about going to the gym again. I wasn’t looking for bathing suit but that’s one of the joys of Costco. Never know what will hop up and pop into your basket!

    So that was a shocker for a slug of a babe like me! Not sure when I’ll be ready to register at the gym again that but it amazed me that the idea came up unbidden.

    I made shakshuka for my husband for dinner. I’m looking forward to some of that next week when I’m eating again. It will make a nice alternative to salad every day. I’m going to have some lovely scallops and grilled asparagus. My husband won’t eat shellfish but I’m going to enjoy it immensely and then I’m going to fast my ample tush off over the weekend. 😃

    Oh! And I also revived a thing I used to do on my last successful diet. I don’t weigh myself but I used to take a picture of the bod head on and in profile each week in similar clothes. Just so I could see what’s actually going on. I have a file called “How Fat Was I”. Haven’t looked at it in 3 years. But after 3 years of denial I’m ready to deal with how I let it all go after a year of taking 50 pounds off and 2 years of keeping it off. And I’m looking forward to adding a new chapter about doing even better this time and watching each step of the way.

    Happy weekend, all!

    That sounds terrific, Chubster, go you – nothing can stop you with that attitude. Amazing how a little thing like just making yourself move every half hour can end up with a new swimsuit (ha you never know what you’ll walk out with at Costco) and thinking of hitting the gym! I’m assuming it’s one where there is a pool? Not one near me but I love just getting out and walking. Sometimes OH goes with me and it’s maybe 2 mph, but ANY activity is good for the soul, the mood, the bod, everything.

    What an interesting project you described with the photos – you sound very creative. We have heard that about you folks in LA 🙂 – well, someone has to be! Oh speaking of creative, Steven Tyler is on the Late Show w/ Colbert right now (I’m trying to decompress from a long day at work, really ought to be in bed) and he is one crazy looking guy! But seems very kind. We non-Californians tend to think most people out there look like him lol.

    Good night all – have a great weekend, and KEEP MOVING. xxx

    Hey islanders…I was thinking last night about lemons and how magical they are, for me at least. I gave them a real test last night. I had a long day, it was late, I felt crabby, and etc. So I had some candy, probably around 200 cals (w/n tdee I’m happy to say), and felt that familiar tickle of wanting more. And to be honest I was still below tdee, thus probably still hungry, but of course I’m not that great at figuring out if I’m hungry or just crazy. Especially after candy.

    So then I squeezed a lemon wedge into a glass of ice water, and VOILA, the tickle began to subside. One glass and I felt almost normal again. Oh, I could have easily had a sugar banquet right then and there, but I was back in control and thinking rationally, so I knew that wasn’t a good plan. And I realized I wasn’t hungry for regular food, so off to bed I went, thinking that is how normal people act after they have sugar. Ha, I didn’t feel MENTALLY normal at all, because all of the above was going through my brain, but we can’t have everything.

    I figured, of course, that I wasn’t the first to discover lemon magic. But I checked online to see WHY they were magical. And there’s tons of online info about how lemon juice lowers the glycemic index and/or lessens the insulin spike of whatever else you’ve eaten. Hey, who knows, but it does make me feel un-sugared.

    I am really trying to eat less sugar, but times like last night will happen, or parties, etc. So knowing I can fight back even after being wounded, so to speak, is better than just surrendering completely to the craving. I realize I sound like I must own a lemon ranch or something – but really, I’m just a hard case and this worked for me. We’re all different, for sure, but what works for one is worth a try.
    Good luck this weekend, hugs to you all xxxx

    1) Personal TRIUMPH! Good for you!

    2) What a valuable piece of information to share! I am putting that in the back of my brain. I figure at my current size and wishing to lose 20# in the present year followed by diminishing losses in subsequent years, I will be ready to try out some sugar and remedy it with lemon in about 7 years. Hope my Alzheimer’s doesn’t kick in to disrupt that plan. 😏

    I am really thrilled for you and I bet it gives you increased confidence going forward.

    Chubs, you are hilarious – 7 years unless Alzheimer’s…. I will probably still be posting my homemade cure-alls here then, so no worries! And I’ll be old too so there will be some repetition 🙂

    I recommend drinking it anytime (and began with the lemon water anyway) just to make the water a little sprightlier. It does just tend to give me a feeling of satisfaction. OK I’m off to move after doing some cooking – to keep me away from the goodies. xx

    So what’s cooking? I’m doing a soup that a friend has recommended for me at least 3 different times. I’t called Persian New Year Soup. It smells wonderful and I’m anxious to try it when I get a food day again.

    I hear ya about spiffing up the water. I drink mineral water for exactly that reason. S. Pelligrino has just a nice amount of carbonation that does that for me. I justify the price by what I’m *not* spending on food.

    Speaking of that, it’s amazing how long a bag of chips or peanut butter pretzels, etc lasts around here now that I’m not devouring everything at night! Hooray for everyone else who wants a shot at them!

    So, I pulled up my big girl pants and took a look at that “How Fat Am I?” picture file in order to add my new ones. Turns out it was more encouraging than discouraging. At my current size I’m roughly halfway between my highs and lows of 5 years ago. I’m still 3 sizes of jeans bigger than I was at my best but I didn’t do as much damage as I thought I had. I didn’t do myself any *favors*, mind you, but it wasn’t as awful as I thought. So I can probably get down to 10s by the end of this year and then it will be onward and upward (or downward) from there.

    BTW, 10s might sound fairly svelt (at least I’d think so) but I’m only 5’1″ so, for me, it’s probably only beginning to look typical-American-overweight type normal.

    Anyway, happy weekend, JadeLark and everyone else out there! 😏

    Nice going Chubster! I’m glad the How Fat Am I wasn’t too brutal and that the road ahead is shorter than you thought 🙂 – it’s amazing how many people on this forum have lost tons of weight on 5:2. There’s something really nice about not having to feel so restricted every day of the week. Not sure how long you’ve been on the forum but so many here agree it’s the only thing they have ever stuck with.

    Earlier I was just cooking hors d’oeuvres for a pot luck, trying to keep it fairly light. One was Belgian endive stuffed with goat cheese (pretty good), also chicken salad (not so good) but then a whole tray of fruits and veggies, so all in all not too horrendous. And just one martini so an enjoyable night out with some friends. I agree, food does last much longer! I am trying to buy things that can do double duty through several meals and then possibly into a soup or stew. My dogs do NOT mind getting the leftover rotisserie chicken 🙂

    Cheers – hope all are having a good weekend xx

    Yay for a lovely night with friends and sensible but festive goodies! Are your friends aware and supportive or are you going the stealth until they can’t fail to be gobsmacked by your trimness route? Hope you got an appreciative nod or two!

    Yesterday was my first tough day. I wasn’t so much hungry and I’m glad to say that because that’s probably why I was able to resist. But I had an upset stomach almost the entire day. It was almost like indigestion or an empty stomach full of gastric juices.

    I wonder if cooking something so interesting had something to do with that? For the last 4 weeks I’ve been able to cook and bake and have food all around me. Even all the Christmas goodies — and I had them everywhere as much for decoration as for eating — didn’t tempt.

    In the end I had a quart of chicken broth and went to bed early to avoid more discomfort and distraction. I thought about lemon water or tomato juice but I wasn’t sure more acid was going to be helpful.

    I’m hoping today is better so I won’t be counting the seconds to lunch on Monday. That doesn’t sound like a promising beginning to my food week.

    Fingers crossed for today.

    Oh no – hope you’re better today, Chubster. Good call on not adding lemon juice to the fire. But kudos for turning to chicken broth, always good for what ails you as they say. Sometimes I find a little plain yogurt helpful too – despite having some lactose problems otherwise, I get along with yogurt. Like an idiot, I bought OH’s favorite ice cream at the store yesterday, and he hasn’t touched it but I can hear it whispering through the freezer door. I shall hide behind a stack of lemons.

    Fingers crossed for you – though remember every day need not be a raging success, sometimes you just have to do what makes you feel better, then get back on track. xx

    I have one very slender friend who has always been supportive and told me that I need smaller clothes, when they look silly. I generally find that it takes a 14 lb loss for anyone to notice, partly because it has been a slow process and partly because I eat what I like but not how much I want…which makes it less obvious. On the plus side, those who are against it, don’t put you off in the early days, so by which time they notice, it is already working.

    There are others who comment that particular clothes are flattering, but are unsure whether there has been any weight loss or not. It is a bit of a minefield!

    Ice cream shouts from my freezer Jade!

    Very clever of you to find out about the properties of lemons. If it works for you Jade, then that is all that matters. I am still drinking the sugarless tea, doesn’t set my world alight and I suppose I drink less than I did before, so that is good too.

    I am fine avoiding sugar as long as I don’t have any of it. The problem is that once I start, I find it difficult to stop and then have other things as well. So, the plan for this week is to have 2 FD and NO BISCUITS..at all. They are definitely a gate way drug for everything else…

    The irony is that my first FD in months last week, was easy. I do think though that I struggled because we had a pudding with ice cream on Sunday(we haven’t had one in months) and that set me off, searching for my next sugar fix. I had a couple of chocolates at work and felt rubbish in minutes, so maybe I am going to need much longer to reduce my sensitivity to the white stuff. It has been a major part of my life for such a long time, I shall have to be patient.

    Thanks for the encouragement, JadeLark. Today is just beginning so I’m not sure yet how it will go (i’m usually not challenged until around lunch) but I’m just going to put my head down and blunder on.

    I can do anything for 24 hours, right?!

    Are you British, annette? I love tea and I’ve never sweetened mine (or used milk) because I’d rather taste the *tea*. It’s subtle and easily overwhelmed. So I hope you are getting to enjoy the lovely green herbal or roasty or floral notes when you pass on the sugar. I bet in a few days you won’t even miss it!

    Do you have a favorite? I tend to mix things up and make a blend to get a broad flavor profile but I always include a healthy amount of jasmine so I guess I’d have to say that’s my favorite.

    In the summer I ferment it into kombucha. Ever tried that?

    My grandson and I walked to the local Target (department store) this morning. It’s sunny and we’re having the first days of Spring here so that was a pleasant way to get my movement in. Got my husband snacks for a day of (American) football-watching. Didn’t mind at all that they’re verboten.

    I also noticed moving around my kitchen this morning that I can really smell things. This is very unusual for me because I typically am so full of mucous that only small amounts of air ever make it though my sinuses. Less and less so every day I think. In fact, I haven’t used an asthma inhaler in several days and still didn’t notice any challenge to my breathing on our 3/4 mile walk. If I can eliminate one more source of steroids from my system I’m THRILLED!!!

    Oh, and while I was at Target I got a couple 3# hand weights to pump while I walk around the house on my 30-minute intervals.

    Happy weekend to all! 😏

    I agree Annette, sugar is a gateway to more sugar. I feel better without it. And life is more pleasant, as you say, Chubster, when smells and also tastes are more intense. I enjoyed rediscovering hunger and the appreciation of having simple food to break a fast with.

    Annette keep fighting those biscuits! Seriously you might try chomping a lemon wedge before or or even during the skirmish. It might work! I know you are made of stern stuff, but don’t be too hard on yourself. Winter is knocking me for a bit of a loop, because I do not like being inside so much. Way too close to the screaming ice cream 🙂 I know, what was I thinking. Not as though OH asked for any. The seal hasn’t been broken yet so maybe it will just stay there and rot.

    Chubster, nice going with the walks and weights, all these steps you’re taking are so positive. And yes we can do anything for a day, then the next day can be different. Though I think you do the 2 FDs consecutively right? OK so you can do anything for one day and then turn around and do it for one more 🙂 xx

    Ohhhhh oops, down the rabbit hole I went – made a gigantic meringue and half that baby was down before I flung myself face-first into the car to go put the sugar fire out with some bbq beef. Wooo that made me dizzy! I think I finally know what you mean, Annette – it was almost unsettling. I may donate the leftovers to my friendly neighborhood squirrels. I dare not eat any more or I will go into insulin shock.

    However, I was not much over tdee for the day so ALL I had to do was control myself at dinner, which was pretty easy because I was having almost an out-of-body experience processing all that sugar 🙂 –

    So Chubster, that is what I love about 5:2, you can do whatever the hell you want on nFDs, the only rule is to do 2 fasts and, on the other 5 days, don’t go calorie nuts. And as we’ve learned it’s best not to go any other kind of nuts, but sometimes, well, I just feel like a nut. 🙂 xx
    ps: right, I know, where were the lemons? Seriously, it happened that fast.

    Waddaya gonna do? Those things are fairly inevitable… We’re not machines always turning out the same results.

    Sounds like you’re already over it tho. Hooray for that!’

    I got through yesterday. It wasn’t as bad as Sat. The gastric juices didn’t start up till around 7:30pm and shortly thereafter I had Downton Abbey to distract me.

    I told my husband over *his* breakfast that I was ravenous. But I really wasn’t. It’s not a body thing. I can feel that it’s all in my mind. I’ve made 3 things since Fri that I really want my share of. And I took a piece of salmon out of the freezer on Fri and I really am looking forward to grilling and having some of that too.

    I’m grateful my husband is going to be working late the next couple weeks. I can stop cooking and adding to that tempting inventory in the fridge.

    Forgot to ask if GA was part of the snowpocalypse, Jade. Hope you were warm and cozy!

    And if the local squirrels are going to have to tunnel down to any food I bet they’ll appreciate that extra meringue. Can’t you just see them cavorting out their sugar highs on the snowdrifts?! Get your camera out! I’m sure that video will go viral! 😏

    No, the bad snow mostly snarled things further north – wow the photos of NY city – terrifying enough to drive there on a regular day.

    Very important point you made, Chubster – so much of the struggle is mental, in addition to the blood sugar mess I make for myself. I am rarely what you’d call “ravenous” but something does go on inside somewhere, which my head interprets as “you need more of [insert sugary substance] or you will grow fangs, keel over, die, etc.” We have the power not to play nice with that little voice.

    Sadly I could not feed meringue to the squirrels yet, because it was raining this morning. And of course I did not throw it out, ha. I suppose I could freeze it for later squirrel feeding – I like your idea of a video 🙂 it would be an interesting experiment to see how it affects them. Then again, they’re squirrels. I think I act a lot like a squirrel already when I have a sugar high. Hmm.
    Take care all, I’m trying my best to get through this gloomy day with hot coffee – yum…? xx

    Hi LA Chubster-Yes, British and living in my adopted city of Bath, which is small and surrounded by large hills. My walk to work is across the city and up one of those hills, which takes me about 40 minutes from home to work, or 5000 steps each way. I have drunk tea with milk and sugar since I was very small, so reducing the mugs of tea from 8 to 3 a day last year, was purely to reduce the amount of caffeine that I was drinking(but also meant that I was then consuming 35 tsp/sugar a week less!!). I started cutting my sugar from 1 tsp/mug to half and then gave it up completely a couple of months ago. I may never get used to sugarless tea, but I will carry on regardless as I believe that less sugar is better for me…and everyone else. I hate green tea and the flowery stuff too, don’t get me started on Earl Grey! I like breakfast tea with some milk.

    Jade, I think that you are right about the sugar rush. I don’t get that high from sweet stuff anymore, but once I start, I find it difficult to stop. If it makes me feel rubbish though, I am now able to recognize that more quickly and then I can leave it alone completely. Why did you make the meringue?

    I caved in and had some ice cream last night, not as good as I imagined, but a couple more days and i should have finished it! FD has been fine, poor soup at work, so have eaten a couple of times and seem to be on target provided I don’t blow it this evening.

    It is tough cooking for 4 young men who still eat on a FD! I made 96 meatballs yesterday and tomorrow will make a vat of tomato sauce(some to eat/most to freeze). I think that FD without these chaps living here would be a breeze, but they can’t afford to move out, so that isn’t happening anytime soon.

    Feeling sad for the squirrels but that’s how life goes I guess. …even for squirrels. 😏

    I prefer black tea to green myself but I’m glad there are green teas and white teas. But, in re, black teas, there are soooo many more than just English Breakfast and Earl Grey. When I lived in Canada I was surprised how stuck they were on EB, EG and Orange Pekoe. But it sounds like our preferences on that score are quite different, annette.

    Wonderful to hear that you’re active! I bet that’s a big part of why you’re doing so well.

    So I will enjoy my image of you hiking through Bath and I hope you don’t mind if I picture Jane Austin along with you. Being American and never having been fortunate enough to see Britain I have always been fascinated with why Bath features so prominently in her novels. But now I”‘ll assume it must be the pleasure of hiking up that hill with you. 😏

    Tell me about the torment of cooking when you can’t eat! Sometimes it doesn’t bother me at all but, man!, it was hell on my FDs over the weekend. You’re smart to do a big load of things so the boys can eat from the freezer on your coming FDs. My husband has been a sweetheart. I cook about 3 days a week and he’s content with leftovers or something from the freezer on the other days.

    I am still managing my fast but I woke up really lusting after food this morning. That’s sooooo uncharacteristic for me. Would be weird whether I were or weren’t fasting or dieting.

    It’s so persistent I’m beginning to wonder if there’s a sensation of genuine hunger that I’m just not familiar with. Happily, I can chow down on some of the things I’ve been obsessed with in a little more than an hour. Would you guys believe me if I said one of the things was grilled asparagus left over from Friday? Whoops! I think I’ve got it bad!

    It’s beautiful here today. I think when my 30-minute alarm goes off I’m going to do 5-minute strolls on the treadmill. Maybe inclined. It’s in a room with big windows on 2 sides so I’ll get to enjoy the sunshine and not have to bother to put my shoes on. I like that!

    There is an Austen Museum and once a year there are thousands that descend on the city in full Austen dress-very confusing the first time it happened! Bath is very walk able with all of the tourist spots with in a short walk of each other. My second son is a guide at The Roman Baths. I shall now imagine Jane with me as I walk to work tomorrow!

    Sounds like a great development to feel genuine hunger and then to want grilled asparagus. I am looking forward to my breakfast tomorrow. I have to come home tomorrow with birthday cake, chocolate has been requested by the eldest. I wonder if i will want loads or be content with 1 slice?

    Try and walk as fast as you can for 20 seconds on the treadmill, then recover(walk slowly) and repeat. Great fat burning and trimming those inches. Don’t stroll, march! Very jealous of the sun…just grey here.

    I know. Everyone is jealous when we get Spring first but no one wants to trade once we get temps in the triple-digits F (40+ C).

    I’m due for another treadmill episode in 10 minutes or so. I’ll try out your method.

    I knew there was some reason Bath sounded so familiar! Chubster, what wonderful thoughts and images to share – just lovely.

    Annette, good question – why did I make the meringue. Hmm, why did I buy ice cream and (tonight) an apple pie. I like to play with fire I guess. And as with your lads, I have to buy more food than I would eat. But yeah, there is really no excuse, I knew hubs would not eat the meringue. I know he likes ice cream and pie so that will be gone in due time. The squirrels will get the meringue at some point 🙂

    Today though, strength has returned. I went out for lunch with a friend to Panera, which has fairly light selections, so I had Thai wonton soup but it was still 290 cals. So dinner was chicken sausages, cabbage, chips, and rolls but I just had the cabbage and maybe 50 cals of sausage. I’m now sipping lemon water and feeling like a total commander. As long as I can regain control this easily, I am a happy 5:2 puppy.

    Chubster, isn’t it fun to treat this as an experiment and notice all the new reactions? Once I read the book and realized hunger would not kill me, I was completely into all the health benefits as well. And then all the strategies we’ve tried and shared regarding sugar/carb cravings, well it’s really been fun in a way. Especially in that knowing-you’re-not-alone way.

    Well, unless I trip over the meringue on my way to bed, I think I’ve got the FD done here. Good luck all you lovely fasters — xx

    Chubster, you are right, Spring sounds fabulous but I would melt in 40C+!

    Have a look at High Intensity training(HIT), there is some information on this site too. The idea is that you work as hard as you can for a very short period of time with rests, so that the overall exercise time is much reduced. I run a bit and have found that running between 2 lamp posts as fast as my short legs will carry me,and then walking or slow jog, then repeating that, certainly improves my endurance and trims inches too. Plus, you don’t need to do it for long! I now focus on running a much shorter distance, but working much harder, which seems to work.

    Jade, why put yourself at risk with the meringue? I have to buy a cake, and hopefully it will be gone before my next FD, but I try not to have the lovely stuff around as it is just too tempting. If it isn’t there, then there is no siren call to try and ignore. Besides, the boys are having less sugar now, and that is going to benefit them, so I no longer feel guilty about not buying chocolate mousse for them.

    Sounds good Jade. I might try this lemon idea on my next FD, the evenings are tricky for me. Onwards and downwards fast friends….

    The cure for me to stop binging was to do low carb high fat diet.. You can still do the 5:2 fast, but if you eat whatever you want for the 5 days and do the fast for two you wont lose weight.. The only way fo rme to stop binging is to stop with all the fake food and read labels

    Congrats on a fast day managed, JL, and you were able to have lunch with a friend in the process!

    annette, I rather enjoyed the treadmill yesterday. Managed close to a mile and a half with a decent amount of it running in short bursts. But this morning my knee is not happy about it. Both are arthritic but one had a broken patella that took out both cartilage and the bursas. The only cushioning in it is what silly putty remains from a series of injections about 9 months ago.

    I need to have it silly puttied again but I thought I was managing the little bit of pounding while I was doing it.

    When thing heat up I’ll be able to do it in the pool where there isn’t a load on the joints. But, for now, I think I need to go back to a brisk walk up an incline. And I don’t think my treadmill can change the incline nearly quickly enough for this HIT approach. …OTOH, maybe if I did 15 minutes on the treadmill qt 1-hour intervals… …it’s just that 5-minute episodes were so do-able and not enough time to get bored.

    Hope the boys’ appetites are ravenous and the polish off the cake before you know it!

    donnabalchu- I am SO with you! I don’t go *high* fat but I don’t go out of my way to avoid it either. Meanwhile, I’ve eliminated the starchy carbs except for some occasional winter squash. (One day soon I’m going to try a potato again too.) No grains at all. Only a trace of sugar in things like salad dressing. And to ensure that, I pretty much eat only foods I cook myself so I know what I *dont* put in them.

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