I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Thanks Jade. It has taken me months to grasp the simple fact that I have to change what I eat and how much, if I want to shrink. I am a Muppet!

    We are having a roast with lots of vegetables. I am going to defrost a third of the Christmas pudding from last year and may just have a little on the big day. Left overs the next day and hopefully the madness will all be over by the end of the weekend.

    I have given the sweets that I have made away as presents. I have re-gifted most of the chocolates. I am finding that looking at the sugar content is very helpful and helping me to make informed choices. Hopefully the brain will be in gear and I can enjoy myself without being ridiculous.

    Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year!

    I’m just hopping out of the cave and dropping into the forum to wish you all a really Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. Jade & Annette, thanks for holding the fort and a special cheers to you both.

    Also, I wanted to say it’s been lovely sharing the struggles with you all this year and enjoying the laughter and feeling the love when it all goes pear-shaped. Ironically (or not) I have actually lost about 5lbs in the last couple of weeks, no idea how it’s happened psychologically although clearly it’s because I haven’t eaten so much (D’oh). It’s Christmas Eve day right now and I have a few last food-related things to pick up – it’s mainly seafood & salads in this part of the world, with 39o Celsius forecast for tomorrow – just over 102 degrees in the old money – and a lot of the day will be spent in the pool. I know your celebration will be very different πŸ™‚

    So, I’m off to pick up smoked salmon & prawns & champagne – CHEERS to all of you on the successes this year and I’m looking forward to us all being big losers in 2016. Spring xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    Merry Christmas to you, Spring! Congrats on dropping…WTF, 5 lbs? Go you, and well done. No doubt you have been running around like a normal person! I am continuing to sway, and without the scales, but I think I am making progress.

    Yes it’s been quite a year hasn’t it? I am ending it in far better shape thanks to you, Annette, and others who have drifted away (but just for the time being I hope). I may have talked them into a virtual coma with all my rambling. But working out issues here with this wacky crew has been a joy.

    I hope the weather treats you well – a day in the pool makes me think of the scene in Christmas Vacation when they play mele kalikimaka πŸ™‚ It’s mild here but nowhere near 102 holy cow that is HOT. Prawns and champagne at the pool, though – I’m jealous. Hope it’s a fabulous time! Cheers and happiness to you – xx

    Well done Spring!
    I went down with an ear infection and have left unwell, but the antibiotics are working well and I am much better now. Trapped indoors by high winds and driving rain. Plan to get out tomorrow for a walk come what may.

    I have eaten far less this year than last, so that is a relief. I have discovered that mince pies/Christmas cake and pudding are…uninspiring. I don’t think that I will bother with any of this next year. I can nly think that less sugar in my diet has caused this transformation somehow. I am cured!

    I have eaten and drunk whatever I liked but I have found that I want/need less to eat or drink to feel satisfied. I have eaten chocolates but haven’t had the desire to scoff the lot, which is a surprise. I am thrilled with how the holidays have gone on the food front.

    It is a lot cheaper and I have been far less stressed. I have managed to re gift most of the chocolates and shared out what is left. Another day of left overs tomorrow and then it will be a relief to get back to some brown rice and pasta!

    I couldn’t cope with 39C, but I am very jealous of prawns and champagne by the pool. Sunshine? How wonderful, just grey gloomy days here.

    Just 5 days until the start of 2016…lets be kind to ourselves with our goals for the new year. I am aiming for another inch off my waist.

    Wonderful breakthrough, Annette – I just knew you would make it through this year! You are quite the scientist, testing and then observing the results, recalibrating as necessary. I have followed your lead, and it has helped loads BUT I can’t say I didn’t thoroughly enjoy the holiday treats! Though happy to say I didn’t go hog wild. And I was lucky that we were often taking treats to share with friends, so I have left them all here and there πŸ™‚ I suppose it is uncharitable to foist off all those calories on others! But they seemed happy to have them – that’s what I’d call a win-win.

    With daughter home for a few days, I’m relaxing, not hewing to any particular guidelines except to stay calm and enjoy. I’ve caught myself a time or two in the old mindset, but it hasn’t lasted very long I’m happy to say. Sometimes I think it’s more a fear that my progress is an illusion, because hell no one is perfect least of all me. But it’s nice to focus on the progress made in 2015. Sure happy I found 5:2 and this thread.

    Now off to make some baked fried chicken – trying a new recipe πŸ™‚ marinated in olive oil and spices. Wishing everyone a happy last week of the year! jade xx

    Hope you all had a great Christmas and have all set for New Year.

    Sorry to hear about your ear Annette, ouch.

    Comespring, well done on the loss.

    I think your friends appreciate the food Jade, they always have the option of chucking it away.

    I had a wonderful Christmas and two champagne breakfasts πŸ™‚ again it does highlight to me, my appetite doesn’t switch off with more food though. I think I had two days of what would constitute huge binges but try not to focus on it too much. Everyone else has been stuffed, and I just eat more, despite having whole grains and salmon for breakfast… and don’t get me onto the brandy cream….and chocolate caramel log (which everyone couldn’t manage two slices of..I had been fine until I had one then wanted so much more) but it has been wonderful to be with family, I’m trying to not worry about it too much and load on vegetables and be mature about this! Especially when another family member said do you know there is a gene that makes some people just want to eat more, and I have it (gluttony!)… I felt comforted. Also mindful, to not worry about this too much and like you say Jade, focus on good positive goals.

    This has been a great thread, thank you for allowing me to vent, which is often quite selfish. When I haven’t been contributing I enjoy reading the thread in the mornings, hearing how you all are. Like reading emails from friends.

    Have a lovely New Year folks!

    Hi Jade and Queen,
    My ear is getting better and I went out this morning for an hour for a few bits of food and then a couple of hours this afternoon wandering round the shops to have a look in the sales. I bought 2 jumpers the same size, 1 fits like a dream and the other is HUGE, so that will be going back tomorrow.

    I never thought of myself as a scientist! Another couple of days of antibiotics and I might just try a FD. The chocolates and left overs have all gone now…thanks to my elves. I had another piece of Christmas cake this evening in the interests of science…and I am still not bothered either way. I guess Lustig was right, reduce the sugar in your diet and lose the craving.

    I will not be buying cake/pudding/pies for next Christmas. I will also buy half the amount of snack foods as well. Freezer needs filling, so I will be batch cooking over the next few weeks with meals that just need re-heating which should help when term starts.

    The plan for 2016 is to fit comfortably into the elusive pink shorts and whittle another couple of inches off my waist. I must get running again too.

    If such a gene exists and you have it Queen, then you would have to be extra vigilant. Perhaps the secret for you is to simply eat up to your TDEE on NFD. I am planning to watch what I am consuming too as I suspect that it is more than I should be.

    Hi Queen, I’m so glad you had a nice Christmas – holiday indulgences are the norm. There could be something to that gene theory BUT I have to also remind myself that indulgences are part of life. No need to feel bad about those (easier said than done).

    Annette, I hope you’re feeling better! With the cold weather, that sounds like no fun. However, if it’s helped your feeling so-so about the sugar treats, perhaps a blessing in disguise πŸ™‚ How brilliant that you have found this cure. And by scientist, I mean you are good at using the logic of cause and effect. Some people (my students especially) have no sense of it. That or they don’t care enough to find the link, but rather just want to finish the assignment and move on. Those who do care are always a bright light.

    Queen I’ve noticed since cutting my sugar intake – not quitting cold turkey by ANY means – I am less nutty all around. I was determined to enjoy my sweets this Christmas, and let me tell you I still loved them but in a nicer way. I didn’t start to glow and levitate and half lose consciousness with sugar lust lol (and how odd that the doctor’s name is Lust-ig?). It was a slow road, months in fact, but it sounds as though it has started to work for you, right? Keep going – when you can’t replace the simple carbs with whole versions, make them a small part of the meal, savor them but then turn to the veggies and protein.

    OK yet another holiday gathering for me tonight – I’m bringing nuts, mozzarella rollups with ham, and of course grapes (the liquid kind as well πŸ™‚ – ). Take care lovely Islanders – we will get there xx jade

    Hi Jade,
    Have a lovely time at your gathering. I am less nutty too and I completely agree with you about the sugar lust. I am able to enjoy one or two chocolates but without scoffing a box full, which is a new experience.

    I was curious about the cause and effect of less sugar in my diet. The logic seemed reasonable and I knew that I would have to change what I ate and how much if I was going to lose weight and inches BUT also keep them off. To find that by reducing sugar I was calmer, not hiding sweets, feeling better, losing inches and finding that the sweet stuff doesn’t make me feel good but that whole food does…has all been a revelation. Best of all, though, I don’t feel deprived or that I am missing something wonderful because I feel much better with less of it.

    I never believed that the 5:2 would work either!

    Right?! I don’t feel deprived either. Truth be told, I’m NOT depriving myself, I’m having whatever I like, but the mania is absent. I’m sure I could find it if I broke a fast with sugar ie a cream doughnut, but I don’t really want to go back to that. I used to enjoy that momentary insulin “hit” but after that was not so enjoyable. I’m pretty darn happy to still enjoy the treats and walk away before I can ruin that feeling. Cheers!! xx

    I knew that something momentous had happened when I found myself thinking that I really wanted mashed avocado on toast for lunch. I feel that I nourish my body and mind when I eat wholefood. I don’t miss that sugar hit, I was a lunatic looking for the next hit constantly thinking about food.

    I have stood on the scales and it is depressing, but I have also had a clothes try on and the damage doesn’t seem to be as bad as the scales suggest. My plan, starting this morning, is to leave those remaining festive leftovers to my elves and get back to eating more wholefoods and avoiding sugar. I am feeling rather bloated, I don’t think that the antibiotics and white bread(treat for the elves and run out of the wholemeal) are helping.

    To be free of that mania is a complete joy. I never want to go back to that either.

    Hi Anette and Jade,

    Glad the ear infection has cleared Annette. I can only remember having them as a child and they were horrific. Remember also, some antibiotics affect your appetite and if the latest theories on weight management, mood and gut health are anything to go by you might need to load up on the pre and probiotics again now. What I’m so impressed with was you have kept going. Surely any success story is picking ones self up and just getting going again. I think it’s also not being black and white… You are really good at saying you are doing something for yourself rather than “I will never eat that again”mentality.

    Jade, the nail On the head, avoiding mania. That’s what I don’t like, the preoccupation and I want more how can I get it feeling,the frantic feeling. I feel like I’m missing out when I feel like that. It’s so easy to stand back and see how illogical it is,but in the moment it’s horrible. I have to say, it was TOM and Christmas sugary food… Brandy cream oh my goodness, and chocolate caramel log… I started then wanted more. I was in that frame of mind anyway, it was “carbs” and loads please. That is a feature with me at TOM.

    Annette I apologise I keep going on about the gene thing. I’m not absolving responsibility but I think it’s more helpful for me. At the dinner table a few of us were “gluttons” as soon as we had dessert… But others felt satisfied and full. I think when I just go along with things to be polite or try to be just like everyone else I have to conaiously be strict it remind myself that’s what’s happening. I can’t completely blame sugar, it was the same with plain porridge made with milk and a handful of raisins… The family asked where the rest of the saucepan had gone … I had to fess up and say if eaten it all. Piggy me. It’s just I can keep going, and I actually don’t feel full. It’s something I have to be careful of. I definitely think at certain times of the month I actually get a “high” from carbs! So I think it’s just a case of being mindful and doing the best I can to stop that getting or of control. I obviously self “medicate” with food. At other times of the month it doesn’t happen in quite the same way and I happily eat reasonably sensibly and naturally avoid sugars. My worry is that our of control feeling.

    Anyway, what do you all have planned for new year’s?


    Hi Queen,
    My ear has only been sore but the side of my face was quite swollen. I think the antibiotics are playing havoc with my digestion, but only another day to go.

    I don’t believe in banning anything, it just makes it all the more attractive. I am mindful that diets don’t work because we can maintain the restrictions for a while and the inevitable failure is lurking around the corner. I haven’t given up sugar, but I do avoid it(which in my head keeps the pressure off). Before I just used to have it, now I ask myself if I want it and is it worth it? If it is I have it, but I found as the weeks went by that I wanted it less and less.

    The genius of the 5:2 is that nothing is banned but by having to choose from a meagre 500 calories on a FD I learned that I was not going to collapse in a heap without breakfast or from a light lunch and evening meal. BUT I also learned that I could eat more for the calories if i was smart with what I chose, which inevitably meant fish/fruit/vegetables which just happened to be whole and unprocessed.
    I am going to delve into Lustig to remind me of the effects of leptin and hunger suppression and will report back. I thought that eat sweet things made me feel better and what you describe is that classic binge/reward/binge cycle. Have the porridge without the raisins, avoid all of the sweet stuff-both obvious and hidden just for 7 days and think about how you feel.

    Last January after a documentary by Micheal Mosley he was investigating caffeine levels in a range of drinks and I was horrified how much there was in tea. So overnight, literally I went from 7/8 mugs a day to 3. It was hard at first and I had a dull headache for about a week(which just confirmed that I had too much caffeine). What I hadn’t given any thought at all to was that I was ‘saving’ 35 tsps of sugar a week just by cutting down my tea drinking. I found that puddings were making me feel lousy about an hour afterwards, I hit a slump and struggled to keep awake…looking for my next high. I have self medicated, like you for years.

    I know that I keep going on about Lustig and sugar, but the changes have been remarkable and this is something that I can easily maintain without any feelings of deprivation. I threw down the gauntlet for Jade and she is feeling the benefits. So, what about it Queen?

    For 7 days, eat wholegrain bread/brown rice and pasta/unprocessed meat/cheese/eggs/cream/butter/legumes/whole fruit and vegetables and if anything has sugar (in all its many guises) in the first 3 items of contents then put it back on the shelf.

    There may well be something to the gene thing, I don’t dispute that, but if you want to lose that frantic out of control feeling around the sweet stuff, then you will have to make some changes. I suspect that less sugar(in both sweet and savoury food) might have a huge positive effect on the TOM as well. I am certainly much better and my menopausal symptoms are much improved. If you’ll excuse the pun..food for thought?

    I have eaten chocolates/mince pie/cake and pudding…some I have enjoyed and some have been rather disappointing as they were not as fabulous as they were in my head. When I looked at the sugar content I decided that they were not worth that as they were not fabulous enough to make it worth it to me.

    At the end of the day Queen, you have to decide whether you are going to make a change to your diet or not. You have to choose whether any potential benefits are worth those changes, which is always a leap of faith. It is lovely not to have that out of control feeling and to enjoy what you do eat without any guilt.

    Oh dear, please don’t tell me caffeine is bad…! It is my biggest comfort on FDs. And actually, I’m sure there is truth to the genome thing, or more simply put that different things affect different people at different times. So even if someone told me coffee was a trigger, I wouldn’t think so at least for me. I enjoy sipping it until almost mid-afternoon most days, sometimes adding a splash of real cream so that I don’t feel in any way deprived. And I am saying all that with as straight a face as possible because my tummy is growling like a hyena. So once again I’m doing some quiet reflection about how coffee with cream is oh so heavenly and I don’t need lunch.

    So Queen I read an article today about the genome business that referred to a new book called the “doctor on demand diet” – On Barnes & Noble I was able to read a sample and honestly it sounds like the same thing Annette has been telling us for free πŸ™‚ And it is all based on the science of testing hypotheses, i.e., what sets each person off on an eating tear. First the doctor apparently says to cut simple carbs (refined wheat mostly) and sugar for 10 days, then test yourself adding back in some carbs for 10 days. Not sure what comes after that but I don’t think the book is worth buying. We already know all this stuff. It’s just hard to do until you see or feel the results.

    I’m lucky to no longer struggle through TOM problems, but you can test that out as well. What sets you off the most then? Is there a substitute? Even if there isn’t, and if you overeat whole foods, the cumulative effect is going to happen. It has to. Your blood sugars will normalize.

    I wonder if oatmeal (porridge) could be a culprit for you? Do you use a whole-grain type – not sure if there is such a thing, but I’ve read that steel-cut oats are better than quicker-cooking oats. They’re all yummy, so why not look into that. I sure do love whole-grain bread, so avoiding the refined-wheat bread is a cinch for me. Avoiding the cookies, cakes, candies…well, that’s the hard part because there is no easy substitute. I just had to stop turning to them. Hence my temporary addiction to grapes! But lo and behold the insanity for grapes also quieted.

    And that’s what I mean when I say the cumulative effect WILL happen for you if you stick with it, even if you’re overdoing the whole foods. The body is smarter than the mind sometimes. I’m not saying I’ve found the key to perfection, I mean I’m not even close, but I’m starting to realize I’m closer to normal. I just have to steer toward better foods and away from those that make me crazy, and if I decide to take the scenic route through CandyLand occasionally, it’s fine to enjoy the sights for a bit and then jump back on the 5:2 highway. Hey that’s not a bad metaphor if I say so myself.

    I know you have said you can binge on anything, but I wonder if when you feel that way you are turning to foods with refined grains or sugar in the thought that this whole thing isn’t working so why not. I know the feeling, I have been there many times. I think I kept going with the whole foods focus just because I had bought such gigantic sacks of lentils, etc. that I couldn’t afford NOT to use them πŸ™‚ and after I don’t know how many weeks, things did start to shift. To the point where now, I still love sugar OH YES I do, but I don’t eat as much because I don’t need as much to feel happy. Unlike you, Annette, I find they taste as good in reality as they have in my head :0 BUT I’m still satisfied without fully jumping into the bag and trying to blast off to the moon in it.

    So wow this is getting really long – if you’re still reading, the bottom line is I hope you try this for a month, and if necessary just eat the living **** out of whole foods, binge on apples and peanut butter, and I’ll bet your body will eventually drag you kicking and screaming into a better place. That is basically the story of my Fall 2015, so yes if I am preaching it is because I feel like I went through a conversion of sorts. And this time ladies, it is NOT a virus. (And FYI I did have one this summer, a bad one, and you’d have thought I’d have lost more weight from it than I did is all I can say…lol).

    love you Islanders – sorry to ramble — jade xxxx

    Jade and Annette, thank you!

    I reread my post and am amazed you were able to understand it, it makes no sense! However, you seemed to have understood it, I’m not sure how. I think auto correct must have been on… That’s what I’m going with as my excuse.

    I was just reading an article by listing and he suggests cutting grains for two weeks before reintroducing non processed carbs. I am on the non processed boat now, I mean what have I to lose. You two should definitely go into sales/marketing if you haven’t already, you have sold it to the most stubborn person on earth.

    I don’t really eat sweets or cakes, actually that’s a lie, I do to be polite and will gobble then all up if in front of me. I don’t buy them though, and don’t miss them if they are not there. I think at TOM I will crave any carb, even steel cut oats buts perhaps I should just let myself binge on wholegrains at that time – I’m bingeing whatever. I have been keeping a diary and binges correlate with low mood and certainly the week following my TOM (I am in this great place right now) I have less cravings and usually find it easy to cut kcal as I’m much less interested in food and my mood is high. So, although I feel great at the moment, I am having three while food meals a day with some dark choc in the afternoon. I’m nervous about it as this is usually the phase I suppose I compensate slightly for TOM binges. So if I am not a calorie deficit at the moment, I hope I don’t just go into vibe mode at Tom again and gain lots of weight. Don’t get me wrong I don’t starve myself but as I said, this isn’t a bad week for me. I’m hoping your theory may be right jade/Annette, the body is clever, and senses deficit so maybe higher kcal, more nutritious food will stop me going mad in a few weeks time….. Watch this space.

    Huge huge thanks for your support ladies…

    I hope it helps, Queen – I’m also quite stubborn, and I rejected this whole idea until Annette would just not stop with the chemistry (lol thank goodness) and then she started to succeed, and it was hard, but she kept at it and kept gradually getting better. I mean, Annette is one of us, and like she said, “if I can do it, anyone can.” Those words always get to me. Maybe because, like you, I tend to think that I’m the hardest case on the planet.

    Now, my change is different from Annette’s, but it’s a good change nonetheless. I still love simple carbs and sugar (preferably wrapped up in the same morsel!) but just not in that Godzilla way. So I don’t need a ton of it. I’m still an emotional toddler about it though, I have this internal lecture loop that goes something like “you’ll feel like s*** for hours if you eat all that.” And I don’t want to feel like s*** for hours anymore, maybe because I feel so much healthier from forcing these darn whole foods down my throat. Seriously I did have to force myself a little at first. I grew up with white rice at almost every meal.

    Ugh I am starting to sound like Kevin Trudeau again. But I do feel better and I want you to feel better, too. Don’t worry if you gain a bit of weight, by the way. I did – remember how I whined? But it was all part of some detox phase I think. I was overeating because I still desperately wanted a doughnut, so I ate 10,000 grapes instead. HA. And peanut butter (and not one silly 2 T serving either) with grapes on wholewheat toast. Anything to stifle Godzilla. I think maybe I just drowned Godzilla in grapes. Whatever, he went away. He’s still nearby though – last night I almost had to slap myself with the spoon I was using to dig into frozen cool whip, which technically is plastic and sugar and probably something they swept up off the floor. Honestly jade?

    Anyway we’re all in this together – I know you can do it. If I can, oh dear God believe me, anyone can. In the meantime, I’m still working on my goal, so I’m toiling away right beside you. jade xxxx

    I feel a little bit guilty now. Only a little bit as I felt it would have been immoral of me not to share what I had learned. It was much much harder though to get anyone to have a go and try it…and that someone was Jade. I think that you may well get to where I am around sugar, Jade, I have just been doing it longer.

    I have eaten a rather large and final piece of Christmas Cake today. Having established that cake/pudding/mince pies have not been anywhere near as fabulous as they were in my head…I have no idea why I proceeded to eat it. I suspect part of it was because it was there and I also knew that when it was gone..it was gone. Since the scoffing I have been restless looking for more sugary foods, which is all such a waste of time and effort. I am cross with myself but then I have also proved to myself that sugar controls me and I don’t want or like it.

    I would agree with all that Jade says. I over ate the whole foods at first as well, but I also found that it settled down without me really noticing. Dried fruit is very very high in sugar, so ditch that with the porridge and use strawberries or raspberries or banana instead. The next obvious thing to do is to refuse the sweets or cakes-don’t explain or apologize and ditch the dark chocolate(stuffed full of sugar) mid afternoon for the purposes of this experiment. Try without and see how you feel not only now but as the days pass. Snack on fruit and the odd handful of nuts(they may be high calorie but the body absorbs only a proportion and yet they are really very very good for you).

    I am very stubborn too. I knew that less sugar and more wholefoods made me feel much better, but the real clincher was another half an inch off my waist in 3 weeks…when my waist hadn’t got any smaller in the previous year. It just seemed too much of a co-incidence that my waist shrunk when I had reduced my sugar intake and increased with more whole foods.

    I am amazed how easy it has been to stop having sugar in my tea, to make my own tomato sauce(without the high sugar content), give up puddings, avoid the biscuits and yet still enjoy an occasional piece of cake(I bake at home, regularly). If I can do it then anyone can!

    Oh please do NOT feel guilty. I am teasing, except as to my own stubborn self. Had you not kept on about it, gone ahead yourself, slipped up (that is a biggie – I don’t copy perfect people), kept going, and proven it works, I’d have never given it a go. I am seriously that skeptical. No good reason to resist the simple notion of eating whole foods, except I did not want to numb my sweet tooth. I wonder if that’s how drug addicts feel, a sort of tenderness for the drug because it gives them pleasure? Now don’t anyone get carried away, I’m not giving up sugar or calling it a drug or poison. But it was a habit that was controlling me and I do not like to cede control to anything. Remember the song I am Woman Hear Me Roar? I loved that song. All right, sermon is over! Back to my cave. πŸ™‚ xxxxxxx

    I knew you were teasing Jade and you made me laugh! I am not interested in perfect people either and having slipped up loads of times, it just seemed to make sense to me.

    I have to admit, I was hoping that another soul would have a go as I was curious whether it was my desire for it to work OR it did just work. Thank you for putting up with the relentless talk of biochemistry and the positive benefits of whole foods. I am not interested in banning anything, not my style and I am much too stubborn for that to work.

    I wanted a way of improving the quality of what I ate, while shrinking both the body and that tyrant that made me a lunatic looking for my next fix. The irony being that it was only by reducing sugar that I realized how rubbish it made me feel.

    I would like to get back to distance learning again, but an essay deadline was enough to make me bake and then eat the contents! I am just not sure that I could cope with the pressure and maintain my shape at the same time. I loved it though.

    Annette, yes it’s been an interesting experiment – and credit to you for going first. I know you’re not THE first, but I wouldn’t have followed the recommendation of just anyone. I needed to hear from someone I knew had really struggled. Dr L does not conjure up the image of a struggler πŸ™‚

    I thought of you last night as I was cooking lentils to secretly add to a pot of chili πŸ™‚ I boiled just a cup or so of them with beef broth in a separate pan, and yikes, it was like the loaves and fishes, the never ending lentils! But having a bunch ready to go in the fridge is a good thing, too. My 10-lb sack should last forever at this rate.

    My sweet tooth was acting up this week, maybe because I’ve been eating this delicious ham, which I realized I had glazed…with the packet…that was pure sugar, to which brown sugar was added. Oops! I’ve also made regular visits to the Christmas treat stash. I’ve thought of doing a FD today but that is highly unlikely πŸ™‚ Well, next week, it’s back to the low-sugar playbook. Tomorrow we’ll have the ham with black-eye peas and cabbage to usher in 2016 with luck and fortune – that’s as close to the traditional meal as I can get.

    Happiest of new years to all the Misfit Islanders – the group has dwindled but maybe the drifters still check in from time to time. I’m sticking around, even hanging a few paintings in the cave. Hugs — jade xxx

    I have been rumbled! They are onto me with the lentils and declare that everything tastes nicer without.Drat. I am planning to have a couple of weeks without them and then just sneak them into some new recipes.

    All the Christmas stuff has gone/been re-gifted and I have to say, it is such a huge relief. I shall but rather less of everything next year and no cake or pudding. I have weighed and measured this morning and the results are that the inches are the same and I have gained 4 lb. BUT from this time last year there are 10 inches/26cma/15lb less of me.

    I shall get back to the 5:2 next week when I am back at work, maintain the sugarless tea and wholefoods in my diet. My goals for 2016 are to actually get out and run..a bit and lose another 2 inches off my waist.

    Happy New Year Everyone, wishing you all a happy and healthy 2016.

    Ha Annette, you raised smart kids, and maybe got a bit zealous with the lentils? They do hide pretty well in soups or stews, in fact I may sneak some into my cabbage rolls today if I ever crawl into the kitchen for more than coffee refills. I took a ride on the whiskey express to sugarland last night, after which I had untold sweets and then THREE diet cokes, let me just say it was a massacre of my newfound virtue.

    So today is as good a time as any to renew my health vows. I picked up 3 lbs over the holidays but pfft, I actually look fine (feel like utter crap) but I do not want to stay in the sugar trap. Funny how when I have it, I want the diet coke – weird. Need to figure out how to have a few cocktails without turning into an effing gigantic hummingbird. Thank heavens for the knowledge that hunger will not kill me but will lead me back to sanity. That and a couple of ibuprofen πŸ™‚

    Happy New Year to you – let’s stay safe and healthy all year shall we? xxx

    I think that you are right Jade, too zealous. I shall have to re think that one.

    Oh well , these things happen Jade. On the plus side, feeling crap should only help you to avoid the sweet stuff. I hope the ibuprofen has helped. Mind you I now have a view of you perched on the side of a cocktail!

    I am trying a FD today.

    Ha, there’s a scary image – but I’m finally back on the FD wagon as of yesterday and feeling much better. After the debauchery of NYr’s Eve it was slow going but felt almost therapeutic.

    My cabbage rolls turned out to be a good FD meal, so I’ll share what I did in case anyone’s interested. Saute onion, sweet pepper, minced pork (really not very much – maybe half a cup, just for flavor and luck), add 2-3 tomatoes (canned), big spoon of tomato paste, can of rinsed black-eye peas, 2 c cooked brown rice, a cup or so of cooked lentils. Simmer together with whatever spices, salt, etc., then put a heaping spoon of that into each cabbage leaf, roll it up and brush with tomato sauce, bake for 30 min or so. I boiled the whole cabbage for a few min to soften up the leaves, then used about 10 of them. Maybe I was just super hungry but hubs and I both thought it was delicious. Too tired to figure out calories, but I’m saying 3 = 500ish. I went to bed hungry and THAT hasn’t happened for a while πŸ™‚

    Going out with friends tonight, let’s see if I can behave. Happy weekend to you! xxx

    A very Happy New Year to all Misfit Islanders far and wide and not-so-wide-anymore πŸ™‚

    I hope you’re feeling ready for the New Year although it has happened anyway without any effort from us, so maybe we don’t need to be ready? Apologies for the quasi-philosophical start to 2016 but I’m just in that kind of mood and it’s possible I’ve been in the cave too long. I didn’t weigh myself on NY day as I was away without scales and only ever weigh first thing in the morning totally starkers, so I can’t tell you the extent of the damage caused by Cyclone Holiday Season – it is bound to be significant πŸ™ but not unexpected and hopefully by this Friday’s weigh in will be somewhat repaired.

    I tentatively embarked on a FD today and so far so good (touching wood/crossing fingers/ throwing copious amounts of salt over my shoulder) although I know it’s not the FD’s that are really the issue. This year, if I am to lose the rest of this weight, I have to get serious about staying at or just below TDEE on the other days. Sigh. It is apparently true that there is NO fairy Godmother and no magical thoughts that can make it happen any other way.

    I know that there are lots of you who read this thread and it’s good to have your company – I’m so very grateful to JadeLark and Annette and Queen for regular posts but if you want to, do pop in some time and tell us your New Year’s resolutions, even if it’s to not make any more resolutions. Spring xx

    Hello Everyone,
    I am giving myself this week to keep a log and a tally of what I am actually consuming with a running tally, to keep me in order and up to my TDEE. I am also going to eat wholefoods and avoid sugar where I can for the next 7 days and see what happens. I may need another week with a gimlet eye on what I eat before I get back to FD. No rush, got all year for my goals.

    The sad fact spring is that we cannot scoff how much we like, if we want to shrink. I have several goals, to be comfortable in the elusive pink shorts, to be able to wear those other winter trousers(unworn) and for my favourite shift dress(which is now tight) to be more comfortable. I plan to keep sugar out of my tea, eat wholefoods and avoid sugar when I can and to run 3 times a week just for half an hour. I want to lose another couple of inches off my waist as I have recently discovered that I am a whole inch shorter than i thought I was!

    Oh and another thing, if I don’t waste all of those calories on the sweet stuff, I have far more to spend on 3 lovely healthy meals..and I don’t feel rubbish!

    Hello Islanders! Spring lovely to see you again, I’ll take all the philosophy you can dish out. Lately I’ve discovered the island sugar cane field, and how ironic that I did so after the holidays. I wasn’t perfectly behaved then but at least had the excuse of parties. Now it’s just dreary January and the looming semester, so I guess sugar has been distracting, perhaps even a subconscious wish to extend the holidays. How’s that for philosophical (or psychological, or something).

    Must cut the strings today and get back to business, in fact I’m tossing the leftover goodies before the witching hour arrives. I have too little control lately in the evenings; what IS it about nighttime that gets me going on the sweets…. But the cravings are back so thank heavens I know what to do about them. I can be armed and dangerous with brown rice and lentils at a moment’s notice, as I cooked a batch for the fridge yesterday. I think of lentils as magic now, Annette – tasty little things too. I’m upping my exercise also, not to lose weight but to find some endorphins and sunlight – and the dogs are getting a tad chubby too so it’s good for all of us.

    All right back to 5:2 it is, maybe even :3 if I can stand it – I need a swift kick up the rear. So far with just coffee today I feel saner. Hubs is sick so I might even really fast my way to tomorrow. Not getting on the scale, I’ve hidden it with laundry – I can tell I’ve found some old friends that would show up there πŸ™‚ and that’s all I need to know for now. Onwards and downwards we go – old stalwarts that we are. Hang onto your hats, and let’s get the ball rolling xxxxx

    Crikey Jade, you have crossed to the dark side with tasty lentils and brown rice!

    I really struggle with these grey wet days, which is why I went for a run yesterday as the rain finally stopped and the sun peeped out for half an hour…which was when I was out. Sore legs today though.

    Onwards and downwards ..

    I am really quite envious of your cool weather as we swelter through an awfully hot summer. I’m not sure the sun makes any difference to food intake for me anyway, at least at the moment – it’s a nice idea to think ‘I’ll just eat salads in the heat’ but it’s more about how my brain is working (or not) that seems to drive my eating. Lizards like the heat apparently…

    I had a really good FD yesterday (although with my usual inability to sleep last night which is a constant for me with fasting) so today I have to decline all invitations to ride the Lets-go-over-our-TDEE Express and remain plodding along on the virtuous path to slimness.

    Well done on the running Annette, I’m sure your goals will not allude you this year. It’s always good to remember we can’t just stuff our faces and expect to lose weight and if I’ve learned anything in my life it’s exactly that.

    Jade, sorry about the sugar-ambush but so glad the humble lentil has proven to be your friend (reminds me of that scene from Finding Nemo “sharks are our friends…”). I’m so very confident you’ve found the key (or keys, as I don’t think there is ever just one answer) so I expect to be hearing more good news from you, even if the pace of success is slower than we’d all like. You don’t have much to go from what I gather, whereas I have a sh*t load still to lose to reach a healthy weight – I hope to achieve that this year and hope you’ll stay around for the ride πŸ™‚ Spring xx

    LOL I bought 10 lbs of those little rat droppings, Annette! And even eating them almost daily, I still have like 9.9 lbs left. They may well last forever!

    Spring I think I’m a lifetime case – I’ll see you reach your goal if you’re here to tell me about it πŸ™‚ and Annette too with her pink shorts. My goal is more elusive, a now you see it now you don’t control. I enjoy the encouragement and camaraderie here so I plan to stick around indefinitely.

    Oops forgot to toss the sweets – off I go before I falter. xxx

    I would swap crisp chilly weather with sun for the relentless grey skies and almost constant rain, in a heartbeat. I have always thought that I was born the wrong nationality and struggle with the gloom over the winter.

    I think that we are all plodding, Spring, one way or another. I was 3 stone heavier than I am now and never thought that it was possible to be smaller..but it is. Just keep going with the TDEE, a couple of FD, more wholefoods, less sugar and some exercise(brisk walking is very good) all help to get to a healthy weight. I was completely convinced that i was never going to be able to get to the weight that I am, but the solution was simple, consume less of the sugary stuff.

    Ha Jade! We are here together to support each other and know that we are not alone..and we’re not. I wonder what lunch choices there are today? I have a ripe avocado(160 cals per 100g and i love them) to eat for tea, so must weigh that now so that I can factor that in with my decisions for today.

    Hi Fast Club! So… 2016 and I am doing the same – enjoying reading your posts every morning but still LURKING in the shadows.

    Great to hear everyone seemed to have managed the holidays without too much damage.

    I have over eaten for a week or two at least and finding it hard to get back on the wagon, but trying to look at it positively – it’s only a week or two, rather than a decade as it was before I started 5:2.

    Have tried unsuccessfully to fast for 3 days in a row now. Like Queen, the more I eat, the more I want to eat so having a few weeks ‘off’ is lethal for me. I’ve also had a cold so something to blame other than myself (feed a cold, right?). Seriously though I get the hunger of 1000 men when I have a cold. So anyway trying to do a fast day today. It’s 2:00 and I think I am nearly at 500 already, so just aiming to keep today below 700 and I will call it a win.

    Am getting rather annoyed with all the predictable newspaper articles about NY diets (sirtfoods, anyone?) – because they are really slating 5:2!!! Feel terribly defensive about poor old 5:2 every time I read something negative about fasting, which seems to be targeted by journalists as very much ‘over’ (well they have to write about something I suppose). All I can say is it has worked better for me than anything else has done for 25 years or more of near constant dieting.

    But on the sirtfoods thing – I am going to try to incorporate more of these into my diet. Seem like all very good wholesome things so can’t hurt.

    Best wishes to all Fast Club for 2016 and thank you for all of your suggestions, support and just hanging in there. Love you all. Mcca xxx

    I’m so glad you are here, Annette, Spring, and Queen – and others though they’ve dropped off posting** — I never thought I’d find something I could stick with. Yet here I am still, hacking away! Every FD sets things right again, and even if I don’t behave properly (there’s an understatement) I know where the reset button is.

    Yesterday though was a total bulls-eye – I got through a real fast without food, just coffee, tea, and water. Don’t even feel like keeling over dead this morning, though last night was a struggle. I think back to before 5:2, you know, the diet wisdom that you had to eat breakfast, had to eat really all the time. So I did, ate when I wasn’t hungry, which for a Binger Island native is not the best weight control plan. Makes me so mad – and what Queen is discovering, and finally popular wisdom also, is that everyone’s system is different. Some people even get wound up by eating tomatoes?! For me it’s sugar and alcohol, and I sure proved that again over recent weeks. Why did I have to get so old before getting some wisdom – ha, I guess that’s how it usually works :). Spring are you still swaying? That made such perfect sense.

    OK, I’m determined not to eat until at least lunch today – need a booster shot of control after the holiday bacchanal. Mmmm a ripe avocado on toast! Maybe I’ll join you, Annette. Hugs all – xx
    **ps: MCCA, we crossed posts – you wonderful thing, great to see you! You are going through the VERY thing I believe we’ve all fought recently. Keep trying, it is tough going indeed after the holidays. I finally broke through and hope to stay more on course. I will send kick-up-the-*ss vibes across the waters to you. Ready, set, GO – you can do it!!

    Jade – coffee, tea and water?!?!!? Lady I am full of admiration and envy…. xx
    PS please send those kick a** vibes, definitely need them!

    Sadly, Jade there are not enough calories free, to have the toast with the avocado. So it will be tomatoes/sliced avocado and a little dressing for tea. I have 3 ripe ones that need eating very soon!

    Well done on the FD. very impressive and at least we are learning this stuff now and not never. All those years of being miserable and fat….

    Hi mcca, stop lurking and join in. I had a look at the sirt foods, but don’t like many of them, so will just keep plodding on with counting up to my TDEE and learning what that looks like. Like you this way of life has been the only thing that has worked for me too, so I will carry on as well.

    I did have a couple of cookies today in a weak moment and then struggled to stay awake..so I will avoid them. I cannot believe that I never made the connection between the afternoon slump and sugary stuff, and now that I have I just seem to need to confirm it sometimes!

    That’s me, girls – coffee, tea, water, and a big mule kick up the rear. Felt like a stone-cold Viking this morning. But caved to an early lunch of nuts and cherry tomatoes – HA WHAT THE HELL, RIGHT?… Glad I thought to bring something nutritious to work, as my usual alternative has been to bring nothing, pretend I AM a stone-cold Viking, then gnaw my way into the vending machines. πŸ™‚

    Go you Annette, reverse course away from the sweets! You know you don’t want to feel like “s*** for hours” – we can do this. Spring, haven’t seen the latest on poo-poohing 5:2 but indeed, the 24/7 news cycle is always desperate for “news.” Want to know how I found 5:2? I googled “fast way to lose weight” HA. Well it hasn’t been fast, but it works!

    Dang it jade get off the internet and do your work. See you later, FC! xx

    Preparation is definitely the key to success Jade. I have been perusing the lunch options for the week and planning what I am going to have. Just 2 more avocados to go…

    I suspect that the magazines etc, are all desperate to find the ‘new’ diet, which is usually nonsense anyway. The problem with the 5:2 for all those diet companies is simply that it is not making billions for those corporations. That and the fact that we will be ignoring all those messages from the food industry telling us that we need to snack and spend our hard earned cash with them. It is a threat, and needs to be rubbished by those who can see that it isn’t making them any money. Simple.

    OH you said it, sister! Suckers around every corner. I remember being so glad that 5:2 wasn’t a platform to sell a lot of stuff. If anything I buy less than ever as a result. I did buy the 5:2 e-book and then Lustig’s cookbook, so maybe spent $20 all told, but honestly they both freely give that knowledge away online.

    Speaking of frugal, confession time: I bought natural peanut butter finally. I had the regular stuff before – two gigantic Costco jars – gone now, so no more tickling the sugar fairy with that stuff. Now to see if I can “eat normally” today – chicken, zucchini, and potatoes – might just do it. Cheers all. xxx

    Haha, there’s always someone on the look out to make money from desperate fat people. So 5:2 is not the holy grail but I wasn’t looking for the holy grail. What I found was something, as mcca said (and WELCOME BACK!!) that actually worked after 30 years of dieting on and off. So far I’ve lost 50 odd lbs and even more amazing have kept it off (not without effort) for a considerable while. Sure, I still have 50lb to go but hey, whats 50lbs between friends?

    I had never heard of ‘Sirt’ foods but a quick google gave me this list:
    1) GREEN TEA
    4) KALE
    6) PARSLEY
    7) CAPERS
    9) APPLES
    10) RED WINE

    And in the last week I’ve had all of them except Kale & Green Tea so clearly I am doing something right (and feeling quietly smug πŸ˜‰ )

    I’m doing another FD today after Monday’s success and then two days of just below TDEE and I can already feel the spare tyre around my middle has shrunk so that feels good.

    Keep up the good work Misfit Islanders and together we’ll get there!! Spring xx

    Thanks for the list spring. You should be feeling smug about the 50 lb lost-well done!

    You know that this way of life works and that habits need to be changed along the way both to lose..and to maintain. No doubt that spare tyre will deflate further over the coming months!

    I am finding logging what I eat and the calorie ‘spend’ quite an eye opener. A am slightly over my TDEE every day, but my plan is to learn this week and next what the best choices to make on a daily basis. However, it is quite possible to eat well and keep to the TDEE, which is thrilling.

    Onwards and downwards…

    Hello group,

    Comespring, wowsa 50lbs, amazing, more amazing that you have kept it off too. Well done!

    Annette, I am following the whole food advice but fell off the wagon. Over the holidays I was having salmon and eggs, but Christmas, whereby food was a free for all I let myself have what I wanted (I wasn’t in my own house and cakes, chocolates, biscuits, nuts, cruditΓ©s, etc were on constant offer) and often it meant eating when I wasn’t hungry.

    Comespring, 5:2 seems to work very well for me too in terms of what actually works with weight loss. I also find on some days I have calculated a massive kcal intake, yet 5:2 seems to reset my switch, and I can get my weight and appetite steady again. I have to be careful though… I had one uber overeating session following a day whereby I wasn’t fasting as such,h but I had had a very low carb day, and had coffee, protein bar and a ham salad with avocado and olive oil for tea. Could I sleep? nope. I kept waking and by three pm the following day, after some news (not bad) that made me anxious I felt shattered and had a mammoth eat session. I can’t go too low carb at night, or too low kcal at night. It’s odd I feel like I have a hangover the next day! It’s a very fine balance though, as if I get it right, I lose weight, I feel healthier and more energised. However, I have to get it right, or as I said, I feel awful. Insomnia is a pain. I have always been a light sleeper anyway…

    What I am noticing is I am not very resilient, but my triggers are same things that trigger low mood, so I have to be mindful. Triggers for me are lack of sleep, tiredness, feeling low or something that bashes my confidence, boredom…or if sweet/carby stuff is readily available, if I feel great about the world, energised, I can cope with hunger… perhaps I have just described myself as an emotional eater as well a compulsive one.

    Anyway, Jade thank you so much for some of the info you have posted, i.e types of diet and genes, and glad it turns out that a whole food diet is recommended for varying genetics. Also, I am so with you with the why eat when not hungry?! I think back to times I forced myself to eat eggs/ toast/ milk shakes at 7am when I wasn’t hungry… and then just ate even more and felt tired later. I am having a protein chocolate bar for breakfast with a cappuccino each day at the moment, but something that has also helped, probably not that healthy, but I set aside a large bar of very dark chocolate for three pm alongside some cut up veggies. I then say to myself I can have it all (and usually do) but it keeps me going during the day when I think I fancy a nibble, it’s almost like planning a little binge- so probably not great, but it keeps me going! I think the caffeine alongside the gorgeousness of it keeps me going until supper, and I have been having the biggest bowl of soup with a huge sour bread baguette and sugar free live yogurt for dessert. This may not be ideal but I could stick with this, I love all the foods, I sort of feel I am dealing with my greedy gene- the huge bar of dark chocolate (I am talking large…)… but it feels great. Ideally I would be eating fish, steamed veggies and lentils/potatoes with a fat free dessert, no snacks or caffeine, and the odd bit of cake twice a week in an ideal world… but that’s not me! Maybe something to aim for. I will never be a cake girl though so having sugar is just a waste of time for me.

    Annette, my little one loves lentils..! Lentils in soup, cottage pie, chicken pie… you name it… ! I was looking at a pack of red lentils and saw that if I cooked the whole pack and ate it all it would only be about 600 kcal…wow.

    Comespring I have everything on your sirt list (do you read the Times??) except number 7, capers-yuk!

    Annette you sound a step ahead calculating your TDEE, I fear I will be going slightly over too, but I don’t want to eat less so I am going to shove in an hour long brisk walk to cover it- is that cheating? Jade, i nearly brought a tube of lovely peanut butter with seeds today, looked so healthy, no palm oil, no salt… then I remembered when I brought a tub of this some time ago, it’s lovely and nutritious but I have to be honest with myself… I like generous portions. Just be careful with it, it’s quite calorie dense, but if you enjoy art and can have it in moderation then that’s fantastic…

    Is anyone fasting this week? jade your post about cooling “fast way to lose weight” was quite funny. You made me think though, I wonder if 5:2 is almost what kids, or naturally slim people.. do, well, naturally, my little one can eat loads one day, then hardly anything the next (my LO is a very healthy BMI)…

    Lovely to chat to you all again and keep going with making the best choices you can..

    Write down everything that you consume and find out the calories for each item, then add the whole lot up and see what you are actually consuming compared to your TDEE. I suspect that your mood would be far better without the afternoon chocolate.

    What is your TDEE? How many did you consume today? A walk is going to make very little difference unless you plan to walk 10 miles!

    Think about the QUALITY of the food that you are eating. A cuppcina might be around 73 cals-depending on the size. Large bar of chocolate might be 1000 calories etc. If you want to be smaller then the portions that you consume will have to be smaller too.

    If you ditch the afternoon chocolate to something that is half the sugar and half the calories for example as a start. The bottom line is that if you want to be smaller, then you have to make different choices in what you eat AND drink.

    I was reading that a runner who runs a mile would burn 100 calories…now that is not very much, is it? You cannot outrun your fork!

    Annette, always wise words, I fear you are right… that chocolate is just over 600 kcal, sniff sniff, it has to go doesn’t it… this is my grumpy unhappy face πŸ™ it’s 85 percent cocoa though… so 19grams of carbs and 14 grams of sugar- 14 grams isn’t that much is it… however, over 650 kcal is depressing… I’ll be running for hours…

    So I’m trying to think a really lunch to have late afternoon instead of the chocolate. I’m thinking egg white omelette with goats cheese…

    I don’t know about you guys but don’t you feel that you have to treat looking after yourself as work! If I say to myself, “yes this will be an effort, it won’t be easy” that makes it easier somehow… maybe i’s being realistic about it.

    Thanks for your help Annette. I think I have to woman up about this!

    The total recommended amount of all sugar(both hidden and obvious) a day is 6 teaspoons, which is 24g…in total….for the whole day. So 14g(4g/tsp) is about 3 and a half.

    Start with breakfast and work through the day at each meal and see how you can make it a healthier/lower sugar choice.

    For me, I always thought that puddings and biscuits were a treat until I experienced just how crap they made me feel afterwards. I feel much much better without them…and that is my treat now. Why would you eat something that will make you feel crap?

    It will only be work while you weigh/log all that you eat and drink, until you learn what and how much to eat/drink. Think about how much your body and mind will benefit from nourishing it with better quality food. With the 650 cals that you save from the chocolate you could eat a very nutritious, tasty…and filling meal.

    Yep. You are going to have to woman up..and we are all here to support you.

    Hi islanders – just a quick note as I dive into some research here at work. Queen great food for thought, I have been going through the same thing lately – finding I need something to help fill the gap in being satisfied. FDs not a problem thank goodness, but regular days….I’m trying too much low-carb, trying to behave when I’m not sure what behaving is, and feeling less than satisfied. Every time I try to get through a regular day without bread, I miss the texture and try to replace it with a thousand nuts or similar (though must say grapes and nuts are delicious). And Q your chocolate hasn’t got much sugar in it, does it! Must be super dark – like that red wine (thrilled to hear that’s a SIRT, whatever that means), there is some good in there. But right, Annette, can’t outrun the fork, can we…or in my case the hand grabbing the frozen blondies. I am still up 2 lbs from Christmas, feeling the squeeze in these new slacks that fit oh-so-great but now starting to muffin up a bit – like the irresistable force meeting the immovable object! Except I know I can resist and it WILL be movable lol. Catch up later – jade xxxx

    Why not have the bread then Jade? Just have a couple of slices of wholemeal bread and include it in your TDEE. No drama.

    I am too scared to try on my trousers, but I was very amused by your description! I wont be trying on those shorts for a few weeks either.

    I can see that I need to make some smarter choices or just smaller portions from the ease with which the numbers soon stack up. I do have to remind myself that this was the whole point of the exercise and remind myself that I can eat more good food as I eat far less rubbish.

    Just think where we might be by the end of the month?

    I’m afraid if I have the bread (especially early in the day) there will be a LOT of drama, like maybe even a full opera. Where the fat lady can’t sing because there is an entire loaf of bread in the way….Still learning how to deal with triggers πŸ™‚ But right, just need to keep working, and what a great way to close “just think where we might be by the end of the month.”
    Eep, OH just suggested dining out tonight, and there is no time to cook as I’m still at work. Can I stick to my FD goals?? xx

    Hi everyone – a question – do you go through periods when the fasting days are really difficult?

    I’ve been trying FDs for days now and keep failing – when last year I was sailing through the fast days but having difficulty monitoring intake on non fast days.

    Hoping it might have something to do with this virus I have the tail end of, but worried I might be making excuses for myself (who, me?!? Ha!).

    That was the story of my past MONTH. Today was better b/c very busy at work. I might’ve gone over 500 at dinner but not too much. Mcca, I hope you start to feel better – it’s not making excuses to ease off the fast train when you feel crappy.

    Seriously though, I flunked fasting over the holidays. I did try, at least once a week, but just didn’t make it. And if I felt bad (even if self-inflicted), there just was no way. Keep trying and one of these days you’ll get your groove back.

    Queen, I reread your post, and we’re very much alike except for my sweet tooth v. your carb tooth. Same result. The only thing I can make work is to pounce when I feel good and strong enough to do this. As a mom and former superwoman, I learned to make use of every second of my time – I remember studying for the bar exam while in stirrups awaiting the annual exam (sorry if TMI, no guys here on the island though). So that’s the way I am trying to approach control – when I have it I need to run with it like a panther. It then balances out a bit when I don’t have it. There’s nothing worse when tired, sick, or just flat than to add “control your eating” to the list of things you have to do.

    And it’s good to remember the sliding goal idea. If I can’t get the fast done, I can choose from other goals: TDEE, not snacking, snacking on whole foods, you get the idea πŸ™‚ Some days nothing works but others it does, so it’s a heck of a lot better than having no days that work. love to you all – time to tote up my kcals from dinner lol xxx

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