I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

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I am a binger – any info on fasting and bingeing

This topic contains 3,042 replies, has 111 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • thanks,Jade.I eat snacks is not due to hungry ,it is they are delicious….Yep,I love themγ€’_γ€’….it is hard to control myself…So you mean it is only a process and finally we will not be such avid about them right?
    What I need to do now I think is….controling myself…fighting~

    I’m just about convinced that snacking is a control destroyer. Not just because snacks can be delicious, but because eating too often throws off insulin/sugar/SOMETHING inside us. True, Steward, we are not hungry. It’s all about control. I want more of it and I want it NOW PLEASE πŸ™‚ I can tell you I have more of it than I did, thanks to cutting out daytime snacks. Now to cut out those after dinner ones!!!

    I’m afraid I jumped on the Kraken Express last night. The pizza was too good after a hard week. Probably below tdee but no way below 500 HAHA even without alcohol. Ah well, today I atone. It’s gorgeous out, so I dedicate my upcoming jog to pizza crust and assorted toppings.

    Annette, that’s fantastic that you’re looking toward another HM! I will think about doing one, too. I’m getting over some health issues so I’m finally feeling enthusiastic about things.

    MaryW, as a French major I thought about Proust’s madeleines, but you as the writer explained it all so eloquently. And even with the direct quote – thank you for that! And your book sounds very entertaining – I’ll have to order it.

    Happy weekend fasting friends – may your day be sunny and happy πŸ™‚ xxx

    Thanks again for your support.
    Mary that’s amazing, well done you & yes your words are very encouraging, I want this to be it now & no more fad eating habits. I want to get to 45 (2yrs) feeling how I wanted to feel/look at 40yrs (but had a baby 9days before!) I will ensure FD will be 500cals only. Then I suppose once I have mastered that, the control over what else goes in my mouth is easier.
    I was very pleased not to let any wine pass my lips on a Saturday night, then congratulated with a Mars bar which was unusually in the fridge!
    Yes I am always out & about with the kids, we live in a hot part of Australia & I have 3 boys. Staying in would see me in a straight jacket after a week!!
    As for running, I had never run before & went from couch to 42k (22mile) London marathon in 2008. So is deffo possible. It’s also a bug don’t you think Annette? Great atmosphere. I have been doing the mud runs / obstacle courses lately to change it up. They are great fun.
    Jade well done for not drinking even if u did have little too much pizza.
    Steward keep fighting, I think I am at a similar mental state to you.
    Well, enjoy you Sunday whatever you may have in store.

    Hi Everyone,
    I had a night with a dear friend to celebrate her retirement last night, which included a meal with dessert and half a bottle of Champagne!I hopped on the scales this morning out of curiosity to find that I am exactly the same weight which has more to do with what I didn’t eat earlier in the day I imagine.
    I started running at a rather round 52(not sporty at all) and always thought that every lb that I shed would make it easier to haul less weight around. I wanted to take part in the local Half rather than watching with a goal of getting round and being uninjured, which I did with my oldest son. I am now a stone and a half lighter, with muscles that I didn’t know I had and so much fitter. I love the running community, very welcoming to those of us who are not naturals but stagger round anyway, all shapes and sizes. Running really isn’t about competing with anyone, but yourself. On the lonely hot stretches of my recent half I thought about the psychology of keeping going and decided that losing weight really wasn’t so different. It really is the same. My goal is to get faster over the same difference and I think that another half a stone will make a huge difference to my performance. I certainly looked much better in the race photos! My Birthday(55) is in January and I have many goals but the thought of 26.2 miles seems a step too far for my short little legs. Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Annette, I’ll turn the tables on you: if I can complete a marathon, anyone can. It’s just training. The question is whether it’s a goal of yours. If not, not worth doing. It was mine, just to say I did it, and the process was fun and rewarding, though I don’t plan to do another. Too many miles to call “fun.” Congrats on the steady weight even while out on the town! A nice little bonus on top of a fun time.

    Always, wow you are quite the runner also. Mud runs are hilarious. And how great that your boys have such an active mom. I agree about getting out of the house. In most any weather, I enjoy getting a free “nature high.”

    Is it feed a cold, starve a fever? I’ve caught a cold, so I fed it breakfast (despite my mantra). Predictably have been snacking ever since, but maybe I can drag my sniffly self outside for a walk. So far today my “walks” have been straight into the kitchen. Ooops. We’ll see what the scale has to say tomorrow.
    Happy weekender everyone, see you on the train tomorrow. xxx

    Good point Jade but a marathon is not a goal of mine. I do want to get much faster at a half though, just not sure how possible that is though. I am fasting tomorrow and then will have a go at a local running club on Tuesday with the goal of improving speed.

    Step out of the kitchen Jade….find something other than eating to do.

    Hey Annette, that’s very inspiring, and as Jade says, its your goals that u strive for. I did marathon as id had spine op the year before & told id never run again, my friend lost a baby & I was given the opportunity to do it & raise money for SIDS. That was my motivation, now I love running with the wind in my hair & my thoughts/worries being blown away, saying that I haven’t actually been out for a ‘run’ for about a year due to one thing & another, so have missed it.
    Running club is great idea, I loved my running club in UK, training hills & fartlek will improve your speed greatly.
    Yes Jade, feed a cold starve a fever, that said, why not made a chicken soup (if you can be arsed), its good for the soul & recovery, but also healthy so u don’t feel guilty about eating.
    I have a great weekend until yesterday evening where I consumed 1 bottle of red wine (well its only 4 glasses) then raided the choc spread with a spoon! gluttony at its best. Gosh why do I do it?
    Oh well, kids to school & off to gym, happy Monday..

    Thanks Annette for that virtual wrist slap πŸ™‚ I did step out of the kitchen for a lovely walk with hubs, and we found a nice park bench to relax on and enjoy the day. I plead temporary cold insanity, the nibbling massages my sore throat. But the sun felt even better.

    Doing speed training is a great goal. I never worked at it, just enjoyed being in motion. We have great running paths and a big state park near our house, so it’s fun for me.

    Always, I hope you can get into it again. Once a runner, always a runner. And yes chicken soup is an excellent idea, thanks — I bought a big container of chicken broth which I will enjoy tomorrow. I fed my cold quite nicely today, so I’m planning a FD to get my appetite back under control.

    Have a lovely night/day everyone! Thanks for all the inspiration. xx

    Morning All,
    I started running to complete a Half to raise money for research into SIDS.
    My daughter would have been 28 on the day that I ran the Half last week. She died of SIDS and I have raised money for research in the past. I just felt rather emotional and decided that I didn’t need the pressure of raising money this time. My plan is to run the local Half in the spring and then try for some sponsorship then, as there is also far more time to organize that then.

    FD for me today. I have had a trouser try on this morning and although all 3 pairs claim to be the same size, they are not! I could wear 1 pair soon, but the other 2 are going to need a few lbs less of me. This 5 lb is taking on mystical abilities of what I will be able to achieve when it is gone!

    I am looking forward and a bit nervous about the running club, but it will be good to be pushed. I’ll let you know how it goes. Onwards and downwards fast friends…

    Hugs to you, Annette ❀️ ❀️

    Good luck on the FDs today clubbers. Together we are strong. We can do this. xxx

    Hey Annette, thanks for sharing, that HM would have been a very emotional run, without the strain of fundraising too, I can totally relate. You sound like an inspirational lady. I’ll sponsor you if u set up donation page, by then those trousers will be falling off u too.

    Anyway, I sit here typing with chocolate spread stuck to my finger as it accidently slipped in the tub a few times! I tried to make out to my husband that I was looking for something in the cupboard, but the dripped choc down my chin gave it away! Doh.
    I figured I had over 1000 cals for the day as worked very hard both this morning & eve at gym. Not the smartest move but it felt good at the time. Now taken myself to bed &
    Had a good FD Jade, my FD tomorrow.
    Night from Aus. Stay with the fight!

    Annette, I was so sorry to hear of your loss. I really can’t imagine what you have been through. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    Well done for completing your run. I’m sure you will have a few of us sponsoring you for your next one…so get on with the training πŸ™‚ Big hugs.

    Ah Always dieting. Yes well, I had friends staying at the weekend and they left a tub of dark de champagne truffles, a bar of dark chocolate and some nutella dipped things for MY LO… let’s just say, after a bad breakfast, I went to the gym, was doing well then three pm, at home, and there isn’t much left. felt highly motivated during the rest of the day… I wasn’t hungry just the urge to eat all of them was overwhelming… despite my enthusiasm, caring for my health the rest of the time. It’s nuts. I read lots of things about binge eaters and letting ourselves relax with food and having certain things in moderation… but it seems, I don’t do moderation. It’s odd, all that stuff doesn’t tempt me (well only slightly) but when godzilla arrives at three, it vanishes…… The contrary nature on the bingequeen mind. I can run for an hour, I can be absolutely dedicated to improving my health then I have moments like I did today and it’s silly because I seem to do it at the same time and I should have just thrown the food away. I felt it was a waste though.

    Ah well, I have a nog wedding to go to next week and I don’t know how I am going to fit into anything – sigh!

    Don’t you sometimes feel like not bingeing is just as hard as dieting, and holding one’s breath… you can only do it for so long… x

    Happy Fast Day Everyone!

    I’ve managed to fend off a “Free” Lunch Kraken and a BDay Cake Kraken. (Although I kept the cake for tomorrow πŸ™‚ )

    Hope everyone is achieving their goals today!

    Stay Strong & Fast On!

    Well I had a carb-fest yesterday, and had to power past the Land O’ Doughnuts again today. Congrats Michel you’re amazing for battling the kraken in your workplace – I barely avoided them on the interstate. Really wanted that doughnut but I knew it was yesterday’s carbs egging me on. Bite it, yesterday’s carbs.

    Now I’m home sipping chicken broth and did y’all know that stuff has only TEN calories per cup?! Holy cow that’s a bargain. I wouldn’t say it’s filling me up, but it’s distracting. Quite tasty too. Wedge salad coming up.

    Ha, Always – you had chocolate fingers and still kept it to 1000 cals? Pretty darn good control there. Lol, looking for something in the cupboard, I believe I’ve used that line – while trying not to noticeably chew on what I’d already found in the cupboard πŸ™‚

    Oh yes Queen, the urge to eat everything in the entire house is sometimes overwhelming. Like last night. I did some good kraken avoidance during the day, but the whiny urge to eat whatever for however long I felt like it didn’t go away. I’d say it’s a good thing there weren’t too many sweets around, but it didn’t really matter, I just wanted to fill the void. Those times happen less often, but it’s safe to say I’ll be needing 6:1 if not 5:2 when I reach my goal. Thank heavens there is such a thing.

    Hope everyone had a good day — let’s keep rolling, Fast Club. xx

    Omg queen, u sound like my double. Come 3pm I turn into a ravenous beast that wants to shove anything into my mouth! I usually take the boys out around then for couple hours, taking snacks for them & apple for me. Then I am away from temptation. Can u get out around that time? If u have a sweet tooth mayb have some cocoa & date balls, or sweet potato choc brownies? They may fill the void & have less impact on ur calorie intake?
    Well done michel, that takes determination, saving the cake for the next day is great idea, that wouldn’t occur to me, it would b now or never!
    I think today is going to be long & tough, FD, 6.30am & I’m already thinking about food,
    Is the chicken broth helping u to feel better jade? Hope so.

    I actually joined the forum because of this thread, and this is my first post.

    I have had problems with binge eating since I was a young child. It began with my parents, with my father who would force feed me as a child until I would vomit, to my grandmother who would shame me if I didn’t eat everything and create the, “Happy plate,” to my mother who insisted that if I didn’t have a round pouch of a belly that I was underweight and needed to eat more.

    It shouldn’t be shocking to note that all of my family members have been severely over weight at some point in their life. My mother was around 300 lbs. until I was in my mid teens, my father has always been over the 240 lb. mark, my sister nearly up to 400 lbs. before she had a lap band procedure, my brother in law well above and beyond that weight at his highest until he too got a gastric surgery, and their children have subsequently suffered weight problems as well.

    It doesn’t excuse that I was never able to get control of my eating patterns, even in my late 20’s, but it was a foundation for a practice in bad eating habits, school bullying, and a horde of emotional issues that followed pursuit until I too was either at or over 300 lbs. at my heaviest, and I had two modes that I switched between: I was either sleeping, or I was eating, and there was hardly ever any sort of period between when I was doing neither.

    I can’t say what IF has done for me yet in terms of how it allows me to handle eating. Since I consider it a diet pattern as opposed to a diet plan itself, I’m still following a ketogenic diet, but I have incorporated something similar to the 5:2 way by fasting for 24 to 36 hours on one or two days, and then intermittent fasting on the others for about 16 hours between feeding windows.

    However, I have noticed that my tendency to binge has all but disappeared so long as I am eating the right foods an so long as I am sticking to my feeding windows.

    What has helped has been abstaining from trigger foods. I eat very minimal amounts of fruit (half an apple for a day, or half a cup of blueberries, or a serving of strawberries as a dessert mixed with some peanut butter or greek yogurt), I’ve only used stevia as a sweetener, and I only drink tea, coffee, water and carbonated water, and when I sweeten the tea or coffee, it is only to a minimal bit to avoid an overtly sweet taste.

    If I feel hungry, I try to address why I’m feeling hungry–boredom? Maybe it’s time to walk to the grocery store to see if I can find a new spice I want to try incorporating. Lonely? Maybe I should talk to a friend. Because I’m alone and I can get away with it? Then I need to get around other people.

    And if I can’t resolve the issues of hunger mentally on my own, then I go to an online over-eaters meeting and listen to recorded OA talks on youtube. The OA meetings help in quite a significant way. There’s nothing quite like admitting to other people who understand your problem that all you want to do is eat like a hound to sort of dim that hunger down when you realize they relate and completely love you without judgement.

    Hi Sadrielle, and welcome to the forum! Wow, such a story, heartbreaking yet uplifting that you have turned things around despite everything. And here you’ve written a textbook on how to control/eliminate binges. Thank you! That is an incredible amount of work.

    I hope you’ll stick around and join this lovely crew. We’re all still battling the binge monster, no matter what stage of success we’re currently in regarding actual weight reduction. I’m not even sure we have shared that. I’d bet that for most of us, control is more important than what the scale has to say. The sharing of ideas here has helped me tremendously.

    Good night fellow Fast Clubbers – successful FD for me if I can get my tush into bed soon. xxx

    Evening All!

    Thanks to all the posts about exercise, I went out and walked in the park after work. It felt good to be out.

    Successful FD. Nothing till dinner: Mini peppers w/ hummus and a sweet potato.

    Jade – Good job passing up the Donut Kraken, she’s a bit##. Soup & salad sounds good.

    Always – Good luck on your FD. You can do it!

    Sadrielle – Welcome! Thank you for sharing your story and your tips. Sounds like you have made wonderful strides towards a health lifestyle.

    Stay mindful and in control!

    Good Morning Fast Clubbers!

    I’m facing a day filled with Kraken.
    Breakfast is on its way into the office, lunch will be here @ 11:30 and there is tons of left over cake. If I was not an overeating binger this would be a great day, instead it puts me in a grumpy unsocial mood.

    Hope everyone else is having an easier time of it today.

    Stay strong Michel! Indeed, if only. Some days I feel as if I need to wear a blindfold and a nose clip. I hope lunch provides a decent selection to keep you satisfied and filled with Kraken antibodies!

    I must have really tied one on Sunday, because post-FD the scale is up. I console myself with the fact that it would be up even more if I didn’t employ this secret weapon 2x/week. I hate to be a heretic but the bread (local baker) was totally worth it.

    OK back to work with me – hope everyone is strong and happy! xxx

    Evening All!

    Well, the day went as expected. I held out against the donut breakfast as long as I could. I gave in around 11am and it was all down hill from there.

    Jade – I needed the blindfold & noise clip. Or maybe I can chain myself to my desk.

    Hope y’all did better than I did.

    Fasting tomorrow in spite of the free lunch we are having.

    Good luck to is all!

    Hi Michel,

    Try not to worry. To last until 11am – well done!!

    As you can see from my posts, I had a few..er, slightly off the rails day. What I love about this fasting diet is, you get reevaluate what you did wrong and just get back on it.

    I haven’t achieved a proper fast but yesterday had black coffee for breakfast (Jade, I know you are with me here but again, having nothing for breakfast (but I do get up 6am) stops me snacking all morning. I don’t know if you feel empowered by it Michel but the fact you saw it coming, to me seems positive, I know that may sound strange, but it’s when I binge and think “why on earth did I do that” that strikes me. I wonder if part of you wanted to binge? Forgive me if I am wrong, I am just relating things to my own experiences and days I feel highly anxious about what I’m going to eat, I think there is part of me that thinks “I just want everything”. If you were in that situation again do you know what you could do differently? could you have a high protein breakfast say and then say right one doughnut that you could nibble on? That wouldn’t necessarily work for me by the way… I know if food is in front of me and it’s high carb… and it’s there all day… at some point, I’ll eat it!!

    I do think it’s really unfair that work environments provide unhealthy food..if I owned a company I wouldn’t provide sugary foods, surely productivity would be lower in the afternoon. My husband says there are always biscuits and freshly baked cakes in his afternoon meetings… and his company don’t do just your average rich tea… they go all out to town… he is not a binger, but will often say they were in back to back meetings and refreshments are refreshed for each meeting…. he has a tummy! Sorry to moan, that’s probably not helpful Michel, but please, don’t think you are alone, I bet there was someone else there that was thinking “please hide these”. Any way, I feel angry on your behalf… and hope you know you can just get back on track.

    I looked up the kcal in my truffles that I had the other day… I finished off a pack and didn’t feel full… there was 94 kcal in each (! what?! …they were tiny!) and there were a lot in the pack… it didn’t feel I had had much, but thinking I had all my meals, plus additional bread and chocolate as well as those in one day… It makes me reflect I just can’t keep this stuff in the house… certainly not next to the computer in the kitchen….

    Right for tea tonight either soup and a bread roll (I love bread and soup) or tuna salad with avocado and sweet potato… can someone decide for me please…

    Good luck all x

    A successful day,

    Sadrielle, thank you so much for sharing. I found your post inspiring, how kind of you to share it. You are doing amazingly. Your urge to binge has almost gone? wow.

    Interesting you avoid trigger foods.. how is your sleep now you are in ketosis?

    I really appreciated your post.

    Hi Everyone,

    Annette – I’m sorry for your loss. Grief doesn’t get easier with time, it just gets easier to hide I have found.

    Sadrielle – what a story. I’m so sorry anyone behaved like that towards you, let alone a family member. That’s just awful. It’s astonishing that you’ve made the progress you have done, really truly well done. You must be a very strong lady.

    I’m now rather shamed by my answer to the ‘why do you overeat?’ question just being ‘because I like food too much’…. I’m going to try the OA on You Tube, thanks for the tip.

    Queen – realize this must be too late but I’d go tuna & sweet potato! πŸ™‚

    Hi all — computer issues yesterday so I was mysteriously offline. Hope you missed me!

    Yep, me too, mcca – my main thing is that I love having fun with food. I’d like a tuna salad and sweet potato right now, as a matter of fact! Queen, which one did you go with?

    Michel, as Queen said, it’s insane that workplaces have all this food around. My workplace does it too, not as often, but it’s always comfort food. Some deadly combo of fat, sugar, and salt. I wish they would stop.

    But in the meantime, look at the ways this group has succeeded, making conscious choices, tweaking our days to avoid triggers…. It doesn’t work every time, but we’re thinking, even if the right move doesn’t come out of habit – or doesn’t come at all.

    And really, in the past didn’t we all just sometimes binge and sometimes undereat (come on now, there were times) and think “well, that’s weird” and go on? NOW though, we are behavioral scientists, thinking about causes and triggers. I love it! Sometimes I still take a float trip down Binge River but I do it consciously, and maybe because I’m a bit of a wise-ass malcontent. But we know that all SORTS of things can affect mood, appetite, etc. I sure feel much less like a pathetic rudderless loser for having that knowledge.

    Have a wonderful day, Fast Clubbers! xxx

    Hi All!

    Thanks for the support!
    After a successful FD on Mon it has been downhill. The offices had been full of sweets for 2 days. I know I should be able to say “no” and I do, but then I give in because I just want to eat it all and its still there!

    Queen – Congrats on your successful day.
    I know what you mean about the calories in those tiny pieces of chocolate. It’s just not right; because who can only eat a couple?

    Wishing all you wonderful fasters a day full of success and healthy choices.

    Hello All,
    Apologies for my absence but the start of term is truly bonkers. It has been very bad on the food front too, there has been some mindless scoffing of the rubbish that I thought no longer had a hold on me..but I was wrong. So I have decided to go with it and see how I felt afterwards, so simple answer is not very well. I have found it really hard to resist though, but I have no idea why.
    FD on Monday was fine, but then went down hill from lunch onwards. The days in between haven’t been great either and I have slipped back into biscuits and puddings as well.I am going to do a better FD tomorrow. I am going to be wonderful next week though and just focus on those 7 days and only those and try to get that sugar demon off my back.
    Thank you for your kind words of support, I was a bit nervous of the reaction when I decided to share, but I am glad that I did. I think that death is something that you learn to live with and I have. I have 4 young men that never knew their sister, only of her, which must be weird for them.
    Mashed ripe avocado on toast for tea for me-delicious.

    Annette, I’m glad you shared that sadness with us also. Everyone gets a share, some more than others. Learning to live through it and with the memory of it is the tough part. Cherishing what we do have is so important. Hugs to you all over again. And hugs to those 4 boys of yours, too.

    After the cardio demands on your body, it’s no wonder you need a bit more time to adjust. I know your equilibrium will return. Enjoy that avocado, sounds yummy. I have no particular excuse for my recent naughtiness that involved not only doughnuts but cake (AT THE SAME TIME). It wasn’t even free! About the only takeaway I have is that it was not an entire cake. And I didn’t eat it in the car. HA.

    We can’t fail if we never give up, though, right? xxx

    That is very sweet of you Jade.
    I went to the running club on Tuesday and felt very very unfit. They were all very slender and very fast. The beginners comprised of me and 2 ladies that have been there for 6 years and I struggled to keep up with them which was quite demoralizing. I then met my slender and fast running work colleague for the ‘core’ class which was very fast exercises that I really thought were impossible! I tried and perhaps managed 1 or 2 of each one. They were all in such great shape that I felt like a leaden lump. However, it is clear that I need to work on my core to get strong and faster, and I now have 2 or 3 exercises that I can learn(?) to do at a snails pace in my own home. I don’t think that I will go back anytime soon to that running club. My poor little abs are very sore.

    I think that I have made the excuse of the Half to mean that I can eat anything and everything. Yet I know that the maths will not support it and that it will all make me feel rubbish…and yet I keep going. Tomorrow I am going to aim for 500 calories and not one more. I think it is back to a day at a time for me.If I don’t get a grip then I will be back to square 1!

    Well you didn’t eat it in the car. Was it as wonderful as you imagined?

    One day at a time is my mantra! I have good intentions most days, don’t always make it through, but some control is better than none. Yes I hate to say it but that piece of cake was WONDERFUL. Later though, I actually was ill. Net result is that it wasn’t worth it.

    Good luck wherever you are in your day, everyone! xx

    Been chucking and nodding at the posts since I was last here, Thanks for the info & sharing Sadrielle, MCCA – Ha – That’s exactly what I was thinking too ‘why do you over eat? erm because I like food too much?’

    I have yet to go anywhere near the scales as I am too damn scared, I have really really been trying, apart from the odd nutela fix (which I still don’t understand as I have never liked the stuff) & even in my ‘I shouldn’t have eaten that days’ (which are few as im really trying to be good), I have stayed under calories. FD worst was 600 once. I am BLOODY STARVIN right now, FD number 6 (so, nearly finished week 3) its only 1235 in the arvo here..
    Am tempted to say F it and eat, but trying hard to control the need for anything & going to have a black coffee. FD seem to come round too quickly don’t they.

    Why is it so hard to control what goes into your mouth? I exercise every day sometimes twice a day (I teach COMBAT & RPM) so I have to keep fit, I have the discipline to get up some mornings & go to F45 workout at 4.30am. Ive been eating oats / chicken & brown rice, broccoli / fish & salad & sweet potato / etc etc… YET CRAVE ANYTHING in fact EVERYTHING all the time.. Most days I do control it but im exhausted from the fight every day..

    If ive not seen significant loss on scales then I feel I may just give it all up.

    Anyway moan over, sorry but I needed to get that off my chest (which by the way seems to be the only place that any weight has come off FFS)

    Annette, having been part of my friends sons life for his 6 short weeks, I know the pain does not get any easier, its just learnt behaviour at dealing with the grief. 4 sons after.. wow, I have 3 boys & nearly needing a straight jacket! ha, you really are amazing.

    Michel is there anything funny you could do with the sweets so you can chuckle while your colleagues eat them? Im trying to think of something not awful, but would give you satisfaction at not eating them.. Or even freeze grapes & chop up lots of fruit nice & small then replace the sweet bowl with that??
    Jade you are always so positive, its lovely that even on FU you manage to get the positive from it & share.

    Well done queen on your successful day.

    Right im off for a coffee before I eat my arm!

    Morning All,
    Just had a look over my weights and have found that since Early July, my weight has reduced steadily and maintained at 5 lb less of me.I am pleased but have my goal another 5 lb ahead of me to reach before the end of the year.
    Got to dash off to work, but I now feel more determined to make this a great FD today and my dress fits so much better-what an incentive!

    That’s so great, Annette – love all the benefits when the weight goes down and stays off. Clothes fitting, better health, confidence – such powerful incentive.

    Always, just starting out, I felt the same, GOD THIS IS BLOODY HARD I’M STARVING. Still do some days, it’s not fun to be hungry, but it’s easier ESPECIALLY after you see this works. Also, I know that out of 7 days, I can FU and still find another day that will work.

    A tip about scale weight. Simcoeluv gave a great example somewhere in this forum about his first couple of months on 5:2. For the first month, his scale weight went up a lb, down a lb, etc. Then it went down like 3 lbs and then another 2, in short order. I have very similar plateaus every time I drop 2 lbs. So if you hop on and are disappointed, stick with it another month.

    I know you have to stay fit, but is there any way, just for now, that you could take 2 days off so that you didn’t feel so hungry on FDs? I know how I feel when I jog, my legs keep jogging right to the fridge. I have done FDs and jogged, heaven knows I won’t actually starve, but I prefer not to still.

    All said and done, there’s no other way to lose weight than to eat fewer calories and that can suck even just 2 days/wk. Some days I want to eat my arm too!! So I keep telling myself I can eat my arm tomorrow. I’ve learned that skipping breakfast resets my appetite so that I don’t usually want to eat my arm the next day. Or at least not until later that day! I do jump into Binge River on occasion, but not as often.

    I promise you, when you see the weight go down, this gets so much easier. Because (full circle here) as Annette said, there is that wonderful incentive to keep going.

    Cheers on this rainy Friday! Hugs out to our travelers, Spring and Kitty, and any lurkers (join us again, we miss you!) xxx jade

    Another bonkers day at work. All rather stressful and time pressured which is the only reason that I have for eating 3 biscuits after a meagre lunch. I had eaten them before I had registered that is what I was doing! A walk home in the sun with thoughts of ice cream, but managed to stay firm with 25g almonds…but just kept thinking of food. Early tea of prawns and tomatoes…still thinking of ice cream..and holding firm so far.
    I will have to get back to running (for half an hour/3 times a week
    ) or reduce my TDEE. Running it is!

    Thank Goodness it is Friday. Very long week.

    Well I didn’t hold firm but I have made sure that there is no more in the house…as I have eaten it! Weight the same, no surprise there then!

    I hope that you are all doing better than me.

    Struggling right alongside you, A. Salted caramel, favorite candy of hubs, can’t keep them out of the house. But darn if I don’t keep trying to get rid of them by unhinging my jaws. He even puts them in the FREEZER but we all know that is but a microwave step away – if that. Frozen cake? Ha, I laugh at the notion that freezing food makes it un-scarfable.

    Right. Running it is! I am off to flap my legs around, because it is a gorgeous Saturday, I have no excuse, and I have some pure sugar fuel that needs burning. Good luck being mindful this weekend everyone! xxx

    It was foggy all morning and so I baked cakes. There is 1 lemon drizzle, 1 chocolate sponge and a tin full of rock cakes. Hopefully I will avert my eyes and let my lot demolish them.
    It was too hot to run today and I was out in the garden enjoying the last rays of what sadly passed for summer. I do plan to run tomorrow now that my abs have finally recovered and as I clearly don’t have much core strength, I was thinking about Pilates.Do any of you do it?
    I have also had a look at my next goal of shifting these reluctant 5 lbs and looking at what my TDEE is for a weight that is 5 lb less and a lower level of exercise, which is quite depressingly small.
    I know that I will have to get back to writing it all down next week, to keep me accountable…to me and to all of you. Sheesh so easy to get fat, so hard to change habits and slim down.
    BUT my jeans are loose and slide down…
    I feel your pain Jade, but it would never occur to me to put frozen cake in the microwave. I have eaten all of the ice creams and dragged myself away from the freezer at the supermarket today and got myself a rather fabulous black denim dress in a charity shop that shows off my waist. Whoop whoop! Just keep reminding myself about that waist….

    Oh heck no, I eat that frozen cake frozen! I have to micro the frozen caramels lest I unhinge all my teeth as well as my jaws.

    I need to blast 5 lbs too. Now that I’ve had a nice break from mfp I’ll record again for a week. NEXT week. As in Monday. I am baking today too πŸ™‚ I promise to be mindful, but tdee can just bite it this weekend. xxx

    OH, the little black dress – forgot to add my whoop whoop to that as well. Cinched at the waist is it? I bet you look fantastic — well done you! A nice reward that isn’t food, too. I love charity shops, often so many wonderful things that can have a new life with a new owner. Hate to shop in real stores anymore, and heaven forbid buy at full price. I’m rather too old to care about the latest fashion trends, which is lucky because I can’t afford them anyway! xxx jade

    Jade – Thanks very much for your lovely long post, all taken on board & your words are whispering in my thoughts throughout the day. I didn’t exercise Fri & instead of beating myself up about it I gave my house a blooming good spring clean (not that you know it now!) but it felt good at the time.
    Annette I still am only baking ‘healthy’ food for the family as I do not have the control to stop myself binging. How fabulous that you can get into a lovely LBD, that’s got to be a great reward.
    I have now managed to convince my husband to try this & I know this will make things easier on FD, kids can have an ‘easy’ pasta dish that night which I wouldnt want to pick at anyway.
    So, this week I will have my weights & measurements taken again, I have been under my TDEE every day (even if some of the things eaten have been shockingly bad) I read a little more in 5:2 & I am really going to stick at the FD of no more that 500cals.
    My brother arrives at the end of the week & we are camping, hoping that may make the FD easier as no food to hand.
    Think my triggers are my children!
    With regards to the frozen cake… Yep frozen / heated / whatever way it comes would be my answer if I wanted it..
    Hope you are all having a good weekend.x

    The dress is a simple black denim shirt waister that is button through. It fits perfectly and I love it. I bought a few LBD from charity last year but they are too big and fall off my shoulders now.

    I cook chilli/rice or tuns pasta bake for my boys on a FD, can’t stand either. But I can also make cakes and I have made loads of bread on a FD too and by the time it all came out the oven I felt that I had eaten it too!

    I have been thinking about where I can reduce calories apart from the obvious cakes/biscuits/ice cream…so I have reduced my homemade meusli by another 25g this morning, so I’ll see how that goes for a week. If Jade can do without breakfast and I find that FD are fine without breakfast, I thought that I would give it a go for a week and see if my body and mind notice any difference.

    Good luck Annette with the breakfast, what about oats & quinoa with water & a drop of milk ? That’s my breakfast of choice. Sultanas added if I’m feeling sweet tooth. Not sure how many cals muesli is however..
    I simply cant cook without having a try, not got your control am afraid, we made ice cream today & I stayed away from tasting, until my friend said it was divine, so at tea time & thought id have a teaspoon to try & ate far too much, feel sick now! That will teach me. How cool that your last LBD is too big, I need to remember this is a life choice & the weight loss will be slow & steady.
    I have a goal of Christmas of feeling noticeably different.

    My homemade meusli is mainly jumbo porridge oats(1Kg) with mixed chopped nuts(small bag of) and sultanas and raisins for colour and sweetness.I weigh it all out and know the calories of each addition to come up with a calorie cost per portion(far less than the shop bought stuff). I have long since stopped putting in apricots and dates when i realized how many calories were in both.I had been having heaps of the stuff but then 2 years ago started to weight it from 100g to 75g. This morning I reduced that to 50g with some natural yoghurt and that was fine. I went out for a couple of mile run in the sun and was still fine until lunch time.
    I love ice cream, so wouldn’t have been able to not taste it either. Don’t forget about your shape changing, my shoulders, back and chest have no padding anymore(bust is very much there though!). All dresses hang longer which includes nighties, and some t shirts have gone to charity as they are simply too big or slide off my shoulders now.

    Afternoon all – I hope today’s fasters are hanging in there?? πŸ™‚

    I’ve had a quick read of SO MANY posts after 2 weeks without Wi-Fi and will have a closer read later tonight when I’ve finished work. I’m wondering where Kitty has got to though?? Check in with us Kitty, even if things aren’t going so well.

    I’m back on board the Kraken-Slayer Express after a disastrous month and the last 2 weeks away overseas for work where full breakfasts and 5-course lunches and dinners were on offer EVERYDAY. Needless to say I’ve fair stacked on the pounds and now I need to get them un-stacked and pronto. I’m pretty determined today and I’m surviving the fast despite my stomach thinking my throat’s been cut. This bingeing nonsense has to stop πŸ™

    It’s just so good to see you all here doing battle and some new faces as well. Will post again soon but sending out strength vibes to you all in the meantime, Spring xx

    Hi everyone!

    Got back from Italy last night and have just been reading through everyone’s posts (off today as well in order to reacclimatise to Scottish weather and do the dreaded post-holiday laundry).

    Michel – totally feel for you on the work kraken. We have an office meeting every Monday morning which is always followed by cakes and pastries so I have had to arrange another meeting straight afterwards to avoid sitting and scoffing with them (and then more than likely going out to buy my own illicit cake stash on lunch break).

    Your work sounds even worse – a constant battlefield. I suppose there is no way you could ask whoever is responsible about switching the doughnuts for fresh fruit salads or at least having some fruit “kebabs” as well as the kraken? I guess it’s a sad indicator of how our society got so far down the obesity epidemic route that managers, who have a duty of care, knowingly provide food that they know is detrimental to health and usually also productivity as a “treat” for their staff! πŸ™

    My good news is that despite ten days in Italy and no fasting (and a gelato a day), I have actually lost another kilo. Lots of exercise (took my step counter and we walked average of 20k a day and then swam the rest of the time) and not being alone (hence no opportunity to secretly binge – closest I got was eating a handful of crisps while boyfriend was brushing his teeth). I wish I could say that those ten days without bingeing – possibly my longest ever! – meant I was now cured but of course I am home alone today and all I can think of is NOW IS MY CHANCE TO BUY ALL THE FOOD AND EAT IT!!!!! But I will think of that hard won kilo (oh, the blisters on my feet) and drink my coffee and try to stay sane.

    Hi Everyone,

    After 3 days of eating constantly (to the point of feeling nauseous, and then absurdly I have to keep eating to stave off the feeling of nausea – anyone else get that??), and the week before that just overeating, I am back on the fasting wagon, so move up you guys! Sounds like a lot of us are in the same place right now.

    Mel – I tend to loose weight on holiday too, I think because I can’t do secret eating or generally just having food around to hoover up. Go figure.

    Just a quick, drop by this morning – happy FD all you Monday fasters!

    Melb, I forgot you were off to Italy! Fantastic job dropping a kilo with gelato and all the other wonderful food. I completely get the “back home let’s eat everything I couldn’t have on the trip” mindset. Hope the transition is kind to you πŸ™‚
    xx jade
    ps should add I’m up 3# due to barbecue and bread. eek – this week as promised I will be logging all.

    Hi binging buddies still looking in on you all – had a family bereavement and have well and truly fallen off the wagon and put on 7lbs – will continue to follow you chaps and maybe try getting back onto 5-2 wagon soon ..

    Hello everyone,
    I am trying a new way of coping with a FD. I miss breakfast as usual on a FD and then today I had lunch which was a delicious beef stew with rice, then at 4 I have had fruit and am now up to 500 calories. The plan is to have nothing else until tomorrow morning.

    So just 5 days of up to my TDEE and then 1 more FD on Thursday. I am curious to see what the result is.

    Hi Fizzy – I did the same after a bereavement (except mine was 20lbs…). I always thought that trauma made me loose weight til I followed the steps in the Normal Eating book and worked out that after the initial shock period when I would stop eating, I then followed this by a massive weight gain.

    OK well today after 3 days of pretty much solid eating I was doing a FD… I was almost shaking and felt so so sick all day. I ate 3 eggs and some plain yoghurt, still shaking and nauseous, so I finally worked out I am basically going cold turkey from all the sugar I have been eating, so I ate a chocolate rice cake and ta-dah, sickness and shakes went. Absolutely terrifying how addicted to sugar my body seems to be, let alone my mind!

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