How often to weigh in?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  HappyNow 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Steve H

    Hi Everyone,

    Gone from 12lb 12 to 12st 1lb in a few months so feeling quite pleased. I fast on Tues and Thurs and usually weigh in on Fridays but couldn’t resist weighing in this morning after my first fasting day and discovered i’d put on just over 2lbs, hoping that it comes off again by Friday but just wondering if its normal to put a few pounds on during the week? Wish i hadn’t of weighed myself mid week now!!

    Your weight can fluctuate several pounds during the course of a single day. Some like to weigh every morning and familiarise themselves with the daily changes and others like me, prefer not to do so. I usually weigh myself no more than once per week on the morning after a fast day. If you are constipated, have eaten well in the past few days, or your body is retaining fluid which it can do after vigorous exercise or with certain medications, you may not see a loss on the scales immediately, and in my experience it is not a regular loss. I’ve lost nearly five stones and some weeks I lost two pounds and others none at all despite not doing anything different.
    I am guessing that your gain is food in transit after three normal days followed by one fast day. Stick to Fridays, why fix it if it aint broken ?

    Thanks Amazon,

    Yeah i do try to limit myself to weighing in only on Fridays but sometimes i give in to temptation, especially if i feel pleased with myself after having a good fasting day with plenty of exercise, automatically think that i must of lost loads when obviously thats not the case!

    Congratulations on losing an amazing 5 stone, that really is something to be very proud of, makes it all worthwhile


    I’m a little bit addicted to weighing myself. If I don’t hide my scales, I will get on them several times a day, but I only record my weight once a week, every monday morning to give me an overall picture of how its going.

    Hi Steve,

    I’m a daily weigher. I lost 30lbs in the first half of 2014 and have maintained that loss subsequently.

    I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer (although obviously I’m right 🙂 ), as every one is different. The attached link is interesting though.

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