Hopefully my last (and permanent) diet

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Tasha14 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi

    I’ve been dieting for about a decade, ever since middle age started to slow me down and my weight started to creep up, but I’ve been unable to stick to it, so I’m hoping the Fast Diet is going to end that. I’ve gravitated towards diets with a scientific basis because they make rational sense, but most of them involve cutting out the foods I love – either permanently, or at least until I’ve reached my target weight. Give up sushi (because white rice) for a year or longer? Give up cake forever? Um, no thanks!

    I found my way to this site after watching the recent BBC series “What’s the Right Diet for You?” on iPlayer. I took the test and discovered – surprise, surprise! – I’m a Constant Craver. I’m hoping that the Fast Diet’s non-fasting days will help me to manage my cravings at work (despite a subsidised cafe in all-too-easy reach!), with weekends given over to fasting and gentle activity. I might introduce a bit of HIT once I’ve lost a bit of weight, but for now I want to focus on getting the eating part right!

    Hi WebmistressMing,

    I have been doing the 5:2 for a year & 3 months with only 2 wks off on my honeymoon and I can tell you it really does work! So far I’ve lost 5 stone with 2 to go 🙂

    My whole attitude to food has changed and am able to make much better food choices plus it’s fits so easy into normal life to make it a diet change for good.

    The best thing about using 5:2 for weight loss is that you can still enjoy the food (or drinks 😉 ) you love but not continuously gain weight. I believe to make the change to be slim is about the mental aspect of food and this diet really helps with that.

    Lots of luck on your life changing journey!

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