Holding Fast – the December 2018 Monthly Challenge

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Holding Fast – the December 2018 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 697 replies, has 50 voices, and was last updated by  Borealis 6 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 698 total)

  • Day 1 North canton OH Healthy Eating Day

    Thanks to a 5 pound whoosh this morning, I am back in maintenance; woo hoo!!

    Starting weight for December 154.8 with a BMI of 23.2, my gola is to see those numbers at the end of the month

    This time, I intend to continue the habits that got me here and nothing silly like all the stuff that I did last year. This WOL works for sure. I plan to stick to basic 5:2, with B@B only if I over indulge. Which I don’t plan to do very often, just not worth the way I feel the morning after. A treat here and there of course, but nothing to excess. LCHF low sugar for sure with lots and lots of water. I have also taken to interval running in the wee hours of the morning and HIIT in the evening, I have been sleeping like a baby since I started that.

    Thank you for hosting @michelinme, hello to all our old friends and a special welcome to all the newbies. You are in a very special place and you will not regret joining.

    Day 1 – Ireland – NFD

    @michelinme Thank you so much for hosting December.
    This will be my second month back on the IF path.
    November went well and I got back into a relatively good rhythm with my fast days (I did manage to lose 5lbs which I hope never to find again 😀) but there is definitely room for improvement…
    I sense December will be a challenge but I will do my very best… but will celebrate too…but will be mindful.
    Posting here on a daily basis keeps me on track and it is great to hear others’ successes and struggles along the way..
    I’ll be ascactive as I can, cycling generally 100km+ per week, playing tennis and hiking when I can.. outdoor exercise is my drug even if the weather is bad..

    Good luck to @dingping and @snowflake for the first fast of the month!
    Onward and downward ⏬

    4th post
    @snowflake56 – 11 rooms that’s some house!
    I’ve always wanted a dog but working life and elderly cats stopped us. Soon to be in a position where we could have one but I’ve started to wonder how much it would stop us being spontaneous – dilemma!

    @missybear – umm Baileys, so easy to have two or more!

    @jaifaim – thanks, all under control here well done on your 5Ib loss.

    The key word this month seems to be ‘mindful’. To enjoy the up and coming festivities without over indulging, that would be a first for me, but seriously going to give it ago, it would be great to start the new year proud of myself rather than disappointed!

    @basyjames – thank goodness for a whoosh, well done!

    2nd Dec – Australia- FD
    I’m so delighted to find this thread. I’m a full time working mum who has successfully lost 6kgs of pregnancy weight on 5.2 before (4 years ago). But now I have hit 50, menopause, lack of exercise, working in the food industry and some family challenges have meant I am struggling to stick to my fast days and seem to be putting on a kilo a month. A million excuses huh!
    I’m 67kgs and am hoping to get back to 62, and have only really had two successful fast days in the last month. I’m not sure how to crack the self control again for fast days so perhaps being in a community and more accountable will help. Reading these forums helped a lot last time. I would love to stop looking like I am 6 months pregnant!
    Looking forward to meeting some fellow travellers.

    Day 1 second post

    Unplanned FD – who knew?! Such a faff today to get myself going and kept putting off eating until I’d done some yoga. Eventually stretched out at 8pm followed by supper of vegan sausages, sweet potato wedges & sprouts – yum, and only 540 calories. That’ll do me 🙂

    Amazingly, despite the fact I’ve baked a fresh loaf I’m not at all tempted – unheard of! I’m going to keep away bc it’ll be so much easier to resist a 2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th slice when it’s not warm and calling my name!

    @bellyblast Here’s my go-to shrub recipe… any soft fruits work well thus far (blackberry, blueberry, elderberry etc)

    Add 500ml white wine/cider vinegar per 350g fruit and leave it to marinade in kilner/tub/jar for a few days, shaking/stirring occasionally. Strain off the liquid thru a sieve lined with muslin, squeeze out the juice and discard the berries. Measure before pouring into a saucepan & add 500g sugar for each 260ml liquid. Simmer for c10 mins, pour into sterilised bottles… try with fizzy or boiling water, in sparkling wine, as a salad dressing, in sauces etc. Enjoy!

    @songbirdme great to be reminded of your journey and successful maintenance in your v busy “retired” life 🙂
    @ciren2 hold fast, we’ve got a space for you when you’re ready x
    @debster251 @ccco your family picture ideas sound wonderful
    @annemarilyn congratulations on losing more than 50lbs – that’s an amzing achievement! 🙂
    @judyjudes well done on sticking with 5:2 during this awful health time. I hope your procedures bring some helpful answers :0
    @missybear good luck with your first December in maintenance
    @basyjames congratulations on your enomrous 5lb whoosh! Clearly you are doing something right to get you right back into maintenance
    @jaifaim well done losing 5lbs in November… here’s to another good month
    @dingping mindful is a great word for December, I’ll hold that one too
    @sunn_beam welcome to the December challenge thread! Many of us find the external accountability & self-discipline of daily posting helps us to keep on track, whether struggling or succeeding. Hope you find it helpful 🙂

    we’re missing several friends…@bert1802 @rainbowsmile I hope that everything is going ok for you x

    It’s past my bedtime already! Hope that the first day has been a hopeful one, Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can – it all counts 🙂

    Day 1, UK, NFD

    New month and new start, and much needed one in my case 🙂 . Hoping to get off the plateau in December 🙂 .

    About myself: I am 51 yrs old female, 5.3ft, 55kg right now. I was 57kg when I started 5:2 in January, so I am definitely a member of our Club Tortoise. I was around 50kg for most of my adult life but I put on over a stone when I had my thyroid removed, 2 years ago. Trying to get back to the weight I was before, the weight that I feel comfortable with. I managed to get to 52.5kg at one point since starting this WOL, but than it all went wrong and I put back on 2.5kg. We carry on, because there is no alternative 🙂

    @judyjudes so sorry to hear you are having all those health issues 🙁 , sending you some healing vibes and a virtual hug 🤗

    @michelinme someone got @jan1110 onto the spreadsheet, it wasn’t me but we work as a team here so someone did :D, welcome @jan1110 🙂

    @tante welcome to the challenge 🙂 . I’m sorry to hear about your loss, dealing with bereavement is hard. You are doing well to come back and start this WOL again 🌹

    @sunn_beam welcome to our community and good luck 🙂

    Its really good to see familiar names carrying on with this WOL and this challenge, supporting each other, as well as the new ones just joining, welcome everyone 🌷

    I hope that our friends who have been absent for a while now are all doing well 🙂 . If you are lurking come and say hello.

    Lets do this together in this challenging month!

    Day 1 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Sorry to check in so late on the first day of the challenge. Actually, I am 6 hours behind the UK time that is always posted to the left under our names, so it is 1820 or 6:20pm, my time. I will try to properly introduce myself tomorrow.

    Weight today is 153.2 lbs (about 69.6 Kg) which is up .2 lbs even after a FD. I think because I ate plenty of vegetables yesterday that is food in transit (FIT) along with the water that fiber does take up into itself.

    Goal for December, as @michelinme has stated for her goals, is to do at least 5 min of yoga and meditation every day. Of course, when I say 5 I know it will easily turn into 10-15 or more, but this way I’m not setting myself up for a failure. I can always, everyday, do 5 min of each.

    I will maintain through birthdays, Christmas parties and Christmas Holiday days hosting family, at 154 lbs or under. That may be too generous. I should try to maintain at 153, but I’m so happy to be at this weight right now that I can live with staying around this number and then getting serious about weight loss after the holidays.

    I will fast 2 days a week at 800 at the most, but, hopefully under 500 both days the majority of the time.

    I will go to the gym at least two days a week. This will be the hardest thing for me. It is so cold and snowy, therefore slippery, where I live and I can no longer go on my long, hilly walks. So, I need to make up for that lack of exercise at the gym. Not the same. But I must. But the weather is also a great incentive to stay in my warm home. I am going to do it this month, if never again!

    I am 24 BMI now. I’ve lost 15 lbs since August 14, and if truth be told, 17 lbs since Aug 1. I’m 5ft 6.5 inches. I have a goal of 150 for now, but looking at 145 for my next goal post. After the Holidays!

    Best of luck to everyone!

    My motto: “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue that counts”. Winston Churchill

    Day 1 Massachusetts USA NFD Well folks, today was a disasterous eating day. I had my granddaughters birthday party so pizza and cake then later a drive through dinner on the way home. I’ll reset tomorrow with a FD- I’ll be home all day so that’ll be easier. 💪My month starts tomorrow!

    Day 2 – Ireland – NFD

    Travelling today so hope to be controlled.

    I added myself to the spreadsheet last night. I don’t always track on the sheet daily but thought it would be useful to add myself so that I can update if I get a chance, I hope I have done this correctly and saved out etc.

    Have a good day everybody!
    Onward and downward ⏬

    Day 2 UK NFD (keeping it mindful)

    1 FD down!

    Seeing family today with a walk in Richmond Park amongst the trees and deer and then lunch out. It will be perfect for OH who’s having exhausting and stressful weeks.

    Aiming to keep it mindful with 16:8 and shared dessert.

    Welcome @sunn_beam.
    Good luck @mogaman and all Sunday fasters

    To all enjoy your day.

    Ta x

    Day 2 -Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Here I am, finally joining the December challenge. Thank you @michelinme for hosting and @shinything fir the spreadsheet. With everything that happened at the end of November (husband snapped his calf muscle and is immobile but recovering…plus stepdaughters passing out parade on Friday from the police force), I have been unable to weigh in. I will update start weight etc tomorrow on the sheet.

    I am 51, female, petite 5’2″, was slim for all my life until I stopped smoking in 2002. Then the weight slowly crept on until my heaviest in April 2013 when I weighed in At 12.5 stone, 175lbs, 80 kilos. I lost a significant amount if weight with the Dukam Diet but could not maintain. I had gone back to 11.5 stone, 160lbs, 73 kilos by Juky 2017, when I discovered the 5:2. It’s been a revelation. I plan to stay here for the rest of my life.

    I am currently plateauing at a 10lb weight gain from August, right now I am around 135lbs, which is a pity as I was 125lbs in August. There have been so many events and distractions and December now to face off. But I will keep on keeping on.

    Last December I lost 6lbs! I will look back over my food diary plus the forum of last year to see what exactly I was doing to achieve a loss in party month 😄

    I will continue with basic 5:2, 16:8 every work day with first meal at lunch, HIIT three times a week, a daily walk, and gentle stretches every other day. I post every morning before work to keep me motivated. Tomorrow will be an FD. Today I will put up the Christmas Tree and welcome the holiday season 🍷

    Just wanted to note that it was a very very proud day on Friday with DH’s middle daughter graduating from the police. Such a momentous occasion. All top dignitaries were there, the leader of our country, police commissioner…….and our two year old granddaughter charmed the photographers and ended up with a photo of her at the side of the parade in one of the newspapers yesterday. Such a great day. DH on crutches so I was the designated driver, but it was wonderful for us all to be there. When they threw their caps into the air after the final speech….I was crying with happiness. ☺️ Life is good.

    Looking forward to the journey with you all.

    Day 2 Wales NFD

    Its a gray uninspiring day and I’m not feeling motivated to get out for a walk which I should as it would probably improve my mood….unless I get soaked. I’m off to Bristol tomorrow to see the vascular surgeon again on Tuesday about my leg veins, not looking forward to that as the rail network in Wales is currently a mess with lots of trains out of service for repair. I won’t do my normal Monday FD tomorrow but I will be careful and keep the calorie count low…..I will be back for my next FD on Thursday.

    Keep on keeping on everyone 🤗

    Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    I have some chocolate-flavoured pure protein powder arriving today. I’m hoping to use it to replace some of my (many) sweet foods that I eat every day and reduce my appetite (HA!). I hardly eat meat or fish, so am probably short on protein anyway. Although I do have plenty of milk and eggs and cheese.

    Earlier this morning I fell out of the doorstep and landed heavily on a nearby “granny-step”(!) careless or what? Fell on my hip and also jarred my recently injected wrist…..and fused lower back! I slipped on the tiled floor trying to stop a wet, muddy dog from entering the kitchen from her walk, before her bath.
    Still feeling battered but no damage done, I hope. Especially as there’ll be no let-up at work this week. I have no day off to make up for having the extra one for the injections last week.

    @basyjames: Congratulations….back to maintenance for you!

    Day 2, London, UK, NFD,

    I missed out on welcoming our newbies this month, so ………………. WELCOME, you’ve really made a great choice to join us, the support is immense and you really, truly start to believe that it’s not just you!!!!!

    Congrats @annemarilyn!!!! that 200club has PERMANENTLY lost a member, next stop 190!!!!

    @snowflake56, we’ve certainly lost a few members over the last couple of months, we haven’t had a special @bert1802 ending for a while!!! Missing @mjrbcd44 too, I hope they all pop in just to say hi.

    @daffodil2010, I’ll be looking back at my most successful month too, and trying to replicate it, although, I’m pretty sure it couldn’t possibly have been a December challenge as it would have been a booze free one, ……………………. So maybe I’ll copy 90% of it!!!

    Let’s get Deadly December started on the right path!!!

    “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!” – Zig Ziglar

    Day 2 London UK NFD
    Just popping in the say hello. FD tomorrow.

    I’m off to Paris next week. Not sure if that’s a good idea, having seen the recent news. It can’t all be in chaos..

    @missybear – let us know how you get on with the leg veins. I have got one varicose vein on the inside of my knee and am going to the doctor this week to see what can be done. I have a feeling nothing on the NHS. I understand it’s not a priority but I’d like to get rid of it. Keep us posted. H

    Day 2 Belfast NFD

    I’m having a rest day today. That’s unusual but OS is walking the dog, so I’m taking the opportunity to do nothing on this damp drizzly day. In fact I haven’t got dressed yet (11am) which is almost unheard of!

    Welcome back @Redrockgirl. Glad you a beat time and congratulations on maintaining. 16:8 is a truly versatile regime when travelling.
    @judyjudes – poor you, and what a weight to find out what’s causing it. I hope you feel better and get the treatment you deserve.
    Hi Tante and welcome. I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. It must be a stressful time for you but well done on taking the bull by the horns before the festivities take a hold. I follow a 16:8 routine but fast 2 days per week with around 500 cals. On the NFDs I eat to my TDEE. A CD for me is kind of half way in between.
    @kerryn73 – your 6Kg is a great achievement and your body is benefitting from all the other health advantages that come with this way of life. Slow and steady wins the prize!
    @bellyblast – here is the link to the shrub web site I used. It’s a completely different method to @michelinme’s but I tried the raspberry and mint one and it’s delicious. I’ll try hers next time.
    @ccco – what a wonderful gift. That’ll be something for him to cherish forever.
    @ciren2 -oh no! More aches and pains to add. I hope you didn’t undo the good achieved by your injections.

    OS tempted me into eating a tube of wine gums yesterday. At least it was only a small one!

    I didn’t come this far only to come this far.
    Happy Sunday everyone

    Day 2 – UK – NFD
    Day 1 – NFD

    A dismal and drizzly weekend up here in Cumbria leading into a bit of over indulgence and a few glasses of 🥂🍷………..

    Thank you @michelinme for hosting the final month of 2018 and I love your starting quote “December has the clarity, the simplicity, and the silence you need for the best FRESH START of your life.” (Vivian Swift, When Wanderers Cease to Roam) – it is very apt for me as it is the month I started maintenance 2 years ago ❤️

    Great to see so many old friends and welcome to new ones @betsylee @ymgiles @lyingplanes @jan1110 @tante @sunn_beam – this is a wonderful forum full of support and no judgement and I for one am so grateful for it as the accountability of checking in here has kept me in maintenance for the past 2 years!!

    A little bit about myself for those new to this WOL – I am a 60 y.o. female, married, with a grown up daughter. Height = 163cm/5ft 4in and I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 – joined the challenges in November 2016 as I had plateaued for around 3 months and reached maintenance in early December 2016 and have been in maintenance 53-55kg/116.8-121.2lbs and a BMI of just over 20 since then!
    Health improvement markers since starting this WOL:-
    1. Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs
    2. Full of energy!
    3. Mental health changes = sleeping well, waking up feeling good in myself and happy with my life☺
    4. My Asthma is controlled to the extent that I no longer use any inhalers either treatment or preventative!
    5. My blood cholesterol has improved so much that currently it is just above normal range

    @beththenew – great to see you back
    @ciren2 – I love that you keep running alongside this 5:2 wagon 🤗
    @redrockgirl302 – how wonderful to get back from that Austrian holiday without any gain – isn’t maintenance wonderful!
    @judyjudes – sending healing vibes your way and hope they find the source of your problems sooner than later 🤗
    @tante – so sorry to hear that you lost your dad recently – remember that “Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday”
    @kerryn73 – staying with these challenges is a great form of accountability – enjoy the visit with your mum
    @missybear – Hold tight to us and you can maintain this December – it certainly is do-able!!
    @daffodil2010 – how lovely for you all including little grand daughter to be there for your DH’s daughter’s graduation from the police 👮‍♀️
    @ciren2 – Ouch poor you – glad to hear it was not too bad a tumble xx

    As others have said we are missing some familiar faces – if you are lurking in the background just pop in to say hello even if you are not joining the challenge – here’s hoping you are all in good health 🤗🤗

    Starting with a FD on Monday and am aiming for 3 x FDs and to stay 🍷free for the week as I am heading down south next Saturday for a week visiting old friends which will involve many lunches and dinners…..etc so need to ensure that I have my maximum wriggle room before I head off 😉

    If I could lose the weight and remain in maintenance then anyone can – The following quote is my personal mantra for this WOL and whenever I stray I remind myself of where I used to be!!

    Day 2 USA (Utah – fly home to Illinois tomorrow) NFD

    Ate more than I should have over the past couple days, but will be back home to my FD routine tomorrow. Hope to catch up with all your stories soon.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 2, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Hello friends,

    Thank you for all the nice welcome back wishes. 😊🥀🌸

    @ciren2: Hope you are ok. That is exactly what I am afraid of- falling.
    Snowing here which is very romantic on this first advent but I have to be extra careful when walking the dog and then walking to the botanical garden for a Christmas market.

    @emmataylor: please be careful in Paris. Unrest, the yellow vest movement, is also very present at many of the tourist sites. Tear gas in the air, cars and other stuff burning, etc. Be alert and vigilant.

    Have a good Sunday everyone! 🌲🌲🌲

    USA Day 2 NFD

    Just popping in to say hi! Today will be a controlled NFD but tomorrow will be my first FD for the week. My new mantra is portion control because I am finding that eliminating certain foods or food groups doesn’t really work for me and probably wouldn’t work for me in maintenance. It just comes more naturally!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 🙂

    Day 2 Canada FD

    First FD of the last month of the year! I am focussed on making it a strong one as I may only get a few in this month.

    Day 2, Sicily, Italy, nfd

    Michelinme please add me to this month s challenge.

    I’m currently enjoying and sampling Sicilian food. I’m trying not to eat too much in between meals.

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Day 3, Australia, FD

    Morning everyone. It’s Monday so it’s a fast day for me. Two weeks left of work and food is planned for today (pumpkin soup for lunch then tuna nicoise for dinner from one of the recipe books). I meant to say I’m 34, this is my third week on 5:2, @ygiles and I are hitting it together.

    Hope everyone in the rest of the world is having a great day 2.

    Day 2 Minnesota, USA NFD

    1:25 pm and heading out for shopping and birthday celebration dinner with family. Looking forward to a good beef steak, a little vino, a baked potato with butter and sour cream, and raspberry bread pudding for dessert. Will do a controlled low carb day tomorrow and then FD on Tuesday and Thursday for sure.

    Welcome to all the new people! What a wonderful decision you’ve made for yourselves to join this group and this “WOL” (way of life)!

    @daffodil2010 What an amazing, perfect day you had! So happy for you!

    Best of luck to everyone and so happy to be on this journey with all of you!

    Day 2 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Yes, as someone mentioned, it’s the 1st Sunday of Advent. The church I attended this morning light the Hope candle and a young family read the reflection with it. I look forward to a phone conference this afternoon with my adult children while we light the 1st candle at each of our homes and do the advent reading together. It’s one of the highlights of the season for us.

    Enjoy the day!

    DAY 2 – UK – NFD

    Quiet day. Weight slightly down.

    Not much to say but sending warm wishes to you all.

    Day 2 UK CD

    Late post bc out all day… I was going to have 16:8 NFD but got stuck on bus at lunchtime and no time to eat my packed lunch before Advent Carols 🙁 Had a banana and the bread and butter, then two vegan sausages on the way home and just finished the salad!

    The worldly delight of my day was going for a bra fitting at my fave lingerie department, with the wonderful woman who’s been fitting me for the last 10 years. I knew I’d be smaller tho expected it to be mostly in the cup size, but no….I couldn’t have been more wrong! I’ve gone down 2 back sizes…..and up 3 cup sizes!!!! I’m feeling wonderfully uplifted and supported, and so comfortable it’s as tho I’m not wearing anything 🙂 Straightaway my top fitted v differently – now oversized and baggy, despite being a mere M

    I’d somehow lost touch with my two Happy Habits… the treats which make me feel amazing , no matter size or shape or clothes or energy or most other Normal day-to-day things. The combination of a haircut and a bra fitting have lifted me up so often in the past, restoring my confidence and comfort…. SO glad I also have a haircut booked for this week too 🙂 I’m beginning to feel like Me again….or New Me (Does anyone else have any Happy Habits or is it just me?)

    SO I’m v cheerful this evening, Despite what is increasingly feeling like ear & throat infection, luckily off to GP this week tho unf not til Thursday when blood test results are back 🙁

    @shinything hope you climb off the plateau this month 🙂
    @northerndawn yay for a 5min yoga & meditation buddy – I’m the same, do 5 and I’ll to 10/15…/45/60, but it’s the getting started that’s key 🙂
    @mogaman hope you had a successful FD today
    @dingping well done getting the FDs off to a good start 🙂 Hope you’ve had a good day in Richmond park – winter day among the trees & deer must be idyllic
    @daffodil2010 what an wonderful day, so glad you were all able to be there and enjoy being proud of your stepdaughter – and GD! Hope DH better soon. Thanks for the idea of checking back to successful December to find out what worked last time round. I also lost 6lbs last December, so it must be possible!

    @missybear good luck for Tuesday’s trains & appt
    @@ciren2 OUCH! Hope you aren’t too sore
    @emma-taylor Paris does look pretty lively at the moment… hope things are OK for your trip
    @debster251 thanks for the shrub recipe link
    @anna6 welcome to December! Hope you’re having a great time in Siciliy
    @flyingplanes great to have a real life 5:2 partner! Hope you have a good FD
    Wonderful to see @borealis on the spreadsheet – hope everything is going well with you x

    Bath and bedtime… working on better bedtime routines & sleep patterns, wake for yoga & meditation. And a FD – v glad to have some company on my first scheduled FD of the month

    Day 3 (Monday) Pocket List – add yourself if you’re fasting – together we are stronger!


    2nd Post

    @at thank you for sharing your inspiring story about your journey. I need to get to where you are and fingers crossed, if I persevere and my low functioning thyroid gets treatment I just might do it.

    Day 1 Massachusetts USA FD @michelinme Thank you, Yes, I had a successful FD today. It was a bit hard in the middle but I got it done and it feels good. We’re off!

    Day 3 – Japan – NFD

    Normally this would be a fast day but I have a family celebration. I have 4 more water fast days left this year but December may be a challenge.

    My hand is healing and I was able to do 105 pushups this morning. My 2019 goal is to get to the point of where I can do a planche. That will also require a leaner body weight so it works well with fasting too! However, right now I’m finding my hands and wrists are quite weak. So I have to build up strength and flexibility.

    Day 2 Ohio, US — NFD
    Day 1 — NFD

    Please count me in for the month!
    @michelinme thanks for hosting this month!
    This last week was so stressful at work, I just holed up for the weekend and mostly slept. The eating wasn’t particularly well-regulated, but the weight seems to be holding level. Definitely my physical energy is at low ebb, but am looking forward to the end of the week.

    Not only is today the start of Advent, but also of Hanukkah. The season of lights has begun. It’s good to remember that we can be light to those around us.

    Hope everyone has a good start to the week!

    Day 3 – Melbourne AUS – FD
    (Day 1 NFD, Day 2 EFSD)

    After a bit of an EFSD yesterday, I’m joining the December challenge fresh with my first post (a bit late to the party I know!!)

    A bit about me, I’m F30, civil engineer, and recently married. I’m 176cm and 68.8kg. I’ve been doing 5:2 for about 13 months now, and have lost about 6-7kg. I’m almost at maintenance (my goal is to be 67-68kg) though after the wedding/honeymoon, and with the Christmas festivities (followed by a week away with the family) I think maintenance isn’t as close as the scales would suggest!

    This month I’m hoping to fast 2 days per week, keep my training up and stay nice and active, not drink during the week (except for the couple of Christmas functions I have on), and enjoy myself events without overdoing it in the food department!! Not to mention keeping the Sunday binge to a minimum (I’ve been so good keeping the day moderate, but yesterday was a free for all….including choc top and maltesers for lunch at the movies…horror!)

    @ciren2 that fall sounds terrible! Hope you have a quick recovery!!
    @flourbaby thanks for the tips on niacin – looks like it could be something that really helps me, I’m going to give it a shot!
    @michelinme you couldn’t be more right about the bra-fitting! My cups are feeling a lot emptier than they should, I should take your advice and go get a fitting!

    Happy fasting everyone!
    Day 3 Pocket List:

    Day 3, NFD

    @dingping yes, the house is quite large, it’s a nice house to live in. We have the same reasons for not having a dog, work and older cats. I had a retriever mix in the seventies, he was great and very protective so I had no problems of letting him out late in the evening. The friend’s dog is a small one, a Cairn terrier, and not a brave one. I don’t like going out in the dark alone, found it difficult and hope I don’t have to do it again.

    @jaifaim well done on the 5lbs loss! Thanks for the mental support on Saturday, it worked!

    @basyjames wow, a 5lbs woosh, you must have been very pleased.

    On Friday we got our Christmas tree, DH put the lights in yesterday, I’m going to do the decorations this morning. Forgot to bake a Christmas cake last week, wanted to do it yesterday but only had 2 eggs. Tomorrow is market day so I can get fresh eggs and bake the cake.

    Have a nice day and good luck to all the Monday fasters!

    Day 3 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Looking forward to today’s FD as usual. This WOL has become a habit so that I KNOW I won’t eat anything until lunch all week, with two if the days being 500 calories and the rest being mindful. It’s from Friday night onwards that it goes pear shaped. Always.

    My DH is recovering super well. He stopped using the crutches yesterday and can walk around the house, up and down the stairs, unaided. He has not gone outside for a walk yet, we plan to do a walk around the green when I get home tonight. He is doing all his exercises, using ice, he needs to recover quickly because……he has a scheduled knee cartilage operation on 20th Dec 😱 Whether that goes ahead or not is fully depending on his recovery from the snapped calf muscle. Currently his bad leg has become his good leg 😄

    Meantime I am running around doing all the chores etc. It’s made me realise how much we work together as a team normally and how much he actually does around the house!!!

    Have a great Monday everyone.

    Day 3 Belfast FD

    Lots of missing bods – do call in nd say hello if you’re lurking!
    @michelinme – here’s to that new woman!
    Have a good day

    Day 3 UK NFD (mindful)

    So pleased and reassured to read that many of you lost weight last December. I’ve started well by being mindful, but it’s a lot of effort, so easy for one mouthful to become an avalanche!

    @daffodil2010 – glad life is good and DH is making good progress fingers crossed the op goes ahead.

    @ciren2 – what rotten luck with your fall, take care.

    @flyingplanes & @ygilis – welcome and how great to have a 5:2 buddy.

    @michelinme – glad you are feeling up lifted!! A haircut normally works for me but then I’ve never had a bra fitting, sounds like I need one!

    @snowflake56 and @michelinme – we went to Bushy Park (another royal hunting park) in Teddington instead equally beautiful with trees and deer and a lovely day.

    @snowflake56 – I would like a jack russell the tall type like Eddy in Fraiser but it is a commitment that’s different to a cat, I’m not sure if we are ready to make it. Get your point about walking in the dark to. Have a friend who got a dog far too quickly after her DH passed away, she’d never owned one before and she regrets it but feels too guilty to re home him now.
    Good luck with the cake making, do you make a rich fruit one that is covered with marzipan and icing, traditional here in U.K. or something different?

    Good luck all Monday Fasters with you in spirit.
    Ta x

    Day 3, London, UK, NFD,

    @debster251, only one thing to say to that ……………………. Nice OS for walking the dog, but Naughty OS for wafting wine gums near you!!!! Doesn’t he know what wine gums do to people like us???!! The 400g box I bought last week proved far too tempting, 1 led to 2, which led to ½ a box!!! Luckily I ‘donated’ the remainder to a colleague who ate what was left in about 20 minutes – perfect hand/mouth coordination!!!!

    @emmataylor, stay safe and enjoy Paris!!!

    @anna6, I feel for you being in Sicily, I love your idea of just sampling Sicilian food!!!! That’s some willpower!!!

    @gretta, good to know there’s another civil engineer on the forum ………………………….. although when I started out 20 years ago, the entry in the Yellow pages under civil engineer used to say ……………….. “see Boring”!!!!!! If you try niacin, start at a low dose as the ‘niacin flush’ takes a bit of getting used to!!! The flush can lead to itching, but the satisfying kind you see bears having up against the nearest tree (you know what I mean?)!!!!

    @daffodil2010, I’m with you on the pitfalls of being at home!! I have mega control whilst at work, OMAD – no problem!!; ‘breakfast’ at 4pm – easy!! Righteously declining the kitchen of goodies – Simple!!!!But from Thursday evening through to Monday night when I’m not working, I can’t tell you how many times I give myself a stern taking to!!! Resistance is futile, so the house MUST remain bare!!!! Hopefully DH bad leg will gain strength by using it a bit more and the go ahead for the op will be a granted!

    Keep the faith people………………………………… “Whatever the problem is, the answer is not in the fridge”

    Dear all,

    Day 3, post 2, same weight on a CD from Holland.

    Nice and busy here with lots of old friends, very sweet things being said to me about my father. I think I’m here to stay, haha!

    I just finished my second session on the rower (6000m at pace 2.17.9 😅) and I was slightly faster than two days ago. That’s good, because not taking snacks last night was very hard!
    Keeping track of all the ingested calories helps, but it is such a depressing chore, don’t you agree? It brings you back where you don’t want to be, i.e. all the stuff you shoukdn’t eat! Hmm.
    @michelinme – Maybe I too should go for a bra fitting? Never heard of such a thing in Holland, but it sounds very intriguing!

    Our country is not yet in x-mas state, but I wish everyone lots of fun with the baking of cakes, steaming of puddings and getting up of trees.

    Have fun! 🌲

    Day 3, UK, FD

    Well no wonder I’m plateauing when I have EFS days often, like yesterday and the day before 😡. This has to stop! Not sure it will this week though, because I’m going to visit my friend on Wednesday for 6 days 😀

    Anyway, today I will do my best 🙂 . Off to work now …..

    Have a good day everyone and stay strong 💪

    Day 3 – Iceland – FD

    Thank you @michelinme, I am so glad to be back in this wonderful company 🙂
    I did try to post a couple of times on Saturday but my posts disappeared right away… I contacted tech and the problem should be solved now.
    I agree completely with @ciren2 that our successful maintainers @at @songbirdme @debster251 @beedoo @snowflake56 @missybear @mogaman and others are really important role models for the rest of us. I also really admire the determination and perseverance of all of you who keep to this WOL for months or years, steadily moving towards your goal. In July, after almost 8 months and 30 kgs, I felt exhausted and fed up with calorie counting and meal planning… not so much the fasting, because I like and mostly really enjoy FDs, it is more the constant thoughts/calculation on food/calories/goals that felt tiresome.

    This famous Zen Buddhist story comes to mind:
    A young but earnest student asked his Zen master how long it would take him to find Zen. “Ten years”, the master said. But, the student persisted, what if he studied very hard? Then 20 years, the master responded.  Surprised, the student asked how long it would take if he worked very, very hard and became the most dedicated student. In that case, 30 years, the master replied.  “But, I do not understand,” said the disappointed student. “Every time that I say I will work harder, you say it will take me longer?” The Master replied ”When you have one eye on the goal, you only have one eye on the path.”

    So, from now on, I am going to relax and enjoy the journey. That I will eventually reach my goal ist just a big bonus!

    Have a great day all and happy fasting!

    Updated Day 3 Pocket List:

    Day 3 Melbourne Aust. FD
    (Day 1 NFD, Day 2 NFD)
    Going okay for my first fast day. To introduce myself, I am F69, way overweight at 85kg (187.4 lb)(on start day) and only 154 cm tall. Used to be 156 cm, but alack, I have shrunk with age, which really makes the BMI look worse. The weight has just slowly crept up over the past 10 years, when I was both studying and working. Completed two master’s degrees and am now doing a doctorate degree. No family except my cat Wilbur, so it keeps me out of mischief!!! 🙂 But, lack of sleep over the long haul has been really detrimental. I retired from work in August to just focus on my study, and decided that for ongoing good health, the weight has to go. Just getting a good night’s sleep each night instead of a few nights up late each week either marking (former teacher of ESL) or studying has done wonders for my self-control. I had no problems with the FD today; long may it continue!
    My goal for December is a loss of 4 kg, with an ultimate aim to be down to 54 kgs. That may be unrealistic, as I don’t think I’ve weighed that since I was 14, but even 60 kgs would be wonderful.
    I noted @michelinme‘s comment about the delight of buying a new bra. I am currently refusing to buy any new clothes in optimism that they would all too soon be too large (nearly wrote too small – not what I intend!). Does that resonate with anyone else??

    Day 3 NC, USA FD

    Just adding myself to the pocket list. First FD of December.

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    day 3 North Canton OH FD

    Busy, busy week for me with a looming deadline. I hope to get caught up on posts when I go for my walk a little later, but wanted to check in.

    have a mindful day folks 🙂

    Day 3 USA (Ut-Illinois) – FD

    Travel day for me, so going to make this a FD. I have several pounds I want to shed from my Thanksgiving ‘vacation’ eating more than I normall do. Our WOL allows for this, and I know what went on quickly will also go off quickly.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 3 – UK – FD

    A much needed FD today – yesterday was an EFS one for no particular reason – just kept eating……….sounds like a few of us had similar weekends – so today is definitely PRESS THAT RESET BUTTON DAY 😇

    The sun has also come out to play after a miserable drizzly and grey weekend so feeling good! Started the day with an early Broga class with OH at 0700hrs!!! Meeting friends for a coffee soon followed by Pilates and then an evening yoga class should keep me focused and on track with the FD.

    So far today it has been a water only day……..will it end up a WFD……..

    @anna6 @dykask @matpi @gretta – nice to you with us for this December Challenge
    @flyingplanes – nice to have a buddy doing this with you @ymgiles
    @northerndawn – was it your birthday? anyway hope you all had a great time – birthday dinner sounded delish 😋
    @michelinme – a good fitting bra does make you feel and look good 😉 Thank you for starting the pocket list and adding me x
    @judyjudes – thank you – good luck with your journey – finding and sticking with this WOL has been the best thing for me – The biggest learning curve I had was to cut down on my portion size – no wonder I had put the weight on ……
    @dykask – if anyone can accomplish that goal you can………looking forward to hearing of your progress
    @daffodil2010 – good to hear that your DH is recovering well – hope he can have his surgery as planned on 20th December x
    @borealis – great to have you back on board with these monthly challenges – without these I’m pretty sure that I would not remain in maintenance…….

    Interesting reading everyone’s views of Christmas – in our house we don’t put up any decorations until the weekend before Christmas – my DD was born on the 10th of December and we always wanted to make sure there was a distinction between her birthday and Christmas. We also like to keep it simple and enjoy a quiet family time 👨‍👩‍👧

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    @bert1802 – where are you?? This time last year you were hosting the December 2017 Challenge………and you gave us this challenge:-
    “So, the challenge I give to you for the month….. is to give yourself something. No need to wrap it and it should not be food! Sometimes, we are so worried about others we forget about ourselves. So, this month, I want each and everyone to get something for themselves as a reminder to take care of yourself. When we love and take care of ourselves, loving and taking care of others is easier!” We are missing you and hope that all is well with you 🤗

    Day 3 UK FD

    Yesterday’s unexpected FD and early night somehow morphed into a late evening bread & butter fest, binge watching netflix until very late. Not the best start to December but I’m hitting reset on my December goals and starting again right now – the only place I can ever start!

    Rest and chores morning, yoga & meditation lunchtime, long afternoon/evening prepping for project meetings tomorrow and catching up on big backlog of emails. Somehow I seem to be slightly swamped with invitations to do things next year – new projects, task groups, workshops – and I’m going to think carefully about priorities and capacity. Just when I wanted to be winding down, resting and reflecting.

    Today is going to be a OMAD 500 calorie fast, tho if it’s going well I may just have soup or indeed water. It’s always a challenge to have a good FD after a carbtastic Sunday evening so I’ve not done myself any favours here – again 🙁 Hopefully I’ll eventually live & learn 🙂

    I enjoyed trying on some tops this morning, finding that everything fits differently with my new bras. Even tops that are now oversized look better, as tho it’s a style choice rather than something I’ve outgrown. I also found some yoga trousers in the bottom of the wardrobe that now fit me, something unimaginable a couple of months ago even tho I weighed the same. I’m the same weight as August but differently-shaped, and now feeling more confident bc good foundations 🙂 Useful reminders that a) every weight plateau simply means my body is prioritising something else eg shape-shifting; b) today’s impossible is tomorrow’s normal; c) the most important changes are in how I perceive, not on the scales


    @matpi welcome to December, and happy Hanukkah 🙂
    @gretta it’s never too late to get going 🙂
    @gretta @dingping @tante yes, bra fitting is a wonderful thing. I’d measured myself using online guidelines and would have ended up with a very different result. If possible, i’d recommend a department store or shop which stocks different brands & styles, otherwise a shop is simply measuring how to fit you into their product rather than what might fit you best
    @daffodil2010 your poor DH and his good/bad legs – Wowsers! here’s hoping he makes a speedy recovery
    @betsylee I didn’t buy new clothes at all to begin with – and hadn’t for a few years. As I gained weight I’d stopped looking at sizes and simply bought stretchy, which then served me well as I began to reverse the trend. Over the last year I’ve bought a couple of stretchy dresses from ebay or charity shops, and one new dress from the sales last Easter. In August I had a few favourite clothes taken in but mostly just given them away, even tho i’m sometimes slow to let them go. Looking at my winter wardrobe I found very little that fitted me from this time last year, so I’ve bought some new basics for the first time – 2 pairs leggings, 2 loose-fitting thick cotton turtle necks, a gilet, 2 pairs of tights and 4 new bras! I’ve also got a couple of jumpers/cardigans from ebay and rediscovered old clothes that now fit me. I’m really happy to live with a smaller wardrobe while my body size/shape is still a work in progress – it feels like my metamorphosis uniform 🙂
    @borealis great to hear from you, welcome back!
    @tante keeping track of calories and a food diary are really helpful habits to build knowledge, and enable us to make wiser choices. I began by weighing and writing everything down and graduall built up better understanding of portions and the effect of different foods on my weight, energy and mood. It’s still a helpful tool to fall back on when progress is slow or I’m feeling stuck; invariably I find my portions have got bigger or treats have become daily routines!

    Goodness, the day is slipping away. Here’s to helpful fasting, and mindful eating to get the week going. Today is a great day to begin doing differently 🙂

    Day 3: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    The protein powder tastes yuk! Maybe it’s the sucralose, or powdery aftertaste I don’t like. Nevertheless I forced two helpings down in a shaker at work this morning. Trouble is; I would normally have had nothing during this time, and I still ate what I normally do when I came home…hmmm
    My wrist hurts a lot, it’s not broken or anything but it’s certainly not happy after falling against it yesterday. Luckily I didn’t spread my hand out, my wrist couldn’t have bent back. I have a follow-up appointment in January for the injections I had, so if there’s no improvement I can speak to the consultant about it.
    Work was busy, and very wet on the deliveries today. Lots of parcels.

    USA Day 3 FD

    My first FD of the week and I can’t believe it is already Dec. 4! Anyway, it’s going well!

    I was reading the posts ab out bra fitting. I wish I had something like that here. I could use it but the one store that did that closed. They said that women would come in for the fitting and then go buy a bra online using their fitting results. They finally decided to close. Oh, well!

    Borealis, I like your Zen comment! 🙂

    Have a great day, everyone! 🙂

    Day 3, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 800 cals

    Will do 20:4 today and eat my meal during this food window. Will be a bit tough after a NFD weekend.

    Walking to the zoo to renew our membership. Then walking my dog in the nature park across the street. After that I will slowly eat my food. There is still naughty stuff in the fridge such as pumpkin kringle and pumpkin cheese cake and of course whipped cream. Have to ignore it and eat an apple and orange instead. I agree that it is so much easier to have a house empty of temptations. But I will resist (hopefully). 😊😊😊

    To all fasters: Have a successful day!😊

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