Hi from Jenny

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  AnnieNZ 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • First day i`m turning over a new leaf hope i can keep going need to lose over 4st 🙂

    Good luck jenny will,I found the Fast Diet quite easy, I hope you will too. I lost 10 kg in 5 months. Like most people I have put on weight over the Christmas holiday. Tomorrow is my first fast day of 2014, I will soon be back to my target of 76kg. You can do it. Keep us posted


    Hi Jenny

    Good luck with the leaf turning. I’m starting tomorrow (oh, doesn’t that sound sooooo familiar?) so, if it helps, we can keep each other honest. 🙂

    Trust your first day went without a hitch. Have you decided on regular fast days?

    I’ve got (I think) close to the same as you to lose. 19kg which is by my reckoning just short of 4 st. But I’m a shortie so that weight looks pretty horrific 🙁

    Never mind the now – let’s focus on how good we’ll look when 2015 rolls in. 🙂

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