Help this newbie!!

This topic contains 25 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  happylc 11 years ago.

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  • Hi all – I’m a newbie to this having only recently been introduced to the documentary and buying the book to read!

    I’m now second week in and want to start a forum thinking if I have to report to someone (even if they don’t know me personally) I’ll feel a little more accountable.

    My first 2 fast days I only managed to get down to 650 cals – I’ve worked out though I’m better off eating veggies than fruit to keep the cals down, at least until I get more in the swing of things. Managed 498 cals for my 3rd fast day and also had a session of 16 hours without food then 14 from last night’s dinner until breakfast.

    Anyone else find themselves going to bed earlier to avoid the food commercials on tv??

    Anyway here goes (eek)! My current stats are as follows:-
    Weight: 89 kg
    Body fat: 48%

    The above is why I’ve not bought scales for a long time – was a shock but makes me more determined!

    Hi Happylc and welcome to the forum. A good thing is to take your measurements too, as if some weeks you don’t lose weight, you may still be getting smaller! It does happen. This forum is very helpful and supportive so you are in the right place. Fast well.

    Hey Happy!

    Sounds like you’re going at this quite healthily and with a good amount of enthusiasm. Keep us informed and you can always use us as a soundboard! We’ll never heckle you for “bad” results, but maybe the feeling of accountability will help! πŸ™‚

    Welcome happylc!
    Very true about being able to eat more veges. Green and white ones are my favourite for being low calorie. And aubergine – possibly my favourite because I love it soooooo much and I can eat lots of it too πŸ˜€ mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach, brocolli and green capsicum are what I use most of, with red capsicum, carrots, onion and garlic too for flavour and the bit of sweetness that I enjoy. Chicken breast, lean pork, light Philadelphia, sweet chilli sauce and chicken broth (7cal per 100ml!!!) are pretty much the only other things I eat on my fast days πŸ™‚
    Happy slimming!! I’ll look forward to following your progress πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Welcome happylc, Don’t worry about the TV food bombardment too much. It’s pretty hard at first, while you’re still dealing with fantom hunger pangs but if you’re anything like me you’ll develope a perverse pleasure in watching food ads/ cookery shows (they always seem to be on on my fast days) and weirdly (since I never really use takeaways) reading through takeaway menus that get put through my door rather than just throwing them in the bin πŸ˜€

    Thanks heaps!! It’s really great to know I’m not doing this alone and there’s people out there that have been through the first stages and know what it’s like – please share your success and failure and we’ll support each other!

    I downloaded an app which is a weight management tracker and contains all sorts of measurements. Have determined to weigh and measure 3 times a week so that I’m getting a good average over non-fast and fast days.

    This is a life change not a rapid weight loss plan so I have to persevere.

    Thanks again! πŸ™‚

    Hi Happylc and welcome!
    This is a great forum – every query you could ever have is covered here somewhere and everyone is so positive and encouraging πŸ™‚
    You may find some people are a bit weird when you tell them about this way of life because they think it sounds extreme so I’d say to you just to tell people you’re being good if they notice you’re not eating. When they start to notice that you’ve lost weight then you can tell them how you’ve done it!
    Don’t panic about going over your cals a little – I often go a bit over but at least it is still a significant reduction. All the best and keep us posted, Claire πŸ™‚

    Ooh don’t forget to post your stats here as well (if you’re ok with that of course, but you already did it in your first post so I’m guessing you’re good πŸ˜‰ ).

    So beginning week 3 I weighed and measure this morning – I’ve lost 3 cms from my neck and 2 cms from my waist but weight was back up 2 kg – seeing as how I weighed myself after a fast day last week this is to be expected.

    On the upside, today’s fast has been heaps easier! Its now been 16 hours since my last meal and am only now feeling like I need to eat. Off for a walk before having some salad & tuna.

    Happy fasting!

    Good results Happy! And yeah which day you weigh on has a huge influence. I tend to weigh in after a fast day because it makes me weigh in lighter πŸ˜‰ Enjoy your walk and the food after!

    Hello!! Just had a second weigh and measure this week (week 3)- been weighing myself daily which is pretty interesting in the way in fluctuates. Anyway starting weight’s not dropped but I’ve reduced 2% body fat to 47% and have lost cms nearly all over which is really motivating.

    Got some really negative reactions from a friend who went all preachy about starvation mode and made me feel stupid – what do you guys say to friends who don’t get it and dump on you?

    “– what do you guys say to friends who don’t get it and dump on you?”

    Smile, walk away and fast.

    How easy is that?

    Well, it does take some practise.


    Congratulations, Happy! You’re smart to take measurements – weight can be really unpredictable, but measurements really tell the tale. I’ve been on the Fast Diet since July and recently reached my goal (lost 20 lbs). Along the way, I hit two weight plateaus (one for almost a month), but during that time my measurements (particularly waist) kept getting smaller. It really kept me on track to realize that I was still making progress even though the scales didn’t show it!

    Regarding how to handle preachy friends, I direct mine to the website, particularly this post, which addresses some of the most common myths: . I also refrained from talking much about the fast diet until I had lost quite a bit of weight – then if someone asked, I told them how I did it. It’s hard to argue with results that are right in front of your eyes!

    Keep going, and good luck!

    How about saying that you just eat less / more carefully for two days in the week, and can eat normally for the other five?
    I’ve only told one friend who is not one to jump on a soap box. The others I just tell that I am on a diet which is actually working for me. Although I’m travelling so don’t have any friends where I am. It’s quite easy to just not talk about it as my fast days never clash with any social engagement!!

    Nice Happy, 2% is great! Just calculate how much fat that is… 2% of your bodyweight lost! You’re probably retaining some water (or building muscle if you also started exercising) so don’t worry about the weight (although it doesn’t sound like you are).

    About those preachy people… just show them in a few months that it works, and they’ll be begging you to teach them! I don’t really have preachy friends, most of my friends are into sports or something themselves and aren’t very judgemental. I do have one friend who, when I fasted a while back, said “Yeah you’re hungry, it’s like 14:00, just EAT something”. He didn’t really understand. Of course this is one of those guys who can eat anything he wants without gaining an ounce πŸ˜‰ Still he is mostly joking about it and doesn’t give me real grief, he wouldn’t dare.

    Hey guys! I lost a fast day last week as we had to travel to attend a relative’s funeral and we had the last weekend of theatre performances (I do sound) so the scales were not nice this morning although the measurements were fairly static.

    How much does water consumption impact? I’m really bad at drinking water (I drink mineral water if I have it) and never drink the recommended 8 glasses.

    Water is very important for your body to get rid of toxins and stuff your body is trying to get rid of. Your body creates “waste” all the time, especially when burning fat and stuff, and it needs to secrete it through urine. So yeah, water is very, very important – I try to drink at least 2 litres a day.
    An idea to drink more water:
    – Have a bottle with you all the time, so on your desk at work, in the kitchen, on the coffee table etc
    – Drink through a straw (this helps you to mindlessly drink more, just set the bottle on your desk and drink whilst reading something)

    I’ve taken your very sage advice Nika – I have a jug of water on my desk which is 1.5 litres and keep topping up a glass – I can see the water going down during the day!. For now I’m just trying to make sure I get through that 1.5L during work hours and anything else is a bonus – did notice I’m thirstier last night tho.

    My sister has started and after only one week has dropped 1.3kg – seeing as how she’s guzzling water I’ve wondered if my lack of weight loss is due to not drinking enough to flush toxins so my body is holding onto fat to store those toxins? I read somewhere that our fat cells store them.

    I was worried I would retain water but the scales were 600gms down from yesterday (although my cms haven’t budged).

    Has anyone else had results with water intake?

    Water intake is very important for weightloss and I can imagine not drinking enough can make the weight loss slower. Some people have no problems when drinking little water, others react differently. It’s all about finding what helps for you!

    I’d say keep drinking the water, and see what it does for your weightloss πŸ™‚

    Sage advice… that’s a first.

    So after just 2 days of drinking at least 2L per day (both non-fast days) I’m amazingly 2.3 kg lighter making me think retained fluids were the cause of my weight fluctuations n no loss. Body fat dropped 1% as well. Will see how it progresses.

    Fast day today! I’ve got to up my exercise on fast days as I read in other threads this is really effective. But scared to get up on the treadmill this morning tho as I’ve woken hungry n tend to get light headed – it’s raining so walking to work might be out. Starting wearing a pedometer again yesterday to try and get to 10,000 steps each day!

    Hiya, happylc!
    Glad to hear that increasing your water intake is helping, I drink a LOT on my fast days and feed days, but sometimes it’s a 100 cups of tea (or the like, lol) and maybe that’s not the best thing to have. (I love sparkling water though, I feel so *virtuous*)

    “what do you guys say to friends who don’t get it and dump on you”
    I read your replies with interest as I haven’t really told anyone yet, myself. I’m hoping someone might say ‘Oh, have you lost a bit of weight?’ I dream about that πŸ™‚ But then the poor soul would probably have the breath crushed out of them whilst I enveloped them in grateful hugs ;D

    All the best with 5:2 and good luck whith your exercise

    Aud x

    Too excited! Have lost a total of 3.2 kg after upping my water intake 3 days ago. Unbelievable.

    Lesson learned last night tho – don’t cook something scrummy for the family on a fast day without better planning for myself.

    Bought some kognac rice/pasta so I can have those as my carbs on fast days – only 12 cals per serve! anyone else tried it?


    congrats!!!!! yipee 4 u πŸ˜€


    i use kelp noodles they r

    2 cup 24 cals

    u can c my experiments may be u can add 2 the comfort
    foods ur recipes

    flax milk which is creamy & makes coffee/tea/eggs/dressing/sauces/quick creamy soups real good 2

    1/4 cup flaxmilk unsweetened 6 cals
    1/2 cup 12 cals

    also u might like this site on forum

    it has helped many go near bottom it is most up 2 date

    everything a newbie/poster might want 2 c, use & read

    hope this helps

    please add ur thoughts 2 help if u would

    take care


    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) πŸ˜€

    happy reversal & nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) & lchf (lowcarbhighfat) πŸ˜€

    Happylc, I sympathize with you…

    My hubby just came back from Europe and still has a pretty bad jetlag, so I decided to cook tonight for the whole family while being on my fast day.

    Totally unfair! It smelled so good…but I was a good girl and did not even try a little bit of it!

    Anyhow congrats on your weight-loss!

    Whoop whoop, great going happy! Sounds like I give sage advice after all πŸ˜€

    Definitely sage advice! Lol.

    Ended up switching days today – it’s the beauty of the 5:2! Coming up to Christmas it’s so handy to be so flexible!

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