HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,290 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  HAY34 2 weeks, 3 days ago.

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  • Hi @Baileysmom

    There are a few of us who gain small amounts after having following a healthy eating pattern/5-2 etc.

    I’d track everything on MyFitPal every day. I also use Fitbit and Weight Diary (for the graphs). Concentrate on the downward trend rather than the micro variations day-2-day. Frustrating I know, not getting ‘rewarded’ by a good result on the scales. I’m sure you’ve heard it before that weight loss isn’t linear but if your graphs trend is downward overall you’re winning 🙂

    Hi All, I am 45 and 13 st, the heaviest I’ve ever been ( except for pregnancy). I hate what I see in the mirror, belly sticks out more than my boobs. I have tried Slimming World, Atkins, Rosemary Connelly, High Fat Low carb, Slim Fast and Harcombe etc… the problem with these diets is you cannot sustain the daily watching, weighing and writing down what you eat all day. I find it a form of mental torture monitoring every day what I can or cannot eat.
    I started this diet just before Xmas drink plenty, eat lots of fruit and veg and exercise every day. So far in week 4 I weigh the same as when I started. I am only sticking to this regime as I cannot face another “diet”. Others on this site do say it takes time….so maybe it should be called The Slow Diet?

    Hi Starbuck
    Welcome! 😀 And a Happy New Year to Everyone.
    I haven’t been on for ages – just too busy! And then too tired in the evenings! And then perhaps just forgot! 😀
    Don’t be disheartened. I was my heaviest at 56 just 2.5yrs ago and I can say this diet works.
    I’ve been on it ever since. I reckoned I had to become diabetic if I carried on the way I was with my love of sugar/sugar addiction!
    But once I emptied the cupboards as I felt I could waste that much food and I gave away things of less value, then I could really get on and learn.
    I lost 2stone over the next year (many lose a stone a month) but I just seem unable to have such marvels!
    But I’ve had maintenance ever since and although I’ve treated myself the last month I know I can lose the few pounds that i have put on. (It is a bit demoralising to have put any weight back on but I ate too much dark choc and had some cream at xmas.)
    But most importanly I eat healthy and I my food. I eat more simply than the books suggest as I have limited budgets.
    eg meat/fish/cheese and whole variety of good proper low carb veg, and eggs at lunch in these freezing cold winter months, but salad in warmer months, and the yog and thaw frozen fruit etc etc.
    I not crave sugar which I never ever thought would or could happen! I still feel that way. I can look at cakes and KNOW I do not need mor want them! Stunned!
    It takes time though. And every person here will tell you that you will plateau but keep going. Hold faith because it works! 😀
    I now don’t ‘think’ too much abotu what I eat because I buy the right foods (big trick) and know roughly the right amounts.
    I take photos of all I eat as I found it easier long term but initially and for about 18mths I kept a food diary. It helped me stay on track.
    I refuse to use most apps as they monitor far far too much of your privacy like ‘fitbit’!
    See this as a ‘Way Of Eating’ WOE, than any diet. Totally agree with youta about diets. I’ve only ever done a few in my whole life.
    I’ve learned more about the right foods and be patient and kind to yourself, it takes time to learn these things. 😀
    Well done for starting before xmas!
    There’s more research now on DNA doen at Kinds College by Sarah Berry with her research on The Predict Study (DNA etc to help show what we individually need to KNOW how we can feed our bodies properly and lose weight)! 😀

    So stick with this it does work. There are variours meal options if you can’t afford or fancy their precise list but it has been carefully balanced. So bare that in mind.
    Also that as you exercise muscle weighs more than fat so do allow for that. Don’t beat yourself up when you are winning but can’t yet see it. I concentrated on my shape and only weight myself every week or 2wks. 😀 Our bodies naturally gain and lose weight on a daily basis so you’re looking for the average which is really hard! 😀 And especially if you look all the time, but that can give you an indication of how it varies! 😀
    There are some great friendly people around here too. 😀

    I’m back here after a few years because I’m desperate to lose weight. I’m taking hormones (Tamoxifen) to stop the recurrence of breast cancer, which I had 5 years ago, and I just can’t seem to lose weight while on this drug. I lose about 2 kgs over 2 weeks, and then my weight just won’t budge. It’s soul destroying. Anyone else having the same problem???

    Hi HAY34 I’m so so sorry to hear of your cancer that’s so sad and must have been an awful experience for you.
    I’ve no expereince with any drugs nor of the Tamoxifen drug so I hope others can help. What has your Dr said about it?
    I do know losing weight is tough and I found that I seem to have to be religious at not eating any more than they suggest. And I’ve had to slightly substitute due to tight budgets but sticking with it as a change to our ‘way of eating’ I know, that works long term, and so a great place to start. 😀 It’s how I got started on this life long venture.
    I no longer miss sugary things or rice (which I’ve loved), pasta or bread (although sourdough is ‘allowed’ and I did induge in a tiny loaf over xmas, but it was ‘nice’ but could have left it! 🙂
    I’m amazed how it’s changed long term how I now think and look upon food. 😀
    I hope that helps a little and I hope others here can help you. 😀 Stick with it though! 😀

    Hi – I’m a newbie to the 5:2. But I’ve seen great results on several people now, all over 50yrs old so am optimistic. I started fasting using an app last Sept but didn’t count calories and didn’t lose anything, disappointing and demoralising. I eventually started doing daily 18hr fasts with a daily eating window of just over 1,300 calories – the weight dropped! It isn’t sustainable to do 18hr daily fasts so I’ve switched to the 5:2. The book is useful as these issues are discussed. I think the answer is in the figures and eating a daily calorie deficit. To work this out use the tracker. I invested in the Nutracheck app on my smartphone which is THE easiest way to track calories and tells you all sorts of useful info about what you’re eating. It also has the the 5:2 so you can track the 500 calories easily on fast days. Hope this is helpful. Don’t give up x

    Hello All – I signed up today for the 5:2, I’ve found that retirement and lockdown equals expanding waistline… that changes! Walking later with a friend with coffee but making today my first fasting day; have dabbled with this before so I don’t think this will be a problem but I have always done this alone which makes it more difficult. This is the first forum of any kind I have commented on, I suppose it’s my way of taking responsibility and sharing this experience… bear with me, my humour will emerge in time.

    Hi Sushu and Lessov
    Well done to you both! 😀 And Welcome! 😀
    I’m not a high contributer here I’m afraid as I do tons of DIY and online work.

    It can be demoralising to see the waist expand (etc) but this is the permanent way to resolve things! Even when I’ve recently added on a few lbs, from too much dark choc and xmas cream, & too large portions, it all adds up over time!
    So I’ve reduced my amounts and being ‘careful’ again for however long it takes. But i enjoy my simpler/cheaper food choices and it does work for me.
    For me it takes me months to see good results but that’s OK. I love milky tea’s but it’ life and it’s a way of eating.
    I can’t believe I no longer crave sugar! Previously unheard of! But that was over 2yrs ago now!
    So enjpoy your journey ! YOU deserve to be how you truly want to be! 😀

    Hi Northrancher and ‘everyone’!

    I started my M Mosley Low blood sugar diet about 2yrs ago – some here have been on it or a worked out ‘the best food program for their needs’ for many many years.
    I did it to get off sugar and lose 2 stone.
    I managed to get 2 stone off but struggle with the last half stone but managed to put back on hald a stone so now losing a stone – again! 😀 But it’s fine.
    Because I know what and how much determination and sheer stubborn-ness it takes it’ll be fine.
    I use not apps or anything than photo my food as a ref to remind me if I’ve been indulgent. But for me my activity varies from DIY to sitting on my laptop. That’s life. I know (as I broke my ankle and it was 18mths before I was truly ‘walking’ with crutched again.) I can lose weight without doing any exercise but obviously it helps in many ways.
    This ‘way if eating’ is totally about finding the proper wayto eat. A proper balance varied diet. Something I thought (haha) that I was on before but only when I got into this did I realise how very far off I was!
    I keep it simple because my budgets are so tight. But it works for the most part. I did know I was beginning to gain as my size was changing and face was ‘fatter’ (my v early indicator) … so I’ve cut right back and I don’t count calories or anything now. I know how much a matchbox size of cheese is. I know I have to cut back to lose the weight. 😀
    I have too sometimes wondered if we ‘weighed our food’ prior to eating would help us appreciate the varied scale ups and downs far better?
    Anyone done that?
    I’m still learning – I definitely do not know it all – or I’d have been better behaved and not gained anything.
    I used to be *the* biggest comfort eater known to man but am no longer… as I didn’t ‘think my body deserved to be punished’ after all it hadn’t done anything wrong and it certainly didn’t make me any happier!
    However these things are based in psychology as is dieting! 😀
    Oh an a recent study shoes the fat in nuts isn’t the ‘same’ fat as was previously thought ! So do not worry about eating nuts (well a handful at most!) so much! 😀

    Hi everyone, I started 5:2 last week and have lost 4lb 🙂
    I have been trying to lose weight for some years now, after the menopause I’ve found the weight creeping on and so difficult to shift. I lose some then it goes back on I’m so fed up with how uncomfortable this extra weight is making me feel I’m determined to lose at least 2 stone.
    I did try this diet a few years ago and didn’t give it enough time, I plateaued after just losing 7lbs.
    This time I found that fasting for 2 days was easier and the rest of the week not needing to count calories. I never really used the forums either last time so will let you all know my progress

    OH. MY. GOODNESS! I am NOT alone!! I am 51 and I lost a few inches and a pound or two the first week, then nothing. Have stayed with it for two months straight at least! I must admit though, on the days I could have what I wanted, I. ate. what. I. wanted! I mean, you read you don’t have to count calories then in this forum you do to a degree. I mean, which is it! Eating what I wanted on non-fasting days is one of the main reasons I wanted to do IF you know? Anyone else agree?!
    Besides, a friend said to me recently and it’s in the other book I read about IF. It’s a life style. So therefore a life style has to be doable for LIFE! If it’s not, you’re not gonna keep it up and the fat will return. I don’t want to do ANYTHING anymore that I can’t do for a life time. Does that make sense?

    Anyway, I thought I was helping because sometimes I didn’t eat my entire window and I would fast even longer the next day. Exercise about 3 times a week for 30 minutes (consistent light to moderate intensity). Use to do a vigorous workout for 30 minutes about 5 times a week. All workouts I included strength training. I saw where one lady mentioned about losing a love one. I have had moments of depression too but that’s got to be the worse! My heart goes out to her. I totally understood what she meant by not wanting to fast when she’s depressed. I’ve had moments of sadness for other reasons and even though it’s nothing like what she’s going through, it’s hard to stick to anything! You just don’t care or at least I don’t!

    Anyway, the book I read about IF was from an author who’s female and the same age I am! So I thought, if she can lose weight on this with little to no physical afford and eating bread everyday, I can do it too. Well, before I started IF, I was doing WW and pretty much cut out bread altogether. I eat carbs but most of the time not. But I would still had dessert nightly.
    The author mentioned that in order to reach her weight
    loss goal, she had to give up sugar until she did. Then, once she reached it, she
    added it back in and has maintained her weight for years and EVEN lost a little more!
    I just figured my fat most be extremely stubborn. I figured since I didn’t have
    problems with vestral fat. You know the hard fat some people have in their gut that
    suppose to be the most dangerous? However, about the most I’ve done is gain 7lbs and
    my clothes fit the same, at least. So, not sure what to say but if someone hear
    finds the answer, please let me know as well.

    This is interesting to read – a combination of reassuring and depressing! I’m only on week three and after a great start of losing 8 pounds I’ve gained 1 back and have spent a week hovering up and down pretty much the same number on the scales- up a pound then down a pound. I have another 2 1/2 stone to lose.
    I have stuck to 500-550 on fast days (and find it no problen) but also calorie count on my app tracker on all days (hoping to be able to stop doing this once I’m in the swing of it). All this is linked to my Garmin watch so have a pretty good idea that I’m def eating around 1800 most other days and well under my TDEE and what the Garmin says I’m burning.
    BUT- I’m starting to wonder how accurate all this tech is… I suspect that being menopausal and having gained weight steadily over the last few years means I really can no longer have my cake and eat it.
    I’m not keen on reducing my normal day intake as I know myself and I know I will not be able to keep this up along with juggling work and family life. So I’m debating adding in some HIIT to help get things moving. Is it really best to do those on fast days or does it really matter. My fast days are also full on work days (deliberately as I’m often too busy to eat anyway) so I would really struggle you add in a HIIT session on those days. What about next morning? Is the timing crucial?
    Good luck all.

    Hi, I am tracking on normal days until I get into the swing of what I can eat without blowing it. I use my fitness pal and while it’s tedious at first I’m hoping that after a month of so doing it I’ll be able to trust the process.

    I debating adding some HIIT exercise along with my usual ones to try and get things moving. I’ve also stalled after a great first two weeks.

    Maybe you ate something salty and it’s lead to water retention? I know how you feel. It’s so frustrating to do fast days and still gain a pound of 2!

    Hi, I have done 5:2 in the past and lost the weight I wanted to.

    However covid and other things (lack of self control) have assisted in me being at my heaviest for a long time. Now I am 58 I am finding the weight loss really slow. So I was relieved to read some of the posts above and will continue to keep going.

    FYI, I don’t eat after 7.00 pm and try not to eat before 1.00 p.m., I count all my calories and on FD I try to just eat 300 calories and 1300 the rest of the time. I also do the fast exercise, as mentally I can do that, as it is only about 6 minutes at home I also go to the gym every other day.

    Keep going everyone, it will eventually come off!!

    Hi all,
    I’m also starting the 5:2 again and am 52 in the throws of the menopause, so appreciate all the comments above.
    HIT is great at burning fat, especially visceral fat but we women of a certain age need to do at least 2 sessions of whole body weight training each week as well as cardio. This can be body weight, weights, kettlebells, machines etc.
    Strength training may even be preferable to HIT training which can increase cortisol, the stress hormone, that tends to increase the laying down of visceral fat. It also plays havoc with my hot flushes!
    We also need to include lots of relaxation/meditation to reduce the stress hormones that seem to run amok during the menopause.
    I’m a personal trainer not a doctor and often perplexed at the lack of info for menopausal women.
    Good luck everyone !!

    Hi Micsampip,

    Aah, the stress hormone, no wonder my body changed so much during covid!! Trying to run a business and keep staff calm completely changed my whole shape!! Although it might have been eating more as well!!!!

    Please can I pick your brain as you are a personal trainer? So when I go to the gym , I have no idea what the machines are called but most of them use weights and then I am supposed to do various amounts of repeats, I tend to spend 20 – 30 minutes at the gym doing these exercises plus a warm up and cool down, do you think this is the right amount? Sorry if it is too vague, I could find out what they are called as I have a printed out routine?

    Thank you in advance

    Hi Dramaqueen6

    I’d say 30 minutes 3/4 times a week would be sufficient if you are
    a. Lifting moderate weight for approx 12/15 reps or
    b. Lifting heavy weights for approx 8/10 reps

    1. after 4/6 weeks you need to change your programme because you will plateau
    2. Your last 2 reps should be difficult, if not increase the weight or reps
    3. Ensure you are training the whole body each week. Eg you might do upper body twice a week and lower twice a week. Or full body each session

    Check you are not exceeding your total daily energy expenditure on your non fasting days. If you exceed on one day, cut down on the next day. It’s all about calories in and expended.

    Actually I just read your previous post and I wonder if your calories (300 fasting, 1300 non fasting) are too low putting your body into the starvation mode. It will slow your metabolism and hold onto fat.

    Use their online calculator to find out what you should be eating. Otherwise your body will breakdown your muscles (lean muscle) to use as energy. So your weight training will be futile. We actually need food but in the right proportions and quantity.

    I hope this helps!

    Hi Micsampip,

    That is so helpful, thank you. My calories should be 1400 and then on FD it should be a 1/4 of that so without my calculator, its about 350. so hopefully Im doing it right.

    I haven’t tried heavy weights!! as it seems tough enough !

    Good luck with it all but definitely fit in lots of mindfulness and relaxation to reduce stress. 🙂

    my wife loses 15 kgs. I am excited!. I am going to tell you about her diet plan with her permission to stay with us. I am excited about his good diet plans and workout. It’s really unbelievable about her 30 days of hard work and consistancy.

    I am 47. I did the 5:2 when I was 39 for about 8 months and lost about 6 kg (from 70 down to 63kg – I am 174cm in height) to the point where I found I was verging on too skinny. I found it really easy after the first few weeks. For some reason, I found it harder to stick to the 6:1 maintenance and gave up and over the last 7 years the weight has crept back on. Covid lockdown did not help! This time around, the weight seems to not want to shift. For the first 4 weeks – no results, or any results disappeared on non-fast days. However, the weight is starting to shift now. I’m noticing my jeans are more comfortable and the scales reflect that I have possibly lost about 1kg in the past week. It remains to be seen if this stays off or not. However, each week I’m finding it easier and easier to fast and I’m getting back in the swing of it. I think it will work, but probably slower now due to my age maybe.

    Dear ladies (and some gentlemen?) of a certain age,

    After a promising start 5 years ago with 16:8, husband and I lost about 10 kg each. His weight stayed off, but sadly mine came back. So now I’ve climbed back on the wagon with a fresh start and keto + 16:8.
    Started on 31-12-22 and today lost already 2,5 kg! Can this be all water? I hope not!
    But the carbsfree lifestyle makes it so much easier to ignore sweets, crisps and biscuits, that I’m very hopeful I will succeed again.

    So wish me luck and I’ll report regularly from Holland.

    Hi there
    I,too, am climbing back on the wagon. I lost 3st, 2 years ago, following a 4:3 routine. The best thing was an increase in my energy levels which encouraged me to start wild swimming and take regular walks. Sadly, I have put 10lbs back on in the last 6 months and have been really struggling to get it back off again. I have started to look back over my food diaries and I am astonished at how much my determination has faltered. My food diaries have proved to be an invaluable source of information and I thoroughly recommend everyone to keep a record like this. So, I’m back on the 4:3 and no calories after 6pm, on my fast days, which gives me a good fifteen hours calorie free. Good luck to us all and happy new year.

    Dear all,

    Update: lost about 3 kg since starting 16:8+keto (not the 800 yet). I’m happy with it. Though eating nuts and peanuts this week did not help…
    I’ll keep you posted. 😄

    Good luck to everyone.

    Congrats, great job Tante! Haven’t been on this site for several years! Glad you are finding what works for you. I faltered on 5-2 and struggled to keep off weight, went to Keto and have stayed the course. I try to stay between 130-135 lbs, (lost the last few by going totally Carnivore) and am now basically back to Keto. Sandwich, it sounds as if you have also found what works for you, everyone should do what is best for their health and whatever makes them feel successful. Good luck going forward ladies!!!!!

    Hello to all LOACA from Canada. Just getting started again, actually, make that restarted, on the 5:2, but may do the 4:3 to kick start my journey this time. I’m a vegetarian so do a lot of tofu, beans and legumes for my proteins. I have about 2 stone to lose. This is day one in the journey. It’s wintertime here with snow on the ground. Be well all, and good luck with your journeys too!

    Hi everyone! I too haven’t posted in several years & wondered where everyone had gone! So glad to see you, soccer grandma:) I’m back to restart 5:2 AGAIN & refresh my memory on what worked best. This WOE has been the best way for me to lose weight & improve my cholesterol numbers. I have 40 lbs to lose this time and just turned 71. I am back walking 30 mins & strength training 2 days a week at the gym wearing a K95 mask. Not easy, but still necessary over the winter months, especially. I was skiing over the holidays (I live in Colorado) and was surprised & relieved my muscles held up! Not something I will repeat, as it’s so much riskier at my age, but it was thrilling and so joyful to be skiing down that gorgeous mountain again. My summer goal is to get back on the tennis court or learn pickle ball! To do that, I need to be down at least 20 lbs. Having a goal helps me stay disciplined. On the 5:2, I will eat LCHF and see how it goes, while tracking what I eat on a free mobile app. Crossing fingers! Be well everyone & stay safe on this journey. Hugs.

    Greetings, not exactly “that age” (I’m 41) and not even perimenopausal yet, but I have PCOS my whole life and I know struggle.

    Although I am relatively young, I notice thing got harder with age. I think my body got more used to accumulating fat and I want to stop and reverse it while I still can.

    Regular fasting which allows black coffee and tea is only thing I have never tried so far.
    I hope I will manage to see some success!

    Hi all I am back on this forum after years away. I did fast diet before and in 2 months my jeans were looser. Since the past holidays and a bout with mild but long lasting Covid, I was eating pizza, chocolate granola, whatever my hearts desired. Now I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been. It was really bothering me psychologically!

    SO rereading Fast Diet and the Fast 800 Diet inspired me! It’s been 2 weeks now.
    I dont weigh but I think/hope I feel some results.

    The 1st week I was not as diligent, the 2nd week was better, and each day I am getting better at it. Including a bit more exercises involving weight, either body weight exercises or light weights ; now I feel like I am in the flow of how to do this again.

    I keep remembering it was at it for 2 months when I could really feel the difference. So….I am optimistic!

    Very inspiring North Rancher!

    Hi. I’m back yet again. Still fat and getting less fit by the day. I’m no longer taking Tamoxifen as I just couldn’t stand it any more. The cancer has come back once again but they’ve used radiotherapy to deal with it this time. No chemo thank goodness. I’m now heavier than I’ve ever been and I just don’t know how to shift it. This is probably just an excuse, but I feel too heavy to exercise – just climbing a flight of stairs gets me out of breath. I feel embarrassed by the way I look and I often leave events early because I don’t want people to see me.
    I still have the the same problem, which is, I lose a couple of kilos, and then nothing for a couple of weeks by which time my self-discipline is at rock bottom and I give up. My weight is very gradually creeping up and I’m now grade 1 obese. What can I do? Can anybody help me? I wish I could get an injection of will-power.

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