Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hi Charlie,
    Sorry to hear about your friends and all the extra stress involved with helping out, I hope everything turns out well in the end for you all. Meeting up with those who haven’t seen you in a while is great when they notice how good you look, it’s a wonderful ego boost, even if it feels a bit embarrassing at the time.

    It seems we’ve missed the worst of the weather, and only received 70 mm last night instead of the forecast 400!
    This morning the sky is clear, with no wind and in the distance the surf is roaring loudly….here’s hoping our beaches aren’t completely washed away.

    As for 5:2, I’m still plateauing at somewhere between 62 and 63 kilos, so I’m fine hanging here until my body decides to let some more go. I reckon it might stay this way for a while unless I up my exercise or choose to fast an extra day. Or maybe, I should just get out some happy music and start dancing around the house again…haven’t done that in quite a while…perhaps I’ll find my old vinyl disco hits of the ’70’s, and give it a whirl for old times sake??!!

    Well done everybody, it’s lovely to read how great you’re doing, especially those whose other halves are joining in too.
    Cheers for now.

    Hi AnneChristine,
    You hit the nail directly on the head with the weed killer that you mentioned. Hence why it’s parent company is trying to stop it being banned overseas. We are not organic, but we are very sparing in the use of chemicals, as we are concerned about not only what we eat, but what we are producing for our customers, as we pride ourselves on producing grass only feed beef, no hormones and no grain, as it makes the beef not as good for you nutritionally. It can also make us put on weight just like when we eat those processed carbs that many of us now avoid.
    IHAW, great to hear from you, be tolerant, you know that it will come off when it is ready, you have already achieved so much. Glad to hear that you missed much of the terrible storms, really feel for those that have suffered from this again.
    Hope everyone has a great week.
    Cheers, Charlie Girl.

    Hi all
    I mustn’t be having as much fun this weekend as the rest of you- just reporting that dipped out of my plateau by 300g after a non-fast day. The 5:2 has fundamentally changed my relationship with food- again today I have only had two meals because I am just not hungry!!

    You are on to something important there AC!

    After a while of doing the 5:2, if you don’t feel hungry you just don’t feel the need to eat. Your stomach shrinks, but also you don’t have the same old habits around food any more. So if a certain food loses its appeal, you choose something more healthy and delicious instead. You also can’t finish big portions, or multiple courses any more, and realise that it’s ok to leave some food on the plate and give the scraps to the chooks- disregarding those unhelpful, ingrained lessons learnt in childhood!

    So keep up the excellent work everyone. It’s good to finally break through the plateau, which I’m planning on attempting this week, I’ll have some help with my 2 new chooks Gigit and Midgit….haha I couldn’t help myself, they had to have rhyming surfer names!

    Cheers and please, please don’t drive through floodwater. We’ve lost too many recently, such a stupid way to die and so needless.

    Hey all! I have missed you! So sorry for being MIA, I had the busiest week last week, we viewed a house on Monday, applied for it and found out we got it that same day! So was busily sorting all the paper work for that, had visitors from interstate stay for a few days, I bought a bike and OH was wrapping things up at work before he finished which was a big job! Excuses, excuses… I have spent my morning reading through 2 pages of your lovely news, where do I start? I hope you are all well, keeping warm and happily going on with 5:2! Intesha well done on your new weight, what fantastic new low for you! CM, so glad you got to meet Charlie’s new babies 🙂 Mum’s thinking she’ll arrange the wedding for November so that’s a good reason for us all to get our A’s into G! Thin, glad you liked the almond and coconut milk! I can’t get it to froth up either but it’ll suffice for me on FD’s too! OH started his new job today, I briefly heard from him and all is going well, thank you. I biked to work today, he gets the car now that he works further away than I do. I am still hovering around that 65kg mark but reaaally hoping to see 64 before I go to NZ next month! OH is ticking along too, last weekend at his hockey game I noticed he looked slimmer running around out there and then lots of others mentioned to me how good he was looking too! We’re both very happy with our weight loss and need to be more patient with our desired results! Beautiful weather here in Melbourne, we’ve been spoilt lately. Hope everyone is happy and healthy 🙂

    Lovely to hear from you Charlie G & IHAW. Please drop in regularly! MK88, lots of exciting changes happening in your lives, congratulations, all the best to you and thanks for reporting in. AC, you’re doing so well. Winter has arrived in Perth, chilly night last night and a cold morning today. How’re you doing CM?

    Hi All. Busy, busy, busy! First time I haven’t had a chance to post on the weekend. Just finished washing up and thought I would quickly say hi. although I’ve just heard Michael Mosley’s voice in the background, must be his weekly SBS programme. Will say hi and bye, just want to see what he’s talking about. CM xx

    I saw that too CM, there was a segment on the plastic bottles & containers.

    Back again. Hi MK88, CharlieG, IHaW, AC, Intesha & Thin. All well here, although managed to spend some hours at the Emergency Dept on weekend. Had the hairy one at a dog show on Sat and I fell in a hole….yeah, yeah, I know….but I hadn’t had anything to drink at that stage…but made up for it later!! Thought I’d broken a bone in my foot, so after an incredibly painful night, I went up there first thing Sunday. Along with half the “undesirables” of Perth who had been out drinking & doing whatever they do overnight, I was finally examined, x-rayed, injected and sent home. Luckily no break (they “think”?!), just a lot of swelling and pain. Anyway, things are improving today…so that’s my excuse. FD for me today. Still really busy, hobbling around. Made a miso soup tonight with lots of things in it, but not sure about cals as I couldn’t be bothered doing all the numbers….just call me slack today. Should be ok though, as I used some Slendier, lots of veg, tofu and a bit of chicken. Will read everyone’s earlier posts in the morning. Just wanted to say hi! Nite. CM xx

    Hi CM, sorry to hear about your ankle. Rest ice compression and elevation on the swollen area will help a lot, so don’t do too much on it in the first few days, give it a chance to heal. If it gets worse, go back for a more thorough assessment, as the ankle is a very complex joint.
    I sadly have to agree with you about emergency wards on the weekends, they really are magnets for every sore and sorry excuse of humankind, and sadly the only place most of these people have to come to get any help. It’s a worrying sign that most of our hospitals have permanent security staff, in order to control those who are unable or unwilling to control themselves.
    Well, on that cheery note, I’ll wish you all a happy and productive week!

    Poor you CM. I hope you make a full and speedy recovery before your cruise which can’t be far off now. I hope the dog show was worth the effort and that the hairy one lived up to your expectations. But really, CM, I don’t feel this is an appropriate way to describe your OH on a forum.

    Most ambulance call-outs at the weekends in Perth are alcohol/drug related. It’s a sad indictment of our culture. When we arrived in Perth, I was shocked to see huge posters in the hospitals reminding patients of a zero tolerance to staff abuse. What? Worked in hospitals all my life overseas and had never encountered physical or verbal abuse, only gratitude.

    I’ve had a blow out this week and the scales are groaning under the strain. I deserved it. One more FD until my weigh-in so I will work hard to make amends. After tonight. Coming your way CM for a uni award ceremony being held at The Esplanade. Canapes being served.

    Hahaha Thin, well done! Sorry about your tumble, CM, I know the feet can take an age to heal. No doubt you know the RICE method – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.

    Wow and well done with the new house, MK. Do you have to sell the old one, or is it a renter? What part of NZ will you be visiting?

    Oh no CM! Ankles bl**dy hurt, I hope you’re ok. Rest up and let it heal so you’re fully recovered for your cruise. Recovery is easier said than done when it requires a lot of sitting on your butt though isn’t it.

    Thin you said what I was thinking hahaha, hope OH placed and got a nice ribbon CM 😉

    Thanks Barata! We are renters so we have given notice at our current apartment and move into an actual house (another rental) at the end of the month. We’ve upgraded and upsized! OH and I head home next month for a week, visiting Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga to see friends and family. It’s going to be a whirl wind trip as per usual but always nice to go home.

    Hi CM.
    Must be something in th name Charlie. I am writing from hospital after damaging my back on the farm over the weekend. Acute pain that has me that I cannot stand or sit. 🙁 Walked for th first time tonight. Hope to be back home on Friday, fingers crossed. Missing not fasting, stay well everyone.
    Cheers Charlie 🙂

    Hi all, I did post earlier today but obviously it got lost in the clouds!!!

    CM and CG sorry to hear about your health issues, hopefully you will both be on your two feet very soon.

    My blow out weekend wasn’t too bad, I can’t eat as much as I used to without feeling sick and was surprised I had only put on 700gms with the wine and food consumption over two days.

    FD nearly over so hopefully tomorrow will show some positive results.

    Good to read everyone’s posts and results.

    Hey there Charlie, wow!
    Hope that your back returns to normal pain-free functioning quickly. Sounds serious if you needed to go to hospital, please take. It easy…..which is easier said than done, I know….but take it easy anyway!

    Maybe our two Charlies do have something special in common, BIG HEARTS and a lovely name!
    Take care, and try not to get into anymore strife, otherwise I might have to jump through the screen and come and help out! And I’m not sure you would enjoy that so much….haha!
    A big hug to both of you xoxo

    Yeowch Charlie G! Sounds serious! How frustrating for you, take this time in hospital as forced rest. You will be better before you know it if you look after yourself. I hope you get to go home before the weekend.

    CM, hows the ankle?

    Nice to hear from you Intesha, it feels quite good not being able to fit a big meal in anymore doesn’t it! Just remember that on days where you may not see the weight loss in the mirror or the scales, you can feel it in the details like that.

    FD for me today, breezed through Monday’s one but woke up today feeling hungry. Think it’s this colder weather! I’ll hold out until lunch time and just savour my coffee. I forgot to weigh myself Tuesday morning after my FD and before eating and getting dressed. It was almost midday by the time I remembered to weigh myself and I’d had breakfast and morning tea by then. 65.2! dammit! I reckon I could have broken through to the 64’s if I’d weighed myself first thing! Ah well, there’s always tomorrow.

    Hi Gang (sorry for the long post…catching up!)
    Happy to report, foot on the mend, swelling has gone down, pain almost gone and back to walking again. Thanks for all the good wishes – they worked! At least “RICE” is useful for something, and I followed all of your instructions too – you’d have been proud. Yes, the hospital was an eye opener….and I wouldn’t have bothered if it hadn’t been for the upcoming holiday.

    CharlieG (aka Gorgeous!) – Oh no! Just read that you’re in hospital. Backs are the worst things to go wrong. Hope you’re getting the best of attention. Wish I could send you my amazing “back man” to help! How many babies did the girls have? Sometimes other more important things get in the way….so being in a “holding pattern” is not a problem. So very sorry to hear about your friends and have just instructed OH to get rid of that weed-killer….hopefully the Refuse Centre will take it.

    AC – Your plateau is gone….that’s such great news. Amazing how we can’t consume the quantities we used to! You must have had lots of rain up there – great for the farm too.

    IHaW – 62/63 sounds pretty good to me, but yeah, get out that disco music, girl…..or maybe The Beach Boys would keep Gidgit & Midget happier!! Just love those names. Jump through the computer screen anytime you like….. Thanks for the hugs!

    Intesha – That blip will come off easily. You enjoyed yourself, and it just shows we can have our cake AND eat it too……because afterwards, we know how what to do.

    Hi MK – We missed you too. Sounds like a busy time for you & OH. Hope it all goes well. It’s all very exciting!

    Now, Thin, do you really think I would call my darling OH, The Hairy One!!??? Although, perhaps it’s sometimes quite appropriate…..a shave & haircut might be in order, me thinks!! Is the award ceremony you’re attending for your talented daughter? Mmmmm, canapés….the cause of all my problems last week! Be warned, but enjoy them anyway…they’re only little! How’s the bike??

    Thanks Barata. Think the RICE did the trick.

    MoM – How’s everything with you.

    Another freezing cold morning here in Perth, but at least it’s beautifully sunny. Had to use the double-doonas for the last few nights. Charlie is feeling the cold too (never known a dog to shiver!) so had to add some extra blankets in his bed too….although he is currently sun-baking by the pool!

    FD for me today. Good luck to everyone else who is fasting as well. I think I’ve caught up with all the news now. Have a really wonderful day. CM xx

    Hi all
    It is still quite warm here- I went to Noosa beach yesterday and it was glorious! Glad you are feeling better CM but awful for you Charlie G- I can sympathise about the back as years ago my back put me out of action for about 6 months- the good news is that 20 years later I still have no problems with it!
    Well I am bragging because I just lost another 800g so now I am 13 kilos down and 7 to go- you all sound pretty slim so I might have to revise my goal weight. I am 168cm tall so was going for 66 kilos which is bmi of 23.4. My bmi is now 25.9 so getting close to getting out of the overweight range- finally!!
    MK my daughter is going to Melbourne tonight and said to her friend- I’ll bring a one pair of shorts in case and her friend said- no really don’t worry about that.
    Have a lovely day all- my whole family has gone full blown paleo so I am playing in the kitchen today- obviously not an FD today.

    AC, I’m visualising Laguna bay at Noosa right now! I miss that place so much. We had a place at Peregian for a long time but had to sell it when we moved to perth. I’ll be back one day!!!
    Congrats on the weight loss…. Wow 13kg – another amazing success story to inspire us! What are you cooking today??
    Does anyone use kefir or do any fermenting at home?
    Have a wonderful day all you wonderful 5:2ers! CM xx

    Great news AC. You’ve done so well. I’d keep your goal weight where it is, you can always set new goals when you arrive at 66kgs.

    Did you make an appearance in the 64s MK88? It’s no fun waking up hungry on a FD is it? Thanks to your almond milk, I can now run on two cups of coffee until about 2pm. Yesterday, I’d only consumed 250 cals including dinner so just had a banana before bed. I’ve had a few over-indulgences this week so I really welcomed that FD with open arms and was happy to have remained the same weight this morning. It’s so great that we can re-set our bodies with those FDs.

    I hope everyone else is warm, well and happy, especially the Charlies.

    CM, I didn’t realise you Perth people got freezing cold weather! I’ve never been to Perth but all I hear is that it’s beautiful and warm. What is kefir? All sounds very healthy!

    AC, well done on your 800g loss! 13kg down is amazing, you have every right to brag! Congratulations. I’m 168cm tall too, I’m aiming for 60kg. Your daughter will most certainly be fine without shorts! It’s beautiful when the suns out but still freezing cold. Paleo AND 5:2? You are a keen bean!

    Thin, didn’t hit the 64 mark this morning sadly, 65.4 which p*ssed me off! My weight has always fluctuated lots and still seems to on 5:2! Could also be the shoddy kmart scales I rely on… So glad you’re enjoying your almond and coconut milk! It’s a good find isn’t it. You always seem to breeze through your FD’s, I’ve never got to the end of the day and only had half my allowance!

    Happy FD to those of you doing so today, I’m making lasagne for 20 hungry hockey boys tonight but I have a feeling that after hours of cooking I’n not going to want a single mouthful… not a bad thing! MK88 xx

    CM I used coconut wraps for the first time at home and they were amazing- paleo friendly with 8 carbs and 60 calories which is totally fine on a non fast day. Made pesto chicken and filled wrap with loads of salad with the chicken- I then used my old waffle iron- because honestly I will never eat one of those gorgeous fluffy things again- to heat the wrap and it worked really well- it was an awesome replacement for bread and a total joy when you haven’t eaten a wrap in a long time- my daughter said it was the best wrap she had ever eaten. Next I am going to work on paleo pizza base which is coconut flour and tapioca- we wouldn’t eat that all the time but great to have a treat that doesnt break our protocol.
    MK it’s more essential than keen! We are on an autoimmune diet developed by a prof of med in US so trying to keep my son happy with the restrictions- we are all feeling better for it!
    How is everyone’s fasting blood glucose? I had mine done after 3 months of fasting and it had dropped from 5 to 4.6 which I was happy with.
    Thin you are thin- I was 60 kilos when I got married so I might see you down there in the early 60’s yet!

    MK88, yes, very cold nights & early mornings in Perth but it warms up as the day progresses. I do find the FDs very easy but I’m trying to think back to whether that was always the case. Now they’re just a part of my life. What’s your FD menu looking like now? I initially relied a lot on low GI foods like oats but usually postpone eating until the afternoon now unless I wake up hungry. You’ve probably read that I use cauliflower soup a lot for a late lunch, it’s very filling, yields 2 cups for only 103 cals and has hardly any ingredients so it’s easy to make anytime. If you’re prepared to spend $6 on a cauliflower. My other FD friends are eggs, bananas, Slendier noodles. And now the coconut & almond milk. Thanks again!

    AC, good news with your blood results; I haven’t had any blood work done since starting 5:2 but look forward to my two-yearly ‘full service’ in January. OH’s blood results are much improved. Coconut seems to come up a lot these days. My brother recommended the oil to me for a process calling ‘pulling’ which is said to whiten your teeth. I’ve been doing it for a few days now. The Indian lady at the checkout said her Mum uses it to put on her face and she uses it as a conditioner. I can tell from what you’ve told us already that you’ll be back to that pre-wedding weight before you know it.

    Glad all’s well with you CM and that the RICE worked. Slendier of course (yet to try that). Funny you should ask, I rode the comfort bike today after doing the standard walk. It’s a funny old clunky thing but I find the upright position more comfortable than my ‘proper’ bike. And the basket was handy to carry the milk home.

    Hi thin
    Good tip about cauliflower soup- I think my regime is a little like yours- only a coffee until about one then usually soup- I will make some cauliflower soup tomorrow- I paid $10 the other week out of desperation- I have been making cauliflower ‘rice’ a cole of times a week- nice healthy but expensive alternative!

    Thin, I had never heard of oil pulling, but now have looked it up, and am tempted to try it. I don’t like my teeth gradually discolouring – too much wine and tea, too many years 🙂

    Hi Barata, you can find the coconut oil in the same section as the Slendier noodles. It’s in solid form which is a bit weird when you first put it in your mouth but it soon turns to liquid form. I think it was about $6 for the jar on sale. I was a bit dubious about it until I saw that it was made by Melrose (I’ve been using their Fish Oil for years with great results) so decided to give it a go. The jury’s still out on its effectiveness but I’m open to anything (too much coffee, red wine in my case). Hard to measure results and it’s not as though anyone will come up to me and say, “wow, your teeth aren’t as yellow as they used to be”.

    AC – $10 for a cauliflower? Good grief. I keep meaning to make cauliflower rice – bay or PVE mentioned this before.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Hi thin and Barata

    i’ ve been ‘pulling’ for some months. Wasn’t aware coconut oil can whiten teeth, but it is really good at cleaning, and it is a great antiseptic and mouthwash.

    I did try putting in in my mouth straight out of the jar, but gagged. I warm it in a pan and spoon it in in liquid form,much more palatable. Be careful to melt, not heat

    You should swish for about 20 minutes. I do it while I shower.

    It’s a bit greasy as a hair conditioner, but great to slap on, leave for a few hours, clingfilm around your head helps, even if it looks odd, then wash out. Great a body moisturiser.

    Really good to cook with too!!!

    Oh I love coconut oil, I use it in all my asian cooking and all my baking now too as the flavour is the best! I comb it through my hair and leave it in as a mask before washing my hair. I rub it into my hands when I’m working with it baking, doing my hair etc and it is lovely 🙂 I tried pulling for a little bit a year or so ago but lost interest. might have to try it again!

    Thin I am more than happy to pay for cauliflower! I spend next to nothing on groceries on our FD’s so I feel I can justify it 😉 I usually hold out on just water and maybe a peppermint tea until lunch time. I’ve been having La Zuppa soup and vege sticks then having a couple of belvita biscuits or the new Yoplait bon apetit yoghurt which is around 106 calories. Dinner has been lean cuisine spag bol which is 291 cals but if i have the time I make something at home which is always lower in cals than the spag bol!

    AC these coconut wraps are intriguing, I’ll have to try them! What a healthy family you have 🙂

    I have done my shopping, and included the coconut oil – $8.99 NZ for 400gm Blue Coconut. Mentioned it to the supermarket assistant who I asked about its whereabouts, and he may well try it too! I’m not sure we get Slendier noodles here.

    Cauliflower on special today at the supermarket’s market day at $2! But not worth it as OH really dislikes it, and son is often away at the moment.

    Must look at coconut wraps, too, as an alternative to flour wraps and tortillas.

    Hi all
    Yes the wonders of coconut. My grandmother is from Samoa so I feel I have a genetic bond with coconuts but I don’t like to have it in everything as my son and I particularly get sick of it. When you toast the wraps and have them filled with something fabulous you can’t taste the coconut.
    Does anyone know how many calories a ‘normal wrap’ has- I’m assuming its similar??
    Fasting today and thanks Thin- just made cauliflower soup which was delicious.
    Have a lovely day
    PS lost another 200g after a non FD- fasting has definitely shifted something for me- enjoying FD today and hoping for results!!

    AC, I have some ‘Normal’ wraps in the freezer (not for me of course) and they are 297 cals for 100gms but a serving size is 71gms. Have not seen coconut wraps but will look out for them. You’re really on a roll, well done!

    MK88, I was thinking if you feel hungry on a FD, perhaps you could try having something with a low GI that would see you through your working day and then have a lower cal dinner? I know it’s hard when you’re working. And it’s odd that I’m offering this advice as I’m actually trying to do what you do, that is, go longer without eating and then have a decent calorie meal for dinner. Just tossing ideas around as I rarely experience hunger on a FD.

    Barata, you don’t mess around do you! Better take Milena’s advice and warm it first. If you can’t be bothered, it doesn’t take long to become liquid in your mouth. I agree Milena, I try and go for 20 mins when no-one else is around. Welcome Milena – what’s your 5:2 story so far?

    Great morning so far – on my walk three dolphins followed me for an hour. And the scales have been kind to me today and are tentatively showing 63.9 again. I’ll try not to sabotage it this time and instead continue the trend further into the 63s.

    Hi thin

    I’ve been a lurker here for months. Been following all your stories, especially as I only sleep a little though the night. I’m in Scotland, tending to a seriously ill cat, and watching the strangest election in my lifetime. I want to emigrate!

    Started in January, 30 lbs loss, only wish we knew about this twenty years ago.

    I’ll keep lurking an make the odd post if I may

    You’re more than welcome, Milena, both to the thread and to emigrate. We take the adventuresome ones down here, descendants of pioneers on this side of the ditch (I’ll let the Aussies answer for themselves 🙂 🙂

    Hi Milena. And it took ‘pulling’ to entice you to post! Congratulations on the 30lb loss, that is an incredible result in just 4 months. Yes, please join us in either context.

    Morning from chilly Perth….brrrrr. Well, another week is almost finished, here’s hoping you all did well.

    CharlieG – Hope you’re back is feeling better and you’re on the mend. Take care – or better yet, make sure someone else takes care of you!

    MK88 – Amazing that when we cook for a party, by the time all the eating is underway, I’m totally over it. Will post about kefir separately & yes, it’s very good for you.

    AC – It all sounds yummo! Those coconut wraps sound great too – do you buy them or make them? Planning to have my bloods done before we go on vacation, so that will be interesting. TEN DOLLARS for a cauliflower, far out, and I thought Perth was expensive!

    Barata – I’ve just checked out that teeth-pulling thing too, cos I’d never heard of it either! Was only at the dentist yesterday and mine need whitening too, but not that keen on the bleach strips the dentist is suggesting.

    So Thin, how white are your toothy-pegs now after 4-5 days of swishing? Someone said that the oil seems to expand in your mouth during the 20 minutes you are meant to “swish” for….and it made them feel like gagging!! Must be all those toxins that it also extracts…..sounds delightful doesn’t it!! You can be our guinea pig, I think. Oh, do you swallow or spit? On a “brighter” subject (no pun), happy to hear you are enjoying your new bike. So, after your walk, you then go for a ride! You, my girl, are going to fade away to a shadow!

    OH hinted he would like me to cook a roast dinner last night, even though it was the last thing I felt like eating with weigh-in today. But, I was a good girl and did it for him anyway. I thought I could resist and just eat a little bit, but no, I couldn’t!! So, with my earlier blow out at the beginning of the week (and last night’s effort) I’m 64.6 which is only up .3 from my PB. So, nothing major that can’t be fixed. Feels like I’m in a plateau, but it’s all totally self-inflicted!! Just have to be good over the weekend….yeah right! Restaurant dinner tonight & Pizza Party for Mother’s Day on Sunday. OMG…help! Have a great day and happy weekend everyone. CM xx

    Hi Milena – Come on Down! Welcome and great to hear from you. What an absolutely amazing result in such a short time. Very motivating. You lot are really turning on an interesting election! Its fascinating. Please drop by anytime – someone’s always around.

    Hey Thin…..Sixty-Threeeees!!!! Yay! I’m lagging behind you again….and for me that is motivation in itself! Not that we have a competition going…..much!
    CM xx

    Ha ha CM, catch me if you can! It won’t be difficult, I’m very ‘up and down’ on my way down. In answer to your other question, you spit it. Up to you I guess. I must admit I wondered if there was a re-cycling opportunity after the pulling – conditioner, maybe? – no that wouldn’t be nice. I’m pleased to hear it has a breath freshening quality as one side effect of fasting is bad breath. There’s only so much parsley one can eat.

    Thank you all do much for the lovely welcome.

    Pleased with my progress, put a lot of it down to seeing how everyone copes. Learned a great deal. Got a long way to go, but now much further than when I started, originally dreaming of 10 stone, now seriously contemplating 8st 12lb, or even lower.

    Still sitting here watching results. Staggered. Put on a bet for the first time ever. Got the number of nationalist seats way out, but the conservatives might just get a majority. The Scottish vote is a vote for independence, no matter how it is dressed up, yet the referendum was a definite no. Go figure!

    Re Teeth Pulling (as opposed to Pulling Teeth!) I guess if you do it in the shower, you could recycle it as a body lotion – even take the time to shave your legs. Those Bali massages use coconut oil and I come back sooooo smooth & slippery. My skin is dry and flaky at the moment with this cold weather. Gets this way every year. Feels like I’ve got dandruff on my legs!! x

    Hi Charliesmum, try it. You might want to rethink the recycling if you do! Lol!

    CM, it’s oil pulling not teeth pulling! 😆

    Oh! But aren’t you doing it for your teeth, Thin!!! Anyway, Pulling Oil sounds funny…

    Milena – I just happen to have a bottle of the stuff in my pantry for asian cooking. Will give it a go in the morning and report!!

    Re: pulling- I was told not to spit it down your sink because the bacteria from your mouth is really toxic- need to spit into garden apparently! I am doing a lot for my health but that squishing in mouth is beyond me- good on you all as it is meant to be great for general health.

    CM they are paleo wraps and I got mine in a paleo cafe but I have looked them up online. Soon I am going to practice paleo vegetable wraps but I wouldn’t attempt these wraps- nice and thin and soft and don’t fall apart

    Thanks thin that makes the money even more worth it knowing they are considerably lower in cals.

    Welcome from me too milena. I worked in Scotland- a long time ago-when I was young and doing the big
    European tour as Australians and NZers love to do- and really enjoyed the people I met there. I only joined the forum a little while ago and it is really great- fun and supportive.

    Oh yes, I forgot to say that my brother did caution me not to spit in the shower or toilet but he said because it would clog the drains. He uses the garden but I just spit into the kitchen waste bin. Isn’t this a lovely topic to end our week? Let us know what you think CM, which brand is yours?

    What’s the calorie count on the coconut wraps AC? (sorry if you’ve already said) and are they found in the health section or with the general wraps/breads?

    Hi all
    Thin the cal count is only 60- totally worth it. There are two brands- one is just called paleo wraps and I will tell you the other when I visit the paleo cafe on Sunday- so exciting to go out for a treat and not break your protocol!!
    I have dived off my plateau so just last another 500g- 72.5 now so I will soon see you girls in the 60’s!!
    Another gorgeous day here- a little cool in morning but warming up.
    Happy Mother’s Day to all for tomorrow!

    That’s a huge difference AC. Good news on the scales, well done. Happy MD to you too. I’ve switched my FD to today in anticipation. We don’t usually go out on M’s Day as it tends to be a zoo but might get a takeaway Thai or Indian.

    MK88, I can report that the almond and coconut milk does freeze OK. Six ice cubes equals 22 cals which yields me enough for two coffees so I give it a big tick.

    Hi, just wanted to let you know that I found cauliflowers for $1.99 each at my local fresh fruit and veg seller at the Tweed shopping centre. Keep an eye out at growers markets for more affordable produce, or if you are really determined, you can always try to grow your own.
    Hope everyone is well, and that Charlie’s back is much improved.

    Hi all
    IHAW lucky you- yes we have put some in the ground but our growers market doesn’t have them- my OH says not many people grow them around here so we might try and fill a hole in the market.
    Just made some fluffy paleo bread that was very good- I need to do some work and spend a bit of time working out the calories- my very grain sensitive son was thrilled to have vegemite on a piece of bread that contained no grains.

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