Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • That’s it time to get a generator. We had bad fires north of Adelaide, I reckon it’s only time before we get some bad ones south
    Hopefully they get some good rainfall soon and can get a hold of it

    Thanks for your advice Lizzy. Sounds sensible. I’m undoing a lifetime of bad habits here. I glance into the trolleys of other shoppers and think I’m doing well compared to what many people load up with, but then it seems even previously considered ‘healthy’ items have to be discarded. One thing I always enjoyed on NF days was my Carmens muesli. Looks and tastes healthy, and being low GI it keeps me full all day long, but that’s another ‘no go’ food. I think PVE mentioned having eggs, spinach, etc for breakfast – funny how items I’d previously have considered an unhealthy option are apparently what I should have been eating all along….no wonder I was the size I was.

    The lightning storms were huge this week. We hadn’t had a big storm since the ‘hail storm of 2010’. A big event in Perth still talked about.

    Purple: what town are your son and family located in or near?

    Between Walpole and Denmark.

    Beautiful spot. Sorry, no insider info on that. OH was sent to Northcliffe.

    Thanks ABC News 24 is giving a bit.

    PVE: I wouldn’t bother with media reports, they often get things wrong. Perhaps get reliable updated info here: http://www.ses-wa.asn.au/aggregator/sources/1
    Apologies to all else for getting off topic.

    Thanks thin. I realise that. When we lived through fires and cyclones in the bush it never hit the news. P

    Hi Thin and Purple,
    As a Vic firie, I feel for you both. After going away in 2003 & 2006 for days at a time, it was brought home to me much more when the 2009 fires burnt our farm. Staying to defend is really a tough gig, I would only do it again if I had OH with me next time, I did it on my own in 2009 because he was in the leadership team that was working out how they would stop it.
    On a fasting note, I am really happy as my weight continues south with more loss this week.
    Thin, on the cous cous, just see what happens, if you are still loosing, then why give it up. Your body will tell you what carbs you can eat. Mine will not tolerate any, hence why I am flying at present.
    Went to doctor today to organise annual blood test. My doc has just come back from two years in Sydney while her hubby began his training to be a doc. She was pleased with my loss, and also commented that she had over a hundred patients in the practice where she was, with many losing more than 20kg to get back to healthy weight ranges.
    So pleased to have a doc who understands. 🙂
    Now for the dreaded bloods next week.

    Enjoy your weekend folks, Charlie

    PS. Purple I hope your family stays safe.

    Thanks girls. They had rain this afternoon so the immediate danger has passed.
    Thin, have you tried corn cous cous? It’s really nice and good for non wheat folk. P

    That’s pretty full on sounding Charlie, home by yourself defending the property. We had one that was approximately 150 metres away and we could feel the warmth of it, but it was NYE and I had hubby and in laws there, so it wasn’t too bad at the time. Don’t know how I would of gone if I was by myself?
    Fast day tomorrow first in a while, I think I’ll write a list of things that need doing so I’m busy all day. I’m looking forward to getting back to it though. Another thing that I’ve found on the lchf wol, is that my chronic back pain has improved, which is to be expected because I’m not having the nasties that can inflame the body, but actually realising that the pain has improved is awesome. Hmmm, wonder how I’m going to go not having codiene.
    Glad to hear there’s been some rain and it’s brought some relief

    PVE: I haven’t tried corn couscous. Glad they had some rain in the area. Charlie: yes, I might ‘weight and see’ if more drastic measures are needed before dumping all my faves! Good luck w/ your fast day Lizzie.

    Hi guys, in the SH but central south island NZ, fresh snow on the tops this morning, another fast day for me so may have to resort to hot soup for lunch to keep warm, it’s so much easier to keep cool I find, haha:-)

    Hi everyone,
    Glad to hear your fire dangers have reduced a bit PVP (your family). I wish all in Perth the best also.
    I had a good fast day on Thursday. No headache. Had oats and some blue berries at midday and a salad of leaves, red onion and capsicium with a dash of balsamic vinegar for lunch. Came home and mowed and a light dinner of meat and lots of veges.
    Scales down to 60.8 (was 59.4) just before Christmas. Measured as well and put on tracker. Measurements were up quite a bit 🙁 .
    Hopefully back on track.
    Have a good Friday and weekend everyone, stay cool and safe.

    Hi Turnabout
    You are on a beautiful part of the world! Enjoy your soup 🙂 PVE

    Morning all!
    Thanks thinatlast, zero food until tea, so I should be getting a lot done today
    Snow in summer hey Turnabout, is that normal for February? Mind you we’ve been having strange weather here too. A couple of weeks ago we went for a drive and it was that cold some people in the hills region had their combustion heaters going, now these next two weeks we’re having a few 35+ days coming up! it’s all mixed up! Enjoy your soup
    Looks like you’re doing well Jane to be able to pretty much maintain your weight over Christmas, good to hear no headaches for your fast day

    Hiya I am also in the SH but from Wellington, NZ. Have been following your thread for the past few weeks with some valuable info being passed on. I started the fasting journey 3 weeks back and so far it seems to be going ok!! Slow and steady. Just need to watch self on the other 5 days

    Hi everyone. Wk 4 and at today’s weigh in we both lost another 1 kg each. Hubby has lost 9 kg so far and I’ve lost 5 kg!!! So happy!! Feeling lighter, less bloated – more energy. We are both noticing our clothes are becoming less tight and it just makes us feel good about ourselves. A great way to go into the weekend. We love our Thursday fast day as we have baked salmon, roasted tomatoes on the vine and green beans – I think it’s in the main book or the recipe book. For ease, we have that every Thursday and really look forward to it. Lovely to hear all your news 🙂

    Welcome, and well done MaryAnne. Keep it up 🙂

    I agree, Aussiechick, I tend to have a set fish based meal on fast nights now. Keeps the thinking about food to a minimum. Definitely keep a close eye on what you choose to eat on other days. Long term, it allows you to make much healthier choices as a matter of habit.

    Have a good weekend (ADFTA) gang Purple

    Hi Lizzy3, no not really, should still be in the top 20’s low 30’s!!! Forecast is for back up to 27’c tomorrow so just a cold front moving up the country or should I say “polar blast”??!! Sure be glad when it’s done it’s dash!! It certainly is a beautiful part of the world, feel very fortunate to be here:-) Have changed the 4:3 to AF so not eating till dinner tonight, find it easier at the moment, but feel so bloated, which I think is connected to the diarrhoea I get after a fast day, might have hard boiled eggs tonight, see if that helps? Not doing a weigh in & measure till Sunday so guess then, all will be revealed! Clothes certainly feel looser, been doing quite a bit of walking and swimming this week, first one on AF!


    Hello I am an interloper from Jojo’s thread, doing a favour for Bayleaf Oz. She requested I post these links on your thread as you are all interested in the effects of sugar! Looks like an interesting film, stuff we all know but a good reminder/refresh. Not spam I promise!


    Thanks, Nama

    I’m an IT klutz. 😉 Thank you for posting the links to That Sugar Film.

    Cheers, Bay

    Thanks for posting guys. I’m glad to see this movie will be shown at the mainstream cinema’s, I’m hoping there will be a lot of buzz about it, that way I won’t have as many people look at me like I have two heads when I tell them that fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar does, and I’ve lost weight by, I think tripled my fat intake, but hubby says doubled. Either way I’m having sooo much more tasty food and I don’t need to count calories anymore because I can now just trust that my body knows what to eat and when to eat.

    Hello! I’m from Melbourne 🙂 My hubby and I are recommencing 5:2 tomorrow. We’ve previously given it a go but it has always come to an abrupt end as soon as we have family come to stay. We don’t have any family visits on the horizon for at least the next 3 months so we’re looking forward to getting into a fasting rhythm 🙂

    From previous attempts I need to remind myself not to overindulge on non-fast days.

    Morning all, I hope we all had a great weekend
    Hi Allure, good luck to you and your hubby hope you find it easy getting back into the swing of things again
    I’m really close to taking to my scales with a hammer this morning. I keep saying to everyone that you can’t go off you’re weighing weight, as it’s not a true indicator, but then I go and hop on the bloody things again arggggggh! My weight is up this morning which I expected after a weekend of over indulging in Bicardi and then discovering how good toast with fresh basil and tomato taste, oh dear! However, the tape measure is down by 2 1/2 cm, I always assume that I might be holding the tape measure a bit tighter than last time, but even so I’ve still lost at least a cm, but the scales say I’m carrying more weight. What they don’t say though is, “well yes, your weight is up this morning, but you did have a lot of bread AND Bicardi Saturday night and as your not use to eating all those carbs your body is now holding extra water and that makes me think you are weighing more, but don’t worry it WILL even itself out again” lol! Honestly, the scales are evil!!! Use a tape measure and measure yourself everyday if you have to just to get use to holding it in the same place and the same tightness. The scales have stopped moving for me, BUT the fat around my belly is still melting away. When will I ever learn ” stay away from the allure of those evil scales” hahaha, probably never!
    Have a great week everyone and happy fasting

    Morning all, just caught up on the posts since my last one. Welcome New Zealanders and those returning to 5:2.

    I checked out the trailer for the sugar movie. Had a laugh at the irony of it being shown in mainstream cinemas. Last time we went to the movies, I was buying our tickets while stuck to sticky drinks spilled all over the floor at the counter area and then walked to the theatre knee-deep in buttered popcorn as people tried to carry their over-flowing, super-sized cartons of loot into the theatre. Inside, it was already littered with chocolate wrappers. This was 10am. I don’t think too many movie houses will be happy to show this movie!

    Lizzie, I’m a fanatical weigher. Woke up this morning to the same weight I was after my fast day last night. Cannot be! Jumped up and down on the scales, stood on one leg, moved the scales around the house, drank a cup of coffee and they still read the same. Went for a 5km walk and now I’m down 600 gms to my personal best. And that’s the weight I’m recording today.

    Please don’t write in to tell me it’s water weight – I know that!

    Hullo all you people from SH. I live in suburban Sydney. My husband and I started 5:2 today. I read the book last week, picked out recipes that we both liked, made a long shopping list, and shopped yesterday. Today we weighed and measured – and shock, horror – we are both NOT in the best shape we could be in.

    We thought we would “go the whole hog” and get blood tests too so we have a base level of health for the start of the program. I hope those results are not as bad as those we could measure ourselves at home this morning!!! I also hope our GP will be okay ordering the tests – we will find out soon – that’s where we are heading right NOW!!!

    Welcome Transcend – you’ve done all the right things to get yourselves off to a great start. All the best with it and let us know how you both get on. Read your profile – and no, it’s never too late to start! Well done.

    Welcome Transcend
    You sound as if you’ve really committed yourself to this brilliant way of life. Good on you. You’ll get lots of support from your cyber mates here.
    Read Michael’s book over and over. Plan well. Toss out foods that are both high cal and tempting (you can reintroduce them when you have reached a healthy goal weight). Work out what that goal is, use the calculator on the homepage to see how much you should eat MAXIMUM on normal days and 1/4 of on fast days. Measure regularly. Weigh often to get an idea of how much your weight fluctuates…this is normal. Drink plenty of water and, when you eat, choose the best you can. It is your body you are feeding, not a waste disposal machine 😉
    Enjoy the wonderful new foods and flavours you will discover on this exciting, empowering adventure.
    I look forward to hearing more. PVE 🙂

    That sounds just like my husband and I thinatlast! Except we also go to the loo, got to the loo again and probably go once more, just incas, hahaha! Oh my goodness they drive me insane!!!
    I can imagine this Sugar Movie being squashed by the so called experts, only because the amount of money the food industry makes. When you consider that most of the inside of the grocery store is full of rubbish and you only really need to stay on the outside of the isles to get what you NEED. Wow, I can’t believe that I’m now one of (those) kind of people now, I normally would of laughed at the idea of not eating processed food and sugar, I mean that’s just for the other people not me. Well now I’ve changed my tune, I’m down in antidepressants and I’ve NEVER been so long without codiene before I feel so pumped these days fingers crossed I’ll be off the antidepressants altogether one day

    Well done Transcend for changing your lifestyle, stick with it it absolutely gets easier fasting. I got my bloods done too because I’ve also changed the way I eat on non fast days and the jury is out as to wether or not what I’m doing is healthy for my body so I hope the bloodwork will be a good indicator

    I’m starting my first starter for sourdough today PVE I’ve been trawling the internet all weekend for info on sour dough so fingers crossed I won’t have too many throw always before I get the hang of it

    Hi Lizzy
    Sourdough is dead easy. I’ve never made a throwaway! Two things from recent experiments. ..mixing in a machine (Kenwood with dough hook, haven’t tried my breadmaker on dough only yet) so it can be a wetter mix than handmixing, and baking in a proper metal bread loaf tin allows a better rise and really crunchy crust.
    Just remember you are dealing with a living organism (natural yeasts) so treat your starter and your mixed doughs with the respect they deserve 😉
    Fasting today, but I know that loaf I made on Saturday is calling me…..I’ll enjoy some more tomorrow. Lucky it keeps so well.
    P 🙂

    Sorry I also wanted to ask if there is anyone here who has hypothyroid? I’ve been trying to get as much info as I can, but just can’t seem to stumble across the right kind of info for my husband. While my waist is reducing his isn’t budging and he needs to get the weight off. I know that one way of eating doesn’t fit all, but he’s done the zone quite a few years ago which is similar to what we’re doing now and the fat just dropped off, his thyroid just doesn’t want to play the game this time and I can see he’s getting frustrated, so if anyone has any advice on what they’ve done to help shift the weight with a slow thyroid it be much appreciated. I’ve told him to go back to the doctor, but I know the dr is just going to say eat low fat no junk food reduce your calories blah, blah. If that worked we wouldn’t of been in this predicament in the first place!

    Hi Thin and Lizzy

    I chuckled away re the scales. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself is my motto! 😉

    Welcome aboard, newbies. This is a great way of living = WOL and many of us have lost a lot of weight through persevering. Just remember you’re changing your way of life, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

    Good to see you’ve measured yourself in many places. My size losses were far more dramatic than my weight loss.

    Drink lots of water, eat lean protein, green vegetables, normal fat, and very low carbs and sugars. Find something physical you like doing, eg, gardening, golf, walking, and try to get outside every day.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Bay, Thin Lizzy! Weren’t they an Irish rock band from the sixties with a hit, “Whiskey In The Jar”. So, hey Lizzy3, you and me are rockin’.

    Well, first week completed on AF and down 2kg!!! absolutely wrapt! I knew i needed to kick start this, been busy too, with some exercise thrown in for good measure!! All the measurements are down too, so good news all round:-):-) great to hear this WOL is spreading so far and wide and is still attracting more and more people. Onwards and downwards…….

    Well done Turnabout. Kee it up. P

    Haha thinatlast sounds good, I wouldn’t mind being a rock chic!
    Great to hear turnabout!
    Thanks for the inspiration PVE hopefully my sourdough isn’t a throwaway too. I’ve just made the starter and I keep looking at it as it’s sitting out for now I don’t know what I expect to happen within a couple of hours, hahaha!
    That’s the same for me Bay, the measurements are reducing quicker than the scales I’ve just hit 10cm in two weeks!!! I think I previously said 10cm, but it was only 8cm, not quite sure how I got that wrong after all I do have enough fingers to count on, haha!
    Feeling excellent at the moment I did a slow jog today only for about 50metres but I don’t want to push the back too much, and I’m looking forward to a fast day tomorrow woohoo!

    Don’t forget to give your starter a name, Lizzy 🙂

    Oh that’s a great idea, it is a living thing after all!

    Yep. Mine’s Charlie!

    Good morning everyone, do you mind if another Kiwi joins the party? I live on the Coromandel, North Island, NZ. Another beautiful day here in paradise and change’s for me as I had my first fast day yesterday, I managed better than I thought I would. The weight and heat have really got to me this summer so I have taken the 5+2 first step. Makes more sense than weighing everything you put in your mouth, this is more about how the body operates and I find it interesting so I’m off on this new journey, slowly but steadily I hope.

    Thank you all for your welcome. And welcome to Wekalegs too. I can’t believe I am welcoming a newbie when I only joined yesterday – ha, ha. We started on the same day, Wekalegs. We both had our first fast day yesterday. I must say I found it easier than what I expected it to be. Now I must find the strength to keep up with it.

    I weighed myself this morning out of curiosity to see if a fast day changed anything – I was 1.2ks lighter than yesterday morning. Yes, I know this will not stay off now I am not fasting today – but I feel it is a good sign.

    Our GP was very happy to order the blood tests for my husband and I. In fact she was overjoyed and very supportive. It turns out she is a great fan of Michael Mosley. We had fasting blood tests done this morning and I am eager to see the state of our “insides” after all the measuring of the “outsides” yesterday.

    Hi Purple,
    When I read that you needed to name the sourdough starter I immediately thought of calling mine Purple, as you inspired me with your posts about it.
    Welcome to all the new fasters, May your journey along this road be very inspirational, as I have found it to be. Weighed this morning with a pleasant surprise to find that I have now removed more than one third of the weight that I plan to. 🙂
    Have a great week everyone.


    Aw shucks, Charlie 🙂
    I named mine Charlie as the original recipe was given to me by a girl on the Maintenance Chatbox. She called her’s Charlie.
    Reminds me of when we had a dog called Peter. The bloke on the next farm was also Peter. “Come here you m******l, Peter” Always went down a treat! P

    Hi Purple,
    My OH has the same name as one of our friends dogs too, so I know that one very well. Hope your bee sting is getting better, yes in also read MC. One day I will join you all there. Charlie.

    Come and visit us Charlie! There’s no entrance exam!
    My foot is fine in the air! Not overly practical though 🙁 Thanks ! P

    Hi SH-ers,
    I had a good fast day yesterday visiting the sales, trying on and buying a couple of smaller dresses yippee, while avoiding the usual food traps in the shopping centre.

    Thanks Nama/Bay for posting That Sugar Film info. I hadn’t heard about it, would love to see it but the nearest it will be shown to me is too far away, 2 hr drive on a work day so I just hope it comes out on DVD or there’s a youtube of it eventually.

    Lizzy, after not doing too well with my first PVE sourdough loaf – my fault for not following the very easy instructions (life got in the way is my excuse) – I’ve kept trying and every loaf has been different and good to eat. I’ve cooked a couple in a pyrex casserole dish, in a borrowed clay baker (schlimmertopf ?), an odd silicone thing that claimed to be a bowl as well as ideal for cooking artisan bread in and the last in two small loaf tins (with a roasting dish over the top and another small tin with water in to add moisture). Next I’ll try cooking my sourdough loaf in a cast iron casserole with lid. The only disappointing thing is my OH doesn’t like the sour taste/smell. Luckily I have a gluten intolerant neighbour who is happy to help out with eating the weekly loaf/loaves.

    Hi there…..new to all this but had seen Michael Mosley’s original doco sometime last year on BBC Knowledge which got me thinking.Then there was a brief piece on TV last Sunday night here in NZ(lifted from an Aussie current affairs show – he must have been there recently)which sparked my interest in the IF diet again.So that night I decided to start it….am mid afternoon on Day Two(doing the two days back to back)and although pretty hungry feel I can do this weekly.It also achieves two AFDs a week which I needed to start doing anyway! According to the scales I dropped 2kgs in 24 hours so it will be interesting to see what they say in the morning.The real test will be not to binge on the other 5 days me thinks…..

    Well done with the new dresses VM !!!
    I’m pleased you’re experimenting with the bread. To reduce the strong sourdough taste, try different flours, add more seeds or don’t rise it quite as long.
    Happy baking. P 🙂

    Well I thinks he’s just being fussy! I don’t think the sourdough taste is strong, it adds an interesting dimension and the guinea pig is quite happy with it. I’d love to try different flours, might get a chance to shop in the bright lights when we have a 5 hour each way trip to a family funeral on Thursday. Or I might not … so in the meantime I’ll try out the organic spelt I bought yesterday at Coles and keep milling my own homegrown wheat in the coffee grinder for a totally unique taste 🙂

    I’d trust the guinea pig; ) VM
    You are a girl after my own heart. I used to get kids at school to sprout wheat, we didn’t grow it to harvest, but I bought some sheafs for them to see, then let them compare hand grinding on a stone with a smaller stone or in a coffee grinder. Then we made our own bread. They loved it. P

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