Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Good morning everyone from rain, rain, rainy Melbourne,

    Oh dear Neil, hello to that 1 kilo again.
    Keep on keeping on. Those evening indulgences may well be the problem, so all power to you avoiding them.

    I might just set up a new forum to rival 5:2 on my completely unresearched light bulb of an idea based on personal experience (what could go wrong?). It is because after nearly a year of eating small meals that don’t stretch my stomach, and trying to be philosophical about the fact that I might never feel satisfied after a meal, something readjusted in my stomach – brain messaging and now my small ‘no bigger than my fisted hand’ sized meals satisfy me and if I eat more I feel so uncomfortably full.

    So what if that is the thing that would stop people from putting back the weight they have lost? What if the stomach has to spend a year without being stretched and then it reprograms the brain? I could make millions (seeing how people just love a solution that takes a year to work šŸ˜‰ ).

    Ofcourse, still struggling with my predilection to comfort eat and just want more. And evening are the trickiest.

    Gday, what a wonderful trip to Adelaide! I hope that fast is going well… gone well? and you are feeling fantastic.

    Thin, I am also glad you survived Storm Bert easily, some places got such terrible damage. And yay for getting back to your favourite 5:2… 6:1 routine.

    Anzac woohoo! Thanks for popping in. Oh what wonderful sights! You can try my ‘one year of never feeling satisfied’ diet when you get home! I need some guinea pigs šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€

    Oh well, I have had my coffee. I will enjoy the feeling of being satisfied and go and get things done.

    Best wishes to everyone.

    Anzac, are you on a Viking cruise? I had a look last evening, whoa, not cheap but more or less what I expected. When I took it a a stage further, I found that all their 2024 sailing dates are booked out. I was hoping to squeeze in a last minute 14 day cruise before we start our Christmas pet-sitting gig. How was the shower on the Emirates flight?

    Neil, drat, keep trying. I had a blow out last night. A gentleman that lives in the village here whom we met a year ago kindly invited us to his cottage for a meal. It was the first time in years that I ate two platefuls of food – what an idiot. Followed by dessert. We’d already had pre-dinner drinks and hors d’oeuvres on board when he collected us. I felt utterly sick when we got back and couldn’t sleep. Up 600g. Today is a very welcome FD.

    6 days after arriving back home from Adelaide last week and Iā€™ve dropped 0.9kg so very happy indeed. My fast on Tuesday wasnā€™t as long as planned, only 38 hours but still a good amount of time.

    Cinque, your post wasn’t there when I posted mine above. We have to work hard at changing long-held food habits, don’t we?

    I’ve just watched the doco, “Irresistible: Why We Can’t Stop Eating” with your pal Chris van Tulleken. A fascinating look inside the ultra-processed food industry. Much of it we’ve already discussed on these pages, such as the perfect bliss point with fat:sugar ratios, but also some revelations from people who formerly worked in the industry and now want to blow the lid on it.

    I didn’t know that, when the cover was finally blown on nicotine addiction, the tobacco industry turned to food manufacturing so as to continue its control over people’s addictions. Or that, instead of ‘testers’ being asked to subjectively rate sample foods, they’re now tube fed various trial foods so their frontal cortex can be evaluated under MRI to objectively determine the perfect combinations. Or that the very process of creating meals under factory conditions makes the food soft. No need to chew so it’s eaten quickly and in much greater quantity. Food manufacturers are competing for our ‘stomach time’.

    What I didn’t agree with was Dr T’s ‘fear of offending’ stance that the consumer bears little or no responsibility for what they put in their mouths. The food manufacturers are a disgrace as are the regulators but we can’t blame the government while mainlining chips and getting a guy on a motorbike to deliver our fast food.

    Cheers to everyone for cooking healthy meals, eating mostly plants and small portions.

    Hello old friends. Yes, here I am back again. Life’s been a bit hard but I thought it was time to shake myself off and get back into the things that are both enjoyable and important. OH is still doing okay after some life-threatening incidents. But he has come through again (Lazarus with a triple bypass, is the expression I think we credit to Paul Keating). I have had some reactions to it all, but am okay.
    I am not going to go back and read all your posts for now – I just wanted to reconnect.
    Hope you are all well and happy.

    Day after FD, very happy with the results of my month’s return to 5:2. Back in the 59s.

    Welcome back Lindsay, sorry to hear that you’ve had a difficult time. Consider yourself reconnected.

    Morning all, and good to see you again Lindsay

    Well that last kilo is being bloody stubborn, still hanging around where it’s not wanted. I have been able to get out riding a bit more this week than I have been over November, so that is a positive.

    Congrats on the losses Thin and Gday.

    Well, back to the grind, I hope everyone is well.

    Morning all. My FD yesterday didn’t disappoint. Nice to be back in the swing. Early days, but on the path.
    I’m feeling virtuous because I’ve just come from the supermarket, and apart from OH’s seaweed crackers, it’s mostly vegetables, cleaning stuff (and two bars of good dark chocolate …which will last over a week if the grandkids don’t find it).
    We are eating a lot more meat these days – well, more often, rather than more. His appetite has to be tweaked now…he’s dropped from 76 kilos to 67, after the hospital stuff last year. He has his bloods done every fortnight before his immunotherapy, and has to keep those red cells fed. So I went online to a butcher which delivers organic meet. Half a beast is quite daunting, but it’s prepackaged so slips easily into the freezer.
    Even when I was quite overweight I was never one to eat fast food. Too much food, certainly, but mostly good. We were overnighting in a small country town recently and went looking for a restaurant. And all we could find were the usual MacDonalds, Hungry Jacks, Pizza Hut and KFC. No wonder people struggle.
    OK random thoughts over (again). Back in a day or two and in the meantime will try to catch up.

    Morning Neil. Our messages crossed. “the last kilo??”. Does that mean you are back to your fighting self? Last time I was on the site…a long time, admittedly…. you were still struggling to shift some weight you’d put on. Congratulations.

    Hi Lindsay, unfortunately no,

    I was moving in the right direction, and had lost around 7-8 kilos, then I had a disastrous week where my car broke down on my way to a big bike ride I had booked. I had to shell out to fix my car, cancel all my accommodation, half of which I didn’t get a refund on because it was too close to my booking date, and I went on a bit of a bender, gained back 4 of the 7-8 kilos I had lost in a week, and it’s taken me a month to drop those 4 kilos again. I’ve dropped 3 of the 4 kilos I gained back, but the last kilo is being stubborn. I’m still around 20 kilos above where I want to be.

    Writing quickly before I head over to my daughter’s to babysit.

    Hello everyone!

    Hello Lindsay! All power to you getting back into 5:2 and feeling good on it.
    Big congratulations to you getting through rough times, and big cheers to Mr Lindsay too!
    Lovely to have lots of veggies and wonderful organic meat.

    Thin, woot for the 59’s!

    Gday, woot on nearly a kilo gone.

    Neil, I hope your kilo goes this week!

    So interesting to hear about that documentary Thin. I have been thinking so much about your issue re personal responsibility. It is true that is part of it, but we are such social creatures.
    I’ve been thinking how, in my suburban childhood, half the population grew up with no responsibility for feeding anyone (men) and the others (women) had a daunting task that they tried to make as easy, quick and inexpensive as they could. And since then we have had big business flooding us with what they have called easy, healthy, inexpensive and what the family would love to eat.
    It takes a lot of hard work and research, and skill and experience to swim against that tide!

    I’m doing the best I can though! I have my freezer packed with lovely home made ready meals at the moment. I do need to finish up the remaining veg in the fridge, so hopefully I can organise that well.

    It has been so hot here, I have already worn more summer dresses than I did over the last couple of summers combined. (I can only wear sandals on very hot days as I suffer from cold feet).

    Sending out lots of best wishes

    Hello all. Thin I have Dr Chrisā€™ book from which the documentary you watched is based off. Interesting reading. While I agree in part that it is personal responsibility it has to be acknowledged that since the onslaught of UPF in the late 70s we have come to a point now where there are several generations in families who live off UPF because that is all that they know. Some families have been bought up on nothing but UPF, the parents and grandparents never cooking food from scratch, passed down through several generations. People only know what they are taught and sadly for some cooking real food is an unknown to them.

    Itā€™s so hot, yesterday just under 40 degrees and today it reached 44.9 under my back verandah at 2pm. Itā€™s 6pm now and weā€™re currently sitting at 43.2. Tomorrow is looking the same. Not looking forward to the electricity bill, with the main aircon on all day and both bedroom ones on all night. Oh where is that winning lotto ticket so I can move.

    Will use the last of my salad veg tomorrow and then fast over the weekend before I shop again on Tuesday to restock.

    Hello all. Sunday morning here, started fasting from 7pm last night and hoping to go through until Tuesday morning. The heatwave is over thank goodness and now we have wind which by the forecast will persist for the entire week.

    Ive been feeling very unmotivated in the last week and seem to have lost my mojo both mentally and physically, I just donā€™t have the energy for anything. I hate not getting things done. Tomorrow, regardless of how I feel I will push myself to get out in the yard and do some chores. Tuesday we go into town for an appointment for Miss Gday, do food shopping etc and for the rest of the week I plan to continue with outside chores given the temps will be in the low 30s so I need to make the most of the cooler weather, despite the wind.

    Time to hang out the washing and make another cuppa

    Have a good fast Gday. Don’t get dehydrated! I hope you are not coming down with something.

    I’ve been pretty good. I’ve done a bit of gardening; planting basil, spinach and some Asian greens with all the shoveling compost, watering and mulching needed.
    After some hot humid weather we have lovely days. No horrible wind luckily, I hope yours dies down Gday.

    Sending out good wishes

    FD for me. I so enjoyed watching my weight drop during November that I’ve continued 5:2 into December. Happily nudging 60kg instead of 61kg by the time the FD arrives.

    We’ve had 56mph winds all weekend. We tied our boat to our neighbours’ with whom we share a stub pontoon. The basin here is relatively sheltered. Some parts of the country endured 93mph wind yesterday. Many of the boats now have their Christmas lights up and there are trees and lights in the windows of the canal warehouse converted apartments surrounding the basin. There are Christmas markets in the town. It never quite seemed like Christmas when it was 42C although DDDD (dinky-di DD) has a different view.

    Cinque, GDSA, I respect your views on the obesity pandemic. I understand the complex underlying issues. And I’ve been a fat person. We don’t glorify other addictions. Unfortunately, we are now at a point where society has normalised obesity. Here, we have ads for deodorants and sanitary products where morbidly obese women are proudly portrayed as beautiful. It’s not beautiful; it’s unhealthy, life-threatening and comes at a huge personal and societal cost. Placing blame solely on governments/food manufacturers disincentivises personal change and ensures the status quo. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7025495/

    I think it will be interesting to learn whether Trump’s appointment of Kennedy to rattle the FDA has any effect in America. Trump is the only President in US history to leave office with less money than he arrived with. He is not for sale. Bad luck for the mighty food manufacturing lobbyists.

    As you know, I don’t do political correctness or woke. Adult issues require adult conversations and some people may get offended. So what?

    Waving Thin, we are in the same country again! We just spent 5 days in manic London and are now in beautiful Bath and loving the quieter pace

    Hope everyone is ok, will try to find time to post properly soon. I don’t like to spend time on the phone as Mr A is not a social media person

    Welcome to England Anzac, I hope you’re having a fabulous time in Bath. It sounds like you just missed the brunt of the storm and high winds in the SW – although it would have been wet and windy in London too.

    Morning all

    I can’t seem to catch a break at the moment. I was off sick most of last week, I’m still feeling crap in the morning and evenings, but ok during the day. It annoys me, because I set myself a whole lot of cycling goals to try and get back into the swing of things, but it doesn’t look like I’m going to hit any of them. I’ll try to do a bit in the evenings now that it’s a lot lighter.

    So sorry you have been sick Neil, I hope you feel better soon

    Thin the weather in London was quite ok when we arrived but when the storm hit it was diabolical. So cold and wet and blowing a gale. Bath is beautiful but we are off to Edinburgh tomorrow

    Morning all.

    Well my weight went up this week rather than down, it was up around 2 kilograms. I’m assuming it must be fluid retention, because I’ve hardly eaten anything this week. I never really feel like eating when I’m sick, but I do drink a lot of water. I’m starting to feel a little better, but it’s a slow recovery this time around. Sorry you’ve had some bad weather Anzac, we’ve had the opposite (which is understandable since we’re on the opposite side of the globe. We’ve had really warm weather (well warm for Dunedin anyway) we’ve been getting temperatures in the mid 20s, even almost getting to 30 on Sunday.

    Well, I hope everyone else is good, I’ll just have to keep on trucking, and hope that things get better this week. At least I only have another week left of work after this one, and then I’m on leave for 3 weeks over the Christmas/New Years period.

    Morning all. Neil that’s tough your weight is up. But fluid disappears, so hoping for a good loss when you’re recovered. Our weather has been crackers. 36 on Sunday, which was hideous. Then rain yesterday, which started just after we took the dogs to the beach…we were so chilly when we got back that OH put on a track suit. DD says there was 85 mm in Brisbane overnight.

    Your trip sounds wonderful Anzac – hope you find Edinburgh sunny. I love those crisp winter days when the sun is shining. And such lovely architecture. Quite different from Bath’s, but lovely.

    Thin I wonder if Elon Musk was told Trump’s not for sale? šŸ™‚ Kennedy’s appointment, if it goes through, will be interesting to watch. He seems to have such a mixed bag of beliefs. His policies on ultraprocessed food could make a huge difference – but then there’s the other stuff…vaccines, fluoride. Wait and see, I guess.

    Gday I think you are so right about how fast easy food has crept into society. Personal responsibility must take a part …but how can you take responsibility if all you have ever known is packaged convenience foods, served up as healthy?

    I bought baby cereal to wean Rosy’s puppies, and was horrified at the ingredients in this ‘healthy’ product. Bellamy’s organic cereal – oats and corn as the main ingredient, and pear juice as the second. Training babies for a sweet tooth from the get go. Nestles rice cereal…rice first, and maltodextrin second. And many mother would read it is organic, and therefore healthy, and think they were doing the best they possibly could. (and no, I didn’t give it to the puppies when I read the ingredients list at home).

    Cinque how are you going? As always, lovely to read your posts. I wonder if things have changed much in the generations? I suspect most of the shopping/cooking is till done by women.

    OK, dogs still sleeping, OH in bed with tea and toast and ABC news radio, rain is still falling, and I have a book to read.

    Have a good day all.

    Continuing 5:2 this week and today is a FD. I’m not really worried about Christmas eating, it’s just a meal on a day but I do feel that fasting twice a week provides a good balance. The boaters here are planning a pub festive meal before Christmas and we will also catch up with Aussie friends visiting from Flinders Island for a pub dinner next week but that will be the extent of our socialising.

    Anzac, how will you travel from Bath to Edinburgh? Where will you spend Christmas? Friends in Perth say it will be 41C. I don’t miss those temperatures one bit.

    Neil, I hope things get easier for you. Sorry you’ve been sick again but I bet you’re looking forward to the three weeks off. You haven’t mentioned the teen driving lessons for a while.

    Lindsay, comments noted although even CNN reports that Tesla will fare worse under a Trump presidency and Space X will be unaffected. Nevertheless, we don’t like the circus that is the US election and find endorsements by movie stars so embarrassing. At least Musk has a brain.

    We’re seeing three kingfishers daily on our towpath walks at this end of the arm. I’ve finally taken some decent photos of one of the two males. It’s uplifting to have the sightings.

    Hi all

    Thin we flew from Bristol to Edinburgh. We wanted to catch the train but it was so expensive – at least 4 times the air fare

    We are loving Edinburgh so so much – the architecture and the character are mind blowing. It is very very cold but we were blessed with a gorgeous sunny day on our first full day. Lindsay yes agree Bath and Edinburgh are both beautiful but very different

    We embark tomorrow on our 3 day tour up north to the isle of Skye and back. There seems to be a heatwave coming; all the websites I check say both Edinburgh and Skye will have a high of 11 degrees!! When we first arrived the high was -1 then today it was a balmy 5 degrees so we had hoped for snow but now I doubt it

    We are having the most wonderful trip and feel very blessed

    Everyone at home us telling us about the heatwave. Apparently it is forecast to get to 40+ next week in Sydney. Yikes

    Hope everyone is ok, take care

    Hello everyone,

    My little seedlings are pretty well surviving. The weather has been in the early 20sC but such full sun I have needed to cover them with flowerpots during the day, and now we have a few days of heatwave so they may not survive. I think a couple of basil seedlings will though, and that is the main thing.

    Anzac, woohoo what a great holiday. I wish our Monday forecast (41C) was an Isle of Skye heatwave figure instead! But yes, Sydney is getting it worse so maybe they could have it.

    Thin, I am so different to you in this way. I love to see people embraced as beautiful, including when they are morbidly obese. I am tempted to tell every fat woman I see that she is beautiful, because I know the self loathing that is so universal, caused by the loathing they/we are shown by others. I celebrate when fat women refuse to be crushed. As if it isn’t hard enough to be fat already.

    Neil, what a rough trot you are having. Hang on in and good luck getting over the rough ground as easily as you can. I hope easier times come soon. Hooray for your holiday coming.

    Lindsay, ha yes, I suspect most of the cooking is still done by women too. I still grieve for being unable to get my YamDaisy cafes going.

    I am not doing too bad. Still coughing, I will see the doctor again. My stomach biopsies were clear, my small intestine ones indicative of celiac disease!!! But also indicative of ulcers caused by aspirin, which is much more likely. When I asked the specialist how on earth they could be causing my cough he said they couldn’t be.

    I am going to do cooking today so I don’t have to again until the cool change on Monday evening. A big soup in the pressure cooker so it doesn’t take very long.

    Sending out good wishes to everyone.

    Thin you are correct in calling the consumption of UPF an addiction because that is exactly what it is, and like all other addictions stopping is not an easy thing to do because there are so many addictive factors in play. There is another addiction that is glorified in todayā€™s society – alcohol. It causes so much damage to society as a whole and to individuals yet just like UPF it is readily available everywhere and is promoted as being a good thing to consume. Sadly money and power are more valued than health and wellbeing.

    Anzac I am so envious. My grandparents were Scottish so all things Scottish were a thing in my family. My brother played in the local Caledonian band for over 50 years until they folded due to lack of membership. Every Christmas morning without fail my father would play his bagpipe records on our His Masters Voice stereo at full blast while mum was cooking the Christmas roast. Watching the yearly Edinburgh Military Tattoo was a big event in our household.

    Iā€™ve watched a lot of shows on Britbox that were based in Bath and it looks so beautiful. I had a big chuckle at your heatwave comment. Itā€™s 10am here and weā€™ve just hit 35 deg already. Tomorrow the forescast is 44 so no doubt weā€™ll end up higher than that. Enjoy the cooler weather and fingers crossed for snow.

    Lindsay It will be interesting to see how the new Trump administration pans out. Iā€™m definitely not happy with Musks appointment and Kennedy is a bit of a lose cannon but if he can tackle the big UPF corporations then he has my vote. We will wait in anticipation of whatā€™s to come.

    LJoyce MOA – perhaps busy with Christmas functions or baking.

    Cinque the garden planting sounds wonderful. My basil didnā€™t grow for some reason so itā€™s on my list to plant more seeds. I have a bumper crop of capsicums from 6 bushes. I grown then for myself and for our guinea pigs as they love them so much and at times very expensive to buy.

    Neil what a bummer on the weight gain and ill heath. Fingers crossed for you too that you feel better soon and the pesky fluid disappears. Hoping the time away from work will help to move things in a positive direction for you.

    Coffee time x

    Anzac, oh yes I think you’d told us before that you were flying between the cities. The UK has the most expensive ‘per mile’ train travel of anywhere in Europe – and it’s going up next year. I’m pleased that you’re having such a great time despite the nippy temperatures. Are you finding everything expensive in the UK? I gather there’s a cost of living crisis in Australia too, but things always seem more expensive when you’re travelling and unfamiliar with how to mitigate those costs.

    GDSA, I used to enjoy the series, ‘Spitting Image’ but it’s now only available on BritBox and I don’t want to pay for yet another subscription.

    Coming from southern California, where people are largely very health-conscious, we were shocked at how much alcohol Australians could put away when we first arrived. But the British seem worse. People seem so reliant on it in order to enjoy themselves. When you fill in a health or dental questionnaire, the multiple choice answers for the amount of alcohol consumed in a week are staggering to my thinking. Apart from the health implications, we’re too cheap to buy more than one drink in a pub. When we visit the local pub near here, we nurse a pint over the two hour live jazz session and OH has already had his lunch on the boat before we go. That’s Ā£12. I can buy three bottles of Californian red wine for that which would last us weeks!

    Yes of course, a person has to want change before any addiction can be tackled. That’s why the article I posted above (8 Dec) appealed to me. It’s up to individuals to initiate the changes but it’s important to have available all the required resources to enable those changes.

    Cinque, yes, we have very different thinking. And it’s much harder to express those thoughts (and not have them dismissed or misinterpreted) in this format than through having a chat in a cafe. I come from the background of having a career that trained me to help people to help themselves. Teaching people to fish rather than handing them the fish and all that.

    I’m so grateful for the changes I’ve been able to make to my own health over the past decade. I’m even more grateful that our DD is happy, healthy, independent and a critical thinker. I am comfortably in the 59s and planning to treat Christmas like all the other days of the year. A bit of feasting and lots of famining. We will soon be leaving for our remote Christmas pet-sitting gig where there is no phone signal. I’m so looking forward to that. Board games, WASGIJ puzzles, long fireside chats and hours of dog walking along the Viking Way.

    Have a super festive holiday all and a healthy New Year!

    Thin Spitting Image is about the leave Britbox Australia, I’ve just binge watched it for that reason.

    While the $12 for 3 bottles of red wine might equate to a pint or two at a pub, its really important to remember that the cost of ‘the pint’ includes all that you are using by being at the pub – the atmosphere, staff wages, toilets, entertainment, cleaning, set up costs, buying the business and all the thousand and one costs that are associated with being in business. They have to cover all of this and hopefully at some stage make a profit and it can only happen if patrons spend money in the pub.

    So for this reason I have a very different view to yours Thin. Even though I live on minimal income and have to watch every cent, I feel it is so important to support establishments to survive and hopefully thrive by spending money so the venue can continue to provide us with live entertainment, food and drinks while employing people and contributing to the fabric of the community.

    There is one pub where I live and if patrons only bought one drink and nothing else the pub would certainly close because they would be making a loss. The pub provides lunch and dinner 7 days a week, a social club, bar snacks, raffles, weekly members draw, pool table, kids play area, christmas and easter functions for patrons and kids and free live entertainment. It needs the community to support all of these things to survive and stay open. If the pub closes, the social connections of this community go with it.

    We reached exactly 46 deg (nice round figure) at 5.15pm under my back verandah yesterday and at 10am this morning we are currently sitting at 40.4 deg. I’m not going to complain about the heat as I made a point during winter of mentally telling myself how much I hate the cold, how hard it is to get out of bed in the mornings and how difficult it is to get motivated so I’m embracing the heat. Although I’m stuck inside during these heatwaves, on a normal hot day I still get out and about and the heat doesn’t bother me too much, I love living in shorts and singlets.

    The garden workload is reduced now everything is on a watering system and timers, with the exception of the spare block with the native and olive trees which are on watering systems but not timers so still easy to just turn the tap on and come back half and hour later and turn it off again. I didn’t have time to install pop up sprinklers in the lawn when I laid it earlier in the year but I have since purchased some and hope to have those installed soon, a lot easier than dragging the hose and sprinkler around the back yard. The garden is fairing very well in the heat with the exception of most of my nasturtiums which are now shriveled up and dead – the sun and heat yesterday was just too much for them.

    I have some halloumi cheese in the fridge so halloumi salad for lunch today, its been ages since I had halloumi so looking forward to it. Time to go, you guessed it – coffee time.

    Morning all, weigh in was down just 600g, feeling crap still, my symptoms are all gone except for an annoying lingering cough that won’t go away. Feeling bloated and yuck.

    Hello everyone,

    Okay Gday, YOU should have got the Isle of Skye heatwave swap!
    I hope today isn’t too bad.

    Your capsicums sound wonderful. They are terribly expensive here at the moment. My favourite is roasted red capsicums and I prefer homemade to jars, so I hope the price comes down soon.

    My contribution to the pepper family is the same chili plant (just about a tree now) that I have had for years. It is covered with green ones at the moment. I still have my fridge and freezer packed with last year’s chili oil, chili paste, sweet chili sauce, roasted chilis and frozen just plain.

    I’m also complaining about the heat, and remembering how I complained about the cold, haha. I am enjoying my summer clothes, lots of linen and silk and lovely cotton.

    We had 41c on Monday and I wilted, and was also minding my 8yo granddaughter. Eep. We managed to have a nice time but I think I am still recovering.

    The hot day must have germinated all the pumpkin seeds in the garden so any of my little seedings that survive will soon be shaded by however many pumpkin plants I let continue.

    Thin, I have the same trouble trying to put thoughts and my point of view into words. I might be worse in a cafe setting! But it would be fun to try, with the time to just casually work through conversations with plenty of time to explain and listen.

    Neil, yay for a good weigh in. 600g down is good!
    That lingering cough can take so long! Patience. (Mine is still going too).
    One day your energy and bounce will return! Soon I hope.

    Best wishes to everyone,
    How was the Isle of Skye Anzac? I hope your trip continues it wonderfulness.
    Hi Lindsay, Turn, and LJoyce how are you going?

    Cinque weā€™ve been back into the low 40s the last few days and looks like it will continue for the next week. I have jars of dried chillies from 3 different chilli bushes which I planted in the one hole so theyā€™ve morphed into a mini tree – it needs a good haircut as itā€™s looking a bit straggly but not in this heat so I will wait until March.

    Neil I wonder if a 24 hour water fast might help your symptoms, i canā€™t recall if youā€™ve done long fasts before but it would certainly give the gut a rest and may eliminate the bloating.

    I made a batch of sweet potato soup for the freezer this morning and for Miss GDays lunch today, I have salad veg that needs using up.

    Off to the post office in a minute to collect my Christmas present to myself- a cordless KitchenAid 5 cup mini chopper. A little while back I purchased the cordless KitchenAid stick blender when it was on sale after my Kmart cheapy died. The cordless range uses the same rechargeable removable battery so the one battery pack and charger works on all the appliances in the range. It has arrived very quickly, I ordered it on Monday and itā€™s now Friday so very happy given itā€™s usually snail mail at this time of year.

    Evening all

    G’day, I’ve done liquid fasts up to 3 days before, it might be tricky at this time of year. We have Christmas lunch with my family tomorrow as my sister is heading up to Waiheke island on Monday. Then Wednesday we’re having Christmas dinner with my wife’s family. I can try to fast in between, but I was hoping to get out for some decent rides, and it’s quite hard to do.a complete fast when doing some heavy exercise.

    Best wishes Neil, balancing your health recovery, family feasts and hopefully some bike rides too!

    Gday, I don’t need to send you any of my chilies then šŸ˜€ šŸ˜‰
    I went to the veg shop and lovely big red capsicums were $2.99 a kilo, down from 6.99 a kilo so now I have a lovely lot of roasted red capsicum in the fridge. (The juice from them might be my favourite flavour ever)

    P.S. to my last post re those summer clothes: lucky I don’t mind ironing

    And big call out to Cali who I am hoping can write soon.

    Morning all from a sunny and suprisingly not hot Saturday. All going well here. Just the usual Christmas stuff – mostly cleaning because the family comes to us at Christmas. The little girls and I made Christmas icecream yesterday (a family tradition which involves nothing more than chopping a box of Family Favourites into a tub of good icecream, and refreezing). Definitely not part of the program.
    I’ve been banned from cooking meat this year – apparently I get too distracted when I have to cook on Christmas morning. Suits me. I’ll do the puddings (pavlova, the icecream, an egg custard and plum pudding) and DD and DS can do the rest.
    Cinque my chilli bushes have gone bananas (figuratively, of course) so I used a whole bowl of them to make chilli jam, using a Nigella Lawson recipe.
    Unfortunately I didn’t get the capsicums at $2.99 a kilo šŸ™

    Ah, you and I are the only two women left in the world who like ironing. And why not? The joy of pillow slips neatly folded, alongside the teatowels and the occasional tablecloth.

    My goodness Gday …such temperatures. I hope you get some respite soon.

    Coming late to the discussion about obesity being normalised. I agree with you Thin that as a major health hazard, making it acceptable is never going to lead to change. But oh, I do also agree with Cinque and Gday’s perspectives. How can people make good choices when they’ve never known anything else? And fat people being loaded with guilt and self-hatred is surely not the best way forward? I strayed over to commercial television yesterday and saw a new product being advertised – if I remember correctly, it was a ‘new’ snack food…a combination of crisps and popcorn, with a suitably appealing name and advertising to match. People like us will never buy it – but people who’ve been brought up with junk food over generations will – and that’s the demograpic the food manufacturers and advertisers go for.

    I saw on FB a little while ago pictures of people at the beach in Brighton in the 70s, and another of people at the beach in the 2020s. In the first pic, hardly a fat person in sight, if at all. In the second, there was hardly a person of normal weight. Not coincidental, that as Gday identified, the 70s were the start of UP.

    I have a full day of activities planned – starting with finishing wrapping Christmas presents, hanging out the washing (I finally caved and bought a clothes dryer earlier in the week, after days and days of pouring rain, and the sun has been shining since), and whipper snipping the fence lines and around the pool before OH mows. Our gardener, at 56, had a stroke, which is very sad. Very high blood pressure, apparently, which his mother told me he wouldn’t take medication for. So now it’s OH’s challenge. I did buy him a Ryobi mower, which is light and easy for him to do our rather large garden in stages. I also bought a Ryobi whipper snipper which is turning into my job.

    Neil I hope you are feeling better.

    Anzac what an amazing holiday you are having – looking forward to the next instalment.

    Thin did I read you are sitting a Vizsla? A lovely breed of gundog. My girls love them, because they come in front of us in the best in group lineup (Hungarian Vizslas, Irish Setters).

    Take care all.

    Happy Christmas everyone, enjoy all the festivities and special time with family and friends wherever you may be.


    Happy Christmas everyone! Weā€™re a day behind you but the 3 of us are planning our own little Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. There will be too much food involved so back to fasting after the holidays. I was doing good for a while but need to learn to manage stress better – without a lot of eating.

    We heard on the news that there were bushfires in Victoria, but it looks like Cinque is safe in Melbourne. At least I hope she is.

    OH is doing ok, a little better on most days lately. I feed him well! I will try to get back here over the next few days. I need to catch up on all the older posts.

    Hi all, will be hot here tomorrow for Xmas day, 41 deg but wonā€™t really bother me. Miss GDay and I decided after last year that we wonā€™t bother with anything ā€˜Christmasā€™ anymore. No decorations, no presents etc but we will treat ourselves to something we want, for me it was my cordless chopper and for Miss GDay a pair of funky shoes which she purchased several months ago during a sale.

    Christmas Day for us has always been just the 2 of us at home anyway, occasionally her dad would come out for lunch but this year he will be with his siblings.

    Tomorrow Miss GDay and I will be having lunch with my mother at her aged care home. It will be the first time in 10 over years that Iā€™ve had Xmas with my mum. Iā€™m estranged from all of my siblings (theyā€™re doing not mine) so Miss GDay and I donā€™t get invited to family doā€™s. This year I managed to get in first and got mum to say yes to having lunch with me and Miss GDay instead of them. I know the only reason she said yes to me this time is because she doesnā€™t like leaving the care home anymore, but Iā€™ll take that as a win.

    Thatā€™s another reason why Iā€™m not very Christmassy, itā€™s all about families getting together and having a wonderful time and for me, blood family just means trauma and rejection. But in saying that I hope everyone here enjoys the day.

    Finally a day without wind so Iā€™ve been out doing yard chores since 6am. Typing this as I have my last coffee (itā€™s just gone noon) and then shower and some inside chores, one of which is ironing but I confess to only having 4 items to iron which for me is about 6 months worth of ironing.

    Merry christmas everyone.

    Today I’m heading into the hills for christmas lunch with my Dad’s side of the family.

    I’m hoping for some less hectic days after christmas so I can catch up on the news here. I haven’t even been turning the laptop on lately, let alone reading.

    Take care. I hope you all have a lovely day.

    Good morning friends.

    I hope your Christmas, however you are celebrating, is happy and safe.

    I am in the throes of cooking. Pavlova in the oven (my DIL’s favourite), potato salad made (yesterday), egg custard (DD’s favourite) in the special crystal bowl from my grandma (using the 6 egg yolks from the pav), apples on cooking for the sauce, and just the pineapple to peel now, for the salad (a terrific one with ham and cold pork – the cored pineapple is cut into three spears and sliced finely into triangles, ditto with red onions and the sauce is light soy and lime juice with a chilli for colour. The salad should also have finely sliced cucumber but I tend to add that just before serve it, so we can have leftover salad tomorrow without the glug of the soaked cucumber).

    DS and family have gone to DIL’s family this morning, and DD is having a quiet one at home with her family, because my SIL’s mother turned on my DD this year (a pattern – she’s done it with all her son’s wives) and it’s caused terrible hurt.

    So, we’ll have our two kids and their four kids for lunch which will stretch into dinner, and OH will put on a santa hat and give out gifts, and they will all love it, and we will thank God that we have him for another year.

    I’m going into Christmas lighter than I’d hoped (dared?), and am looking forward to a wonderful slim 2025.

    Best wishes to you all.

    Hello friends

    Home again and it is HOT but we are loving it after being cold for so long. We had the best holiday imaginable

    My big news (other than how big I am after the holiday) is my project has been cancelled and I have lost my job. Thankfully they are keeping me on until the end of January so I have some time to find something else. Not optimal after not being paid for 6 weeks and spending a fortune on a wonderful trip; however it is what it is and I need to look for a new job and hopefully it will be a lot less stressful than this one

    I look forward to catching up with your posts and getting back into the swing of things including 5:2 which starts on 1st January

    Evening all. I had my normal weigh-in on Christmas Day and I was down 1.1 kilos. Since I’ve finished work for the year I’ve been able to get some really decent rides in.

    But speaking about work, I’m really sorry to hear your project has been canned Anzac. I hope the saying is true, when one door closes another one opens, and you’ll find something else soon.

    Since my weigh in day is a Wednesday, my next one is on New Year’s Day, perfect for a fresh start and a recommitmemt to the 5:2 journey.

    I hope you all had a good Christmas, and look forward to a great New Year.

    Anzac i echo Neilā€™s comments, view it as a blessing and a time to reflect on whether a job is worth the time it takes out of your life (working too many hours) and the stress ( the impact of stress on our health and wellbeing) and perhaps move onto a less stressful job with less hours. Iā€™m firmly in the camp of having a life where having time to do the things I enjoy, maintaining good health and minimal stress is much more important than making money to build wealth. Mr GDays sudden passing cemented that for me, worked hard all his life in jobs that stressed him out and passed away just as he hit retirement age.

    Neil, enjoy your break from work and the bike rides. Woo hoo for the downward trend, keep those new year treats in check for more downward figures on New Yearā€™s Day. Great work

    LJoyce good to hear from you, I hope the hills was cooler for you on Xmas day.

    Lindsay I feel for your DD. Christmas can be a sad time for many people due to family issues, I cringe every time I see one of those memes about happy family Christmasā€™, very stereotypical and not true for so many.

    As usual, no New Years celebrations for me, Iā€™ll be lucky to stay awake for the ABC fireworks broadcast šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

    Good morning everyone,

    I had a very laid back Christmas, joining my daughter’s family in the park near their home in the morning before it got too hot. I brought some little filo pastries, and my daughter had some dips and that was as Christmas feasty as it got.

    I did kind of miss the family feast with home made foods, but really they were much more practical. The kids played and played and we chatted and food wasn’t a big deal. I was the only one who had cooked, and the others were much less tired! It was a beautiful morning and made me appreciate their sort of modern Christmas.

    It made me think how feasting was such a treat in times when everyday eating didn’t have treats in it.

    Hi Thin, when you get some wifi and can read this! I hope the pet sitting is going well.

    Lindsay, it sounds like you had the family feast that I can’t help missing a bit. All those lovely food traditions! I hope it was all just wonderful. And woot for going into it lighter!

    Yum for chili jam! And ironing!

    All power to Mr Lindsay with the garden. And with the Santa gift giving!

    Turnabout, thankyou! I hope your Christmas was lovely.

    Cali, yes, the dreadful Grampians fire has settled now but it has been devastating for the area. Best wishes to Mr Cali and fingers crossed he is doing so well that you can get back here more.

    Gday, it sounds like you and DD had the easy no fuss Christmas like me, and hooray for picking a wonderful treat each. I hope it was a lovely time with your mum. Don’t tricky families take a lot of strategizing to be able to do something simple and nice.

    LJoyce, it sounds like you had a lovely Christmas, but are still too busy to catch up here. I hope we get to hear all about it soon.

    Anzac hello and welcome home to Australia’s hot summer. I do understand it is a shock and a stress, but I can’t help being a bit glad (or even a lot glad) that you are no longer at that job which was such a strain on your health. I know your skills mean you are pulled into stressful jobs, but I do hope the next one can be a lot easier on you.

    Neil, you sound like you have got back to your healthy self! Finally. Hooray, I hope. Cheers for being able to live life how you like it.

    Sending best wishes to you all for a really excellent 2025.

    Happy New Year everyone! Hard to believe we will be quarter of the way through the century at the end of this year.

    My weigh in this morning was unexpected. I had been eating cleanly, exercising regularly, but my weight jumped up 1.5 kilos to 114.3kgs. Well, I have a start point for the year. My goal for the year is to be lower than that by the end of the year. I don’t care if it’s 31 kilos or 1 kilo, as long as I’m lower than I am now.

    I hope you all had a great New year’s and let’s look forward to a healthy and happy 2025.

    Happy New Year everyone! You are all in 2025 already, but I have almost 4 hours of 2024 to go. Weā€™re sitting here watching Keith Urban who is one of the hosts of Nashvilleā€™s Big Bash. Theyā€™re a couple hours closer to midnight in Nashville. Keith Urban is amazing! Hope everyone had a nice New Yearā€™s Eve. I made kind of a bouillabaisse thing with a few different kinds of fish and shrimp. Iā€™m serving it over jasmine rice rather than a soup which is harder to feed OH.

    Last night we watched a good movie from 2013, streamed on Amazon. It was called ā€œOne Chanceā€ about Paul Potts who won a competition on Britainā€™s Got Talent, singing opera. I had watched the actual competition on YouTube several times and got tears in my eyes every time I saw it. James Corden played the part of Paul Potts. Itā€™s amazing how much he looks like him. He did a great job.

    I have to go now but will try to get back here later.

    Hello all and welcome to 2025. As always no celebrating the new year for me as I was asleep by my usual time of 9pm. Although weirdly I woke a 11.58pm for a pee so listened through the bathroom window as I heard fireworks in the distance, then promptly back to bed and sleep. I watched the ABC fireworks and Robbie Williams performance on iview on New Yearā€™s Day while I ate my salad for lunch.

    Enjoying a couple of days of mid 30ā€™s weather before we hit the mid 40ā€™s again on the weekend.

    Weight has gone up a bit but thatā€™s to be expected due to poor food choices in the last few weeks. I was given 4 boxes of chocolates over the Christmas period, Miss GDay made chocolate cake, pancakes and biscuits plus we had our yearly treat of making scones the other day. The bad food coupled with letting my exercise routine slide has added on a couple of kilos. My gut certainly lets me know Iā€™ve been eating badly, lots of bloating and upset belly, feeling incredibly lethargic and unmotivated. Whenever I eat white flour products I feel really yukky within a few hours, have bloating etc for the next 24 hours and weight gain. Glad the Xmas yukky food binge is behind me, I enjoy eating clean foods and obviously so does my gut.

    Oh Neil thatā€™s a scary thought, a quarter of the century gone, seems like yesterday we were frightened of the millennium bug šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. It does seem to me that each day is just wizzing by. No sooner get up and it seems itā€™s time for bed again, put the wheelie bins out and before I know it itā€™s the following week and itā€™s time to put them out again. Speaking of which, itā€™s bin day (again – really?) so I must go and put out the wheelies.

    Hello friends, Happy New Year šŸ˜Š

    It has been very hot but today thankfully much cooler. It is hard to believe 12 days ago we were in the Scottish Highlands freezing and yesterday I went to the clothes line to hang a small load out and had to change my clothes when I came back inside.

    Thin, we did a scenic cruise because they had a special where if you booked and paid 12 months in advance we saved $2k. We enjoyed it as you are spoilt rotten but it is a one-time thing for us and our only disappointment was there were very few things to see as you cruise down the river. We expected lots of towns and castles etc but no, only when you dock. The difference I believe between Scenic and the others are scenic includes ALL alcohol whereas others only include wine and beer with meals. My sister and BIL did a Viking cruise and said they loved it and did not need any more booze outside of meals

    We did miss the brunt of that brutal storm in early December but yes London was wild and windy and freezing. It has changed so much since 2019 and we did not like it one bit. It is SO crowded, you canā€™t walk without being knocked sideways and people are pushy and arrogant. So if you donā€™t do the whole sidestep/dodge thing they simply plough into you and give you a verbal beating. Horrible. And the prices! Two beers A$30. A simple meal with one entrĆ©e, two mains and two glasses of wine A$200. We divided our allocated spending money evenly into Euro and GBP and ran out of GBP but came home with lots of EUR despite spending more time in EUR countries. It made us very grateful to live in Australia where we have better weather as a bonus

    I put on 3.5 kilos on the trip and Mr A put on 6! So I am again a long way from the 80ā€™s but I am back on the 5:2 wagon and determined to get it off. Mr A is 60 in June and I am 60 in December and these two dates are highly motivating

    I am so sorry life has been hard Lindsay, I hope 2025 is better for you and your poor hubby. It sounds like you had a lovely Christmas

    Gā€™day we loved Scotland and declared it our favourite place on the trip ā€“ with Venice and Barcelona close 2nds. When I figure out why I canā€™t post pictures any more I will put up some stunning shots of the Scottish highlands

    Job hunting has begun and I have to agree that it is most likely going to be a blessing in disguise. To come back to work with NOTHING to do but archive documents is such a relief

    Hi to everyone, take care

    Anzac it certainly must be a shock to the system going from one extreme temperature to another. My dream holiday would be England Ireland Scotland Wales so just waiting for my lotto win so I can spend 6 months cruising around those 4 then another 6 months to do the rest of Europeā€¦ā€¦ dream, dream, dreamā€¦.. Looking forward to seeing your pics.

    Spent the morning in the yard until 12.30 as it was 39.4 by then so Iā€™d had enough and was time to come in for a cool shower. This arvo Iā€™ll make some almond flour wraps for the freezer, maybe do some embroidery and I have a couple of library books I must finish reading before they are due for return soon. I have a basket of washing to do but will put it off until tomorrow now that Iā€™m fresh and clean from a shower I donā€™t want to go outside into the heat again today.

    Hot again tomorrow but weā€™re going out to the cinema- twice. In the morning weā€™re going to watch Paddington 3 (I absolutely adore Paddington) and back again late arvo to watch the Robbie Williams movie.

    Good morning everyone,
    39C forecast today, but a kind cloud meant my little flat missed 3 hours of hot sun pouring in through the front windows, so I am feeling very lucky. And the cool change should come through pretty early tomorrow.

    Happy New Year,
    yikes Neil I haven’t stopped thinking about your quarter century remark.

    What a good sensible New Years resolution you have made.

    Cali, what a nice way to finish off 2024.

    Gday I was with you, not staying up, and I even slept through the midnight changeover. My 8yo granddaughter was on the phone early the next morning, devastated that she had fallen asleep before midnight, and needed reassuring that the whole year wasn’t going to be terrible because of it.

    No idea how you managed to work out in the yard in that heat! But well done!

    Anzac I do hope you can get some pictures up. Good luck job hunting.

    I had an eating-binge day and now feel like I am all stomach. Sigh. It sounds like nearly all of us are in the same boat. Hooray for a new year, a new month, a new day.

    Sending out best wishes

    Happy New Year all, it’s the day after FD and I’m 59.2kg so I’m very pleased with myself. I’ll now revert to 6:1 as I don’t really to lose more weight (said no one ever).

    Back from a superb family Christmas spent at a warm, comfortable Georgian mansion in the Lincolnshire Wolds. The dogs (wire haired Vizsla and Jack Russell) were great fun and much better behaved than their respective breeds’ reputations might suggest. It was a rare insight into how aristocrats live their lives. We observed the spectacle of the horse and hounds hunt and encountered grouse shooters, both highly controversial activities in England.

    The property was so remote, the golden silence punctuated by the occasional shriek of a female fox or hoot of an owl, the views from all aspects of the house spectacular, not to mention the sunrises and sunsets, the clear star-studded sky at night, deer and pheasants roaming the fields. Other than the cleaner and the man who came to chop our firewood and put pellets in the boiler, we saw almost no one.

    DD picked up on an ear infection on the Vizsla and treated it (with the owners’ grateful permission, of course), removed a wobbly baby tooth, did both dogs’ anal glands (yuk), clipped their nails and we gave them both a bath and groom (no mean feat for the wire-haired dog) before the owners returned. The outdoor hose had hot water! They also have a horse but, thankfully, it spent its Christmas elsewhere.

    We enjoyed some Viking Way hikes with the doggos, despite the very cold temperatures. Other days, we walked the fields of the property. I managed to cook the traditional ‘English’ Christmas dinner on their Aga and we played silly games like Taskmaster (Christmas Crackers), solved a Cryptic Killer Mystery over several days, completed a WASGIJ puzzle and played board games. 19 glorious days spent as a little family.

    Now back on the boat where it’s snowing. I hope everyone’s had a super holiday – I’ll try to skim read some posts to catch up in the coming days.

    don’t really *want* to lose more weight – sorry.

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