Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,470 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Anzac65 2 hours, 16 minutes ago.

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  • hello all

    Crikey Neil, 300mm in 3 days is crazy and I can only imagine the chaos it caused. Glad you had a good weekend otherwise with your eating and exercise. What an eerie coincidence that Dunedin in Florida flooded at the same time.

    My weight loss has stalled and it is very frustrating, but enough on that

    It is a gorgeous day in Sydney, 29 degrees and sunny. However a cold change is on the way as it will only be 19 tomorrow. We had our first swim of the season today as the solar heating got the water temperature up to my minimum which is 27 degrees (yes I am a chicken when it comes to cold water).

    Your property sounds so beautiful G’day but I’m sorry to hear you are unable to move due to unaffordable housing. I will try and send some luck your way for a lottery win, you absolutely deserve it

    I despair about tax also Thin and Cali. I earn decent money but therefore I pay so much tax it hurts. I am getting overtime now (temporarily) and the taxman is loving it

    Sorry about your FD Quacka, next time will be better. I have diverticulitis so that brings terrible reflux and I will do anything to ease it when it happens. I’m on medication for it but the doctor advised I should try and only take it on alternative days so sometimes the reflux still sneaks in

    Take care all

    My two FDs saw me drop 1.3kg so I’m in a much better place to start the week.

    Neil, what terrible rainfall but you are on such a roll with your weight loss. Just like the old days!

    Anzac, so funny to read that Sydney is ‘cooling down to 19C’! It’s all relative of course and now a forecast of 17C sounds quite appealing to us! We’ve had three or four glorious, sunny autumnal days and managed to get off the flooded river and back on the canals yesterday. Such a relief. When the flood lock was finally opened, we were first in a long parade going west and there was another coming towards us. There were more boats than we’ve seen all summer. The anchor, life ring and life vests have now been stowed away.

    Cinque, are you alright?

    Hello all 🙂 Im not MIA. Just super busy buzzy. Work and 10 yr old are keeping me well and truley out of any possible mischief. Her term 3 schecdule is enough to put anyone off having kids ( I joke , but its not for the feint hearted) Some activities start at 6:15 am , some end after 6 pm and then there is still homework or studying to fit in never mind eating and sleeping. I also have her dance music stuck in my head on shuffle .

    Your flooding sounds crazy Neil . But the weather all over seems very odd. We had snow here in Sept, but so bad it trapped people that were travelling between provinces for hours in the cold. We have never experinced snowfall like this here , so when snow warnings went out, no one took them very seriously as we are used to a slight powdering if we get any at all, but it was the deep winter wonderland variety. It was very scary for those trapped. Shame I believe 2 people actually passed away.

    My weight is down another KG. Yay! And more cm on my waistline. I had a horrible 2 weeks where I felt so bloated even on the FD’s and i felt sure I had gained rather than lost, but thankfully not. Not sure what caused the IBS . Im guessing stress ?

    I am sorry I have not read through everyones posts. I hope you are all well and having good FD’s

    Hugs to you all x

    Morning all

    Fast day before my weigh-in tomorrow. Since I’ve been eating breakfast again the last couple of months, I’m trying something different, and instead of eating all my calories in the evening, I’m going to try to split them into 3 equal meals of 250-300 calories each. I had some raspberries and yoghurt for breakfast. I packed some chili beans and salad for lunch, and I’m going to have some roast pork and probably some more salad veggies tonight. I’ll see how it’s worked out, hunger-wise, tonight.

    Suzy, good to hear from you and congrats on the loss. I had bloating and digestion issues for quite a while, I worked out that it seems to get worse when I eat a lot of sugar or starchy processed carbs, like bread, pasta, baking, etc. Natural starchy carbs like rice or potatoes don’t seem to affect me. If you can handle eating boredom for a month, you can try doing the “whole 30” programme. It’s a diet where you eliminate everything except fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs and oils. After 30 days you start introducing foods one at a time to see which ones may cause you issues.

    Thin, 1.3 kilos is a great result for a couple of fast days, well done!

    ANZAC, our tax rate is reasonably high, but we do have a tax rebate system for people with families. If you have dependent children you get a tax refund, I think ours is to the tune of around $200 per week. It certainly helps pay the bills, but we’re going to have it halved next year because our son has turned 18, so we’ll just get the refund for our youngest boy.

    Well, I’ll catch you all tomorrow for my weekly weigh-in.

    Good Afternoon everyone

    Today is FD after a long weekend. Mr Q and I made it a 5 day long weekend so I have had extra time to ruin all my good work ha ha. Eating was pretty good, exercise was good but drinking part not so great. Oh well, back to it today

    My failed fast day last week ended up being a CD which was ok with me. The food really helped my reflux and I haven’t had any since. Not sure how it works, but I have been drinking lots of water every day that we were away and eating normal food – nothing spicy. See how I go after today.

    thin, the drive across the Nullabor was long lol. We had a camper trailer this time so it made it a lot better than just a tent. We only took 3 days to get across but they were big, big days of driving. We had a 400 litre fuel tank on the back of the ute so we were good for fuel and we took plenty of food/water supplies with us. We only really stopped for toilet and lunch break and then to sleep for the night. We preferred it that way as we only had a limited time off work and would rather spend that time in WA.
    Regarding my Wed FD being more difficult – I actually don’t over do it on Tuesday. I usually eat under my TDEE and its always healthy home made food. I don’t eat much sugar at all (except the girls here at work have this lolly jar and I have to walk past it several times a day. This is where I do get a little sugar fix I suppose but not every day).
    I’m starting to think that I don’t eat enough on Tuesday to get me through Wed. It’s a heavy weight training day on Tues so I could be just using more energy than I am taking in. Trouble is, that is how we lose weight. That’s ok, I have made it through Thursday FDs before, I just need to keep that horrible reflux away.
    Congrats on the 1.3kg loss!

    Cali, keep your focus on that downward trend in your weight loss. It’s ok for it to be slow even though we get very frustrated with it sometimes. Your body could just be at a set point and it will take a bit to break through it. I truly believe that stress doesn’t help and I know it is difficult caring for your husband, but you can do this. Just keep going 🙂

    Anzac, a swim in the pool sounds lovely. We went up the coast for the weekend where it was up to 30 degrees on some of the days. I had my first swim for the season in the river and it was a a bit cold but I got used to it fairly quickly. There was a lot of squealing until I did though as I’m a cold water wuss too lol
    Diverticulitis is a horrible condition. When I had my fruit and veg shop we had customers with it and they would tell me how painful it is. Some of them ended up in hospital at times. Not good. I have medication for the reflux too but I try not to take it. I don’t want to be dependent on it so I use it only when it just won’t go away.

    Gday, your property sounds beautiful but I understand why you would want to move closer to where things are happening.
    Are you still doing keto? I read before that you eat in a four hour window which is amazing. Is that everyday? So would it be like a 2pm lunch and then 6pm dinner or do you sort of graze throughout the 4 hours? I’m just asking because I like to see how fasting works for everyone as we are all so different

    Wow Neil! 300mm in 3 days is scary. This weather you are having is not getting me excited about coming over lol. You are doing great with your FDs and your NFDs. I bet your weigh in will show this tomorrow

    Hi Suzy. Good to hear you are still around 🙂

    I’m with you thin, I hope Cinque is ok.

    Back to work. Hope everyone has a lovely day and look forward to reading all your posts xx

    Morning all. At my weigh-in this morning I was down a whole kilo, for an overall loss of 6.5 kilos over the last 11 weeks. Still rocking along around the average of 600g a week or so. I think splitting my fast into three small meals helped. I wasn’t going to bed with a big meal in my belly.

    Have a great one everyone.

    Wow Neil that’s a lot of rain, struggling to get just a drop here. And weird weather in your region too Suzy. Why can’t we all just get a little bit of everything, excluding the bad stuff ☀️🌧️

    Quacka yes my 4 hour window is everyday. I have 2 meals, no snacks, no grazing. I have recently shifted to a window of 10am to 2 pm, previously I was noon to 4 pm. I made the change so I have a larger gap between my last meal and bedtime as I go to sleep around 8.30-9pm.

    My daughter also only eats 2 meals a day however her 2 meals are spread further apart and she will sometimes snack in between.

    Yes I’m still keto.

    Last night we had a birthday dinner to attend so my eating window was 3 to 7 pm. On Tuesdays we have weekly appointments in town, mid morning and late afternoon, so on tuesdays my window is a shorter window of noon to 3pm.

    A meal for me is not always just one serve of a particular thing. For example, my first meal of the day could be 3 boiled eggs with one of my homemade keto bread rolls (they are small rolls) with mushrooms and spinach or kale from the garden. Then 20 mins later I will have a protein smoothie packed with lots of other nutritious goodies followed up with a small cup of mixed activated nuts and seeds. Then my second meal about 3 hours later could be a plate of mixed veg followed by organic yoghurt with fruit.

    I’m very particular about each mealtime being protein rich, lots of good fats and fermented foods such as my homemade sauerkraut, kefir and kombucha.

    I always have a smoothie every day as this is where I add what I call my ‘goodies’ which is psyllium husks,maca powder, spirulina powder, broken cell chlorella powder, organic turmeric powder and black peppercorns, egg protein powder, kefir, quark, kombucha, mct and flaxseed oil and I’ll add an avocado if I’m not having avocado in another meal of the day. Not really a smoothie as such as the avocado makes it a very thick mixture so I usually eat with a spoon rather than drinking it. I know a couple of these powders might seem weird to some of you but they are all there for a specific purpose. Fresh food choices where I live is limited to the rubbish that Coles and woolies provide so I have to get some of the essential nutrients into my diet via organic powders. I absolutely refuse to eat farmed fish or any animal protein that is not 100% organic and grass fed.

    I do my one hour strength and cardio training either before my first meal or between my 2 meals. It depends on the day of the week and what I have on. But it’s always done before noon.

    Oh daylight saving kicked in on the weekend, it throws my body clock out of whack big time for a week or 2 when it changes, everything feels wrong with time and I feel totally drained and out of sorts. I don’t get why daylight savings is necessary. Our body needs a constant pattern to function well and daylight savings does not contribute to that at all.

    Ive prattled on enough, time for coffee. Have a great day everyone.

    Hi everyone

    Just a quick check in. FD went well yesterday and I’m almost back into the 77s. How on earth we can put on so much weight in a few days but it takes weeks to lose it is just beyond me!! lol

    Neil, congrats on another kg gone. Boom! Hope you’re all doing ok after all that rain. I know it takes some time to recover from it.

    Thanks G’day for such a detailed and interesting response x I have heard of all those powders except for the broken cell Chorella one. I think I have seen Chorella before, it comes from greens if I remember correctly. Your smoothie sounds really yummy. All your food sounds so yummy and healthy actually. I agree with you about the “fresh” produce they sell at the supermarkets. It’s not much better here either. So disappointing after owning a fruit and vege shop for 10 years and my parents having f & v shops all my life before that. I’m disgusted at what they try and pass off as fresh sometimes.
    I did keto for a while and really enjoyed the food and the weight loss that happened super quickly. I love cooking so it was fun to try all these new keto recipes. Some were flops but others were really good – I think you need to be very choosy about which sites you use.
    It takes a lot of commitment to keep at it and I admire you for being able to do that.

    Back to work for me. Chat soon 🙂

    Just a quick hello to say I have been busy and sore, my inflamed esophagus is not settling. Saw my doctor today and have stronger meds and an endoscopy planned. On grandma duty tomorrow but hope to do a proper catch up on Thursday. In the meantime sending all my best wishes.

    Hello again, I had the days mixed up when I wrote, where did Tuesday go?

    I have had some lovely times doing grandma things. The girls are 8 and 10 now and it makes for some lovely adventures and conversations. It is mostly easier looking after them now, Cali.

    Just when I thought my esophagus was settling down, it did a big flare up, even my mouth. Ooh it ached. It seems to be settling down again now on double meds.

    Cali, it is nice to have some weather in synch, even for a short time. It is a lovely day here today, I wish I had been outside more. I have callistemons in flower (one creamy yellow, the other dusky red) and roses out. Broad beans are being picked and lots of baby chard. I am busting to do more in the garden. Maybe tomorrow.

    Well, I am just starting to catch up on posts, but I am going to stop already because I am going out this evening (I can’t think of the last time I went out in the evening) as my daughter and friends are going to see the film documentary of ‘Your Fat Friend’ which is playing in the next suburb, and I am going too.

    They won’t be dressed up, and I won’t dress up either… but goodness it is tempting. I want to get some glad rags on.

    I’ll miss dinner and I am pretty sure that makes this a fast day. An 800 cal day maybe.

    See you soon

    Quacka Spirulina and Broken Cell Chorella are both algae’s, both super nutritious with the latter having a lot higher nutrient value. I do enjoy my diet, just wish I had access to better fresh food options.

    In the last month I’ve had 2 trips to Adelaide for appointments for Miss GDay. On the first trip I did a fresh food shop at the Adelaide Central Market and on the second trip a fresh food shop at a green grocers in North Adelaide – I was blown away but the freshness, the variety and the quality of the fruit and veg – I was in food heaven and so envious of those who have these food options available to them every day.

    My grandparents were market gardeners in Mount Gambier and when they moved to my region when my mother was a small child they did the same here. My childhood memories are school holidays working on one of their many blocks of land. It was very hard work, 7 days a week in all weather, all organic, pulling weeds by hand and no machinery except a small rotary hoe. I was a fussy eater as a child so didn’t appreciate the produce unfortunately, wish I had access to the food they grew now.

    Another short post.

    Gday, how true it is that access to beautiful fresh vegetables is such a privilege. There are some really good markets around here, and even when lots of things are expensive, I can always find some wonderful produce at a low price. (It was asparagus last time I went shopping).

    Happy Birthday to the birthday person!

    I laughed at your scales going haywire story, hooray for new batteries.

    And my heart went out to that remote property for sale, I want to live there!

    I’ve been watching Hugh FW’s ‘Three Good Things’ series and have been influenced by it enough to make meals with three good ingredients. (Except then I did a bit of bulk cooking: lambshank stew and chicken and veg traybake, where I used everything from my fridge yum yum). But when I get back to making individual meals I will do the three ingredient thing again I think. It feels lovely and elegant.

    Neil, all power to you with cycling and 5:2ing. You will soon get to the 100+ single digits. Spreading the calories out more does sound sensible, and it sounds like it suits you.

    Here are your balloons and fireworks! https://c.tenor.com/EIA3v8WXB5IAAAAC/tenor.gif well, sparkles anyway 😀

    Spring is fickle here too. Quite warm today. But not as fickle as your wet stormy craziness. I hope it is more settled now.

    Cheers all

    Quacka, glad you’ve worked out why your second FD seems harder. You seem to be thriving back on 5:2. If you’ve owned a fruit & veg shop, (or even if you hadn’t) I don’t think you’d be happy with the standard of produce sold in WA. When we first arrived (from California), we were so disappointed with the taste, texture and quality of fruit and veg. There are plenty of suitable growing areas in WA but most produce seems to come across the Nullarbor. I always had the impression that items such as onions had been frozen for the journey. Soggy onions are the result. A tomato had no taste whatsoever. There were farmers’ markets and so on but anything labelled ‘organic’ attracts a crazy price that can be hard to justify. If we’d had more land and not such fine, sandy soil, we’d have grown our own veggies. 26 years of composting didn’t improve the soil.

    CalifD, how do you rate the quality of produce in California these days?

    The taste of produce was much improved when we arrived in England. People don’t eat fruit and veg in season as they did when I grew up here; it’s all flown in from Europe and beyond year round. What’s striking about it is the amount of packaging. Absolutely everything comes in trays, covered with with plastic. At the extreme, we’ve seen peel hard boiled eggs in plastic containers, packaged peeled oranges – how lazy can you get?

    GDSA, it’s not good to be locked out of the housing market in our capital cities. To what do you attribute that? We almost have the opposite problem with too many options, none of which appeal at the moment. There is no utopia. Over the years, we’ve ruled out a number of destinations long considered as having retirement potential. We can’t live on a boat forever but there’s just nowhere that really appeals. I’m basically a malcontent.

    Enough moaning. Today’s a FD and that’s a good thing. I was going overboard with macadamia nuts which are so delicious. Now that I’ve checked the calories, that behaviour is getting modified drastically! It was a beautiful pink sunrise, aurora borealis was visible the other night. We’ve had four kingfisher sightings and a tawny owl was hovering above a field. Hard to beat.

    P.S. Good morning Cinque, posting while I was taking a long time with mine.

    Morning all

    Looks like a B2B fast for the beginning of the week again. I didn’t go overboard on calories. As usual it was what I was eating. I went on a bit of a carb-a-thon. Had toast for lunch, pizza for dinner, and a muffin as a snack yesterday, Friday night it was the usual movie snacks, rum and coke, but I had a few glasses of softdrinks as well, which I don’t usually have. I’ll stick to fruit, veg and meat only for the next couple of days, and hope that will balance things out.

    Thin, nothing worse than spending a fortune on fruit/veggies, and getting tasteless produce. I think a lot of it is many of the new varieties have been developed to look aesthetically pleasing rather than to taste good. We grow quite a bit, and the heirloom varieties of things like carrots and tomatoes definitely have the best flavour. I like trying a different variety of potato each year, we grow a row of an early potato like Rocket or Swift, and a row of a main crop like an Agria or Haylo, then an experimental row. This year I’m trying an older variety called “Whataroa” grown by Maori prior to European settlement in NZ. It has a mottled purple and cream skin. https://www.nichols.co.nz/Garden-Centre/Shop/Product-Details/Garden-Centre/Root-Vegetables/Morton-Smith-Dawe/Maori-Potatoes-Whataroa-1kg?ID=40333

    Cinque, I really like Hugh FW’s programmes. River cottage, and all his experimental programmes like when he ate no meat for a whole summer, and his activism programmes as well.

    Gday, I guess when you’re forced to do something, you tend to resent it. I hated gardening as a kid when my parents forced me to do it, and I didn’t like a lot of different veggies (I tended to stick to the tried-and-true carrots, cabbage, potato, peas, corn, and lettuce). Now I’m older, I love gardening and I’ll eat any veg I can get my hands on. I’m excited at the moment that we’re moving back into asparagus and avocado season.

    Well have a good day everyone, Hopefully my fast today and tomorrow sees me keep my streak of losses on the scale.

    Cinque where are you watching HFW 3 good things – is it free to air tv or a paid channel?

    Thin, being locked out of the housing market in Adelaide for me is the same reason the majority of people are locked out – the average house price being $800, 000 to 1.5 million dollars. – unless you want to live in a dump in an undesirable suburb that is, then you only have to fork out a whopping $500,000. Even the average weekly rent on a nice property is higher than my entire weekly income. The world is certainly geared towards the affluent in our society, the not so affluent just keep getting pushed out. And sadly this doesn’t just apply to the property market nowadays.

    Neil yes it’s funny how we dislike things as children but our attitudes change as we grow older. I too love gardening and will eat all veg, the exception being cucumbers, it’s not that I don’t like them they give me awful reflux. And tomato’s, I can eat sundried and everything made with tomatoes but can’t eat a fresh tomato, the texture makes me gag. Oh and beetroot (yes we’re back to our long-standing beetroot conversation everyone) I can’t deal with the purple juice staining everything else on the plate so I don’t eat it.

    Time for my coffee brew, happy Monday everyone

    I forgot to say that yesterday was the first time in 3 years I ate a piece of meat besides the very occasional piece of chicken or mince meat. Meat has been too expensive for my budget for a long time, and I’m not that fussed anyway if I don’t eat meat but I thought I’d try a piece for a change. I bought a small piece of organic grass fed scotch fillet ($15) and I must say I cooked it to perfection. A nice crust on the outside and pink and juicy on the inside with super crispy roast spuds, carrots, broccoli and gravy. It was delicious.

    I had a rude shock at the supermarket last week at the checkout, $5.60 for a medium size red capsicum. So on my next visit I thought I would weigh my produce to get an idea of what it would cost and guess what, no customer scales in the fruit and veg section.

    Speaking of weighing, I bought 8 x $500 gram bags of pepitas (pumpkin seeds) a few weeks back at the Adelaide Central Markets as I can’t buy them locally. Yesterday I made my keto crackers and when I was weighing the ingredients and used most of one packet I thought the amount left in the packet was odd compared to what I had taken out. So I weighed the 500g packets and every single one contained 440g of pepitas – 60g short in every single bag. I’ll be having words with that stakeholder next time I go to the markets and ask them to weigh anything prepackaged that I buy.

    Now I definitely need that coffee 🤣🤣

    Good morning Thin, Good morning everyone,

    Thin, lovely wildlife!
    A double V of geese flew overhead when I was outside this morning, lovely to see them, and hear them.

    I miss eating seasonally too. Actually, I do a lot, since what is in season is generally cheap and good quality. Of course we have been used to getting Queensland tropical veggies and fruit in Mediterranean climate Melbourne which I must say I am grateful for. But I do find it crazy to be eating mangoes from Mexico or avocados from California.

    All the packaging appalls me too!

    Neil, Oh dear those empty carbs. Best wishes for the next couple of days.

    Yes, I have enjoyed everything I have seen Hugh FW do, mostly cooking, but including a wildlife series!

    Gday, the Three Good Things series is being shown on SBS, I only noticed it last week so I caught up with the first 17 (!) episodes on SBS on Demand. Free!

    I am so glad you enjoyed that perfectly cooked scotch fillet. A lovely treat.

    Anzac, I hope you get some more really good fast days. Even when our weight loss stalls, there are still all the good health things going on.
    Hooray for first swim of the season!

    Goodness, there are so many different ways to set off, experience, and control reflux! My inflammation seems to be slowly settling down. Phew.

    SuzyQ Hooray for another kilo gone!

    The bloating will be something to do with the gut bacteria trying to process your food.

    If you are eating more high fibre stuff, there is a transition as the good bacteria that can deal with it grows into huge colonies. In the meantime, the other microbes do their best, but they just aren’t as good at it and this can cause bloating and pain.

    Once the good bacteria, that deal with fibre efficiently, are in big enough numbers, there should be no more bloating and lots of other good health effects. It can be easier on your gut to introduce more veggies, beans etc gradually. Build up to a high fibre diet.

    (If your amount of fibre hasn’t changed then I don’t have a clue what is going on 😀 )

    Work and a ten year old is SO busy! Sending good wishes.

    Quacka, good luck working out what makes your fast days easy and sustainable and not setting off that reflux. Bit of a worry if a packet of crackers is needed to sort out your reflux each time!

    It is striking, how easily our body grabs those calories and stacks on extra fat, and how frugal, and consistent we need to be to avoid that.

    But after that good documentary I saw the other night, the message is be kind to yourself and love your body for doing its very best. Keep as healthy as you can.

    Best wishes to everyone now

    Gday, 8x60g is pretty much an extra 500g bag, I’d demand a free one next time you’re back there.

    Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening 😉 whatever time it is where you all are. Hope you are all doing well and having successful FD’s

    Just a quick check in to say HI and good grief how quickly is this year flying by?
    FD’s were good last week. Doing Wed & Fri this week as we I have my Dad for dinner tomorrow – my usual FD and I have quite a day today with mini me , so I can see it would not work out well to do a FD today. I am learning to pick my battles with fast days. Its easier to be in a good space when doing them.

    Thanks Cinque & Neil for the IBS info. I havent really made many changes on my non FD and I cant imagine my FD causing it but I do think that as we get older , our bodies start reacting differently to some foods – probably because of how food is manufactured or grown more than anything else these days. I also do love a bread roll or sandwich more for lunch boxes when the weather is cold – I cannot face salad in winter, so it could also have been that, as it was during a cold snap the carbs were preferable and I over did it .

    Anyway, must do some work. Leaving work early today for the first of 3 dance festivals for Mini me. Have a good week all and happy FD’s .

    Hi everyone

    It’s Tuesday FD for me today. I didn’t fast yesterday as I had a visit to the dentist in the middle of the day and thought I was going to need something major done but it ended up being a clean and a plan for three crowns to come. $1700 each thank you very much.

    It’s almost 1pm and so far so good

    thin, you’re right about the produce in WA. There were a few nice things but mostly really hard to find decent produce. Also I couldn’t believe there was no fresh seafood – all frozen! And what??? A peeled egg in a packet! That sounds gross.

    G’day – lucky you realised about the weights of those bags of Pepitas! Illegal and totally rude to rip people off like that. Hope you sort them out!

    Cinque – hope that reflux settles soon. I’m thinking of you

    Back to work for me. Take care xx

    Hi Quacka, I’m joining you on a Tuesday fast. I skipped breakfast this time so I could eat a bigger lunch (I made a salad with chickpeas, feta, onion, beetroot and pickles)

    As I posted before, I didn’t go overboard on calories this weekend, but those excess sugar and carbs always seem to make me retain a lot of water. I can see how much extra I’d be lugging to the scales by how much I’ve been weeing over the last two days of not eating any sugar or heavy carbs. I’m sure my workmates must think I’m either sick or wagging work.

    Ouch on the dental work, it’s no wonder people avoid going to the dentists until it’s absolutely necessary with the amount they charge these days.

    Quacka, with your new life that includes travel, have you considered dentai tourism?

    The cost of dentistry was getting exorbitant in Perth and I had a very bad experience with a dentist. He claimed he’d been performing a root canal over three very expensive visits but it later came to light that he hadn’t even attempted it. This fraud and incompetence ultimately cost me my tooth and an unpleasant legal battle – just to get my money back, no punitive damages. The result was that I needed an implant at a quoted cost of $10,000.

    The dentist got a slap on the wrist from the dentistry board and a written ‘caution’ against his name for three months – which they ‘forgot’ to post and I had to remind them about. Amazing how the body supposed to protect the public rallies around their own in the face of overwhelming and damming evidence – a bill for a root canal and an X-ray showing it wasn’t performed. By coincidence, the dentist that revealed all this told me that he’d spent many years ‘correcting that guy’s mistakes’.

    A neighbour suggested a facility in Thailand. I was naturally skeptical but researched it thoroughly. The implant (involving two trips to Thailand) and a two week family holiday in Thailand cost us $3000. After that, our family travelled to Thailand for most of our dentistry – crowns, fillings, mouth guards, etc and we even planned Bangkok stopovers on other family holidays just to get our exam and cleanings done there.

    I can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s a huge, modern, spotlessly clean, dedicated facility and every floor houses a speciality like crowns, implants, dentures, and so on. There’s even a hotel attached to it where you can stay for bed and breakfast. In my case, they wanted me staying close for four days after the procedure in case of complications. I was given strong medication for pain relief – but needed nothing.

    Most of the dentists and specialists are trained in the US, England, Canada etc. If you need a specialist scan, you simply go to another floor and, when you get back, your dentist is already reading the results. (In Perth I needed a separate appointment across town and had to wait two weeks for the results, plus pay the dentist for another visit).

    What sold me on it (after speaking to several Australians who’d been there) was the professional, detailed and prompt response I received when I made the initial enquiry. All the worst-case scenario costs are quoted ahead of time. I was given three cost options for materials used for my implant. They recommended that of the three implant visits needed, I should have the tooth extracted in Perth to save the airfare as the second stage can’t be done for six months after that. That gave me confidence that they weren’t just money-grabbing.

    Most of their clients are foreigners travelling to Thailand to access the service. Every patient must pay a ‘sterilisation fee’ at every visit and packages for all dental instruments required are opened on your chest.

    My implantologist is Canadian-trained. I’ve been very happy with the result. I realise I was coming from a very different perspective, one of utter shock and disgust at the profession and its governing body, whereas you’re just expressing dismay at the cost. But if you’re interested, I’ll give you the name and contact details of the facility and you can start your own research into it.

    Morning all

    Sorry Thin, but when I hear dentistry in Bangkok, my mind immediately jumps to “The Hangover” movie series.

    I had my first bump on the scales in 3 months this morning. I was up 200g, but I’m not too worried about it. I’m assuming it’s just leftover from the excess softdrinks I had over the weekend. I’ll see how I get on next week before I start panicking.

    Have a good one everyone

    Good Morning everyone

    Hi thin. Honestly, I have never even considered going to Thailand but have heard several good things about it. I guess the only reason is that I haven’t done any overseas travel before. I have two holidays booked so I hope that once I do them I will be more confident in going overseas and then I would definitely look into it. Would love you to give me the details please. It sounds like you had a very good experience so it’s good to hear from someone who has actually done it!
    That criminal dentist in Perth – well let’s just say I know what needs doing to him! Unbelievable that he thought he could get away with and then worse that the dental board were lax in doing anything about it. I hope he’s not still practising.

    Yep Neil, don’t worry about the 200g. There are so may variables that affect our daily weight and one of the biggest is how much water we are retaining, all related to a million different things like our food and drink, our medications, the weather and even just sometimes I feel like our body just says I’m doing this today!

    I had a good FD yesterday. I’m doing another one today so my first B2B since restarting 5:2. I don’t think it will be 500 cals but I’m hoping to stay under 700. That will be 500 for dinner and 200 for lunch. I can do it

    Hope you all have a lovely day xx

    I’m going to winge about the weather again, back to back days of 40 degrees here at the moment and in the lead up we’ve had 35 degree days for the last week. Air conditioning on all day and fans all night – unheard of for mid October. What’s it got to be like in January and February which is usually our scorching temperature months.

    Good morning everyone from a very warm Melbourne with mad thunderstorms forecast.

    Gday, sympathy for your weather, I am girding myself for a dreadful summer, but I am pretty sure a dreadful Melbourne summer will be easy compared to your area.

    Suzy, yes! The year is flying by!

    And yes, I also agree that our digestion changes as we age, getting less and less robust. We do need to enjoy how good it is at the moment as it is never likely to be any better!

    And another thing I agree on is salads for summer! I find those salad vegetables so cooling, I don’t want them on cold days.

    Enjoy the dance festivals!

    Quacka, sympathy for the cost of the crowns, but I think that when I got mine they were more expensive and probably not as clever and long lasting as they make them now. (Before I had even heard of dental l tourism like Thin’s).

    I hope your B2B fast day went as well as the first one. On a roll!

    Neil, yes it sounds like a bump not to worry about. best wishes for a good week this week.

    Best wishes everyone!

    Afternoon all

    I’m not sure what it was, perhaps the rare day of nice sunny weather, but I had a real burst of energy yesterday. I rode my bike to and from work, did half an hour of gardening after getting home, cooked dinner, then did another 90 minutes of gardening. Hopefully this keeps up.

    It sounds like some of you are bracing for a very hot summer. We had our own little heatwave yesterday with the temperature reaching 19C. No coat!

    Neil, you are doing SO well. It’s fantastic to read of your ongoing downward trajectory with so few bumps in the road. I had to look up, ‘The Hangover’ and noted that Bradley Cooper was in it. I’ve just seen a movie with him in – A Star Is Born. I really enjoyed it and before that, I didn’t even know what Lady Gaga looked like and I couldn’t name any of her songs. I’m so out of touch. I thought they were both very talented actors and singers.

    A few months ago, I was recommending, ‘Colin From Accounts’. It’s an Australian series. I just wanted to say, don’t bother with series 2.

    Quacka, B2B fasting! I’ve never tried it. I hope it goes well. Does your OH do any fasting?

    That dentist is still practicing. He goes off the radar for a while and then pops up in another suburb. He trained in Perth and is now in his late fifties. The dentist that said he had fixed lots of his mistakes told me, ‘he’s a nice guy but he just shouldn’t be practicing dentistry’. That dentist ran for the hills when I needed someone to testify on my behalf. The name of the Thai facility is Bangkok International Dental Centre (BIDC). https://bangkokdentalcenter.com. I understand it’s a big leap but it’s always good to have options.

    We watched Dr M’s, ‘Just One Thing’ the other night. It was about the benefits of a 30 second cold shower – or any cold water immersion. Has anyone tried that? It’s still so sad to think of his untimely death.

    Thin I loved series 1 & 2 of Colin From Accounts. I’ve just finished watching Victoria series 1 & 2 about Queen Victoria and really enjoyed it, Jemma Coleman played à fantastic role but was disappointed to find the pay channel doesn’t have series 3. It appears to be only on Apple TV so I’ll look into to whether they offer a free trial subscription so I can watch the last series.

    Also for Thin, yes I do cold showers. I have a 30 minute sauna most days and have a quick cold shower straight after. Not so easy is winter but easy in the warmer months. I do about 2 mins.

    Yes still feels weird that MM is no longer with us. I follow Clare on Instagram and she is back posting regularly again. I watched an interview with her the other day, I think it was with the BBC and she is looking absolutely amazing, wouldn’t guess she was in her mid 60s that’s for sure, looking so much younger.

    Had a short 24 hour fast on Friday and planning for a 48 plus hour fast early this week. Have been asked out to lunch this coming Friday to a cafe where the choice of healthy food is very, very limited- the best I can hope for is a soup, just about everything else on the menu is deep fried or options such as pancakes or waffles.

    Gday, your weather is like ours was a week or two ago. Now it’s only on the mid to high 20’s during the day and around 10 to 15 at night. We went from summer to autumn almost overnight. So much better for sleeping.
    A couple weeks ago when the second hurricane was heading toward Florida, spent at least 12 hours texting back and forth with my cousin who was down there in a house owned by her and her husband. They live in Wisconsin with very cold winters, so it’s a nice warm getaway during those months. She was down there by herself and had planned to leave 2 days prior to the hurricane but her flight was cancelled and she couldn’t get another one. When the hurricane got closer it looked like it could hit their house which is practically on the water. She decided to drive to her son’s house which is about 45miles inland. Luckily, it hit further north up by Tampa, bet we had some tense texts throughout the night. It seems like lots of bad weather this year.

    Thin, you asked about our fresh produce in California. Since they grow so much here and in the valley it’s usually very good and in good supply. We export a lot of apples to the UK. We send produce and nuts all over the world. Almonds have become a very popular crop and I think we export a lot more than we use in California. But we also import a lot of produce. I have a bowl full of Envy apples from New Zealand sitting on the island bench right now. They are the best apples! We grow avocados in the state but also get a lot from Mexico. We import a lot of produce from Mexico and South America. It amazes me how much food is shipped around the world.

    Cinque, I think you’re right about the fiber. It’s good for the gut but if you don’t eat enough regularly, especially beans, they can cause a lot of bloating. But it seems like within a week or two that settles down. High fiber foods make me feel full longer.

    Quacka, I have never considered leaving the country for dental work, but if we were closer to Thailand I might at some point. From what thin has said the place she goes to is a top notch operation. Denytists are so expensive here too.

    Neil, congrats on the continued weight loss. You’re back on a roll again. Did they get all the cleanup done from those rains a few weeks ago?

    SuzyQ , I hope you get the problems sorted out with the IBS. I wonder if any fermented foods would help? Sauerkraut (if you like it) is easy to make at home, as is kefir if you can get some starter grains. It’s kind of like yogurt but faster to ferment and not nearly as fussy.

    Well, time to get some sleep. Have a great day, everyone.

    Afternoon all

    I’ve had a decent week, I got out for a good 70km bike ride on Saturday to check how my body is going to cope with the rides I’ll be doing on my trip. I came through that ok. I did a bit of gardening on Sunday because we hit a balmy 20+ degrees. It was a good weekend for a NZ sports fan too, as I got to see us retain the America’s cup, win our first cricket test in India since 1988, become women’s T20 world cup champions, and win the first Netball test of the Constellation Cup. I’ve got a serious sports hangover this week, with nothing to watch anymore.

    Speaking of hangovers, yes Thin, Bradley Cooper is in the Hangover movies, basically they’re a trilogy of r-rated comedies about a bunch of guys who get black-out drunk before a wedding get in trouble, and have to try to recreate what happened the following day. I think it was the second one, set in Bangkok, one of the characters decided to do some home dentistry with a pair of pliers.

    Cali, there is a guy I know who lives in Cocoa in Florida, I checked in on him after the hurricane and he said he had some damage and only just got power and internet back, he said he was just sitting around drinking beers and grilling meat. That sounded like about the most American response to a hurricane that I could imagine XD

    Gday, how’s your 48 hour fast going? I didn’t overeat much in the weekend, so I didn’t fast yesterday, but I’m having my usual pre weigh-in fast today.

    I’ll check in with you all tomorrow for my weigh-in. I haven’t been eating much the last week, I haven’t really been feeling hungry, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully I can get over the little blip from last week and see some movement in the right direction again. I’d be happy if I just managed to wipe off the 200g I gained last week.

    Catch you all later

    CalifD, thanks for the run down on California produce. I haven’t seen the Envy apples – although I haven’t looked as I only buy Pink Lady apples which have become a silly price. Lately, I haven’t bought any because there are always so many free cooking and eating apples available at this time of year.

    It looks like the authorities did a good job of convincing people to leave Florida before the hurricane. That would have been scary to be unable to get a flight out. Unless you’re Neil’s relaxed friend.

    GDSA, I loved, ‘Colin From Accounts’ series one, we didn’t enjoy the second series and didn’t finish it. I like the actors, it made a nice change to see some new Aussie actors and fun to learn that they’re married in real life. Did you find the cold showers improved your mental well-being as touted?

    Neil, that’s a lot of sports stuff. There was an America’s Cup Race the first year I ever went to Perth 1985/6 I think it was. The whole town (Fremantle) was mad for it. I remember a poster on the back of all the buses with a drawing of the Cup contained in some thought bubbles and the slogan, “Wishful Thinking Kiwis’.

    I banked a fast day on Saturday as DD was coming for the night on Sunday to spend two days with us. There’s a great pub near where we are currently moored so we went for a Sunday roast. I woke to a great low weight and blew it with a delicious nut roast and roast potatoes. So this week I must be very careful.

    We also had our new canvas cratch cover fitted over the weekend which had been ‘patterned’ back in June. It looks very smart. The guy who made it lives on a boat too and we had to co-ordinate our movements. It can be challenging to get work done as a constant cruiser (aka water gypsy). We’re heading on towards our winter mooring this morning when it warms up a bit. I might need my hand and foot warmers. The leaves have turned to beautiful autumnal colours and the sunrises are super oranges and pinks.

    Have a great week everyone.

    Morning all,

    It looks like I’ve hit a bit of a plateau at the moment. I did manage to wipe off the 200g that I gained the previous week and an extra 100g on top of that, so I’m moving in the right direction again. But it’s pretty slow with effectively only 100g lost in the last 2 weeks.

    Have a great one everyone.

    Edit, well I made a happy mistake, I thought I had gone from 110.3 to 110.5 last week, but it was actually 110.5 to 110.7, so my weigh in this morning of 110.2 was down the 200g I gained plus 300 more grams. I’m only 300 more grams away from my target of single digits above 100.

    Neil I’ve postponed my 48 hour fast until the weekend. Miss GDay made a luscious chocolate cake and biscuits on Monday as her Aunty is here for a few weeks staying with relatives and Miss GDay loves baking treats for her when she visits. I always feel guilty if I don’t eat some of her baking as she puts in so much effort and they are always beautifully decorated. So needless to say the scales nudged in the wrong direction the last few days. Given we are going out to lunch on Friday there was no point in trying to get the 48 hour fast in this week, might as well wait until the damage is done for the week and then fast. Great mistake to make Neil, well done.

    Thin I do so many different things to ensure (or try to ensure) I have good physical health and mental wellbeing so I really can’t say that cold showers directly attribute. However I’m sure they do as research shows this is the case and the centuries old practice of cold plunges must account for something.

    Thin lucky you to get free apples. I love eating an apple a day, always a Granny Smith which are cooking apples as I love their taste over any other variety, although given the extremely limited varieties avail here (only 3 varieties in our local supermarkets) I can’t say I’ve tried too many. I have a Granny Smith and Red Delicious in my garden (apple trees need 2 specific varieties to polinate and produce fruit) so I eat both but GS in my absolute favourite. Lots of new buds and flowers on the trees so hoping for a good crop coming up.

    Hello all, quick check in. Just under 4 weeks until the holiday and work is beyond crazy. Was able to have a quick catch up on recent posts and it sounds like everyone is going along nicely

    We have a family ‘Christmas’ celebration this Saturday as well as the November/December birthdays. We are going to a Thai restaurant which is unheard of for our family but it is just so much easier and not expensive. The restaurant is near our house so we will come back for dessert and coffee….which means a visitor clean is required! Gah! No time

    Mr A and I are celebrating our 32nd wedding anniversary on Friday. Lots of celebrating does not equate to weight loss unfortunately

    Must run, sorry for being an absent friend 🙁

    Good Afternoon Everyone

    I’m still here and still fasting just been really busy at work again and also trying to organise our NZ trip.

    Today is my Wednesday FD and so far so good. Feeling a bit hungry at the moment but it’s 3pm and I’ll get through.
    Monday’s FD was great. The boss was here and I had so much to do so it went quickly and easily. I’m still hanging in the 77 range so I’m hoping to see 76s tomorrow, I think I’ve been in a bit of a plateau as well Neil.

    thin, I don’t like doing B2B FDs but sometimes they are just needed if I’m going to fit two into a week. The second FD is usually a few more calories than usual but I find if I am in the right frame of mind, I can do it. Hopefully I will be in the right mindset next week as I will be going to breakfast with my gym friend on Wednesday so Monday and Tuesday will be my FDs.
    My OH doesn’t do formal fasting but sometimes he doesn’t eat breakfast as he is too busy surfing! Then he is ravenous for lunch lol

    Anzac, Happy Anniversary!! I wonder if we are going to be at the airport on the same day. We are flying out on the 17th November but very early in the morning.

    Well I better go. Almost time for home and then I am making dinner and we will be eating early tonight. I’m hungry!
    Tomorrow is first appt for the first crown so not looking forward to that. I’ll be ok.

    Take care all and look forward to reading your posts xx

    More crazy coincidences Quacka….we fly on the 17th too but at 9pm – Sydney to Dubai on Emirates first class!! We have been saving our points for 5 years as we did first class in our big trip in 2019 and really want to do it again. It’s amazing, you have your own little suite with a door that closes and there is a big shower so you can freshen up before you land. It’s incredible that some people travel this way all the time as it is AUD 26,000 for two people one way. We are paying $1,200 total in fees and charges and 184k points

    And I have the dentist tomorrow too!

    Thanks for the anniversary wishes, I have taken the afternoon off work but sadly to clean the house, not go out somewhere. We thought about going out but with so much happening in the next few weeks we decided we would just cook something nice together

    Good luck tomorrow, dentists are not fun but a necessary evil

    Good Morning Everyone

    Wow, that first class trip sounds amazing. What sort of points system have you been using? I joined Qantas FF as they had the cheapest flights to NZ when I booked. Good luck with the dentist too!

    Well I didn’t make it to the 76s but I am very close – 77.1 kg. So next week it will definitely be in the 76s. I am looking forward to an active and healthy eating weekend ahead so that I can start the week off right next week. That’s my aim now I just have to make it happen!

    Happy day all xx

    Another shock at the supermarket yesterday, $8 for a very small cabbage. Might have to start fasting 7 days a week – fresh food is becoming unaffordable.

    It’s practically criminal G’day, we also paid $7.90 for a cabbage the other day. We used to laugh about cabbage saying it is the poor man’s vegetable as it is so cheap and lasts for ages and you get so many servings out of one. Not anymore

    Hello everyone,
    A cooler day in Melbourne, I’ve got my woolly dressing gown back on.

    Neil, woot for the happy mistake and the truth of it. So close! All power to you now.

    Thin, your time with your DD, your wonderful patterned canvas cratch cover, and the nut roast all sound great. Even coordinating the cover being made sounds like such a wonderful adventure. (it took me a while to find what a cratch is 😀 )

    Best wishes for your winter mooring.

    Gday, I love granny smith apples too, that lovely acid to balance the sweet.
    Your DD’s cooking sounds wonderful and I hope it was a lovely time with her aunt there.

    Good luck getting to that fast!

    Cali, Hooray for cooler nights.
    Sending you lots of good wishes for enjoying those autumn (fall) veggies too. Best wishes to your sister and Mr Cali too.

    Anzac, Happy Anniversary!
    And have wonderful celebrations for the Christmas and birthdays too. Enjoy the Thai food!

    Sending best wishes that you can get through the mad weeks and hooray for your break coming.

    Quacka, Hooray for being so close to out of the 77’s. Next stop the 76’s!

    I am going well, in my usual up and down way. I have lovely family friends visiting tomorrow and so I am making soup and little bread rolls for them. (They will bring yummy things too).

    Cheers to everyone, have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

    Anzac, Happy Anniversary! Friday is tomorrow here. 😁

    Quacka, you’re almost out of the 77’s! 76 sounds so much lower. I don’t like B2B FD’s either. I feel starved by the second day.

    Cinque, GS apples are grown in California and are one of my favorites too. There is one type that is more sour, which I like, but it’s also softer or not as crisp of a texture. I love the combination but don’t see them in the store often. Maybe it’s because most people like sweeter apples. 🍏 When I do see them I buy as many as we can eat.

    OH’s caregiver who is here for 4/hours, 3 days per week, showed up a week ago with a stuffy nose and coughing. She claimed it was just a cold and her daughter had one too. I asked her if she would take a Covid test. We had some home tests here. She agreed and did the nose swab thing and I did the rest. As soon as I put the drops in the tester it immediately turned bright red for positive. I sent her home and called the agency that she works at to let them know. She had been here less than half an hour. The evening of the following day OH and I both had runny noses and felt “off”. We’ve tested 3 days since then and we’re negative but I still don’t feel great. I hope it’s just allergies or a cold. We are behind on our vaccinations by several months. Hope we feel better tomorrow. We are always so careful except for having the caregiver here. I am always the only one wearing a mask anymore at the grocery store.

    Thin, congrats on the new cover for the boat. I like your referring to yourselves as “water gypsies” lol!

    Have a good rest of your day everyone!

    CalifD, that’s terrible that the caregiver wouldn’t be prompted to take a covid test with those symptoms. Fingers crossed for you – that would be the last thing you need. Thinking of you lately as my stepmother (who I mentioned was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s) seems to be in rapid decline – mentally and physically. She and her OH have just moved to the south coast to be closer to my poor brother who’s handling the brunt of their almost-daily dramas. I’ve tried to help a bit by researching local support services that her OH can access, some free, some that cost quite a lot. But I feel that even if he shares a coffee once a month with others in his situation, it will lessen his burden and could lead to other support and ideas.

    GDSA, how super to have fruit trees on your property. If we ever get another house, the first thing I’ll do is fix up the garden. While you’re keen to get closer to the city, my dream would be a smallish house on a large block with a view, no neighbours within shrieking range and preferably a moat. Come to think of it, that’s sort of what we have now!

    Anzac, Happy Anniversary! I think you married about 13 months after we did. One of our friends was a captain for Emirates. He and his wife were entitled to two first class flights per year after he retired. She used to describe in detail the inflight shower. They lived in Spain – sadly he died a couple of weeks ago while in Perth.

    Anzac, if and when we set up a conventional home again, we will need absolutely everything. So I’ll be checking in with you about which credit cards to sign up for so we can get plenty of ‘miles’ racked up as we open wallets and haemorrhage money.

    Oh, near miss for Quacka and Anzac meeting at the airport.

    $8 for a cabbage, yikes.

    Cinque, I hope it’s a super day with your family friends bringing yummy goodies. And taking the dirty dishes home with them. Oh yes, of course, who could possibly know what a cratch might be.

    Neil, what was the outcome of the principal’s call about the school’s handling of your son’s head injury? And is he completely recovered?

    Dr M. said in his ‘Just One Thing’ series that we need to keep learning new skills to help forge new pathways in our brains. Learning a language seems considerably more of a commitment than taking a 30 second cold shower under the casual-sounding heading ‘Just One Thing’. One lady was learning to bake for the first time in her life, others were taking pottery lessons. Of the three, I think I’d rather tackle a language. Apparently 20 minutes per day is recommended. Anyone learning anything new?

    Yesterday a male kingfisher kept us company for some considerable distance of our cruise. The fewer the fish, the greater the territory they hold. I got my best kf photo yet – but still not good enough. At the mooring, there was a bird of prey gliding overhead (red kite, I think), several colourful pheasants on the ground and then a beautiful fox arrived to forage in the hedgerow, fur glimmering in the sunlight.

    Hello and happy Friday !

    Still on the go alot with mini me and work, but managing. Just quite exhausted and I feel more tired on FD’s , so I try to plan a FD around a day I know may not be crazy. Its not so easy at the moment. All the dancing festivals will be over after the 2nd Nov and hopefully then we can slow down. Work will head into its busy season as we do corporate gifting and most clients leave stuff to the last minute. Its weigh and measure weekend, so crossing all fingers and toes for a good result 🙂

    califD , I am amazed at the thoughtlessness of your caregiver? How did they think it was a good idea to come into work being ill ? But then humans confuse me most of the time.

    I would love some fruit trees. My gran had so many when I was little. I used to help her make jam and bottled fruit in syrup. She had such green fingers. Could grow anything. Her veggie garden and flower garden were awesome. Then agian , other than looking after me while my parents went to work , she put all her energy into her gardens. Unfortunately even though I was her “assistant” her green fingers didnt rub off on me.

    @Thin, I have a detective series I read on and off about a British detective that lives on a boat in Oxford, she has just sailed off into the sunset after her retirement from the force in the last book I read. It sounds like something I could quite easily do . How are the winters on the boat though?

    We have our annual church Portuguese Festa on Sunday – lots of delicious food on sale. So im guessing Monday is going to be a FD for me 🙂

    Have a great weekend everyone ! Chat soon .

    Hi everyone!

    It’s great to see all the positive vibes in the group! 🌟 I can totally relate to the joy of enjoying your non-fast days. Dumpling, your Christmas craft morning sounds delightful, and homemade bread with Moroccan soup? Yum! 🥘 I can almost taste that cheesecake!

    Sassy, it’s inspiring to hear about your journey and how you’ve embraced your rest days. Remember, feeling well is more important than just weight loss, and it sounds like you’re on the right track! Mel, keep at it—slow and steady wins the race!

    For those interested in enhancing their well-being even further, Clinical hypnotherapy Seattle can be a great resource. It offers valuable support in managing cravings and promoting a healthier lifestyle.

    Suzy, narrow boating is a unique and great lifestyle. I highly recommend it. We didn’t intend doing it for five years but here we are. We’ve often said we wished we could take the boat to Africa.

    You asked about winters. The boat itself is toasty warm – most boaters have to leave their doors open because it gets too hot. We have a Morso Squirrel diesel stove. I can cook one pot meals on this and always have a kettle boiling. We also have central heating in the form of three radiators run by a Webasto heater – similar to what caravaners use. We can programme this to come on when we’ve been away from the boat all day or in the morning if the diesel stove wasn’t on all night.

    The problem is that you’re standing on the stern in the elements using the tiller for propulsion. This is absolutely no fun in the wind or rain. There are many boaters who live aboard year round but there’s not much cruising going on. Lock maintenance is carried out during the winter months so there are many navigation stoppages. Boaters tend to either go in a marina for winter mooring (expensive but affords boat security, shore power, water, services, chandlery on hand, etc) or pay the Canal & River Trust to moor canal side for three months (cheaper but no facilities). Or you can just move on as usual every 14 days planning around the stoppages.

    Thin I’ve been using Duolingo for about 2 months learning French. I do one lesson per day over my morning coffee. My other ‘learning new things’ is the piano which I’ve been doing on and off for awhile now but I need to commit more time and consistency and practice every day instead of just ad hoc.

    Morning all,

    I’ve had an absolutely disastrous weekend. I was heading off on my trip on Friday, I was all packed up and on my way. I’d driven around three hours, when all the engine warning lights came on in my car. I stopped at the nearest town to check what I could, but there wasn’t anything I could see. I couldn’t find anyone to look at it because it was the beginning of a long weekend over here. I wasn’t keen to drive the rest of the 7 hours up to Nelson and then the 10 hours back again, so I cancelled my trip and limped back home in the car, stopping every 70km or so to let the car cool off and settle down.

    I lost $200 in accommodation through non-refundable deposits, the car is booked in today to find out what is wrong, but that’s likely to be expensive, and to top it off we had heavy rain, and we discovered we have a leak in the roof as we had water staining showing up on our ceiling. I’ve got a guy coming around to look at that as well, and that’s also likely to be expensive. I was so depressed I went on a binge-a-thon, just ate crap for 4 straight days. I’m guessing I’ve probably undone about a month of weight loss in 4 days.

    Today is my birthday and I’ve just cancelled my leave for this week and gone back to work, because the weather forecast here is looking pretty grim for the rest of the week. I’m really feeling pretty depressed and ashamed of myself for eating so much in response to the stress.

    I hope everyone else had a better weekend than I did.

    Thin, the principle called to admit that they had not done the right thing and they have altered all their regulations to say that if something similar happens in the future, they should seek professional medical assistance rather than relying on first aiders in the group. He’s still suffering from it, and he’s got a dispensation to get out of sitting upcoming exams as he has trouble concentrating for large periods of time. His results will instead be taken from an average of his years assignments.

    Neil, Happy Birthday. I’m so sorry to read of your disasters over the weekend. Especially concerning that your son has ongoing symptoms from the head injury. As for the binging, well you’ve already beaten yourself up over that so now it’s time to learn from that, look forward and undo the damage. You can do it. I have faith in you.

    GDSA, you’re the model health citizen. I used duolingo for a while with my ongoing efforts to learn Spanish. I found it helpful in acquiring nouns but became frustrated with not being able to control which aspects I wanted to study.

    My FD came and went but I felt hungry all day. It was the closest I’ve ever felt to abandoning a FD although i knew I wouldn’t do that. As the day wore on, I finally realised that it was because of the time change the previous evening. OH suggested we have dinner at 4pm instead of 5pm and then I went to bed at 8pm. I’m still waking up at 5am and going to bed early. It’s so dark and gloomy.

    Hello everyone,
    I had a big day with family friends on Saturday and continuing my social time as my nephew has stayed overnight after seeing a concert in Melbourne (Thom Yorke).

    Cali, you are right, it is the granny smith crispness that makes their sweet and sour taste perfection! Pink Lady is crisp and tangy too, so they are also a favourite of mine Thin (I think it was you who loves them).

    I do hope your household are okay after having covid visit. How I wish they made it easy for anyone who works with people to take the time off with any flu/covid/cold symptoms.

    Nephew is awake, I will write more later!

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