Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,224 replies, has 834 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 1 day ago.

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  • LJ, that’s a great idea to use only items in your fridge, freezer or pantry for a week. My pantry seems to be packed lately because I order online for home delivery for a lot of our pantry items and things I already have get pushed to the back. Same with many of the freezer items. I bet I could go at least a week except for some fresh fruits and vegetables. And I might discover more jars of mustard with 2014 expiration dates!

    Thin, what a great idea to buy a car with a manual transmission for your daughter to learn to drive. I’m looking forward to dependable self driving cars.:)

    We finally got a break on the weather. Thank you for sending it over, Cinque! Our high today was about 33c. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be 30. And it drops down even further at nigh so we can open windows and turn on the whole house fan. There have been so many wild fires on the west coast though. Many are only a few acres and they get them right away. But there is one huge one about 140km from here, as the crow flies, that has reached 307,368 acres tonight with no containment yet. It’s north of here in a very hilly, mountainous forest area. Those are the hardest places to fight fires because it’s harder to get equipment in. They fight much of in from large tanker planes and some helicopters. But they are often grounded because of smoke. It’s moving toward houses so lots of evacuation orders and watches. The wind generally blows in other directions so we haven’t seen any smoke from it here so far. I hope they start getting some containment tomorrow. We have an app called Watch Duty that gives very good and timely info around the clock so we’re constantly checking that.

    After being so careful on my FD Thurs, I gained .4kg. It’s funny how that seems to be happening lately, a small gain the day after and the the loss after another day or two.

    Well, time for sleep. Take care everyone.

    CalifD, bummer about the post-FD gain but all good if it goes away the day after. Gosh those fires are scary, aren’t they? My OH did a lot of aerial fire fighting in Australia. Do you still have all the pets that you had when you were with us before? Including the bird.

    FD for me today as DD is coming to spend the night tomorrow and we can have the option to go to the pub. Just crossed the border from Lancashire to Yorkshire on the Pennines and it is stunning scenery in all directions.

    Good morning everyone,
    Fitting in a post before I get going for the day.

    Good point about salt (with liquid) on fast days to avoid headaches, Cali.

    I am enjoying the grits meals. The stew part was quite rich so I left the grits plain, pretty much as you described, Cali. I can imagine people finding them a bit stodgy Thin, is that how you found them? I think of them as polenta with more texture.

    Haven’t costs crept up! I am finding myself so excited to buy a vegetable at a good price that I haven’t bought for ages, when I used to buy them all the time. Glad there are still plenty near their usual prices though.

    LJoyce, what great little quiches.

    I’ve also just had a pretty successful time of ‘eating my freezer’. Today I am going to make some vegetable pot pies that will use up more and nearly clear out my fridge too. But then, of course, I will use them to stock my freezer haha.

    Hooray you got some weather relief Cali. That dreadful fire has been on our news too. Two of the worlds hottest days. Poor dear world. Cold here still and some very cold nights coming!

    Thin, thinking of your lovely pub night with DD. And your stunning scenery.

    I cut out a meal yesterday so it was my sort of fast day these days. I will aim to do it again tomorrow. Even though it slows down ‘eating the freezer’ 😉

    Ok housework here I came.

    Best wishes everyone

    Cinque, I think of grits as polenta with more texture and less flavor of their own. I can taste a little more corn in polenta. Both need to have other foods or seasonings added or be eaten with other foods.
    We’re getting a little break on the weather, at least for a few days. Cooler nights for now but supposed to go up again as the week goes on. I hope you’re getting some sun and warmth. They have 14% containment on that one big fire that’s not too far from here. But it’s continuing to grow larger. Yes, poor world! It seems to be getting hotter everywhere.

    Thin, yay for the pub night with DD. I hope all of you had a wonderful time. How does DD get to your boat? Public transportation, or does she have a car? Is public transportation pretty good there? It’s dismal here other than for a few large cities.

    Well, I hung on to that weight gain for about 4 days, until this morning. I’m finally back on track. I figured it must have been eating late at night on non FD’s instead of stopping around 8pm or so. I wasn’t really eating big quantities. I think it may have been the salt in things like those little snack crackers. Too late at night to get rid of it before morning weigh in.

    Morning all, weigh in this morning back down 1 kilo.

    Cali, I hope you stay safe from the fire. I hear there are some NZ firefighters flying in to Canada to help fight the bush fires over there. Glad you managed to shake that post fast gain. Hopefully you can continue now you’ve worked out what the issue was.

    Thin, I hope you have a good day with your DD. My brother spent a while in Yorkshire when he was doing his OE. He based himself in Leeds and worked in an office there to fund his European exploration.

    Cinque, we eat our freezer every fortnight. Because I get paid fortnightly, we usually have a full fridge on pay week, then empty it over the next 2 weeks. I do go to the local farmer’s market every week, and seasonal veggies are cheap at the moment. You can get cabbages, cauli, broccoli, swedes, leeks, pumpkin, celery, carrots, beetroot, brussels sprouts, etc. pretty cheap. Meat is up and down in price, but still a lot more expensive than it was 5 years or so ago.

    I gave my boy his first lesson in the weekend. It was pretty rough, he didn’t pick it up as quickly as I did when I was his age, so he’s taken after his mother in that respect. Hopefully he’ll improve in the next few weeks before he gets his professional lessons.

    Have a great one everyone.

    Good Morning all 🙂 Happy Wednesday !

    I cannot beleieve it is August tomorrow, the year is simply flying away.

    Gosh those fires sound scary. We get them here in the Cape area, thankfully I am in the Johannesburg area and we dont experience fires like that up here. Some of our surrounding game reserves have experienced fires recently , but not on the scale of what I have seen and heard about in Aus and california. Stay safe x

    So I finally decided to weigh myself after 4 weeks and 8 fast days. I was a little disappointed as I had only lost 1kg BUT i have lost cm in the hips and waist area. When I was doing weight watches, loosing cm’s in specific areas was also seen as a loss, so perhaps it isnt too bad. I am also not super mindful about what I eat on non fast days , and I am sure I definitly over eat. My aim is to try harder not eat when I am actually not hungry. I am a bit of a nibbler.

    Thanks for all the tips, receipes and laughs everyone .I was not a good learner driver Neil – my dad eventually just got me lessons -better for his nerves . Its not easy to teach your own child. I am a locum primary school teacher and during Covid my daughter started grade 1 . I had to teach her …. shoooowee the fights we had, and yet I can quite easliy teach other peoples children without arguments. LOL.

    Have a super duper week everyone.

    SuzyQ, well done on the first kg gone. I think all of us here had/have a tendency to over eat, that’s what got us here in the first place. Most of us found that, over time, 5:2 helped shape our food desires and portions. There’s also a tendency to over eat the day before and after a FD but that also goes away with more FD experience behind you. While I was so overweight (25kg more than now), I had no idea which foods affected my weight gain. Now I’m acutely aware. One other thing to consider is that we need to be eating the number of calories for the weight we want to be, not the weight we are. That’s where most of us failed on previous diet efforts – as soon as we reached the desired weight, we returned to our previous eating patterns.

    Neil and SuzyQ, teaching your own children: One of our friends in Perth was taught in an outback country town by her mother – all primary grades in one class. One evening, she was arguing with her mum at home and said, “Well, Mrs Collins says …..”. (Mrs Collins being her mum!).

    Neil, you are so funny. Did you also teach your wife to drive?! As soon as our DD had the first driving lesson, we were informed of all the things we’d been doing wrong – so maybe get a few professional lessons in soon! Hurray for your kg gone too.

    CalifD, those fires are a concern. Hurray for shedding the weight. Late night snacking isn’t helpful, is it? When DD returned from South America, she negotiated a much better pay package and a 3 day work week with her previous employer – but it’s only for four months. She gets a car supplied and housing. When she visits, we find a bridge with road access and a safe place to park a car and then use ‘what3words’ to convey the place. The last one was a swing bridge that we’d just passed through.

    England does have a good public transport system though – OH and I both have a bus pass which is one of the few advantages of getting old. I remember in California, we couldn’t walk anywhere except to the beach and a car was essential for every little thing. No public transport.

    Cinque, I’m enjoying reading about your semi-fast days – even better for slowing down the freezer food consumption.

    Suzy don’t get discouraged with the weight loss showing on the scales. Weighing once a month is not an ideal tracking method because our weight can vary greatly from day to day so if you happen to weight on a day when you are holding excess water weight, or have eaten a lot of carbs in the few days prior, then the result won’t be pleasing.

    A more accurate way is to measure each day is to take a weekly average by adding up the daily totals and divide by 7. Keep track of your weekly totals and use that to gauge how your weight has fared as the weeks go by. I’ve been using this method for over 8 years, although I use Fitbit scales and the app so it’s logged electronically on the app as well as automatically calculating my BMI, body fat ratio etc.

    The best way which you have already discovered is by body measurements, this provides the most accuracy. I do weekly measurements and it provides great insight into where the body will lose weight easily or not so easily. As we know we have absolutely no control over where on the body we will lose the weight, the body controls that 100% and every individual is different.

    I suggest your headaches are due to low electrolytes. It wouldn’t be possible for you to have keto flu as you need to consume a diet of extremely low carb and absolutely no sugars at all. It can take anywhere from 2 days up to several weeks (everyone is different) of eating this way before the body even begins to creep into the low ketosis stage. 5:2 fasting doesn’t lend itself to keto unless you are extremely low carb, no sugar as a standard eating practice.

    Suzy a bit of background on me FYI. I joined this forum just under 8 years ago when I started using 5:2 but over time I found the keto diet was more for me. I went from 84kg (from memory without looking at my records) down to 59kg. In the last 2 years I’ve put a little big back on when my husband passed away unexpectedly in 2022 but I’m back on track now and losing the last few kgs to get back to 59. In the last few years I’ve gained a Nutrition qualification and a Personal Trainer qualification and have opened my own gym, nutrition and weight management business.

    Good morning everyone,
    Still cold and grey here, but preferable to being hot and wildfirey so I am just muttering under my breath.

    Cali, hooray for getting back on track. Yes those evening nibbles are a trick. We are so tired that they are hard to resist. All power to you managing to avoid them. Does brushing your teeth after your evening meal help?

    Neil, haha I bet your active growing family eats most of the food before it even gets into the freezer!

    I have been busy with grandchildren, my favourite thing, but not good for my ME/CFS so a) very glad my freezer hadn’t been completely cleared, and b) didn’t manage to make those veggie pies. Not much left in fridge or freezer now. (But now I think about it, still good for a few more days!)

    I am feeling a bit better this morning and hope I can do a good shop and lots of cooking over the next few days. I will start making plans (such a pleasurable thing to do). And Neil, I so agree, those staple vegetables are still a good price most of the time.

    Best of wishes for those driving lessons. Different people have SUCH different learning styles. I was not a natural driver, but got there in the end, so fellow feeling if your son is like me.

    SuzyQ I think weighing monthly is a really great thing to do. And 1kg is excellent. Picture a kg of fat, gone forever (hopefully) and gone from your waist is absolutely the best.
    Fast weight loss usually leads to fast regaining the weight. Let it come off slowly and give your brain/hormones etc the chance to adjust and understand this is your new weight.
    As Thin said, this time of having fast days allows you to compare your ‘normal’ eating days and make adjustments so there is not so much excess and to slowly build in some good habits. 5:2 gives you time to do that.

    With 5:2 I lost 1kg a month, so after 15 months I was nicely down at the lower end of my healthy weight range. And I got happier each month!

    My weight did slowly sneak back up (several kilos), even though I thought I was doing good maintenance, so I did have to keep my eye on my waist. I find scales problematic (demonic), so I just measure my waist, and find that is the best way for me.

    It still tries to sneak back up, but is more and more tractable.

    Touch wood and whistle.

    Thin, I love what you wrote about 5:2 and how it helps our knowledge and shapes our practices.
    And I had a good laugh at the ‘Mrs. Collins’ anecdote.

    Gday, what a good example this little group is of different ways to keep track of our weight. I’m the opposite extreme from you, but we have each found what works for us.

    Best wishes everyone, I hope it is a good weekend.

    Grr, I just hit the wrong key and lost a post! Now I have to try and recall what I’d written – I might be a bit briefer.

    I have been absent a few days with a gastric virus. I’m well now but lacking energy.

    Neil, good luck with the driving lessons. I found it impossible with my dad as driving instructor. In the end my sister-in-law taught me, she was calm, patient and actually explained things – just what I needed.

    Suzy, I agree with the advice of GDSA and Cinque – body measurements are a good way of tracking progress. I used that in addition to the scales – it helped my motivation to have a loss in cms, even when the scales were being parsimonious.
    I also found that my FDs were fine, it was the NFDs where I had issues with eating a bit too much – mostly due to snacks.

    Cinque, yes, isn’t it handy to have a stash of home cooked meals in the freezer when you are too tired or busy to cook. While I try to keep on top of everything I’ve stashed away, I never quite get to the bottom of it.

    Cali, I hope that fire doesn’t come any closer to you. Hopefully the weather will ease with your autumn approaching.

    Thin, I watched an episode of “Great Canal Journeys”. The program is a few years old, but they were on the Leeds-Liverpool canal and said they though it was the nicest of all the canals. The Pennines did look lovely. Not sure about that 3+ mile tunnel though, it looked very claustrophobic.

    GDSA, it has been a lot of time and effort to get your qualifications and get the business going. I hope it’s all going well for you.

    Hello to anyone else who is reading. Take care.

    Hello all

    Just home from dear old Dad back to the surgeon for a checkup from his nasty skin cancer surgery. I was not prepared for what I saw – it honestly looks like he got attacked by a crocodile! However the pathology was all good and he is healing nicely

    I have been watching what I eat but the few hundred grams I put on are not moving. I will try for a FD tomorrow

    Sorry to hear about the gastro LJ, hope you are feeling better soon

    yay for a kilo GONESKY Neil

    Thin we were hoping to catch a train from London to Edinburgh but the cost was three times more than flying. The reviews were terrible too so we opted to fly. I’m glad the bus system is working for you at least

    Cinque I love how you described your 5:2 story and maintenance tips. I need to be mindful; my ultimate issue is aimlessly eating without thinking

    Must run friends, catch up more soon

    Day after FD for me with the usual 900g gone and a nice, empty feeling. I could never consider taking tape measurements as a reliable method unless I had a tattoo around my waist showing me where to place the tape measure. Even if I try it five minutes apart, the result is always different. It’s too subjective for me. I do have ten years’ worth of daily weights recorded though and those don’t lie with my trusted scales.

    Cinque, as you say, we’re all different. Oh yes, brushing teeth after the last meal is a good reminder that the kitchen is closed.

    Anzac, your poor dad. I hope he heals well and soon.

    LJ, the L&L was our favourite canal as well. The Standedge three mile tunnel is on the Huddersfield Narrow Canal. We were booked to do it the same year that we did the L&L but it was cancelled due to lack of water. It’s one of the seven wonders of the canal network. We are so close now but, again, the HN Canal has been closed. As it is, we’re stuck here on the Rochdale for lack of water ahead. But it’s so beautiful and we have resources onboard for now. And summer finally arrived!

    On driving lessons, my uncle taught me to drive in the UK. I’ve always remembered the best advice he ever gave me, “If in doubt, stop”. Before that, in the USA, I learned to drive on a tractor in North Carolina. I took my test in a ’65 Chevrolet pickup with a snake hide on the dash. I think the tester passed me just so he could get away from the girl with the snake hide who ‘talks funny’. (cheek, considering his own accent).

    CalifD, are you OK?

    Morning all

    Ha, thin. I sat mine in the little country town. The guy who took me was the local cop who was part of the same rifle club I was in, and I was at scouts and school with his kids so I knew him pretty well. He got me to pull out of the community centre where we started, said “turn right…turn right again….turn right again…turn right again…pull into the community centre car park…Congratulations, you passed” My driving test was a total of 2 minutes driving around one block.

    Anzac, skin cancer is nasty, It’s probably something I’ll have to keep an eye on with my heritage of freckled Scottish skin living in this part of the world with no ozone layer. My dad has already had several cut out or irradiated, and my younger brother has had a couple of suspect moles taken off too. Hopefully your dad will heal up ok from his surgery.

    Ljoyce, yeah, I think NFD are the killers with most of us. I especially struggle if I’ve been avoiding starchy and sugary stuff for a while and then eat some. It seems to trigger a landslide I have trouble stopping. “Just one cheese scone” at morning tea turns into a cheese scone, a couple of pieces of toast when I get home from work, a plate of pasta for dinner, and a bowl of icecream for dessert, then some evening snacks.

    Cinque, Yeah, my boys usually empty our fridge and freezer every week. I enjoy the Saturday morning shopping trip though, farmers market in the morning for fruit and veg, fishmonger for fish, butcher for meat, Indian grocery store for the fruit and veg we don’t get from the farmer’s market, then supermarket for everything else. It takes a couple of hours, but I find it quite relaxing.

    Gday, Keto flu is when you’re body switches from burning glycogen to burning fat, so it is possible they day after fast days if you’re active enough to deplete your glycogen supply.

    Suzy, 1 kilo is better than a gain, tracking measurements as well as weight is a good tool. When I was on the way down last time I hit a plateau around 90 kg, but I was going pretty hard at the gym at that time, so although I wasn’t losing weight, I was getting smaller because I was building up a bit of muscle which balanced out the fat that was going.

    Well last week was up and down. The end of the week we had one staff member on leave, 3 out sick, one working from home leaving just 3 of us in the office, then our exalted leader decided it was a good time to take one of the guys away for a meeting for 2 hours, leaving with us just 2 of us doing all the work. To rub it in, as soon as that meeting was finished he decided he would “work from home” for the afternoon. funnily enough he always choses to “work from home” on Fridays after there’s been a big dump of snow in the ski fields and calls in sick on Monday. This one was no different, we got to yesterday and, sure enough, he called in sick. I had a big blowout on Friday night, ate too much, had a few drinks and collapsed into bed. The weekend was a lot better though. It was sunny most of the time, so I got a couple of rounds of frisbee golf in, got out into the garden for a while, and then the last 2 days I’ve managed to get out on my bike before and after work. I’m not expecting anything on the scales this week though after my Friday blow-out.

    Well have a good one everyone.

    Neil, I enjoyed your post over my first coffee. Thank you. You have a good family/social life. I wish you could find a happier work place. Do you do any hunting/shooting with your boys?

    Another Monday, another FD finished. After losing 1.4kg on last Thursday’s FD, I slowly put .6kg on the next few days. I hope this Monday FD gets rid of it. I seem to be bouncing around in weight more than I remember from last time. But I’m in the 67’s and going in the right direction. Thin, I had to laugh at your remark about using measurements rather than the scales. I think I would need tattoos to tell me where to measure as well. My waist and thighs seems to move around according to water weight!

    Cinque, I love your description of your weight loss journey. I agree that closing the kitchen at night is a good idea, probably healthier too. You can send some more of that cold and gray over this way. We actually had an overcast day last week but it was still really warm. The humidity made it feel warmer It did give the firefighters a chance to get some more containment. The fire that’s close to here is still growing in some places. It’s over 406,500 acres tonight but 34% contained. It isn’t moving in our direction. We aren’t even getting any smoke from it.

    LJ, I’m glad to hear you are over that gastric virus. A few months ago there was some of that going around in this area. We didn’t catch it, but people who did were miserable with it. Lots of Covid going around here again. But very few people wear masks anymore. I think I’m the only one sometimes in grocery stores. It’s getting a little cooler here, at least not over 38C. It cools down most nights so we can turn off the air conditioning and turn on the whole house fan which sucks the cool air in from outside. The days are slowly getting shorter now too, so that helps. I think we’ve broken records this year for the most hot days. And we’re still in August.

    Neil, I remember when I took my driver’s test. I passed it on the first try but one error was the proper direction to turn the tires when parking on a hill. The tester told me he would pass me, but that I should never move to San Francisco. I moved to Berkeley a few years later but worked in San Francisco for several years. lol! Congrats on the 1 kg loss, Neil.

    Anzac, I hope your dad heals quickly from the skin cancer removal. A friend of ours had a cancer removed from the side of his nose and had to have some skin grafted from his forehead. We saw pictures of it and it looked pretty awful. But 6 months later it is hard to tell he even had the surgery. It was really quite amazing.

    Suzy, weighing only once a month would take a lot of willpower! The only thing I would worry about is that my weight seems to bounce around a bit, even when there is a definite downward trend. What if you weighed on one of the higher water weight days? Gday’s idea of taking an average of 7 days might give a better idea.

    Well, time to get some sleep, it’s after 1:30am here. Keep a watch on the world while I’m asleep!

    Morning all, I had a surprise at the weigh in this morning. Despite my weekend excesses, I still managed to drop almost a kilo last week. Down 900g, so down around 2 kilos in the last 2 weeks. I had a meeting with a health advisor this morning, and he’s given me a few tips to help me deal with the stress eating. I’ve got another appointment in a month to catch up how things are going. Hopefully I can continue on the downward trajectory.

    Neil, congrats on the 2 kilo loss in the last 2 weeks! Stress eating can be tough. Maybe it’s because eating sugar, or foods that contain sweeteners give you that burst of energy, but when that wears off you feel sleepy. Or at least that’s how it works for me. So I know if I eat enough, it will help with the stress. What did your health advisor suggest?

    Another hot day here today and tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. But I’m thankful we’re not close to any fires or down in Florida where they have all the flooding. And I lost 500 grams on yesterday’s FD. I made a big Greek salad for dinner for the three of us tonight. It started out to be a side salad that I kept adding to. Romaine lettuce, chopped red peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and red onions, Greek olives and crumbled feta. The bowl of salad looked large enough to bring to a party but we ended up eating it all and then weren’t hungry for anything else. Dressing was a little olive oil, white wine vinegar, lemon juice, oregano, a little dill and some mint from the garden. Healthy and filling.

    Hi Cali, I have a friend in Florida and he was telling me that they just had the first hurricane of the season. But he’s in Cocoa, so on the other side of the peninsula from where the hurricane hit

    The advisor gave pretty helpful advise. When I told him my main issue was stress eating, and when I do eat, it’s mainly salty, starchy, or sugary snacks. He asked if I ate dinner afterwards, when I said yes, and usually eat things in the evening after dinner as well. He said this type of stress eating is about the dopamine hit. He suggested looking for something else that I get pleasure from and try to do that rather than eating. But then he went on to say that it’s unrealistic to say that “Oh I just won’t eat when I’m stressed anymore” because it’s likely that I will. He said the best thing is to try to alter what I eat a little. He said to have a ready supply of high protein snacks, like a few boiled eggs in the fridge, some roasted chick peas, some beef jerky, etc. If I eat that, then I’ll be less likely to reach for the carbs after. But if I do slip, to try to eat carbs that have a bit more nutritional value. Eating a denser bread with seeds and while grains, like a Vogels bread instead of a plain wheatmeal bread, having dried fruit rather than sweets, a dark high cocoa chocolate rather than a milk chocolate. I have a check-in in a month to.see how I’ve got on. The best thing is it is a fully government funded service, so I didn’t have to pay anything.

    Hello everyone,

    LJoyce, sympathy for that lost post! Good to hear your news, except for that nasty gastric virus bit. I hope your energy has returned now.

    Anzac, hooray for your dad healing well, and I hope you got that fast day in.

    Isn’t is amazing how we can mindlessly eat! And our stomach/brain only lets us know about it an hour in!
    I am trying to keep mindful (in everything!) but it seems to be going against a lifetime of learning to do things on autopilot!
    Well, I am mindfully posting now, and mindfully enjoying every sip of the coffee I have here on the desk.

    Yay Thin, lovely fast day, lovely .9 down, lovely empty feeling.

    Neil, grrr that idiot boss of yours.

    I love the advice you got for stress eating. You would be so good at finding things to give that dopamine hit… except that it happens when we are exhausted, and food is such an easy solution at that time. Food has been the perfect answer for millennia, but fails now we have that ultra-processed food on hand. All power to you finding some healthier alternatives.

    I’ve been thinking about what you wrote and realise that having a cup of tea is a good strategy for me, mostly because it gives me a pause. If I can tell myself to have a cup of tea and then have something to eat, and it takes me twenty minutes or so to have my cup of tea, by then the urge has passed or I have had time to figure out the healthier alternative.

    Also, I didn’t know it was protein we are hungry for when needing dopamine. (No wonder I have become such a meat eater over the last years).

    Anyway, good luck with it!

    Cali, I also found 5:2 much harder when I did my second batch of it. (ie a straight forward 15 months losing about a kg a month… then over the next four years doing ‘maintenance’ until I realised how many kilos had snuck back on, and then the hard work of strict 5:2 again.) It just felt that my body wasn’t responding the same way. But still worth persisting ofcourse!

    No snacks was crucial for me.

    We have about a week of spring weather which is a welcome relief except it really should be winter for another month science-wise.

    Oh how delicious that salad sounds!

    I got a lovely bag of vegetables the other day. I managed to get to my favourite veggie shop/market and there was so much good stuff!
    I made that stew and grits again because I wanted to perfect it while it was still fresh in my mind. One cup of uncooked grits made enough for 8 portions, since I eat small portions and so easy because I can cook it in my small pressure cooker.
    Then I made a vegetable bake with chorizo, topped with grated halloumi and breadcrumbs, and 8 Cornish pasties (which I hope can cook from frozen without getting soggy bottoms).
    My freezer is full to bursting.
    I still have lots of veggies in my fridge so I will focus on them before I get back to eating my freezer 🙂 And add lots of protein for dopamine!

    Apologies anyone fasting while reading!

    Now I am off to do some outside stuff, I think my garden is about to take off. I have flowers on my broadbeans and lots of baby chard that want to grow up. Ooh and parsley everywhere.

    Best wishes to everyone, I hope today is a good day.

    Morning Cinque, I don’t think the protein was specifically for the dopamine hit, I think it was more the reasoning that if you have a protein rich snack first, it fills you up. Then you’re less likely to want the sugary, starchy, salty stuff afterwards.

    I’ve been feeling pretty good this week, I’ve been biking in every day and taken a bit of a cruise after work a couple of times, except for yesterday. Yesterday I felt exhausted and really hungry all day, so I listened to my body and took the car into work and ate slightly more than normal. I’ve been averaging 1800 calories a day for the last few days, I upped it to 2100 yesterday. It seemed to work because I was feeling a lot more energetic and less hungry today.

    Snap Cinque, I didn’t have a veggie bake, but I made a salad using similar ingredients to what you used in your bake. I had a salad with Halloumi, salami, capers, lettuce, celery, and capsicum for lunch today.

    I had to laugh today, I asked my wife if she wanted leek and potato soup tonight for dinner, she said “yes, without buns” I said “You don’t want buns?” and she immediately said “I like buns, I thought I could resist the temptation of extra carbs, I’m weak, I want buns” That didn’t take much prompting. I’m deliberately having less food during the day today because I know I’m likely to have some movie snacks tonight, so I’m saving a few calories to make up for it. Avocado for breakfast, my halloumi salad for lunch, leek and potato soup for dinner, and a flat white for snack is around 1300 calories, which will leave me 500-800 for movie snacks and still be around my calorie goal for the day.

    I hope everyone else is good, Have a great weekend all

    Cinque, you’re right about how easy it is to eat mindlessly. That seems to be my biggest downfall. It’s hard to sit down and read without food in one hand. 5:2 helps to break that habit, at least for the 2 FD’s. After more than a month I’m getting back into the routine of it.

    Neil, I’ve been adding more salads for family meals lately. I made a Greek style tuna salad a couple days ago that turned out well. And replacing the mayo with a little olive oil and lemon juice made it healthier. I have to chop lettuces so it’s easier to feed them to OH, but I’ve always liked chopped salads anyway. Since he has a hard time with sandwiches other than P&J, it cuts down on the amount of bread we eat which isn’t a bad thing. I still enjoy my sourdough toast and Vegemite with my coffee in the morning, but I limit myself to two pieces of toast.

    Two days ago there was a wild fire near here, mainly dry grass and brush in an area where they are doing home building. It was only about 4 miles from here, as the crow flies. We saw it right away on the tracking app we use. It quickly went from 1-5 acres to 15-20. We were able to see some of the smoke from our upstairs windows. DS and I were terrified. The thought of getting OH, 2 small dogs and 2 big birds, not to mention paperwork and other things into 2 cars and then where to go was paralyzing. Fortunately they got it under control within an hour or so. But many people in that area were evacuated. It grew to about 40 acres before they had it circled. We could hear the planes going over and dropping water. That is the closest a fire that size has come to us. It wasn’t a FD, but might as well have been. I made dinner for DS and OH, but I barely ate any. There’s another fire about 15-20 miles from here in a mountain forested area. It’s far enough from here and not burning in this direction but it’s grown to over 1,500 acres. Much of it is being fought by air because it’s not very accessible. Many people in nearby towns have been evacuated. Such a scary year! It feels overwhelming sometimes.

    Between not eating much Wednesday and then my FD yesterday, I lost .8kg, putting me into the 66’s. Now I have to be careful to keep moving in that direction. It does feel good to have looser fitting clothes and my knee is feeling considerably better. I think we sometimes forget what stress even a few extra kg’s can put on our bodies, especially as we get older.

    Cinque, I ordered some grits. They are more popular in the southern states than here so I don’t think to buy them. But now hearing you talking about them, I have the taste for them again.

    Time to go before OH wakes up. Have a great day everyone!

    Good afternoon everyone.

    It’s been a lovely sunny winter day here. I managed to take advantage of the weather and go walking with a friend. Lots of showers forecast this week, so it’s nice to make the most of a nice day.

    My head is spinning at the moment as I’ve spend the last 3 hours researching solar panels, inverters, installation etc. I think I need a spreadsheet to sort everything out!

    Cali, how terrifying to have a fire so close. I’m glad it’s now under control. I hope the others don’t come any closer to you.
    I experienced that when I lived in the hills. I remember that paralyzing feeling and panicking about evacuating a relative with dementia and mobility issues. (I’m grateful I didn’t have pets to worry about as well.) I realised I had to be prepared. So each summer I had overnight bags pre-packed for my dad and myself, which included essential meds. I put all the important paperwork into a filing box and I pasted a “to do” list inside the lid of the box. The list was important as it’s really hard to think clearly when you are in panic mode. Following a written instruction is much easier.

    Cinque and Neil your uses for haloumi and salami/chorizo both had my mouth watering.

    I agree about protein (and fat) helping to take the edge of appetite. Adding nuts, nut butter or cheese to a snack keeps my appetite at bay for longer than snacks without the added fat & protein. My easiest way to do this is by adding it to a piece of fruit.
    My favourites are: sliced apple eaten with 3-4 tsp almond butter; or a pear with a wedge of firm ricotta or cheddar. If I need something transportable it’s usually 4 dried nectarine halves and 6-8 pecans or almonds.

    Cinque, You should be fine with your cornish pasties. I have made and frozen unbaked pasties and pies. They are best partially or fully thawed before baking – and using an enamelled tray to bake them on (it heats up and crisps the bottom pastry). I also bake them in the airfryer as it cooks from the bottom as well as the top so the pastry is lovely.

    I have just finished a a very careful eating week as my weight was up a little. It’s back to 81 now so I can go back to normal 5:2.

    When we were sharing and discussing our FD recipe thread I remembered that we also had a separate one for legumes. While not all FD fare, there are a lot of delicious and healthy recipes there. https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/beans-and-lentils-recipes-tips-and-information/ I really do enjoy hearty legume dishes in this weather.

    Must go and put dinner on. Take care all.

    🍉 ☕ 🥒 ** Celebrating 10 years of IF with a fast day today! ** 🌶️ 🍽️ 🍅

    I lost 23kg in my first year of 5:2 back in 2014 and lost another 2kg along the way with a combination of 5:2 and 6:1. I have never, ever missed a fast day in these ten years, they’re just a part of my life.

    I will forever be grateful to Dr M. for changing my life in so many positive ways. Being a slim person is so empowering after spending much of my adult life overweight. I was 85kg, now 60kg. I eliminated my risk of diabetes and reduced my risk of heart failure and stroke to the 3% associated with age. I reduced my risk of developing various forms of cancer associated with being obese. I eliminated knee joint pain.

    I’m hoping the practice of fasting delivers other long-term health benefits such as improving my mental acuity or, at least, slowing its decline. It’s a marvellous feeling to be in control of food rather than the other way around.

    My only regret is that I didn’t learn of this WOL until age 58. So, to anyone who’s reading, especially if you’re younger with the prospect of turning your health around for the longer-term, – do it now!

    Morning all. I had a good weekend. I didn’t get out for a ride like I was hoping, but I did manage to get a round of frisbee golf in, and got a few hours of work done in the garden. The weather was quite pleasant, so it felt good to get out and get some fresh air and exercise. It’s completely different today, we had snow and hail, so I’m so pleased I got so much done in the garden yesterday. This week will be the first weigh-in since I started on the new techniques to avoid the post-work binge, and also the first week of being on a new calorie tracking app, so it will be interesting to see how my weigh-in goes.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend, I’ll catch up with you all later.

    Hello Everyone ! Hope you are all well?

    To say I had a disaterous eating weekend would be putting it mildly, but its OK because its a new week and I will just start again. (SA had a long weekend and so my bad eating choices began on Friday.) Has anyone tried a 4:3 option when they have been bad 😉

    Congrats Thin on your awesome progress and the ability to have sustained it. A girl lives in hope. I am 52 and I do not want to buy bigger clothes, so this has to work for me , even if I just lose inches and my clothes feel looser I will be happy.

    My child is still coming to grips with Mom and this fasting thing. She had a Krispy Kreme the other day , on my FD, and the next day I found 1/6 of this doughnut in a tuppaware . I asked her about it and she said she felt so sad I couldn’t have some that she saved me some. Such a sweet child. She is just programmed to see mom eat too much and indulging in naughty treats I think.

    Well have a super week all and happy FD’s. The weather is getting warm enough for me to embrace salads , so I am sure I will have a great 5:2 week.

    Thin, congrats on your 10 year anniversary of 5:2 and intermittent fasting. That is indeed a great accomplishment and so much better for your health than being overweight. Not skiing a FD in all of that time is amazing as well.

    LJ, putting solar on your home should make a big difference in your electric bills. I can imagine how mind boggling it must be to figure out all the options though. We don’t have solar on our house but this summer I wish we did. We use electricity in the summer for air conditioning and propane in the winter for heating. The propane is more expensive, but the electricity is catching up!

    Neil, do you get snow there often or is it just an occasional thing? I’m glad to hear you got your gardening done the days before.

    Suzy, I think I may have done a couple 4:3 weeks in the past when I couldn’t get the scales to cooperate. But it seems easier to just cut down on non FD’s, not necessarily to 500 calories, but lower than normal. I hate counting calories although I do it religiously on FD’s.

    Cinque, I got the grits and tried some with just a small sprinkle of cheese along with the salt and pepper. It was pretty good. I think I may try a small sprinkle of those Baco’s fake bacon bits that I sometimes add to salads.

    We finally got a break on the weather. We’re down a few degrees and it looks like it could last a week or more. Cool nights too. It will help the firefighters as long as the wind stays calm.
    I gained 1kg overnight for some unknown reason. No crazy eating or anything. I hope it’s just water weight. Tomorrow is my Monday FD so that should help.

    Morning Suzy. When I first started with fasting I started at 132.5 kilos and did the fast 800 (800 calories a day) I felt so good on that, that I did that for 12 weeks and lost 23 kilos. Then I moved to 4:3 for another couple of months, then 5:2, then 6:1 when I got closer to my goal weight. I went from 132.5 to 85 kilos in around 11 months.

    If you don’t think you can manage 3 fast days, you can look at your calorie expenditure as a weekly thing. I don’t know what your TDEE is, but say it’s 1800 calories per day, which is 12,600 per week. If you have a big blowout and eat like 3,000 calories, you could do three fasts to get you back on track, or you could do 1 or 2 fasts and then jut reduce the calories you eat on the rest of the days of the week. Eating 1500 calories a day instead of 1800.

    Good that you got a bit of a break Cali, we’re the other way, we’re getting a break in the weather this week, which means the temperature is a few degrees warmer than it has been. We’re supposed to hit 16-17 degrees for the next few days, rather than the 10 degrees we got yesterday. We usually get 2 or 3 decent snow falls per year (I count a decent snow fall as more than 5cm on the ground). But this year we haven’t had any decent snow. We’ve had snow falling a few times, but it hasn’t settled at all. We usually get a decent one in September, so there’s still hope.

    Well have a good one everyone. I’ll check in tomorrow for my weigh-in

    Morning all.

    My weigh-in today was down 300g, so less than I was hoping for, but better than nothing. It’s my third consecutive week of losses now, so it is good signs.

    Thin, I missed your post. Congrats on a decade of fasting!

    Have a good one everyone.

    Congratulations Thin on 10 years – you are living proof that ongoing 100% consistency in your chosen eating plan is the absolute key to success – it is what gets you there and what keeps you there long term.

    I’m down 3.2 kg in just under 3 weeks. I have stuck religiously to my keto eating plan, eating 2 meals a day within a four hour window, absolutely no snacks in between, and fasting for around 48 hours approx every 10 days.

    Being in constant ketosis feels right for me – I know why I did it for so many years in the past because I feel so good eating this way.

    When my dear husband passed away in June 2022, I slowly slipped out of the keto way of life as the bad foods crept in as a stress reliever. I’ve found it so easy to slip back into full keto eating again.

    Yesterday Miss GDay and I went back through my last 10 years worth of weigh-ins, body measurements and my food diary. It was so interesting to look at the correlation between the food diary and the weight/body measurements. What we choose to eat and when we choose to eat it is most certainly what we become.

    The warm weather the last week or so has been so good. Mid 20’s during the day and the cold nights have disappeared, now I just have a sheet and a light quilt on the bed. Feels great to wake up and don shorts and tshirt instead of the winter woolies.

    I have a new favourite healthy indulgence food – avocado chocolate mousse. Avo, cacao powder, mct oil, milk kefir, vanilla bean and a few drops of peppermint essence. It tastes so good – I have become slightly addicted- lol.

    Hello everyone,

    Neil, I can relate to your wife with the buns!

    I went back to see what I read that seemed to add to your your comment re protein and dopamine, and it must have been “You can increase your dopamine levels naturally by eating a healthy diet, including foods rich in tyrosine (the protein needed to make dopamine). These include nuts, seeds, dairy and meat.”

    Congratulations on that good weekend, it sounds like your new strategies will pay off long term, but even though today’s weigh in wasn’t as much as you hoped, it was still a good one.

    Cali, our news has turned to the terrible fires in Greece, but I hope the one near you is settled now, even if it is still burning.

    Hooray for looser clothes and less knee pain! May it continue!

    Oh boy, I do hope those grits weren’t responsible for that kilo gain! They are such solid carbs!

    LJoyce, good luck with those solar panels.

    And thanks, yes, I have cooked a couple of the frozen pasties and they did well on my enamel tray.

    Good reminder about the legume thread! Note to self: time to make a legume recipe!
    Do you eat many beans and lentil dishes SuzyQ?

    Thin, congratulations on your 5:2 10th Anniversary!
    Great post!
    My 5:2 tenth anniversary will be next year.

    SuzyQ I hope you were able to enjoy your disastrous weekend while you were in it, and put it behind you now with lessons for next time and some good 5:2ing or 4:3ing to do.

    I did a little bit of 4:3ing but if I remember rightly, only for a week or two as it is so much less sustainable. But good to do for a week (or maybe two).

    What a darling daughter you have there!

    Gday, I am so glad the weather is being kind to you and that you have found a lovely treat.

    I watched the Hairy Bikers series on losing weight yesterday (12 years after it was made!). Fascinating to watch and lovely to see Dave Myers, I have such a soft spot for him. Vale.
    I was surprised that the focus then was still completely to avoid fat. A lot has changed in health science in 12 years. But actually I don’t have much of a tolerance for fat (except in chocolate 😉 ) so I loved the recipes they came up with.

    It is turning into a lovely day here, hope it is lovely where you are.

    Best wishes all

    Well, slowly but surely the weight is coming off. I’ve been in the low 66’s for the past two days since my Thurs FD. Sometimes there seems no rhyme or reason for gains and losses, like a small gain after a FD. Then one night (not a FD) felt so discouraged that I ate a bunch of high calorie things late at night and woke up with a 400gram loss. It must be salt or something that makes me retain water some days. But I will persist. My knee is still feeling a lot better.

    We’ve gotten a good break on the weather lately with daytime temps around 27 to 32 and around 17 to 25 at night so no air conditioning at night for a while. And the two big fires closest to us are getting containment. The closest is 91% contained this morning and the really big one that is further away is 50%. The temps and higher humidity is helping.

    Our news lately is like a 3 ring circus. Political ads all the time on TV. I’m happy to see that at least one candidate is positive.

    I discovered a new olive oil a few days ago. It’s called Pompeian robust extra virgin. It’s been ages since I’ve used anything other than very mild tasting olive oils since I usually cook with them and am not always looking to add olive flavor. I made pasta with ground turkey and mushroom sauce the other night and decided to serve the pasta separate with the meat sauce to put on top, mostly because I made too much pasta. I added the new olive oil to the pasta only. The whole thing turned out so well. The robust olive oil added great but subtle flavor. I used it again last night on some cut broccoli. The only other thing I added was a sprinkle of soy sauce. I was surprised at how much flavor it added. I imagine not heating the oil helped some. I have yet to try it on salads.

    My stress level is still high because of DH. I hand feed him and he’s eating well, but losing weight. I’ve added a couple of the Boost drinks but not sure how much good they do. I’m not really a fan. Cottage cheese may be a better option, calories and protein. The weight loss is likely a sign of progression of the disease and I just can’t bear the thought of him passing. It’s so hard. No matter what I do or how hard I try I can’t ultimately make him better. I have to try harder to concentrate on just today, what I can do today. I’m glad to be back here with all of you.

    Thank you for your congratulatory words Cinque, Neil, CalifD, GDSA and SuzyQ. And the balloons and fireworks Cinque! I’m sure I couldn’t have done this without everyone on this amazing forum.

    Cinque, I love my Hairy Biker recipe books that came with the boat. Sad that Dave Myers died of cancer this year but thousands of bikies rode in a huge charity memorial day parade in his honour recently and raised £127,000. They both seemed like very gentle people in their shows. I loved the Route 66 series they filmed in the USA.

    GDSA, I liked what you wrote – what and when we choose to eat is what we become. Well done for getting for your life back on track after that difficult two years since your husband passed away.

    CalifD, I’m so sorry that your OH continues his decline despite your dedicated care. But you can take comfort that you are giving him the best possible life he could have as his disease progresses. I think you are amazing if you able to care for him until the end. Even if you find you can’t, you have done an incredible job. I hope you and your sister can find at least one small thing to do for yourselves every day. You answered my question in any earlier post about whether you still have your same pets. Those fires must have been frightening as they advanced. Good that they are getting until control now.

    It’s a Sunday but not a FD. I switched to yesterday in anticipation of DD’s visit but now she’s not coming until tomorrow. Never mind, I lost my usual 900g so I’m happy and ready to face the day.

    Morning all. I had a bad Friday and ate far too much. I went over my daily calories by around 1000 calories. I’ve been struggling with doing a full fast in this cold weather (it’s snowing again today for the first day of my holiday) so instead I did two semi-fasts. I ate around 600 calories under my daily amount on both Saturday and Sunday, so hopefully that will be enough to offset the Friday eating.

    Thin, hopefully you have a good time with your DD, how’s the weather over there at the moment? If we’ve had a run of cold weather, it must be warming up on the other side of the globe.

    Cali, I can only echo what Thin has said, I really hope that you managed to take some time for yourself now and then to unwind. Cottage cheese is good for protein, but not overly high on calories. Have you tried avocado?
    They are pretty calorie dense, and easy to mash up so they’re easier to eat.

    Cinque, thanks a lot for that info. I have ben upping my protein and fats intake. My standard day now is fruit, greek yoghurt and a handful of nuts for brekkie, some form of protein (meat, haloumi, tinned fish, legumes, eggs, etc) with veggies, pumpkin and sunflower seeds for lunch, then whatever for dinner. It’s been going pretty well so far, except for that one blip on Friday. I think tracking my calories religiously again has been helping, so if I do have a bad day, I know exactly how bad it is and I can try to balance it out.

    G’day, well done on your loss over the last 3 weeks. I’m not doing strict keto, because I have found personally in the past, that when I do invariably slip up and eat carbs, the weight piles back on twice as fast as it comes off. So I’m continuing to eat some carbs, but trying to make sure the ones I eat are healthier, like from legumes, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

    I hope this snow stops so I can get out for a few rides this week, but if not, lazing around at home sounds good too.

    Have a good one everyone

    Hello everyone,

    Cali, my heart breaks for you. How can you not fight against fate when someone you love and care for so much is being pulled from you. Such a time for so many powerful and conflicting feelings.
    But I am so glad Mr Cali has your love and care.

    That olive oil sounds so delicious! What a treat.

    Hooray for better weather. Spring seems to have started here. Too early, but it is easy living.

    Thin, Hooray for those Hairy Biker recipes and the lovely legacy Dave Myers has left. I am watching ‘Hairy Bikers Go West, now.

    Hello to DD!

    Neil, it takes so much trial and error to get new strategies settled. And ooh that cold weather doesn’t help. But yay that it was just one bad day. Best wishes for this week.

    Things are going pretty well here. My feeling of being satisfied after a small meal does kick in if I can just be patient. But my waist is up an inch (I’m blaming cold weather too) so I need a 5:2 week.

    Sending good wishes to everyone

    Good morning all 🙂 Its a loveley new week. I hope you are all well and had a good weekend?

    Discovered a great bean receipe by Buddy oliver that I made and portioned out for work brunch. It has a bit of a mexican flavour vibe about it and can pair well with some avo and cottage cheese. I also have it on a slice of toast if i feel I need a carb. Very low in calories. Pinterest has also been a wonder for new low cal recipes and now I am keen to check out the hairy bikers after all the comments about them.

    Olive oil is sooooooo expensive here in SA . What is it like for you guys ? I have had to revert to canola for cooking as I want to cry if my hubby uses it to cook with.

    I admire those that can do Keto , but I am a bit of a carbohydrate-aholic 😉 I love pasta , fresh bread rolls , pizza and dare I say it…. POTATOES LOL. I am trying to be more selective about my carb choices though.

    Can I ask how many of you do exercise with this or did exercise while getting to your goal weight ? Did it help ? I want to start walking , but in SA its important to walk in safe areas and there isnt really a good place close to my home or work. We have park run / walk but its only once a week and I would like to do this about 3 x a week. A good free exercise ap may also be an option.

    Big hugs to all of you going through difficult times. Its great that there are platforms like this where you can get support from across the globe. Technology is great in this respect.

    have a super week all x

    Hi Suzy, exercise was never my issue. Even at my heaviest I was still playing tennis and badminton a few times a week. Once I got my weight down I started up biking again, and that has been my passion since. I usually get through at least 4,000kms per year. But exercise isn’t nearly as important as getting your eating right.

    If you really want to get into exercise, my suggestion is to try a whole lot of different things until you find something you enjoy doing. You could plan to go running every day, but if you don’t enjoy running and are just doing it to drop weight, you’ll never stick to it.

    Suzy, when I was originally doing the 5:2 plan I didn’t do any formal exercise but I did do more walking than I do now. But there were other times, after I lost the weight that I did a lot of walking because I bought a Fitbit. On days when it was too hot in the summer of too smokey because of fires, I walked in the house. Our downstairs has an open floorplan and I can get in a lot of steps just by circling through the rooms and hall. Often when the weather was good I would walk back and forth across our paved back patio. It’s about 30 steps each way. I listened to music which made the time go quickly. OH used to walk or run around the neighborhood, about 8km every other day. But he has longer legs than I do and walked too fast for me to keep up with him. This was before the dementia.

    Olive oil is very expensive here too. Like everything else it has gone way up. I bought it from Walmart by mail, but Amazon had it too. It was $15 for $32 ounces which seemed reasonable compared to most of the brands in the grocery stores. All groceries have gone way up in price, somewhere around 20% or more. Is that the same in SA? The high grocery prices are blamed on the politicians here, but from what everyone in Aus, NZ and UK is saying it’s the same where they are. I think a lot has to do with transportation costs, fuel, etc. What percentage increase is everyone else here seeing?

    Neil, you seem to be getting a lot of snow this week. We’ve had a great break with beautiful weather the past couple weeks. It feels like mid September, or October and early November. This has been a weird year for weather.

    Thin, are you docked in one place now for a while or still moving around? You seem to have acclimated to the small space of boat living. I thought it would drive you crazy after a few months. But I guess seeing new places all the time makes up for the tight living spaces.

    Cinque, I think I am going to follow your plan that you had back some time ago of just picking 3 or 5 things to do or rearrange every day. I feel like I’m walking through molasses most days, other than for food shopping or meal preparation. Or doing things for OH. I have piles of laundry to fold and put away and I really need to go through the pantry and get that organized. Doing it all at once seems overwhelming. But doing just a small amount each day would work I think.

    Still in the 66’s but creeping up a bit on some days instead of going down. Today was a FD so I’m hoping for a loss on the scales in the morning. Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, like last time seems to work well.
    Hope you all are having a good week.

    Hello everyone.

    Interstate relatives have been in Adelaide visiting, so it’s been a busy and social time. With too many meals out and belated birthday celebrations. The impact on the scales has been awful. I’m up 3kg over the 10 days there were here. It’s quite frustrating and the wet weather that curtailed my usual walking hasn’t helped. I’m doing 30-40k steps less per week at the moment than I normally manage and have even resorted to walking and stair climbing in a raincoat. While some will be water weight, there is definitely a body fat gain to be dealt with.

    Thin, congratulations on the anniversary, that decade has gone fast.
    Glad to hear about the motor cycle rally to raise funds. I didn’t even know Dave Myers had died.

    SuzyQ, weight loss is more dependent on what you eat than on exercise. I did exercise while losing weight. Back then it was mostly hydrotherapy exercises at a local pool as I needed a knee replacement.
    I have continued to exercise and I focus on what I enjoy as that’s easier to sustain. Mostly I walk and I’m lucky that I live somewhere that it’s generally safe for a woman to walk in daylight hours. I also have an exercise program that my physio designed that I do at home 1-2 times each week. Recently I also added stair climbing – using stairs either at my local railway station or the shopping centre.

    Cali, I second Cinque’s comments. Your situation is heartbreaking and you are doing such a good job in a situation you can’t control.

    My typing has just been interrupted by a cat trying to walk across the keyboard.

    Suzy & Cali, As to prices, olive oil, and groceries generally, have increased noticeably here – at a greater rate than overall inflation. Our published figures for 2021-2023 was 16.4% increase where I live and it’s continued to rise in the subsequent year.

    Neil, wow snow. The level of chill has eased a bit here, so it was a shock to read that you are getting snow.

    GDSA, it’s good to see you in a better place, both physically and emotionally now.

    Cinque, your comment about patience is useful reminder. I have not been stopping soon enough.

    One of the recent celebratory meals was at Noi Vietnamese restaurant. We had a banquet where there’s no set menu. You tell the staff your general likes and dislikes and they bring out entrees, main courses, veggie dishes and desserts that they think you’ll like. It was so much food and I ate too much. One unusual dish was deep fried brussel sprouts with chilli. It was very nice, but who would have thought of doing that to a brussel sprout.

    Ok the cat’s back again, I think she’s feeling neglected. I think she’s hoping for more treats. I’m afraid the kitchen is closed for both of us tonight.

    Take care everyone.

    Morning all, weigh-in today down another 600g. That makes 4 weeks of losses in a row, so I’m pleased with that.

    Yes it has been extra cold here the last few days, which is typical when I decide to take a holiday. I went for a big walk yesterday because it was too windy to go riding or play frisbee golf, and I managed to get a snap of some icicles coming off one of the banks


    The weather is looking better today so hopefully I’ll be able to get some gardening done, or get out for a ride.

    Have a good one everyone.

    Suzy while exercise is great for overall health and wellbeing and vigorous exercise will help to increase metabolism, weight loss and weight gain is 100% what you eat.

    Neil there are so many versions of the keto diet these days. Mine includes dairy ( but I only have grass fed organic) and my carbs are veggie carbs only. When I reach goal weight I will occasionally have chickpeas as I really love them, especially slow dried with spices. Speaking of chickpeas…….

    It was my birthday yesterday so we went out to my favourite Indian restaurant, or I should say it’s the only ‘restaurant’ in the region where I live, everywhere else to eat is pubs which all have the same deep fried rubbish on their menus. I haven’t been back to the restaurant since Mr GDay passed as we dined there regularly and it felt strange to go without him. As it was my birthday I had a night off keto. The meal and service was impeccable as always – oysters kilpatrick, Chanda masala (a chickpea dish), jasmine rice, naan bread and mango and pistachio kulfi for dessert washed down with 2 non alcoholic stubbies of beer. It was so good but boy was I full to the brim, definitely over ate.

    I’m lucky where I live there is an olive orchard business about 30km away who press and sell their own olive olive. I buy 2 litre metal drums for $26. I always keep 3 drums as I use a lot. As they deliver to the region weekly when I need more I just contact them and on the day they are passing through leave the drums on my front verandah (in the shade) and they come past and refill them. So no empty containers going into landfill and it’s cheaper because of the refill. Plus the olive oil is really delicious.

    I have 6 olive trees in my spare block and fingers crossed this season they should start producing olives. In past years I scored free olives from people who have the trees but can’t be bothered using the fruit. It’s not that difficult to preserve olives, just takes a bit of time. Again,I eat a lot of olives so always have 20-30 very large preserving jars in the pantry.

    Must dash, the next load of washing is ready to hang up

    I forgot to say when talking about keto that I rarely eat meat which is highly unusual for a keto diet plan. Mainly because I will only eat organic grass fed meat and secondly meat is so expensive I simply can’t afford it. I’ll occasionally buy organic grass fed mince to make burgers or chilli mince and occasionally buy organic chicken but Miss GDay doesn’t really like meat so it’s no big deal that we don’t eat much of it.

    Morning again. Olive oil here is reasonably expensive. It’s around $10 for a 500ml bottle. But since I only use a tablespoon or two at a time on my lunch, 500ml lasts me a long time.

    Meat is reasonable. We get venison mince for $17 per kilo, lamb for the same or cheaper, chicken is cheap, pork is about the same as lamb, beef is a bit more expensive, but the most expensive is fish, which is usually over $30 per kilo. When I have meat I usually only have around 100-150g as a serving, so it’s only $2-$3 per meal.

    Hello friends, sorry for long absence. Work is beyond crazy – I did 80 hours last week, 70 hours the prior week and this week not looking much better. Of course weight attention has gone out the window; I managed to break through the 92’s to 91.7 but today am back to 92.9 so the focus is back

    I haven’t had much chance to read back through your posts but I will say that olive oil has gone up here unbelievably. We used to get a 3.78L from Aldi for $20 but now it is $50. The same in Coles is $60

    I am so sorry about your hubby Cali, I can’t imagine how heart-breaking and difficult it must be to see him decline. As the others said, focus on today and how you are making his life the best it can be. Please take care of yourself too

    Happy belated birthday G’day and I’m glad you had a lovely meal

    Neil you are doing so well congratulations

    You cat sounds cute LJ and don’t they know how to get your attention? I still miss my Oscar cat even after more than 10 years

    SuzyQ I am also a carb monster and have to really talk sternly to myself constantly to avoid them as much as possible

    Drat that inch Cinque but you will manage to remove it quickly

    We had the coldest winter I can remember but last week it suddenly changed dramatically. The feeling of warmth when I walk around the house and outside is doing wonders for my MASSIVE stress levels

    Will be back soon….take care

    I’m a bit behind with post responding although I did read them when posted and then forgot what I wanted to say.

    Neil – no it’s not warming up. The summer that wasn’t. Today there are high winds and rain. Yes thanks, we enjoyed a great overnight visit from DD as always. Well done on the good run of weight loss. Don’t do what I usually do and sabotage it!

    LJ, thank you and yes, didn’t that ten years pass quickly! Oh gosh the extra 3kg. Restaurants are deadly. But you know what to do to fix it.

    CalifD, we’re constant cruisers so we are required to move every 14 days. We usually move more often than that as we run out of water, need waste pump-out or food. I’ve never found it claustrophobic because the superb and vast countryside is our back garden. We had a very big house in Perth but I dislike clutter so living in a confined space where you can only have what you really need suits me well. I dread having to start accumulating ‘stuff’ again. The thing I miss most is a decent size freezer so I can cook larger amounts for future meals.

    We do go into a marina during the winter months – this is for boat safety (& because of the 14 day mooring limit) so we can go somewhere warmer for two months. Marinas are expensive and very claustrophobic, hemmed in like sardines. If we couldn’t cruise, we wouldn’t live on a boat as that marina life doesn’t suit us at all. Last season, we found a cruising club near Oxford for this purpose and the boat was moored on the towpath with a power hook-up. Not as secure as a marina but it felt more open when we were on-board and the resident boaters kept a watchful eye on the boat when we were in Cuba/Mexico. A lot cheaper too.

    SuzyQ, I didn’t do any formal exercise other than walking during that year of 5:2 weight loss. I’ve spent a small fortune on gyms in the past but strongly dislike weight-lifting. My OH always teased me for driving to the gym to get on a treadmill. It probably yielded some benefits but weight loss was never one of them. We take a daily walk of at least an hour, up to four hours. Although I’ve visited South Africa nine times, I’d not really considered the longer-term implications to locals of finding a safe place to walk. Most of our time outside game reserves and national parks was spent in Cape Town and we could walk along the beaches.

    I’ve run out of time so hello to everyone else.

    Hello everyone,

    My brain is a tortoise. I am getting it into gear for a 5:2 week, but it isn’t just slow… it is curled up in its shell.

    In the meantime I just keep doing the best I can. Wakeful nights aren’t helping. Sleep may be the biggest boon for sensible eating. Let’s hope I have some good sleep tonight. And hoping that for all of you too.

    SuzyQ olive oil has gone up here too. I had to look up Buddy Oliver’s bean recipe, I still thought of him as Jamie’s little boy. Was it the smoky beans? They look very good.
    Re exercise, the main chronic illness I have is ME/CFS and it means I basically can’t do any exercise, so what a relief that 5:2 works so well with limited activity. (I also have LPR just to complicate things). Such a relief that 5:2 (as well as cutting added sugars right out) will help protect me from even more health problems.

    I wish I could do exercise of course, my favourite used to be bushwalking, tai chi, and using my pushbike to get around.

    Cali, I have been ‘Just three little things’ing and nothing else for the last few days. It didn’t get me on top of things but at least the mess is less than it would otherwise be. I think today I might have more oomph and the three things I put away each time I get up will be bigger things and more complicated things and I might even get the kitchen tidy. Ooh I would love that.

    Good luck, ‘just 3 little things’ works pretty well on a pile of laundry. All power to you.

    LJoyce, what a lovely social family time (especially that Vietnamese feast), even though disruptive to your routines. I hope you have some nice easy space now to do all the good things.

    Hello Sylvie cat! Keep off the keyboard!

    Neil, wo that ice! But big cheers for four weeks of downward weighing. I know you will be enjoying your holiday to the full. You deserve it.

    Gday https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81I4oHu9JwL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg
    That is belated Happy Birthday Wishes, in case it is hard to open. What a wonderful feast. Enjoy being back on your program now.
    Jealous of that beautiful fresh olive oil you have access to!

    Anzac, I am so glad you found some time in your crazy work filled life to get here and catch up. (I will be so relieved when you can quit such stressful work and retire or do some easier work).
    All power to you leaving the 92’s again and having the space to focus.

    It is still springish here, I’ve moved the heater our of my bedroom and sprinkled fertilizer on the garden. Is it getting to you yet Neil?

    Well I have eaten my little mid day meal and am now enjoying last coffee of the day. And I am very hopeful that next is sorting out that poor kitchen (I got the dishwasher on earlier, so it all looks doable now).

    Best wishes to you all. All power to everybody.
    Special wishes to Lindsay if you are reading. And Merry and Intesha. Miss you all.

    Cinque, how many coffees are you allowing yourself per day? Hurray for ‘three things a day’ no matter how little. Do you not put the kitchen things away at the time of using because you are inherently messy or because you simply don’t have the energy? (I hope we’ve known each other long enough that it’s not a rude question). 🙂

    FD Sunday for me. Enjoying my two coffees (liquid breakfast and lunch). It’s a Hairy Biker Thai chicken curry with low fat (ugh, but not too bad) coconut milk for dinner at 5pm. Minuscule portion. Noodles for OH. A spoonful of cottage cheese and half a banana a little later in the evening. Hoping for a nice 900g drop tomorrow.

    The sun is shining and summer is forecast for next week. 🙂

    Just a quick stop in today between tasks.

    I’m trying to get back into a controlled eating plan, with mixed success.

    Cinque, “My brain is a tortoise.” That has to be the best opening line ever!

    Thin, enjoy that curry. I was meant to be having a FD salad for dinner but I don’t feel like it. I’m about to heat up some homemade tomato soup instead.

    Take care all. I’ll try and pop in for longer in a day or so.

    Lovely to have some company on a Sunday fast, LJ. You have all the strategies to get your eating back on track, I have complete faith in you.

    Hi Everyone!

    Just wanted to drop in and say hi. I haven’t had a chance to catch up on anyone’s posts yet but hopefully I will soon.

    Today is my first fast day for a very long time. It’s 2pm and I have had a black coffee so I’m doing ok. Really happy to be back into it and I hope that I can keep going.

    Looking forward to chatting with you all soon x

    Morning all

    Good to see your name showing back up in the chat. Good luck for your fast, looks like you were having a fasty party with Thin and Ljoyce

    Cinque, better to be tortoise-brained than hare-brained 😉

    Anzac, your work sounds even worse than mine at the moment. Hopefully it will settle down soon.

    My weigh-in this morning I was down another 200g. So my weight isn’t barnstorming down, but at least it’s consistently dropping. I really hope I don’t have a really bad week and gain everything back at once.
    I had a decent week off. I went for a couple of walks, a couple of long bike rides, helped set up for a course for a pop-up frisbee golf tournament, played the tournament, got a bit of garden work done, and caught up on a couple of shows that I watch on the days we had crappy weather.

    Well I’d better shoot off to work. Have a great day everyone.

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