Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,464 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 3 hours, 32 minutes ago.

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  • Neil, ha ha, that made me laugh too. I wonder where Alimax is these days. Looking forward to hearing that you’re firmly back in double digits.

    Hello everyone

    Hope you’re all enjoying some lovely spring weather.

    I’ve been on 5:2 for just about a month – FDs still horrid but at least I’ve stuck to them…. I do occasionally go a bit wild on NFDs – especially with wine. I have not posted here for a bit as it makes me feel guilty about my NFD splurges. Did anyone else have trouble with NFDs at the start?

    That said I do love reading all your posts, going to make Hairy Bikers kale bean chorizo soup tomorrow.

    LJ v interesting about not saying “no” to anything but limiting amount. I’m going to try that.

    Thin – whenever I feel like skipping a FD (which is ALWAYS) I think of your “No excuses” post and that steels my resolve! Also remind myself that this is lifestyle not a diet. So thank you.

    BTW lots of you advised me not to try 4:3 until I was used to 5:2 – the best advice! I’m sure I’d give up sooner if I’d tried 4:3 from the start.

    Off to make scrambled eggs (laid by neighbour’s chickens this morning) with smoked salmon. I find this is the best dinner for me if I don’t want to wake up all night!

    Sending best to all of you – thank you for sharing and your support.


    Neil Thin I also had a giggle. When there’s a problem with the page it goes straight to Alimax. A voice from the past.

    I won’t answer everyone, but Cinque very concerned you aren’t well. I wish you all the best and hope you are recovering gently.

    LJ you haven’t been well either – what a bugger, hey? I shouldn’t use that word. I said it once in a class in China when my IT was being independent, shall we say, and sent the students scrambling for their dictionaries. Their eyes popped when they read what it meant used accurately and not as slang.

    OK and here’s an OH update. Some good news, and some questionable news that is sending us further down the specialist trail.

    Vascular physican was fine – she’s treating OH’s jugular clot (first with injections, now with tablets). Respiratory physican not as clear cut. He suspects the shadows are scarring from emphysema, pneumonia. But not definitive. We’ll proceed as if they are, and check again with more tests in 4 months. Back to the endocrine chap yesterday – not so good. The mass is benign (yea!) but because of its size will need to be removed. But …. he’s seen some unorthodox cell activity in the biopsy results of OH’s jugular vein, which may (or may not) be related to the kidney cancer.

    So off tomorrow to the renal surgeon. The wait is hard, but we are going through the process and no doubt there’ll be an end in sight. After all, how many more specialists are there?

    Neil, interested in the protein. I am not sure how to measure protein for body weight. Any clues? I mean, how much protein is there in an egg, for example? My friend’s stalled weight loss is causing her concern (I know mine has stalled because I’m eating not as well as I should), but she is still vigilant, so I wonder if that’s something I could recommend to her.

    On that note, I’m heading off now to cook dinner. To top it all off, I have bronchitis. At least it’s not Covid.

    Take care all.

    Greetings All,
    Just had my salad and slice of turkey breast for dinner to end anotherFD.
    Lindsay, I hope the news for OH continues to improve, thanks for the update, sending you both more healing thoughts.
    Amaye, I started this way of life back in 2013, and have come and gone from it over the years, and it is only now that I am strong enough to do the 4:3 WOL, and only because OH is doing it with me.
    I have only chosen to do it now as I want to remove as much as I can while OH is doing it with me. He will reach his lower weight much faster than me, so that’s why I am pushing harder.
    Busy days on the farm at present, beautiful day yesterday, and I got almost half the farms thistles sprayed, today was busy gardening, weeding, mulching and repotting plants in my nursery. Tomorrow is planting seeds to have seedlings ready to go in the ground when we finish getting frosts and grafting the last fruit trees.
    Neil, hope you have recovered from that storm, sounds quite scary.
    Hope the higher protien does the trick and you are back in double figures soon.
    Hope we are all having a good week, update on weekend after weigh in,
    Keep up the good work, Charlie

    Good morning!

    Charlie that’s amazing you’ve done this since 2013 – thank you – love hearing about your farm. We’re still in lockdown which I am using as an excuse for everything (wine, chocolate, bread) including becoming horribly inactive. Of course I could go and exercise but I have found that not doing anything of my usual life has made me very sluggish.

    Lindsay sounds as though you’re having a rotten time. Hope you can get clarification and positive way forward soon.

    Have a lovely day everyone.


    Morning all.

    Ayame, that sounds absolutely awesome. I love smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. My two boys would be asking to go live with you if that’s what you’re cooking up 😉

    Lindsay, You can use an online calorie tracker. The one I use is http://www.myfitnesspal.com It tracks your calories and macronutrients (fat, carbs, protein) and you can select some micronutrients too. I’ve set it to track fibre and sodium. Here’s my entry from yesterday. You can see I went slightly over on calories and fats (not uncommon on a post weigh-in non fast day) I went slightly over on Protein and fibre but that’s not a bad thing since the goal for those is a minimum.


    You can probably guess from looking at what I ate the I was up slightly on yesterday this morning.

    Charlie, that sounds awesome, what are you planting? My wife is really into gardening and currently getting her seeds sprouting. She’s obsessed and several times a day she goes and checks the temperature in the new glasshouse I built and checks to see if any of her seeds have sprouted.

    I’m enjoying going for a lunchtime walk, it’s great to get out and get some fresh air and exercise during the day. I easily hit my steps goal last week so I’ve pushed it up another 500 steps per day to 7,500 steps a day. I didn’t hit my cycling goal because the weather wasn’t really conducive to riding a bike, but hopefully it’ll be a bit better this week and I can get out for a few rides.

    Well have a good day everyone and I’ll check in with you tomorrow


    So many interesting conversations and statements. I have a bit more energy today. My sore throat virus-or-cfs-symptom has been hanging on and it has been all I could do to keep up with the daily activities plus another appt with the exercise physiologist, and another trip taking my friend to the hospital appt.

    But it has been getting better, I have managed to get the required things done, and then last night I had my best sleep for SO long, so I am quite sparky today, but mustn’t overdo it.

    Lindsay, I am so glad to hear what is happening for Mr L and all of you. Even the good news is quite tricky and complicated, and still a lot to find out and go through. Mostly I felt relieved after reading your post, but I just hope that unorthodox cell activity behaves itself. Fingers crossed. Sending good wishes re the renal surgeon appt.

    I do hope your bronchitis clears up quickly. Just what you don’t need at the moment! Go away bugs!

    Charlie G it is lovely to hear that Mr CharlieG has settled into this way off life too, it must make it so much easier and more enjoyable. I hope you get down off the plateau next weigh in, you deserve a nice low figure. 105, here you come.
    I hope you are having the lovely weather to do all those tasks.
    How come people from the Mallee aren’t booking some nice stays at your B&B for a change of scenery?

    Ok, I am alternating sitting at the computer with short bits of housework so time to change. Backson.

    Hello again,
    Dishes done! But I think I had better rest after this little response.

    Cali, so glad to see your post, especially that your surgery went well https://francesdunnflorist.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Bouquet-9.jpg

    I hope the fires are calming down. Scary times for our planet, we were lucky last season, but the luck can’t last in this changing climate.

    Hooray for your excellent 5:2ing and keeping your weight firmly in the 68’s.
    All power to you.

    Hello HK!
    Ooh I know that Jane Grigson book too, and I had an interesting moussaka deep dive into Romanian moussaka, I think I had a recipe for, and discovered nearby countries similarly had layers topped with yoghurt and egg custard.
    Your version looks so so good.
    I do hope your lungs are improving.
    Thankyou so much for the flowers and message. They worked!

    Betsylee, it sounds like you need a big get well message http://files.cluster2.hgsitebuilder.com/hostgator110976/image/pnpgetwellbanner4.jpg Are you getting checked out to see what might be causing the fatigue? I hope so.
    No what I really hope is that you woke up feeling great so don’t need to worry.

    (Drink lots of water!) (I feel obliged to pop that in every time just in case).

    Great to read all the stuff about protein. I am like Betsylee and crave carbs when I really need protein (or need water, or anything else apparently!). And like Neil that I seem to need more protein than I am eating.
    My diet seems best when I am having plenty of meat, and having beans and legumes for my carbs, and 7 serves of veg a day. (oh yes and lots of water).

    ….an hour later, got interrupted by zoom with sisters (I forgot). Time to rest. Catch up again soon, but I am going well food wise and did light fasts on Sunday and Wednesday and good eating days otherwise.

    Best wishes all.

    Even All,
    Really good fast yesterday, back to 107.9kg after my plateau decided to bump me up almost a kilogram, NFD today, have removed carbs totally to see if that makes a difference, and added more protein.
    Little shop today on the way home, bucket of hummus, my fav, and some very low carb pea based flat bread for NFD lunches, salad and cold meats.
    Neil, on the current moon phase I am planting sweet corn, bush beans and bush peas. I have in my hothouse that OH built me years ago, tomatoes, eggplant and capsicums. I will add to that pumpkin, zucchini and melons before the moon gets full.
    Cinque, thank you for the kind words, OH is doing really well, he is now down to 89.1kg this morning.
    For someone who didn’t think it would work on him he is doing very well.
    The one thing I am finding helpful at present is not socialising over meals, apart from self inflicted wedding anniversary dinner, I can plan meals in advance and not get hijacked by a dinner invitation.
    I know for you folks stuck in lockdown there is probably nothing more you would like at present, and I hope you get your freedom soon,
    Cinque, most farming people, like those in the Mallee would be flat out getting ready for harvest, also I think money is tighter than most people realise, now that people don’t have the advantage they had with job keeper. Our business has three strings to its bow, bnb, architectural drafting and cows.
    We have had no income since we last sold cattle back in May, OH can’t visit new clients, and he has four waiting for him to come, and no bnb income, we are struggling and don’t qualify for assistance.
    Enjoy your Friday.

    Morning all

    Thin, I saw this video today and thought of you. So much cooler and easier than going through 11 locks https://fb.watch/83peuDBzAk/

    Charlie, that’s cool, my wife is trying the lunar planting technique this year, it’s not something we’ve done in the past. At the moment she’s growing tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums, jalapenos, rock melon, okra and eggplants to grow in the glasshouses. She’s planted out onions in main garden and there’s plenty more to go in during the next couple of weeks. We’re still eating winter veg out of our garden, I just cooked up a feed of silver beet last night, and we’ve got broccoli, celery, cabbages, mizuna and choho.

    Cinque, I hope your symptoms keep improving.

    Dinner went down well last night. We had some leftover roast potatoes and pumpkin so I fried it with some onions, cumin and smoked paprika, threw in some eggs, smoked salmon, cream cheese and capers and made a big frittata. I served it up with some sautéed silver beet, onion and chillies and it was absolutely demolished.

    My weight was up again today, but that’s mainly due to the fact that I’ve switched back to my other scales which normally reads 1 kilo higher than the other one. I’ve got a busy weekend ahead with plenty of gardening work waiting to be done and a family lunch for all the birthdays that occurred during lockdown (Both my brother and his wife, my now 12 year old niece and my now 4 year old niece.)

    Well have a good weekend everyone

    Neil, isn’t that Falkirk wheel amazing? Thanks for the video. Your wife is keeping busy and productive despite not being able to continue work.

    Ayame, I’m so pleased that something I said proves useful to you! And yes, NFDs are a work in progress seven years after I started this WOL. Feast and famine is what this is all about. I have the famine part nailed. And the feasting as it turns out!

    It’s been a week since my last FD (sounds like a confession). My weight is 800g less than this time last week so I’ll be able to resume normal Sunday FDs this weekend. No alcohol and a concerted effort all week.

    Lindsay, thanks for the update on your OH. Our bodies are complicated things. I hope you can enjoy a sense of normality in between all those pesky appointments and tests.

    CharlieG, my OH fasted with me for my first 11 months of this WOL to lend support. He lost too much weight and quickly went to 6:1. After 11 months, I was well and truly on the path so no longer needed his support. I’ve always cooked him a separate meal or padded out what I’m having on a FD with carbs and veg. On the morning after my FDs, he would head straight to the kitchen for a huge fry up as if he had been the one fasting! He can’t do that now. It often feels like he tries to sabotage my efforts by offering a glass of wine, suggesting a pub lunch or loading the shopping trolley up with rubbish like snickers bars (which he keeps in the underwear drawer). It seems odd to me that anyone wouldn’t welcome a healthy diet or that I would need to defend it. He won’t change. Having a like-minded partner would be ideal but, in the absence of that, we have to try to accommodate each other. Ultimately, I am responsible for what goes in my mouth and he’s responsible for his own insulin.

    Cinque, so sorry to read that you’re struggling and hope you get some energy pronto.

    HK, how are you doing?

    CalifD, so glad the surgery went well. I’m enjoying a month of Prime movies now that the days are closing in at 8pm. It’s still around 20C during the day as the cruising season comes to a close and we head back to the Midlands.

    Hi LJ, Anzac, Betsy and everyone I’ve missed.

    Dear all

    Just a quick landing on the shore! I remember you telling me, Cinque, that I could just be a bird that lands on the shore occasionally, which was kind of you – gave me permission to be part of it even if I don’t post as often and as responsively as other people.

    Cinque, it was nice to have you reappear – we miss you! Sorry you’ve been feeling unwell and low energy, and hope that you are feeling stronger now.

    Lindsay, it sounds like a complicated journey for you and OH. Some things could be better, some things could be worse. Good that you have expert care and are gradually getting a clearer picture of what is going on.

    Neil and Charlie, so much activity and so much good work on the diet front too.

    Betsylee, hope the fatigue has lifted. Sorry that I directed my ESL comment to LJoyce when I meant it for you! Yes, teaching ESL is great, largely because of the people – the students and the fellow-teachers are an interesting lot.

    LJoyce, hope the lung infection has cleared up. Loved the sound of your pasta with the chilli tuna etc. Might try that. And was interested in your approach to the danger foods. I am going to try these ideas. It’s the savoury foods that are the danger for me.

    Thin, glad to read of your good times with your brother. And it tickled me to read of the freezer being used for ice for gin and tonics instead of for frozen FD meals!

    I don’t think I’ve lost any weight or put on any over the past weeks. I think I need to be a bit stricter on my FDs, perhaps aiming for 600 rather than allowing myself to go up towards 800. And I could be a bit more moderate on NFDs. Night eating continues to be a hazard. But tonight I have successfully employed the bargaining technique – thanks Cinque. And over the past few days I have been following the advice of several here to drink water when feeling hungry, and also to ride out the waves of hunger, knowing they will pass. So thanks all for the various bits of advice and for the comradeship.

    Good wishes to all
    Helen Kate

    Morning All,
    HK, glad to hear from you and your lovely positive post, sorry about the hunger dragon visiting you, because yes, I have certainly booted him of this place, not that it helps with the weight loss.
    FD yesterday, only consumed 350 calories and yet I only got back to 107.9kg this morning.
    Frustrated as I have kicked all the empty calories of bread, along with anything sweet. NFD today, and agin I am trying to be strict, but I only consume around 1500 calories so will be interested to see what happens for the rest of the weekend.
    We have been out repairing fences along our river frontage that were damaged with floods last month, which has involved lots of walking, out of veg garden for a few days after 27mm of rain overnight.
    Guess that just leaves the linen for the bnb to catch up on, so that when guests return we are prepared.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Sorry, I’ve gotten behind with posts again.

    Still very low on energy and unfortunately still taking antibiotics as the lung infection has not cleared yet. I have a GP appointment Tuesday, so if the infection is not cleared by then he may change to a different antibiotic. I’m just hoping I’m well by then.

    I weighed myself this week and despite trying to be careful to get my weight gain off, I have actually gained a kilo over the past month. That not puts me 8kg over my preferred weight and it has frightened me enough to take drastic action. So I commenced Fast800 and will stick to it for as long as I can manage. I’m be moderating my carbohydrate intake while I’m doing it to suppress my appetite. (I can stay in mild ketosis with around 85g carb, so I get plenty of leeway.)
    My head feels in the right palace to do this now so I’m hopeful that I can stick to Fast800 for a few weeks. I can’t enter into commitments like this when I’m feeling half-hearted about it, I have to be “all in”. I would not attempt this in winter as the cold makes me hungry all the time, which always leads to excessive snacking. Most days are warmer now and the tools I have used in the past to stick with Fast800 only seem to work in milder weather – because it’s mostly cold food. Through the day most of my food consumption is now smoothies. It’s a large volume of mainly water and ice, so it’s very filling. I can make a tasty smoothy for 100 calories – everything from iced coffee to kefir & berries. (I might even try one of Cali’s green smoothies.) I add a tablespoon of pea protein powder and 1-2 tsp psyllium husk to each smoothie as I find that helps to keep my appetite managed. Dinner is a low calorie balanced meal, but I’m mostly staying clear of grains – still eating legumes though. I had planned to have 3 smoothies a day but they’ve been so filling I’ve only been having two.

    Well done to those of you who are sticking to your program and losing weight.

    For those of you who find the scales aren’t rewarding your efforts, consider using a tape measure as well. Sometimes we lose cms even when the scales ignore us.

    I hope those of you who continue to deal with lockdown and other worries are coping. Take care.

    Hello all,

    I haven’t been ‘lurking’ at all since my last post (whenever that was) as life has become incredibly busy. So apologies as I have no idea what has been going on with the forum and I’m too far behind to catch up.

    Mr Gday has had some medical issues over the last few months and we spent the last week in Adelaide for surgery and follow up. I so missed my daily routine of the gym, healthy eating, my fitness routine and my study (yes I missed doing study) while away. Eating out for every meal was depressing – the lack of healthy choices on menus is astounding – bad carbs, deep fried etc, I really struggled to find anything I wanted to eat.

    At a coffee shop I took a mouthful of a caramel tart that Mr Gday was eating (I don’t know why I did) because it was so sickly and sweet, it literally made me feel ill. My tolerance for sugars is definitely zero. The same when I ate a meat pie, it was a gourmet boutique bakery pie, not the factory produced type and it did look very delicious, but after a couple of bites I just felt yukky and couldn’t eat anymore.

    Thankfully my weight when I returned home was exactly the same as the day we left so no damage done in that respect. I’m so happy to be back eating my greens, vegies and home cooked meals again.

    Apart from the last week, my weight is still on the downward trend. I’ve lost over 10kg since the start of July so another 8kg to go to reach my goal weight of 65kg. The difference in the mirror is incredible. I’ve also taken fortnightly photos to track my progress, as well as for an added incentive to see how far I’ve come. I’m due to take body measurements again this weekend so will be interesting to see what has changed there.

    I start my Cert IV in Fitness this week. Have downloaded all the literature and OMG it is so full on. Besides the assignments, there’s another Work Experience component as well as a Professional Practice Log which is quite involved and lengthy.

    Must go, have some work to do for my current assignment for the Weight Management/Nutrition course, I have to finish off a weekly meal plan, a change behaviour plan and a 3 month weight management plan for a mock client as tomorrow I have to video record 3 separate consultation interviews with the mock client. Not looking forward to that as I hate being on video.

    Hope everyone is going okay, bye for now.

    Good afternoon all.

    Thank you for the kind wishes, and especially for the card, Cinque – lovely, and encouraging. My weight is not doing great, as I discovered to my dismay that my 1.2kg weight loss was mainly because I was VERY dehydrated. I thought I was drinking enough, but when you hold up the skin on the back of your hand and it doesn’t move, that’s a strong confirmation of dehydration. Sigh! Once I rehydrated appropriately, the weight loss was only 0.5 kg. Still better than nothing, though. Slow and steady wins the race :). Oh, and no news re my skin biopsies. Slower than usual because of all the Covid tests being done. Should hear this week.

    I’m also still fairly fatigued, Cinque, but better than before, so maybe the rehydration helped. I hope you’re continuing to regain energy and strength, too.

    LindsayL, good news and bad. So frustrating for you and DH, as on and on it goes. Hope the bronchitis lifts quickly.

    G’DayfromSA, good to hear from you again, and well done you for not gaining any weight while away from home. Enjoy constructing the meal plan – maybe make it one you could follow?

    Neilithicman, smoked salmon and eggs, yum! Like your sons, I’d be moving in with Ayame. Sounds like you’re managing okay, though, nearly into two figures again.

    LJoyce, sorry to read that you’re still feeling so unwell. I sympathise with the concern re the weight gain, but is it wise to start FD800 while still ill? Couldn’t you wait another few days, so you don’t stress your body out too much? I know it’s alarming when the weight goes up (yes, I surely do know that!) but leaving it a couple more days may well be better for your overall wellbeing.
    Okay, just a suggestion and expression of concern. You’ve been on this WOL a long time, and you know what works for you.

    Ayame, I’m one of the battlers on this forum, with weight that has gone down then up, then down then up (twice now I’ve lost and gained) since November 2018. We understand the trials and temptations. Have a bad NFD? Okay, that’s done, forgive yourself, let it go, and continue on. And yes, NFDs do tend to be much harder to control than FDs.

    CharlieG, good that you’ve a few strings to your bow, but how difficult for you with no bnb-ers coming in to help with earnings.

    Helen Kate, even though you’ve struggled with NFDs, it sounds like you’re getting a handle on them, which is really good. I have to remind myself to drink more.

    Thin, it is encouraging to read that even though you are one of the success stories here, you do still struggle a bit with NFDs too – gives some hope to us battlers.

    Stay safe and well everyone!

    First job this morning (while eating my yummy post-fast-day breakfast) is to write and say hello. I can’t catch up on everything, and I am sorry because there have been so many great things written. But life!

    LJoyce, I so hope those antibiotics are kicking in, Hi Ayame! Betsy, hooray for water. I love how you are embracing your busy life Gday, best wishes to Mr Gday. Hi Thin, Neil, Helen Kate, Charlie G. Sending good wishes to the Lindsays. Hi Merry, are you there? Hi Jony.

    I’ve got lots of catching up things to do today, and it is my last taxi-duty, driving my friend to her appt this afternoon.

    I hope your day goes well.
    Best wishes to everyone with their day

    Hello all

    So sorry to be an absent friend once again but I literally have not had a day off work for 6 weeks and the hours are crushing. There is light ahead and the workload will drastically decrease in October. At least I have been able to claim overtime for once and I’ve made enough to pay for our expensive flights to Lord Howe Island at Christmas. That is now looking quite positive with the talk of ‘Freedom Day’ in November. Fingers crossed

    Weight – not great, in fact terrible. But I won’t dwell on that now

    I have quickly caught up on your posts and I hope to give a nice long reply soon

    Take care all

    Good evening all.

    The forum seems very quiet at the moment, but I’ll throw in my tuppence worth.

    A few things have actually happened here, yes, despite lockdown (but not with my eating, alack). The first is my poor Wilbur. He was in a cat fight early last week, and by Friday, was hardly eating. His wound was “oozing” by Sunday, so first thing yesterday morning off to the vet’s we went. Abscess, drained, antibiotic injection, big shaved area on his right rump, poor baby. There are three nasty lesions, so maybe some deeply dug in claws. Today was the first day he’s shown much interest in eating, so I hope there will be improvement from here. If not, it will be back to the vet’s we go.

    Received a message today to phone my doctor’s surgery – no, they wouldn’t give me my biopsy results, said I had to make an appointment to speak with the doctor (phone consultation) and couldn’t fit me in till Thursday morning. However, the fact I have to speak with him means that at least one of the biopsies has shown a skin cancer, probably one or both are BCCs, which is entirely as expected, as I’ve had several before. They’re just locally invasive, and need to be surgically excised under local anaesthetic, so no big deal.

    However – eating. With various things going on, have not yet managed a FD, but am being careful not to eat too much, so maintaining my slight loss.

    Enough about me – Anzac65, very concerned to read of how busy you’ve been. I’m VERY glad that this time you’re at least being paid overtime. Do try to give yourself a little TLC.

    Cinque, Good to read your post, and yes, hurray for water. Hope your temporarily very busy life slows to a more reasonable pace quickly.

    Hi to everyone else. Best wishes for a successful 5:2 week!

    Stay safe and well everyone!

    Evening everyone,
    Finally I seem to have got off the plateau, weigh in this morning showed a downwards trend to 107.6, finally 5.1kg down, yay!
    Busy on the farm moving stock to new paddocks, as feed is now growing with spring, veggie garden was flying until cats, not sure that it was just ours, or some strays as well, but seedlings, and newly planted seeds all dug up. Quick trip down the road to mitre 10, and forty metres of mesh nearly a metre high to surround the veggie beds, our cats watched on as we put it around each bed, them walked away in disgust.
    At least our veggies are safer tonight.
    Greetings to everyone, no time to reply to you all, maybe later in the week,
    Have a great week everyone,

    Morning all

    It’s been pretty quiet on the forum recently. I hope everyone is doing ok.

    Charlie, we have the issue with the cats too, my wife solved it by putting a row or sticks in the ground pointing up in between the seedlings. Cats aren’t too keen to squat in your garden it they’re going to get a stick up the bum.

    Betsy, I hope everything goes well with your doctor’s appointment. Poor kitty, our cat constantly gets in fights too, we’re going to have to book her into the vet soon because she seems to have taken a claw near her eye and it’s gone a bit weepy.

    Well the additional protein seems to be working. I haven’t had any after work snacks this week. My weight is still hovering around 100kg but I’m confident it will start moving soon.

    I missed out on my step goal by 1000 steps (not that much considering that’s over a week so only 150 a day short on average). It was caused by a lazy Sunday where I didn’t get any walking in and ended up with only 1000 steps for the day)

    One lot of good news yesterday, I found out that my gym membership will be extended. They put it on hold from the day the lockdown started and will start it again when I return when we hit level 1.

    Well that’s me, I hope the rest of you are doing well. Have a good one everyone.

    Good afternoon all from a very wet and soggy Kaiteriteri.

    Another day and a half of rain but it was well forecasted and I have plenty of wet weather jobs to catch up on so no problems here.

    Pleased to report that although I’m not at my next goal of 65kgs or my PB of 64kgs I did record a lowest weight (this time) of 65.5kg this morning, so I’ll take it and hope for another significant loss by the weekend. It seems to have been a bit up and down the last week or so but I am spending more days in the 65’s now so that’s a good sign.

    Good news on the gym membership Neil and good luck with the lunar planting. I know a lot of people in the UK who swear by that method of gardening. The only one I know here is the garlic, plant on the shortest day of the year and harvest on the longest day!

    OH and I arrived in NZ in Feb 1996 from England Charlie and received our NZ citizenship in 2000. We sold our hospitality business in Dec 2018, after 23yrs and have been living on the road touring in our 23ft Jayco caravan since Sept 2019. Thank goodness we sold when we did! There is nothing about preparing rooms for Bed and Breakfast guests that I haven’t done or taught housekeeping staff although most of my days were spent in the reception/office & kitchen. We had 12 rooms and a restaurant which not only catered to house guests’ dinner & breakfast but we opened the restaurant to the public too, so pretty full on, especially though the summer months. Hence my weight seemed to yo-yo between losing weight for going away in the winter months only to regain it during the summer when we so busy eating the wrong foods at the wrong times. I found this forum back in around ’13/14 I think and my heaviest was 84kgs, so almost 20 gone and feeling great, although I know a lot of it is menopausal. Feeling very sorry for the smaller B n B’s suffering at the moment through this Covid episode, but lucky for you, not all your eggs are in one basket. I have family back in the UK including elderly parents so would dearly love to get back there next year.

    Good to hear from you Anzac, looking forward to hearing all your news. Are you still on the wagon with your friends?

    Thanks for the info on the lung infections LJ, sounds like you have to be super careful. By the way, I forgot to say before, I love your new letterbox.

    HK, Paddy is one super cute dog, I don’t know how anyone could not fall in love with him, looking after him would be so rewarding, he seems to speak to you with those eyes, just gorgeous. I am like you too and struggle with going out to cafe’s etc., with friends ore just OH, making choices that I think are OK, most of the time I can’t work out which is best so I just stick with the long black and have just a bite of someone’s scone! Sigh.

    Sorry Thin, I can’t bring myself to watch Clarkson either, so will give his farm programme a miss, but are watching Vigil with Suranne Jones and it is excellent. Last episode next week, can’t wait. Are you heading back up country now?

    Hope all is well with you and family Lindsay, Cinque, Cali, Jony, Betsy, Merry and anyone I might have missed. Time to get the oven on, black bean & chocolate torte on the cards today, before I use the heat from the oven for a chicken something for dinner! No doubt I will have thought of something by then.

    Take care all, Turn

    Good afternoon from Melbourne on this interesting spring day.

    The most interesting thing was an earthquake! Yes, really, Neilithicman and Turnabout. You’d be a lot more used to them over your way.

    Are you okay, CharlieG? I know the epicentre was in the N-E of the state, near Mansfield, and it seems to have been felt as far afield as Launceston, Adelaide, Canberra and Wagga Wagga.

    Anyway, I’d just let Wilbur back inside – he moved in, in great haste, so maybe he’d sensed it coming – turned on my ducted heating, and sat down in the lounge room, when suddenly the wall and the ceiling began to shudder and shake. I thought the heater may have somehow come loose from its position outside the lounge room wall so I raced outside, but all was well there and everything was quiet again. And then my social media Whatsapp and Facebook started going crazy with messages about it being an earthquake. Fortunately only relatively minimal damage to property, apparently, and no news of any injuries, so just an interesting event. It’s the strongest quake I’ve experienced in Melbourne since I was a child. There may have been others, but I’ve either not been here, or they haven’t impacted me.

    Neilithicman, good news about your gym membership. It will be great when you can get back there.

    Turnabout, wonderful that your weight is stabilising in the 65s. A great achievement!

    Hi to everyone else, stay safe and well.

    Wow Turn,
    You sure did do a long stint in hospitality, we started our because we had an empty house that we didn’t want long term renters in after Mum died in 2017, so we had seen some good times before Covid-19.
    We have also made some wonderful friendships with the bnb, and have caught up with them in their local areas, dreams for the future.
    Neil, tried the sticks, our big cat, 8.5kg just pushes them out of the way and makes more mess in the garden,
    Betsylee, sorry to hear about Wilbur, I hope he is making a speedy recovery. Al the best tomorrow for your biopsy report, I hope your hunch is right.
    Anzac, sounds great that you are getting overtime, I do hope though that you get some downtime to recover, you are putting in long days.
    Lindsay, hope you and Mr Lindsay are in good spirits and that you can work your way through this, know that we are thinking of you.
    To everyone else, where are you, we are missing you all.
    We were well and truly shaken this morning by the earthquake this morning, it went for at least a minute, but no damage that we have found so far, it’s the strongest one I have been through.
    I feel for our Kiwi neighbours after having experienced this one.
    Happy days,

    Good evening everyone.

    Dare I say that the lung infection is mostly gone, but hanging on by it’s fingernails. I feel much better and can take deep breaths, which is pleasing. My GP thinks the 3 courses of antibiotics is enough and I should get better without any more. I hope he’s right as I’m meant to have my infusion this Friday. Trying to reschedule these appointments is a challenge so I have my finger’s crossed it will be ok.

    Charlie, very glad to hear you suffered no damage from the earthquake.
    You’ll have to come up with another solution for those seedlings – a wire cage perhaps that can be lifted off once the plants are larger.

    Turn, I can’t imagine the pressure of running a B&B and a restaurant. I’m very glad you got out when you did. I think van life has turned out to be a good choice during covid. Glad to hear your weight continues to head down too.

    Neil, excellent news on the gym membership. Good too that your change in protein intake is helping with the snacking.

    Besty, poor Wilbur. I hope he recovers soon. Did they leave a drain in? (I remember that was the practice the vet took with my last cat, although that was some years ago.)
    I’m sure you awoke expecting the news to be all about protesters, not earthquakes. It surprised me too – especially the claims of it being felt in Adelaide – I didn’t feel a thing.
    I hope the biopsy results are ok and the problem can be dealt with easily. Ther emust be something in the air – I had a BCC diagnosed yesterday too and am having it removed just as you described, in a couple of weeks time.
    Thanks for your thoughts on not dieting while I’m ill. It is generally good advice. Though it’s been fine this time – probably because I was mostly better before I started. I have a tendency to console myself with food when I’m sick (or lonely, unhappy, bored…) – a very bad habit.

    I’m sticking with my Fast800 program, although I’m not counting calories exactly and I’m happy with getting close to it and I have an excellent memory for the kilojoule count in just about everything. So far I’ve had no break out days and have experienced a fairly controlled appetite, which I really appreciate. I’m just having one shake late morning now as they keep me feeling full for hours and I don’t feel like anther for lunch. I have a healthy snack in they afternoon (eg hummus and raw veg, sugar free yoghurt and a handful of berries etc) and a 300-400 cal dinner. I’ve had to take more care planning the food shopping as I need to buy less food than usual at the moment and I’m always drawn to extra things that look nice – like the 2 bunches of lovely asparagus that I just had to buy but hadn’t planned for and then struggled to fit into my meal plans. (Today’s afternoon snack was some airfried veggies (onion, carrot, zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower and broccoli) with some blanched asparagus spears on the side.

    A while ago I bought a dried legume I hadn’t used before and I finally got around to using it this week. They are split fava (broad) beans. I’ve used fresh and frozen broad beans but never the dried split variety. The whole dried fava beans always look unappealing because of the thick brown skin, but the split fava were peeled and looked like somthing I might enjoy.
    https://imgur.com/a/3zlGEou These are pictures of:
    – the beans after soaking overnight
    – the dry split fava beans
    – soaked, boiled and then made into hummus with tamari, garlic, lemon juice, dried cumin, fresh coriander and sesame oil
    – an Egyptian felafel mixture made from the uncooked soaked beans that were minced along with a full bunch each of parsley and coriander, an onion and spices
    – the final meal of felafel with ranch salad (with kefir as the salad dressing)
    They were excellent and I didn’t think I could like any legume more than chickpeas, but I actually think this hummus was better than my usual chickpea version. I made the fava hummus while the cooked beans were still hot and the hummus was especially good while still warm.
    The Egyptian felafel were also good but a bit too salty for me – I followed the recipe and I should have known it would be too much salt for me. I will definitely make these again and will know better next time – halve the salt! According to the recipe, Egyptian felafel are traditionally shaped like burger patties – which are more useful for me than a traditional Turkish felafel shape. I did find the texture of these felafel was less dry than chickpea felafel – I suspect it was the moisture from all those herbs and the minced onion.
    Always good to have another legume option, although the split fava beans were not that easy to find. When I hunted for recipes it seemed that where some Middle Eastern countries use chickpeas, in Egypt they make very similar dishes using fava beans.

    Hello to everyone I haven’t replied to. I hope you are going well.

    Morning all

    Ljoyce, that sounds amazing. I’ll have to look out for the split broad beans because I love both broad beans and falafel, so having the two combined would be great.

    I’m also trying the fast 800 again at the moment. I’m hoping that getting back to where I started will help me hit the fasting reset button and get me back into the swing of healthier eating, and kickstart my weight loss. I started on Monday and had good days on Monday and Tuesday then yesterday was slightly over at about 1000 calories. The weekend will be the real challenge. I’m planning on doing it for 2 weeks and then slot back into 5:2.

    Charlie, now that is a big cat. I thought ours was big at 6 kilos. No wonder it bulldozed your sticks.

    Betsy, I heard about the quake and I was wondering about our Melbourne members. I hope you’re all ok. You seem to have a bit going on over there with the protests over Covid restrictions over the past few days as well.

    Turn, well done on your continued progress. It’s weird that you had rain because we’ve had one of our best days in ages down the other end of the island. I went for my lunch walk in just a tee-shirt and shorts. A sign that Summer is definitely on the way.

    Well I better go to work now, happy equinox everyone, we’re now halfway to Summer.

    Same back to you, I always consider that when we hit the equinox that spring is really here.
    Veggie garden now fully fenced, and no more damage from cats, I see we have some cabbage seedlings up this morning, along with some self sown broccoli. Love free seedlings,
    Joyce, glad to here that your lung infection is now almost gone, all the best for your infusion on Friday!
    Weigh in this morning, 107.0kg, 5.7kg gone! Feeling so good after a two week plateau that things are finally moving in the right direction again. Thanks for the advice everyone about increasing protein, and sadly giving away bread, as I make my own, now I just have to sit and watch OH eat my lovely fruit bread. OH has hit his own plateau, after saying there was no such thing, he is down to 89.0kg, which is 3.7kg down, and now only has another 8kg to shed. He certainly looks better.
    Hi to everyone else, hope things are going well for you all.

    Good morning everyone. Checking in early today.

    Well, I seem to have found my mojo – planning on a FD today. Let’s see how it goes.

    Glad you’re okay, CharlieG. You didn’t mention the earthquake, so I presume no problems. Wow, you have a BIG cat. My Wilbur has gone up to 7 kg at times in the past, but is staying between 6-6.5kg these days, so much the same size as Neilithicman’s.
    Great that you’re past your plateau and seeing a downward move again.

    Neilithicman, yes, a bit of drama with both earthquake and protests. The protests were initially supposedly about construction workers having to be vaccinated, then construction being stopped for 2 weeks because of objections, but most of the current protesters aren’t even in the construction industry. Some are wearing hi-vis jackets, but they’re the usual “protest at anything” angry young men who want to pick a fight with police. Not all of them, but a lot are recognised as being present at any protest that’s happening. A lot of anti-vaxxers, and people wanting “freedom”. Well, getting sick with Covid isn’t freedom, in my view. Yes, I’m quite weary of the current lockdown. Yes, I’d like it to end, but holding protest march super-spreader events is not the way to do it. I feel very sad about it all. We had 766 new cases of Covid in Victoria yesterday, the highest number ever.

    LJoyce, so glad you’re doing better. That’s really good news.

    My biopsy results are through. Bit surprising. Neither are skin cancer. The one on my arm is just sun damage, which is good. The one at my wrist, they couldn’t decide what it is, so my doctor has referred me to a dermatologist to have it checked out. When I phoned, the first routine appointments were in 2022. My doctor had said it wasn’t urgent, but didn’t want to leave it 3-4 months, which I told him was the usual waiting time. When I told the dermatology surgery receptionist that, she was kind enough to fit me into one of his “emergency” appointments for next Wednesday.

    Might go now and watch the Covid updates for the day. Will be visiting a friend this afternoon to help her with some things.

    Stay safe and well everyone.

    Good evening everyone.

    Well, I managed a 350 calorie fast till after 8 p.m., but….. ended up being around 750 calories, which is still a good result for me.

    Neilithicman, further comment on the protests, not many people showed up today, with lots of questions on their encrypted apps as to where was the protest, was it happening, etc. Apparently a bigger protest planned again for tomorrow. And, not a surprise, one of the guys at yesterday’s protest has been found today to have Covid, and was sick enough to require hospital admission. If he ends up really ill, maybe he’ll spread how bad Covid actually is, to all the other protesters. One can only hope!

    Re my biopsies, I will be interested in what the dermatologist has to say about the little lump on the arm, as I think my GP may have just missed sampling the lesion. When he injected the local anaesthetic, the forearm all went white, so the lesion could only be felt, not seen, and with his rubber gloves on… well, we’ll see.

    Wilbur seems happier now, thankfully. Still cautious going outside, but more his usual self.

    My next doctorate supervision meeting is next Monday, so I may only be dropping in briefly in the next few days.

    Stay safe and well, everyone, and goodnight.

    Good afternoon – quick post.

    Wilbur much more “himself”, let me in, let me out, where’s some new food, etc., which he hadn’t been doing since he was in the fight. He actually slept on my bed last night, too, first time since he was hurt, so his hind quarters must be feeling stronger.
    LJoyce, you asked and I forgot to mention – no drain, just a bit of oozing for a day or so, and he was given a slow-acting antibiotic injection which lasts for 14 days, so no daily administration of antibiotics, yay!

    Doing another FD800 today, so B2B FDs.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Public holiday here in Melbourne, Grand Final public holiday. Ordinarily, there’d be a big parade of the footballers through the city, etc., but…. even the actual match is in WA, sigh, and people are not allowed (supposedly, at least) to meet to watch their teams together. Wonder how many will break the rules tomorrow to cheer on their teams with beer and mates? Not surprising if they do. Just hope there are no really big gatherings.

    Wondering where everyone is – this is three consecutive posts from me. Finishing now and returning to my study. Stay safe and well, everyone.

    I’m not usually up to writing in the evening, but this has been my first chance in a busy week that included
    my friends trip to radiotherapy (yay she is finished),
    home help (yay she has taken to wearing a mask properly! – it just took 18 months and we are both fully vaccinated now, have to laugh, but still, hooray!)
    my eye specialist appointment (pressure normal, don’t need to see her again until next year)
    minding two little darlings yesterday morning

    I am cactus, and have been overeating, but today has been better and clear days ahead. I’m eating miso soup right now.

    Anzac, hello fellow cactus!
    Long distance observer here saying you really need a work contract that allows you to be healthy.
    Overtime pay is a good start!

    Hooray that (hopefully) we will see you more come October.

    Betsy, so glad to hear Wilbur is healing.
    Hooray for that mojo! Keep tickling it!
    Mine will be coming back over the next few days too, I hope.
    I’m glad you got that earlier appointment re your skin, even though, thankfully, it is looking good. (I’ve had about 6 bcc’s removed from the back of my hands, and my face. Fair skin, 60’s childhood 🙁 )
    And ooh, a doctorate meeting coming up. Fingers crossed it gets you inspired.

    Charlie, hooray for getting off that plateau! And no wonder, with how busy you have been.
    I meant to say earlier, when I was living just out of Swan Hill (almost the Mallee), I was working in a school and would have loved to come to your farm for a change of scene in the holidays. Especially if Melbourne was locked down 😉

    My sister is a retired farmer living on the edge of Benalla. She got a great photo of the swimming pool in flux as a result of the earthquake. I can imagine how impressive it was for you.

    But Neil, I do think a New Zealander wouldn’t have batted an eye. We are just so unused to them, and on top of lockdowns and idiot protesters, it seemed like another horseman of the apocalypse!

    LJoyce, you will have had your infusion today. I hope it went well and your lungs are feeling bug free.

    I completely agree with you about fava beans. The ones with skins are hard going (sorry any Egyptians reading!). But the split ones are fabulous.

    I make a dip called bessara with them. It is delicious. https://www.thespruceeats.com/moroccan-fava-bean-broad-bean-dip-2394829 and also make it as a soup with the same ingredients.

    Hanging out to hear how everyone else is. Especially you Lindsay, and best wishes to Mr Lindsay. (But I understand if you don’t feel like posting).

    Okay, soup finished, off to keep recuperating.

    Best wishes all

    Hello all

    There’s quite a build-up of messages in a week! But first a quick report on how I’m going with this WOL. I’ve felt discouraged lately. But I’ve remembered something a friend told me once. She was doing a counselling course where some examiners were observing each person doing a short counselling session. She watched the examiners be extremely critical with the students whose turns were ahead of hers. When her turn came she asked them if they could please tell her two things she’d done right for every one thing she’d done wrong! Such a good idea.

    So, in that spirit, here are two things I’ve done wrong in the past week: booking a lunch in on Wednesday so I couldn’t do my mid-week FD; and some late night eating when unable to sleep

    And here are four things I’ve done right; refusing an invitation last Sunday so I could stick with my weekend FD; cooking the chicken and bacon casserole so I have containers in the freezer for my next FDs; using the timer – setting it for a 15 minute wait before having a second helping of dinner and then usually finding I don’t need to have that second helping; drinking more water.

    My weight is the same and my tum is as round as ever but nothing is worse!

    Today is a fast day and right now I am feeling very hungry but reminding myself that it will pass and also that it is doing good things for my body.

    And now I am reading over the recent messages. LJoyce, I’m glad your lung infection seems to be cleared up. Fingers crossed. Anzac, you are under such a lot of pressure at work. Hope you are getting some breathing spaces and some relaxing walks with Maxx. Charlie, your days always sound very full and Cinque you’ve been busy too. And you Victorian people have had the earthquake, on top of the lockdown and the riots.

    Lindsay, thinking of you and your OH.

    Wishing everybody a good weekend – with rest or football excitement or whatever …


    Hello all. I won’t even try to respond to you all, but I’m reading all your news, and hope you are all well and happy.

    Cinque, you haven’t been well, but you are so so busy. Are you sure you are looking after yourself? Thank you for the call out – hence my quick post today.

    Still waiting for OH’s surgery. He has a date now – 13 October. The wait has been due to the need for his vein to recuperate after the clot, and for the various surgeons to be available on the same date. He now needs to see an ENT physician before the surgery, so more waiting as this chap is out of his rooms until 27 September (there’s been a private school covid outbreak up here, and as so many of the medicos have kids at those schools, it’s thrown a bit of a spanner in the works).

    So, we have adjourned to the island for some sunshine and contemplation. The little girls come over tomorrow for a few days before their mum arrives on Thursday – her birthday, but also the end of her education masters, which finishes with an oral presentation to the board of examiners on Thursday. After 4 years of part-time study, she needs a break too….but she really is coming to spend time with her Dad.

    Best wishes to all of you – I’ll start to respond to you all once I settle down a bit. The past month has been very stressful. I know other people go through similar stresses ….it is hard for us all.


    Morning all, I popped in quickly to try and catch up with some posts. It’s 23C and we’re still squeezing out the last days of summer.

    Turn, you began your new life on wheels a month before we started our watery life. I find it hard to believe that we’ve been doing this for two years. For how long do you plan to continue? Yes, we are slowly heading north again and, now in familiar territory, it’s interesting to note how confident we are, say, meeting another boat in a long tunnel compared to when we set off and everything seemed so terrifying.

    Neil, I read before of your big plans for your anniversary but have now forgotten how you hoped to celebrate. We decided to go to Malta for our anniversary next week. I have mixed feelings about air travel when it’s not essential but, as one of my friends currently in Spain pointed out, everyone on the plane is double jabbed so it’s probably safer than walking into a supermarket. The flight is £15, the PCR test £43. And the paperwork! This is supposed to be a holiday! It will be the first time we’ve left the boat unattended canal side but it will be opposite the marina where we know a few boaters.

    Last Sunday was my first FD in nine days due to switching a day the previous week. I’d held my weight down very well all week by being vigilant but oddly, only lost 100g on that FD. I usually drop 700-900g. I can’t blame the scales as they’re super-accurate (and will be accompanying me on holiday as always). I’ve talked OH out of the usual breakfast buffet option on the basis that it’s a step too far during covid – but, of course, I’m delighted not to have that daily temptation. Another vigilant week and I’m at 58.7kg so well within my wiggle room and will have only one Sunday while away so a FD will be easy to incorporate.

    The fridge and freezer are almost empty. We don’t dare leave it on while away. I have one more FD chicken something for tomorrow. I have a grocery delivery ordered for the morning after our return.

    I hope everyone gets their medical issues sorted and back on track with IF. Best wishes all.

    Good evening all.

    Cinque, good to hear from you. I’ve been concerned at your relative silence. Yes, BCCs as a result of childhood sun exposure – for me, 50s sunshine, and fair skin, but same result. Great that your eye pressure readings were normal. I see my specialist in November. I have glaucoma, even though my readings have never been high – I think it’s called normotensive glaucoma. It hasn’t affected my eyesight, to date, for which I’m very thankful.

    Helen Kate, hang in there. Sometimes it’s possible get stuck on a particular weight for 2-3 weeks, then as you persevere, whoosh, the weight drops a couple of kilos in a few days. Do you check your actual measurements? Maybe you’ll find that they’ve gone down, even if your weight hasn’t (yet).

    LindsayL, how lovely that you can have some enjoyable time with family at the island while awaiting the ENT appointment and then surgery for DH.

    Anzac65, hope you’re gamely hanging in there with your current, oh so busy work schedule.

    Thin, hard to believe it’s already been two years that you’ve been on the boat. Wow! Hope you have an enjoyable holiday in Malta, and happy anniversary in advance. Great that there are folk who’ll keep an eye on your boat for you while you’re away.

    Well, B2B FD800s led to a weight loss this morning of 600 gms, but I won’t get too excited until the weight moves down a further kg or so. This is one of my “sticking” weights, and as I mentioned above to Helen Kate, you just have to persevere through it.

    Hope everyone’s having a great weekend!

    Morning all,

    Yesterday was frustrating. My eating was ok, more than I was hoping but less than 2000 calories, but I didn’t get anything done in the garden. It was sunny and bright outside but too windy to get anything done in the garden that I had planned to do. Oh well, it’s daylight savings time now so hopefully I’ll be able to start getting some things done in the evenings after work now.

    Thin, we plan to spend some time at My Cook, Ohau and Tekapo. I’m hoping we can get up for a helicopter ride to the glaciers. I hope you have a great time in Malta for your anniversary.

    Betsy, congratulations on your loss. Hopefully I can join you as a loser when I have my weigh in this week.

    Have a great one everyone.

    Good morning,
    it is Sunday fast day for me, and following HK’s lead my two good things are that I am eating excellently and drinking lots of water, but on the critical side I am not going to manage less than 800 today. Close though!

    Helen Kate, a lovely post, and such a good strategy for reporting. Well done re all those excellent things, and oh well, we learn most when we make a decision and then figure out it was not a good one.

    (That ‘eating when tired and sleepless’ is such a difficult one).

    I hope you completed your fast day successfully and are feeling very pleased with yourself today! That tum will go!

    Lindsay, so glad to read your update. So glad you are on the beautiful island and I hope it gives you all some respite from the stress.
    Family, kids, birthday and celebrating the completion of that long hard Masters will give you plenty of distraction.
    Hoping Mr Lindsay’s vein is recuperating beautifully so he will be ready for surgery in a couple of weeks.

    Thin, you will love a holiday! Have you been to Malta before? I love reading about its long history.
    (Wo yes, good decision re the breakfast buffet!)

    Betsy, thanks for your thoughts. It was a bigger commitment than I expected driving my friend to her appts, but it was one of those ‘She ain’t heavy, she’s my sister’ things, and I am glad I could help.
    I can feel life gradually coming back to some sort of normal. And my eating too.

    Can they do something about your sort of glaucoma? I hope so.
    (I’m rather enjoying the side effect of my drops that makes my eyelashes grow thick and dark).

    Well done re the 600g, that is a big pat of butter!

    Neil, sympathy, the weather always wins. But I bet you have some lovely evenings coming.
    What fabulous plans you have for your anniversary!

    Well, I think I am well enough to go and give the compost a turn with my twirly wirly thing. It is a lovely morning here.

    Best wishes everyone

    Good early afternoon from cool but sunny Melbourne.

    The weather today is lovely, and Wilbur has no interest in being inside, even though earlier it was considerably cooler than now. I’m so relieved, as it means that he is back to normal. Even so, for his final evening “piddle” I’m still going outside with him, making sure the black cat which attacked him isn’t around, and walking up and down the driveway while waiting for him to do his business. I have to make sure that I don’t look at him when thus occupied, or he stops – maybe it’s something he learned after he’d been dumped, before I adopted him? A “beware of making yourself vulnerable” thing? Or is it common cat behaviour?

    So glad to read your post, Cinque. Yes, lovely weather. I understand the “she ain’t heavy, she’s my sister” sentiment, and it was lovely of you to help your friend.

    Re my glaucoma, I just use daily drops, early evening. Been using them for several years now. I had regular eye checks for years because of glaucoma in the family (first cousins) so it was picked up before any damage occurred, which was fortunate. I use a generic version of Xalatan and yes, slightly more eyelashes. As an amusing tale, my eye specialist told me of one of her patients whose eye lashes thickened, but grew out instead of curving up, so it affected his sight. Can you imagine a middle aged man using a curling rod daily to curl his lashes up 🙂 .
    I’d prefer less of the slight brownish colour that’s developed around the eyes, but hey, it’s a small price to pay for retained eyesight.

    Neilithicman, sounds like your daylight savings starts earlier each year than ours – we start on the first weekend in October through the Saturday night, click over about 2 a.m. I think, so that will be next weekend. Go back to “normal” time during the Saturday night of the first weekend in April, so daylight savings covers 6 months of the year here.
    Is yours similar? Do you ever have trouble remembering which way the clocks need to be turned? A pastor I knew once reminded us “spring forward, fall back” as a way to remember – even though we have autumn, not fall, I still find it a useful little saying.
    Re weight, looks like I’ve kept most of the loss after a day of “normal” eating yesterday, which is pleasing. Hope your scales are equally kind to you.

    I’ve recently been looking again at Youtubes by Dr Jason Fung, and I’ve decided that I’m going to try a water fast tomorrow. One annoyance I’ve had is an inability to swallow my daily BP medicine without taking it with food, because it’s tiny, and sticks to the back of my throat if I try to take it with just fluids. I usually take it at breakfast-time. Anyway, I’ve decided to try having a light breakfast, with the med., then water only till breakfast the next day. That will be a 24-hour water fast, even if not the 36 hours I’d prefer. Better than nothing. Well, that’s the goal – I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Okay, need to do other things. Enjoy your day(s), everyone.

    Oh, Neilithicman, re daylight savings I’m talking of what occurs in Victoria. I’m not sure when it happens in other states, and I think a couple of states/ territories don’t use daylight saving at all, WA definitely not, and maybe the Northern Territory(?). Does anyone else know?

    Betsy no daylight saving here in Queensland. It fades the curtains and upsets the cows. Or something like that.

    Morning losers,

    Neil, thanks for reminding me about your spectacular anniversary splash. Thanks for the good wishes.

    HK, cheers for all the things you’ve done right – and happy to hear the chicken and bacon casserole continues to feature in your FD fare.

    Lindsay, in WA they say daylight saving fades the cows and confuses the curtains.

    Betsy, good job. Good luck with water fasting. I’m coming to realise that the longer I can last without food on a FD, the easier the planning, the less faff it requires when on holiday. It took years for me to ditch my 2pm feeding of cauliflower soup but it’s so much easier to have just one small ‘meal’ in the evening.

    Cinque, best wishes for getting back to your routine of slow and gentle activities. Ha ha, only 18 months for your HH to learn how to wear a mask correctly. OH has been to Malta but only in pilot capacity and I’ve not been before. We’re going for the history, not the beaches and I’ve booked some funky accommodation in historical sites, such as an ancient guard tower, adults only, no huge hotels.

    Joining you for a FD. 58.7kg today. I’m on my second coffee. Sheep grazing in the green field opposite. A light mist over the rolling hills. Water perfectly still. The staircase locks that we came up yesterday are padlocked until 8am to save water so there is no boat movement. Hire boat season is thankfully coming to an end.

    Ours used to be at the end of October. I was actually born during daylight savings on the 29th of October (my mother jokes I put her through an extra hour of labour because they put the clocks forward while I was being born). They moved it back to the middle of October, then the beginning of October, now it’s the last week of September and runs until April, so just over 6 months.

    I heard the same phrase “spring forward, fall back” and I use that to remind me too. We have one town over here (Te Anau) that have decided not to do daylight savings so they will be in a different time zone to the rest of the country for half the year.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Hi all,

    First time posting here. Ben looking through the forum and you all seem friendly and to have a wealth of knowledge on 5:2 which is great.

    I Successfully got to goal weight with 5:2 eight years ago with a group of friends. Stopped when I was pregnant with baby number two and never got back on the band wagon. Yoyo-ed over the years and was at an all time high weight of 81kg at the start of the year. Currently at 77.3kg and want to get back to the heavenly days of 59kg! Have quite a bit to lose but know this works not just for weightloss but also as a WOL… just have to get my head around hunger pangs again! Have set Monday and Thursday as my best fast days (which fall when I’m working).

    So here’s to the first day back…😬


    Welcome aboard Hannah, love the palindrome name (reads the same backwards and forwards)

    Good luck with your weightloss journey. You’ll find this is a pretty supportive group with lots of people in various stages, from those just starting out, those who have hit goals and have maintained it, or some of us in your position.

    I’m similar to you at the moment. I started off at 132.5 kilos and got down to my goal weight of 85 kilos and maintained it for a year, then the last 6 months I’ve been gaining and currently sitting around 100 kilos. I’m looking to get back down to 85 again.

    Welcome Hannah. Hope your first fast day back goes well – always such a boost, to see the scales the day after a fast day.

    Neil re palindromes ….I’m currently reading the Poisonwood Bible, where one of the characters thinks and writes in palindromes. A very well-written book, although a bit challenging at times.

    Cinque, hope you are feeling well and happy today after a lovely Melbourne day, poking mulch and eating well.

    Betsy, glad Wilbur is recovering. In my experience, cats are very private creatures, so best you look the other way (that’s not the only reason of course …haha)

    Charlie, thanks for the good wishes. I like hearing about your life….those good BNB times will come back. I’m feeling quite optimistic now about seeing our way through Covid.

    Thin, hope you enjoy your holiday in Malta….will you go back to the boat for winter?

    OK off to walk the hound. She missed out yesterday because I went over to the mainland to collect the little girls, who are here for the week. So far Rosy has been up on the bed (definitely not allowed), has nipped off with OH’s iPad case, and is currently standing at the back door flipping a teatowel in her great white teeth, daring us to chase her. She’ll drop it if I don’t. I haven’t seen her being this naughty for ages ….the girls are noisy and she’s reacting to it.

    Back soon. Enjoy your day all.

    Good morning all

    Welcome Hannah, this is a great forum and so very supportive. Like yourself and Neil I managed to gain back hard-earned losses. I managed to get to 82 kilos at the end of 2019 which was halfway to my goal weight but am now inching towards triple figures at 94.9 so it’s time to get right back into this WOL

    Today is my first proper FD in over a year. The reason I stopped was the Gastroenterologist who diagnosed my diverticulitis said it was important to get a good hit of fibre first thing in the morning. So I always have a bowl of Mr Anzac’s home-made, high fibre muesli. I simply can’t fast if I have breakfast but now I’ve decided it is equally important to get this dratted weight off as it is bad for both my physical and mental health. Wish me luck! I’m very prepared so that is always half the battle

    Rosy sounds like such a cutie Lindsay. I always have to smile when Maxx comes charging in with a stolen treasure. He doesn’t do it all the time now, and rarely chews anything but it is part of his personality and we have accepted that. He is 4 next month which is blowing my mind. Four!

    I have everything crossed for Mr Lindsay’s operation next month. What a stressful time for you and the whole family

    Thanks for your good wishes with my job. It has calmed down again and I can take control back over my hours for a while. I had the whole weekend off which was fantastic as the house needed a good clean and I needed to do a lot of cooking for us and for my Dad as the freezer was nearly empty.

    Thin….Malta….oh how envious I am. I hope you have a wonderful time and happy anniversary in advance

    How on earth can one town in NZ not have daylight savings Neil? It’s bad enough here that not all states have it but that really sounds strange. We spent a night in Te Anau on one of our road trips of the South Island and from memory it is the closest town to Milford Sound? I have a fond memory of that day as I was reading a brochure that we picked up at a visitor centre somewhere on our way to do the boat trip at Milford Sound and there was a list of languages in which you could get a copy and one of them was ‘Australian’ in addition to ‘English’. Ha ha NZ!

    I have a meeting coming up so I will end there but hopefully can come back and finish later

    Welcome Hannah,
    Like many here, my weight loss is still in progress,I have come from 140kg to 115kg over a long period of time, and managed to keep it that way for years. Restarted end of July this year at 112.7kg and now down to 107.0kg. You can do this, and this group will support you, go girl.
    Lindsay, I hope you are right about guests coming back to the bnb’s once we move away from lockdowns, spent yesterday doing a tidy up and checking dates on food. Orphan poddies had interesting dinner last night with the contents of all the small cereal packs, and the bread mixes, oh well at least it wasn’t completely wasted.
    Taking it a bit easy today after busy weekend in garden, digging over beds ready for spring planting, as my back is a bit sore.
    Watching Satin Bower birds outside the office window as I right this, they are chasing a New Holland Honeyeater that has been drinking nectar from the Camellia flowers, New Holland is so quick they won’t deter him for long.
    Have a great week everyone

    Thanks for all the lovely welcomes everyone – it really helped me reading these! First day has gone better than I anticipated after building it up in my mind! Now I’m looking forward to it becoming a habit.

    Loving the inspirational weight loss stories – some seriously impressive drops on here.

    Hi all. Hannah will you weigh tomorrow after your first FD? Keen to hear how it went, weight wise. Good luck with your first FD in a while, Anzac.

    My daughter pointed me to this article on the Conversation…..it makes for interesting reading, for those pushing against the 10,000 steps a day target. I already knew, but I still find it amusing, that the 10,000 step goal came originally from a Japanese pedometer, the name of which, when translated, meant 10,000 steps. Not for the first time a marketing campaign has taken us down a particular route.

    Oh Charlie, those ‘use-by’ dates. I guess if you’re all stocked up for guests, you’d have a fair supply. Good you have the livestock to use it all up.

    Anzac I can’t believe Maxx is 4. How quickly that time went. Rose was 2 in July. OH is talking about another pup. I’ve asked him to wait until (if) Rosy has pups and we’d keep one. I’ve chosen her name – Scarlett. But first, we’d better see she meets all the markers – hips, other genes. And then we’ll see.

    OK, little ones bathed (without an argument for once). OH has cooked spag bol for dinner, and I’m taking a break from a thesis I’m editing (reluctantly). They always turn up at the most inopportune times. I have to finish this one by Wednesday night, then I have a journal article and 2 chapters of a PhD to do. My candidate is overseas – third world – and has some interesting insights into covid in his country. I’ve edited a number of his academic articles – so interesting, to read of medical issues that aren’t even on the agenda, in our privileged Western word

    Night all.

    Good morning,

    Filtered sun is coming through my window. My favourite.

    Welcome Hannah T3! Hooray for the first fast day done!
    Lovely to have you here. Life with two little ones is crazy so all power to you managing 5:2 in among it all. You can do it! And won’t you feel good when you have lost that weight again.
    Work to make it as easy and sustainable as you can, and it will be your friend always!
    (Working on that myself too).

    LJoyce, I am thinking your chest infection has come back again. grr! I do hope that (if it has) they can find an antibiotic to really get on top of it.Sending lots of good wishes.

    Betsy, haha, yes wouldn’t it be nice if we could choose what colour our eyelashes.
    I am a bit ‘clockwork orange’ at the moment as it is just my left eye that has a problem that needs drops, but my right eye is now getting drops 3 x a week so the lashes can catch up. So glad they aren’t growing straight up!

    Cat’s do like their privacy. I do hope Wilbur is continuing to heal well.

    How did the water fast go?

    Thin, it was lovely to join you virtually, drinking your coffee and enjoying the landscape with rolling hills and grazing sheep.

    Lindsay hello to you all on the island. Rosy needs her walks! Your editing work is hard slog, but hooray for interesting research.

    Anzac, that has been a trick: re your high fibre breakfast and the important task of avoiding diverticulitis. I do hope your FD went well and easily!
    I wonder, if you find you do need something in the morning, if a spoon of psyllium husks in a glass of water might be enough to do the trick?
    Anyway, hoping a good fast day twice a week really works easily!

    Charlie, a well deserved easy day. The birds sound wonderful. Which one will you vote for this year? 🙂 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2021/sep/27/australian-bird-of-the-year-2021-vote-now-for-your-favourite

    Well I am going okay. I might have overdone it in the garden on Sunday so I am pacing myself now. Fast day tomorrow!

    Best wishes all

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