Good afternoon. Cold here again, so I’m on the computer.
Anzac65, sending good wishes your way for a speedy recovery, and for whatever it is to NOT recur!
BTW, very impressed with the description of all OH has managed to accomplish around your home. Do you want to send him over my way when he’s done? (Joking!).
Re the Covid-19 situation, the housing commission towers have had about 30 positive cases up till yesterday. The shutdown is only for 5 days, while they get everyone tested, though if people refuse testing, they may have to be in quarantine longer. As well as government assistance, one union has already raised about $137,000 to help the locked-down residents so they will be looked after. One concern is that in the various locked-down postcodes, about 10,000 people have refused to be tested. Not sure why, though some folk are still believing all this Covid-19 “nonsense” is just a government conspiracy. Sigh!
LJoyce, hope the FD today is a successful one, and have a lovely time with the kids and babysitting tomorrow.
Neilithicman, I should have given you the benefit of the doubt and realised it was the lower figure that was correct, not the higher, with all the weight you’ve lost. Well done. Hope the weather improves a bit so you can enjoy some of your holiday outdoors.
Cinque, my 55 minutes of walking was done inside my home – up and down, up and down, from one end to the other. I did the same today, for 41 minutes. I do not appreciate the cold when it’s this cold. Of course wind as well is worse. Wilbur has finally consented to going outside again. He went out in the a.m., came in when I got up at 9 a.m., ate and curled up on my bed. He roused a short time ago and wanted out. Think it might be short-lived as he’s already scratching at the door to come in again.
Thin, what a complicated situation you’re facing re OH’s visa. I guess with the virus numbers in the UK still high, it’s not one of the places the EU is allowing back in to travel. Now if the UK was still part of the EU? Well, Brexit has put an end to that. I hope some satisfactory resolution of the dilemma is found soon.
LindsayL, Eek! No, I didn’t know there was a new APA 7 version out. It was expensive enough buying the (unhelpful) book for APA 6. Does that mean a lot of changes? I’ll have to go online and see which unis may have redone their APA recommendations so I can get a new summary, and then make the needed changes to my Bibliography. Sigh. With over 500 references, that’s going to be a lot of work, but thank you for letting me know so I can look into it and make the necessary changes.
By the way, well done for completing the Master’s thesis editing. That didn’t take long – was it 40,000 words, or less?
Re ice-cream, for me – the killer is the 450 ml or thereabouts tubs. I have frequently polished one of them off in one eatathon, and they range from 800 to 1100 calories, depending on the variety. So, yes, it’s amazing that I’ve still been losing weight despite eating them on TDEE days, but you can imagine how much “proper” food hasn’t been consumed, and why I wrote last post that I really have to re-organise my eating.
And no, LJoyce, I definitely have NOT been stopping at one scoop. Interestingly though, with larger tubs, control is much easier, so the solution – stop buying the small tubs.
Cinque, I will try to view the demise of my ice-cream treats as a positive. Not there yet, but I will try. Certainly it will be better for my body, so for that reason, will be making the change, but not tremendously willingly. Some things we just have to do!
Glad you and your sisters have sorted things out re the problem family member. Hope that continues to work out well for you.
Okay, tomorrow is another day, and in my ice-cream depleted world I will be thankful for it 🙂
Keep well everyone!
7:06 am
5 Jul 20