I’d like to see those flowery boxers, Cinque. Beer? Why did I not associate you with beer before? I understand about the extra piece of toast, its longterm effect and the need to kick yourself after having it. I did the same last night, we had fresh blueberries and greek yoghurt as a little treat after dinner. But OH said he wanted bread and honey instead. I don’t know why I let that irritate me but for some unknown reason, I then added granola and milk to my little treat.
Betsy, to add to what Cinque said about one extra biscuit (or liquorice/chocolate in your case?), have you noticed how supermarkets always put the junk food items on sale and near the entry door? When was the last time you saw avocados on sale as you enter (unless they’re not very good ones)? Have you tried shopping when you’ve just eaten? I think if you’re able to overcome that moment’s temptation as you pass these items, it’s a lot easier than buying them and having them constantly tantalise you from the top shelf where you’ve stashed them at home. The only way to rid yourself of them at that point is to consume them. Fight back and don’t buy them at all.
Turn, that was such a great post! Your trip sounds super. Van hair! Will Cinque post an image for us? I saw a buff in a shop window the other day, wished I could have it but it was £16 and the shop was closed anyway. Are you saying that you have a proper freezer in your van? You did make me laugh about not having seen your waist for so long although I know it’s no laughing matter. You reminded me of someone who used to post here under the name ‘ihaveawaist’.
Anzac, great job with a successful FD, back in the groove. So sorry about the insomnia. Are you getting enough exercise? It has been a wet week here, warm low 20Cs and a thunder storm each afternoon which was great fun to watch. Then yesterday, the temp dropped and it rained steadily all day long.
We managed a three hour game of chess yesterday without wine. Yay! This has taken ages to finish so hello to anyone who’s posted in the meantime.
8:21 am
19 Jun 20