Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Morning all

    Monday and I’m back at work again.

    Ljoyce, I was coming back from doing our weekly shopping on Saturday and I saw there was only a couple of cars in the KFC drive-through so I picked up my boy a quarter pack for lunch, he was one happy camper. But we don’t have junk food very often so that’s all we’ll be having for a while. Next lot will likely be my other boy’s birthday in July. The boys are still having school from home, they won’t be going back to school until level 2.

    There’s been some talk about instruments. I’ve never heard of a crumhorn either, but I play the clarinet…well I did play the clarinet. I haven’t played it since I finished university. I went on a tour of Australia with a symphonic band when I was in 7th form, which was a lot of fun, but I found I was playing it less and less after I left school so I sold it to help pay for my wife’s engagement ring when I proposed.

    We went for a drive to our local beach for a walk, which we’re allowed to do under level 3 restrictions. But I was disappointed to see that social distancing has pretty much gone out the window. People were all sitting around in big groups eating, drinking coffee and chatting while all their kids played together in the sea. People are getting really complacent and that could mean an increase in cases and a return to level 4.

    Well I’ll enjoy my coffee and get back to work, I took sautéed celery leaves and some boiled eggs for lunch so I’m going to be nice an healthy today. Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning,
    Ooh what a lovely bunch of posts.

    Anzac, did you have a lovely day with your dad? I bet you did.

    Shakespeare and music, so much more to know. Neil, how precious to think of your clarinet embodied in your wedding ring, and therefore in your family.
    Penguin, it is the old music that is my favourite. But I need to look up all the pieces you mention. (I’ve already had a little go at a simple version of edi beo thu). The blowing harder might be good for my lungs! I wonder what my neighbours would think of a crumhorn.
    I am a terrible singer and not confident of my ear for music, but worked hard at recorder and taught it informally to a few kids with such pleasure doing duets, so that is what I miss when playing it on my own.
    But haha Thin, I have been in too many schools with too many children playing ‘London’s burning’ on plastic recorders.
    One cute thing is that Miso the cat (who leaves the room in disgust if the TV is too loud) loves my playing and comes and tries to rub her face all over the recorder while I am playing, purring loudly. (ok I can hear the jokes coming).

    LJoyce, hello! Hooray you clever healer you. How nice it must be to be (almost) back to normal, and able to brave even this wintery weather.
    Yes lily of the valley are so beautiful and so are snowdrops (both preferable to onion weed we grew up with). For you https://images.assetsdelivery.com/compings_v2/nataljusja/nataljusja1507/nataljusja150700208.jpg

    Isn’t SA doing so well, especially given that cluster that was going on. Here in Victoria we had one day of zero, and now numbers have jumped with the big increase in testing and a cluster found, but hopefully they will all be sorted easily and we will be in a position to open a little bit more.

    Thin, doesn’t it make our anxiety levels settle when the government agrees with us, and yikes when they start moving too fast.

    Cali, it must be hard for you sitting in the covid epicentre of the world, although, thank goodness, in a less dangerous part of the country.

    And Neil, oh dear, the way people push boundaries (you give them an inch…) fingers crossed they get their act together.
    We can’t help but think them ‘thick’ as per DDThin. But since I was so thick with homehelp I will hope they are similarly determined to do better next time.

    Thin, I bet you enjoyed your soup. Mine turned out so well, given what a hotch potch it was. As my auntie used to say “If good things go in to it, it will taste good”. Perfectly true in this case. I even had horseradish root in it! (Just a small bit, from my garden, and not strong tasting.)

    Penguin, I do so hope you and Mrs Penguin had a wonderful day off in the kind weather and heard the yellow hammer call. I had to find it on youtube and laughed when it got to the ‘cheese’.

    Betsy, hasn’t it been fireworks in our state! Ah well, only a week until May 11th and hopefully we will have done so much testing by then, the next move will be clear.

    What a lovely way you and Wilbur found each other.

    Neil, I am so glad your son got his KFC.

    Cheers everyone, I hope today is a particularly good one, and that eating lightly is easy.

    https://cdn.igp.com/f_auto,q_auto,t_prodm/products/p-glass-vase-of-10-pink-lilies-with-chocolate-cake-half-kg–64081-m.jpg Yikes, how did that chocolate cake get there!

    orning all
    I am going to pop on very quickly as I’ve allowed myself a few minutes break in my editing.
    I laughed too LJ at ‘far out brussel sprout’. An old one, and a good one Cinque.
    I loved reading your posts Penguin. You are multi talented, that’s for sure.
    LJ great you are feeling better … and a weight loss to boot. Steady steady though …it can take a while to get over chesty things.
    Glad Wilbur is back in form Betsy ..and I’ve enjoyed the cat tales.I have had a few in our time. Worst was a rather nasty Burmese cross that weighed a whopping 12 kilos, and used to stalk the kids. One memorable time, he sat on top of a bookstand and waited for OH to walk by, before pouncing and raking his claws over OH’s bald head. Not for nothing was that cat called Trouble.
    Thin, Betsy described the Zoom meeting perfectly. Only high spot was when one person came half an hour late, gaily apologised, and asked what hours she could expect to be given in Semester 2 … after the whole meeting to that point was to tell staff there would be no students until 2021. Stoney faces from the other 43 participants. Thin, to answer your question about retirement – I think part of my problem earlier this year was about that…and I’d decided to keep working, until Covid19 changed the landscape.
    Anzac what a shame, losing your things. Head too full of spreadsheets and numbers? Hope some have reappeared.
    Cinque, your options re falling off the 5:2 wagon resonated. So I’ll go the ‘fess up option. I haven’t been doing well with weight loss at all, particularly since I came back from NZ. But….I actually haven’t been overeating. I have been having grocery deliveries, and there’s a paucity of fresh vegetables. So, I’ve been eating a lot more carbs – potatoes, sweet potato, carrots, pumpkin … not to mention bread, of course. Also frozen veges, but ones I usually avoid – peas, corn. And I could only get one pack of frozen beans. So, today’s the day. Back on 14:10 and a low carb/low cal day, easing into 16:8 over the next week, and a FD probably Thursday. Are you with me Anzac? BTW. great photo of Maxx….and how do you manage to get away with vacuuming every second day? If I don’t hit the floors with the Dyson every day, my house looks like it has been ransacked. Rosy is very good at digging things up and chewing bits of the garden … palm fronds are a favourite. And garden beds with seedlings. sigh.

    Catch up later. Enjoy your day all.

    Good morning

    Telehealth call with the orthopaedic surgeon has just finished. He is so happy with how the knee replacement is going he thinks that it will probably last my lifetime and not need to be replaced again (which is more normal). The big proviso with that is that I keep my weight stable and keep up my current level of fitness. When I first saw this surgeon I was 127kg and hobbling along with a walking stick – he always comments on how much I’ve improved and is always pleasantly surprised at the annual review that I’ve maintained the weight loss and activity. Unfortunately many of his patients lose weight for surgery and then put it all back on again. He said only about 5% of his patients manage to maintain weight loss after surgery. It’s actually 5 years this week since I had the knee replacement. (As I only got to my current weight the day before surgery, that means it’s also 5 years since I got down to my current weight.) I will eventually need to get the left knee done too I suspect, although the deterioration has been very slow in recent years.

    I have been checking the garden most morning to see if more snail bait is required and to see if anything has grown – I refuse to donate seedlings that cost $1 each to snails and slugs. The only seedlings that seem to have increased in size is the broccolini – it’s doubled in size in 2 weeks. The cauliflower and spinach seedlings look the same and the legume seeds have only been in for a couple of days so I don’t expect to see them for a while. The purple sprouting broccoli seeds haven’t stuck their heads up above the soil yet either – I really hope they do well, I’m looking forward to that crop.

    Lindsay, unlike Maxx, it appears that it’s easy to snap photos of Rosy being naughty. Looks like seedlings are out this year.
    It’s unfortunate to have retirement thrust upon you. I guess if there is such a long break before there is more work you will have plenty of time to know whether you want to actually be retired or not – you can always change your mind when the students return. I assume you are still working with that one PhD student’s thesis, or has that finished too?

    Cinque, thankyou so much for the extra flowers, what a bucketfull!

    Thin, they opened IVF up here too when the restrictions on level 2 elective surgery were lifted. I stil had my doubts about that here, even though we have far lower infection rates than the UK.
    I’m a bit surprised that WA thinks of SA as an eastern state when we are no further east than NT. I think of NT and SA as central, but I guess it’s all relative. Ive always felt we have more in common with WA as we often get forgotten by federal politicians as they concentrate on where all the people/votes are.
    Not a fan of cherry pie or cherry slice I must admit – those I’ve tried were too sweet for my palate. I like a bit of sharpness in there too – rhubarb and apple is my type of pie. Although these days I just cook the fruit and have it with a dollop of plain greek yoghurt.

    Neil, I bet you were a popular Dad, taking the belated KFC birthday dinner home.
    How are you managing the home schooling when both you and your wife are at work – or are the kids able to work without alone without nagging?

    Hello to everyone else I haven’t mentioned.

    After bragging about being healthy again my lungs worse this morning. More congestion, but no sign of infection there yet. I suspect that will some though and I’ll need a second course of antibiotics. I’m feeling a little grumpy about that. I tried to do a lung percussion treatment on myself this morning but I can’t reach far enough down my back to get to the lower lobes of the lungs, which is where the trouble is.

    Take care all.

    Hi Ljoyce, We’re allowed to connect with one other bubble during level 3 so we have connected with my parents. They are looking after the kids while my wife and I are at work. They both used to be high school teachers so the boys will be well looked after. They will likely be more strict about schoolwork than my wife and I were 😉

    Good afternoon from a windy, chilly Sydney.

    My focus on eating well below my TDEE last week had a good result – 400g down. I will do the same this week. I’m really not in the head space to fast so this is the next best thing.

    LJ, the funniest thing ever – I was reading your post about how Maxx seems to be well behaved in most photos when I heard his frantic tip-tapping in the kitchen accompanied by a few excited grunts. Uh oh….this always signals that a crime is being committed and sure enough I sprinted out to find a wagging tail disappearing out the back door with a precious roll of paper towel in the burglars mouth. This is not the first time and the photo below shows some of his prowess early on in lockdown when paper towels were impossible to get. Sigh

    I’m glad you are feeling better but sorry to read that you have regressed today. Take it easy as you don’t want to go any further backwards. And great news about how well your knee replacement is going too. Whoo hoo!

    Lunch with Dad yesterday was great and I think he enjoyed the paella. I don’t think he had ever had mussels before as he wasn’t too sure how to eat them. OH had to show him. He was full of stories about his trip to the country and he always enjoys telling a story. Or several. Dozen. LOL

    Lindsay I really do need to vacuum every day as otherwise there are tumbleweeds of fur flying around. But I just don’t have time and I’m a lazy housekeeper. I laughed at the thought of Rosy chewing the fronds – I have a picture of Maxx from about a year ago where he somehow managed to drag a massive palm frond in through the back door. He had strewn bits of it everywhere and I caught the funniest face – he looked like was saying “what? This mess? Wasn’t me!”. I tried to upload it in Imgur but it wasn’t in my ‘gallery’ i guess because it is too old.

    I will be thinking of you on Wednesday x 2 Penguin. Best of luck and many healing thoughts winging their way across the ocean. Such interesting posts! You have such diverse and wonderful hobbies and cleverness.

    Aren’t we a musical bunch? I took Piano lessons from age 5 – 17 and did lots of exams. Like you Thin, my sibling (sister) got all the musical genes as she sings like an angel and can play the piano beautifully. I wasn’t that good but it is nice to have a skill like this as it can really help after a stressful day. On our holiday OH and I made a vow that I would start playing again and he would learn the guitar. Hmm. Not happening just yet.

    Cinque, I laughed and laughed at ‘far out brussel sprout’. It brought back memories. I think you should open your windows wide and let your neighbours enjoy your recorder sessions. I hope you were able to get to the shops today

    Betsy – what a nice story about how you came to get Wilbur. How awful that his original owners rejected him. How can you have a pet for 3 years and THEN decide it isn’t for you? Thankfully, however, Wilbur found a fairy Godmother to give him a wonderful life 🙂

    OK back to my evil spreadsheet. On top of that I have to deliver some training to 6 new business people tomorrow. How to do that over Skype without being able to see their faces will be tricky. I’ve prepared my powerpoint so now fingers crossed I can get the information across successfully.

    Take care

    Cinque, thanks for the beautiful flowers and chocolate cake! I was thinking, too, that a wind instrument would be good for everyone’s lungs as we tend not to use them to full capacity and, should we get this dreaded lurgy, it would be useful. I don’t think you were ‘thick’ when dealing with your home help. Flustered maybe.

    Yes thanks, the soup was so good. I still can’t believe it’s a FD meal. I received only a small loss from yesterday’s FD, 500g. I may have become too complacent with milk in tea and coffee on FDs. We’ve been in England for 7 months so I’m happy with being able to remain under 60kg on 6:1 for this long.

    CalifD, I keep forgetting to thank you for the Netflix suggestion. Unfortunately, Netflix has decided that the boat’s TV is too old to allow it as a monitor in case of piracy (it worked fine at first). It’s not a smart TV so there’s another expense (and logistic challenge) unless we want to watch Netflix on a laptop.

    LJ, I agree that cherry pie is too sweet. OH explained that a different kind of sour cherry was used by his mother. Of course, sugar would have been added but it wouldn’t have been sickly sweet I’m guessing. So rewarding to see the orthopod with your weight perfectly maintained after this long. My knees have been thanking me for the past 5-6 years for losing all that weight. Sometimes, they’re reminded of that prior burden when I carry heavy bags.

    Neil, I understand your disappointment and frustration over the crowding. It can be seen in pictures from all over Europe too. OK, well if that’s their decision, let them develop the herd immunity for us. Natural selection? We are temporarily moored between two large towns on a very narrow towpath. Yesterday, there was a steady stream of cyclists flying past in both directions. Some in groups of four. People have been asked not to use towpaths unless absolutely necessary, only for local use, cyclists to dismount when passing walkers, and to slow down when passing moored boats, everyone to use the full width of the towpath when passing, walkers to pass moored boats quickly and remain 2m away from them……absolutely none of that was happening and we’re keen to get moving this morning.

    On the plus side, a squirrel has given me some enjoyment scurrying up and down the trees, enjoying some feast.

    Betsy, we looked after a Havanese in Barcelona. His owner had rescued him in Dubai from a German family who’d kept him in a cage because, they claimed, they were allergic to him (they’re supposed to be non-allergenic). Fortunately, he is now doted on but his first couple of years must have been hell.

    Anzac, good result, well done.

    Lindsay, so pleased you’ve popped in.

    Good evening all.

    It’s been a challenging FD and I’ve definitely ended up in the 600s, but that’s ok. I fasted Saturday and today was just a bit too soon. On the plus side I went for a walk in the sun this afternoon and my steps are already up to 8500 today and should be a bit more by bedtime – by far the best I’ve managed for over a week.

    I decided to mix some eucalyptus essential oil into pawpaw ointment and apply it to my back over the area where my lungs are (the pawpaw wasn’t needed, but the ointment is a very similar texture to Vicks chest rub). My breathing has actually improved, so I’m hoping I won’t need a second course of antibiotics. In case you are wondering how I managed to reach those areas – my trick is a long handled wooden spoon. I have one which was set aside for applying things like tiger balm or voltaren gel to those hard to reach spots, I just apply it to the back of the spoon and then reach around and rub it in. It doesn’t get rubbed in quite as thoroughly as doing it by hand but it does a pretty good job – and explains why one of my bathroom drawers contains a wooden spoon – so I never mix it up with those used for cooking.

    Anzac, well done on getting on top of your eating while working from home – a new skill developed. Given that only a few months ago you were confining all your low cal days to being in the office, that will give you so much more flexibility.
    How lovely that you had a proper catch up with your dad. I suspect that did both of you the world of good.
    You do realise that a photo of chewed paper towel doesn’t prove a certain fur baby was the culprit.

    Thin, the only fresh cherry dessert I’ve made that I liked, was a cheese and cherry strudel. The mild sourness of the cream cheese really helped – and that I didn’t add a lot sugar.
    Does the easing of restrictions make it any easier for you to head to Wales as you originally intended? Or are some of the locks still closed?
    I saw an interesting documentary a few nights ago on the construction of some of the canals. They showed the first 5 lock ever built, with each rising by 12 feet. It was really useful, because I’ve seen your photos on the blog, but having a birds eye view of the lock system gives me a much clearer idea. We have locks on the River Murray too, but they are much larger and operated by professionals that know what they are doing – and are as much about limiting how much water each section of the river is allowed to have as they are about letting boats through.

    Neil, the kids will be wishing for Dads name based exercise routines at this rate. At least you know they won’t fall behind with 2 teachers on the task. I meant to ask too – how is your mum progressing?

    Cinque, I’m trying to channel your bread making skills tonight. I finally decided to make bread as I’m running short. I have made a biga to ferment overnight and will add the other ingredients tomorrow and see how it goes. A recipie I haven’t made before, which is always risky. The difficulty will be not cutting it until it’s cooled. But, I have a cunning plan – remove a handful of dough before shaping the loaf and make a single bread roll as well. Then have something to eat while still hot. The big loaf has a chance of survival that way.

    Have a good evening everyone. Hope those of you fasting enjoy your dinner.

    LJ, it was some engineering feat building these canals and locks. The canals of course were dug out by hand. All the locks we’ve passed through have been slightly different. The one we passed through yesterday dropped only 6 inches! Even though it’s England, one of the functions of closing the paddles and gates is to conserve water. I still find it fascinating that we can travel ‘uphill’ by boat!

    As I understand it, if a series of locks were previously manned by volunteer lock-keepers, they are now closed but boaters can book passage through for essential travel. ‘Boaters’ means only constant cruising live aboards like us; no hire boaters or boat owners who have homes/marinas to go to are allowed on the canal at all right now.

    The Canal & River Trust have not stated that boaters must remain in a geographical area (as with foot and mouth nearly 20 years ago, where they were trying to prevent its spread from one area to the next so the towpaths were closed). Only that movement should be kept to a minimum for essentials which include food, filling the water tank, diesel, repairs, pump-out, vet services, doctor visits and so on.

    We are, in fact, required to maintain minimal movement so as to allow access to facilities for everyone. We’ve played by the rules and only moved for those reasons, each time inching a little closer to Wales. After 40 days of constant cruising, we could still walk back to our starting point!

    So, yes, to answer your question, if the restrictions were lifted, we could go full speed ahead (4mph!). However, the canals would be full of narrow boaters with resultant queues for locks, aquaducts, services and so on as the summer progressed. The Llangollen is the busiest canal on the network so we’d wanted to get there before the season started – but now there is no season.

    Sorry, everyone else, that’s a lot about narrow boating!

    Hi everyone

    Weigh in tomorrow so I’m having a smaller eating day today. I took some of my home made muesli for lunch and I’ve just had a coffee before that so far. Tonight we’ve got some eggplant that I’ll have to come up with something to cook with that for dinner tonight.

    Ljoyce, my mother is making great progress, she’s a lot slower than she used to be but she’s walking pretty well now, and apart from a few mental blips with forgetting some words or using the wrong names, her speech is much better. She has an appointment with the physio later to determine whether she’ll be allowed to drive again.

    Thin, I think I’ve said it before but the canal life sounds awesome. I was wondering if there are any floating bars/restaurants on the canals? We went for a holiday on the West Coast in October and one cool thing was on the lake we stayed at there was a couple of flat barge-type boats that had been fitted out as a mini bar/restaurant so they could move around the few little towns that were on the lake. That seemed like such a good idea.

    Well I’ll be back tomorrow for my weigh-in so I’ll see you all then.

    Good morning from yet another cool windy day

    Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow Neil (not that you need it lol)

    Don’t apologise Thin; we are all totally fascinated by your new way of life.

    LJ, a 600 calorie FD is a very good one for me! Sorry it was challenging. I’m so glad that your breathing has improved and fingers crossed for no more antibiotics.
    Ha ha – both times the furry culprit was caught red-pawed with the paper towels in his mouth. It’s hard to stay annoyed with him; he does this adorable little sideways dance with his tail wagging madly, play bowing and it looks like he is grinning ear-to-ear with his mouth wrapped around the bulky paper towel roll. We’ve tried everything to stem his thievery but he does it for attention when we are too focused on our computers.

    A busy day again at work so I will keep this short. Good luck to the fasters and good luck to me to have a no-snack-small-portion-healthy-eating day 🙂

    Morning all.
    Whoo hoo…..14:10, 800 cals yesterday, and I’m down 1.1 kilos. OK, it’s a lot of water weight, but I’ll take a loss. It’s just what I needed to get me motivated and moving.

    I agree with Anzac, Thin. I love your watery tales. I don’t think there’s one of us who wouldn’t crowd on to your narrow boat, given the opportunity.

    LJ you asked about the PhD editing. Yes, I’m still at it. But really it was a favour – paid, but a favour nevertheless. I wouldn’t want to do too many …solitary, intensive work, and I miss the human contact I get when I am on campus.

    Betsy I am always shocked when people abandon pets. They are for life – or should be.

    Oh Anzac….Maxx is still a work in progress isn’t he. Rosy’s favourites are the chux washing up cloth, and the sponge thing with the scrubber on the back. We have two under the sink. OH opens the cupboard to get to the rubbish bin, and if he leaves it open a second too long, she sneaks in and whips one out. I came out this morning to find my chux in tatters, and bits of chewed sponge all over the kitchen. But, she can be good, as this pic shows.

    Neil, so good to hear that your Mum is doing well….it was a particularly tough time to have a medical episode, and great she is recovering so well.

    Cinque, I haven’t seen you this morning. Are you well?

    OH and I are about to go out to forage for vegetables. My butcher, bless him, is delivering tomorrow, and I want to make a big pot of beef and vegetables (my low carb favourite), but i can’t get eggplant or zucchini at Woolies on line. So, we’ll venture forth. There’s a fruit shop in a nearby suburb that opens on to some parking bays in a little suburban shopping precinct, so that should keep us away from too many people. I do worry, because OH has COPD, so we are being super careful. I use just a small amount of shin beef, with any and all leftover vegetables put in the big deep electric frypan, with a couple of tins of tomatoes and a scoop of harissa paste and slow cook it for hours. OH prefers grills, but will have it one night, and then another night I use it to stuff capsicum.

    Anzac I’m contemplating one of those robot vacuums to keep our floors clean. We have pale pale grey/blue polished concrete, so every crumb shows. My DS bought one yesterday and sent us a video of its ‘maiden voyage’ and so far, it’s been a success. Don’t know what Rose will make of it ….she goes beserk when I use the dyson stick (but not the vacuum, interestingly).

    LJ, what a delight you must be to your surgeon. As you say, people lose weight for surgery, then it piles back on again. Doctors must love people like you, who have the discipline to lose it, then keep it off. How much have you lost, since you were at your heaviest (if it’s not a rude question – ignore me if you don’t want to say).

    Ok that’s me done for the moment. Can I finish off by saying I feel really good about being back on the horse. I am going downhill at a great rate of knots ….. My hair needs cutting, my eyebrows have faded into insignificance, and I haven’t seen my toenails in an unpolished state in decades. So, being slimmer will more than compensate.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Good afternoon

    Well finding a spot warm enough to get the dough to rise wasn’t difficult for the first rise, because the northern sun was reaching the edge of the island bench. However once I’d shaped the loaf the sun had shifted. The only spot it’s now reaching is the floor, so that’s where my seeded wholemeal loaf is rising. https://imgur.com/a/PQpF4Ro Now I just have to remember it’s there and not trip over it!
    In the end I decided to be strong and not make a breadroll. I am determined to bake the loaf and not cut it until it’s cold.

    Thin, thankyou for the descriptions on the current issues you have with the canal access. I had guessed there might be a lack of volunteer lock operators for a while. If you plan to stay on the boat long enough I’m sure you can eventually make it to Wales, hopefully when it’s not too busy.

    Anzac, I didn’t doubt that Maxx was the culprit, just being pedantic about the photo not being conclusive evidence, someone else in the house might have had a hankering for a paper snack! My neighbour tells a story about a labrador that her family used to have – they came home to find all the fruit trees in the back yard tied up in toilet paper.

    Neil, I’ve very glad to hear that your mum has improved that much. It must be a relief and a joy to the family to see her progress.

    Penguin, it sounds like a day of art was well earned after the days of gardening and horn playing – quiet day for the neighbours too.
    Hope your appointment is positive tomorrow and they are able to answer any queries you have.

    Lindsay, I would love a robovac. This house has carpets, which I hadn’t had for 20 years in the previous house so I spent an alarming amount of money on a dyson when I moved here. It was only a few weeks later, when I was getting frustrated with not being able to vacuum properly under the bed that it dawned on me that I could have gotten a robovac for the same money – I was pretty grumpy about that. I suspect the only issue with a robovac in a house with a dog is that it would be regarded as new chew toy! The nurse who used to do my infusions bought one and had to lock her 2 dogs out of the house when it was going or they both chased it around and fought over it accompanied by lots of barking.
    Glad you still have the thesis editing to keep the brain cells firing. Hopefully you will eventually get back to on campus contact – if that’s what you decide you want by then.
    That’s a lovely photo of Rosy, she really is a very regal looking girl.
    No I don’t mind you asking about my weight loss, although it feels a bit like the far distant past these days. I’m now 78kg, so 49kg lower than my starting weight in 2012 when I decided to lose weight before the knee op (although that actually wasn’t my heaviest, a decade earlier I had been up to 147kg). It took me 3 years to lose the weight, mainly because I had a 15 month break when I’d lost just over half of the weight. I did manage to maintain my weight for that time, which was reassuring. I finally got down to 78kg in May 2015. My weight fluctuates but I hate being above 78kg and keep fighting to get below it when I go over. My usual range is 75-78kg, although I prefer to be at the bottom of that. This puts me in the overweight range but I can’t seem to get my weight down below 75kg without such severe calorie restrictions that I just can’t stick to it. I actually feel a bit shocked when I think about how huge I used to be. I have finally gotten to a point where I’m struggling to remember it clearly and I can’t imagine being that large again. I’m hoping that means my self perception has improved.

    Well, in the time it’s taken me to write this I think my dough may have finally proved enough to be baked – it’s a slow process as it’s a low yeast dough which takes lots of time to do each rise – it’s worth it for the flavour though.

    Good afternoon,
    It has taken me a while to get to this post as I went veggie shopping this morning. Lindsay, your post echoed what was happening in my house: a paucity of vegetables leading to too much eating of non vegetables! I got to my favourite vegetable shop and bought SO MUCH, but I am very pleased I did and made a lovely pan of tender Tuscan kale with mushrooms and garlic to have with my toast for breakfast, after I got home. Yum.

    Oh crikey, I have so much! 🌶🌽🥕🍋🍆🍅🍠 And I am needing to rest more at the moment, which is frustrating, but not as frustrating as being crook from not resting enough. Hoping to start off some beet kvass this afternoon, and make spanakopita with the beetleaves and kale, and prepare the pumpkin to make pumpkin pasties tomorrow. Then my freezer will be full, and the fridge things should all squeeze in. Lovely.

    So I am curled up on the sofa writing this on my iPad (which counts as resting). I’m a bit worried about losing it, so I will do multiple posts.

    🍞🥖🍞Must mention LJoyce’s bread though! Sending so many good wishes. My current loaf is a really good one so I hope that means I am passing on good vibes. And not cutting it til it was cold means the texture is beautiful! (My last loaf, I succumbed and ate a small crust while it was still warm, and even though I stood it on the cut side, it shrunk and dried. Not worth it!) 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻you can resist the temptation.
    My bread doesn’t look like the emojis though!

    Cinque, I am glad you survived the veggie shopping. I hope your fridge is now filled with a colourful array of healthy produce.
    The bread has just come out of the oven. https://imgur.com/a/294Vbfw As I’ve just had a pot of tea and treated myself to 2 squares of lindt dark choc for afternoon tea, I’m hopeful it will help me leave the loaf alone.

    I meant to tell you all that I finally started my kombucha 11 days ago. https://imgur.com/a/QBNMAof For the first week I was surprised by the smell – just like strong vinegar, but I sniffed it again yesterday and was pleasantly surprised at how much the aroma had mellowed. It still has an astringent edge to it, but it’s really mild now. I suspect it’s ready for the second fermentation now which adds flavour and bubbles – I’ll have to find the instructions.

    Lindsay, Rosy is beautiful! So regal and shiny. I can’t believe she would ever do anything wrong. Ahem. Yay yay yay to the 1.1 kilos GONE 🙂

    LJ, I’m trying to imagine a past life where I could leave something edible on the floor. No way now, His Hairiness would snuffle it up in nano seconds

    Neil, so glad your Mum is improving. That is the best news ever

    Sorry you need to rest Cinque, but I’m sure your lovely array of veges will last until you can do what needs to be done

    We’re having a Goan pork curry from the freezer tonight. I make it with tomatoes, lots of spices and some yoghurt and lean pork fillet. It is very tasty and good for a busy weeknight.

    Second post, a bit of a gap as I realised the precious sun was already lowering and got a cup of tea and let the sun shine on my bare legs for 15 minutes. And then I turned my compost and brought things in from the line! LJoyce your bread might already be cooked but I won’t see any new posts till I send this one.

    So excited to read what your surgeon said. All your quality of life is thanks to your ability to beat the odds to lose so much weight and keep it lost. You should be so proud!
    And I think you should call your wooden spoon Sascha, or some other romantic name as it stands in for that gorgeous young manservant who should be massaging in the eucalyptus ointment.
    It sounds as if your lungs are rallying. Hope so.

    Robovacs! Watch out! Disgusting story on fb of a woman whose dog did a poo on the carpet and the robovac spent all night smearing it over the floor.

    My garden is going well but the broccolini are just sitting there, gradually getting chewed. I think they would have preferred to have gone in earlier. The peas and broad beans are good and the spinach is growing.

    Lindsay I am so sorry 5:2 has been so tricky. It is so true that as soon as life changes all our routines get confused. All power to you buying a wonderful load of veggies, and safely too.
    The thesis sounds a chore! Hope you find lots of delightful things to break it up with ( like posts to us!) and oh Rosy is looking so fine!

    Third post, hope I fit a lot in as i had better not leave spanakopita prep much longer.

    Big cheers to everyone losing weight, or not putting on weight! I am feeling a bit pot bellied so I am going up a gear. It is much easier with so much veg, a little stew tonight, and lots of veg accompaniments.

    Thin it is always good to hear about your world, including squirrels! Isn’t soup marvellous, especially fast day soups. I’ll fast tomorrow, and I do hope I make miso soup..I’ve run out of yuba and for some reason that has put me off. But I bought chicken breast today and I will have a bit of that in it.

    Neil, it is great to hear how well your mum is going, and how wonderful that your parents can take the kids. You said Mrs Neilithic is a nurse, I think, I hope she is also finding it much easier now.
    Fingers crossed for a good weigh in tomorrow, and a delicious eggplant meal tonight! ( I have three big eggplants that just need to wait a day or two for me to get to them!)

    Anzac, what a wonderful catch up with your dad, and ooh yum, good food and stories.
    I’m so looking forward to a proper visit with my daughter. I will feel much safer than last time I visited, when covid19 cases were doubling every three days and we hadn’t yet gone to restrictions.

    Big pats to cheeky Maxx, but I hope he grows out of destroying your precious toilet paper. Happy piano playing and big cheers that you are able to eat below your TDEE! I bet it feels great. Hope the training went well.

    LJoyce your bread looks wonderful! Oh those gorgeous seeds. Will you wake up in the morning and realise you can have some for breakfast? Best feeling.
    The kombucha looks great too! I am so keen to hear how it goes. Especially (selfishly) how sweet and easy it is and whether I might try it after all.

    Yikes, now the sun has almost set. Must do the spanakopita! See you tomorrow. 🌷🌷🌷

    I can’t believe I’m posting for a third time, but this photo just had to be posted.

    I didn’t get out for my walk until 4pm so I passed a different group to usual – probably workers, many out walking dogs rather than kids at this time of day. In the distance I saw what looked like the biggest poodle I’d ever seen. Until I got closer – meet Alfie the alpaca, clearly not yet fully grown. https://imgur.com/a/a9Q5EBp He stopped to munch on most of the flowers he passed along the way. It gave me unpleasant thoughts of what most of the passing dogs do to those same patches of flowers! I also can’t imagine how he’s going to fit in to a backyard when he’s an adult. The yards around here are pretty small.

    I can also proudly report that the bread is still untouched. I will put it in the cold oven overnight to help keep it fresh and may have some for breakfast or morning tea, then the rest will get sliced and frozen.

    Cinque, that robovac story sound fairly grim. It’s weird that your broccolini is the not growing – it’s the only thing noticeably growing in my veggie patch – and I just picked the last eggplant yesterday. I’ve planted a semi circle of broad beans around my huge eggplant bush (now 2 years old) in the hope that it will survive another winter.

    Anzac, when I think of how sticky and stretchy raw bread dough is, I can just imagine the mess Maxx would have made trying to eat it.

    Did anyone watch “How to lose weight well” on SBS last night? I recorded it on the HDD and watched it this afternoon. They featured some pretty weird diets – imagine eating nothing but potatoes for 7 days. I like potatoes, but I’m not sure I could manage that, maybe one or two days.

    I have taken a tub of goulash and a small bag of cooked wholemeal fettucini out of the freezer. I will cook green beans (the last of mine) with carrots and a bunch of broccolini and have half tonight and the rest tomorrow. Yummy NFD dinners.

    Hi everyone. Lots of posts, so I can’t respond to them all.

    Re Wilbur, yes, he is so friendly, so hard to imagine why he’d be dumped. I was fairly sure he’d either been dumped or somehow wandered off as it was possible to see where he’d worn a collar. I really think the problem was that he hadn’t been desexed. Maybe the owners couldn’t afford it? Well, he has his forever home with me, and I’m glad to have him, so his story has ended well. Glad the Havanese’ story also ended well, thin. How sad to just be in a cage all the time!

    Thin, I find all the boating stories that you share fascinating – so foreign to life here, that they’re really interesting. Keep them coming.

    LJoyce, delicious-looking bread . You are SO talented!

    Actually, everyone is so talented. My cooking is of the most basic, this will do, variety. I blame it on being on my own, but considering LJoyce and Cinque’s cooking exploits, that really doesn’t wash, does it?!

    LindsayL and Anzac65, you both have beautiful dogs. I’m not sure about a robovac, now I’ve read Cinque’s horror story. Not sure it would be practical for my place anyway, unless I clear more floor space. Actually, I do have to buy a new vacuum cleaner. I had a good one, a gift given when I moved in here, but I managed to destroy one of the wheels not so long ago, so for the interim I bought a really cheap one at K-Mart. Not good. It has a 2400W motor, but just doesn’t pick up the cat fur. I keep meaning to buy one using my Flybuys points, but it hasn’t happened yet. It will soon, though, as the floor is starting to need a really good clean.

    Neilithicman, yay for a KFC birthday lunch. Good that your mother is doing so much better, too. Have fun back at work. Sounds like your boys will feel like they’re back at school, too, with two retired teaching grandparents supervising them. Wonder if the “grandparent” or the “teacher” will reign?

    LJoyce and Cinque – keep well. It’s really important at this time that we in the older age range, especially with other factors involved, really focus on sleeping, eating and exercising sensibly.

    So, stay well, all. Goodnight. Oh, by the way, I’ve finally taken off the 10 kg that I regained later last year, so it’s all down from here.

    Holy crap!! What happened there?!

    I had my weigh-in this morning and my weight has jumped up over 3 kilos! My last weigh-in was 87.7 kilos, right around the weight I’ve been maintaining for the last 5 months, but this morning the scales read 90.9 kilos. I thought it was my stupid new scales playing silly beggars so I got the old one out, and that read 90.2 kilos, which is about right because my new scales read around 600 grams higher than my old ones right from the beginning.

    I had a bit of a blow-out with my eating on Friday evening and through Saturday with some excess carbs and sugar, but other than that I’ve been pretty good with my eating during the week, and I certainly didn’t eat enough to warrant a 3.2 kilo jump in weight.

    That is well over my 90 kilo trigger point so I’m going to have to go back to basics this week. No sugar, low carbs, no alcohol, up the protein and maintain my fruit and veg intake. Hopefully I’ll have a better number to report next week 🙁

    Gosh Neil, that can’t be right. Why not weigh again tomorrow, and see if it was just one of those weight up/weight down days that we all have from time to time? But…it is great you have set a trigger point. My experience with weight gain is that it creeps up ….and a kilo or two quickly can turn into 5 or 6, if it’s not dealt with quickly

    I really feel happy with where I am at the moment. Well, not my weight, obviously, but certainly that I am back on this WOL. It is of course only day three, but I feel I have my resolve back. I weighed again this morning (I’m a daily girl), and I was down another .4, which motivates me.

    Betsy, great you’ve shed the gain from last year. I love that it’s a ‘by the way’ at the end of your post. You would be forgiven for shouting it from the rooftops 🙂

    My vege buying yesterday was a huge success. All the low carb ones that I haven’t been able to buy much of through the online shopping. Aubergine, zucchini, tomatoes , rocket, broccoli, little cucumbers, mushrooms, capsicum. And because it’s just the two of us, last night I cooked the mushrooms with some wonderful plump Australian garlic, and then for good measure, added more to the grilled chicken . I must say it felt good, choosing my own vegetables in an actual shop. I felt safe, too. A big notice in the store asked customers to use a plastic bag to pick up produce, and cartons were stacked out from the check-out, to keep the distance between the sales assistant and customers.

    LJ your bread looks amazing. Such control, not eating the crust. Thank you for for answering my question about how much weight you’d lost. Almost half your body weight. What an inspiration you are. And if your body as found it’s ideal weight, even though you’d prefer a few kilos less, you’d have to ask yourself if it is worth the constant battle. I have no idea of your age, but I was on the Heart Foundation website this morning looking at my BMI, and noticed that they are now saying that for people over 70, a BMI of 22-26 is fine.
    Haha Anzac. Rosy do nothing wrong? She just whipped past me with one of OH’s hotel slippers in her mouth, out to bury it under the banana trees (which she has just about uprooted, btw). Last night at the park she ‘borrowed’ a small child’s soft toy, and did victory laps with it, while the little girl cried, and our pals from the park tried to catch her, despite my telling them it’s the chase she’s after. So round and round they went, and Rosy was in doggy heaven. (It was returned, undamaged, after she tired of the game).

    What about that alpaca LJ? Not your usual pet!

    Cinque, are you seeing your daughter and granddaughters now? My little girls (and daughter) come occasionally and we sit in the carport at a safe distance, but no cuddles, no contact. We also visit our son, but because the 2 year old just doesn’t understand social distancing, they learn over the verandah and we stand on the drive. It is the thing about all of this that I find the most difficult, like most people I suspect.

    OK thesis calls, and as I am still doing 14:10 I can get in a couple of hours before I cook breakfast.

    Penguin, best wishes today.

    Good morning all

    Have I cut into that bread yet – well yes I have had a buttered crust – very nice! I have sliced the loaf – it really does cut more easily on day 2. I have kept a couple of slices out for lunch with 2 boiled eggs and the rest is now in the freezer – should keep me going for 2-3 weeks as long as there are no bread binges.

    Betsy, I’m sure Wilbur is very happy with his forever home. Whether or not he’d appreciate a robovac meandering across the floor remains to be seen. I have seen pictures of cats on youtube riding on them!

    Neil, don’t panic, a few years ago when I was weighing daily my weight went up 2.5kg in a single day when I had fasted all day and just eaten one restaurant meal in the evening – the body can do crazy things. It is always as much about having extra fluid on board as it is about real weight gain (body fat). Your new scales may be able to provide some reassurance about just how much of that gain is actually body fat. It has to be mainly water weight as you would have to have eaten nearly 25,000 extra calories last week for it to be a 3.2kg gain in body fat. A week of healthy eating should straighten things out. It might also be worth looking at what’s changed in the last week that may have increased inactivity or snacking – eg work, socialising etc.

    Lindsay, thankyou for the stories about Rosy. I laughed at the slipper being buried. Have a good day with the editing.
    As to the higher BMI for 70 year olds – I meet neither the age or BMI I’m afraid. I am in my late 50s and my usual weight range puts my BMI in the 28-29 range. However my GP is very happy for me to stay at in “overweight” range as I have normal BP, blood sugar, cholesterol etc. I suspect that the 8-10kg of excess skin that I am also lugging around probably has an impact on that as it wouldn’t increase my health risk but does increase my weight and BMI – if I had that removed I’d weigh in the 60s and be very close to a “normal” BMI. At this stage I’m not interested in all those surgeries though, both in terms of cost and risk.

    Have a good day everyone.

    I may weigh myself again tomorrow because my ipod wasn’t working this morning so I couldn’t get the full body analysis, just the weight. It’s started working again now so I’ll try again tomorrow. But it still is a wakeup call to be sitting over that 90 kilo mark. I have been a little lax in my eating during lockdown with a lot more baking, carb filled snacks and sugar sneaking in that I wasn’t eating before lockdown. I haven’t been out for a ride for 5 days either because my wife is working from the office this week so I’ve been taking the car in rather than the bike and it’s too dark by the time we finish to go for an evening ride.

    I’m really pleased that my local fishmonger and butcher are open for click and collect orders now under level 3 so I will be able to get some decent meat and fish rather than the shitty overpriced, water-filled meat that they try to pass off in the supermarket.

    Good afternoon friends, lovely sunny day in Sydney – 23 degrees max

    Crikey Neil, what a scare. But obviously it isn’t correct so yes, weigh again tomorrow.

    That bread looks and sounds utterly delicious LJ. I wouldn’t have been able to stop at one crust. Enjoy!

    OH is making soup for the freezer and it smells yummy. I’m not a huge soup fan but every now and then (in Winter) I crave it so it’s nice to have some in the freezer. He is doing chicken and vegetable from scratch.

    I had two scary meetings today and I’m so relieved they are over. One was to present a document that I’m working on to senior management. I’m basically working on my own so had no guidance and just made up a format and content. There was every chance they would hate it, but they loved it. Phew. Then there was training of new users over Skype and that went well too. I can relax now as I don’t have any further meetings today.

    Thanks Cinque, yep the training went well. I even made them laugh with a few silly jokes. I hope you get to see your daughter soon; do you have a date set up yet?

    I’m so happy to hear you so happy Linsday. It makes all the difference when you feel healthy and that you are in control. Hooray! I had to laugh at Rosy – she and Maxx would make great playmates

    Betsy – “by the way” – seriously? You SHOULD have been shouting it from the rooftops as Lindsay said. Don’t let us down – we need enthusiasm please 🙂

    I actually baked something today. I need to find an alternative to toast for my brekkie. I am a fussy thing and I don’t like cereal or muesli because I don’t like milk and can’t have it dry (well I do sometimes have dry cornflakes but they aren’t very healthy). I don’t like porridge or oats and I am not keen on eggs. I will have an omelette if it has lots of other things in it like ham, cheese, tomato, capsicum. So I baked some banana bran muffins. They are about 180 calories so not for a FD but still lower than toast with ham/cheese and healthier. They smell divine but I am not touching them until breakfast of course

    Ok, back to evil spreadsheet. I did briefly show it to the top brass today and they were like “WOW!!!!”. Very encouraging and satisfying.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    I should be entering references in my doctorate bibliography, but any excuse! It’s called avoidance 🙂 . Besides, writing to all of you is far more enjoyable.

    LJoyce, I think your last post crossed with mine – love the picture of the alpaca being taken for a walk, and your bread sounds yum!

    Neilithicman, I echo everyone else’s comments – you can’t have gone up so much, so quickly. Carbs will cause extra water retention, and so does salt, so cutting back down on those should lead to an immediate drop again in your weight. On the other hand, it’s a good warning sign to you, that you can’t relax too much. I did it last year, and see where that got me! You must be missing being able to ride your bike, too. Hope you can get in a couple of good rides over the coming weekend.

    LindsayL, wonderful that your weight is on the downward trail again. That is so encouraging.

    Anzac65, big kudos for the two presentations that went well – great that the bosses liked what you’ve been working on, and are impressed with your “evil” spreadsheet.

    Cinque, hope you’ve been enjoying all your vegetables.

    Enthusiasm? Well, when I am officially “overweight” instead of “obese”, you’ll definitely hear about it, but I feel like I wasted more than 6 months, so can’t drum up a lot of enthusiasm. Wait till the weight starts dropping a bit further – another 2.1 kgs, and I’ll be (temporarily) rapt at a BMI of 30. Then the goalposts will shift to a BMI of 25, but let’s get to 30 first.

    Okay, enough. Keep well all.

    Penguin, I’d meant to post early today to wish you all the best with the debriefing appointment. Now, I’ll have to say instead that I hope it went well.

    I’ve been reading but had no time to post and, as usual, I have forgotten everything that I wanted to comment on. I always think I’ll comment on that and then I don’t.

    Cinque, great to have all those veggies. I’m not doing well after that wretched cherry pie.

    Anzac, well done with the presentations. As if there was ever any doubt.

    Betsy, well done with that 10kg. You sound in a much better frame of mind now. Lindsay, you too. I’m so pleased you’re back in the swing of it and sounding so much happier.

    LJ, you responded to someone’s question about your weight loss and I was reminded that you’d lost that whopping 49kg. But you say you’re struggling to keep to the lower range of your desired weight. I can only say please can you just get off one more kg so it’s a nice rounded 50? That would drive me nuts having to tell people I’d lost 49kg!

    Neil, I’d react to the trigger point by adjusting down my calorie intake. If it then turns out to be a weighing glitch, which most people seem to feel it would be, you’ll be ahead of the game. But, if not as Lindsay says, it’s a slippery slope if you don’t deal with it right away. You’ll be fine either way (you didn’t sneak any of your son’s KFC on the way home, did you?).

    Thanks for those who said they didn’t mind my rambling about boating life. I did find one error in that boating magazine article but it was minor. As we passed another boater today, the man was holding up a copy, saying, “You’re famous, I’ve just been reading about you!” It’s a glorious, sunny day and guess what, LJ, I’m watching alpacas.

    Hi thin. Just finished a 1 hour 20 minute chat. Normally this is face to face but because of Covid they emailed me all of the info and two slide shows last night to go through first. It is going to take longer than I thought – I only knew about the first 11 weeks, but after that they are going to send my scans off for a second opinion and start doing it all again so I will be in chemo until mid October. This is a nuisance because I have been learning Norwegian to take OH to Norway this summer and we intended to move house fairly soon. The good news is that compared with chemo I have seen family have in the past, this looks very civilised.

    That’s a bit better. I weighed in today and I was down 1.7 kilos from yesterday’s shock to 89.2 kg. Still up 1.5 kilos from my last weigh, but since my iPod was working I got the breakdown. It seems that everything was up, muscle mass was up around 100 grams, body fat by about 400 grams and the rest was hydration. I guess the Burger King dinner for my boy and a bingey weekend afterwards took its toll. So back on the wagon this week. It just goes to show how mindful you need to be with your eating and how fast things can turn around if you slip 😞

    Congratulations Anzac to get through your tough meetings, and get such a great response to your work. How satisfying, particularly with so little interaction or guidance. Mmmm, Maxx and Rosy together? What could possibly go wrong with that? Last night I kicked my slipper off to cool down a bit ..and when I went to slide it back on, it was gone! – a good one too… ugg brand, but a slip-on not boots. So this morning we found it, up under the banana trees (well in the hole at the base of the trees) Wouldn’t you know last night was the first time we’d had rain in ages. But how could you not love a face like this?

    My scales loved me again this morning ….another .4 down, and blood sugar back down too. I know the weight loss will stop with a jolt soon, but that is 1.9 since I started on Monday. I’d bought a nice shirt before I went to NZ, but didn’t pack it, and when I tried it on at the weekend it was tight across the stomach! So, it is going to be my measure. Once it hangs nicely, I’ll know it’s no longer water but real loss.

    Oh Betsy, bibliographies! I sympathise. You will feel good when it’s done.

    I laughed at your advice to LJ, Thin. I am sure LJ you’ll do this for Thin and me, just to satisfy our need to round out that already very impressive number!

    Penguin I am sorry your treatment will go on longer than you expected, but good to get it started and to have an end date, even though it is longer than expected. I’m not sure that international travel will be back on the agenda any time soon – maybe Europe will be different from Australia. Where are you planning to move to?

    Here, the NZ PM and ours are talking about opening the borders….but not for other destinations

    Neil, I’d give anything to be back in NZ….but will holiday at home first. Our island is still closed off to all but permanent residents (quite right – a large Indigenous community which is particularly vulnerable), but we are thinking Tasmania first. Who knows. Just a dream at this moment.

    The only good thing about the isolation is that now I am back into this WOL, I can sustain it until I reach my goal. In the past, I’d do really well, but then head off on holiday overseas, which we do every 3 months, come back a couple of kilos heavier, dilly dally for a little while, then start again before the cycle repeated itself. At least now, knowing I’ll be home until probably Christmas at the earliest, will give me a chance to get down to where I want to be, uninterrupted. How’s that for looking on the bright side?

    How are you today Cinque – getting your zing back. How nice, your productive garden sounds. All I have at the moment are some herbs, and ripening tomatoes, and the diabetes plant. I am watching the tomatoes like a hawk. Rosy seemed to think they were some sort of attached ball, but I dissuaded her pretty quickly.

    OK, off to buy a new microwave online. OH was given a $500 visa voucher for his covid advertising, so I’ll use that. I have to do a little jiggle with the door lock on my current one, which makes me feel that perhaps it’s not as safe as it should be.

    Cali, how are things in the States? Hope you are doing ok.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Good morning,
    Had to food triage. I managed to get the spanakopita made and frozen. Hooray. But still working on the pumpkin pasties and the beet kvass. Today’s priorites. And I get to eat all the food that could spoil easily, a tray bake and ricotta patties I think.

    Yesterday was taken up with homehelp to make it a better experience than a fortnight ago. It was, but I am very glad I cancelled twice and (cluster apart) our current numbers are so low. I did my best but home help is not naturally pandemic friendly.

    I fasted too, so it was a day well spent, I woke up to a clean home and the lovely morning after a fast day feeling.

    LJoyce, I just loved the pic of the alpaca! What an amazing creature to have in the suburbs.
    One of my broccolini is shooting up, the others are growing in a stubborn resentful sort of way, understandable given something is nibbling at them every chance.

    I taped that “How to lose weight well” episode, and seeing it wasn’t even the first in the series, I scoured SBS on demand but nothing there, strange programming. I always remember Xand saying that all the diets work, some are sillier than others, but everyone loses weight, the real issue is what happens next. Anyway I enjoyed watching it. There are always interesting peripheral things and and a warm sensible empathetic approach.

    I hope you are enjoying every bite of your bread, such a treat.

    Neil, hooray that your scales sorted themselves before I had time to commiserate with the shock they gave you.

    Lindsay, hooray hooray hooray that you are in such a good place losing those excess grams and being able to look forward to a continuing downward trajectory. Now is your time! That shirt will be hanging loosely before you know it.
    And oh, aren’t veggies wonderful. Especially the low carb ones.

    Rosy is an absolute shocker! Garden plants, children’s toys, sheepskin slippers. What next. It is a wonder you have any garden at all.
    But against her youthful exuberance is my own sister’s grief as yesterday their 17 year old little dog died after a long decline. Such a long time since he was a naughty pup.

    Enjoy that new microwave.

    I am still only seeing my granddaughters on the ipad, but I am missing cuddling them them dreadfully, and actually feel safer than when I saw them last: our numbers were doubling every 3 days then. Goodness we missed a bullet. Victoria isn’t going to ease restrictions quickly, but also I am needing to rest more, so I am hoping there will be a nice confluence of my health improving and restrictions lifting. I must have a good phone catch up with my daughter today though, if I can catch her at a time when she can talk! Here is a bit of Miss 5’s schoolwork https://imgur.com/a/V6h5u0P (she feels like you, Lindsay, about not having a haircut, I think).

    Anzac, Such big congratulations for your meetings and your eatings. It seems it just takes a while to get healthy eating aligned with lockdown. You are doing it!
    Such lovely news that your brilliant work is appreciated by your bosses, and your jokes are appreciated by the trainees, haha.
    I hope you enjoyed every mouthful of your breakfast bran muffin, or muffins (depending on their size 😉 )

    Betsy https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/ff/86/7bff8670a655a8d11963a74b6defc0c1.gif You went from a slide down to getting back up and undoing the damage. A good bit of satisfaction is surely allowed. And now some clear air. BMI 30, here you come.

    All power to you with that bibliography, too.

    Oh dear, Thin, that cherry pie left a long legacy. Pity it wasn’t made with sour cherries. Still too much sugar, but it would have tasted better.
    Woohoo famous canalier! oops wrong! Looked up canalier, it is a worker digging canals in cane fields.

    Penguin, it sounds like you had a really thorough chat with your specialists and I don’t know enough to understand what your treatment will involve, but I am just so glad that they keep refining it to be more effective. It is frustrating to have to write off a year, but knowing you, you will make the most of it anyway. Are you planning to move far?

    Quacka, missing you dreadfully and as worried as I was before you last posted. If you are reading, here is a whole bunch of good wishes. https://animaloilmaker.com/images/star-cliparts-colorful.png

    Best wishes everyone

    Good morning all, cloudy but mild today. It is going to be 24 and a glorious 27 tomorrow. Our last little glimpse of summer as Sunday is topping out at 18. Brrr. Seeing that Winter is only 3 weeks away I guess we should be feeling lucky it is still so mild

    I just ate my breakfast banana bran muffin slowly and mindfully and it was delicious. Accompanied with a nice black coffee and a side of labrador. He doesn’t beg but instead sits at the end of the table where you can just see his melting brown eyes silently pleading for a crumb.

    Thanks for the kind words about my work. It was such a relief to get positive feedback. When you work on your own you always have some element of doubt about the quality and content so it is vital to get fresh eyes on it when you can.

    Ohhhh…the drug that is slipper. Both my and OH’s Ugg slippers have been remodelled but at least we can still wear them. OH lost one brand new slipper (but it was still wearable – kind of), one brown boot (completely chewed) and one black boot (completely chewed) when his nibs discovered he could paw open the sliding door on the shoe cupboard when he was about 6 months old. However yes Lindsay, one would not be human if you could stay cranky at that gorgeous little face.

    Yay Neil- and I really like how philosophical you are. You will easily lose the 1.5 kilos

    LJ, I meant to comment on the alpaca. What the? On a farm yes but in a small backyard? I feel that is a little cruel. Very funny and unusual though

    So glad your home help experience was so much better this time Cinque and how lovely to wake up to a clean house, a post FD lightness and vegetables all sorted out. Yay!

    Thanks for checking in Penguin and I’m so sorry your treatment is going out to October. But so glad to hear it will be a little more gentle than you potentially thought. Please keep us up to date on your progress

    Betsy, we will all cheer with you when that next 2.1 is gone.

    Well, I started with ‘good morning’ because I started writing this post at 9.30 and here it is 12.20 and I’m only just finishing! I had lots of inconsiderate interruptions from work 🙂

    Have a great day

    PS: Quacka and G’day – I hope you are both ok. Please drop a quick post when you can. We miss you

    Good afternoon everybody.

    I managed to get out and walk the sunshine this morning. We have a cold wet week forecast, so sunshine might be in short supply around here for a while.

    Thin, regarding my weight loss not being a nice round number, all I can say is that I’m trying. Because my weight fluctuates in the 75-78 range it means my weight loss fluctuates from 49-52kg. I seem to have a few good days where my eating is very controlled followed by a bad one that sets me back. But you know I never give up.
    Hope those alpacas are interesting to watch.

    Lindsay, yes that’s a lovely face. I was thinking about a caption for that photo – maybe: haven’t you finished that cuppa yet, I want to play.
    Glad those scales are behaving kindly.

    Anzac, it must be bran muffin season. I’m glad yours hit the spot – it is hard to stop at one though I find. I made a small batch a couple of weeks ago as I had some dried peaches and nectarines that needed to be used. I also had one for brunch and then froze the rest. I have a recipie that uses lots of bran, no added fats and as I use mostly stevia I can eliminate the sugar too, so a relatively healthy bran muffin. Still feels like a treat though.

    Penguin, very happy to hear that the information provided was so thorough. I hope you respond well to the treatment.

    Betsy, I commiserate on the bibliography, what a long boring task that is.
    Congratuations on getting that gained weight off. You have tackled that with such determination. I really hope your weight continues to drop so you can get into new and lower territory.

    Cinque, I have cabbage moths attacking my brassica seedlings. Because I don’t want to put poisons on the plants I chased one around the garden with the fry spray the other day. I must have looked like idiot!

    Neil, I’m not at all surprised to to find that most of that gain was extra water. Good too that you have already made good progress in getting rid of it.

    FD for me and so far it’s going well. Hope everyone else is having an easy day.

    Thin, I just read the latest update to your blog – I rather liked the pink roof actually. Hope the solar panel installation goes without a hitch – good timing just before the warm weather starts.

    Good morning, all present and correct today. Good to hear everyone’s news. Except Penguin’s. But, goodness, on the move again? You’ve always made your home and environs sound so perfect – except perhaps the flooding. At least, with so many previous moves, you won’t have as much ‘stuff’ as we did after 26 years in one home. OH is doing his best to fill the boat with ‘stuff’.

    Lindsay, gorgeous photo. I was absent when you first got Rosie and missed out on her earlier antics. She looks very sweet. Good job being back on track.

    Neil, I’ve found after several years of ‘maintenance’ that the new body will absorb the occasional indulgence. Occasional being the operative word. For me, continuing with 5:2 well into maintenance allowed me to have a restaurant meal now and again. I’m very strict with my daily weighing and responding to the numbers though. This doesn’t work for everyone. I do it because I can’t trust myself otherwise and it appeals to my need to adhere to the rules. I replaced a food addiction with a fast addiction. Case in point – cherry pie damage has been repaired and I’m still on 6:1.

    The thing to remember is that it’s so much easier to deal with an excess kilo than to let things slide and start from that depressing high point again. I’m not suggesting that applies to you by any means. As you said, you felt hungry shortly after the fast food indulgence so it wasn’t worth it anyway. We have to do these things sometimes just to remind ourselves.

    LJ, it’s OK, I was only joshing with you. Yes thanks, solar panel installed with a Smart App upgrade allowing us to get an immediate reading on our phones while adjusting the panel position to the twists and turns of the canal. And it was a beautiful, sunny day. At 8pm on our first evening, sun still not set, batteries were reading 104% which they’ve never shown before. This will make life easier and reduce our impact on the environment and the peace of the canal. I still think a horse would be better.

    Ooops, gotta go. Hello Cinque, Betsy and Anzac.

    Good morning all. Have been keeping up with posts so just a quick check in as OH and I are about to go outside and erect some fencing. Took this week off from yard chores and spent the last 4 days sending in job applications.

    It’s unbelievable what is expected these days. One app took me the entire day as I had to re-do my resume to suit the job, do a 3 page cover letter addressing specific points plus a 4 page document addressing 20 specific criteria and giving detailed examples of my experience in each of those. I was quite over it given the job is just a standard office job for only 2.5 days per week. Then for another casual office job once I sent in the application they sent me an online 30 minute voice thing I have to do to see if my speech and verbal understanding is up to scratch. I’m beginning to see why people give up searching for work. So much effort goes into an application and they they can’t even be bothered to let you know if your unsuccessful. Then for another job after I spent hours tailoring the application to suit the job they sent me an email back saying they would only consider indigenous applicants. There was nothing about that on the job description so really peeved off about that one.

    Been very cold here and the winter vegie patch is coming along nicely. Needs weeding so that’s a chore in the next few days.

    Best wishes to penguin for the coming months ahead. Ljoyce, I’d forgotten you had a knee replacement. OH has to have one in the very near future but he’s received conflicting advice from his Dr and specialist. Can I ask how long you were out of action for after the operation such as how long on crutches, how long before being back to normal etc. OH was told 3 months by one Dr and 18 months by the other Dr. He’s not overweight so all good in that respect when it come to recovery.

    Weight has been steady. Not gaining so at least that’s a plus. OH has been on a bread making binge which hasn’t helped at all. Plus he’s been buying Port as a nightcap drink due to the cold weather. I’ve put my foot down the last few days as the bread and port consumption was getting out of hand. Yeah I know its my willpower to say no thats at fault but it’s so hard to resist the smell of freshly baked grain bread and a nice warming port. We had soup for tea one night last week and managed to polish off an entire freshly baked large loaf in one sitting…..ooops.

    Must go, OH has just come back from the steel centre. We had to get some custom brackets made for one job and when they delivered all the bits yesterday the brackets were wrong so OH went in this morning to sort it out.

    All the best everyone. Stay warm and stay safe xx

    Cinque, so touching, Miss 5’s schoolwork. How sweet she is. Tall and crafty – a great description for her mum. And silly and hairy …so cute. I am guessing you are the playfulloving one….a wonderful description.

    It’s a cool morning here in Brisbane – especially at 5am when madam woke us up. The new microwave is being delivered shortly. I am concerned it will be too big for the spot. The 32L one I wanted would have been a good fit, but wasn’t in stock so I got the 27L, and didn’t check the measurements until after I bought it and it seems bigger. Time will tell. Actually I rarely endorse commercial suppliers but I have to say Appliances Online is a great store. Not only do they install new appliances, but they remove the old ones. And they’ll take our old huge fridge downstairs which we’d kept when we bought a new one in 2012 … I was very happy to pay for its removal, but no, they will do it for free. Amazing.

    My scales this morning stayed exactly where they were yesterday but that’s okay. I was right on 800 for the day, and that included a gin and no sugar tonic. In the past if I’ve stuck one day, it moves the next, when I’m following the program. I cooked a great big pot of veges with some meat, with greens added at the last moment. …tonight I’ll use the remainder to stuff capsicum.

    Thin how clever with the panels. Any hints on how I can find your blog? I’d love to read it.

    Quiet morning so far with posts … Cinque, are you okay? Anzac, head in a spreadsheet? LJ more baking? Neil, cycling to work? Cali, Penguin, lost in a different timezone? Betsy, how’s the bibliography? Missing our other posters … Crazy, Quacka, G’day, Intesha, Merry, Minka

    Good afternoon all

    GDSA, I really hope something comes from al the effort you are putting into job applications.
    Regarding the knee, I also had quite different estimates from my orthopaedic surgeon and my rheumatologist – the latter was right as he better understood how a joint with RA would respond, especially as I got to stop my RA treatment for at least 2 months to have the surgery, so the RA flared up when I was trying to recover and start rehab. Most of the TKR surgeries are on people with osteoarthritis, so orthopaedic surgeons will base their ideas on what they encounter most of the time. My rehab was very slow but I could see improvement all the time. It took at least a year to get to a point I was really happy with and I improved a little more over the year after that. Initially I was just focused on getting the best knee bend possible (that’s the most urgent rehab task) and then on developing muscle strength and balance/stability. It’s the latter things than can keep improving over quite a long time.
    For someone who is fit with no other conditions that will impact the rehab process I think 3 months would be enough to get most of the improvement, although I think there is still gains to be made after that. I think some of the longer term gains are through muscle development which often suffers before surgery as people try to protect their sore knee. I didn’t use crutches at all. In the hospital I used a walking frame and a walking stick. At home I just used the stick. Something that I can’t stress enough is how important the rehab process is. I had my surgery done at Sportsmed and their physios gave me a rehab program and visited me every day to check on how that was going. Over time they adjusted the program and once I was able to get back into a pool they also gave me a hydrotherapy based rehab program. I was determined to get at least a 110 degree knee bend as that’s the minimum needed to walk up and down stairs easily – I eventually got to 130 degrees, but it took about 6 months. The rehab hurts, I mean really hurts, but you have to do it properly otherwise the scar tissue that’s forming around the knee will restrict movement permanently. After the inital home based exercises, then 3-4 months of hydro as well, I got approval from the surgeon and my physio developed a gym program for me to help improve my leg muscle strength. As you have equipment at home this should be something your OH could do too.
    I didn’t drive for about 10 weeks as, even though I drive an automatic, it was my right knee that was replaced. This is longer than most people wait, but I needed to feel confident that I was strong enough to slam on the brakes if needed.
    I commiserate on the bread baking – it is difficult to restrict. Could you suggest he make either bread rolls or 2-3 small cob loaves instead of a large loaf – make portion control a lot easier and the leftovers freeze easily.

    Lindsay, I’m glad you got your new microwave ordered – I hope it fits. Mine was 5mm too tall when I moved here and had to buy a new smaller one. I too love Appliances Online. They were great to deal with when I was renovating the previous house for sale. I ordered a cooktop that didn’t fit and they swapped it for an alternative with no delivery or pickup costs.
    Those veggies look good.

    Thin, glad the solar is in and functioning.

    I had been feeling more confident about safety with the virus until the new case that was announced here in SA yesterday. After a fortnight of no cases it was a shock. The thing that alarms me the most is how long this person has had the virus. He emigrated to Adelaide on 20th March from the UK and he had lost his sense of taste and smell soon after arrival, but didn’t know they were covid symptoms. He was finally tested on Tuesday and was positive for the virus. That means he’s had no usual respiratory symptoms, but still has the virus after at least 6 weeks. Our state’s chief medical officer said that he was no longer infections, but that makes no sense to me. If he’s not infectious why is he still testing positive? I know it’s a bit silly for me to stress about one case, it’s just that it has me questionning things I though I’d understood. If the virus can hang around so long in someone who doesn’t even have mild cold symptoms it changes my idea about how much virus could still be out there, hiding.

    Anyway enough of my panic. Have a good day everyone.

    LJ you are so kind, taking time to explain the knee replacement issue. I love the way you give each query on this forum your full and undivided attention. I’ve not had the surgery, but watched my dear friend go through, and endorse 100 percent what you said about rehab. She stuck to her physio program religiously, and apart from a small hiccup when she had to go back to get her knee physically bent back (under another general), she regain full movement and flexibility. She says now she forgets she even had the op.

    I don’t think, by the way, you are silly to stress about covid-19. I don’t think we know enough about it yet. I was shocked – absolutely shocked – to see the PM’s 3 point plan today still stopped international travel (right, I think) but is considering allowing international students to come. Money doesn’t talk, it screams! How ridiculous. We can’t go overseas in case we get sick, but we can bring people from countries with the virus to Australia. I certainly wouldn’t be comfortable being back on campus in a few months.

    Quacka our posts crossed. How tedious, those job applications. So process driven. I think since the pay office became human resource management, we are all burdened with the extra bureaucracy and ‘make work’ procedures. I know in my work, the HR department no longer just looks after pay and leave, but seems to be able to pop its nose into many of our work. Heresy, probably, so I hope I’m not offending anyone.

    And the good news – the microwave went into its slot perfectly. And the funny thing is – it’s pretty much the same as the old one. A little smaller, perhaps, but same design, features.

    OK back to my editing. Only 3 pages to go to finish Chapter 3 …and then only 4 to go, before I start the whole process again. My student is nota native English speaker, so some of the writing takes a little deciphering. How amazing though, to write a PhD dissertation in a second language.

    Knee replacement. They can work very well. OH had one ten years ago. She was then 68 yrs old. That far back the memory is unreliable but here goes. Before the op we bought an exercise bike to build up the leg muscle. The hospital had her walking the next day. We think about three months to get back to normal, with the exception that she cannot kneel on it. On holiday this March she was walking up to five hilly miles in the morning and either swimming or in the gym in the afternoon.

    Hello everyone, happy Friday – the weekend is here so i have closed my evil spreadsheet so it can have a rest (and so can I)

    G’day, I do feel your pain about job applications. As a contractor I am often sending them in and you are correct – and it is as rude as anything – they rarely get back to you if you are unsuccessful. It is soul destroying. I really really hope something comes up very soon. Well done for maintaining too – it would be so easy to give in and give up but you haven’t. Fabbo

    We had a late burst of summer today – 27 degrees! It is 4.25pm and I’m sitting here with all the windows open in a sleeveless top. Unheard of with winter a mere 3 weeks away. One more nice day then another cold front will hit

    I think my terrible jokes are rubbing off on OH. He took Maxx for his afternoon walk and I took the chance to run the vacuum over the floor because if he is here, Maxx likes to follow me and get in the way. Mr Curious. Anyway one of the little wheels flew off so I showed OH when he got home to see if you could fix it. He started singing “You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel”. I think we all know the song. Oh dear

    That editing sounds like a very hard job Lindsay but yes, I am impressed that your student can do his dissertation in another language

    I think you are wise to worry about infection LJ. That new case in SA was a worry for sure. Look at those poor countries like Italy, UK and USA; if we were to let it get out of hand we would be like that so everyone needs to be extremely cautious and vigilant

    Hi everyone else, I must dash and start dinner prep. My turn tonight. I’m doing a pepper crusted pork loin with zucchini and some pasta. Take care

    Lindsay, are you in touch with any other regulars on here? As you know, several of us have met over the years, others exchanged emails just so that, if someone stopped posting, we could remain in touch in the long-term. We don’t tend to email each other outside the thread, at least I don’t, but it’s good to have the contacts just in case. If not, and you’d be willing to add your email address to your bio briefly, I would be happy to send you the link to my blog, then you can remove it. I’m not posting the link here as, I’d prefer to remain anonymous on this website. My blog, on the other hand, was set up so that our family and friends could follow our travels and there’s a lot of identifying information. Sorry, I know I’m paranoid!

    GDSA, it’s rude when businesses advertise a position and then don’t bother to acknowledge your application. Commiserations on the bread, it would take a huge amount of willpower to decline freshly baked bread.

    LJ, it only takes one case, that’s how all this got started after all. I’d be concerned too. I agree with Lindsay that allowing the international students back shows poor judgment. Education is Australia’s number two industry. I could never understand why we were training the competition in the first place! Not to mention the lowering of standards because of pressure to pass international students due to the high fees they’re paying. Then there’s the expectation of a visa when the course is complete. I wish we could just make stuff, it seems we can’t even build a car nowadays. Back to the virus though, Australia is in an enviable position. 5 million Aussies have taken up the govt’s ‘covid app’ so that will be helpful for tracking.

    Hi Betsy, Cinque, Anzac (posts crossed), CalifD.

    P.S. Anzac, I had that song on my mind when Kenny Rogers died recently. We used to sing ‘With four hundred children and a crop in the field”. But “Ruby” was my fave. CalifD, not quite as exciting as Freddie Mercury, but did I tell you that I once kissed Kenny Rogers in a toilet? I have a nice photo of us. When he died, I realised I didn’t have any of his music so downloaded an album with 36 corny tear jerkers just to have it. But what a voice!

    Good morning,
    Cold and rainy here on this Melbourne Saturday morning.

    Lovely 27c Anzac! Enjoy your well earned weekend!

    Hm muffin makers I have been looking at some savoury muffins in my recipe books. I might try some! I made my pumpkin pasties, basically steamed spiced pumpkin in a pastry shell. Very good. I’ve frozen most of them, so I’m on to another veggie bake today, the eggplants want to be used up!

    LJoyce, I hope you have beaten the cabbage butterflies! The paper butterflies I blutak’d around my garden got mostly washed away in the last rain and the cabbage butterflies came back. But the plants are mostly winning (touch wood).

    Hi Thin, good rave. Interesting how an ‘occasional’ treat can be a few times a week, or a few times a year.
    Impressive batteries! Call them Dobbin and Ned and consider them easy to feed (thanks solar panels) 😀 😀

    Gday, so good to hear from you. I do feel your pain with those terrible job applications. (The terrible process mostly led me to only go for jobs I had a really good chance of getting, even when I had to live on peanutbutter and silverbbeet sandwiches in the meantime.) I’ve got my fingers crossed that a wonderful, well paid job comes along for you soon.
    Big congratulations on keeping your weight steady while life has been in such flux. And with the added temptations of bread and port. Well done putting your foot down on things that are not good for you.
    You don’t mention your health, so I have my fingers crossed it has been improving. I hope the fencing got done efficiently and that you and Mr Gday (and DD) are all spending the weekend feeling very pleased with yourselves.

    Lindsay, hello and yes, such fun to see the family through Miss 5’s eyes. My daughter is taller than me, and much taller than Miss 5, but not very tall in the scheme of things, so that one made us laugh. She is very crafty though! And their oma is their other grandma, who is living with them at the moment. (I’m jealous).

    Hooray the microwave fit!

    Doesn’t your pot look good! And snap! I had stuffed capsicum for my evening meal yesterday. I have found that I can easily make just one or two in my tiny pressure cooker. Yum.

    LJoyce, wasn’t that coronavirus case in SA weird, and so sad to break the wonderful run of days with no cases. It will be of such interest to those who are studying the virus. And so helpful when they have a clearer idea of when and how much people who test positive are contagious.

    Hi Penguin, and a shout out to everyone else.

    Day before fast day for me. I hope I can make it a fasty mcfastface one. But I can definitely make today a good veggie eating day! Eggplants, here I come.

    Cheers all

    Cinque, what are you doing with the eggplants?

    Good evening all, hope your weekend is going well.

    Thin, it’s time you ditched writing polite articles for the boating magazine and started writing a tell all book! Kissing singers in toilets, really!

    Penguin, the kneeling issue is common. I can’t do that either, although my surgeon has told me to never kneel on the artificial knee joint if I can help it. I wasn’t sure if that was universal or personal advice. It does mean I have a very weird way of getting up from a yoga mat – it was enough to have people starting when I used to go to the local gym.

    Anzac, I think your hubby’s song was fabulous spot of humour – it certain made me giggle. Did he manage it fix it, or just serenade it?

    Cinque, yes I want to know what you did with eggplant too – I have the last one I picked still sitting in the crisper waiting for inspiration.

    Lindsay, how wonderful that the new microwave fit. I always think i much easier to get one with similar functions as the previous. With some of them it’s like learning a new language! I end up getting rather frustrated when I can’t find a quick way to do something that should be simple.

    My second NFD today, which has thankfully been a lot more sensible that yesterday when I couldn’t seem to stop eating. I have leftover cooked carrots, beans and broccoli for dinner and I’m baking a jacket potato and loin lamb chops in the airfryer to go with those. It took me all day to decide what I felt like for dinner, but the lamb chops won.
    FD tomorrow. I’ll be joining Cinque and any other Sunday fasters.

    Penguin & Thin, I meant to ask, did you do anything special for the 75th VE day anniversary. On the news here they showed some modest celebrations with party food, bunting and singing. .

    Hi LJ. Not really for a combination of reasons. My energy levels are low these days and I had worked in the garden so by late afternoon/evening I wasn’t interested in doing very much. Also, because of my impending chemo and the Covid risk I am in very serious isolation. I don’t think there was much happening here anyway. Street party type festivities are mainly an urban event.

    I was born in 1944 so don’t remember VE day. VE day and VJ day brought some re-assurance to families like ours, but the really important day was when Dad got home, in our case late 1946. He was earlier than many, lots of “hostilities only” volunteers found the expression meaningless – some were stuck In India for years after the war so VE and VJ days were never important.

    Morning all. Just a quick post today, it looks like everyone has been super busy because there’s been heaps of posts since I was last on. I love eggplant and last time I used it a couple of days ago I cut it into discs, grilled it up until it was tender and then use that as the pasta layers for a vegetarian lasagne. It went down well with the boys.

    I got plenty done yesterday, had a bike ride, made a whole lot of sushi and baking, made a little paved area for our wheelie bin to sit on, took the boys for a walk along the harbour, and then made some pizzas for dinner (I managed to keep myself to one slice)

    I’ve got my parents coming over for a Mother’s Day lunch so I’d better go and get the brisket on to cook.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning

    Just wanted to say happy Mother’s Day to all who are mums. Hope you are all having a good day.

    Betsy are you ok? I just noticed you’ve been absent a few days when you usually post every evening.

    I’m fasting today as there’s no Mother’s Day feast here. Enjoy your day everyone

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