Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Good morning,

    A quick catch up with my coffee before I prepare for grandma kinder with little Ms 3.

    Betsy I am feeling excited for you on your Saturday weigh in. If you don’t have a good loss I will come over and smash your scales! And good grief, it is beyond me how our fascinating bodies work out where they decide to deflate fat cells! Although I did remember a segment on Dr Mosley’s show where the people doing sit ups (I think it was) lost inches from their waists. But they didn’t measure hips!

    Merry, so good to hear from you and congratulations at keeping fairly steady (in an up and down way),. So glad to hear news of you and Mr Merry. Is your secret project stressing you out? Sending good wishes. And hoping you get a good run now.
    Haha there is no end to getting back on the horse! Every new day.

    Cali, Amazon might start delivering fresh food! (How I wish I had got my YamDaisy Cafe going, it could be wonderful in this situatiion, delivering healthy meals).
    Your sister’s work place seems a reasonably safe one. I bet a lot more handwashing and bowing instead of handshakes is going on there.

    Anzac, once I got over the shock of the how serious and far reaching this pandemic is, I am calmed by hearing workplaces working out strategies and seeing good procedures put in place. Won’t you love working from home every day if/when it comes to that.

    After being relieved at our government putting in good measures, I am now realising that they might not be enough to slow it down as much as I hoped. I think if we have some big sports events this weekend we will see the numbers start rising quickly. But there is a COAG meeting today (Federal and state leaders) so maybe that will lead to stricter and safer measures.

    Quacka how are you going? Thinking of you.

    No balloon bung and haywire for me today. Nice sensible, enjoyable eating with lots of veggies. Btw those sweet potato flatbreads worked really well. I have mixture in the fridge to make more, so I will see how that goes.

    Best wishes all

    Good morning lovely people.

    For some reason I’ve been getting to bed late and sleeping in – it was nearly 9am when I woke this morning – extremely late for me.
    It might have been the babysitting. My nephew’s wife went back to work this week (she took a few weeks off after her brother died suddenly). So that meant I was back to Thursday evening babysitting. My nephew has changed jobs recently, so he has a much earlier finish and I’m only needed until about 6pm. I must say that I find that easier than the 10pm finishes that I was doing last year as I felt too tired to be on the expressway with all the traffic doing 100kph.

    Cinque, those sweet potato roti look lovely. I have copied the recipe into a file I have for flatbreads. I won’t be making them for a while though as I can’t risk overindulgence on any bread at present.

    Merry, good to hear from you. Sorry you are having the same battle with a yoyo weigh, as many of us are also experiencing at present. Lets hope we can all have a bit more of the “downwards” soon.

    Anzac, I had been wondering whether you could suggest everyone works from home and it looks like the bank was ahead of me. It works for you on Fridays so why not increase the practice. I always found I got more done, had less stress and was less tired with WFH. I didn’t use skype for meetings but we used phone conferencing (preferable as I was probably in a track suit and slippers). We also used a viewer function which allowed us to all be in the same spreadsheet or data base at the same time – really useful for the work we did.

    Betsy, You are doing exceptionally well with your controlled eating. Taking a little time away from your studies seems to have been an excellent decision for your health. Knowing that when you return you have the supervisor you want will also hopefully reduce the stress involved.
    I have no idea why our body measurements change at different rates. Each time I regain and lose weight I seem to lose it in a slightly different pattern. I’m having the opposite effect to you, with hips shrinking faster than my waist – which is unusual for me.
    Exercise can make a difference, but the only time I really saw an impact of this was using lots of weights after weight loss when I was in my 20s – that type of body shaping just didn’t work for me later in life.
    I also walk a lot and I wondered if that’s why my hips and behind are smaller. Although it’s done absolutely nothing for the size of my thighs so that throws a spanner in that theory.
    I wonder if it’s the type of fat (don’t we have white and brown) and maybe the rate of weight loss has a distribution effect too. I’m just guessing here because I’ve never been able to find a sensible answer.

    NormaJan, I hope you have settled into the new job and that it hasn’t thrown your eating plans off.

    Neil, how is your mum going? Hope she is still improving.

    Thin, I’m surprised you can moor anywhere, I thought there would be lots of areas where the canals weren’t wide enough for both traffic and moored boats. Shows how little I know.

    Cali, I think the seriousness of the situation has finally dawned on your president. I think everyone was blindsided by the ban on people travelling from Europe. I hope that means that things change quickly – now that it’s been declared a pandemic by the WHO I suspect there is no longer a choice about taking necessary action.
    I think you are right about it being safer for your sister to work in a small business and being exposed to fewer people. As long as people stay home when they are ill so they don’t pass things onto their colleagues.
    My GP said that grocery shopping was best done at a time of day when there were few other people there, so that you could maintain distance from others. Our supermarkets are open 6am-9pm and the first and last 2 hours are usually very quiet. We are also lucky enough to have home delivery and “pick and collect” options from both major supermarket chains in the capital cities. It means you don’t even have to go into the supermarket. I took full advantage of the home delivery service when I had the knee replacement done as it was about 2 months where I couldn’t drive. It made my life so much easier and reduced my reliance on relatives driving me around.

    At my GP visit yesterday I asked whether he considered me high risk when it came to covid19. I knew I was more susceptible to catching it with immune suppressing medication, but didn’t think I was high risk for getting a severe reaction. I was wrong, my GP said that because of I am so prone to bacterial lung infections I have a much higher risk of ending up with pneumonia that was both viral and bacterial. He said that good hygiene is ok for now as the spread is still slow. Once there’s a high rate of community transmission (which I suspect is still a few weeks away here), I will need to stay home where possible and only go out when really necessary and maintain space from others. So it means I can go for a walk because I pass few people on the footpaths and I can do shopping, banking etc during quiet times of day (although I can also do most of this online). Babysitting might be tricky as the kids may be carriers even if they don’t develop many symptoms.
    I also discussed the issue of fluid retention that the dietitian had suggested might be an issue. I’ve noticed that my legs in particular have been unusually larger which can mean inflammation and fluid in the tissues and around the knee joints. The fluid seems to be there all of the time even, when I first get up in the morning. As my blood pressure is normal and it’s not my ankles that are swelling during the day, it’s not at all like the oedema I experienced when I was obese. It’s probably a reaction to the increase in anti-inflammatories I’ve been taking. So I now have a mild fluid tablet and a slow release potassium supplement to take when I need it.
    I also started a series of hepatitis vaccines yesterday. I thought it would be just one injection but it’s a series of three over 7 months. I am too old to have been given this as a child like they do now, so it’s time to get it in place before I start travelling. If I developed any liver disease I would be unable to have any of the RA treatments that actually work well, so it’s quite important I protect my liver.
    It seems weird to be talking of travelling with so many countries in lockdown. But the world will get through this and life will return to normal.

    My aunt turned 90 today and tomorrow we are having a small afternoon tea for her in the nursing home where my uncle is a palliative care resident – which my uncle so poorly she only wanted a handful of old friends there. So I need to bake chocolate-raspberry cup cakes this afternoon. I specifically chose a dark choc recipe as I’m less tempted by anything involving chocolate cake – I realise many people will find that odd. I’m more at risk of wanting to eat al the raspberries.

    My planned CD yesterday turned into a FD800. I had planned to do a FD500 today, but I don’t feel much like doing it. As long as I manage a FD that’s <800 I’ll be happy.

    Hello to everyone I haven’t mentioned.
    Have a good day.

    Hi all, hope you’re doing okay. Last FD today before the weekend weigh-in. Fingers crossed!

    How the world is changing so rapidly with daily routines, sport, work situations all being increasingly affected due to Covid-19. Apart from the panic buying at supermarkets, there seem to be few effects seen in my local area. I decided to go to the shopping centre around 9 a.m., to check out the TP situation – all already sold. No-one wearing masks or seemingly otherwise affected, though. However, by coincidence, the cool change blew in with a bang this afternoon and one of the outside blinds blew up. While outside dealing with that, and checking others, I noticed that there were some TP rolls which had fallen behind a fold-up bed in my spare room. Could see them from outside through the window, but not when inside. Anyway, fished them out, so I now have a further supply. Lucky me! 🙂

    LJoyce, sounds like you do need to be wary, with your pre-existing bronchial situation. Glad you were given clear instructions from your GP.
    Not sure about your reduction in hips and backside being due to walking – I’m walking a lot more now, and it’s not happening to me. Sigh!

    Merryme, good to hear from you and know you’re doing okay.

    Cinque, you’ll be relieved that several big sporting events such as the Formula 1 Grand Prix have been cancelled for the weekend. Wish they’d cancel others, though. Not sure that my weigh-in will be particularly good; this morning I was only 300 gm down form last weekend, which is a bit disappointing. But, wait and see what happens tomorrow morning. Yes, you have my permission to smash my scales if they’re not nice to me! 🙂 Not really, will just have to keep persevering. This is a “plateau weight”, so takes longer to shift off. Just waiting for the whoosh.

    Hope everyone else is doing okay. Be sensible, avoid large crowds, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and keep well.

    Good morning everyone,

    Cool and grey here, very nice. Day before fast day for me, and I am thinking of you waking up Betsy and hoping the scales will be lovely. And haha, what a great find those toilet rolls are!

    Neil, missing you here. I am wondering if your mum is needing a lot of your time and attention. I am so glad she has you. Best wishes.

    LJoyce, I hope your sleep-ins are making you feel lovely and rested.
    Best wishes celebrating today with your precious uncle and auntie.

    I’m so glad your doctor gave you a clear picture of your health in regards to Covid 19. You really want to avoid getting it at all.

    I am going through the same struggle considering contact with my littlest relations. They will be my worry point. I am now pretty much only going out to do food shopping in the quietest times. (If I am well enough to go for a walk, I will do that when I can). I really want to avoid getting the virus too. If we can manage it for a year, they might have a vaccine. I know I am not as vulnerable as many, but I am too vulnerable for my own peace of mind. And I certainly don’t want to be taking up a hospital bed if I can avoid it.

    Anzac, sympathy to you on peak hour public transport. I was hearing Dr Norman Swann saying that if people with coughs stay home, and everyone does their best with social distancing, it can be ok. I gather public transport in Melbourne is getting a lot quieter.

    I was relieved when our governments announced stepping up measures for events but since then there has been some very bad leadership, it seems, with mixed messages, bad examples, and possibly bending facts to suit themselves. Sigh.

    How is it going over there Cali?

    I read this fascinating article about how people behaved in the great plague in Britain in 1665 and yes, you guessed it, exactly the same: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/13/plague-coronavirus-british-panic-buying

    Back to normal chit chat, I had more of my sweet potato flat breads yesterday and I thought they were even better for spending a day in the fridge, they were even easier to roll out. That makes it a great recipe, if they can sit in the fridge for several days and I can just grab one at a time to cook. I will try freezing next time I make them.

    Best wishes to you all.

    So much for my recent pattern of sleeping in – this morning I woke at 4:50am and unusually felt wide awake. So up I got. After a quiet start over several cups of tea I went and did the grocery shopping at 7am. I managed to get toilet rolls (my first purchase of them since the hoarding madness began), but alas still no boxes of tissues.

    I had an early morning call from my cousin to let me know that my aunt’s 90th celebration is cancelled as it possible she and my uncle have been exposed to covid19. Apparently a lady who had just returned from overseas went to the nursing home to visit her mother on Friday and was then contacted by the airline to say there was someone infected on the flight. So the nursing home is in lockdown until they get that lady’s test results – which should be within 48 hours. Lets hope they are negative, it does seem to be only a few others on a flight will catch it.
    So I have just put 2 dozen cup cakes into the freezer for late and I’m going to be ruining my eating plan with the sausage rolls I had pulled out of the freezer to also take today.

    I received detailed advice on protecting myself from covid19 from the health company that does my RA infusions at home. While most of it I already knew there was some really useful tips about using the iodine based throat gargle and nasal spray which I will be following.
    If you are interested in reading it, click on this link and scroll down to the last few paragraphs:

    Cinque, I’m not surprised the roti were better on day 2. I usually make a full batch of dough for flatbreads and keep it in the fridge so I can make a couple each day and I find I like them better on the latter days. I always thought it was because the flavour had time to develop – just like with slow rising yeasted bread – but that’s just a guess.

    Betsy, that was a lucky find with the toilet rolls.
    I’ll keep my fingers crossed that your scales have a kind moment tomorrow. You do deserve it with all the calorie restricted days you’ve done this week.

    I did actually manage to do a FD500 yesterday after a FD800 the day before. I was all prepared for this afternoons indulgence, which is now cancelled – although I still have those sausage rolls to deal with.

    Have a good weekend all.

    Good evening all. Hope you’re all keeping well.

    Yay! The scales were kind to me this morning, and I’ve lost 1 kg this week. That’s 2 kg since the start of March. Sadly, I was looking at my records from last year, and that’s almost exactly the same weight I was sitting on in early March last year. However, I am in a less stressed situation, so expect my ongoing weight loss will be faster than last year, and will go down further (with no rebounding like this time).

    Glad everyone is staying well, and also exercising due care. Annoying for you to be stuck with the thawed sausage rolls, LJoyce. You could always throw some of them out, to limit the damage. I’m not saying “all”, as I certainly would find it hard to do that, but some could find their way to the bin, couldn’t they?

    Cinque, yes, definitely exercise due care. With your CFS, your immune system is somewhat compromised, so it’s good to read that you’re being sensible in your contacts with others. Grandkids? Hmm. Not sure what is best there. Probably err on the side of caution? From all reports, kids are getting this virus with minimal or no symptoms, so they could certainly get sick without anyone knowing it and then pass it on to you.

    CalifDreamer, apologies, correcting a mis-statement – Tom Hanks and his wife had been in Australia since January 26th, so they must have picked it up here in Southern Queensland. Glad that your government has now moved in declaring a state of emergency. Hope Covid-19 doesn’t spread too badly over your way.

    Neilithicman, hope your mother is continuing to improve in health.

    Keep well everyone.

    Betsy, noneed for apologies. I had no idea he was there for that long either. And because they have so few tests available here, how would anyone know they had it? Hopefully that is changing. But take good care of them while they’re there. He is one of my favorite actors.

    I lost about 700 grams just not eating much, not really counting the calories. They are advising people over 60 to stay at home as much as possible so that’s what we’re doing.

    Neil, I hope your mum is going well. I’ve missed your posts here the past few days.

    Cinque, it may be a good idea to reduce your contact with your granddaughters for the next few weeks. This covid thing is so scary. Do they test many people there?

    LJ, glad you are managing to do your shopping when there aren’t many people around. I try to do the same. We have lots of rain today so I may do some house walking. Rather that spending so much time on the internet, reading about upsetting things, I should exercise. Or get some of my organizing projects started.

    Take care and stay well everyone.

    Betsy, re Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Rita has published a playlist called “Rita Wilson’s Quarntunes” on Spotify. I’m listening to it now. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6vujSBdZOmLlDZc627sW1A?si=QtextD3HRze4IAX-T5te3A&nd=1

    Hello friends, from another cool grey Melbourne morning.
    It is Sunday fast day for me. I plan to make it as fasty as I can.

    Woohoo Betsy, your scales came through! Tell them they are safe from me 😀 what a lovely loss, and now you can consolidate it.
    I can imagine it is a little bit daunting to be exactly where you were a year ago, but hooray you are not more. As a long term strategy, you went through a stressful year and are currently no heavier than you were a year ago.
    All good wishes that next year at this time you will be exactly where you want to be.
    Also, how serendipitous that your break from study coincides with this time of social distancing.

    LJoyce, so sorry the birthday celebrations were called off, but hooray that good procedures are in place. Was that visitor on the flight with Peter Dutton 😉 ?

    Ooh that is so interesting about the rotis. I make a lot of flat breads but I do want to cut down portions.

    Hope you managed not to eat a dozen sausage rolls.

    You do have access to excellent info. I passed your link onto a friend who is more vulnerable than me as she has had chest issues since a bad infection last year.

    Cali, the calls here are that we should be testing a lot more. We seem to be at a tipping point where the exponential growth could mean that in a few more weeks hospital beds are overwhelmed, so we will see how well the government ramps up action. They seem to think they are helping the economy by going slowly, but my perception is that the economy will fare better, in the long run, if are less people ill and less hospital chaos.

    I am so glad you are able to basically stay home. Yes, I have talked to my daughter and I am quickly trailing off contact with my darlings. I am also going to make timetables to help me order my days. It is a time I can really concentrate on my health (food, yoga) and maybe finally get my desk cleared!

    It is good to be ahead of the curve.

    Off to make dashi for my miso soup. Best wishes all.

    Hi everyone.
    Hope you are all having a good day.

    Betsy -great news, and I agree with Cinque, You’ve kept your weight to this 1 year on, and stress eating can send us way off, so well done to you!

    Neil, – I’m so sorry to hearabout your Mum’s health. My best to your mum, you and your family. Hope things improve for your mum soon.

    CaliD – I hear you. Like you, we’re also moving now into staying home, not going out, keeping our exercise going, staying emotionally well – all a challenge.

    We’re all working our way through learning, making decisions, and getting ourselves ready for this unusual and challenging time we’re in. Re Tom Hanks, yes they arrived in Australia in January, but they went back to the US for the Academy Awards, then arrived back in Australia quite some time later, so they could have got it in either country. My expat child and spouse are isolating now, after having been in contact a week ago with several people, now diagnosed with Covid-19, at a friend’s celebration that was to be their last outing. Living in a small complex they are finding people really kind, leaving things for them at their door. Also on the positive side the Hanks’ are a great example of doing the right thing. We need high profile people modelling the correct behaviours for the general public, since we’re definitely not getting it from some of our political leaders.

    Check in:
    65.5kg again this morning so staying even now.

    Someone I know has asked me a few times if I’m still doing 5:2. She told me she has recently used 16:8 to taking some weight off, and still balancing out. Lovely story.

    Off now to go to the supermarket to hopefully get a few things while there are less people there.

    Bye for now,
    Onward and downwards,

    Hi all, hope you’re all doing well.

    Well, we’re following New Zealand and from midnight requiring ALL folk entering the country, from any country, and even returning Aussies, to self-isolate for 14 days. Apparently it is being made law, so there will be penalties if people fail to isolate themselves. I think it’s a sensible move; anything to delay the progress of the pandemic.

    One good/ disappointing thing for me – a workshop I was going to attend tomorrow has been cancelled; that will save me about 2 hours of walking and public transport each way (i.e., total 4 hrs). It may be re-scheduled later in the year, but for now, they’ll send everyone a refund. I wanted to do the workshop, but not the effort required to get there. It might be easier to get there later in the year because (I hope) I’ll be lighter and have more energy. 🙂

    CalifDreamer, you were asking about testing. On the news tonight, they said that around 13,000 tests have been done in the State of Victoria, of which 57 have been positive. Don’t know about the other States.

    Merryme, thanks for clarifying the movements of Tom Hanks and wife. That may explain why I got confused with timing. They came, went and came again. Who knows where they got sick.

    Cinque, I will talk to my scales, but they better watch out – I expect them to continue to behave, or I.I.I will take a hammer to them! Enjoying some chocolate this evening, but will have a FD tomorrow to balance that out.
    I’m glad you are tapering off your grandkid interactions for a while. You need to be sensible, hard though it is. LJoyce, hope you are doing the same!

    Keep well everyone!

    Cinque, I’m joining you for a Sunday FD. Last night, I felt as if had been a FD yesterday, feeling empty and hungry trying to get to sleep. The good news is that I’m only 100g over Tuesday’s post FD weight so it looks like the Spanish wine damage is disappearing. I’m glad you have a chance to catch up on your own projects.

    I’m well behind on posts now although I did pop in to read some earlier in the week. As usual, I’ve forgotten.

    LJ, yes, you have to exercise common sense when mooring on the canal network. When I say ‘anywhere’, you obviously wouldn’t moor at a winding hole (the slightly wider cut-outs where boats can turn around), water tank, entrance to a marina or a tunnel and so on. It’s OK to moor in narrow parts of the canal. We’ve been down narrow arms with lines of permanent moorers (you can get winter moorings from the Canal and River Trust allowing you stay through the worst of the winter months) with only room for one boat to pass.

    I remember hearing so many heartwarming stories told by my grandparents and parents from ‘the war’. How people came together as a nation for the common good and everyone ‘did their bit for the country’. Now we have another situation with millions everywhere all affected by the same crisis. A chance to come together and help each other by taking a few simple, sensible steps. Yet I read of people selfishly over-stocking, taking more for themselves than they need leaving others without, supermarkets looking like they’ve been looted and, as usual, complaining about their governments because they’re not doing enough/doing too much. What happened to personal sacrifice? Or is it just that these stories don’t make the news? I feel disappointed in humans.

    Just thinking what a wonderful opportunity for the world to get collectively healthy – 5:2. Imagine if, rather than fighting their neighbour in a grab for extra food, everyone instead cut down say 75% of their intake 40% of the time! What a healthy world! Imagine the free hospital beds.

    Hi all, I’ve been a bit busy with work and mum and kids things and birthdays so I haven’t been able to check in.

    Mum is improving steadily and may be home within a week so that is excellent progress. She is pretty much back to normal with her speech, but she has had her short term memory affected, and struggles to find the right word sometimes. Her MRI came back and showed a small white spot on the left side of her brain that the doctors said was the cause of the stroke.

    We went for a nice trip over the weekend for my wife’s birthday. We went for a walk to see the Sutton saltwater lake, had lunch in Middlemarch, stopped off to see the Macraes gold mine, and then finished off taking the kayaks to Andersons Lagoon.

    I’m back to work today unfortunately, but I’ve got to pay the bills somehow 😉

    Good morning,

    Merry, yes, so many decisions and logistics to sort out. So glad Mr Merry is well finished his treatment. That is right isn’t it? His immune system must be in better shape. Bet wishes to your son and DIL, I do hope they escape it.

    Neil, you are so busy. Such good news that your mum is improving so quickly. Do send her good wishes from over the ditch.

    Thin, I love what you wrote about people coming together. I have been so delighted to see the wonderful community things, including singing from balconies in Siena, the music in Sicily, facebook groups started to help the elderly, lovely things happening for the hard hit artist community. It is going to be hard, but I do hope the good kind and creative things that happen mitigate the worst things.

    I’d also recommend the UK govt put you in charge of food delivery haha. Such a good opportunity.

    Lots of Aussie horror at Tom Hanks for posting a (lovely) photo including vegemite toast… with the vegemite spread as thickly as jam. Lots of response! Haha.

    State of Emergency in Victoria now. Glad they are being so proactive.

    My fast is ending in a minute when I have breakfast, you will be at the end of your day, Thin, and Betsy at the start of yours. Cheers to others fasting today, ending their fasts, preparing for one tomorrow, or enjoying a fast day.


    This would be a great time for more people to try the 5:2 way of eating with store stocks sometimes low. Also, being a healthy weight is better for our health.

    Cinque, re the picture Tom Hanks posted, I thought that was jam on the toast until someone on a news broadcast mentioned the Vegemite. Thin will be horrified when she sees that. 😁

    Merry, best wishes to your son and his wife. I’m sure you all are very concerned. The governor of California just issued an advisory that all people over 65 stay at home and self isolate starting immediately. He also advised closing all bars and for restaurants to reduce their capacity to half. These aren’t mandatory yet, but I imagine they may soon be. All 3 of us are over 65. Luckily we have enough food and pet food to last a while.

    LJ, thank you for all the info on virus protection. It certainly can’t hurt. It’s too bad your aunt and uncle’s celebration has to be postponed because of that person returning from a plane trip. Have you seen the news reports from over here of people returning from Europe being held up at airports for new screening rules? So scary with all those people crammed into a small space.

    Betsy, glad to hear your workshop is postponed. Probably not a good time to be out and about with all that is going on anyway. The 4 hours of public transport doesn’t sound like fun.

    Neil, I’m so glad your mum is doing well with recovery. I hope she continues to improve with her memory.

    Take care and wash your hands!

    Hello everyone. I’ve been absent a lot on this forum lately, having enough of a struggle to post in the monthly challenge forum. But as I’ve mentioned before, most of them are northerners and there’s not enough “live” action to support me through my days! I’ve been struggling with motivation but I think (hope!) I’m back on track. FD for me today and I’m thinking of you all.
    Desperately trying to catch up on recent posts…

    Glad your mum’s almost back to normal, Neil. Remember, the brain is (amazingly) elastic and can recover!

    I’m also amused at all the COVID-19 related panic buying. We tried an online delivery service with Woollies last week; but they refused to fill our (modest) order of toilet paper or hand soap (1 bottle). If I can get more than this in the supermarket, even with the current limits per customer, why can’t I get it on line? Fortunately for us, in his foray through the vegie bed, Friday (my adolescent cattle dog( managed to scatter seeds far and wide so now we have good crops of rocket, silverbeet and kale coming up in unexpected places! (Join with me in song “We will survive!”)

    And speaking of dogs, how did Maxx (I mean you!) enjoy you Canberra forum friend catchup, Anzac?

    I’m jealous of you Thin; that whole canal lifestyle has long seemed so ideal and romantic to me. To bust my fantasies, please tell me there are some downsides! (Apart from idiots who think it is funny to unties mooring ropes…)
    Off to a meeting on business continuity… I wouldn’t mind working from home for a few weeks!

    CalifD, would that California advisory include people like your sister who are still working? How’s she feeling about all this? Somehow heard the vegemite story, yes, horrified on all levels!

    Cinque, thanks for sharing some nice stories, although localised, it sounds as though you live in a caring community. I went to bed early last night and didn’t see your post. FD was fine but I only shed 400g after yesterday’s effort.

    I read about Australia’s non-compliance for self-isolating fine of $50k, seems a bit extreme. At the marina office, they’re refusing to sign for packages because the staff don’t want to touch the delivery guy’s electronic pen. Also seems ridiculous. We are expecting two different head torch deliveries, our satellite control box being returned from the manufacturer in Germany and two beer glasses this week!

    Penz, it’s hard to keep up with two separate threads, I wasn’t able. So far, no downsides to this lifestyle that I can think of unless cold weather bothers you. It’s cosy and warm on board. We’ve met some wonderful & interesting people while moored in the marina, but we are very much looking forward to enjoying the freedom of the canals. Everything happens in slow motion, it’s very different to my life in inner-suburban Perth.

    Neil, great news about your mum and the pleasant weekend for your wife’s birthday.

    Hi Merry and Mr Merry, LJ and Betsy.

    Anzac, how was your doggie weekend?

    Hi all, posting a bit early this evening as I’m going out at 7:30 p.m.

    How life has been changing. I’ve been so pleased with Woollies, Coles and other supermarkets designating 7-8 a.m. as the shopping hour for the elderly and disabled. I qualify, so will try to get up early in the morning to do my shopping. With supermarkets closing at 8 p.m. at night to restock, it will hopefully mean some products will be available. I would like to buy a few more products for the cat, plus meat and vegies. Couldn’t believe the shelves today, and no fresh milk! Do people have extra fridges or freezers to put it all??? Meat I can (almost) understand, but again – who has that much room in their freezers?

    Enough of that. I have been successfully fasting today. Not very interested in food, which is good. Might not eat tomorrow, either, if I don’t feel like it. Have to do my banking, and I’m taking a quick trip to the city in the middle of the day, when the trains will be less busy. I’ll make sure I take my (very limited) hand sanitiser with me, just for hand protection on the trains.

    Neilithicman, glad to read that your mother’s health has been improving; good news.

    thin, stay well, and great idea to exercise 5:2 for diet and buying.

    Cinque, hope you’ve enjoyed your eating while I’ve fasted. Surprisingly, I had 2 TDEE days over the weekend, and this morning was 200 gms down on Saturday a.m.’s weight. Not expected.

    CalifDreamer, is the elderly Californians self-isolating mandatory, or recommended? If mandatory, I hope you have someone who can buy you any small items you might need.
    My travelling would have included train, tram and also walking, dragging a small suitcase containing my computer, etc., which would have made it more difficult. As I become fitter, it will be easier.

    Penz, how lovely to see you on this forum. My elderly, unwell friends usually do most of their buying with Woollies online, and with that cancelled, have to go out to shop, which isn’t ideal. I’ve offered to shop for them, but now that the supermarkets have instituted an elderlies and disabled only hour, they said they’d be fine. Or their home helps can shop with or for them. God that you will have some unexpected but welcome greens to consume.

    Hi to all those not posting in the last few days. Keep well, everyone. Goodnight for now.

    Penz, “good that you will” – typo, sorry!

    Good evening all.

    I’ve just completed a strict FD with a bowl of butternut-lemon soup for dinner. It was much needed as I had a bad NFD yesterday. While I didn’t eat all the sausage rolls and managed to put some in the bin, I ate a lot of other stuff was definitely excessive. Tome to get back on the straight and narrow.

    Although I have begun to stay out of public places as much as possible, I was out today as I had an appointment with my rheumatologist. Luckily it’s a short walk from here and there was only one other person in the waiting room – we had half each.

    I was slightly concerned on Saturday as I had a scratchy throat but it had cleared this morning and I had no other symptoms, so all good. I still rang the rheumatologist first thing and gave them the option of deferring my appointment if they wished.

    I’ve had a desperate call from my niece who is running out of toilet paper, so I will surrender my recently acquired pack of 24 to her as, with a family, her need is much more urgent. If I’m prudent with my use I have enough to keep me going for 3-4 weeks from an opened pack so hopefully I can find more by then.

    Hope all of you are well.

    Good morning friends. I won’t even try to respond to you all – so many posts – but I have been reading and now finally putting fingers to keys.

    Thank you for your good wishes. I’m doing okay. I’m on holiday, so I should be! We are in New Zealand with my brother and his wife, and having a lovely holiday in this beautiful country. Neil it’s been good to hear your mother is doing well, and wonderful she is heading home. Best wishes to you all. We have been in Dunedin and have loved it, but I haven’t troubled you to meet. I’m sure you have had your hands full, and also, I’m not at my best at the moment. Next time.

    We have had some wonderful experiences here in NZ, including seeing one lone penguin waddle ashore at Timaru (after waiting for quite a while, and being just about to leave), and driving out to Alan’s (?) Beach yesterday, braving a cold blustery wind to be rewarded with the sight of two sea lions wrestling on the sand.

    We will need to self isolate when we get back, which will be interesting. I am sure we will manage just fine. A time for reflection, certainly, but we’re also planning jobs to keep us busy in the garden and the house. The hardest part will be missing DD and DS and the little ones. We will also find it challenging to make sure Rosy gets her exercise. We have a very large yard, and we can walk her, but she is a pup which needs to run run run, so am not sure how we’ll manage that.

    Thin, you sound pretty disappointed with the population and their behaviour with this virus, but I have a different take. I think people are genuinely scared and by stocking up, are gaining a little control in a situation that is out of control. My SIL commented that when he did the family’s weekly shop on Sunday the queue for checkout took longer than the actual shopping, but he was pleasantly surprised by people’s genuine concern for each other.

    On that note, I’d best get our day underway – we are on the move, to our next stop at Lake Tepako.

    Hope you are all doing well, and staying safe.

    Morning all.

    Lindsay, I hope you enjoyed Dunedin, Allan’s beach is pretty cool, We were out that way a couple of weeks ago, We didn’t get out to the beach, but we did the Sandymount/Lovers Leap/Chasm walkway, which looks out over Allans Beach. I assume you mean you’re going to Tekapo 😉 If you’re there overnight and have a clear sky then I would recommend a dark sky experience, it is really awesome there on a clear night, but I hear it can be a bit pricey https://www.darkskyproject.co.nz/

    LJoyce, do we know why people are so caught up with buying toilet paper? The corona virus doesn’t give you the trots, so I really can’t see why people are bulk buying bog roll.

    Betsy, that’s a really good idea from the supermarkets. That should make sure that the elderly and disabled are more likely to be able to get the supplies they need.

    Penz – Hooray for home gardens. We’ve still got plenty growing in our garden so if the worst comes to the worst we should still be able to get plenty of fruit and veges for a few weeks.

    Well I’m weighing in tomorrow. I’m a bit nervous about it because I’ve had two consecutive weeks of gain. I’m thinking of getting the biometric scales I’ve been humming and haaring about buying for the last couple of months just so I can get an idea of what’s going on. The one I’m looking at tells you your weight, body fat percentage, muscle mass, hydration, bone mass and visceral fat. I’m not sure how accurate it is, but it should help give some idea about where I’m at.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good morning! So very busy at work I have no time to even read your lovely posts but just wanted to pop in to say all is well here in Sydney. 5:2 ramps up for me this week and had a good FD yesterday. A little derailed when I got home and hubby forgot it was a FD and cooked chicken schnitzel. I had a small piece with a big salad but of course went back for another small piece. All in all about 800 calories so not a disaster by any means. I did 30 minutes on the exercise bike with some hand weights too.

    Work is frantic and we have now divided into two teams. One will WFH one week and the other the following. I am WFH all of next week. Bliss

    I hope you are all well and I look forward to a big catch up soon

    A quick good morning before I head out for a walk and to see if I can get milk before it sells out. I’ve heard the appliance stores are doing a roaring trade in freezers – which explains why meat, bread and milk is now hard to find on supermarket shelves. I can manage without the bread and meat but doing without milk is a challenge for me.

    Lindsay, glad you are having a nice holiday and hope you get a lift in spirits soon.

    Neil, I have no idea why there’s a run on toilet paper. I think the problem with all these panic buys is that as soon a few people start doing it, others who weren’t going to buy extra start to worry that it won’t be available when they actually need so perhaps they better get extra too – and from there all this panic buying snowballs. It’s a bit like the purchases during war time rationing – you buy it when it’s there because you might not be able to find it again for a while.
    I also think that even though we
    have not gone into serious lock down, there list of countries that are telling citizens to stay home indefinitely is growing and I think people are preparing for that possibility.

    Anzac, enjoy the WFH – Maxx will be ecstatic to have you home.

    Must go now as I want to get to the shop by 8am

    For those of you Aussies who haven’t seen it, have a giggle over this poem


    Good morning everyone,

    A little touch of summer here (28C forecast) among Autumn settling in. I found I have a second butternut growing although how it will ripen enough for me to eat it, I don’t know!

    Cali, are you finding your days changing much? I am enjoying focussing on being home. It is so nice to isolate without being in quarantine.

    Penz, it is great when you can pop in here and let us know how you (and Friday) are going. What a useful dog to have in the garden, haha.
    With absolutely no help from Miso the cat, I am supplementing self sowing (parsley, rocket, chard and warrigal greens) with seed I collected, but little somethings are eating the rocket, at least, as it comes up, so I have got some planted in egg cartons, on the windowsill.

    Panic buying is crazy but it must be a deep, ancient need for us to think of hoarding when we see trouble coming. Governments and businesses are starting to put sensible processes in place… I love the store that is selling the first bottle of sanitiser for $6 and then any more at $150 each.
    But oh dear what a worry seeing Americans queuing for guns (to protect their hoards). Cali, your countrymen!
    It is greatly the result of unclear and untimely messaging from so many governments though. It drives me up the wall!

    Thin, you must have timed your Spanish trip as brilliantly as Anzac managed her holiday. I do hope you and Mrs Penguin as okay, Penguin.

    My local community is lovely and this crisis seems to be bringing out the best in everyone. May it continue.

    Betsy, so frustrating for you (shopping). I hope you were able to get what you needed this morning. I’ll need to do the same soon, although my daughter is aiming to pick up milk and eggs for me this morning (I am not even quite out of them yet) and if so I can probably last the rest of the week.

    Hopefully Woollies can get their online deliveries back working quickly, I know they are working hard.

    Haha, I promise I ate moderately and without lording it over your hungry tummy! Ooh, you weren’t even feeling hungry, hope that continues and makes today an easy light eating one. Good luck being out and about today, I bet it will be quiet.

    Your scales have an interesting personality. They get a nice pat from me though 🙂

    LJoyce, enjoy a very straight and narrow day today. So glad you are able to help your niece out with toilet paper. Surely in 3 – 4 weeks things will be more settled.

    Lindsay, so lovely to have a good long chatty post from you. Your NZ holiday sounds just wonderful. I gather the hard things you are coping with are not anything that can be resolved quickly or easily. I am sending you so many wishes and all good things. Life can be a hard journey.

    Oh dear, poor Rosy, the self isolation will be hardest on her. I hope you can find some good way for her to do all the running she needs.

    Neil, this transition from weight loss to maintenance is SO tricky. Particularly nasty when you are doing all the right things and the scales go and show your weight creeping up. Fingers crossed you get a lower number this week.

    Anzac, so glad you just need to get through a few more days and then you will be working from home for a week. Yay.

    LJoyce, I do so hope you can find some fresh milk. I am very much the same. I have some powdered milk in the cupboard but it isn’t the same.

    Neil, gorgeous link. I am so lucky as to have Sammy J (the bush poet there) on breakfast radio. He just started being a radio host this year and he is such a delightful kind, clever, whimsical person to wake up to.

    Well another day, another chance to eat lightly and nutritiously and be kind in this worried world. Best wishes all.

    I managed to get milk on my walk – now happily enjoying a milky tea!

    Awww, thanks for the welcome back call out, Betsylee, Neil, Cinque, all; what a great group this is.

    I’m waiting to hear stories of people asking the elderly to do their shopping for them during their exclusive supermarket early morning hour. I’d heard too that the panic buying is people’s way of exerting control in a situation which really, we can’t control. It’s certainly not a proportionate response to COVID-19s symptoms, but at least people feel they are able to do SOMETHING. I heard reports this morning of people stealing toilet paper from work toilets. I get the control thing, but really?!

    We have a chest freezer (that we bought years ago) but honestly, it’s filled with meat / bones for the dogs! (You can tell who comes first in our household.) I spose if things get really really desperate, we could eat their meals! Who was it who commented that once upon a time they fed lamb shanks to their dogs? I was one of those; osso bucco too because it was so cheap. Not any more – the price of these once ‘cheap’ cuts is crazy and getting crazier.

    Home gardens are great! (Sharing smug thoughts with Neil.) We have one lone lemon tree that has been struggling for years. We pulled it out. It grew back. Still no fruit but I admire its tenacity. We have a very prolific lime tree but no other fruit trees. We lost a few native trees due to the recent drought and I’m contemplating filling the gaps with something we can eat. Apparently pomegranates do well in the Canberra climate, so that’s tempting.

    Lindsay: I don’t know if this will help with Rosy, but I recently came across a great dog toy made by a company called Cheerble. http://www.cheerble.com It’s a ball with a motor inside so that it bounces and rolls on its account. Our pup loves it. I bought ours at The Good Guys (they might deliver!).

    [ooh sorry for long post!]

    It’s so good to read everyone’s posts. The covid numbers in the US are sharply increasing and are at 4,652 now with 4,492 active. The figures show more deaths than recoveries but they were mostly testing only the very sick because of the scarcity of tests available. They are starting to test more people now and I expect the numbers will keep increasing. Six counties in the San Francisco Bay Area will be placed under a shelter-in-place directive by public health officials in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus, a move that will close virtually all businesses and direct residents to remain at home for the next three weeks. Only essential businesses like grocery stores and pharmacies and doctors will remain open. Our directives out here are still recommendations, but I expect they will soon be mandatory. My sister is working from home as of today and has her office computer and monitors set up here. Our neighbors across the street have offered to pick up anything we need at the grocery store.

    Very stressful times, trying to keep my BP under control. It hadn’t been a problem at all for several weeks, until last night with all the news shows and internet.

    Cinque, I stay at home a lot anyway, so not a lot of change fo me. We have a few week’s worth of food and pet food and enough tp I think. I plan on making corned beef tomorrow for St Pat’s Day but still have to get cabbage and not sure if I should go out. Maybe tomorrow morning.

    Lindsay, it’s good to hear from you again. I’m glad your NZ holiday is a nice one with your brother and his wife. You will have your hands full with Rosy when you self isolate after returning. It’s good that you have a large yard at least. She’s at that age where she will have so much energy to burn off. But I’m sue she I’ll keep you entertained.

    Take care everyone.

    the computer is not playing nicely today so I hope this post doesn’t appear 4 times (after not appearing at all).

    Awww, thanks for the welcome back call out, Betsylee, Neil, Cinque, all; what a great group this is.

    I’m waiting to hear stories of people asking the elderly to do their shopping for them during their exclusive supermarket early morning hour. I’d heard too that the panic buying is people’s way of exerting control in a situation which really, we can’t control. It’s certainly not a proportionate response to COVID-19s symptoms, but at least people feel they are able to do SOMETHING. I heard reports this morning of people stealing toilet paper from work toilets. I get the control thing, but really?!

    We have a chest freezer (that we bought years ago) but honestly, it’s filled with meat / bones for the dogs! (You can tell who comes first in our household.) I spose if things get really really desperate, we could eat their meals! Who was it who commented that once upon a time they fed lamb shanks to their dogs? I was one of those; osso bucco too because it was so cheap. Not any more – the price of these once ‘cheap’ cuts is crazy and getting crazier.

    Home gardens are great! (Sharing smug thoughts with Neil.) We have one lone lemon tree that has been struggling for years. We pulled it out. It grew back. Still no fruit but I admire its tenacity. We have a very prolific lime tree but no other fruit trees. We lost a few native trees due to the recent drought and I’m contemplating filling the gaps with something we can eat. Apparently pomegranates do well in the Canberra climate, so that’s tempting.

    Lindsay: I don’t know if this will help with Rosy, but I recently came across a great dog toy made by a company called Cheerble. http://www.cheerble.com It’s a ball with a motor inside so that it bounces and rolls on its account. Our pup loves it. I bought ours at The Good Guys (they might deliver!).

    [ooh sorry for long post!]

    Cinque, did you edit that post? Me and Mrs Penguin, what?!

    As for the Americans buying guns, it’s said that an armed society is a polite society. Having lived in the US for many years and married to an American, I have come to understand many of the arguments even if I don’t agree with them. MY OH learned to shoot as a teenager, has a very healthy respect for guns and has owned them all his life (until we moved to Australia when he quite rightly had to leave them behind). If he hadn’t been armed working as a bush pilot in Alaska and known how to use a gun, he’d have been killed by the grizzly that attacked him as he clung to a flimsy tree branch. He also strongly believes in his right to protect his family in his own home. It’s a totally different culture, deeply embedded in their psyche. It can be difficult for those of us who’ve lived in countries where the average citizen isn’t armed to comprehend it and I know which society one I prefer to live in, given a choice. How do you feel about it CalifD?

    Absolutely delighted about grocery stores opening from 7-8am just for the elderly. Looks like my OH will be asked to self-isolate in the immediate future. We are anyway.

    Lindsay, glad you’re enjoying a lovely holiday. I hope whatever ails you soon leaves.

    Anzac, yay, WFH. No crowded trains for a week.

    Penz, no apologies needed for long posts; write away!

    Hi everyone. Ended up as a TDEE day today, after all. My very early trip to the supermarket was almost a waste of time. Coles don’t actually start their early elderly hour until tomorrow, but I went there anyway – almost no meat, no vegies, no TP, and almost no milk. Bought some A2 milk, which will be fine for me. Then I headed off to Woollies, where I had to show my pension card, but similar results, maybe not quite as bad. Lots of stuff missing from shelves, and NO TP. Ended up going to a butcher’s that opened at 8 a.m. to buy some mince, and to the greengrocer’s next door for a few more items. In the end, I bought all I really need. Though I’d have liked a fresh roll of TP, I can manage for the moment. AND, I’m actually budgeting my TP use, with fewer leaves used 🙂 .

    Anyway, why a TDEE? – well, I cooked up the mince, spaghetti and lots of vegetables as freezer meals, and it was SO nice, I ate some for dinner, and then decided to have dessert. Yum, though I felt really full afterwards. Definitely a FD tomorrow.

    CalifDreamer, there’s a lot of doom and gloom on the television at present – I’m currently choosing to only keep up with what I really need to know. And, choosing to not watch most shows unless they are light-hearted. I guess what folk wrote in their posts about the feeling of loss of control is what’s driving some of the crazy behaviour. But, we can make positive choices to continue to enjoy and be grateful for the life we have.

    thin, see my above comments – the supermarkets need to get their acts together, and have actually said they’re working to improve things. No point having a 7-8 a.m. elderly/ disabled hour if there’re no products there to be bought.

    Penz, I’m also waiting to hear that people are unrolling the TP in the public toilets at shopping centres. Wouldn’t surprise me if that happens, but surely this madness will stop soon. Folk with excess won’t just keep buying, so there might be some for the rest of us. Reminds me of living in China in the late ’90s, where if you saw something you liked, you’d buy as much as you could, because next time you were in the store, it probably wouldn’t be there. That’s changed a lot in more recent times, but I remember hunting everywhere trying to buy butter (margarine didn’t exist there, then).

    Cinque, note my comments above re my shopping expedition this morning. My trip to the city was so enjoyable – the trains were about 25% of usual numbers, so no-one sitting close to anyone else, so nice and safe. It’ll probably be my last trip, though, for the foreseeable future. I felt it was safe enough for now, as Melbourne has less than 100 Covid-19 cases, and about 5 million inhabitants. Those are fairly safe odds, but it will change over the next few weeks. Glad you can relax and enjoy being home.

    So strange at church on Sunday – friendly smiles and waves, but no touching, and hand sanitiser to be used on entry, seating widened so front and behind was at least a metre away. Only about half the usual congregation, and they’re planning live-streaming and youtube for those who can’t attend. If the restrictions on numbers is decreased, as has happened elsewhere, we’ll all be doing church from home.

    Neilithicman, had a good chuckle at that youtube clip, thanks for sharing it. Hadn’t seen that comedian before.

    Anzac65, good to hear from you, and try to be “good” for your WFH weeks 🙂

    LindsayL, glad you’re having an enjoyable NZ holiday, even if you do have to self-isolate on return. You won’t be the only ones.

    I need to finish, the early morning is catching up on me! Keep well, all.

    Morning all

    Weigh in this morning and down a miserable 0.1 kilos to 88.2 kilos. At least it’s not a gain. It’s looking doubtful that I’ll hit my goal of 85 because my body seems to want to be sitting around 87-88 but I would prefer to be closer to 87 than 88 🙁

    My nephew’s school has been shut down because one of the students tested positive for Covid19 so he’s stuck at home, so it’s starting to hit a bit closer to home now.

    Have a good safe week everyone.

    Morning all, from the very beautiful Lake Tekapo (thank you Neil for the correction…I now have my typing fingers unfurled 🙂

    We have a lovely little cottage sitting on a hill overlooking the lake….unfortunately the booking agent implied it was closer to the village, so my brother and SIL booked their accommodation with that in mind …and we are quite a distance apart. I am sure we will manage, and the long walks will do me good.

    I feel a bit of a fraud, being so low, when nothing really ails me except an attack of the miseries. OH and I are both feeling pretty well, the eyesight thing is what it is, and the kids/grandkids are all doing well too. I think honestly the events of the past 18 months just hit me like a train, and try as I might, I couldn’t shake the feelings. I am trying, though, and feel I am coming out the other side. Thank you for your kindness.

    Ah, the TP discussion. When we lived in Beijing, we used to go occasionally to the Novotel for their fine buffet lunch. On one occasion, OH went to the loo….full roll. As we readied to leave, just a few minutes later, he decided to have one for the road, as he put it. Back to the same cubicle, roll gone. And that was in a posh hotel! TP is rarely supplied in public loos in China, so the lure of a free roll was too much for one of the guests. I think the same overstocking is also cultural, to a degree. I guess if you’ve either experienced near starvation, or certainly heard your family talk about it, in the face of possible shortages your past experience kicks in. And as Betsy says, shortages have been the norm in China until quite recently.

    Penz thanks for the tip about the toy to keep Rosy amused. I’ll try to hunt it out.

    I have been thinking about the self-isolation and also the changes in our society, and its long-term effects. I wonder if it will actually slow us all down, and make us more appreciative of what we actually have, instead of being so driven by work, acquisition of things material, and so on. I’m holding that thought – that this may make our society better, in the long run.

    I am not at all phased by the self-isolation, except that it will put distance between me and my grandchildren, and I don’t know how long that will last. For the first time too, we are not able to help DD and DS and I am finding this quite stressful. Cinque (and others with little ones), you will be experiencing the same I know.

    OK on that note, I’ll close, with apologies for the introspection. It’s just good to share thoughts and feelings.

    Neil, our posts crossed. Is your nephew at school in Dunedin?

    Hi Lindsay, yes he’s at the Logan Park High School that closed yesterday because one student tested positive for the virus. His father picked it up on a trip to Germany.

    Did you get out for a dark sky tour in Tekapo yesterday? it really is spectacular there on a clear night.

    Good morning from a sunny day in Sydney. 26 will be the max. Awesome.

    Lindsay, I’m so sorry you are feeling down but don’t apologise – you have been through so much and now this crazy world is descending on us and it is all so confusing and strange. Please share/vent/ask for help from your friends on here anytime 🙂

    Glad you are having a nice holiday in NZ. It really is a special place.

    Neil, very scary that your nephew is at school where there is a confirmed case. I hope he doesn’t go stir-crazy at home. Will they send school work to him online?

    I’ve been trying to buy turkey mince for my FD vege bolognaise. No chance I’m afraid. I went to the big Woolies at Town Hall this morning and they had lamb mince only but it was really fatty so I didn’t buy it. Our local Coles up the road was devoid of meat last night apart from a 1/2 leg of lamb so hubby grabbed it and put it in the freezer. We had two big bags of dog kibble delivered the other day so Maxx is greatly relieved

    I think I mentioned my sister, BIL and Nephew are all in Berlin in a rented apartment. They couldn’t buy any meat yesterday so there is a picture of the two boys trying to smile while eating vegan sausages. DS and BIL are now coming home 4 days early on Friday as it is getting too difficult over there. I don’t know what will happen with my nephew as he is a tour guide and only gets paid when there is a tour and of course they are all cancelled. Perhaps he and his girlfriend will finally come home to Australia (not that it will be any easier to get a job here but at least they have family support)

    My weekend away with my labrador forum friend went ahead – but without the forum friend. She came down with gastro on Friday morning so they couldn’t make it. It was sad but we were also a little relieved as we were tired and as much as we were both looking forward to meeting them (and their dog) it is always a bit stressful/awkward when you meet new people, especially when you are sharing a small house. So in the end we had a lovely, relaxing, quiet weekend of walking on the beach, cooking great food, playing cards, watching movies and all the things you never do when you are home and the ‘chores’ are forever calling. Nice!

    Did I mention I am back to daily weighing and food recording? I find it is much more successful. I was going to do a FD today but woke up and decided to move it to tomorrow so today is a CD.

    Penz, don’t apologise for long posts, everyone likes to read them. My posts are often very long as I tend to drivel a bit but I think everyone should write exactly what and how they feel at the time. I laughed at your comment about your chest freezer being full of dog meat and bones. When we packed the car to go down the coast on the weekend about 70% of what we had was Maxx’s ‘stuff’!

    Sorry to hear your aunt’s 90th was cancelled LJ, I hope they are ok and don’t catch the virus. I smiled when you said ‘be good’ when WFH…I feel you know me so well 🙂

    It sounds like you have great neighbours Cali, how nice of them to offer to do your shopping. It certainly is very stressful and I hope you can keep your BP under control. My hubby has BP issues and takes his at home every couple of days and his is up too. He has also hurt his back – we think running up the beach with Maxx on the weekend – so he is walking very gingerly. But no, he won’t go to the doctor or the physio. Men! (Sorry Neil/Penguin)

    Thin, that was an interesting insight into how the Americans feel/think about the whole gun thing. And yes, I am counting the seconds to a whole week of WFH. I must change my own psyche about being at home because as LJ has already realised, I am more likely to stray from this WOL when I am at home. But I have put some plans in place such as moving the exercise bike into a corner in the living room so it is there to remind me to use it and I will go for a walk every lunch time rain, hail or shine.

    I feel your frustration at the empty shelves Betsy. And what makes it more annoying is people now have more than they can use but still selfishly buy more and more leaving the rest of us with nothing.

    I’m so glad your local community is supporting and lovely Cinque. May it continue and may it spread

    Hi Quacka, how are you going? I’m sure you are flat-out with your job and studies but please post when you can

    Lovely to hear from you Merry, glad you and Mr M are going ok

    How are you going NormaJan? How is that new job going?

    Ok back to work. Have a great Wednesday all

    Good morning everyone, a bit hot and oppressive here today, but I am glad of each warm day that makes my butternut more edible.

    I did get milk and eggs yesterday, thanks to my daughter, and I am glad you got milk too, LJoyce.

    Penz, haha, I did think that if my daughter couldn’t get what she needed, I would have to go in the next morning!
    Yes, your post came through nicely. Twice, but that’s better than not at all!
    I don’t follow the monthly challenges, so how is 5:2 going for you at the moment? Are you feeling light and lovely?

    Cali it must be hard to work out what is going on around you, until the testing is done more rigorously. Even here they think numbers must be a lot larger than is showing officially. But my favourite advice is that we all act as if we do have the virus, and are trying to avoid passing it on.

    I do hope you have the chance to do all the good things for your health, and I am sending so many wishes that your BP only did a short rise with the news reports.

    Happy St Patrick’s Day! Enjoy that corned beef.

    Thin oh dear. A wrong word and no nice space to show I had shifted focus to Penguin. My sentence was meant to be: ‘I do hope you and Mrs Penguin are okay, Penguin.’
    Re guns, it was just that, thinking the current hoarding is crazy, I thought buying guns to protect the hoard is even crazier. Fingers crossed they keep everyone polite.

    Betsy, a fast day after a day containing deliciousness, is a nice fast day. I am fasting too.
    So glad you got most of what you wanted at the shops.

    Yes, the numbers aren’t bad yet. We are currently doubling every 4 days, and it may take a couple of weeks for the new measures to show in the stats, but wouldn’t it be good if Victoria’s stats are no more than 1,000 by then, and the new measures successful in slowing the rate of doubling.

    I’m so glad your church is embracing social distancing. My sister who is a vicar is finding so much resistance to it in her country parish, which is a worry because so many there are old and vulnerable.

    Neil, hooray that your scales showed that you lost weight. I know it isn’t much but I am cheering.
    It is a whole new ballgame to keep ourselves maintaining (or to lose that last kilo or two) and we have to do it without the ego stroking successes of getting skinny and going down clothes sizes. The importance of making what we do longterm and sustainable becomes even more central, and we need strength of mind and persistence. You have those things in spades, but it is still a rocky old ride to get a handle on it. (I’m still working on it).

    Hello Lindsay and Lake Tekapo. I hope it is a lovely day.
    I know how miseries do colour everything, and I am sending even more good wishes.
    I have also thought about how these pandemic times may help us to slow down and make good changes. Apparently Bunnings is selling out of seedlings! That is much nicer panic buying, haha. And so fascinating to see cities lose pollution, and Venice full of clear water and swans.
    The economic damage is going to hurt people terribly, and I fear to hear what is happening to so many wage earners and businesses, but I have loved hearing of pubs getting into gear to provide meals to homes, and orchestras live streaming etc.

    Best wishes all.

    I find myself wanting to be an ostrich about COVID-19, esp the craziness around shopping. I’d much rather focus on thoughts of Lindsay and a beautiful NZ holiday and other pretty mental pictures.

    So on that note, has anyone else’s garden decided to go spring-like following the recent rain? Mine has gone from dying (we’ve lost gum trees) to flowering and putting on a a growth spurt. It’s like the plants are making up for lost time. Not that I’m complaining, mind.

    I lived in Florida recently for 2 years. It’s a concealed carry state, meaning you just don’t know who might be carrying a firearm. I enjoyed living there but I really do prefer the Ausssie attitude towards guns!

    Thanks cinque. I do like the monthyl challenges – they help keep me mindful. I wish I could report that I feel light and lovely. I don’t. But at least I’m still posting and not gaining any weight. I’ve plateaued but when I’m honest with myself I should be grateful because I’ve not been diligently following 5:2. FD tomorrow tho!

    stay safe, all.

    Good morning all.

    I managed to dash to the shops (on foot) early and get some lamb chops and cheese that went o n sale today. Then I had a bit of a wait until the other shops opened at 9 so I could get some T2 tea and a bottle of wine as birthday presents (I have 4 family birthdays over 2 weeks in March.) My great nephew was worried I’d already be isolating and he’d miss out on a cake. But I’m making it early and will drop it off this Thursday and will be delivering all birthday gifts early too.
    My doctors tell me I still have 1-2 weeks before being in public becomes a real risk to me. At present the risk is still low because the number of infected people in SA is still very low. Within a fortnight I will start severely limiting my excursions. As advised, I am being very thorough with the iodine nasal swabs and throat gargle before leaving the house and repeating that as soon as I come home again. I am being sensible about going when shops are normally quiet and only for necessary shopping.
    I was a bit shocked at the Dan Murphy store where I bought the bottle of shiraz – a lot of people filling trolleys with alcohol. Looks like they are going to drink themselves into a stupor during the isolation.

    On the gun issue, I grew up in a rural area where owning a shotgun was common. I remember how many feral foxes and rabbits needed to be culled regularly on my uncle’s farm so there was something left for the sheep to eat. I also remember going spotlighting with him and my dad at night to help with the cull. I don’t like guns in urban areas though, as I can see no practical lawful reason for them to be there are they are mostly just an unnecessary danger to life.

    Penz, we’ve had some warm days here over the last fortnight and my veggie patch has gone nuts. I’ve just delivered a bag of cherry tomatoes and green beans to all my neighbours as I can’t keep up to the bounty.
    Glad you’ve had some things flourishing in the garden after the drought impact.

    Neil, sorry you have such miserly scales, bu as your say at least it’s not a gain.

    Lindsay, NZ south island is one of my favourite places in the world, just so beautiful. I hope your travels there lift your mood.

    Cali, very glad to hear that your sister is able to work from home, that will really lower your household risk level. Lovely to have good neighbours who offer support.

    Thin, having a mobile home mean that if one area is a particular hot spot for the virus you can just sail past. I hope you enjoy your boating isolation.

    Betsy, I think the TP issue is worse in Melbourne and Sydney. There is definitely some on the shelves here each morning for the first 1-2 hours of the day. Eventually the hoarders will have enough and the rest of you will find some on the shelves. If you return in a few days during the dedicated 1 hour session you might find there is some. I too am rationing myself to 3 sheets and I think rolls are lasting at least 3 times as long – it show me just how cavalier I normally am with TP use.

    Anzac, the only way to find meat (and other things) is to go early. The shelves are stripped some things, including most meat by 9am. The butcher’s shop at the shopping centre near me is doing more trade than usual, but they have put their prices up – $18kg for beef mince (they are a pricey place to buy meat anyway but have definitely raised prices in the last week). Luckily I had bought and frozen a kilo pack of lean beef mince the week before so I didn’t need to pay those prices.
    Sounds like you have a lovely relaxing weekend, although it would have been nice to catch up with forum friends – Maxx would have liked to have a playmate too.
    I hope being at home doesn’t derail the diet.

    Cinque, glad your daughter was able to buy what you needed. The closer to “lockdown” that we get, the earlier in the day things seem to sell out.
    So nice that you got your new fridge-freezer when you did and can have a store of frozen home cooked meals ready. I’m rather glad I got in that big supply of legumes a few weeks ago.

    Hello to everyone I’ve missed. Hope you are all well.

    I started my previous post “good morning”. Shows you how long it took me to finish writing and post as it’s now 1:15 here!

    Hi all, hope you’re doing well. FD here, and doing okay. Needed it after yesterday’s indulgence. I didn’t mention that the “dessert” was an iced, cheesecake doughnut. Being realistic, that alone was probably 700-800 cals. That’s okay, won’t be doing it again for a long time.

    Anzac65, I was the one warning you to be “good” on your WFH days. Disappointing that your meet up with your Canberra labrador friend didn’t happen, but it sounds like you had a good time anyway. Hope your DH’s back settles quickly.

    LJoyce, good to hear from you. I expect at least one post daily, so wondered where you were yesterday 🙂 .

    Re TP, it seems like the supermarkets are doing better with the elderly/infirm early start, and there were pictures on the news of many happy older faces.

    @califdreamer, I’ve also been touched by the kindness of neighbours – there was a lovely little letter and picture from the two little girls across the road, asking if I was okay; I spoke with the mother, thanking her, and she said if I need anything, just to ask. Very kind.

    Penz, my garden is also blossoming. Beautiful.

    LindsayL, if you can’t vent to us, where can you? It’s fine.

    Cinque, with the announcement this morning re no inside gatherings over 100, my church has now moved to a completely online platform for the time being. It’s going to be strange. Smaller groups can still meet.
    I patted my scales this morning – they’re still behaving, despite my doughnut. Not sure how much I’ll lose by the weekend, but with a FD today, FD800 tomorrow, and possibly another FD Friday, I’m hoping they will stay kind.

    Okay, enough for now. Keep well everyone.

    Lindsay, big hug to you, I hope you feel happier soon.

    Neil, that ballad of Dunny Roll that you posted above was funny.

    Penz, where did you live in Florida?

    I watched the BBC news for the first time since arriving in England last night. I am very impressed with the UK government’s bold and decisive approach and how they are delivering daily information to the nation. They too, likened it to war time. Unfortunately, all the other side could manage was to turn it into a political issue and whinge about the measures announced. I find that so tiresome – even the Scottish reporter was throwing in her personal assessment. We’ve had the election, now let them get on with what the people have entrusted them to do. If you don’t like it, vote them out.

    Anzac, sorry about your friend not being able to make it but pleased you had a relaxing weekend.

    I tend to agree that isolation is not all bad news. It’s a chance to get things done around the home, catch up on unread books, talk to the people you live with, cook delicious nutritious meals and freeze portions (if you’re lucky enough to have a freezer), plant a garden and generally get back to basics.

    Happy Thursday everyone,
    Just gone 8am here (but it might be 1:15pm by the time I post too LJoyce 😉 )

    Delicious day after fast day for me. I had a good fast day and I am passing the baton to you Penz. Hope you can rock it. Just one day.

    We didn’t get the same rain in Melbourne so my garden is just doing it’s usual end of summer stuff with me racing against the powdery mildew on the zucchini leaves, but getting produce every day. No need to go veggie shopping while I have tomatoes, chilies, zucchini, eggplant, beans and greens!

    I worried that I was running out of protein but when I checked I realised I had eggs and cheese in the fridge, beans, lentils and yuba in the pantry, mince, felafel, 3 big Greek sausages and dried shrimp in the freezer. Haha.

    LJoyce, Adelaide is nicely trailing the big Eastern cities with Covid19 numbers. It is like a duckling about to jump off a wall, deciding when to put stricter measures in. Same for the governments. I think we are a couple of weeks ahead of you, and today will be the last time I see my granddaughters until it feels safe again.

    Betsy, hoping you are feeling light and lovely this morning. And I also hope that doughnut doesn’t do that cosmic trick of leaping forward in time and adding grams to you tomorrow.
    I bet your church finds lovely and creative ways for people to look after each other. I like that the term ‘spatial distancing’ has been suggested, rather than ‘social distancing’ as we can still be social without physical proximity.

    Hi Thin, what better way to ride out a pandemic, than on a long boat.

    Well I have been fairly quick and efficient, may it continue!

    Best wishes to everyone.

    Good morning.

    I have put the birthday cake in the oven (banana and pecan) and am now having a cup of tea while I have a chat to you guys.

    Betsy, I had a similar experience with the young couple who live next door to me. They came over on Tuesday night and said if I needed any help to let them know and left me with both of their mobile numbers. They did the same thing for the other older people who live alone in our street. Doesn’t it bring joy to your heart when people are so thoughtful. Makes me very glad I chose this house to buy and was lucky enough to acquire such good neighbours.

    Thin, where are you planning to plant that garden? Sorry, I was just having a chuckle imagining all the pots on the roof of the barge and making sure none toppled off when the boat moves.

    Happily I got through a FD800 yesterday. I’m struggling with my NFDs at the moment – I think influenced by the drama in the world at present. So in addition to two normal FDs I’m adding an 800cal one if my NFDs justify it.

    I have babysitting tonight. I’m not sure how much longer it’s safe for me to continue with it but I hope I have another week or maybe two before community spread makes it too dangerous.

    Good morning Cinque, we crossed posts. Have a lovely time with the grandies – lots of hugs to make up for the lean times where won’t be any. Are you able to skype with them when you can’t see them in person?

    Morning all. Well it looks like all the talk is about the Coronavirus at the moment. I’d prefer to talk about other things as a distraction.

    I picked the last of our plums the other day and so we have about 20 kilos of plums floating around the house. I’m going to make some plum sauce and maybe bottle up some, then the rest will be given away to the neighbours. We’ve also bottled up the pears and apples that we picked up on our trip to Middlemarch.

    My mum is having a home visit with the occupational therapist today to check out access and safety in things like the bathroom and outside stairs and then may be home by the end of the week. We’re having my dad over for dinner tonight as we’ve got a big load of beef brisket in the slow cooker for tonight and it’s more than we’ll eat.

    Have a great day everyone, and I challenge you to make your next posts without mentioning Covid19 at all 😉

    Ha ha, thanks for the baton, Cinque. I usually try and do a water (read: coffee) only FD but I just had to have a ham, cheese and tomato toastie this morning. That will well and truly do me for the day and won’t bust the FD limit.

    Thin – we were in Tampa, south south Tampa! Loved it.

    Is it bad to sort of hope to be made to work from home?* I know the dogs would love it… I would too! I’ve always been easy with my own company, and if hubby is sent home too, it would be a lovely sort of enforced holiday. [*And I certainly don’t want to make light of those people who have been forced into self-isolation or quarantine, or who are otherwise struggling during these challenging times.]

    Loved the idea of you patting your scales, Betsy. Hope it returned the kindness of your gesture! I think mine groans when I thumpily stand on it! Which I’ve not done for some weeks….

    sorry Neil. I’ll rise to your challenge tomorrow!! Enjoy the brisket.

    Good evening all. Managed my FD800 today….. so far. Unfortunately I bought 3 bananas to use in a banana cake and they needed to be cooked today, so the siren call of freshly baked cake is wafting in my direction at the moment, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to resist it. Whether or not, the rest (oops, seems like I’ve decided I’ll be “falling”!) will be frozen in reasonable serving-sized pieces for later consumption.

    Went across the road to the neighbours early evening with Easter Kinder Surprises and Coles “Stikeez” (or however you spell it!) toys for the kids over there. Said they could only eat the chocolate when their parents say it’s okay, which dimmed the joy somewhat, but they were also thrilled with the Stikeez, so they can have something now.

    Visited my local shopping mall late morning to catch up with a friend, and enjoyed being able to meet and chat. Had a good wander around, but only bought a few things at Woollies (not much). Tomorrow will be another “proper” FD, so Cinque, I’ll see whether I’ll be patting the scales again, or smashing them with a hammer on Saturday 🙂 Seriously, only expect to lose a few hundred gms, but that’s still downward, so it’ll be okay. I’ll shout it from the rooftops if it’s more, you can be sure of that.

    Neilithicman, glad I’m not one of your neighbours being gifted with plums, as for some reason I just don’t like them much. Think they’re a bit tart in taste for me. Hope there won’t have to be too many changes before your mother can return home from hospital.

    LJoyce, great that you have such kind neighbours. It’s encouraging.

    Thin – question – how can you catch up with unread books when you disposed of most of your books and you’re living on a houseboat? Do you have a lot unread on Kindle?

    Okay, Neil, do I win your “prize”? Sleep peacefully everyone.

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