Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,925 replies, has 832 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 3 days, 6 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 9,301 through 9,350 (of 28,029 total)

  • Hello lovely ones!
    Beth, don’t go away. Often we quieten down quickly and are so keen to have people to chat with! And we are getting to know you and are keen to hear how things are going.

    Merelly! Welcome! Your post crossed my last one! It takes a few minutes before the posts can be seen (that is the window where you have time to edit) so yours hadn’t appeared. Let us know how your Day 1 went!

    Hi Arawajo too! My tip would be to remember that the first few fast days tend to be fact finding tours! You find out if fasting is easy or hard, whether or not you get narky, when are the hardest hours, if you are likely to blow your fast, how people around you react, whether fasting on a work day is a good thing or a bad thing, what foods suit you best, what eating times suit you best, whether you get cold, or a headache, or surprising amounts of energy! etc etc! So do them, and learn!

    Woot congratulations you weight losers! Lovely!

    I am just being quick as I have had such a busy day I need to go and blob out!
    Bye all!

    Hi all,

    I live in Melbourne and did my first fast day today!
    All went well, was feeling a bit light headed at times & spacey but surprised that no great big hunger really came.
    Until just after dinner 7.30pm when I got up to tidy the kitchen & I opened a cupboard where some sultanas stood & voila! Handfuls of sultanas got consumed in a matter of seconds! I can’t believe it! I don’t even eat them normally cause they upset my stomach😬

    I think I must have over done it, after I dropped my kid at school I cycled of to metafit & then back home again where I cleaned the house, cyckled to the shop & then went and dropped kid of on bikes at gym class & then back to pick her up again. Must have been some weird instant sugar-carbs craving that happened, I just can’t believe it, I was so close.

    Did this ever happend to anyone else at the end of fast day?


    Hi Everyone, welcome to the Newbies!

    I’m going to make this very simple and say straight up that I can’t keep up with replying to everyone’s personal happenings and answer all the questions, BUT, I read all the posts, and think of you individually as I go through. I have some memory damage, am not very techie, and so please know that if I don’t respond to everything that it doesn’t mean I’m just interested in my own thing and nobody else’s.

    So………. welcome to all the newbies again. I’d suggest you do these things:

    1. get and read The Fast Diet by Dr Michael Mosely and Mimi Spencer,

    2. forum member ‘simcoeluv’ has written an excellent introduction for new people. You’ll find it under “Info for Newbies” or someone more able will write the link to it for you. Read the opening post. You don’t need to read all the other posts.

    3. Keep a record; weigh yourself first thing in the morning after waking, naked after going to the loo. measure your body

    4. there are no set foods. You can eat what you like. look at what you eat and pick out the things that are on the lower calorie end and look at how you can use these on a fast DAY.

    5. stay on the forum

    6. Know that this is do-able, normalisation of your weight and size is achieveable, improvement in your health is achievable,

    Onwards and downwards,

    Check in: back home, a fast day (FD) and I’ve gone over a bit – maybe 800cal max. been travelling all day, so a bit all over the place, and ate at 4pm, 2 hrs earlier than I usually do, but had the opportunity to have some fish and salad and knew there was no food at home, but ended up finding something in the freezer for OH when we got here, and had a bit too.

    I have no idea what the scales will say in the morning, and usually it takes a couple of days till the fluid has settled back into a normal pattern, and my true weight shows itself.

    I’m expecting it to be a bit up on what I’d hoped after having to not do last Thursday’s FD due to feeling quite unwell while still looking after the 2 littlies. but ce la vie, it is what it is.

    Time to go to bed,

    Hi everyone! Looks like it has been a busy day here on the forum. So many people going through this together, that’s awesome.
    Froggy35: I was under 500 cal yestersay until ~10pm where I opened a kids’ rice craker snack pack πŸ™ I guess we need to learn not only how to deal with our stomac but also how to deal with our brain, there is a reason why we’re here I guess!!

    My first day after FD didn’t go too well. I’m still low on total calories, but I’ve had sweets all.day.long with tons of morning teas etc going on at work. Grr me. At least I packed my lunch yesterday so had the cauliflower soup **thanks for sending the link to yummy and super easy receipes!** planning food ahead of time is clearly a great idea…
    I’m already thinking about tomorrow’s lunch box.

    Good evening/night everyone!

    Welcome home Merry, good to have you back!!

    ‘eloelo, I’m so stoked that you like the cauliflower soup! It’s my FD staple. Freezes well. Welcome Froggy! Welcome home Merry, good tips from you and Cinque for our newbies.

    Day One finished and early morning next day and feeling a bit peckish!! Thanks for the welcome Cinque.

    I found Fast Day a great day to do housework and a hard yoga session really helped the day slip by.
    I know you are supposed to give yourself a break from food but had a few coffees with a tablespoon of milk 12.5cals to get myself through. Where do I find these recipes you are talking about?

    simcoelov I’ll find that “Intro to newbies’ today and have a read. Fast Cook by Mimmi Spencer is going to be my go to reference for FD but I’ll have to cook it the day before as I didn’t have the willpower to cook yesterday – too tempting. Just a quick omelette and veg was my safe option.


    Hi simcoeluv,
    Thanks for the link to your post and welcome. Thanks too Merryme for alerting me to it as well.
    Cheers, Merrelly

    Hi All, Hope you are all doing very well & feeling happy within yourselves.
    Hope you newbies are feeling good.

    I had my FD yesterday. Thought I did really well as I was hardly hungry because I was so busy at work but got on the scales this morning & there is no change unfortunately. So I will be eating lightly today just to make myself feel a bit better.


    Trying again today for a FD. Going to save up the calories for a meal at the end of the day

    My weight is going up and down like a yoyo. I think I’m either a bit constipated/fluid and im gaining muscle. My body fat is keeping on going down – today I was 31.6% and weight was 74.2. Hopefully today’s fast will well and truly crack the 74 for good

    I too can’t respond to all messages personally. But thank you all for the encouraging posts. Helps give me the motivation to keep on going and not give up. Going off now to read the newbie post

    Cheers everyone!!

    Welcome back Merry. You took the words right out of my mouth as they say. As I mentioned in a previous post I feel overwhelmed at times with the amount of posts and guilty that I don’t feel able to reply to them individually.

    When I was working in my high powered job of running the life of a multi-millionaire, which seems like 100 years ago. I was always on top of my game but since my life crisis I have lost my self-confidence and feel like I have nothing to contribute to life.

    Being on this forum has given me a purpose and accountability. The fact that people are returning means that somewhere along the way this WOL has also triggered something in them. It’s like trying to give up smoking, some can do it on the first go but others need multiple attempts. No matter the whys, how’s etc to be brave enough to keep going and admit the struggle is a huge achievement in itself.

    Even though we are surrounded by people day in and day out, If our struggles can connect with just one person and help them get through whatever struggles they are facing hooray for this forum. Whether we choose to post daily, weekly or whatever, I think the key is to just stay plugged in and read other people’s challenges and know that you are not alone.

    FD today, weight this morning 67.5.

    Good morning everyone! It is a beautiful sunny Melbourne morning (looking out the window) but the forecast is for cold and a chilly wind, and they are probably right!

    Best wishes to everyone for a good day. It is so nice to pop on and read all the new posts.

    Welcome Froggy! I have all sorts of trouble on non fast days, but (relief!) I have always managed to make it through fast days. (Or is my memory so bad I have forgotten a time I messed up?) Well I hope you really enjoyed the sultanas and also can work out a way to get through that tricky time next Fast Day.

    Welcome home Merry!

    I have been troubleshooting for my project so I am exhausted, but I have worked it out now I think. New step today.
    It is a non fast day and I need to not get so tired and have nothing in the fridge and eat junk! Note to self!

    I will succeed.

    Best wishes all!

    Best wishes to all. I don’t post regularly but lurk and gain sustenance from reading and knowing that lots of others are on the same 5:2 way of life.

    With 5:2 I lost 17 kgs two years ago and now maintain in a 4 kg range. This range is too big, and I am still working on reducing my maintenance range to 1-2 kg. I am happy that I stay a size 12 and am Fasting for my health. I still fast 5:2 and will always need to for both health and weight control.

    I am fasting today, and it does wonders for the house cleaning. 😬😬

    I admire those of you who support all the newbies on this thread. It takes a lot of personal time to write to each person individually. Really, we all do the best we can do at any time. And this thread is so supportive and happy to cheer each other on.

    Thank you to the regular posters, you know who you are. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸŒΊπŸŒΊ

    Cheers, Bay

    Hi All, Day 1 completed yesterday with not too much bother. Couldn’t wait for breakfast today though. I actually dreamt of avocado on toast!
    A couple asked what made me leave the 5:2 way of life. I guess when I started I was just looking for a quick fix. I lost a couple to kilos then went back to my old ways.
    My 16yr old son is suffering badly from depression at the moment and I just feel so helpless and worried.
    I decided if I am going to be a good support for him I need to get my own health in order – which means making exercise a priority and adopting 5:2 as a permanent way of life. Also having a couple of glasses of wine occasionally had turned into most nights – and fast days will hopefully help with breaking that habit.
    Thanks for reading.

    Have a lovely day everyone xx

    Good morning all, long termers, been here a whiles, readers, lurkers, and newbies of course,
    Thanks Turn!

    Check in 1st: 65.2kgs up 0.7 from when I left 3 weeks ago. My goal, as always when away, is to come home the same as when I left, so given the Missing FD when nit well Thursday, and a bit over on FAd yesterday that’s pretty much what I expected. In fact it’s a bit better than I expected. I’m really looking forward to getting back to my own food. I had a good time away despite looking after sick children and catching the virus from them. So lovely to see the littlies and spend time with my daughter. I now have about 5 weeks to go till we go away again, this time also to Hawaii and California as well, getting back in time for the Christmas rush.

    Thinking aloud: I’ve never set dates for my goals. I want this weight loss, weight normalisation, to be sustainable. For me that means doing it while living a normal life and dealing with Capital L life happenings and normal celebrations along the way. So…. This next 5weeks is all I have to reach my next mini goals and my final goal weight of 62kgs. My mini- goals are simply 64.5, where I left off, then 64, 63, 62kgs, so -3.2kgs in all. That’s an average of 640gms a week. Hmmm…. That’s faster than my usual long term loss which is 400gms per week, which is close to the average stats for females long term on 5:2 which is 1lb or 450gms. Then again, I’m doing this sedentary, so 400 is pretty good when I can’t exercise to ramp up metabolism.

    My TDEE for 65kgs is 1470cals and 1/4 of that is 368cals.
    My goal weight is 62kgs, with TDEE of 1440 and 1/4 of that is 360cals, so setting my FD calories at that – 360cals.
    I know that doing 4:3 doesn’t add a big amount of weight loss for the extra day – the stats say 100gms, so not doing that, and I don’t think I could do it anyway, and total 0 cal fasts is a step too far for me too, so……….final conclusion of this ruminating is:

    1. 5 weeks doing FDs on Mon and Thursdays, with all 360cals in 1 meal at 6pm
    2. Doing my usual 16:8 days on nonFDs., not eating till at 12noon, then eating in an 8hr window
    3. Don’t get too tired. Walk away from the kitchen and go downstairs by 9.30pm.
    4. Be organised, so I don’t get stressed about lack of time to do things.
    5. Take 1 day at a time.
    6. Pre-emptive resting so I don’t go out of my energy envelope (ME/CFS strategy)
    7. Drink plenty of fluid especially water.
    8. Keep things in perspective. Be content with where I am at the end of the 5weeks. 62kgs/final goal would be good but if it’s not, it’s not the end of the world.

    Enough from me – lot’s of things to pace myself through today.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Oh my goodness, lots of lovely posts while I was writing! Thank you, it’s lovely to be homeπŸ™‚
    Thanks for the link for our newbies simcoeluvπŸ™‚

    Cinque – pre -emptive resting!! Repeat after me ‘I will not plan too much to do. I will not get too tired’

    Intesha – I’ll be in touch. We will get together and do these last kilos together and we will stop pfaffing around on the same few kilos!

    Cheers all

    Merry you are always such an inspiration. I look forward to catching up with you and getting rid of these last few pesky kgs.

    My goal when I started was to lose 10kg, now 20kg later can’t believe I’m setting lower goals. It’s always a work in progress.

    Thanks for popping in bay.

    Thanks Merry! I am trying! It is one of those things where getting it organised relieves me more than a rest could.
    But I will lie down before I go out!

    Jenmac my heart goes out to you. When my daughter was 16 I found that she had been cutting herself. She was in a bad place. It was the most frightening time of my life.
    Good idea to focus on your own health! All power to you! And all good wishes to your son through this hard time.

    Hi Jenmac, I’m thinking of you with love. My brother suffered from severe depression. Look after yourself and then you will be able to look after him.
    Lovely day here today a change from the incessant rain of late. Even managed to get a bit of gardening done and a lovely walk around the wetlands with our wee foxy.
    Work for the next 3 day, Early morning starts which is always hard(4.30)think I’ll fast again tomorrow. Fasted Monday, 800 cals approx today so am well pleased.

    Thanks for sharing why you took a break from 5:2 jenmac. I think you’re so right, 5:2 has to become a way of life, it can’t be just a quick weight loss fix. I’ve lost large amounts of weight twice in the past and then immediately resumed my old ways of eating all the foods I’d felt deprived of (sorry, that’s terrible grammar). I’d ‘get away with it’ at first but then that runaway train took me right back to where I started and then some stations beyond. Hurray for a sustainable way of eating for life! We have the tools now.

    So sorry to hear about your teenage son. Getting yourself into a healthy state is such a positive step you are taking for both of you and I applaud you for cutting back on the alcohol and being the best possible role model you can be to a vulnerable young man.

    Cinque, I have a long-term friend whose daughter was a cutter. It’s awful. There’s so much pressure on young people today. That young lady has finally got her life on track but it’s taken its toll on my friend over many years in more ways than one.

    Hello everyone else! Well done to all the losers.

    Hi All,

    jenmac, thank you for sharing your experience with 5:2! I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a child who is self harming. I don’t have any kids, though I do have a friend whose arms are fully covered in cut scars multiple times over in each spot all up, down and all around arms. I’ve met this young woman fairly recently and learned she was able to get help and find her way through. What is heartening for me is that she a lovely, sensitive, intelligent young lady who I very much respect. I too honor the difficulties that young people face which feels monumental compared to those when I was growing up.

    Merry, I so love your post about your plans. What you wrote is such a good reminder for me. I breathed a sigh of relief as I read point #8 as I sit here I’ve been on my own case for my weight gyrating up and down so much since reaching ‘goal’. I have to remember that the real goal for me is to simply continue 5:2 and be happy that I’m doing that! …And Merry, good on you for also incorporating 16:8!!

    I’ve read everyone’s posts, though won’t comment on all since the group is larger. Know that I love reading all the posts and I too miss your posts Beth! I hope you are reading this!

    FD for me tomorrow. I need it! This week will be another 5:2 week, so will be choosing a second day, yet to be decided! …That’s how I am! I chop and change my FDs each week! Oh well!

    Hi all, Thinking of you all with love and strength for all of you on here with loved ones facing depression, I sadly lost my bother to this hideous condition just a few years ago so am feeling for you. Being there for them is often enough even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time, it’s so hard when they push away the ones they love, that hurts.

    I know you asked about taking a break from 5:2 Thin, and I know I did but it wasn’t planned, it was just all those bad habits that have been with us for so long just seem to slowly (at first!) creep back in and then it is just so easy to give in and before you know it you are right back where you started!!! Travelling and holidays are my downfall, the cycle always seems to be the same of getting the weight off and getting into shape for the holiday, only to enjoy the holiday with all the old habits in tow, come home and discover the kilos have piled on and I have to start all over again. It’s so demoralizing!!! I am determined to not let that happen again next year, our long haul flights are already booked and we are away for three months so I will have to purchase some travel scales.!! (Will need some advice on this one) It just seems so difficult to say no to food and drink whilst I am on holiday, but will have to be more strong willed. We are going to be doing a lot of walking and cycling so that should help, I hope to be maintaining by the time we leave as well.

    It’s so lovely being part of this forum, where so many people give so much of their time to help and encourage others along their journey, I am like so many others and couldn’t possibly respond to so many posts, but read them avidly and take so many of the tips on board like always leaving the large water glass full for my next drink and always taking the measurements, I personally only have the one meal on fast days, usually around 6pm and usually keep a hard boiled egg in the fridge for any late night hunger pangs, but don’t get that so much now, if I am hungry at bedtime I usually have a couple of almonds or Brazil nuts. Also I have had to learn that everyone is different and we all approach and deal with this WOL very differently, so what suits one does not necessarily suit another, but it does become a way of life for all of us.

    On that note, I’ll say goodnight from another rainy night in NZ,


    Hello to all. It is fabulous to read about everyone at the end of the day. So sorry to hear from all those sharing the live of suffering loved ones. Daughter, son, close friends: mental health issues are so hard both on depressed people and on on families!
    My heart goes out to you and I hope it goes better and they find peace.

    I also understand the struggle of falling off the tracks and going back to old habits. I am very hopeful that reading everyone messages daily will keep me around, motivated and accountable. Today was a bit of a disaster, I started really well and clocked only 200-300 calories until I came back home and glutton-ed. Oops. I am still under 1200 which is my daily allowance, but I don’t think I’m supposed to eat 900 cal in 3hrs.

    So tomorrow will be my second FD, week 1. I can’t do 1/4 of my daily calory as it’s too little for me, but I’ll try and stay under 500 calories. Good luck to everyone, and especially those on a FD tomorrow! Xx

    Morning everyone

    FD yesterday -ate more than my allowed calories but the scales did show a loss. Today’s weight 73.5.

    Depression/ anxiety is such a big part of our society these days. I have a daughter about to start her final year 12 exams tomorrow with extreme anxiety. She’s done amazingly well to get this far. Our mantra for year 12 has just been to survive it and take one day at a time. Not sure what next year holds but having this year behind us is a real cause for celebration. I know she can do great things.

    Anyway onwards and upwards !! Good luck for those fasting today. I’m finding the day after I have to be careful – if I eat too much – it will all just show again on the scales tomorrow. Sometimes I just want to throw those blasted scales out the window !!!😁😁😁

    I know what you mean about those blasted scales Stephy, I had a FD on Mon and light day yesterday and they are back up in the 74’s which I thought I’d missed out on!! Sure after another good FD tomorrow and mindful eating the next few, I’ll be back on track by next Mon! Hope so, I really need to do this and this forum keeps me so motivated.

    Out for a walk now, just hope the rains stays off, they have a heap of snow in Queenstown/Arrowtown today!!!!! Spring weather eh!!

    Have a happy day everyone, fasters especially. Turn

    Good morning, lovely sunny day here in a Sydney.

    Oh Turn that bought back memories of when I was in NZ quite a few years ago and it was October. I was on a train and before we entered this tunnel it was cold but clear, coming out the other end it was snowing. The train stopped at the next station briefly so that we could get out and experience it. It was wonderful and we all got back on covered in snow. Ah memories.

    I agree about the scales they become an obsession and it’s really not an indication of what is happening on the inside. I think we tend to forget about all the benefits that this WOL is doing to our internal organs because we get so fixated on that number. I have to keep looking at myself in the mirror, which I now do several times a day, just to keep reminding myself how far I’ve come. I also talk to myself and say ‘you’re looking good for an old girl’……..

    Eloelo, the fact that you are mindful of what you are eating is an achievement in itself. It took us awhile to get to this point so it’s going to take just as long to retrain our brain and stomachs to eat less and make better choices. It took me 3 months to believe I could do it even though I was steadily losing weight.

    Last Saturday I recorded my lowest weight of 67, went out socialising and weighed 67.7 on Sunday. Have had two FD’s since and weight this morning 67.2.

    Intesha – I’m glad to hear someone else’s weight is going up and down. Mines doing similiar to yours!!!

    and I agree with mindful eating – listening to your body definitely helps!!


    Turn, thanks for your post explaining your break from 5:2. This really helped me as I was tempted to skip my FD today. Maintenance is a precarious place to be. After two weeks of 5:2, I’m back at the lower end of my range, well off my trigger weight. So I thought I’d revert to 6:1 this week. Then I read your post last night and decided I’d stick to 5:2.

    Lael, I admire how you have found an easy flexibility in switching between 6:1 and 5:2. I find I’m quite rigid and seem to need a definite routine. My fear is that if I don’t do the extra FD for drill, it’ll be too easy for the old habits to creep in. I know Bay does 5:2 for life. But with two fasts per week, I lose too much weight. Perhaps I need a semi-fast on the second FD. It seems there should be some kind of reward once goal weight is achieved. And of course there is, it’s just that the inner health benefits aren’t immediately obvious.

    Turn, I bought my travel scales on-line from a shop in Melbourne. They’re called Veretti and they’ve been great. I can’t find the place right now but the Petit Mignon scales are also very popular if a lot more expensive. Read about them here (although this place is out of stock): https://foxandmonocle.com/shop/petit-mignon-bathroom-travel-scales-yellow. I don’t leave home without them.

    Good luck to your daughter for the exams tomorrow Stephy. It’ll be great to have that chapter behind you.

    Hi Merry & Intesha. Looking forward to hearing about your meeting and how you’re knocking off the last few kgs together.

    All the best to everyone else especially the Wednesday fasters.

    Today is my second FD and it’s more difficult at work than it was at home on Sunday.
    I guess I munch in front of my computer usually? Hello reality check and unconscient stress eating?

    Anyway, I’m focusing on the goal and reading the latest posts for support, as a reminder of shared struggle s and success, to keep me motivated.
    Travel scales seem like a good investment, I don’t have one anymore but I’ll check the link you posted Thin. When I was pregnant with my first child, my ob-gyn told me to never go anywhere more than 1 night without a scale. It was in France, where they shame to death pregnant women if you gain weight πŸ™
    Great piece of advice though!!

    Do you all have a scale that counts the fat? Was it expensive, and are you happy you bought one?
    In the book it is often mentioned how much fat you can loose but I haven’t decided to buy anything special for this diet apart from the book… Let me know what you think!

    Hi eloeochat, this is my second fast day also and it seems way harder than the first one.
    My work colleague is eating soup and whilst that wouldn’t normally tempt me, it smells sooo good……
    Bring on breakfast!

    Oh Jenmac, I would definitely eat a bowl of soup right now.
    I am going to make myself a cup of tea and wait for the feeling to go away… Knowing that you’re watching that space, I’ll try to behave πŸ™‚
    This afternoon I have to mark students’ posters so hopefully that will keep my mind busy and distracted. I even brought my gym bag to hopefully use the gym this afternoon! I have a free membership at my Uni, so really I’m not sure what my excuse is for not using it!

    It is hard in your first few weeks but in the beginning I spread my 500 calories over the day until I felt comfortable with not having anything until the pm.

    There are soups that you can buy called La Zuppa and only 23 calories. They are really nice and are liquid, you just add 250ml boiling water. I am going to have one now and it’s not an FD.

    Good morning, hello from Perth. I have started the 5:2 on Monday, after reading a success story on a blog and doing a heap of research on the net, as well as watching Dr Mosely’s doco.
    I am 49 years old and wish to lose about 10kgs, which has crept on over the last 10 years. My biggest vice is wine! I love it but it has to go (at least during the week). I did my first fast on Monday and have been trying to keep the kj’s over last couple of days by tracking on myfitnesspal.com. I am trying to keep to 1500 calories on the alternative days.
    I am hoping this will fit in with my family, I have a husband and 12 year old daughter. I plan to cut out on the carbs on the fast day so I can still eat the main meal with them, with salad or veges instead of the more kilojoule dense foods. I don’t want to give my daughter bad messages about food and have explained that I just want to get healthier and fitter so I can do lots of active stuff with her in the future. My husband is supportive and happy to cut down on the kilojoules a bit as well, in the hope he may lose a few kilos.
    Anyway, it is nice to find this community, hope to talk soon and have some positive results.

    Welcome Paramau. The fact that you will be eating lots of healthier foods will be an inspiration to your daughter and she will be very proud of her new slimmer Mum.

    The soup I am having now is Chicken & Vegetable with Wholegrain Brown Rice. 99%fat free, all natural, gluten and dairy free. I usually stock up when they come on special but they are very tasty.

    Hi Paramau,

    Don’t be scared of fats. They have been demonised unfairly. However be scared of processed carbs. But I suspect you already know that having watched Dr MM youtube clips. So try and limit all processed grain based carbs such as bread, pasta, pizza, rice and starchy veggies like potatoes.

    OK so your vice is wine. Lets put this into perspective. Alcohol has 7 cal per gram. How many glasses of wine do you have? I’ll guess 2 per day and the glass is 200mL. I’ll assume the alcohol content is 15% So 200ml x 15% = 30ml, so that’s 24 grams of alcohol. 24 x 2 x 7 days = 336grams of alcohol per week. So that’s a total of 2352 calories for the week just from wine drinking. You burn about 1 calorie a minute just sitting down. So if you sit down and NOT eat anything for the next 39 hours you will have burned off all those calories from those glasses of wine. Do you still want that glass of wine??

    Thanks Intesha and bigbooty for your welcome. I should have mentioned that I tried the LCHF for a while, so I am aware of the processed carbs/sugar issue and am not scared of fats. The answer to your question bigbooty, is yes, of course I do! But I will keep it to the weekends πŸ™‚

    Yes please I still want that glass of wine.

    This is not a diet, we have 5 days that we can have what we want without feeling guilty. Yes, along the way we probably will make better choices but, this is supposed to be a programme that we can live with. If too many restrictions are placed on us then we will become bored, complacent, feel like we are missing out, and then we will become another statistic, one of failure again. As MM says have your two days alcohol free, and your fast days are great for that, to compensate for other days when you feel like alcohol why not try the intermittent training three times a week.

    Opps, I guess you can tell I am from Australia – Darwin to be exact and it’s bloody hot here and a well chilled glass of wine is something to look forward too after work. And yes I am new to this too, I don’t always drink (maybe three times a week give or take a day, depending on life) but I don’t want to be made guilty when I do want one. Cheers, and have a great day everyone.

    Sorry guys, so new to 5:2 and this site my post went on the wrong subject!

    Hi Merri, I’m new too, I thought your post was very relevant to my comment! It gets damn hot here in Perth too and a glass of SSB with some ice is almost as close to heaven as it gets. I’m going to try mixing with soda water (an old trick) as well. Clever hey?

    Hello everyone I am in Adelaide and have recently started back on this Way Of Live, in 2015 i lost about 5 kg but have since put it back on and more.

    Looking at trying to loose about 9kg, did my first fast day on Monday, which I did not eat anything (only fluid) i find this much easier as i get more hungry if i eat anything.

    Would love to be a bit slimmer before xmas as off to the Gold Coast, so that is my incentive, I am 47 and it does get so much harder to shift the weight as you get older, plus i love, love, love wine!!!

    Good luck everyone

    Hi Paramau,

    just trying to put it into perspective. By all means drink if you want. everyone has a vice. If you do though then one of your two fast days will just compensate for your drinking. Its the second fast day that you would then actually start to lose weight. As long as your not after a rapid loss then all is well and good.

    Good luck with it.

    Thanks bigbooty. I will see how I go and be sure to update. As I said, I am not drinking during week and will try to keep it under some semblance of control if I have a couple on a weekend πŸ˜‰

    Hello Paramau and a big welcome to you as, at last, I have someone else on this side of the continent to keep me company! Are you NOR or SOR? I still meet for coffee with a couple of the past Perth posters and you’d be welcome to join us if you’re interested.

    Welcome everyone else. Our thread is exploding with good intentions!

    ‘eloelo & jenmac, nice to see you keeping each other going today – have you tried the decadent Madame Flavour teas? Available in the main supermarkets. It makes you feel as if you’re having something a little naughty. I’ve only tried the orange/choc variety but Lael suggested a nice-sounding one whose name I can’t remember. I re-use the same bag three times and it’s 5cals I believe.

    ‘eloelo, you have the book – I think you also deserve a decent set of bathroom scales, kitchen scales and travel scales.

    Merri, I think what you say in your profile is right that we don’t necessarily recognise what we see in the mirror. There are a few of us of your vintage on this thread.

    Bigbooty, I’m with you on alcohol. Whilst it’s true that 5:2 allows for ‘anything we want’ on NFDs, this is also (if not primarily) about improving our long-term health. Quite apart from anything else, alcohol is associated with various cancers. Still, it can be quite a leap adjusting to FDs and I believe it’s important to get that right before tweaking what we do on NFDs. The appeal of 5:2 lies in its flexibility. But, whether your poison is chocolate gateaux or a big glass of wine (or both), don’t forget about your insulin sensitivity!

    Hi Merri, Paramau, and nicky, Merrelly, Froggy!

    Oh, this will be interesting, we’ll have Merri, Merre (cause we’ve gotta shorten it hey) and Merry, LOL – southern hemisfairies triplets!

    Welcome to you all….do hang around won’t you, and let us know how you’re going over the days and weeks ahead. 5:2 really works.

    Re food and drink: what you choose to eat and drink is entirely up to you. There’s no prescribed foods etc, and you might need to grit your teeth and count calories for a few days, but you will probably find after 2-3 weeks that you will find FDs relatively easy. You’ll also find that you will quite naturally start feeling a bit different about what you are eating and you will gravitate to what works more healthily for you. We can’t predict what that will be for you, but it will happen. You will find over the breadth of the forum that there are many different ways people eat/drink, and it all works as long as you stick to the guidelines of 2 non-consecutive fast days(FDs) and 5 nonFDs. Remember you eat whatever you like on nonFDs but that doesn’t mean whatever quantity you want and binge or overeat. NonFDs need to be at or under your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. If you click on resources up the top of the page you’ll find a way of working that out. FDs are up to 500cals for females, up to 600 cals for males or 1/4 of your TDEE., Most people start on the full amount of 500/600 cals, and eat a few times through the day. You will most likely alter this in various ways over time, but don’t worry about that at first. We are all individuals and each of us has a slightly different path. What you will find is a lot of happy people on the forum, because this darn thing actually works!

    Onwards and downwards,

    Oh, and it works without stuffing up your metabolism, and actually makes you healthier!

    Ditto to everything Merryme said. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    At the beginning of 5:2 nearly three years ago, I bought a good electronic scale that weighs fat, muscle, water and tells me my BMI. As I lost weight and continued on 5:2 it was very reinforcing to see the percent of fat dropping on the scales.

    It doesn’t matter if one scale disagrees with another. It is the relative drop on the scales of your choice that matters.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺

    Hi All,

    I am off for awhile. Been pretty down lately so I am off to do it on my own & see how I go. Hope you are all successful.


    It is early morning and I have my first big cup of tea. What a lovely busy thread we are!

    Welcome Paramau! You will really savour your weekend wine after abstaining during the week! 🍷
    I hope your family will be a lovely support! Focussing on health benefits, rather than trying to get skinny πŸ™„ Is definitely the way to frame it.

    Welcome Merri and hello to beautiful Darwin! 🌴

    Hi Nicki, welcome back! Isn’t getting older a strange part of life’s journey! I hope the 5 kg is easily dealt with and then will be the fun of working out maintenance.

    Cheers Jenmac and Eloelo I hope your nasty second fast days are nicely over! Hooray for breakfast today!

    Stephy I hope your ups and downs are more on the downside. I so agree with mindful eating (and mindful everything else, come to that!). I still have to keep reminding myself!

    I am standing at the edge of maintenance. I want to keep Sunday my good strong fast day, and I think with Thursdays I will decide each week whether I do a fast day, no fast day or maybe an 800 calorie day. Today I will fast, but I might make it an 800 day – not sure. I prefer to plan ahead so it is a bit of an experiment.

    I am still so busy! But it is so lovely to come here and see what people are doing. Cheers Merry and Thin, Intesha, Turnabout, Lael, Pamie, Bay and every one else reading through the posts!

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