Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 27,912 replies, has 831 voices, and was last updated by  Intesha 12 hours, 3 minutes ago.

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  • Good Morning everyone and hi again Lael and Judy,

    Day after FD and only just thought about food now be ause I’m on here, not hungry at all atm. Funny how 5:2 does that to so many people.

    Need to be quick again – life still very full, but recovering from my injury is going well now and I’m walking normally again, stairs OK.

    Something is changing in my body and I think it’s 5:2 related and I’m just praying it continues. Yesterday I was walking down the street and I suddenly realized I felt ‘normal’. Not ME/CFS or recovering from my leg injury ‘normal’ but Normal ‘normal’. It just lasted for about 30min. Also my blood pressure before and after my sessions with the exercise physiologist is changing it’s pattern. It’s always been abnormal, i.e. The pattern has been the reverse of normal, then it flattened out for awhile i.e. The same BP before and after a session, and now it’s starting on a normal pattern of before and after. I’m also wondering if my enforced inactivity of the last few months has helped. Given that 5:2 and Intermittant Fasting seems to allow more healing of cells during the fasting time, I’m wondering if my 1 yr 9months on 5:2 is allowing some healing of ME/CFS damage. It would be amazing if it is!!!

    I have started reading the Marie Kondo books about cleaning out and organising your house and her idea of ‘sparking joy’. Well, I feel like 5:2 makes my body feel like it’s sparking joy. Each day feels different on 5:2 than off it. My least ‘body joyful’ day is Sunday where it’s my 3rd NFD in a row. I’ve thought of doing 2FDs then 2NFDs regularly but I like the pattern of Monday Thursday and it’s repitition.

    Off to Physio now,
    Onwards and Downwards,

    Hi all!

    Merry! Wow! I’m thrilled reading your report of your feeling of ‘normal’!!! Your experience points to an even greater scope and depth of healing than what I might have otherwise thought possible. Somehow in my mind I’d thought that the improved health benefits follow along the lines of weight loss where we reach a plateau and remain there. What you’ve written, of your sudden feeling of wellness after a whole year and 9 months blows my mind because it makes me realize that even after we get near or reach an ideal weight, that repair and healing possibly continue on indefinitely. Wow! If nothing else is a motivating factor, that is!!!

    Cinque, thank you for the acknowledgement about the philosophical insights. Yes, for some reason since commencing 5:2 I’ve found myself in what I think of as some newly discovered ‘lagoons of peace’. I say ‘lagoons’ because these states of being come and go and maybe they are akin to what I’ve read some call ‘being in the zone’! In any case, these states have helped me better understand where before I felt muddled and confused.

    Judy, your home made pumpkin soup sounds delicious! I’ve been relying heavily on packaged foods on FDs though know that I’d feel even more nourished eating something of my own creation.

    I’m happy to report that after 7 days of pretty much status quo readings for everything my scales measure, I weighed myself post fast and saw that I’d shed a whole kilogram along with further improvements in muscle, fat, hydration percentages. With this I’ve been able to fit into more clothes that had remained in suspended animation in my closet! So I very much relate to the delight you described Merry putting on your size 12 jacket and to joy you felt Cinque wearing your Ralph Lauren (green label) trousers!

    Intesha, how are things going with your daughter and grand kids?! I’m gathering that you’d be getting a lot of exercise looking after the little ones, taking them to the park etc.

    P.S. I have to chuckle as I read Mimi Spencer’s story in the original 2013 Fastdiet book that I found in our local library. My chuckle is that Mimi is the exact same height as I am and began her Fastdiet journey at my goal weight! After 6 months practicing 5:2 she reports that she no longer feels embarrassed to wear a bikini. Hmmm. Not that I care to wear a bikini given I have 20 years on Mimi, though does remind me that for much of my adult life I did weigh what Mimi ended up weighing after the 6 months. Hmmm.

    Hi everyone, just reporting in after our fantastic trip to Southern Africa. So much fun, such beautiful scenery & such exotic wildlife.

    I’ve just scrolled through a couple of pages and I’m so pleased to see that you’re all still here & doing so well. Hi Intesha, Merry, Cinque, Judyf and Dan. And quite a few new people too – welcome! It will take me some days to get caught up on your news and to get to know you all.

    Intesha, you’d be proud of me – I didn’t have one single moment to check this forum nor did I give fasting a thought the whole time due to my trusty travel scales telling me that I was under 60kgs every single day. I’ve returned after 5 weeks at exactly the same weight I was when we left due entirely to my completely changed attitude towards food thanks to, what is now, two years on this brilliant 5:2 lifestyle. And that’s with very little exercise due to signs everywhere warning us that dangerous animals might eat us if we got out of the car.

    On what I thought was our last night in Africa, I food splurged with a celebratory pina colada and seafood paella (oh, all that rice!) only to later discover that our flight home had been delayed 12 hours with the resultant additional night put up in a hotel complete with complimentary drinks, a buffet dinner AND a buffet breakfast courtesy of the airline. Little restraint was required as I found the buffet style of eating somewhat repulsive so it was self-limiting although still a lot more than I’d normally eat these days. Hurray for 5:2!

    I’m having a fast day today just for drill because it seems the last 3 days have been nothing but carbs, airline food and buffets and my last fast was that 24 hour fast the day we flew out five weeks ago. I haven’t even had the cauliflower soup! But Cinque, I’ll still check in tomorrow to say hi even though I won’t be fasting myself this Sunday. Take care everyone, chat soon.

    Hi Thin,
    Welcome home! πŸ™‚

    Sounds like a great trip!

    Lael, It is so interesting to adjust our idea of body shape on 5:2. I thought I needed to lose 10 kg but it turns out there is another 5 that I don’t need!

    I love those lagoons of peace! 5:2 has brought me peace…. and sparking joy!

    I’m tired now. I’ll catch up again tomorrow, fast day!

    Welcome home Thin, you’ve been missed. Travelling with scales is still being mindful. I’m not that dedicated. My daughter and grandchildren are here so I’m on and off the wagon. We are going to the Gold Coast for a few days this week.

    I think it is always good for our mindset to get straight back into the FDs no time for procrastinating.

    Thanks Intesha, that’s great that your family are back, I bet you’re having fun with them. Time’s gone fast so since you were in England with them and we were in Spain. When I was skimming through these pages yesterday, I think I read someone’s post congratulating you for losing 20kgs – wow!

    And I saw that Dan announced he’s reached a milestone of shedding 10% of his weight – yippee Dan, so happy for you – how’s SWMBO doing on 5:2? I also saw Merry’s post saying how wonderful you feel since discovering 5:2 – I will have to read properly to find out how much weight you’ve ditched Merry. I hope all your other problems have melted away.

    Thanks Cinque, how’s the soup kitchen working out? And how’s your son-in-law? Clothes still falling off you? Have a good fast day today. It feels odd not to be fasting on Sunday but I’m pleased I did it yesterday, it was so easy and the rewards so high – 59.7 kgs today. I caught a glimpse of myself in airport and shop windows a couple of times while away and didn’t recognise the new, slim person coming towards me.

    What’s happened to VDU? How are you doing Judyf?

    Looking forward to getting to know all the newbies, one by one. I hope you’ve written a little profile to help those of us with lousy memories keep everything straight.

    Hi Thin, welcome home! What a wonderful trip you’ve had and congratulations on your management of your trip! Fantastic!

    Hi to everyone else and wishing the Sunday fasters a good FD(fast day). Only had peppermint tea so far today and I may join you. Yesterday I had one of those days where I wanted to eat everything in sight – a hoover day – crappy days that come along for me about once every 3months or so. So Friday I was up and yesterday down. Today in the middle and going well.

    Thin, I am between 18-19kg loss, and had my PB (personal best) at 64.6 kgs a couple of weeks ago. My weightloss is very slow atm with some yo-yoing, but I’m good. We still have a couple of the challenges hanging around with 1 of them totally gone. In the middle we’ve had time away with our children and grandchildren and that was a good break.

    Lael – I’m being very cautious about the changes I”ve seen. I hope it continues but not getting too ambitious at this stage. My rehab session on Friday was very good but it’s always a bit dangerous when I’m having a good day when I’m there. Have to be careful to not overdo it. My basic state before ME/CFS is hyperactive, and it’s easy for me to get carried away doing physical stuff because I love it. Maybe my hoover day was in response. Who knows. It’s all trial and error in this journey we’re all taking on 5:2. It is so good, though, that it is backed by the science. Ma ybe I should go back and reread Dr Mosely or watch the DVD again, but it does seem that when we fast our cells are repairing a bit. I’m quite happy to keep doing this forever!

    We’ve been in a bit of a time warp here where the house etc and our reorganisation of parts it got put on hold a few months back. The daily pressure has eased somewhat but it’s still a bit of an emotional roller coaster, and we’re just now beginning the backlog. Wishing a fairy godmother would come along and wave a magic wand and voila – the housework and reorganisation left in the middle would all be magically done! Still, our lot is much less than that of many in the world and I’m grateful to be in the position I am. So….. Off to do a bit of house magic of my ownπŸ™‚

    Onwards and Downwar ds,

    Hello Everyone!

    Sunday fasting, and QUITE hungry, but miso soup time isn’t until 6pm. I hope I can concentrate enough to do some work (haven’t done much yet!)(did some knitting but messed up a row and had to pull it out and do it again. Net result zero!), but I think after that I will wash henna out of my hair and have a big long bath, and maybe go for the walk in this nice little bit of sunshine before it disappears for another week!

    Oo and I am doing more yoga than I have been able to do for about a year.
    Like you Merry, I need to be careful not to push it. I had three good days in a row last week and accidentally thought I might be cured!
    But no.

    Thin, I don’t seem to be losing much lately: my pyjama pants are a bit too loose, and a few things that were a bit too tight are fitting nicely.
    But I have been getting the munchies (especially for nuts) on non fast days, so I am concentrating on planning good normal meals and then eating them and them alone.. I need to practice a bit longer it seems, although I did well yesterday!
    I am really loving getting dressed every time I go out though!

    The last Soup Bar was cancelled (sick chef and chef;’s toddler) but we have the next one in two weeks, and that is the work I must do today.
    We have also put an expression of interest in, for a little kiosk type space in the reception area of the local Community Health Centre. We find out next week if we have been shortlisted. It would be really exciting. Worried about my health organising it all, but this lovely team has built up, of chefs and cafe managers and community workers all ready to help. So I am excited.

    Have a lovely time at the Gold Coast Intesha!
    So glad those problems are getting less and going away, Merry. That is the right direction!
    If that fairy godmother turns up, could you send her along to me, once she has your place shipshape?

    Well, I’ll take my rumbly tummy and irritable brain off to the budget books! And then the promotions page! Eep! Wish me luck!

    Thanks Merry. Congrats on your PB. I think it’s a great idea to re-read the Mosley book and remind ourselves of the science behind fasting and cell repair.

    Cinque, it sounds like you’re keeping busy today. Taking your mind off hunger. We’ve just had a good walk in some blustery weather. In the past hour, we’ve had sunshine, thunder, rain, wind and hail.

    I got my things done, and have had my huge bowl of miso soup. And a little bit of evening ahead and then bed.

    A lovely day here, the best for the week!

    See you all!

    Hi all! Good meeting you thinatlast!

    I’m fasting today and have been continuing reading the original fastdiet book and was very interested in Valter Longo’s rat study in which he used fasting to stave off dementia. I’ve been tested and have some of the high risk Alzheimer’s genes, which didn’t surprise when I got the result since I watched my grandmother descend down that path. This alone is enough for me to be compelled to continue this WOL indefinitely.

    I’ve been raving so much about Michael Mosley and all I’ve been discovering, thanks that I think my husband is a tad jealous, or is at least weary of my constant gush about it all!

    Hi Everyone
    Welcome back Thin! You did so well going on such a long holiday and maintaining. I’m going away for 6 weeks in less than 3 weeks but there’s No way I can even take travel scales. We are taking our motorbike gear and ending up in the Greek islands on a catamaran where we are only allowed 20 kilos!!! Eeek
    It’s a FD for me today. I think I will end up a bit over as I have a wrap for lunch with chicken and then beef and veggie stir fry for dinner. It doesn’t matter as I had a semifast day yesterday.
    Good luck to Monday fasters xx

    Thanks Judy. Your trip is coming up so soon, I remember you’d mentioned this a long time ago. My total luggage on this trip was 8.1kg including the travel scales which weigh about 700gms. But I totally agree, they’re not exactly no-go equipment on a motor bike. Just have a very good time and deal with it when you come back. You’ll probably find that 5:2 has shaped your desires without your even realising it so, with a bit of mindful eating, you’ll be fine especially if it’s an active holiday.

    Hi Lael, welcome to our little group. You’ve come to the right place. I, too, was hoping for great benefits with respect to a word-finding difficulty I’ve noticed in the last few years. I can’t say that fasting has helped with respect to my memory over the 24 months but I cling to the science and, like you, feel it makes so much sense that it’s worth continuing to fast for life as the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about. Many people on these pages (including Merry and Intesha) have spoken of the devastating effects of dementia on family members. I loved that rat study.

    Hi Judy, I’m a fan of taking the travel scales too. Mine are about 600gms and worth their weight in whatever for staying on track while away.

    That said…….FD today and struggling a bit tonight and I’ve got travel scales and the other ones in the house!!

    Anyway….. Later this year I’m probably going to get the opportunity to go to one of my favourite shops In. The. World. So I’m finally finally finally putting a roundabout date on when I want my final goal weight to be reached. Now I may go past that weight by another 2 or 3 kgs eventually, but that doesn’t matter, because reaching my goal weight will be awesomeness itself. Right from the beginning I had in mind that if I was at goal weight when I was able to get to this shop next I’d buy something to wear from there. I think I’m beginning to struggle losing a bit more and yo-yoing a little because I feel so good at the weight I’m at now, but I really don’t want to stop here.

    Off to make another hot drink and maybe go to bed a bit earlier – also known as get far far away from the kitchen.

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Damn, I have to do the 5 day withdrawal thing again………… You know who brought stuff home that’s on my “compulsion” intolerance list. Long story newbies ignore this bit.
    Sigh, we have to have that talk again.

    Can you share the name of the shop Merry? At least remind me where you’re going. And what’s the food that must not be named? Husbands, eh? You can’t live with them; you can’t live with them.

    Oh dear Merry. Was it chocolate coated almonds?
    (O – Oh, now I want some)

    I hope they do less damage than you fear (whatever they are!) Sorry if I should know, head like a sieve!

    I’d love to know the shop too. What a gorgeous, exciting gift to yourself! Something from the best shop in the world!

    Judy, what a wonderful trip! I hope you enjoy every minute of it! And have such fun that eating normally is a pleasure, and no need for scales!

    Lael, I’m another one who is hoping 5:2 can help prevent dementia. I have many relatives that lived well into their 80’s but all had dreadful dementia (although not the nasty violent sort I am relieved to say).

    Wondering if I had lost anything while Thin was away, I measured my waist on Sunday evening. 29 and 1/2 inches. That was up from 29 last time.
    But remembering how my waist expands during the day, I measured it again the following morning: 28 inches! That was my goal! Woohoo!
    But I think my goal is really for it to be 28 inches at the end of the day!
    Getting there!

    Lull day for me!

    Hi Everyone,

    Despite going over on my FD last night. – could have been up 3-500 cals, didn’t count – I am down nearly a kg this morning 900gms – throws hands in the air muttering “go figure”! Once again, LOL, I am wondering, how in heck does that happen? A good, very good surprise anyway. You’d think I’d have learnt after my 1yr 9months on 5:2 that somtimes the scales have a mind of their own! Nah….oh well, I’m feeling better than last night anyway. Maybe there is a secret life of scales where they go at night and pick up tricks from each other. Maybe they have picnics with the wire coathangers and lost socks and discuss the upcoming ” How To Keep Those Stupid Humans Off Balance Convention”.

    It’s OK Thin, I haven’t actually mentioned the trip yet because it’s a pretty recent idea and still being worked out re what we want to do. It includes a week with our son in San Francisco and the shop is a department store called Gump. We’re going there during Thanksgiving, which is at the end of November. This year we were going to go to the UK but that got shelved with all of the stuff happening here, but we think we can slip in a bit of time with our son. Last time we were there I got to look through a little bit of it, but had to have a rest day in bed after overdoing it a bit, so didn’t get to spend much time there. Did quite a bit of the touristy stuff whch was great. Just a beautiful bay!

    Cinque – I went to Gump on a personal recommendation from my son and a rather lovely lady, and she was right. Tried on a beautiful coat but determined that if I’m going to spend that much it would only be at my normal weight so I could wear it forever.

    Not choc almonds Cinque. Rather mundane biscuit with dried fruit filling. Comes with a few biits all together and you break a biscuit off. Pretty common., and I don’t know why this one is so b………addictive. Also OH usually gets rye bread which I don’t like the taste of, but this time it was sourdough, and for both the biscuits and bread there’s my old enemy wheat. Once I’m back to really craving it it takes me 5 days for the withdrawal craving to go away. I get through it by giving myself permission to eat rubbish if necessary as long as it’s gluten and grain free for the 5 days – bhuja is 1 of the things I use then, but it gets me through, and then the craving is gone – like being set free.

    Fabulous trip Judy! How lovely, and you will have a wonderful time. Motorbike gear is heavy often, so 20kgs doesn’t seem much. I can see you wearing it on the plane!

    How’s the reading going Lael? I think ‘Thanks Dr M’ could appear on my tombstone.

    Onwards and Downwards, and happy FD to the Tuesday fasters,

    Oh, congratulations Cinque -well done on the waist measurement, and the other will happen in time.

    Hi all! Great reading everyone’s progress!

    I love the humor in this thread! I giggled when I read your thoughts on an epitaph, Merry and I realize how true that idea rings for me as well! Also had a chuckle of recognition when reading about how unpredictable our trips to the scales can be! About eating biscuit treats, I too have this weakness to the point of needing my partner’s biscuit jar stored in a low closed kitchen cupboard, out of sight! I recently read that Michael Mosley has a fondness for toast and requested that his wife toss their toaster! Apparently she refused! Here’s what he said “My weakness is toast. I did suggest to my wife that we throw out the toaster (I would rarely bother to use the grill), but she refused. Instead, I keep unsalted nuts by the toaster, so when I am tempted to snack on toast and marmalade, I eat nuts instead. Mostly.” After reading that I felt in even better company with Dr. M!

    Here’s the article if anyone is interested in reading the full story: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3407500/Eat-beat-diabetes-week-week-watch-weight-fall-Dr-Michael-Mosley-explains-changes-experience-follow-800-calorie-diet.html

    Cinque, well done on reaching the 28 inch waist!!!

    Thin, I’m continuing to enjoy reading the fastdiet book. I’m in the middle of a TAFE course so only get to it in spare moments. Have been very busy with assignments of late.

    Cheers! Lael

    Oh yum Merry, I love those biscuits!

    I had a bad experience. One of those ‘So Not Fair’ things. You know I have to avoid sugar, and I particularly miss fruit. I saw passionfruit in the market on Tuesday and had such a longing for yoghurt with banana and passionfruit that I bought both and came home. I mixed yoghurt with some oats and left them to soften and swell, then thinly sliced banana (just a tiny one) and walnuts and passionfruit on top. I loved every mouthful, but Oh dear I was crook yesterday!
    You’d think I’d drunk a bottle of port!

    Your trip sounds wonderful, and so does Gump!

    Oh dear I have to run. Granddaughter is here so I have been writing this between interruptions. Better go and get ready to take her home.

    Lael, good luck with those assignments!

    ps fast day today.

    Cinque, that’s definitely an unfair twist that such a healthy snack could leave you feeling unwell. Well done with the waist shrinking though. I hope you get the soup kitchen venue approved. Enjoy the little one. Is your SIL alright?

    Merry, that’ll be a lovely trip. Americans do love their Thanksgiving, it’s the biggest travel holiday of the year there. I’ll have to google Gump.

    Did anyone watch Catalyst’s repeat airing of ‘Gut Reaction’? I’m reading, “10% Human” by Alanna Collen. It might be of particular interest to you Merry and Cinque. It’s about our microbotia. So many of our modern ailments are linked to our gut environment.

    Lael, I’m totally with MM on the toast. I find it a tantalising aroma and would love to throw out the toaster. I don’t give in though, I just suffer vocally. My OFMs know better than to have toast on my FDs which may be why OH goes for the big fry-up the day after. I’ll read your link now.

    Lael, that’s a great article with many practical & realistic tips plus some tasty sounding recipes. Thanks for posting. If I put nuts next to the toaster, my OH would have them all eaten within minutes. I’m pleased that the evidence shows that frequent weighing is more beneficial than weekly weighing. I’m a compulsive twice daily weigher and it’s my guide for the coming day.

    I’m not sure why I’m staying low on one fast per week but I’m down to 59.5kgs this morning and so happy. I do believe that I’m finally in control of food, food no longer controls me. Stick with it newbies, long-term fasting has more benefits than you can imagine.

    Oh Thin! Your view that long-term fasting has more benefits than you can imagine is exciting resonates with what I’m beginning to realize about fasting. I’ll go so far as to say that it is ‘magical’ for me and I do feel a type of healing taking place that I didn’t think was possible.

    That’s great to hear Lael. Do you have a lot of weight to lose? Do you live in Australia? NZ? Africa? Sorry if you’ve already said, I tried to read some of your previous posts to get to know you but if you’ve said, I haven’t remembered.

    Cinque, I hope your fast day went swimmingly.

    Hi Thin, I originally started out with a goal to shed 5 kg. I’ve been on the program over a month and have lost 3 kg so felt very close to reaching desired weight, until reading so many others’ experiences with 5:2! After reading reports such as yours (you again weigh what you weighed on when you married) I’m now considering moving the goal post to a lower weight which would see me weighing what I weighed prior to menopause, a weight that I maintained most of my adult life. This means a goal of a 10 kg, with 7 kg more to go. Mimi Spencer and I are the same height and funnily enough, she started 5:2 at my goal weight and dropped down to the weight I’d be if I shed that full 10 kg. so I figure if it is good enough for Mimi, it is good enough for me!

    Yes, I do live in Australia and love it! I’m originally from the California. In October I’ll have lived in Australia the same number of years that I lived in the USA: 30!

    I live on the coast of Northern New South Wales about half way between Byron Bay and Coolangatta.

    Good morning, I’ve had a couple of extremely busy days, I’m hoping today is quieter, but maybe I just haven’t written the list of everything I need to do!

    Fast day yesterday. My fast day ritual is just cuppas (mostly with milk) and my miso soup, which comes in well under 500 calories. Yesterday though we were visiting a cafe where the owner was giving great advice for YamDaisy, so I bought a bagel. Only ate half (a bit rude I know) but what has happened to bagels, this one was so light and sweet, they didn’t used to be like that!

    I’m so tired I need to make sure I don’t ramble on and not say anything. It is my daughters birthday today! She is 24. Such a special day!
    My son in law is still going through the barrage of tests but he is having lots of myoclonic episodes (brain twitches) much more than he had before the seizure (when he didn’t quite realise what they were). But medication should keep them under control, once they give it to him!

    I’ll just send you all good wishes and hope you have an excellent day today!
    See you soon!

    Lael, I was born in 1956 so we must be around the same vintage along with Cinque and VDU (who I believe is lurking but not posting). We moved to Australia from California too. I think it’s good to start with small goals and keep revising them. I’m currently trying 6:1 & I have a ‘trigger’ weight which, if reached, prompts me to revert to 5:2. Overall, maintenance looks a lot like weight loss so I see this as a lifelong change one way or another.

    Cinque, the poor guy. It must be so scary for him. Has your daughter got her driving licence yet? Happy Birthday to her! I’m considering changing my Sunday fast to Saturdays. It will be lonely without you.

    Wow, what a wonderful synchronicity to have these aspects of our lives in common Thin! Yes, I’m a ‘fire’ monkey in Chinese astrology and do admit I like to ‘monkey around’! Sounds like I’m in good company with you and others on this thread who are born in 1956.

    Merry, even though I spent about 10 years living in the San Francisco bay area, you might be more familiar with it than I! I’d not heard of Gump though I’ve now put this on my list to visit, next time I visit N. California.

    Cinque I just checked out the YamDaisy website and love the concept and how wonderful it would be to have a YamDaisy cafe near here! The graphics and text on the website are very inviting and creative. I trust your daughter had a happy birthday and sorry to read of challenges your son-in-law is going through with his health.

    Tomorrow is my second fasting day for this week.

    Ooh, I was born one year later, so I am a Fire Rooster! Watch out! BUT my grandchild due to be born next month will be a little Fire Monkey! (My daughter was a monkey too!)

    Lael thanks for that lovely feedback about YamDaisy. We’ve got an interview (next Friday) about running the kiosk at the Health Centre, so it is exciting times!

    Hi Thin! My daughters finished that lot of driving lessons, needs a couple more weeks practice and then a couple more lessons and she should be able to get her license. Exciting times and busy times!

    Goodness me, if you change your day I might consider changing mine!

    But not today. Just thinking what I will have for breakfast!

    Nor me Cinque. I was toying with changing because my last two fasts were on a Saturday. But I’ve woken up with a low weight and it’s hard to feel motivated to fast. So, Sunday it will be. I was also impressed with the YamDaisy website and hope I remembered to say so many weeks ago.

    Lael, Merry probably knows more about what’s new in Ca than we, eh? I hope your fast day’s going well and it’s good to know you’d be there should I decide to switch days.

    Hi Thin, Thanks for asking about my FD today! Last night I felt a niggling sore throat which bloomed in the middle of the night. However, I’ve been able to care for enough that it has been reduced to just something lurking in the background. I do feel really tired and quite spaced out, so know that my immune system is busily working away. So far feels like this FD might be helping me stave off a more serious version of this that others around me seem to have contracted.

    So far I’ve yet to decide on a rhythm of fasting days. Each week so far, mine have been on different days depending on what social gathering, outing, etc. I’ve had on my schedule. I’d like to set the same two days each week for fasting and think that would be a positive thing, though haven’t yet been able to pull it off!

    Hi everyone, posters, readers and lurkers all,

    Hope you’re feeling well soon Lael.

    Good luck with Yamdaisy Cinque, building success on success. Love the name too – very catchy.

    Ha ha Thin, waking up with a low weight -I’m ready for that. Bet you’d never thought that would happen!

    Day 5 of my “getting rid of the intolerance reactions” process and my weight is up quite a bit, as is usual when I go throug this. I’ve learnt to not worry about quantity while I do it, and it gets me out of it with success. The downfall is I have to be content with my weight going up because it means I’m eating more than usual. Of course it would be easier to never eat what I’m intolerant to, and yes I’ve spent many years like that, but at the moment I’m accepting I’m a fallible human. A bit like your banana drama Cinque, feeling good and thinking I could maybe get away with it, and then, wham. Anyhoo, by Monday FD I’m hoping to be back to my normal 5:2 self. . I toyed with the idea of doing a 3rd FD today but a withdrawal day’s not a good candidate.

    Have been watching some of the Olympics today, and looking up some info on some of the athletes as well, and discovered 1 of the female swimmers, Cate Campbell is 6’1″ and weighs the same as me, 7″ shorter, well, weight as listed by Wkipedia anyway. Hard to see in the interview because the TV makes people look a bit bigger than they do in person.

    Off to do some washing and other stuff. Have a good weekend everyone.
    Onwards and Downwards,

    Merry, next time your OH brings home that forbidden stuff, maybe you can take at a look at your entries here to remind yourself what you have to go through afterwards, before you succumb. Easier said than done, I know, but it might help. As you say, we’re only human. And you must be lauded for how far you’ve come – good job!

    Hope you keep that sore throat at bay, Lael. Flexibility’s a great benefit of 5:2 so if it’s working for you and your social commitments, that’s perfect. I’m a bit more rigid and like to know what to expect (and sadly, I don’t have a very exciting social life, at least not compared to Judyf, etc) so my days have always been Weds and Sunday – with the option to change if needed, of course.

    What’s happened to the other newbies? And did anyone mention to them about our recipe page? Here it is if you’re looking for inspiration: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/southern-hemispherites-fd-recipes/ Feel free to add your own. We try to keep that thread chat-free so we can find the recipes easily.

    Hi everyone
    I know I’m so far behind, this film is a couple of years old now, but just had to comment…
    I just watched That Sugar Film, and wow, what a range of emotions this sparked in me!
    So angry at the big companies (the pushers), so sad that the people I love most refuse to even watch something like this, & prefer to bury their heads in the sand (partner & son are both full-on sugar addicts). But I am also happy that I now understand this for myself & know how amazing my mind and body feel by just cutting the sugar & fasting 2 days a week. I wish we could be doing this as a family but I guess I have to accept that I can’t change others, but it also hurts to know how much damage they are doing to their health.
    Sorry, but just felt the need to vent.. I don’t have much support in this respect, and you wonderful people are the most amazing, positive, supportive group. I don’t post much, but do read and gain insight & motivation from you all & thank you for allowing me & many others to just do that too.
    I hope everyone is doing well & happy FD to those fasting today.

    Jaz, I empathise with all you’ve said. I’ve come to view food manufacturers as the enemy and my job is to resist the rubbish they want to sell me. ‘That Sugar Film’ should be compulsory viewing. I try to keep these two mantras in my head: “Don’t eat anything your grandmother wouldn’t recognise” and “Eat mostly plants”. I’m also disappointed that my OFMs aren’t like-minded but, as the primary shopper and food preparer, I do have some control over providing healthy, nutritious and tasty meals. But it still saddens me to watch my OH drink a large glass of OJ every morning (described by Dr M as a ‘sugar delivery system’). He sees it as something healthy – because that’s what we’ve been told for decades. Stick with the forum for support and good for you for making the change.

    FD for me today. My OH has just asked why I’m continuing when my weight is so low. So that gave me pause to consider the benefits of fasting. It’s not just about weight loss. I told him I’m doing it to maintain discipline over food, to re-set portion control and food desires for the week, to give me a little freedom for the odd indulgence but, overall, because of my belief that fasting promotes cell repair. Here’s to a longer, healthier life through fasting!

    Hello! I’m new to this thread/forum and at the moment I’m avoiding doing assignments too – for my (very) mature age Bachelor of Nursing (1955 vintage), but I’m not going to read all of it. Oh my goodness! You all make me feel normal, because I don’t face book, only do face to face or old fashioned writing (letters & emails) and sometimes it gets a bit lengthy! But I am definitely coming back here when I’m feeling like some companionship.
    Began November 2015, have lost 12-13kg (depending on the day), haven’t read the book, heard about it from a friend who at that point had lost 16kg (& looks fabulous
    with it), and have hit a bit of a speed bump at the moment. Trying to get myself together again. Sort of more or less stuck to my last FD – I generally do Friday & Sunday, but sometimes do other days, depending on my shift work (nursing can be quite heavy, so sometimes I feel I need the calories). Overall, I have given up sugar in my coffee (have sweeteners for moments of need) and I am struggling at the moment to avoid the lollies. Like Michael Mosely, at the moment I could kill for toast, but I am telling myself I can have it tomorrow (today is FD).
    We can so absolutely do this! Have to hang out washing now, make another cup of tea & seriously get down to the study.
    Luv youse all x x x

    Thin, thank you for your support & wise words. I love your mantras & will try to keep them in mind too.

    My OH was brought up very differently from me with regard to food so I don’t entirely blame him, it’s what his parents were led to believe was healthy at the time, I understand that. And after watching the film, I also understand his & my sons addiction issues better.

    Ido try, but as the main breadwinner, I work long hours & he has been the main cook & shopper in our home for many years. I appreciate that, but it hasn’t worked out so well for me, so now I’m preparing my own meals. I do love it when he has a taste & finds that occasionally it’s surprisingly tasty! πŸ˜‰

    And yes, the weight loss is brilliant, but I also strongly believe in the health benefits all round. Great to keep in mind, thanks!

    Hello & welcome CAnnbewarra!

    We must have been typing away at the same time, so I didn’t see your post before.

    I’m a newbie here too, but unlike you, also new to 5:2. Sounds like you are going great guns & taking it all on! All credit to you! This is a fabulous forum to join.

    All the best with your studies!


    Welcome CAnnbewarra and congratulations on your mature age studies and your weight loss to date. if you’re hitting a bit of a plateau or stumbling block, I’d really encourage you to read the Mosley book. It’ll be the best $11 you’ve ever spent. I re-read it just to remind myself of the science behind what I’m doing. You can find it on the book depository I believe.

    Others, much stronger than I, can better help you with the sugar (lolly) withdrawals. Bayleafoz, if she ever comes back from o/seas has lots of experience and advice. Merry and Cinque too. I can tell you that if you can manage to push through those cravings, you will ultimately feel so much better. Sugar is the enemy. Mosley has another book, “The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet” that might help with substituting healthier options for sugar. https://thebloodsugardiet.com

    Jazmac, I understand – I have a girlfriend who’s the breadwinner and her OH does the shopping/cooking. The whole family is grossly overweight but he just doesn’t really get it (despite being a diabetic) and she is time poor. I’m looking forward to trying the lamb & pinenut meatballs from that Mosley article you posted for a normal family dinner this week. Tonight, we’re having ‘Chicken & Bacon casserole’ 249 cals for our family meal (and my FD dinner). You can find it on the recipe thread that I posted yesterday. OFMs get a dinner roll and a larger portion – they love it!

    Cinque – are you having a sleep-in today?

    Good afternoon all,

    and welcome to you CAnbewarraπŸ™‚ Sounds like you’re going very well with 5:2, congratulations! There is something about getting a wee bit older that has us going “Woops, the numbers are increasing on birthdays and I better keep healthy as I can for as long as I can”. Some of us here are doing that too. You’re in good company here. Best wishes for your studies too CAanbewarra.

    Thanks Thin – always sage advice from you.

    Jaz – you are so strong doing solo in your family. It is sad to see our loved ones eating unhealthily with all the sugar. Sounds like your OH is curious.

    It’s also been an eye-opener seeing some of the documentaries on food changes over the years and the rise of manufactured foods. When I think back to the 50’s, and 60’s food in cans and packets seems to have been a lot simpler than it is now. We have changed the way we eat to mostly being fresh vegies, fruit, fish, eggs, a bit of dairy, nuts, and the few processed foods we eat are simple ones without sugars and chemicals. The occasional thing makes it through but not much. I was in both Coles & Woolworths supermarkets last week and realised that I don’t know where things are any more. And it feels great! I can walk through row after row and not get anything because it mostly looks like junk food now. I don’t like that manipulative psychological thing they do in supermarkets either, re placement of things. We certainly save money on the food bills with 5:2.

    My intolerance reactions are much reduced today, just about gone, and good to start off on my usual 5:2 foods tomorrow. Like Thin I intend to keep doing this for the health benefits. I really ‘feel’ healthier on 5:2, lighter somehow, and it will be interesting to see the rsearch results on cell repair and health benefits in the years to come.

    I was asked recently by an African refugee, now Australian, about my weight loss. As the years are going by they are learning what to eat or not to eat here. There is an oversupply of food here and quite a lot of it unhealthy. It was humbling talking about eating 1 small meal 2 days a week to someone who has no doubt gone hungry many times over many years. The Australian ex-Olympian who is helping guide the Refugee Olympic team mentioned that she introduced them to the food hall and went through with them how to manage the food hall. Athletes have very regulated diets and the food hall must be very tempting to eat badly and too much of it. I think Maccas might be represented as well.

    happy FD Sunday fasters,
    Onwards and downwards,

    Lael I hope your sore throat went away! Best wishes.
    I started off having different fast days each week, and it worked fine. But gradually they settled down to Thursday and Sunday, and I find it quite hard to wriggle them around when something comes up!

    Jaz, 100% agreement here too. Dropping sugar from my diet changed my life as much as 5:2 has.

    I hope you have had a good day Thin. You have articulated exactly why I will keep 5:2ing too!

    Welcome CAnnbewarra! Congrats on that nice load of weight you don’t have to carry around any more! Good luck with the study, and getting over that speed bump. I hope to see you here whenever you can make it!

    Merry, what a telling story about the African Australians. Isn’t the modern world weird!

    I was busy this morning, I felt quite well and took advantage of it to clean the kitchen! YAY! And then I was on grandma duty for a few hours, and now I am tired and I am going to make my miso soup and then snuggle down and watch telly!

    Lovely to hear from you Merry and Cinque and to get your valuable insight as always. Merry, your story reminds me of the near extinct Hadza people of Tanzania, hunter-gatherers living as their ancestors have for tens of thousands of years. I’m with you – there are aisles in the supermarket that I’ve never ventured down, (sticky drinks for one) but even more are skipped since learning more about better nutrition from the knowledgeable people on these pages. I bought into the low fat thing for years until CM and FreyaT set me straight.

    I’m glad you’ve had a productive day Cinque and yes thanks, my FD was easy. I didn’t even eat all my cauliflower soup as I just wasn’t hungry. Snuggling on the couch sounds a good way to end a cold, bleak fast day in the west too.

    All the best to Merry and the Monday fasters.

    Good morning all, just popping in to let you know I am still here reading all the posts.

    Had a nice few days on the Gold Coast but it was cold and rainy most of the time. Son-in-law arrives this morning so the next few weeks will be even more hectic and then we have Mums 90th in there as well.

    Welcome to the newbies and congratulations to all those that are still with us on this journey.

    I have not had any real FDs for two weeks just being mindful where I can. No gym last week but weight this morning 68.6. So still happy with that. It is now 18 months since I started this WOL and I can only reiterate what all the longtimers are saying, this is a forever WOL not a fad and the body will love you for it.

    Must go but if I don’t post again for awhile I will be with you all along the way. Stay focussed πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    Well, I’m back with my tail firmly between my legs. I fell off the 5:2 wagon for a while. A combination of my physical health declining, stress and anxiety of family (toxic mother – I have had to cease all contact) and trying to buy a house all contributed to me falling off the wagon. The final straw was my GP advising (and partner begging) me to stop fasting and see if it helped my hypostatic hypertension. I was anxious to see if they were right, and if the fasting was causing it, as at times, it was really bad.

    Short answer – not fasting hasn’t made any difference in the hypertension.

    I have continued to try and lose weight, and the weight has slowly been coming off. But typical for me, I am stalling a bit now.

    I missed everyone here – but felt I shouldn’t contribute as I wasn’t fasting. Sounds silly when I say it like that!

    All in all, with just calorie counting, weight watchers as well as 5:2, I have now lost 46kg. Another 4kg and I will be at goal – but this last 10kg is taking forever!

    So who is with me and fasting today?

    Good morning, and the sun is trying to shine,. Always so nice after days of rain and winds.

    Hi Intesha – lovely to have you pop in and hear your news. Well done on the 68.6. It’s amazing to learn, as we have, that we can have time away and still keep the food under control. What a revelation that has been for a number of us here. Enjoy the Gold Coast.πŸ™‚

    Hi Nap – welcome back! It may not feel like it but you’ve done well. Now you know about the hypertension and that 5:2 isn’t causing it. You’ve come a long way in your weight loss journey, achieved a lot, and not far to go now to your goal weight. Well done for climbing back on the wagon.

    Checking the damage this morning – 66.5kg, up about a kg on my weekly “weigh in on a Monday” graph 4.5kgs from goal weight, and a couple of weeks wasted, another learning lesson on my journey, and climbing back on the horse today.

    For the newbies – it’s good to keep records – weight, and measurements, so you can see your journey on 5:2. Some weigh daily – keep it at the same time of the day – most seem to do the just out of bed, loo break, then naked weigh. Some weigh morning and night, some weekly, some monthly,some never weigh and just go by the clothes getting looser, and some just measure. Dodgy scales are frustrating so get new ones if yours are dodgy. I weigh daily and graph my weight on every Monday.

    FD for me today, so lots of fluids and water today beginning with peppermint tea.
    Onwards and downwards,

    Wow! Lots to catch up on which is wonderful! Just writing that I’m fasting today along with you Merry! I’m just about to head out the door, so will write more later!

    Hi Everyone
    I too am fasting today. I’ve had nearly 2 weeks with a funny tummy. I do have some food intolerances and it’s been a timely reminder before going overseas on holiday soon πŸ™‚ it’s also helped me lose some weight quite quickly haha
    I have to say I, too, was very impressed with That Sugar Film. I was so glad I took my hubby with me to see it too.
    Good luck to all those fasting today πŸ™‚

    Hi All,

    I’m just now enjoying my first food for the day! I am proud to say that today I made my inaugural batch of home made soup for fasting. This Carrot and Coriander Soup comes in at 111 calories per serve! Though I appreciate the convenience of La Zuppa, this home made soup feels and tastes so much better!! I found the recipe on a cooking community to which I belong, though credit was given to the 5:2 Fast Recipe book. I have to chuckle that I just checked Amazon there are so many recipe books by that name, so not sure which author, whether Mosley’s team or another!?

    Speaking of food and recipes, I can’t wait to make Cinque’s Mexican Black Bean Chilli, Thin’s Mediterranean Veggie Chilli and Tarka Dahl, Naptime’s Vegetable Slice from the Hempispherite’s recipe thread!!! The recipe thread is a wonderful resource!! Thank you to all who contributed recipes.

    Judy, for me, the more the merrier! Good to know that you too are fasting today too! Now that I’ve been at this for going on 2 months I’m thinking of maybe making Monday a regular fasting day. …Sorry you’ve the tummy issues, though what a great perk to have shed some weight quickly!!! Hoping the bug or incompatible substance is now completely out of your system. I too have some food in-tolerances and understand consequences and sometimes for me, they can be hidden in offerings from well meaning people, which are sometimes the most difficult to pass on. I have difficulty turning down food that another person has gone to trouble of making specially for me, even if misguided in their information.

    CAnnebewarra (can I call you ‘Cann’ for short?), well done for shedding 12-13 kg!! I’ve recently checked Mosley’s book out of the library and read it cover to cover and thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s very popular though! I had to join a waiting list before it was available. I also checked out a couple of books by other 5:2 authors that have also been worthy reading.

    Hey Nap, way to go! …with 46 kg the down and 4 kg to go! Thank you for self-testing whether or not 5:2 caused the hypertension. I read a whole long thread of a few pages or so in this forum in which members complained that 5:2 is caused them high blood pressure and almost all in that thread to appear to have elected to cease this WOL because of. This morning, before reading your post, I got out my blood pressure monitor though, out of fear, wasn’t game to take a reading! One person pointed out in that thread that Mosley reported on many bio-markers of health in his books though omitted data about blood pressure.

    Jaz, I got so much out of That Sugar Film too! I watched it with my partner who got up off the couch afterwards to make himself a cup of milky tea to have with Arnotts biscuits and then later downed his glass of Golden Circle juice before retiring for the night!

    I would have hoped my infection would have passed with all the raw garlic I’ve been eating! The sore throat comes and goes though now my nose is either dripping or stuffed up. One good thing is that the has taken my appetite away, so like Judy with her tummy bug, this bug is also aiding my weight shedding efforts!

    Intesha, yes the weather in the region has been cloudy and chilly over the past week and we had that big storm, which I think you would have been caught in as well. I agree that the Gold Coast isn’t as much fun when the sun isn’t shining!

    Regarding The Blood Sugar Diet, I’d caught Mosley when he was on Jenny Brockie’s ‘Insight’ on SBS first time around, though recently I watched it on ‘catch up’ and enjoyed it just as much or more second time. If anyone wants to view this, it’s still available via SBS On Demand:


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