Hello – new to posting!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kitsix 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone! Been following the Forum since I started 3 weeks ago, and as I love the way of 5:2 and to read the forum I want to introduce myself.

    I started with a BMI of 27,2. After I had stopped smoking five years ago I have increased about 10 kg – 12 kg. My goal is to decrease at least this 10 kg. I have lost about 2 kg the last three weeks since starting. And as I told you I love the way of fasting 2:5, I always was the girl of “all or nothing”
    Sunday is my weight day and till now the fasting days and the none fasting days work quite well for me.

    I really want to reach my goals (the first is to get a BMI under 25) and I’m looking forward to get some motivation and encouragment here!

    Welcome to the forum ushush 🙂

    How have your first three weeks gone?


    hi Kits, it really worked very well. Despite The fact that I had some celebrations and some dinings out during the three weeks. I have no special fasting day, so I plan my fasting days when I’m busy at work and when I have some positive stress so I don’t become really hungry and that works very well. Sometimes at the evening I would love to eat some “not fasting food” but then I think, NOT today, you can eat this tomorrow and so till now I don’t have the feeling that I’m doing a diet!

    Brilliant, sounds like it’s going fabulously!

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