hello just joined this site

This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  lancsken 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • hi just completed my sixth week having lost one stone from 15 to 14stone

    hi and welcome Razalaugh!

    well done on your loss, that’s a brilliant start 😉 heres to more!

    The more the merrier. I mean more people. Great start only 5:2?
    Best wishes!

    That’s fabulous Razalaugh, well done 🙂

    It’s great to read about people’s success on here, I find it really motivating 🙂

    thanks kitsix,this fasting is just so great

    Hi I just joined the site today.
    I’m on day 1 and so far so good. It’s great to read about so many successes, I loved the book and now I feel really positive! I’m hoping that 5:2 is going to put an end to my many years of yo yo dieting.

    I feel exactly the same Dewberry 🙂

    Hi Dewberry , this is my first day too, Ive had a soft boiled egg and 100g of cellery so far and i think i am doin ok ,what does everyone else think ?

    is anyone else on their first day

    I had a soft boiled egg too, with a couple of crackers though 🙂 yum

    Hi My name is Rachel from Newcastle, Australia. Im in my second week and have lost 2.2kg so far. I’m loving it so far. Yesterday was the first time I actually had hunger pains where I wanted to binge on some sweet comfort food but a cup of tea and distraction helped that. Although a few peanuts helped too

    Morning everyone, well i am so pleased with myself for getting through yesterday with only 1 hic cup errrrrrr I admit to having 1 small whiskey before bed time ooooooops sorry , I did find the middle of the afternoon quite difficult with hunger pains so i had a coffee with just a spalsh of milk

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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